Brazilian Blue Marlins with Bad Company - Part One

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but this little boat is doing doing great we'll film it later but we have some cracks all on the boat we've been running it pretty hard we broke the autopilot one day we broke the sonar a couple of days and uh oh there we go here we go [Music] [Music] we gotta get out of here [Music] we're here in Brazil got wrapped up in Australia getting ready to go fishing got the Ellen H getting fueled up camping out on the mothership staying here for the first couple weeks and fishing every day give this baby a try we haven't fished her yet so uh see how she does looking to have uh Anthony come in a few days it's about it that's all I got David right now good morning all right those are cranking sausages second day here and figuring some stuff out it's a pretty cool area really fast area with a tremendous amount of ground we have to cover day one efficient baby here we go Brazil I feel like I'm playing a video game whichever direction we go up small down small it doesn't really matter kind of pounds our brains up so it's a little challenging at times but today we started the day out we caught a skipjack going off into the deep right away a real big one and then we cut a Dorado we caught a sailfish we found some thinning swordfish which was really awesome quite cool it's a look like one female with a bunch of males around it maybe they were all thinning and real close proximity to each other I've never actually seen that before that many of them so close together I hope we can replicate this one day with Anthony because it's kind of cool I liked it and uh one or two more days like that make it pretty special [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] we gotta get out of here [Music] I just got back from a sick day on the l h uh first day I went free fishing with the boys now we've uh caught two uh on the on the lnh uh 400 and a 500. so that was super fun super stoked to hang out with the guys don't get to see them enough so yeah super stoked and uh this is why we do it for days like this [Music] all right [Music] just got into the airport ran 30 year 40 minutes out here where we're anchored you can tell it's really interesting here right a lot of clay it's a little buggy a little humid and uh just had a quick lunch we're gonna go fishing [Music] there [Music] Wahoo ate it when I look at it [Music] start of day two uh we're running 45 not a commands again on this little jet ski this is uh Breakfast of Champions if you shake it we start salivating anything uh I'm gonna demonstrate how things are done on The Old Company oh yeah baby we need a sponsorship facts are hurting and uh yesterday the 150 ran look at this is like a drug meeting here Young Guns no more am I loose yeah how about now anyways we're we're fishing pushing a high spot ledge Bank whatever you want to call it our plan was to Anchor the 150 out there and the 150 actually does real well because with that rust stabilizers but we have wind and the current not cooperating so on the anchor it's actually completely uh parallel to the beam to the Sea so they were tipping around pretty bad so we tried so they came back ended up coming running back into the beach here the good news is two hours running out two hours run back in we have that beautiful floating hotel that takes care of us but uh yesterday was the 50 day one day Zero we ran 45 out finished for a couple of hours and of the nice one that's the one we got walked chopped off um that was a bummer yesterday being day one we were one for two um lost one that we were guessing around 400 uh and then we let one go a good five easy five uh Dave's got good footage of that [Music] Brazilian fish are psycho [Music] thank you [Music] and we are we're ready to go today we actually have some ice on the boat so which is uh we're making progress so which is hot wondering if that ice was up for your back or for the drinks [Applause] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] how's your day brother pretty good yeah how about yours pretty great all right well we're starting out with High Hopes this morning check out the spank overnight completely came alive just amazing how the ocean works but it was like this what Steve eight days ago eight does ago and then it shut off because of the wind and some dirty water that moved on to the Royal Charlotte Bank you know there's some monsters that live out here and that's my primary objective of moving the boats all the way down here for a shot at a lifetime fish but regardless until she comes we're just really enjoying uh our adventures and our travels acres and acres and Acres of uh bait skipjack full of Tunas little yellow fins we've got a few here one one bigger yellow fin right there sticking out but it's really all you wanted and we're trolling lures now we may switch over later we'll uh we'll make that call when the time comes but we're uh we're enjoying it and Doug got high hopes today wish us luck [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] it was non-stop yesterday today we were you know pretty darn excited came out here early and all the baits gone so and I mean all the bait is gone and uh it is now a little after 10 uh it's been a couple hours and we relocated the bait again they have shifted how many miles Kevin five they shifted five miles so we're just starting to get in them now you know we've been fishing Islands uh and Barrier Reef which is all offshore stuff uh this spot here is Aurora Charlotte Bank it is huge but it's Mainland fishing this is very different from from Island fishing the currents are ripping air the current is Against the Wind so there's two or three different directions of swells and currents here that makes it pretty uh pretty interesting here but this little boat is doing doing great um we'll we'll film it later but we have some cracks all on the boat we've been running it pretty hard um we broke the autopilot one day we broke the sonar a couple of days and uh oh there we go here we go there we go [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] I drove right by it I wonder if that's the same [ __ ] birthday I don't think so but in the same spot they've had some like oh my 20 pound long lines baby [Music] this trip felt like a true adventure which is totally different from like a Madeira or Azores where everything is you know pretty set up and you come back to land every night and order pizza but uh I don't even know what Brazil looks like I landed you guys met me at the airport put me in a van I got off the van walked five steps into the into the inflatable ran out here and I've been out here for almost two weeks in Singapore and I wouldn't know the difference [Music] on your mind [Music]
Channel: Bad Company Fishing Adventures
Views: 54,381
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bad Company, Fishing, Adventures, Blue Marlin, Azores, Portugal, Sportfishing, Adventure fishing, Anthony Hsieh, record, billfish, Australia, Great Barrier Reef, Lizard island, Queensland, Viking, Brazil
Id: v2t4RGcZ3Sc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 24sec (1224 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 09 2023
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