ABANDONED Millitary Towers LOADED with Fish! Catch Clean Cook- Cobia

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good morning everybody as you guys see we're all bundled up we got a cold front here in Florida which means that a fish known as covia usually move down the coast on is exactly what we're after today we got Captain Tanner of Real Deal Fishing Charters and uh what's the game plan for today so we're gonna head out Marco pass here we're gonna go find some live bait then we're gonna run out probably about 50 to 60 miles to fish over some structure and see if we can find some phobia we also got Brookie and Ryan back here hey guys hide back there so we will see you guys out there foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] look at this guys I never seen one of those before it almost looks like a mahara had a baby with a barramundi or something yep are these common over here Tanner yeah um there is some kind of trout but I just call them sugar we've all fished Florida our whole lives I've never seen that fish before in my entirely never Tanner said that this might happen it's really cold so the pilchards might be M.I.A but we got a bunch of Jigs and that's all you really need for Cobia if they're active which they shouldn't be I think they like this cold weather so we'll see you guys we got a like a 60 mile run now I think and we'll see you out there all right we made it out here first stop we're gonna stop at a wreck before we hit up the towers we are going to be throwing things like this this is a hoagie pink little eel looking lure mustache jig head we got some Bucktail jigs Cobia Jigs and Tanner is positioning the boat right now to Anchor we're gonna be sight fishing these guys with our eyes and really important is to have a good pair of sunglasses I'm rocking the waterlin co Milliken sunglasses which you guys can find linked below if you guys are in the market for sunglasses you can save 15 off use my code Landshark I've been rocking these for about three four months now they've been a sponsor on the channel absolutely love them so you guys check them out and Brookie's got some on as well and Ryan's got some on and Ryan's got some on as well wow look at those all right so we just got out here beautiful run I mean look at this gorgeous winter day in Florida Bluebird skies and we're in the Gulf of Mexico and this time of year there's shrimp boats everywhere they're dragging the bottom trying to get shrimp so they can end up in your local restaurant or grocery store what Tanner does sometimes is they'll actually go to The Shrimp Boat because is that the Cobia sometimes will be right behind the bill Shrimp Boat is anchored right now they actually drag their Nets at night because right now during the day shrimp are kind of on bottom settled and they're hiding they float up a little bit more at night so that's when they try to catch their shrimp during the day they sort their catch and they're constantly dumping out what they known as trash so everything that's the bycatch of the shrimp and it creates this huge ecosystem out here you got Bonitas Blackfin tuna Cobia all different species that will actually fall these shrimp boats around there's birds everywhere and they'll pick the scraps of all the stuff that the shrimp guys are throwing off the boat last year breaking Eye For the First Time got to experience this fish where we caught a bunch of blackfootunes and it was just a really neat thing just to be able to see it is cool I think we got here out here just a little too late because they usually right when the sun comes up they start throwing a bycatch out and that's when the fish are usually going crazy you had a little trouble getting based so we were off to a slow start this morning you guys look at this look at how juicy that thing looks that pink contrasting with that turquoise water it looks like an eel or a shrimp bouncing up and down just got a big obnoxious profile what oh if we catch a blue Runner you know they'll be a Cobia close by what did you do man did you rip off the tail of my my bait right here look at that it always amazes me look at how big this lure is this guy's got way too big of an appetite grinds on something and that could be the one yeah I don't know what we got his own balance too oh no it feels like a fish surface now that's the right kind yeah that's the right kind oh God oh that's good oh man that's Cobia well that was quick yeah your first fish is a little bit better than my first fish you know that's the first cubby I caught in a long time man oh let's go y'all that is one of my favorite fish honestly it really is my favorite fish so that is what are we looking like that's 37 38 inches this is our Target species 36 inch fish so we're bigger he's like a 38 inch fish 38 inch fish yeah um since we're on the Gulf of Mexico we're only a lot of keep two so we decided to harvest this one we got one more we can probably do a little Catch and Release action but good job brother dude that's sick man hold on listen to this and they got some crazy Wicked spines on them right here too these things will cut you up what I like about them is they're unlike any other fish if you think of like morphology they don't look like anything else they don't look like any Snapper grouper real pelagic fish they are in a completely class of Their Own I like them because they taste delicious yeah that too anything that eats a jig and pulls some drag band I'm all about it puller on her probably oh oh maybe my Blue Runner got eaten by a Cobia dude I think my bank got eaten by something or it just woke up did it this oh my gosh oh my gosh is that a shark oh my God I think a shark ate my jig that's aggressive that was crazy oh not what you want folks foreign [Applause] yeah that's what I thought was gonna happen cut me off well that was kind of crazy did not expect that I don't know like a 60 pound spinner shark just came up and destroyed my jig he actually went out spun out of the water don't have water on so he cut me off that's pretty cool and check this out these little Clips are cool I got a little Clipper here if you're changing your lure often look at this I could put it in the eye of my lure and then I can take it out and I can keep switching lure lure that way you don't have to retire knot every single time you know what if a shark wants to eat this little tail I'm sure Cobia will so I'm gonna do the exact same little eel lure is that a blue fish what all right so this right here is a blue fish and if you guys take a look in his mouth try to open it he doesn't have big teeth but he's got incredible jaw pressure and he will make quick work of a fish these guys are cannibalistic they eat each other sometimes as they come up and uh yeah another cold winter species that we have that migrate down in Florida you normally find them in the summertime they like that colder water very prevalent in the northeast of New England and stuff but we'll probably let this guy go unless you want him for base Tanner no you get down some backs see ya kobia to me are kind of mysterious fish they do what they want when they want they're always on the move they like structure like this like we're on a wreck but they could be 100 feet that way they could be 100 feet that way and you just gotta wait until your bait is in front of their nose we're gonna make a move to the towers I keep telling you guys about [Music] so we've made it oh dude we're about to get pooped on oh my God oh my God look at it it's coming look oh [Laughter] that was so good look out brother I forgot to mention that it could happen we made it to our new destination so what we're fishing is an old Air Force relay Tower um these things aren't used anymore but they were for communication signals back in the day and we're in the middle of nowhere there's a bunch of them out here in the Gulf of Mexico so you got to think there's nothing for miles and miles around it's the only structure out here so bait surrounds it first round it mangrove snapper all sorts of other things and then something like a Cobia is moving along his migration pattern may hold here for a couple days feed on all the bait that's around here and yeah we're trying to intercept those fish look at everybody re-rigging right now yep so uh all three of us broke off yep that's a shark it's got sharks or something man I don't know if we're hooking sharks or if our Kobe are getting shark what do you think you had a Kobe on ride I think whatever I hooked did not get sharked I think whatever I hooked was a shark okay mine was not a shark at first mine was definitely a fish yeah that's a shark you sure I don't know maybe not oh no it's coming up it feels like a fish that's oh buddy come on please let us land you whatever you are talking I think it would be a Cobia this could be it guys we got heavy now yep now he got real heavy maybe I'll get a head back or something I think what I hooked at first was a Cobia because you could actually feel it's like tail beats and head shakes and then when it gets real dead weight like this like you guys are seeing then it's usually indicative of a shark it'd be nice to know what kind of Predator is at least [Music] thank you now's the point in time where you're like so I keep fighting this shark or what I think is a shark do I break it off and try again foreign oh my gosh please I just want to see if it's ahead of a Cobia yeah I gave you a big enough toothache dude yeah yeah come over your head oh no oh my gosh wow he slurped that every day wow we figured out what happened actually hooked an amberjack right here he had a bad day you could see how a lifeless and white he looks I can't I've never ever actually retrieved a fish back from a shark hole like that's honestly incredible foreign man saw that fish swimming on the corner of the tower Tanner pointed him out to me pitched out the swim bait in front of him he smoked it man he smoked it [Music] foreign [Music] oh there's one right there I was like okay I just saw red dude I don't know there's another one right there where left side of the Tower oh I see him oh there you go Rex was on it right in front of his face got him there you go Beyond Tanner said dude there's a Cobia right there right next to the tower so came up here and all you see this like brown silhouette and all this green water stay over here buddy yep it's the right one man when they want it they want it buddy foreign such a sick fish so we already have our limit we got two cobia in the boat two keepers look at those head shakes incredible we got two keepers so we're gonna let this guy go right here get his head out of the water all right yeah buddy Captain Tanner putting you on dude let's go buddy let's go Ryan it's sick me and Ryan have never both caught Kobe on the same year this is a first experience for sure double header he has a look at all artificial site cast of these fish and let him calm down a little bit they look like big catfish they look like big brown cats which is what they look like so you guys see that's that mustache Bucktail jig I've been fishing all day and just tipping with any type of soft plastic look at that this is literally like I don't know 20 40 grit real sandpaper like no teeth but they're able to grab things crush it yeah buddy doubled up on Cobia me and Ryan sight fished on artificial with the crew man that is just sick it all came together they started out a little bit slow besides Ryan popping the very first fish as a Cobia we had to feed some to sharks we have to feed some to Predators but sight fishing these fish is a really unique experience because there's not very many fish you can literally see come up and eat your jig it's not like you're blind casting and they come up you literally see the brown silhouette of these guys what I love about them you see that white stripe they got right there they're just so cool looking I'm gonna let mine go that week it's a nice healthy release [Music] big thank you to Captain Tanner for taking us out put us on the Cobia I had a ton of fun and if you guys ever want to book a trip with him I'm gonna have all this stuff linked below today was Cobia but Tanner put me on my biggest ever African pompano first permit offshore and a bunch of other species I'll have those videos linked below as well so if you guys are ever in the Marco Island area you've taken a family vacation on the west coast hit up Tanner if you guys want to book a charter great dude and puts you on the fish so Kobe is not the only thing we catch out here we you know mainly Target grouper and snapper red grouper gag grouper get a lot of mangrove snapper yellowtail Snapper and then sometimes some mud Snapper Kobe are just more found around this kind of area during the winter time so that's where we're targeting them this time of the year you guys heard it if you want to book a trip like I said all of his stuff linked below we'll catch you guys at the dock [Music] foreign [Music] okay as you guys see Cobia is headless and gutless and the reason for that is these guys have a very kind of round wide body so if I left his head on his head lays flat here and it's going to be rolling all over the place making it really difficult to fillet and another thing as you guys see the b-roll plan their guts are disgusting so I don't want the guts anywhere near my meat so that's the first thing I do is I get rid of the head and I get rid of the guts it's going to make fling a lot easier and just give me a uh better product make me more confident throughout my flow as well so using a six inch Dexter right here boning knife we're gonna start outline our fish from the top you see those spines I was telling you guys about in the video earlier this guys will mess you up foreign from my head to my tail I'm going to take my knife rested on the fish's spine and work my way up from the tail half to the head half making sure I'm on the spine and not just aimlessly gliding look at that first Rubio [Music] [Applause] okay so Kobe I have a really big raised backbone as well so what I did is I just went and I separated our fillet all the way to the backbone once I get to the backbone I'm just going to take the tip of my knife and I'm going to go right on top of it so I'm separating the meat that sits right on top of the backbone and then when I get to about here you're going to have a set of pin bones that you got to break through so that's what you hear right there broke through them now I'm going to take the tip of my knife and go down on the other side of the backbone get on this side of the spine and look at that that is a pretty fillet right there and a pretty fish now I'm just separating right here by this cobia's belly I just got caught on the fin and there you go so there's two ways to do it you could either go over the rib cage or you leave the rib cage attached to the flay like I did right there but you see getting rid of that gut cavity makes your product just so much better otherwise you have all these Cobia guts spilling into there and there's certain fish I like to got before I fillet Cobia dolphin being one of them too they're just really like Ryan was saying they eat a lot of crustaceans and stuff and I think that broken down crab just smells so bad I don't want it anywhere near my final product okay so one thing I'm gonna do I'm gonna get rid of these bones uh this little rib cage right here so I actually have my knife going underneath them trying not to be wasteful kind of just right underneath those bones and you could certainly eat that but today the catfish are gonna get well fed now instead of skinning this is one long piece I'm going to break it down into multiple sections to make it easier to skin [Music] [Music] and then always when we skin wire fillet up with the edge of the fillet table push away from you and I always trail with my left hand to make sure my knife is not piercing through the skin and that's what you end up with right there all right guys boneless skinless Cobia I will see you in the kitchen okay so what we're gonna do is a little broil Cobia I actually took those shoulder sections and I cut them right down the middle because it's a really thick piece of fish and I think Cody Cobia is pretty lean and you have a really lean fish and if you have a thick section I think it's a lot to chew on I like a thinner piece when you're dealing with a big filet like that so what we're going to do is we're gonna do a kind of like an Asian Mayo style broiled fish gochugaru it's kind of like uh I mean it's Korean chili flakes but it's it's very earthy very peppery um slightly bitter I really like it so we're gonna go in with this it also looks really pretty I think we're gonna go in with some coriander of course you know if it's got to do garlic powder a little bit of sesame oil since we're going Asian just want that note of Sesame in there I want to add acidity and get a fresh flavor in there because all of these are kind of savory flavors and real Rich lime zest we're going to do the zest of two limes it's a great way to get Citrus notes in your dishes without getting the sourness of the Citrus freshly Cracked Pepper now I'm going to give this a mix get all these flavors incorporated into that Mayo the first time I heard anyone using Mayon fish I was like that's not right man you know how a lot of people say you shouldn't use cheese on fish is very lean so I mean your Mayo is a fat so think of it like rubbing olive oil or butter on your fish instead it's just something in my brain didn't want to click about putting Mayo on fish but it's a really great way to season your fish especially if you're going to do a flavored Mayo like this and adheres to the fish well too it sticks and it just adds a really nice flavor to it thin out and season our Mayo just a little bit so I'm going to do a dash of soy like I'm gonna add a little bit of lemon juice to this as well not too much so as I was saying earlier Cobia is in my opinion firm and lean so that's why I like to add a good fat to it I've already salted one side of these fish and I like to Salt my fish before they hit any heat that way some of that salt gets Incorporated and goes deep into those muscle fibers and we're going to do the exact same thing on this side okay now a little silicone brush and we're going to just brush this on only one side of the fish since it is really rich I don't want to overpower it [Music] so one final look of our fish before we put it in the broiler I'm gonna do that now we're going to serve this with a little jasmine rice I'm gonna fluff this up right now I got a little salad I made in the fridge kind of like a little coleslaw salad so earlier today I took ginger garlic cilantro a little bit of lime zest some lime juice and I blended it together with coconut milk then I kind of brought all those flavors together brought it up to a boil reduced it and uh it got a little bit thicker this is going to be kind of like our base sauce for the plate which is Super Fresh you know you got that Ginger and cilantro and all those just really vibrant flavors all right you guys see that it's getting nice and crispy and browned on top that's exactly what we want cook it fast so in here we got some julienne red cabbage some cucumber green apple fennel coriander some spices and a bunch of lime juice it's it's kind of like a play like a like an Asian coleslaw so it's not a mango based coleslaw it's not a vinegar-based coleslaw it's a lime juice-based coleslaw but it's going to be Super Fresh because the fish is going to be rich with that Mayo I got some Fresno chilies red chili macerating that way uh you get rid of a lot of that heat so it's in sugar water and vinegar we're going to add the Fresno chili into our slaw it's going to add a little bit of heat but not too much and I did salt this but at the very end because if you salt it too far ahead of time you're going to draw too much moisture and you're just going to get a mushy mess I want my vegetables to be nice and crisp so we're going to check on the fish so I don't want them to overcook but I don't want them to be undercooked so let's bring them out real quick [Applause] and uh this is a nice big thick guy so let me just take my Chopstick in there and still a little bit raw in the middle so we're going to send it back in foreign sauce that green sauce going down right in the middle [Music] [Applause] [Music] look at that there's the broiled Cobia right there look at how juicy that is you guys see that nice Brown layer of caramelization when you cook it real fast like that at a high temperature it's almost like when you sear a steak you get that kind of like charred flavor that's that fat caramelizing right there on top of the fish so we're going to come right here with our jasmine rice right on top of our green sauce so starting from the bottom we got our cilantro coconut sauce our jasmine rice our apple and cabbage slaw and then our broiled gochugaromeo Cobia right on top as fresh as it gets [Music] yeah I'm taking this one too there's enough for everyone I have two pieces of fish excellent yeah yeah right now you know every video I've ever seen Brian's first in mind got my double decker are you guys going right in yeah man double decker of Cobia here okay that's great I knew that was gonna be good wow I haven't eaten Kobe in a long time I've never found a way to like make fish with white rice look good even though that's always what I eat and you like have to add all the color okay you're about to get the contrast the rice is delicious I said it wasn't flinky I think I'm wrong I don't think I cooked it the right way last time because this is you guys take a look at this this is as flaky as it gets never broiled kobia before but look at this I mean delicious I wanna I wanna know how uh Victor's cooking this for dinner what is this this is our Lunch how you making it for dinner because I'm coming back for more I gotta say this Cobia turned out phenomenal and um it's also not an easy thing to say when you eat so well here but this could be my favorite fish I've had so a plus Vic good job thank you special you're already on plate number two and everyone else is already on play number one what's up yeah like everyone said it's been over a year since we've had Cobia just one of those incredible eating fish melts in your mouth and picked her crushed it cooked into Perfection well done thanks brother I'm just inhaling it right we used to get breakfast this morning so you can have this video good to go and I'm just like smoking every vibe my mom asked me she was like how did he get it ready so fast like we literally just left their house filling the fish what less than 40 minutes ago and the fish was already on the table like you cannot get any pressure and it's absolutely delicious good job thank you babe all right um I want to thank you guys so much for watching and none of this would be possible like I said without Captain Tanner really hard-working young man so if you guys want to book a trip with him like I said everything will be linked below check out Ryan's Channel Brookie's Channel if you haven't already they were on the boat there and they're both posting their own versions of this video thank you guys so much for watching until the next one
Channel: Landshark Outdoors
Views: 574,510
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fishing, gulf of mexico fishing, marco island fishing, cobia, cobia fishing, cobia catch and cook, cobia catch clean cook, catch clean cook, sight fishing cobia, air force relay towers, cobia fishing gulf of mexico, how to cook cobia, cobia recipe, how to fillet cobia
Id: i57T4EJ3kgA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 34sec (1894 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 18 2023
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