How to MACRO in LOW ELO - League of Legends

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in this guide you're going to learn the best way to macro in low ELO tell me if these problems don't sound familiar you try heading into a side lane only for your entire team to immediately get caught out and die you make a call to take Baron only for your teammates to ignore you run it down mid and die again or maybe you've learned that fancy concept of Lane priority so you make the call to take something like dragon with it only for none of your teammates to react and so now you're the one who's dying this is what we're going to fix in today's guide we'll be giving you macro tactics that work in low ELO regardless of what your teammates are doing so that you don't have to rely on them whatsoever and that's kind of our whole thing here at skill CA we teach you the game from the average players perspective you know where you have terrible teammates you're forced to carry and we've done a truly massive update for season 14 with brand new courses on macro Wave Control trading settings and hotkeys csing Vision mechanics the list goes on we even just released four multi-chapter massive courses where we teach you how to carry as a mid laner a jungler a top laner and an 80 carry with support on its way and you can try all of this out completely risk-free since if you don't rank up while actively using skillcapped you get your money back no questions asked we can offer this because our service really does work you can unlock all of this through the exclusive discount you can only access through the link below so what are you waiting for click the link in the description below to get the rank you've always wanted this season all right now the first thing you need to understand about macro in Lilo is the power of a knowledge check a good example of a knowledge check is the standard level two Allin if you have the push Advantage at level one and are going to hit Level level two first you're basically knowledge checking the opponent are you aware which Minion will Spike level two on you if they get the answer wrong it usually results in a massive Advantage for you here's what's important for you to understand though it's how passing a knowledge check yourself isn't nearly as impactful if the opponent has the push Advantage level one and they knowledge check the level two all in on you well guess what happens if you pass it nothing everything stays the same this is why when it comes to low ELO macro the goal is to be proactively knowledge checking opponents with macro choices that massively set them behind mind if they get it wrong at the same time the knowledge check has to be completely in your hands bad knowledge checks and low ELO are going to be questions that rely on your teammates to get right as well a common example of this is Lane priority let's say you're a jungler and both you and the enemy pass top side you could have your Top Lane and mid lane pushing both having Lan priority to react to a fight at the Scuttle first so you go for that Scuttle only for none of your teammates to react and you die 1 V one you correctly knowledge check the enemy jungler do you know you lack Lane priority so you can't go for the Scuttle but to actually punish him correctly required your teammates to also be aware of the knowledge check lucky for you there is one specific macro tactic that knowledge checks the opponents and doesn't require any Reliance on your teammates in Lilo the macro tactic you're going to learn in this guide to dominate Lilo games is none other than the Sid Lane push now all the games you're going to be learning from in this guide are from real silver games played solo I also purposely chose Champions and roles that are traditionally thought of as being weak at pushing sidelanes just to prove how powerful this tactic can be on any Champion or role for for example I played some games as ad0 carry in bot Lane since having a support is going to result in me losing Lane in a bunch of games and as an 0 carry I'm going to be underleveled compared to the solo laners when I do head into a side lane also made sure to pick the literal lowest win rate 80 carry on the patch kaisa and I already anticipated some of you would rightly complain that kaisa is still too good at dueling so I also ran games on Caitlyn another extremely low win rate champion who is much weaker in Sid Lane 1 v1s as well as civer who isn't exactly seen as a great Dueler I even played some games as a jungler to prove it can still work if you're not alone laner and some games as a control Mage mid as most players find it impossible to sidel Lane with the lack of Mobility so let's get into it when you push a sid Lane there are a couple of knowledge checks that will occur the first one is simply asking the enemy team if they know to send someone to defend when the enemy team fails this knowledge check it's always beneficial to you yes even if your entire team dies I'll prove it at the start of the sequence our team has 35,600 gold and the enemy has 34,100 essentially our team is ahead 1,500 gold so we push a sideline and instead of r acting to us the enemy team collapses on our teammates the worst possible outcome occurs with our entire team dying now at the end of the sequence our team has 38,400 gold and the enemy has 36,900 wow our team is still ahead, 1500 gold yet there's a key difference in this time we actually gained 1300 gold directly on ourselves out of the 2800 our team gained meanwhile the 2800 gold the enemy gained is spread out amongst their team trir gained 680 Ekko gained 871 corki gained 471 Caitlyn gained gained 545 and Zyra gained 365 what this means is despite the worst case scenario of our entire team getting wiped we still became stronger than every person on the enemy team by the end of the sequence and it's important to understand how gold funneled onto a single player scales due to how items work firstly items get a massive power Spike once you actually complete them so when you funnel gold directly on one person they can get to these item completions faster secondly often the stats items provide actually scale off each other to become even stronger for example Critical Strike scales off attack damage since it's a percentage increase attack speed scales off attack damage and vice versa the more you have of one the more powerful it makes the other ability haste and ability power have a similar interaction for spell casters an easier way of understanding this is just imagining one person with five completed items and Boots versus five players with boots and one completed item each that one player is going to be a raid boss and just wipe the entire enemy team this concept forms the foundation of this macro tactic of pushing side Lanes if the enemy team ever fails to send a Defender we always come out ahead even in the worst case scenario of our teammates dying since we're always going to generate more gold on oursel making us more powerful than any of the other enemies and putting us in a better position to carry I really want to hammer this home because the biggest macro mistake low ELO players make is not understanding how valuable it is when you push a lane and no one defends which causes them to group unnecessarily thinking they have to fight because their teammates are by using this push tactic consistently it will result in three outcomes that let you carry and win games in low ELO one you'll eventually be so farmed that once you do inevitably team fight you can just carry with how ahead and gold you are two you're so strong in the sideline that whenever an enemy tries to defend you you just pick up free kills getting free number advantages or three you'll be so strong in the sideline the enemy stops sending anyone to defend you and so you just straight up end the game also it's not like the worst case scenario happens every time sometimes you get good scenarios like this here mid is our only empty Lane so we start pushing that and no one defends we're able to get two of the towers and a ton of minions and during that time we get a winning one for two trade botside the enemy team then collapses on our Top Lane but that again leaves open mid so we get once again a ton minions a kill on the defender Lux into a wave botside we literally just generated 2,000 gold on ourselves while the enemy only got 3,000 gold total to our team's 5200 gold total basically when you push an empty Lane by yourself you are knowledge checking the enemy team if they know to send a defender in low ELO teams constantly fail this simple knowledge check and no matter what it will always be massively beneficial to you when they do great so by pushing a lane we start with a simple knowledge check of Doo to send a Defender if they get it wrong we always come out ahead however even when they do send a Defender this is a different all a check they have to get right sending a Defender that can actually well defend often lowy low players will fail this simple check too for example here I'm playing Diana jungle I notice a matchup I easily win against Lucian in the sideline so I head there there's really not much to say here this is just Lucian not respecting someone stronger than him is missing on the map while he's overextended I then push aggressively in this case the enemy VI tries to collapse again not respecting the fact they can't actually defend against me 1 V1 and again pushing the enemy sends a weak Defender again Lucian that I can 1 V one so it's an easy punish with a tower dive this will all change right here though despite getting massively fed off all this side laning again I spot Lucian in bot Lane and I'm heading there to push this time he correctly runs away knowing he can't defend and finally they send someone who can actually defend against me their fed Camille and surprise surprise we easily die 1 V one basically every game there will be some matchups you'll win when pushing and some you're going to lose you're going to have to develop the skill to hunt for these favored matchups but there's a simple way to do this if we go back to the first clip as we're leaving base we hit Tab and check the state of ourselves in each enemy Champion you basically just look at two things levels and items we're level 12 and have two completed items along with a needlessly large Rod if we look at the enemy team we're ahead of each of them in levels except for Camille and we're ahead in items on everyone but again Camille who's around even with us this is how we know we should likely win 1 V one against everyone except for Camille we're close to even so that's when it comes down to matchup knowledge and so as we're leaving base what do we see on the map Camille top side this is how we know it's safe to just run it down bot we're confident we'll win every 1 V one so it's an easy kill on Lucian it's the same thing with the vi kill we identifying our threats on the map Camille being topside so we're pushing aggressively hunting for those favorable 1 V ons same with the Lucian Tower dive we saw Camille top that's how we knew it was safe to push aggressively and force the enemy into a knowledge check where they send the wrong Defender yet look at the scoreboard right before we fight Camille we're basically dead even with Camille in terms of levels and items and as we're pushing she's completely missing from the map and yet when we do finally see her I actually choose to fight her despite me clearly losing after so what's going on here well this is basically matchup knowledge and I don't play Diana jungle or Camille to so I don't know how this should play out if we're even Eng gold this late into the game I do know Camille is supposed to be a late game Beast with her q and that in theory she should counter me due to me being more burst Reliant and her being a Bruiser however it's always best to just find out if you truly have never tried the matchup before I highly recommend if you see someone close to you in items on levels you just fight them 1 V one this is called limit testing and how you develop matchup knowledge for the future you basically just int and make a few games harder in the short term to improve and win more games in the long term okay so here's basically what you need to take away first when you push and no one sends a Defender it's always a Win For You Second when you push you hunt for favorable matchups in the S side notice how the tough match up Camille I literally just paed away from and yes that meant my teammates just ined her on repeat that's okay I'm not joking by the way this Camille just feasted on my teammates like over and over and over again but I still ended up winning the game in the end with the macro tactic you're learning you really don't want to make the mistake of sitting on the backf foot trying to play defense against a bad matchup holding their push if I did that I wouldn't have gotten massively ahead by farming Camille's weak teammates putting me in a position to carry and win remember what we taught you first about knowledge checks and the level two Allin knowledge checks will work best when you're the one asking the question when the enemy gets to knowledge check you well even if you get it right you don't get any kind of advantage and don't worry very soon I'll be going over what to do when the enemy sends the right person to defend and you can't kill them for now just know we have two easy punishes off two failed knowledge checks the enemy doesn't defend and the enemy sends too weak of a Defender so next let's talk about the next way the enemy will fail your knowledge check they send up multiple Defenders one of the most common outcomes is something like this here I'm pushing as a Nivea in the S Side Lane the enemy first fails the knowledge check by not sending a Defender no surprise there and then eventually fails later on by sending multiple Defenders you can see despite not being able to get a kill as long as you do your best to waste the maximum amount of the enemy's time as you die your teammates will be able to always have the option to get something somewhere else on the map since they have a big number Advantage there for example here I definitely could have just grouped with my team as we were ahead enough to win a dragon fight but I really wanted to show how powerful this concept can be so I purposely split to force multiple Defenders to kill me to show how by timing it with my team taking Dragon they can just take it for free now don't worry I already know you're thinking that your teammates will not do that we'll just run around like chickens with their heads cut off getting nothing done while you die yes that will happen let me show you why this is still a good thing for you here I'm pushing top side I get a good match up into the enemy Caitlyn that I can kill however the enemy team then decides to send multiple Defenders to make up for that I ended up dying but let's look at what our team decides to do with my pressure the obvious play would be to use the wave mid to take the mid Tower instead AR Garen runs top side and just inss for a kill Lux runs top side to get her steps in and do a whole lot of nothing Sho steals the red from the enemy and Diana heads to farm bods side things aren't looking too good and they're about to get even worse right as we respawn we can see Lux and Diana are feeling charitable as they die for free overextended for pretty much no reason and naturally immediately throw up a surrender so how in the world is this a good thing well often when you push up a lane like this and bait multiple enemies to respond the enemy won't be in a good position to immediately punish you on your death timer because positionally they're just really far off the map since they're basically in their own base for example imagine if I died defending my mid Tower instead well that's incredibly easy for the enemy team to do a wide variety of things off that death timer since they're at the center of the map they could just rotate the baron to try and force it they can continue pushing to take Towers maybe an inhibitor when you're the one pushing it means the multiple Champions the enemy sent will be off the map after you die additionally if you look at the map from the enemy's perspective it's just straight up hard to make the correct call as a team that fast before you respawn let alone in low ELO so often they'll just push out lanes and waste time letting you respawn and get back into that side lane and once again you see the enemy sends multiple Defenders I'm able to escape this time and if we look at our team they're literally losing 4 V3 despite being ahead of numbers and me pulling the strongest members of the enemy team and then unfortunately trade one for one in the split but you can still see how awkward of a spot this puts the enemy it's really hard to have a clean winning fight for them when you're down numbers and your strongest members aren't there they call for Baron but Caitlin's um and half HP the fight took so long or Garen has respawn and heading to defend the enemy corki decides to recall it's just typical low ELO chaos basically when the enemy sends multiple Defenders they can't be too weak or you could just end up One V twoing or getting some sort of highly favorable trade so the only way to defend you is to send someone strong enough to actually beat you or just a ton of their team well ideally you waste their time by either escaping or trading kills both puts them off the map gives your team a big advantage and it's not really about your team getting stuff it effectively just stalls the game since the enemy will struggle to get anything meaningful off your death as they're far off the map this is why sending multiple people fails the knowledge check even if your teammates run around like headless chickens doesn't actually stop you you'll just end up back in the sideline once you respawn forcing them into the same knowledge checks once again and all it takes is that one time for your teammates to literally do anything useful like check out this case I'm literally pulling the entire enemy team and that same Diana and Garen that seemed clueless before just happen to be pushing lanes and so we get two towers and an inhibitor of course they immediately die after for no apparent reason along with their Sho too but again the enemy has no time to take anything off these death timers since we're dying when we're pushed up so back in the S Side Lane we go the enemy mistakenly tries to force Baron not realizing they don't have time and so it's an easy back door finish to actually end the game by pushing and pulling enemies you're basically making the game easy mode for your teammates for example here I start out in mid with my team no need to be grouped here when I have empty side Lanes I can push so off to the Top Lane we go in the meantime our teammate uder dies mid and then Garen shortly after none of this matters once we get our push going though the first knowledge check is failed no Defender is sent that's free minions and Towers second knowledge check is failed they send someone who can't actually defend free kill for us meanwhile now our team is getting three kills mid since Fiora isn't there third knowledge check has failed they send multiple Defenders and were even able to trade one for one now our team is getting a free mid Tower back in the Sid linee We Go Again ignoring that F bonds side we want to be the one knowledge checking not responding to their if we can help it enemy fails the first knowledge check not responding that's free minions and Towers enemy fails the second knowledge check sending multiple to defend that's a free kill for our team mid with the numbers Advantage enemy fails a third knowledge check sending someone to collapse on me that can't even 1 V one me enemy fails a fourth knowledge check sending no one to defend that's a free Tower and the enemy fails a fifth knowledge check in a row sending multiple so I trade one for one meanwhile our team gets a free dragon into a kill on Vigo with their number Advantage now some of you are probably wondering at this point what should they have done well simply send someone who can clear a minion wave from the safety of their Tower Ari could just hold all our spells cast q and clear nearly the entire wave instantly this would prevent me from being able to Tower dive her or get that much damage on the tower also High ELO Aries nearly always take teleport this allows you to hold waves and then still have teleport to react to any RS the enemy would make this already took ignite you can see how this simple macro tactic just exploits so many mistakes low ELO players make I really can't overemphasize just how effective this is in low ELO for example here I mid I see a fight tops side in our jungle I ended up getting collapsed on our job is simple they sent multiple people so we either want to escape or trade one for one in this case I need to escape you can see how low ELO players constantly Tunnel Vision on trying to chase and so that actually lets our team get a temporary number Advantage fight and gets a huge shutdown on Mizer and then notice the enemy is no longer chasing me so back to pushing a lane to try and pull pressure they should just do Baron here then they can reset or try to collapse on me after but again this tactic just abuses low ELO players oxan tunnels on the kill failing the knowledge check of whether he can 1 V one this then baits Teemo to try and kill me which pull him off Baron and now Baron is taking so long it actually sets up a hilarious Baron steal from our Lux into then having our teammates clean up a ton of kills after literally swinging the game completely this is why this macro tactic is so powerful it constantly forces knowledge checks on the opponent setting them up to just shoot themselves in the foot also now's a good time to mention if you want to know the best counter to this kind of macro play style well it's simply having solid macro fundamentals low elow players completely lack it which is what we're abusing and there's really no better way to learn this than our new season 14 macro course it has nearly perfect five-star reviews and just passed over a million views on our website you can check it out with a discount link below great so we've gone through a bunch of great scenarios where things go right but what about when they go wrong it's not like you're always exiting your laning phase with a lead and just immediately start One V oneing opponents so let's cover that what to do when you're either behind or the enemy is just doing a good job sending Defenders that can kill you or actually defend so here I'm leaving base our team is currently behind nearly 4K gold for full transparency my Top Lane is behind 2700 gold my jungler is ahead 700 my mid is behind 600 I'm ahead 100 and my support is behind 1 .2k in other words I'm behind or even with everyone in the game except for a Wukong Jungle which I'm only 200 gold ahead of while being a squishy 8 carry with one item completed I probably can't 1 V one anyone at this point still nothing's going to change off into the empty Sid Lane we go take a look at the map the real scary guys Mizer and oxan are both showing mid cool so we can keep pushing I spot jyn and Wukong at Dragon 2 great we can keep pushing it's important to know their Teo support can definitely 1 V one me at this point but Teo isn't the type of champion to just always be able to engage on me and run me down there's a chance I'd be able to escape it'd be the same if jyn was the one missing also you just have to take some risk when you're this far behind as we covered earlier it's not the end of the world if you end up dying when pushing since it will take any enemies that collapsed on you off the map and great as is typical in low ELO they failed the first knowledge check and didn't send a Defender now here's what's different at this point a lot of threats are missing Mor Kiser oxan and Wukong at the same time my teammates aren't pressuring anything on the map so if I keep pushing and basically just putting a giant Spotlight on myself asking to get collapsed on and I'm too weak to fight anyone that will come so in spots like these you just fall back into a recall so you can spend your gold notice how I'm now much further ahead of Jin teimo and Wukong in Gold just like we taught you earlier when no one responds it's a big win for you here's what's important though off that recall you've now just spent a ton of your gold so you're often even further ahead of enemies than you realize when you get back onto the map since players will often be sitting on a lot of unspent gold this is part of the reason why the first thing we do is group on Mid while we wait for the sidelanes to open up going Mid First Will Keep Us flexible and has a possibility of getting winning fights for example in this game you'll see that I'm half HP and can't push anymore as it's too risky so it's time to recall to spend my gold I then immediately head mid with all my gold spent and notice how by pushing bot it lures someone there so often by the time you get mid they're still pushing that sideline giving you a number advantage in mid lane setting up winning fights for you in this game though despite having a number Advantage mid off that tactic piser is way too Fed so we wouldn't be able to win even with the number Advantage so when you don't get that play mid you want to pay attention to the Lane you originally pushed often in low ELO players will overextend in that lane when they push back with seeing a ton of enemies botside and moris are mid we switch our pick here to auxon with our number Advantage now if you're in this position and don't have a teammate to help collapse and you can't win one V1 it is okay to just pick up the wave often the enemy will roam off the push letting you go back into your own push letting you knowledge check them for a Defender regardless though you'll end up in a spot like this where you're back to pushing an empty Lane you always want to be on the lookout by the way to steal camps in between minion waves as they can act as an in between move while you wait to see if a threat is coming to match you you can see in this case Mizer did so we have to recall now with our gold spent and second item completed we can look for a potential number Advantage fight mid as their strongest member Mizer is pushing back top and this forms the typical macro sequence when you're behind you push a side lane no one defends that gets you back in the game you push a side lane someone defends you can't beat so you recall to spend gold you then group mid and often get a winning fight with a number Advantage if you don't get that number Advantage fight mid you look forward in the sidelanes It's usually the guy who's pushing your wave back and you just repeat this stalling the game and getting yourself ahead you'll become stronger and stronger over time letting you win One V ones you previously lost which then sets up the enemy to fail knowledge checks around setting strong enough Defenders and yes that will even mean sometimes having to give up Baron but again you're funneling a ton of gold on yourself making yourself stronger and stronger until eventually that super fed enemy that you couldn't even look at before you'll be in position to not only 1 V one but even 1 V2 becoming the strongest champion in the game now this sounds great and all let's address the biggest problem you're going to run into in low ELO solo que sometimes your teammates will literally refuse to listen and won't even let you Sid Lane by yourself for example here I'm leaving Lane and again we always default to heading mid as we can then pivot to any place on the map I see Diana go mid Sho is bot this means Top Lane is our open Lane great let's get our side laning going well our Garen has other plans despite bot Lane now being open he is determined to Lane top for absolutely no reason so now I'm stuck splitting Tower gold and minions this is not good you need to rotate off this and just let your teammate go top for now so I head mid but this is really just an in between move I really want to get to the empty Sid Lane bot so I finished pushing this next wave to set up my rotation and off tobot we go oh and now our Diana is teleporting in so we can't go bot either in spots like these I highly recommend trying to farm camps in between waves if you can it will passively put you ahead of other players who are also farming minions at this time you basically just continue to do this until either one the enemy leaves mid openen for example here I'm playing Avea and I even type and ask my bot Lane to swap with me but as to be expected often you're going to be ignored I even spaming they being ganked bot but they still try to defend their Tower and end up dying doesn't matter though in the meantime I know that the enemy failed their knowledge check but not sending a Defender mid so I just get tons of free minions in a tower the second scenario is a sideline finally opens up for you in which case you're going to rotate to it in this game our Garen now decided to Lane mid for whatever reason great we can head top time to Side Lane oh wait now Garen is back in our lane again no point in pushing so we recall looks like we're going to be repeating this until we get a sid Lane open or they leave mid openen however here we see Garen recalling so we just cancel ours and finally we're in our s Side Lane push however we're sitting on a ton of gold while also not having enough for our next item completion you need to be on the lookout for spots like these where you're close to your next big item Spike you can look to push and then Farm camps between waves and overall you just want to play a bit passive as look to farm up your next Spike right we now have exactly enough for our next item so you know what to do recall spend our gold and head on to Mid and what do you know just like we taught you we get an easy number Advantage fight with our huge item Spike and off this we can then transition back into our s Side Lane push which actually transitions to a clip you saw earlier where the enemy failed the knowledge check of Defending we got even further ahead from it basically you saw how literally we had to deal with our teammates not letting us Sid Lane for 3 minutes straight sometimes that's going to happen but don't lose patience or get tilted eventually a s Side Lane will open up you'll still be able to stall the game and get super strong and and be able to carry now there are two mistakes you need to avoid when executing this macro strategy first is often you'll become so strong you'll become overconfident like in this game I got massively far ahead saw a low Health auan alt in next thing you know I'm 1v5 inting throwing the game somehow the enemy doesn't end so I get a second chance and what do I do I don't learn my lesson time to alt in again to the entire enemy team and just straight up int basically despite split pushing literally turning this entire game around for me I randomly decide to start team fighting which isn't always bad in and of itself but it sure is bad if you're just bruised forcing fights like this I made the same mistake in the previous Diana game where I was crushing the game through split pushing then all of a sudden at full build I decided now is my time to group and Force Team fights instead of just continuing to push the sidelane you know the entire strategy that's been winning me the game so far and you can see how even when you're massively ahead and get good fights if your team is just that far behind grouping is not going to work so be careful about getting overconfident and grouping when pushing the sidelane is working great for you especially when the rest of the team is behind the second mistake to avoid has to do with itemization you know in that game where I was finally able to 1 V one Mizer despite him being insanely fed all game well I actually lost that game in the end solely due to an itemization mistake you can see how we're in what looks to be a great base race since I should be able to One V one the Mizer their only Defender instead I just get demolished and no small part to misplays mechanically but my God was this way harder than it should have been due to the items I built this then let the enemy run down mid off my death timer and end the game basically moris are build items to counter me in the 1 V1 specifically aandu and Zen and I'm not doing that it's important to recognize when you're facing a Fed enemy that's going to be matching you in the sidelane and itemized to counter them just to give you an idea of what I could have built instead while phantom dancer should have definitely been a blade of the Rune King this would give me percent Health damage to better counter mizer's Health stacking also giving me a slow to help kite then instead of a shield bow as my final item a ma of Mel mortius would have been far better giving me a similar Shield but providing some much needed magic resistance to counter Mor even Mercurial cimitar would have been better although it no longer removes Mor kiser's ultimate still removes all crowd control while giving you a 50% movement speed boost this would help me kite as well while also giving a good amount of magic resist there's even good Synergy with wits and helping me stack attack speed for my passive procs while giving me magic resist too I mean even building something like Kik Rooker would have been a better choice as it would hard counter morer basically you need to recognize when you're in a game where your team is massively gapped and you won't be team fighting you want to stick to Sid laning identify the main threat on the enemy team and look to itemize to hard counter them also quick bonus tip here if you're in a role like top or mid that takes teleport it makes the strategy even stronger you want to be on the lookout for pushed waves lowy L players will get completely caught off guard by you teleporting in on them into immediately pressuring the tower they'll either fail to send Defenders end up sending weak Defenders you can kill now if you found this guide helpful that I know you'll absolutely love our hyper Improvement service at skillcap we've done a truly massive update for season 14 with brand new courses on macro Wave Control trading settings and hotkeys csing Vision mechanics the list goes on we even just released four multi-chapter massive courses where we teach you how to carry as a midlaner a jungler a top laner and an 0 carry with support on its way and you get to try all of this risk-free since if you don't rank up while actively using skill CA you get your money back no questions asked we can offer this because our service really does work you can unlock all of this through the exclusive discount you can only access through the link below so what are you waiting for click the link in the description below to get the rank you've always wanted this season all right and that will do it for this one we here at skillcapped want to thank you for watching and we'll catch you in the next one
Channel: Skill Capped Challenger LoL Guides
Views: 244,218
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Keywords: league of legends, league of legends guide, lol guides, league of legends tips, league of legends coaching, how to get better at league of legends, skill capped, lol tips, lol tips and tricks, league of legends pro guides, how to improve at league of legends, lol coaching, skill-capped, league of legends season 14, lol s14, lol season 14, lol macro, macro guide, macro guide league of legends, lol macro guide, lol macro tips, lol low elo
Id: V2ntnE0yZcg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 51sec (1551 seconds)
Published: Wed May 15 2024
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