PRIZED vs.TRASH Fish on NEW Boat! Catch Clean Cook (Twin Vee 280GFX)

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good morning everybody Victor here and Brookie here good morning today is a very special day because we're on this beautiful 280 twin V so Brook and I have been talking about getting a bigger boat for a long time now we want to do Bahamas trips just get something bigger for the family so we reached out to Sundance of Pompano Beach which is our local twin V dealer lo and behold here we are on this beautiful boat so we're gonna see what this thing's made of we're gonna do some planer fishing today some drift fishing some kite fishing let's get after it [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] doing is trolling these guys known as planers well that's the planer down there on the floor but what we have here we got a little sea witch skirt a little squid and the little mylar you got two hooks and what this is gonna do is almost act like a little Bait fish so if you look at that underwater this skirt is going to help the bait from getting washed out it also has a little Flash and this is going to be tracking through the water that planer is going to get it down there about 50 feet and we're gonna do two we're gonna do one on this side one on that side the resistance of the water is going to pull your line down like this and the bigger the planer the deeper it's going to get so fish like Wahoo Kingfish when they're down deep it's a really good way to present your baits so that is exactly what we're starting with today you got the weight side facing you and I have a release system to where you don't have to hand line the fish in so we take half of our snap swivel right here flip it like that [Music] so I'm gonna let the first one we put out we're gonna let out pretty far because since these are going to be suspended down you don't want them to get tangled so you want one car and one short one on the right is going to be the long one so this planer is bigger we're going to keep it shorter but it's going to go deeper all right we're fishing so what we're going to be doing is just kind of zigzagging going in and out of like a hundred three hundred feet of water if you see a rip or something you see birds working just looking for any signs of life just basically going to go from Hillsboro Inlet to bokeh Inland and try to find the fish and get on the bike and like usual the weatherman lies and it's much rougher out here than they said it was going to be but that's okay we thought it was going to be calm today and if there's a short little truck which is kind of annoying but like the worst it is the worst possible conditions but this is the best if you're ever going to see trial a boat pick the nastiest day you plan on fishing in that boat because that's one you're gonna test to see if you like it if it's gonna ride good if it's going to be stable if it's going to drift well you don't want to go out when it's calm every boat's going to be good when it's come this is the perfect day to test out a boat just got our first bite and it's really you got to really pay attention to the rods because these are not screaming runs usually sometimes it's just much as the rod going like this it's a little tap and if you don't hook him at first you could be trolling with this so it looks like whatever ate this ate it right behind the hook and cut it in half but that could have been our suspect right there Mr Wahoo we're we're trying out here it's it's rough it's rocking and rolling their seaweed everywhere we're constantly getting Seaweed off the planer so we're working for our fish today we only had that one bike um it's just been a lot of seaweed and it's not really ideal to troll when it's this rough but it was nice to be able to see how the boat runs when it's rough you know trolling at a uncomfortable speed you're trolling at like eight knots and uh you can't really get up on plane but you know what we still got a Live Well full base so I'm going to stay positive and we're going to put some fish in the boat so just bear with us here so when we put out the kite you want to put it out nice and slow have it in gear and just set your drag loose so it's not Jerky like when your thumb when you're putting it in free spool so I actually have the Reel engage right now and I just have my drag lightly you see how that kite's going up nice and smooth you don't ever want to give it any slack because if you get an inconsistent gust of wind your kite can fall real easy out of the sky and one of kite Falls they're super fragile so you actually gotta motor over to it make sure you don't break any of the uh you know the spokes of the kite you know every boat's got its ups and downs I can tell you right now since this boat is so wide wide boats drift real well and what I mean is you're not doing this you know you don't have a deep V or not rocking and rolling and it is Bumpy out here so there's many nice things about this boat but that is one thing I immediately noticed that it drifts really well all right so when Victor gets the kite going over there I'm going to put out a flat line on this side of the boat and I'm gonna put out a pilchard here I'm gonna have the flat lines on this side of the boat and the kite is going to get the baits far away on that side of the boat so the reason you do the kite is so that you can be fishing both sides of the boat because as we're drifting in towards Shore the wind is blowing us this direction our baits are going to be drifting away from the boat this way so you're gonna have baits on both sides of the boat that's the point of the kite and then flat lines on the other side number one you get your bait on the other side so you can fish more baits but also this kite is going to keep this bait right on top so he's not going to see the leader or anything it's a really nice presentation uh your Bait fish is constantly France like on top of the water and what I did is I actually bridled him so you see the hooks not in them there's a rubber band that I fed with a needle and then it gives your hook as much free range of motion as possible the reason that's good is because especially when you're fishing a circle hook you want your um circle hook to have as much exposure as possible for it to work properly so this is our rig you got I start with a Bimini Twist we got 20 pound line this is the ring that we clip into the kite you got a bobber which really just serves as an indicator a little lead which helps in getting the bow out of your line a lot of times you'll develop a lot of bow in your line between the boat and the bait and this just gives you a little bit of extra weight to kind of wiggle it out a little bead to protect your knot snap swivel I got a little loop knot and then just like 10 to 15 feet of fluorocarbon leader I clip it into the kite ring right there and when a fish hits it with enough tension it'll actually pop that clip so not now what I'm gonna do I'm gonna have this reel and free spool and I'm also going to slowly let out the kite so as I let out this kite line it's going to take my bait naturally with it you see that and so I'm just trying to do everything at the same time make sure my bait's not flying out of the water the next kite clip is here and the reason that they don't all go through is you have different size swivels and based on the swivel the inner lining of this uh rig right here matches that size swivel so now we're going to get our second bait out so I'm going to put a pill chart on here on the short bait we got a goggle eye on the far bait ideally you want your baits to swim away from the boat sometimes they misbehave a little bit and want to come back to the shelter of the boat so you gotta toss them out there and hope that they start swimming that way but dogs are usually a little bit stubborn and they like hanging out by the boat pilchards usually do their job but Gaga a little stubborn they want to make you work for it so I got a little rigging needle right here and I'm going to go right through this pilchards back and on the other side of this needle I have a rubber band now what I'm going to do is take my hook I put it in that rubber band I'm gonna pull the rubber band through the pilchard get the rubber bands onto the hook take the rubber bands off and then I go underneath the rubber band one more time okay and the other cool thing about kite fishing is you visually see the bite you guys know how much I love popper fishing or just seeing a fishy you can see a sailfish or a wahoo or Kingfish come up and Chase your bait it's just visually so stimulating we have two dogs on this side a pilchard and then this dog right here I put a little Breakaway um weight on them to suspend them down because we're starting our drifting 300 feet so we want some baits down there as well oh man we just got a scream and run guys on the deep end had a goggle eye out on the bottom no bites on anything else yet but that was exciting to hear it's about noon oh baby oh yeah it feels good for something to finally happen you know it's crazy to think you can go and troll for four hours without a bite you can have all these live baits out we've been drifting for about an hour now and it's our first sign of Life Dennis just put a fresh new pair of batteries in my mic we're good to go he just he knew the fish was coming he's like Vic let's change the batteries right now something's about to happen he got the feeling so Brooke just took that clip off that allows us to get it down deep into the water column what do we got here it's a little King looks like yep kingfish there we go out a girl oh my gosh look at how he's hooked that is why oh my gosh what first fish on the twin B First Blood getting in the boat a nice little Kingfish great eater-sized king you wanna come hold them back yeah I don't see any blood I don't know what you're talking about so you guys see how crazy this Kingfish is hooked what I imagine happening these fish are built for Speed he comes up he sees that goggle eye he might miss it and he might just barely get those two hooks in his belly he misses it by an inch or two but that's just insane these fish was hit with such speed that they can get hooked like that you got one treble hook by his butt and then the other one by the anal pin perfect eating size right there there's the first Blood on the twin V there we go that's what we like we don't like nice white decks I'm just really in a rush to get bass back out so we're gonna put this guy in The Fish Box and get back to fishing all right to your final resting place buddy another thing I love about this Belt look at this you got two fish boxes in the deck but you also have this massive lounger slash cooler slash dry storage if you wanted it to be so slash chicken tender yeah um we weren't sure if we were gonna catch any fish but guess what we got one in the boat now so we're gonna take the clean ice and put it in the fish box but yeah this thing is you could fit in there me and Brooke could both fit in there I might show you later [Music] you want yeah you are yeah [Applause] look at him look at him look at him see him see him moving to the right he's getting chased oh yeah there's a dolphin on him little dolphin brick that's probably we're trying to eat your dog I think he's got it [Applause] he does have it doesn't he yeah we're wrong little dolphin on the kite bait oh that's so sick seeing all that blue and green oh just pulled not even kidding yeah I I think it was an undersized dolphin but I could see my Pilcher just freaking out on top of the water and you could see him just pulling one way to the one way to the right and then you just see this like silhouette of green and blue and yellow all the beautiful colors of the Mahi and he came up thrashed it and I think it's the same thing I try to eat Brooks GOG [Applause] at it girl yeah good job huh no he's on he's on oh no did he pull oh he was on though wasn't he oh man so Brookie just had a sailfish but it just spit the hook it was going ballistic but that was exciting we're we're in like 180 feet and the ocean's coming to life we got dolphin we've been seeing flying fish uh Brook just got that sailfish so things are looking good all right I sent the Pilcher down to the bottom Byron just got the rod we on baby Myron what you thinking oh he's at the lug he's up a little bit he's on there here give me the line yeah oh it's a shark not what we want no Remora which means there's a shark around Mr Morris swallow the hook unfortunately sometimes it happens like that if you try everything you can but that hook was so far down there I would have done more damage than good by trying to mess with him oh there's a dolphin on here that's a keeper fish right there all right just got bit by a dolphin on the long on the GOG this should be a keeper fish right here giving us a little jump so we just came into all this weed and I imagine this dolphin's probably in here picking off all the little shrimp and all the little Forge in the sarcasm weed right here good job crook headshots only huh right in the eye there we go another fish in the Twin b a nice little mahi these guys are beautiful check out those colors is lit up one of our prettiest fish here in Florida in Lake worthy said our second fish on the twin V right here gorgeous gorgeous mahi mahi we're gonna have Kingfish for dinner we got Mahi for dinner and we got some blood to clean up on the boat but guess what I'm not mad about it because we're eating good into the Fish Box you go okay reel it in modern hey like you stopped for a little bit oh he got pissed off what happened oh pretty sure this is gonna be a shark but we're gonna fight it like it's a real fish whatever it is it's big Lisa woke us up a little bit yeah for real foreign there it goes when fish do that and they don't stop they don't change direction at all you can't feel a head shake you can't feel a tail beat it's usually a shark no way that could be another shark Myron you said you wanted something exciting I think it's as exciting how about that whoa 30 foot leader little circle hook and been dropping down the live pilchard that's not a shark that might be a real fish that could be a keeper mutton right there but uh it's been it's been pretty slow this drift is not as productive as the first one we had a lot of bites on the last one and we just lost that mystery fish which I think was a shark and now whatever Myron's reeling in yeah it's a kingfish here where this is going to be sketchy I'm gonna put it in free spool he was wrapped up all on all the line look at that that's a lucky catch right there with that circle hook circle hook perfectly in the corner Myron saw that rod and he hopped on it that fish should not have been caught look at that mouthful of teeth we got no wire leader on there and you get that circle hook perfectly in the corner sometimes you get lucky like that so Myron is uh actually here from Sundance so a huge shout out to Sundance Marine like I told you guys this trip wouldn't be possible without them um you guys can check them out they're in Pompano Beach they put together this whole trip and they are the place to go look for twin views if you're ever in the market for one so thank you Myron for coming out with us today been on the water boats and it's always nice to see how things run catamarans are completely different than bottle holes you know when you come down on a wave you don't slap you almost like you're on a cushion of air um we're going straight into it and it's blows like 50 knots it's handled it's just slicing right into the wings you guys can see it is not cold well we're running straight into it at about 45-30 so we're bro I'm gonna pull a few more tricks try to put a few more fish in the boat you guys on the other side all right well we just took a beautiful boat ride even though it's rough we already have a great day I got to test out a boat that I'm really interested in Brookie got to test it out we got fish for dinner everyone's having a good time we lost some mystery fish that were huge that I don't know what it was but I'm assuming it was a shark so it feels like the bait is reeling in really weird it's not tracking properly almost as if it like got cut in half but I'm reeling it in from the side or something or reeling in two separate pieces because it does not feel right I'll tell you that and that's exactly what happened he's caught completely in half and you know what that is that's a nice clean cut that's Mr Wahoo or Mr Kingfish right there like a razor blade right behind the head hold it the afternoon bike completely shut off for us we will see you guys back at the dock to plant some fish all right guys next day have the kingfish sitting in the cooler on ice and like I said this is the perfect perfect eating size fish most people including myself prefer to eat Kingfish of this size but these are great don't let anyone tell you they're trash I love them so the way I like to fillet these start right here around the PEC fin go to the Head okay now we come back down here by the tail fish that don't have big scales pelagic fish like dolphin Wahoo Kingfish what I like to do is actually start from the tail and work my way up towards the head so my knife right now is on this kingfish's spine and I'm just working up and the reason I like to do this is they have very sensitive delicate flesh the less cutting you do on a fish like this the better because you're going to start to get tears in your fish you're going to start to get just unwanted marks in the flay and this is going to give you a better product and I find coming up from the tail to the head you can really feel your knife on the fish's spine versus outlining it first okay once I do that I'm just going to take my knife and kind of get right on top of the kingfish's backbone and separate the meat that's on top of the backbone break through his pin bones which are not very big okay using my left hand like I said this is a very gentle fish you don't want to tear it I'm going to take the tip of my knife and go down on the other side of this kingfish's backbone just like so [Music] and now I can do the same thing from kind of the tail half down on the kingfish's spine working my weight up towards the head revealing that meat look at that gorgeous flu and see here's what I mean about that tearing if you make one little mistake they got such sensitive flesh to where you get a little bit of that but that's no big deal you see that we left nothing on that kingfish's carcass right there and this is a eight inch Dexter flexible Flay I really like it because once again a soft fleshed fish like this it's nice to have a little Flex in your life so you're not manhandling it and just tearing away at meat and you guys can actually save 20 off all Dexter knives use my code land shark save yourself some money just like the flesh is really delicate so is the skin Kingfish have super thin skin so I find the best way to skin this fish is just like this do it in sections so find the piece of fish you kind of want to serve so let's say I want to serve pieces like that okay I'm gonna take my knife I'm gonna go down to the skin but not all the way through I'm gonna swivel my knife and kind of skin them from the inside out trailing with my left hands just like so and look you leave a very thin layer of meat on there but then you don't have any skin on your final product if you try to go from start to finish from the tail to the head you can do it but the chance of ripping through the skin is highly likely because that's just the nature of this fish I don't know about you but that's a good looking piece of fish very excited to share it with our family tonight and I will see you guys in the kitchen roll them straight into tonight's recipe we got some roasted carrots which we're going to throw in the oven right here we're gonna do a generous amount of salt and pepper and then a little bit of sugar I want these to kind of be like sweetened caramelized carrots and the sugar is going to help in that caramelization process and also sweeten them up a little bit we got branch and Vine infused scallion olive oil you guys can find that linked below you guys have seen it on the channel a lot I love this company they make a bunch of infused olive oils vinegars honey just a lot of neat fun stuff to work with in the kitchen so we're going to sprinkle this scallion oil generously on our carrots roll these around make sure everything's kind of coated evenly they're gonna get a nice crisp outer layer they're going to sweeten up I'm going to throw these carrots in the oven at 4 25. we're going to toast some pine nuts and kind of use them as a garnish a little bit later hit him with just a little bit of salt I'm gonna let these go for like two minutes on a low heat in here I have some English peas that I blanched and I'm gonna drain them right now now I'm gonna take some heavy whipping cream and we're gonna blend this together and make a pea puree so I'm going to go in with about half of this bottle of heavy cream freshly minced garlic not too much you don't want to overpower it good amount of salt in with our pea puree look at that see how silky smooth that is that's the consistency you want you don't want it to be runny and watery and basically this is done so I'm just going to keep this in a little stock pot on low heat with the lid on to just be able to serve it hot but that's all it is purees are such a great way to elevate your dish it's basically like a grown it's it's a fancy way to make baby food look good look good on the plate it makes vegetables not boring like a lot of people when they think of peas they're like I don't want peace for dinner you gave them a pea puree or a carrot puree the flavors you get are in it are just so much better it's presented in a different way we're gonna make a little mayo marinade for the fish Mayo is something you put on a sandwich or you know whatever but if you think about it egg yolk oil it's just in the form of fat so if you're going to put butter on your fish olive oil avocado it's just a different consistency a different way to incorporate fat into your fish and fish is very lean so you can afford to use a generous amount of fat these are roasted red peppers I just went into the Magic Bullet with a little Duke's Mayo if you're not using Dukes you got to start if you're using craft Mayo at home please do yourself a favor go to your nearest grocery store pick up a bottle of Dukes as well as the rest of our garlic some salt so my buddy Chef James was here the other day got a little bottle of these spicy peppers always forget how to pronounce it calabrian collab calabrian calabrian Peppers these are spicy so I'm not going to do too much I'm gonna do like this much a spoonful KingFish on the left dolphin on the right Kingfish is very often overlooked especially in South Florida and I think it's because we have just so many good quality fish people turn their nose up to it but we do not turn our nose up to pretty much any fish in this house and you shouldn't either because you know life is about variety and enjoying all the ocean has to offer so the only thing I'm really gonna put on these fish is some salt on one side because our marinade is pretty salty enough Mayo marinade and I'm just gonna start basically pouring it on top I'll get it neater and make sure that everything's coated on both sides that's basically going to serve as the fat for the kingfish and it's just a really pretty color too you know your fish is going to have that nice orange red glow to it one last look at our kingfish we're gonna put these bad boys in the oven now all right and our dolphin a roasted our roasted carrots are looking good smelling good so we're gonna do a little tomato arugula salad salt pepper pepper Meyer lemon honey vinegar get that acid pop and then we're gonna go back in with that branch and Vine scallion olive oil some garlic I'll wake you up and who doesn't love some freshly shaved Parmesan sprinkle that in there too we're also going to do a little capers and by a little onion this whole jar you know what we're gonna add some red onion I got some red onion left over and anyone who thinks you can't use the root of an herb just not true the roots are just as delicious as the leaves just slice them a little bit thinner because they are a little bit tougher of a texture so some fresh flat leaf parsley going in there okay so let's take a look at that fish I'm gonna go to the biggest piece if you're cooking different thicknesses of fish always go to the thickest one to check for doneness we are going to go down with our English pea puree okay that's like my perfect consistency right there you don't want it to be too too uh watery or smooth where it's separating so let's go down with our roasted carrots now our toasted pine nuts right on top of that pea puree I like it when people can experience different textures in their dinner so you want something crunchy something soft Savory flavor sweet flavors you know keep that palette surprised the whole time now we got our tomato arugula salad going down look at that Kingfish coming out of the oven super tender and gonna be so delicious look at that steam coming off that fish okay I'm gonna start everyone off with one piece of Kingfish just like that man I love when a dish is pretty it just like sets up the mood for your dining experience I mean at the end of the day the flavor is the most important thing in the dish but if you can make something look good before someone even eats it and puts it in their mouth I think it just makes it their experience that much better well I'm thinking a lot over here about how hard you guys fish yesterday to catch this dinner I know you left left the dock at seven and didn't get back till after seven I have um Kingfish and Mommy and I started with the kingfish and it was just tasty and I expected the talking to be much better because everybody loves Alpha and I dug into the dolphin and I'm like actually like the kingfish better you know who who does that you know everybody likes dolphin more than the kingfish but side by side cooked the same way it's almost like a kingfish it has a little more flavor oh yeah you call it a 50 plate like if you went to a fancy restaurant but that's just what this costs you don't get out of there for 50 bucks you know you have a drink or two and besides you know to get this kind of fancy stuff everything's a la carte so you get a side a couple of drinks a salad you and your wife don't get out of there for 200 bucks and guess what this plate free I put a piece of Mahi on everyone's plate because he had given everyone Kingfish and I was like okay this is your Kingfish this is your Maki so when people have been talking about what's better or what they thought between the two that's because I snuck that other piece on there but I couldn't necessarily say like one over the other but this entire plate was absolutely delicious Victor killed it all these flavors were so so good together and we had a great day on the boat and to share our Fresh Catch with everyone was so great we have some leftover Kingfish I'm gonna be bringing it to Sundance tomorrow to give to Myron so that he can enjoy some of his family as well 10 out of 10 would recommend top tier between the plating presentation all the complex flavors it had so many elements that I love I love pine nuts I love Capers um arugula like everything just went so well together it was a masterpiece thanks Chad amazing that was a real jet dish first of all the presentation was just for the colors and how it was executed nominal second like the flavoring on how everything meshed well was incredible I'm like speechless but also so proud I don't think you guys can cook like he does so it's like I don't even recommend you try this was so good oh my goodness no that's the truth don't even try this at home you know well you have to watch the video and then you'll learn how to do it I don't trust you my dad was saying that how much this would cost and it cost him nothing but it's it's honestly almost Priceless like to get this kind of food and get this many dishes where everyone agrees that they all love their food like that doesn't happen that often and um and it's also like I I think it's um showing a lack of respect to the things you catch when you really try to push them to this limit so people can enjoy a dish like this and it's something that people might go out and catch a dolphin or a kingfish and they might even complain about catching the kingfish but when you turn to something like this that's like that's really honoring the fish and like showing a lot of respect to the people that join your table it's uh it it's it might be free for us but it is uh it's priceless wonderfully said Fisher that was great that was great um I agree with everyone that the kingfish a little bit of tastier for some reason it's delicious thank you guys for joining us it's like there's no better feeling you know when you catch a good fish and you're like really happy when you it's not the compliments it's the fact that you made something that so many people can enjoy and you have a table full of people when you bring everyone together that's the awesome part about it not for the compliments the fact that I get to feed eight people and everyone enjoyed it is what I live for and that's what I look and that's what I want you guys to do and I appreciate the compliment Gabby but everyone do this at home you know you mute yourself but it's not that hard when you break it down you just build on the bases and just keep at it but uh yeah big thank you to Myron the guys at Sundance everyone who put this trip together big thank you to Twin V hopefully fingers crossed you know we might be in a new twin be soon I will keep you guys posted on that but as always thank you guys so much for watching and I'll catch you in the next one
Channel: Landshark Outdoors
Views: 182,917
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twin vee, twin vee 280gfx, mahi mahi, kingfish, kingfish catch and cook, mahi mahi catch and cook, catch clean cook, catch clean cook mahi mahi, catch clean cook kingfish, deep sea fishing, deep sea catch clean cook, offshore fishing, hillsboro inlet fishing, florida fishing, twin vee sea trial
Id: SaNlf-pdH0Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 54sec (2094 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 29 2023
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