Crabbing in Coos bay Oregon

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oh yeah oh yeah there's some nice ones in there so anyways got the got the little trailer hanging out the awnings up it's we got the little West coaster out there and go do some crabbing do some bottom fishing oh hopefully everything goes well but uh pretty nice out right now probably about 70 degrees well just uh can't really see it but the the water is right there oh yeah that sounds kind of nice we can walk and walk over there literally the wall of the water well yeah you can see some more water right over there yeah so and actually there's docks that we can just grab or take our crab pots down and just do the crabbing right there I bet you but uh we'll uh we'll definitely be into some crab tomorrow out there in the bay and uh we'll definitely get a bunch of video on that and hopefully everything works out well all right here we are morning of getting ready to head down to the water good enough the boat all geared up got the pots morning Tony good morning get it cleared up and get it going so a couple of fishing rods a little fishing gear cooler for our crab going three pots this time should uh should make for a good morning we'll uh get everything set up and get some more video all right so here we are on drop some pots there's Tony again don't want to break anything but hello got some nice houses up here on this Shoreline sun coming up over the hills you ready yeah I'm ready yeah 20 27 foot depth 26. 25 good I'd say drop a little bit farther yep [Music] drop drop drop [Music] okay and that'll give us a little more spacing [Music] and whenever you're ready [Music] all right all right we are officially crabbing we're crabbing we'll just turn on the anchor yeah I just turned on the anchor and then uh catching that seal that's kind of nice of course we're on huh nothing just got cast right away he's a fisherman he's got a cast right away that's right we're here and this thing's holding us in place so you Ron come on catch fish right when I pulled out the camera and I start catch a fish that's that's what I want to see I just want to be like First cast bam yeah that ain't gonna happen no it ain't gonna happen but but it'd be I can you know man can dream right right absolutely is there a bunch of seals out there oh yeah there's another one in the water there there's another one in the water there yeah there's a few out there one on the Rocks right there I got the motor set up to do its own thing and now it's taking us away it's not really taking us away it's just trying to hold that spot there so how we get swung around is a different story God look at them waves crashing way over there this uh this Jetty is really hard to get out on the ocean it's just extremely rough and it always is it's like that's why I kind of like the bay here because you can do so much like you can fish from the Rocks um fishing is an excellent but yeah we do catch yeah you catch fish you know we got our crab pots just down there so we'll here in uh 20 minutes or so we'll head there check our crab pots but this kind of gives us some fishing that we can do while we're waiting for crab pots to soak and it's kind of just a nice little spot and it's a nice little area like there's so much you can do in the bay they have clam beds or or uh over there I do believe so you can go clamming I do believe there's a little island that pops up on really low tides called the clam Island that you can clam as well um so yeah I love coming out here it's a nice little spot and the weather is nice right now yeah I mean it's still a little chilly because it's still morning but man it's nice yep that one's mine so my rope is just that long anchor on let's see what Ron got feels super light man does it yeah yeah well that ain't good right here too and that ain't good okay now it's got some weight what's up dude make this rope shorter you got crap oh look at that big oh yeah there we go there's some legals in there oh God there's a huge one in there I see it all right well this one's uh he just walked out so I know he's not big enough he's a little guy but this yeah that's a big boy that's a big boy oh there's nobody got it I walked out making sure he might have like six legals in there five legals well got this little stick yep it's gonna tell him without it man yeah don't and you legally can't although you just have to have a measuring device yeah it's better to have one of those I kind of like this well yeah I do too dumping though I don't know but those guys those can go away a little this guy's gonna be too little guaranteed I think it's five and three quarter five and three quarters dude he's just just shy okay so we probably have a bunch of legals for sure yeah it's a male and he is feisty oh he's pissed he is let go buddy let go buddy oh dude there we go so play illegal oh yeah legal beagle first one in first one we know that one's done This Guy's new This Guy's new lots of little guys but I was hoping to get six out of this but look they couldn't get the they couldn't get the uh this guy's no but yeah they couldn't get that crowd or the that one's not we know that already yep the rest of them I think are we know that guy is he's huge oh there's a couple small ones on there I didn't see look at this oh yeah he's legal everywhere hell yeah those are each for tonight man that's dinner you want to grab his foot and just put him in there you know you don't like handling them too much he's legalists too illegal to beep oh yeah right here that Notch is legal so you go from inside the point across it yeah yeah there's another legal one this guy's gonna be legal yep well actually we should check I would but I think he is oh so that's how you tell the difference this on this carapace right here if this little thing is wide it's a female let's see if they'll see that as a male yeah if it's narrow it's a male he's gonna be legal he is barely legal but he's legal as long as he's legal think so but can you move your arm can you move your arm yeah he's not talking I know I'm just showing the camera he's too short this little guy he's stuck it's always these little ones man that are like fight fighting with you and you're trying to set them free I think this is a female come on I don't want to rip your claw I mean if you have to just throw it back in the water yeah but then he's eating our food in there there you go come on well if you notice real quick that's a female yep there we go wide wide base on the wine that wide piece right there that's a female I think yeah and that's a little guy bill but look they didn't get the crab out or the the chicken all tore up so that's good yeah that chicken last that's why I like leaving it frozen too yep because it lasts a while so let's go out and drop this one and then we'll go pick up the other two so here we go number two I think it's pretty much straight up and down you got it on auto yep Auto coming up so this morning today we're allowed uh 12 dungeons each oh my gosh sounds like he's uh my rope was hung up on okay so we're allowed 24 today and 24 tomorrow we're allowed 25 about 25 Red Rock but we're gonna have to go inside a little more and I would say drop pots closer to the Rock faces to actually get real lucky with some Reds too deep out here what's that it feels heavy it sounds like he's got a few crabs in his pot too let's see oh yeah oh yeah there's some nice ones in there yep there's some Keepers oh look at all that that's from the tide going in and out so they almost got all your chicken dude yeah they pulled it look at that they got it all it's just a bone that's crazy but I mean I guess the thing being you got some keepers yeah it's not like we don't have enough they we got tons of bait well we might have to go back and get more bait I mean I got we still have a pork chops too yeah with that chicken or we can throw a pork chop whatever you want to do I'm thinking I think I see two keepers all right I'm looking at three yeah those are right on the edge man a lot of them are but what I noticed well nope just the hair too short so it means he's too small I'm gonna measure him just to the one below them I think is legal yeah I think him and him nope nope that one right there he's legal mail yep male the one over here that one right yeah that one should be legal too this guy's legal and it's a male okay so the one over here that one that's crawling out it's legal is it a male legal it's a male I don't know dude yeah oh he's way legal he's way legal this guy's not that guy right there I think is is trying to crawl out one underneath him I'm dude fine I'll let you figure it out until I uh get to you he's not this guy's feisty that angry guy I don't think he I don't think he is either but you might check him this guy I don't know but the guy behind him man these guys are feisty right now aren't they I don't think he's legal no no barely not legal okay so these two guys might be a cheap [Music] I don't think this guy is no but I think it was last two are and they're both males so that's good well maybe not no okay he is just a hair too shy and I think he no okay so we pulled three from that one dude get your arm out of the way I just if it's even questionable like that screw it you know oh all that weed let me uh oh you gotta rebate all right here we go that's a good thing we got three more bags of ice together cooler because this stuff this cooler is not holding the ice very well yeah props pretty much straight down yep anchor set oh God that one's heavy there we go heavier the better man control motor is probably gonna like looking at me going what the hell are you doing a storm oh my God okay feels like it's really heavy oh there we go there's a flipping pot of crab a couple of them got out but who cares oh there's a few Keepers in there yeah I see it that one that's upside down right look at this yep what the heck man it was from the weight shifted everything pulling on this it's like one two at least three if not four it's a lot of crabbing her I need a second I need a second yeah that was heavy it was really heavy believe it or not man well you know what I did with the sides of mine I uh I cinched them down and I think I zip tied the edges back here they might be it's questionable dude he's legal it's a male eight he's legal I know that and he's legal is he male yes nine might be legal Maybe foreign this guy I don't think I have to measure yeah just make sure it's a male oh he's big yeah look at that he's big he's liking it yep you I want to check what the place like was that nine now two nine it's nine 14. it might be he's legal Barely Legal now so that's ten yep big I don't know it's your job to keep track well I'm not doing a very good job no [Music] we know he's not that guy is not that but we might have one two maybe three more check him it's a female oh God little guy what about you nope well yeah I know he's a little I don't know maybe meant to measure him dude it's if it's too close don't even it's right on the edge yeah so we got one right there I don't think he's big enough he's missing a clog anyway throw your claw back and what about him no he was he was a little guy he was hiding aren't you hey let go of the Rope all right so we can try pork chops now man it's good down to try new things there you go nice shopping so I love about crabbing man they're like little Bottom Feeders they'll eat whatever say they're not picky yeah we might we might find that they like pork chops you want to put that underneath that Tony you wanna put it underneath your cover underneath your orange when you're picking up yeah underneath this oh yeah duh that might help huh I'm like what are you talking about orange like oh dumper dumper this kind of girl I like she got a dumper should float all right let's go catch some fish or try to oh Ron yeah get the gift oh what is it I don't know well we gotta make sure it's something that we can oh ah cool bag isn't it uh yeah I don't think you can keep them right now is the problem let me just pick them up let out some wine come on you got it all right yeah I don't think you can keep these right now that's the sucky part I'm gonna hold them up oh you wanna that little guy you just got a fidget yeah they're here yeah they like something a little heavier huh almost looks like a China but it's not a China I'm not a China but uh oh what they call them down so like a Dusky seems cool huh yeah it was cool spy can't keep them though this sucks but there's a fish are you sure you're gonna keep them in the bay yeah you can't keep them at all I looked it up it's uh quill back uh yellow eye you can't keep ever did you get another one shut up oh yeah you got another one right there all right there's all I laugh it's the same one oh Jesus Christ dude whoa I think you got a ling man dude dude kidding me you had yourself a ling something and he snapped you off quick that sucks yeah damn it there's a beep I gotta put in for editing all right let's uh after that bad discouraging no let's go get some crap all right yeah let's go get some crab straight up and down okay pot number four you get a hanger on yep okay [Music] oh yeah it's definitely look at all of this all the algae yeah salad you can eat that stuff you know that yeah well I'm not that hungry it's really salty I'll eat some of that bad pork chop before he does really I'll take a bite out of it right here yeah we fish pooped on that there's poop and everything man not swallowing it though man really salty I know I'm getting bummed about that fish now it's sinking in it is is it yeah it felt good it really did these crab will make you feel better yo it's gonna because it feels like we got some there's a couples in there I see a keeper that guy can go all that salad lots of salad that pork chop worked man yeah they ate it all or is that Chicken that's chicken this was the last one we put down wasn't it it looks like it's a bone I don't know it could be a pork chop I don't know it doesn't matter I think I see two legal ones I'm thinking where'd my gauge go right there this guy is not legal I think but [Music] he should be barely this guy's legal you come here don't run from me and he's a male and he's legal the guy that's flipped upside down I'm thinking this may be legal yeah I don't think this guy is but thinking that he is oh he went for it too yeah you gotta kind of like he just knows he's gonna end up in a pot oh dude no no just under just under it's only maybe one legal out of the whole pot yep we know that guy's not any other's floating around I don't see any all right well that's all right let's uh get some more bait yeah all right Troll Motors past the Rope I can't get you right come on can you wait not yet doesn't feel like it should be straight up and down just about now I should be pulling weight okay now it does okay good very many grabbing there oh this one got I did the stupid thing on that one what happened I put it over the green rope oh okay I see one maybe two three I think that guy right there is this guy here make sure he's a guy I'm gonna as soon as I can get my thumb in his leg it's a guy and he's legal you're not you're not you let go I'll set you free I'll set you free fine he might be legal half inch high yeah look all right like this guy right here looks good the one who's upside down well they're all upside down now he's got a little claw he's legal is it a heat yeah worry that one of these guys is gonna I think he's legal I think the one crawling in your legs might be too he's not oh he's dropping in the back shell yeah I'll get him this guy's missing a claw but he's legal you want him or no should we keep him they got tons of meat in here yeah what the hell missing a clown he's missing two claws oh he's missing both claws yeah he's missing both claws you know what come back sure your lucky day this guy's missing a claw I'm pretty chewed up a lot of people do that man that's what they pull the claws off yeah they pull the claws off because they're pieces of that's why people oh dude I don't even know why I measured you one more in the back there we pulled what two out of this one I think so yeah so we should be at 13. now just a hair all right mine's gonna have eight in it yeah eight keepers eight eight Keepers my prediction I'll grab some bait bait and oh man look at all that grass you got some salad yep get rid of some of that salad I don't know I like a little salt with my chicken let's see how they like it it's far it's like nothing this is such a long road now I'm getting some wings that's what you said last time there was nothing wait a minute oh come on eight Keepers I'm getting away and here's a spot nope not eight Keepers just getting tired two maybe yeah oh you got a red rock oh yeah yeah yeah yeah not a big enough one though right yeah you can keep any size really yeah okay this might go throw it over again probably behind the ore I have another one in there but we're in a three you know what I mean yeah it's bright green put in your pocket I probably ended up dead put it on top of the Rope toss the Rope I didn't see it fly in the water but that doesn't mean it didn't those are supposed to float I thought check the seats huh nope all right I'll get the other one that sucks is it underneath your box nope I guess you can hand me that Red Rock real quick oh I got one card yeah get out of the way oh he's too small let go probably too small yeah too small these are all too small then so what's that red rock we don't so their bread Rock's gonna be any size huh any size any sex yep you want it yeah we're gonna keep it no this gotta be quick like that guy was trying so we still look at that that bait bag is really working out man yeah I think it's just the size of the holes you want to put a fresh piece into for some more smell if you want the last piece yep might as well use it right yeah use it okay it seems how you like that incline let's find that incline again well I thought you wanted to take yours oh yeah I do I do I do I do never mind oh we got one right here oh I see him that's the trick nope okay look at this little tiny crab here we'll look at that little guy come on all right we're in neutral so flowing that way just watch behind us and make sure yep I know hit that we're good I'm getting turned around so I can see all right so our uh what is this our seventh Crab Pot of the day thanks yeah yeah see the Tide's starting to come in now so yeah current ties made into where we can't fish anymore so got some weight we don't like it she crab you see one two maybe three two keepers for sure hold on see look how much yep that's probably what happened yep you put it underneath your okay I'll put it in my oh yeah yeah dry it out I'm gonna have to like rinse it out or something put all that salad lots of salad oh yeah pretty sure that's a good one I laughed him yeah I don't think he's a keeper nope you're not you are yeah we're definitely people definitely a keeper mail and definitely keep her in his mail this guy oh he's soft though oh he's falling apart man he's a keeper you like him he's a little soft but yeah sorry that's it okay heading for the next one yeah just go really slow oh yeah yeah for sure put this pot up little grass on that line neutral has been achieved I'll keep an eye on that uh on that Tower we got a bunch in this one I don't know what we're gonna get our mind down there find out yeah oh God have you huh yeah good might be pumping people in there oh yeah look at all that salad too man oh yeah there's one there one there maybe two there yeah all right look back it towards you there's one for sure too look at that one back there that's what I'm talking about okay yeah there's one right there that one that's hanging out of the pot halfway is pretty good too it looks like hey you little bastard grab my leg oh did he yeah [Music] here's one legal yep in the mail oh yeah what do you got but he looks he looks good to me no it's too short just under just under quarter inch under yeah no but yeah that one I know he's legal legal mail what about you are you illegal now it's like I'm fighting so the other two are not and you got one crushed underneath the cage don't grab the Rope all right more all right still any weight yet yep now I am real heavy but it doesn't have much in it maybe one keeper maybe one he looks like a keeper let's hope he is no not quite enough so a whole basket pulling look at all the baits still there yep [Music] get out of there oh there's one right there too sure probably not a keeper one behind you crawling at the ropes oh don't crawl by ropes man well that's what we got today look at that very dirty this guy yeah oh he's got the other one look at that guys we had a couple of nice ones like that in there too oh no there's one down there yeah yeah he was huge I'm gonna throw this away oh yeah but that's the first Adventure down boat is a mess got seaweed and everything else everywhere but at least we got a bunch of crab and now uh it's time to cook them all up he's got to cook them all up you want to cook them right away uh so that it just tastes better it's like if you try to freeze them while they're raw just doesn't taste good I'm here we got time actually we can eat some lunch we can clean these things up yeah we can bust out the cooker and get them cooked down yeah before our high tide hits yeah that's what I'm that's I'm saying we'll we'll cook something up real quick to eat yeah yeah start cooking these guys up yep I'm gonna shut this up cool Ron Dave phones all right so this is the little RV joint we're staying at a beautiful boat sitting right over there uh a little laundry facility and then right here got this nice cleaning room and we figured we might as well show you what was up on Tony's method of cleaning these crap so yeah I'm gonna crab ninja crab down hand there hand there you got to get as far underneath that shell as possible and hold down pressure on your finger you want to hold all of his legs down and you just grab the corner here crab dead his brain is up here which means that he's dead that quick of a death it's pretty Humane and you can grab all of his legs like this put your thumbs here break him in half then Shake all the crap out clean them up yep and then you want to get rid of them get rid of those gills yep deal with the gills deal with this crap some people actually go through and like scrub them all down we're gonna boil them out so it's really not going to make any difference yeah we're gonna boil and that is my method of cleaning crab and it goes by really quick I'm really quick at it there we have it so this is what we got left in here to clean that's what's clean over there that's what you're working on a couple in the uh chest already all right there's uh when I'm finishing up right now but we just pulled these two out we want to show you these things these guys are monsters These are nice crab yep I mean they get bigger they definitely get bigger but these are some nice crap look at the claw on that thing right there oh yeah oh yeah gotta be some good eating it's gonna be real good eating oh all right so we're back at Camp again uh we got our makeshift cam cooker going right here this is pretty stupid but it's what we got to work with seeing as how that the regulator took a dump and it's not maybe going but maybe 3000 BTU Maybe so yeah and then we come to the boat and there's crowd pod number one and there's Crab Pot number two but where's three where in the hell is Crab Pot number three yeah still out in the bay yeah still uh still out there soaking so it's gonna get a good overnight soak and uh who knows hopefully oh we'll get some crab in here we'll eat some of these guys we get out there tomorrow and there's it's full who knows but yeah it's been a hell of a day lost a big fish lost a crab pot lost a regulator is what it is but we got these oh yeah and we got these really badass blue blasts right here that are uh they're been soaking with vodka for a little while yeah and then this oh then yeah this guy this thing so I want to throw a crab pot and this got hooked because it was on a lanyard around my neck and ripped the whole back out of it and went for a swim went for a swim and then of course because it went for a swim it no longer would run my trolling motor foreign so at one point today we were out there in the water and this thing was doing whatever it wanted yeah it wouldn't turn right yep it would run it run on the anchor so it anchors up pretty cool where you can just run the motor and it'll keep you in a spot it'll twist the boat but you know it'll it'll keep you in that spot but then we try to use it wouldn't turn right and came back in went back fixed it I guess I should say then we went back out that's when the whole Fiasco with the thing falling in the water and then it just started going crazy I couldn't do nothing so it just started going stupid it's about half a day but now it's dried out yeah but all in all it's been a good day it's been fun you know everything comes at a price obviously but when it's all said and done oh yeah here this is one of the guys so no butter but we're good yeah we're good I'm not a butter guy everything I really am not I'm not a guy that dips it in butter so that's that's what's been happening right now but uh just gonna enjoy the night have a couple beverages have some crab you know whatever comes comes and tomorrow morning's another animal we'll get to their Crab Pot we'll have uh about 16 to 18 hours to soak before we go pick it up and we'll try some more fishing tomorrow hopefully get some more big fish on hopefully we don't lose those and we'll see what happens oh Pizza there's a couple fat and happy guys right here you know exactly what I'm saying oh hell yeah a couple fat and happy guys look at this look at this man nice nice nugget oh my God nice little nugget of crab and so is as weird as it is this random girl stopped by there's an old older lady you know really nice yeah really nice she stopped by and was like hey you guys want to try out this crab broil or boil right and uh we said yeah sure dump some in there and oh my God oh my God it is good and what is it Ron got a picture of it Zatarain's crab boil oh my yeah oh my God fantastic it just made her night so so I figured I was like I told Ron I said you know I'm gonna pull out the GoPro we're gonna get a video of this he's wanted me to show some nuggets oh yeah look at this nugget right here and you know stupid us we have no tools with us yeah so we're using all hands well when you got crab like this you don't need any tools man [Laughter] that's good right there around really good oh my god dude I am so impressed and of course we're just sitting here in the dark having a couple babies or little lights on the camper just sitting out here underneath cooking crab and just eating food man like oh God this is good [Music] the claw he's got the claw oh the car oh you got a mushy claw no I just smashed the out of it yeah no I did that earlier that's right I don't care too good to pass up yeah too good to pass up better in Hot Pockets don't like finger foods I'm really sorry because this is a it's a lot of pain yeah but it's worth it oh it is worth it it is so good especially fresh oh my God man this literally yeah came out of the water 12 hours ago or less oh yeah oh so less than 12 hours less probably about 10 hours yeah 10 hours ago yeah clean them all up put them on ice and now it's time to cook it all right they're being cooked in our uh yeah our nacho killer Crab Cooker yeah well it's working well it is working yeah it's working crab yeah and of course this is Ron's second plate no yes it is that's around second plane but we didn't catch any fish yeah yeah we were supposed to have fish tacos but no fish um just all crab today so at least we got something yeah anyway I just wanted to show you guys that [Applause]
Channel: The Weekenders
Views: 55,854
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: PmmZyp9-GGc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 44sec (2984 seconds)
Published: Mon May 22 2023
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