The FISH with HUMAN Teeth! Catch Clean Cook

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[Music] good morning everybody Victor here you guys are new to the channel welcome aboard I'm with my good buddy Johnny stabile today what's up guys and we are fishing the beautiful Indian River and we're going to be targeting a fish that I normally don't fish for but I'm super excited to show you guys and that is the sheep's head these are these freaky looking fish just wait till you see their teeth we're gonna have a great day today we got fiddler crabs on the boat which is a bait I've never even fished with before I'm just excited about that let's get to it foreign [Music] so we've arrived at our final destination we took about a five mile run up north we're in the middle of the Indian River and there's these power lines that run from east to west now sheep's head are very structure orientated fish they're always by Barnacles docks pilings Bridges and that is because that's where their forage is on the actual pilings of this bridge there's going to be little crabs and shrimp that live on it and as the tide comes up and down they'll actually eat the little creatures off of that so that's what we're going to be imitating guano must add beak hook pretty small hook because these guys are tricky to hook they got really small mouths well not I shouldn't say small mouth but they don't have a lot of a soft part of their mouth in which to hug them I got a little split shot you know when you were first a kid and like every single new species you caught you were just so excited and I never want to lose that excitement and I want to show you guys that for me when I fish a new bait or a new species I get that like same feeling they're not too big they usually have one big pinch or one small pincher this guy's only got two small Pinchers but that's what sheep's head like and the reason I really wanted to get these guys is bait is the latest shrimp just as well but when you're fishing a live shrimp everything eats a live shrimp so we really want to pinpoint these sheep's head the first Fiddler I showed you guys had two small claws look at this one this guy's got a pretty big pincher right there I don't really know if it hurts let's see he's not even trying to pinch me so I don't really know okay so I want to go right here kind of on the side of the crab and anytime you hook any crab whether it's a blue crab sand flea anything they got a it's a tough shell but it cracks really easily so you really want to wiggle that hook in there I don't like to go in there aggressively and you know just right there on the side not right through the middle that probably looks really good under the water hem wiggling like that remember when I told you those power lines are going to be so good for sheep's head guess how many we caught there zero so we actually got back in the truck and Johnny's like Vic let's go to my sheep's head spot so we're at a spot where Johnny's caught him before probably 20 miles south of where we started it's uh the middle of the day and we have zero sheep's head but guess what this guy is staying positive all right guys as we're waiting here on a bike Gotta Give a huge shout out to Waterland Co they've been a sponsor on the channel for a few months now absolutely love their sunglasses I'm rocking the blue glass millikins you guys can find them linked below you can actually save 15 off use my code land shark I'm telling you right now I've worn a lot of sunglasses in my life and I love these things so check them out linked below just like the bridge Jeep's head like structure because all those crabs and crust Crustaceans that hang out on the pilings you'll see the Chiefs have just kind of come up and just scoop them up off the piling I don't know man something is stealing my bait but I don't know if it's a sheep's head or I keep getting stuck on something that's where I got my last bite right there there's a fish there is a fish oh we got the target species boys and girls it is not a monster but it's a start can you tell I'm excited Victor I'm just happy that we're once you take my advice into paid out I always take your advice probably undersized so we're gonna let him go I'm going to unhook them but very beautiful fish you know what this guy is hooked so deep that I would do more damage if I try to unhook them than just letting him go because that hook will definitely come out of them I've caught so many fish in my lifetime with the hooks in them and their bellies and their stomachs if you're yanking on that hook and it's in his guts that's honestly going to do more damage than good so I want to keep that crab as still as possible and that sheep's head is just coming out to investigate and this is a real finesse type fishery I can barely see my raw tip moving and I can feel them tapping that crab but like I said this is not a ferocious big grouper hit or something you're really really trying to finesse these fish you're trying to just slightly bury that hook in their mouth and just like that see in that short amount of time I was talking they robbed me moonfish no it's a look down what what a unique fish that will sell anywhere from 30 to a hundred dollars in an aquarium shop wow pretty cool yeah I think that there's a lot of either really small sheep's head here and they're just kind of picking around the hook or there's a lot of bycatch because we're getting our shrimp and our uh crabs just picked way too clean so just like I said earlier just keep moving up and down until you find that school a bigger fish well at least we got the uh the stench off the boat right all those oysters and Barnacles and stuff there's living animals inside of there and there's also crabs that will live in and around those Barnacles and like I was saying the sheeps had a little weight for the tide to either rise or drop and it'll expose certain parts of those Barnacles and they'll feed on that and you see they have a perfectly adapted mouth to feed on those hard basically something like a rock and all we're doing is we're pushing it up against the piling and I want to be as close to it as possible because I'm sure they're roaming around here but ideally they're right on the pilot itself oh shoot I think I got one oh yeah buddy that's gonna be a good one Dennis uh-huh what did I say boys let's go to the bridge let's go to the bridge why'd you be a barracuda it's not a Barracuda on a crab dude it's gonna be a that's gonna be a keeper sheep's head right there I tell you what first drop baby first drop let's see what the hype's all about oh some big sheep get the net captains I'm not kidding it's a nice shape I don't have a net we want sheepshead fishing and we have no net let's grab it you want me to do that's a good one that is a stud do you want me to grab it where's the bait net I don't know I'll grab it for you I am kind of in disbelief right now this is this is everything I imagined dude that thing is huge that's a thumbnail fish right there yeah Johnny I'm gonna kiss you if you get them but I'm gonna not kiss you if you lose lose them dude what about the bucket put him in the bucket scoop them with the bucket get bring me his head bring his head bring his head bring his head oh you're barely hooked barely hooked get him in the boat get him yeah look at that thing all right we got ourselves a dinosaur look at this thing guys oh my goodness you know the day started out super slow but guess what we went to about 10 different spots and we got ourselves a nice big sheep's head look at this thing oh my gosh look at that mouth look at those just snaggly teeth that is a wicked looking fish and like I said so they they got a pretty big mouth but they don't have a lot of area in which you can really hook them because there's it's so hard everywhere so I got them just here on the outside of the lips this guy's being super stubborn he doesn't really want to open look at that look at how gnarly that is he's got a mouth made for crushing so you guys look at that this guy it almost looks like corn kernels is what they look like they got these crazy looking mouths that are used for crushing up man of shrimp crabs oysters they were literally go up and they have the jaw power to break open oysters and they'll eat all the good stuff on the inside and you see there's very few spots in their mouth that you could actually physically get the hook in like right here it's kind of soft on here it's kind of soft and you got the outside lips but they're so good at stealing your bait because there's just not a lot of area for you to hook them unless you unless they swallow it but that is a beautiful um first keeper sheep's head they get this real yellow tint to them um with their stripes they're kind of yellow and black and depending on I don't know if it's their life cycle sometimes they'll be super pale but a lot of times they'll get this nice yellow tint to them very cool fish and uh I think we'll have some success if we stick it out here but we got dinner already oh whoa dude that was a good fish huh hold the hook Johnny's been doing YouTube for what a year now two years two years so if you guys would do me a favor do Johnny a favor in the description box below go check out Johnny's Channel he's my real good bud he posts a lot of great videos and he would really appreciate if you guys went over and subscribed and he's done a lot for me so you know thanks Vic just trying to share the look and thank you guys at home for watching both of our videos there's a fish there's a fish man they just sit there and they sleep on it oh baby so if you guys don't know what this is this is called a checkered puffer fish right here and watch what he's about to do check this out all right baby you give him a little belly rub and he pulls up just like that so that's his defense mechanism if something tries to eat him that'll probably get lodged in their throat and makes it really hard to eat and he'll stay inflated I think for as long as he needs to um these guys don't let him fool you they look cute these are vicious if you've ever had one of these guys in your fish tank they will rip your fish to shreds and the reason for that they got some Wicked teeth just like a sheep's head um these guys love crabs and Crustaceans as well and they're actually very delicious I've done one catch and cook on them the way you eat them is actually really really unique there's like just one Center bone and you kind of eat them like a drumstick they're the drumsticks of the sea but when I first started fishing I didn't know that their teeth were so bad and I remember as a kid I think I was like 11 years old I stuck my finger in there I tell you what that guy drew blood they got some Wicked little Chompers so be very careful if you're ever fishing and your kids grab a hold of these don't let them near their mouth because they will bite you uh-huh it's a proper little mangrove snapper these guys have Wicked little teeth on them too definitely don't want to be sticking your finger in their mouth look how dark he is too yeah it's a very dark one ah what is it oh it's another puffer we're in the puffers now boys and girls oh man see just give him a little belly rub it's crazy how big they'll blow up they really are cool looking fish they got this little green eyeball a bunch of orange around it very beautiful oh my gosh oh you caught them big big mahara this is like when you search snook candy online this is what this is what comes up right here this is snook candy and supposedly they taste pretty good that's a it is it's a great fish to eat whole too I haven't caught one of these since I was a kid yeah these big gums they got a funny protruding mouth show it off show out see how far out it goes see you buddy 100 . that is a black drum baby black drum baby okay you guys know what that reference is if you don't know you need to look it up right now you got to type in black drum baby on YouTube shout out to Blair Wiggins one of the OG fishing TV shows there was one scene where he caught a black drum and he goes we got a black drama baby in that voice and it's just still to this day I can't look at a black drum the same way without thinking of him doing it good old Blair Wiggins these fish are so cool even these little guys they have like a little beard they do you see they got this little beard underneath here pretty cool they look kind of like a sheep's head they just have the uh different higher Dorsal fins slender body and they get monsters these things will get 30 pounds no 100 pounds yeah of the Carolinas they could have went to 100. really in Florida they only get about 30 pounds um but yeah there you go he's got a cute little face on him and I'm having fun we got a variety of species we got the target species and guess what we you know we didn't really know what we're doing but we're doing it and that's the fun part oh buddy oh buddy that's a mangrove bro another black Trump wow second black drum in a row about the same size cute little guy hey buddy okay baby this feeling like a black drum and it's a black drought I think we found a little black drum nursery hole so those things get monstrous and I know a lot of you guys in the past have reached out to me and we filmed together and you know a lot of the videos that I filmed on this channel are thanks to subscribers captains reaching out Charter guys we're just people with cool Fisheries so I really want to catch a giant black drum so if you guys live in an area where there's giant black drum please reach out to me you can email me I'll have it linked below because I would love to film a video on a giant black drum so let's make it happen so we're gonna make a move fish the bridge fish the docks we fished the power lines earlier we're gonna make one last Pit Stop where Johnny's caught him before see you guys there you know Johnny is hard to mess with he always fits the butt of his Rod like right here whereas I'm like right here so I can never mess with him and tap it oh tap tap come on sheepy ah oh dude wow so this thing these fish don't typically fight that hard but they they use the current to their advantage as a big old Look Down Jack a lot of people call them Moon Fish that is not what they are they are in look down this one here is so deeply gut hooked that um I'm gonna cut it off and tie another hook um yeah so we didn't get as many Sheepshead as we hoped and planned but you know what we set out on a mission we tried and we got one we got a bunch of other different species and I had a great day big thank you to Johnny for taking us out you guys like I said check out his channel below We're Gonna Roll some beautiful Drone footage by Dennis because he is absolutely killing it with the video if you guys have noticed that drop a comment below like the video if you haven't already and I will catch you guys got common Pompano for a good old catch clean cook [Music] all right guys we got Mr sheep's head making his appearance in Pompano Beach and you see that slime dripping off of him I already went ahead and squirted him off but this guy is still releasing some fluid so let me get rid of that a lot of people are intimidated by filling a sheep's head and you guys will see why once I start cutting through this fish but notably as you can hear my knife running along him they're very scaly uh tough fish to fillet they kind of prick you they got all these spines right here you got to be kind of careful when you're flying them because you could really Nick yourself cool thing I got the seven inch deck stream right here you guys have been seeing me use it a lot in the last year and the cool thing about this knife is you got two edges you got a serrated side right here perfect for scaly fish and then you got your Precision side right there so watch what I'm gonna do with this right here by the PEC fin I'm gonna go in with the tiger Edge part of my knife get through the scales of this sheep's head I'm going to continue to use this side of the knife and this is where a lot of people struggle with sheep's head they got these thick scales and we're about to get over that rib cage and you guys will see that's what people really don't like about sheep's head so when I flip my blade over my Edge over and I'm going to work up from the tail to the head of the sheep side and I'm going to do this until I get to the backbone of the fish or the center of the fish okay this is the reason people don't like flying sheep sound if you take your hand and you lift this flap of meat right here right along here sheep's head have a huge rib cage and set of pin bones what you're going to want to do is grab with your left hand tilt your knife slightly up and you gotta break you got to break through those pinballs okay so my knife is going up and around that rib cage if you're trying to sit here and saw through it you're going to be there all day getting nowhere really just go above that rib cage and some people avoid it actually all together but I like to go over it so you kind of just Trace right over it [Music] look at how much uh higher and raise that rib cage is compared to where my knife is and where I'm flying so with your normal fillet you know everyone's trying to get through this rib cage or the pin bones you really got to tilt that knife up or you're never going to get over that rib cage and what a lot of guys will do is they'll actually start their cot and they'll go from here all the way to the anal Fin and they will bypass this entire area I just like to show you guys this way because now I don't get hate comments thing I wasted any meat but if you look this is the area that I would bypass with the rib cage right here there's really not a lot of meat there what I get maybe half an inch quarter inch of meat right above that rib cage so um you know there's no right or wrong way you just got to do what's comfortable for you and I would say compared to most fish sheep's head actually have a very poor yield and what I mean by that is if you look at the filet compared to the fish's body a lot of the weight of this fish is in its head his rib cage and that area there's not a lot of weight in the fillet itself you know when certain fish have better yields than others and I'm going to do the exact same thing moving this side using that serrated side to get through the skills and it's nice that way you're not dulling your knife you know on a scaly fish all right there's the other half like I said not a lot of yield look at all of the weight in his head and his rib cage okay guys hold on listen to this listen ready we're opening up his stomach you hear that sounds like rocks that they actually do eat all these rocks and Crustaceans and stuff look at this all in its stomach I know I'm a little psycho I love opening up fish stomachs but you know it's fun so check this out this is an oyster or part of an oyster or barnacle you hear that they go up and they crush and I apparently they can digest these rocks and they suck out the little living animal out of them but his stomach is just chock full of all these little snails and shells and crabs and all these just little Crustaceans you're gonna use this knife be very absorbing of the fact that you do have two edges so when I skin fish with this knife just remember you do have an edge on both sides line my sheep set up with the filet table luckily these guys are really easy to skim because they have really thick scales so went ahead and skinned them out another little tip when you're flying fish you want to avoid getting your fish as gross as possible not getting any blood or slime or fresh water on put it right back on to the skin of your fish and you can make your you know pin bone adjustments and your final adjustments on the skin of the fish like so okay I left a little bone [Music] foreign okay so we got rid of the pin bones got rid of the rib and now we got our boneless skinless sheep's head fillet I will see you guys in the kitchen so check it out we got the sheep's head fully right there a very good looking fish if I do say so myself perfect amount of meat for me and Brooke and Dennis to enjoy a nice dinner so we're gonna take it back old school and throw a little chef paws on there best blackened seasoning in the world um and yeah just a real nice simple meal I got some veggies that I'm going to show you guys here in a second but we're gonna blacken this guy up and you guys notice I also left the bloodline in this fish I got a saute pan right here branch and Vine Meyer lemon infused olive oil going into the saute pan right here we're gonna make a little squash and green chard I guess just sauteed veg so got my oil in there gonna go in with a healthy amount of garlic okay I'm gonna stop that garlic from overcooking I'm going to put in our squash stainless steel fry pan right here with some olive oil okay we're going to do half oil and a half butter for our blackened we're going to go in with our sheep's head right now let's do our oil mixture three to four minutes each side for our blackened sheep's head right here start with the pretty side of the fish so that way when you flip it it's going to be up top these are the roots of the green Shard they take a little bit longer to cook nice and crunchy gonna go in with some of that as well as some tomato [Music] you guys see that fillet starts to turn kind of white um on one side so we're gonna flip and there's that beautiful golden sizzle and that color you would expect with blackened fish oh yeah baby look at that if I see it's getting low on oil or butter I'll put it in there and you don't have to be afraid about it because at the end of the day a lot of it's going to stay in the pan but you don't want your fish to dry out as well when we come over here we got everything sauteing tomatoes are getting nice and soft these are the leaves of the green Shard and we're going to go in with this it's going to wilt down just like spinach would [Music] and I'm going to tilt our pan to one side I'm going to take that butter and just kind of baste our sheep's head get all that delicious flavor that I told you guys to leave in the pan put that fat back on top of the fish because you know what you deserve it I'm gonna sprinkling a little bit of apple cider vinegar just to give it that acid pop so just about that much also going to hit it with some fresh Cracked Pepper for a veg as well as some salt just like spinach you know you see how much this stuff shrinks [Music] so you don't want to take it too long or it's pretty much all gonna disappear look at that just listen to that sound that is a beautiful beautiful sound thank you Mr sheep's head for donating your life for tonight's dinner and uh enjoying our frying pan just look at how vibrant and beautiful all those vegetables are you got your squash tomato the Swiss chard or the green Shard um The Garlic wanted to throw some onion in there but guess what I was out okay [Music] gorgeous piece of our sheep's head right on top and that is a wrap folks there we got our sheep's head on top of our beautiful vegetables right there let's dig in I want you to cook it's just like a total different experience when I don't know like what I'm eating now like I used to always film you cooking and like whenever we would feed everyone everyone would be like oh like what is all this and now like I feel that way yeah you know Brooke's parents would walk in the house and and Brian would be like so what do we have and Brooke's like oh we're gonna have this and this and this you guys want to drink and now it's like she doesn't know what's what to expect so we got a 10 out of 10 on the flake test right here I don't know I think people are way too picky with fish I tell you what you guys have seen I've been doing YouTube for over six years now I have literally tried almost every single species there is to try in Florida if you catch a good fresh fish I don't care what it is and you give it the Justice it deserves in the kitchen it's gonna be good there are some people out there who would say sheep's head that's gross that lives in the inner Coastal or that you know it's a dirty fish it is far from dirty it was a great day on the water we made one fish into a great little meal for the three of us and I'm super happy about it got to surprise Brookie with a nice little fish dinner trying to plan out the year and a bunch of Epic trips for you guys like I said that black drum if you guys want to get on big black drum or if you have any fishery that you want to showcase or you would really like to film and collaborate on let's do it slide in the DMS email me and uh let's make a trip out of it thank you guys so much for watching catch you in the next one bye
Channel: Landshark Outdoors
Views: 117,303
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sheepshead, sheepshead fishing, sheepshead catch clean cook, catch clean cook, catch and cook, catch and cook sheepshead, florida sheepshead, fiddler crab fishing
Id: 3iKfq1mHw1s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 0sec (1800 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 15 2023
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