Hidden Spells - Rituals of Complement - D&D

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rituals of compliment are the high magic rituals that involve three to four people these magics are inherently much stronger than the rituals of solitude as you can imagine the way it typically works is each high mage will have a particular role within the casting so for example one of the high mages might decide which affects the spell will take another high mage might figure out the range and radius of the spell and the last mage might decide how much power should flow in the ritual towards the desired effect the idea is that these high magics are so grand that you need multiple high elves taking small roles within the grand ritual so it's not become overwhelmed and die in the process you will of course undoubtedly notice that these spells are quite grander in scope than the rituals of solitude from the last episode and in fact some of these are so legendary within the ranks of non elves that you might actually recognize some of them immediately maybe not by name but by its effects now when you think of elves living on a forest you typically might think of a healthy forest with healthy vibrant animals and they working flawless ecosystem there is no major rotting there is no disease that ravages the forest domain generally speaking elves keep their forest very clean they do this via our my soul the High revival Restoration quote the are Maya soul is a broad-spectrum healing that affects a wide area beyond the ritual site it has a number of effects depending on the casting in the situation's it cures all trees in a half-mile radius of blight it allows weather altering magics to take hold and cancels droughts or floods bestows a cleansing of those same forest areas and it can banish the effects of curses and brought corruption of animals and plant life in a half mile radius and quote this is actually one of the most common high magic rituals that you would see in ancient elvish domains literally a mixture of multiple different healing spells all gathered into one singular high magic and specifically designed for plants and animal the spell was not meant to and could not target humanoids or intelligent life so no elf or fake creature could ever benefit from this if you wanted that form of effect for a person then you would have to cast the ritual of Solitude they Ont Kaffir ritual from the last video in any case the mixture was a combination of remove curses cure diseases healing magic and weather manipulation magic all in one in order to safeguard and heal a forest now in the last video we talked about a ritual called world chi-su that was meant to connect to high mages together so that they could talk to each other telepathically throughout great distances the ritual used to high mages who each individually cast their own version of the ritual of solitude that ritual could be enhanced actually by adding a third member into the equation transforming it into a ritual of complement gattie the travelling path quote after two high mages individually perform a whorl Caixa ritual to allow communication across great distances a third caster maintains this link during the ritual all three unite in this compliment ritual to link the two sides with a gate setting its operating conditions during the ritual visually each high mage is surrounded by a light mist as each performs the right he is joined by a ghostly apparition of the counterpart high mage at the other side the ritual ends when each high mage uses the gate to join the other to close out the ceremony at the first one and then the other gate site and quote the ritual was somewhat complicated as it required the high mages to open gates in the middle of the ceremony and then have them literally travel through it while still performing the ritual and adding the finishing touches on all sides the effect of it though is pretty straightforward the ritual would open a gate that anyone could use to travel from one place to the other just how a normal gait spell would work except that this of course would be permanent typically the elves would assign a form of key to open the gates to us not just let anyone go through this key would often take on the form of a musical tune or something physical like a lock of golden hair quote one-way gates could be created by this Ridge although this becomes a ritual of for high mages one high image performs the standard gate construction while the other three mentally corroborate each other's knowledge of the gates exit point the accent must be a place physically visited by at least three of the high mages in the ritual to allow success and quote now let's get into the good stuff elvish magic items are awesome partially because they are everywhere every early level adventure has had their fail of boots velvet kind or the cloaks of elven kind I'm sure you guys know of the famous brazzers of archery the bracers of protection the cloaks of the manta ray the boots of the north and of course that includes the legendary ones like the moon blades the dragon slaying swords the famous broken ass oath pose I mean these items are everywhere and a everybody knows them much of the mythos of these items is that they were made in bulk in the past in the old ancient past in times when magic was more powerful and now they are relics of a bygone era of magic hegemony well let me tell you how they were created a leash a cell door wireless sacraments of silver een blessing quote this ritual for which many hidden variants exist ties a three-person high magic ritual with the concurrent ritual of priests of the silver een to create magical items and artifacts endemic to the elves this is not a commonly invoked ritual but often is used when creating a number of items for a specific purpose such as cloaks of elven kind for an entire unit of AK firon and quote the normal use for this high magic was to create tons of health related magic items but the magics in town by this ritual are not that specific and in fact could be used for a great many things see what the ritual actually does is it grabs power from the weave and divine magic in the area and moves it towards an object so what they would do is they would have priests summon their gods in order to ask them for their power and then the high mages would grab that power in the air with this ritual and infuse it upon items in order to create those magic weapons the more power that the gods bestowed upon them the stronger the magic weapons remember that when you talk about high magic there really isn't a limit of how much power you can harness with it if the gods wanted to give you a ton of power then you could literally create artifacts or legendary weapons with that power using this ritual theoretically speaking you could still create magic items without the need for the cell doreen but that would kind of go against the whole purpose of the spell high magics are about a celebration of magic and of course of the silver een they are rituals of song and dance rituals of love of magic of elvish kind so doing it without the gods would kind of be like sacrilege in a way for them in any case because there is never a limit to how much power you can grab and use with high magics the actual amount of magic items that you could create was actually defined by mass and not by power any particular Alicia's elder wah healers could create at most amount of magic items equal to a quarter of the weight of the involved high magic casters for example for one hundred and fifty pound elves could enchant up to fifteen ten pound long swords with this magic regardless of the power of the magic in those swords as you can see this is how the elves used to create all those magic items in bulk and why there are so many around nowadays now I know that this is one that some of you more knowledgeable about the Forgotten Realms have been waiting for how to turn into a bale Norn this is the golden chalice of spells the singular thing that most Wizards could ever only dream how can I turn myself into a Ledge without suffering any of the negatives without turning into a pile of bones after a hundred years without needing to consume souls in order to sustain my life without turning evil without creating this aura of horror around me without literally being infused with negative energy well that is what a bel Norn is for a lack of a better description it is a good Lich what if a God made myself immortal just literally made me live forever can that happen see this is the beauty of this the silver een don't really give a blast about what the other gods think if Cora lung started creating his own good lynches nobody's going to complain quite frankly the silver een are probably too powerful to mess with or maybe this is just what happens when the god of the dead in your pantheon is also the consort of the leader of that pantheon but regardless this L Doreen do bless elves with the ability to turn into Lich's but without any of the drawbacks though this is considered to be a great sacrifice and let me go ahead and read the spell first faire act till kiss tribute of one's duty to the people quote this ceremony allows an elf of any age or health to sacrifice his or her life and normal existence in order to better serve the clan or community in a different form this ritual severs the elves ties with the call to our van door but the duty and the powers of this new form prevented the elf from descending into madness now the call is replaced by the duty the form gives him elves can become undead Bellhorn or reverent ones in which their duty is guardianship of things places or people they can also be transformed into tree spirits choice of form our dryads hamadryas say tiers or trillions in which their duty is the guardianship of the trees and to act as advice of Elvin Court and quote this high magic was considered to be a great sacrifice where the elf would no longer ring carnate and lose their connection to our van door however instead they could stay in the mortal realm and guide other elves in their lives because elves understood the immense sacrifice that these elves were making when they chose to undergo this high magic spell and never give this guy's the greatest of honors many believe that it was actually through this spell that the very first dryads were created as we discussed on our what they don't tell you about dryads video now Vale nornes created by this high magic would retain their personality memories and abilities and for the most part it would look just how they looked when they were alive with maybe a few features of their faces that would make them look very old normal Lich's eventually start having their skin rot away I mean they are literally Undead and they've rot away until there are nothing but bone and sometimes after that even their bones actually do end up rotting away leaving only a magical skull that keeps them sentient that's when they turn into demolicious Bale Norns on the other hand don't rot their skin does become tighter and tighter around their bones becoming semi-translucent but for the most part they never become completely disfigured Bale Norns also had no need for phylacteries they would simply just exist in society that were highly respected and honored for their sacrifice now what's interesting is that other shapes used to be possible that being an elf could turn not just into a bell nor nor a tree into a dryad but into other things but those segments of the high magic ritual have been lost quote even at this height of elven civilization a major part of this ritual has been lost in times past elves could also be transformed into weave spirits beings of pure magic who helped maintain methyls and spell fields and guard against abuses in magic hi may just now theorized that the last weave spirits were created during nettles rise the last high mage who knew the casting was slain by an arch wizard well there is no proof somehow I may just wonder if such things as Will O the wisps myths and with shades are not elven we've spirits gone mad or degenerated into corrupt forms due to the damage to the weave with the fall of NARAL and quote n Marne for hidden homeland quote this ritual cloaks an elven homeland in mystery and protects it from outside intrusion and unwanted visitors while less a physical barrier than a mental one the end man for magics convince a person that the route to an elven realm is actually another path that leads away from or around the protected lands end quote this high Magic is described as not a particularly potent spell as its efficacy relies on its subtlety much of the power grabbed on by the weave for this high Magic is actually spent on hiding it in fact it is described that its effect is so strong that even if a person was literally staring at the elven city they would be convinced that they should look elsewhere and unlike a spell like antipathy slash sympathy you wouldn't be able to feel or know that this is happening to you many high mages could actually combine this high magic with a missile in order to teleport anyone who got close to an elven city away but the spell was so unbelievably powerful that the person's being teleported wouldn't even notice it is also interesting that this high magic does have a wizard variant though much like the Starshine ritual from the last episode the wizard version is only accessible for elves of royal blood the main difference between the two versions is that the effects of the wizard version are fairly limited and to be able to summon the spell the entire elvish settlement would have need to participate in the casting via a dance and tell or are corrosion erosion quote by wrapping themselves in an area in the weave and the natural forces that extend from it the gastrous of this ritual DUS centuries of natural weathering forces upon the enclosed ritual area to erode buildings or other unnatural things all that remains after this ritual is new soil consisting of soft loam and quote once again we have a spell that is as elven as the casters themselves it doesn't generally matter what kind of elves you're talking about the one exception of course being the drow it typically elves do not like to impose themselves upon nature the intricacies of their designs are such that they want nature and their buildings to almost perfectly blend with one another this is relatively easy for them to do and the next spell will show you guys how but this can be a problem when their settlements are abandoned which actually happened greatly during their time many wood clients were nomadic in nature so they would constantly abandon their cities and this was especially true when the elves did their grande retreat away from Farren many elf clans feared that when they abandoned their settlements that their leftovers would create a blight upon the land that their leftovers return the forest ugly or worse the monsters and Dragons would use their keeps as layers this spell essentially turned all their buildings roads and constructions into new perfect soil this is the reason why it is so difficult to find elven ruins especially so in this sort coast a water deep is actually built directly on top of the site where a major capital of the elvish Empire used to be and yet there is not a single construction left from that time all of it erased as if by magic the way the spell works is it actually summons high winds mists and rains and light and silt and all of these forces combined are focused on the buildings and constructions and magically the forces corrode and they solve the constructions until there is nothing left the building's made out of wood disintegrate in a single hour and buildings of stone will disintegrate in 6 to 18 hours this spell is the reason why whenever you actually find an ancient elvish ruin it is assumed that the old elves that lived there were massacred by enemies because if they had simply abandoned the place if they had time to leave it then they would have erased it from existence now let's talk about how the elves actually construct their cities which I bet is probably the biggest question by far whenever we think of elven cities especially fantastical cities in the woods we picture these houses made of trees but not normal trees we usually ambition impossibly thick trees all hollowed out in the inside where many houses can fit some trees with bizarre shapes that allow for elven folk to walk on top of we ambition many trees fuse together to form massive constructions of nature that would seem impossible for any other race to create well these trees are created with OSE 11 the forums of unity and age among forests quote this ritual creates the meaning wondrous massive forms of plant life seemingly indigenous to elven realms it allows far more control and manipulation than standard plant control spells the magics are permanent and grant casters the ability to make the works permanent beyond the lifespan of the plants through a petrification ritual end quote I'm just gonna go ahead and read you the whole thing as it is written so that you can get a perfect idea of how this works and what are the limits of this incredible spell quote this ritual alters existing plant material and either petrified set or shapes it into forms envisioned by the caster's one high mage effects the growth and size of the plants one determines the extent of the ritual site in the area of change and a third high mage reshapes and reforms the plant life to the shape desired the maximum effect this spell can generate is the fusion into a single tree of a grove of trees with a cumulative branch span of no more than 1,000 feet in general this spell creates monstrous hollowed or solid trees with trunks of up to 400 feet in diameter this ritual also allows partial fusion of trees allowing the lower trunks to remain separate but fusing the higher branches and trunks into large enclosures such as the homes in myth Draenor effects in forms created by this ritual include impenetrable barriers of thorns and brambles within certain areas of Kerman Theor branches among the treetops strengthened and woven to provide a defensive barrier proof against all but the my ideas of dragon's claws trees with immense hollow chambers for homes or multiple trees sharing a living wood community home high above the forest floor but to fight versions of the same when the trees begin to die or even petrified large mushrooms set in parks for use as seats for the weary and quote this is a huge spell the forms of unity and age among the forests high magic spell is the one reason elven cities look like elven cities and this is the spell that elves used to create cool magical droves in any of the campaign's that you play in in the Forgotten Realms whoo ominous The Vow tangible quote the commandeth ritual creates a tangible solid stone object that both records and makes a promise solid should either party knowingly and willingly break the pledge the object shatters revealing to those who know it is that a solemn oath has been broken and quote this high magic will literally create a stone that symbolizes a promise or an oath created by two people and the stone will be conjured with a symbol on it that represents the vow the symbol and the stone itself are supposed to be incorruptible and unbreakable sort of like an incredibly powerful magic item or a divine statue it won't matter how hard you hit it with a weapon you will not be able to break it the only thing that will break the stone is either a God directly breaking it or the Val being betrayed what's interesting though is the more people the vow a person the bigger the stone will be so for example in ancient times many of the elven kingdoms would make peace deals with each other and used this high magic to cement that deal because the promise of peace was made between entire countries with stone that symbolized that vow was an enormous boulder that would stand in the middle of their main plaza on the other hand if it was merely a promise between just two elves then the stone would be fist-sized the most common usage of this high magic was what they called an Easter call a marriage stone where the husband and wife would each give each other a marriage promise and the stone would symbolize that now I should specify that the high mages casting the spell would obviously not be the ones taking the vow they would merely cast a spell for those making the promise however if the high mages had artistic skill they could actually spend extra time during the casting and could actually create beautiful crafts out of the stone making the tangible bow into murals or beautiful statues and the last ritual of compliment that we have access to is called soil the revival quote this ritual restores an else life health and harmony with the weave this is seen as an acceptance back into the community of elves despite any changes that occurred during the elves life or death and quote this high magic is essentially the most powerful cleansing spell in the world this would be as if you cast greater restoration at something like an eleventh level or something it quite literally manipulates the weave the matrix of the world into reworking you back into your normal state it would remove any unnatural ill or affecting you it would cancel any curse on it of any nature any form of magical effect any form of polymorph or petrification it would regrow through limbs muscles and organs any form of involuntary alignment changes would be reverted and this is how you cure a naturally born Lycan trope this is how you turn a Ledge back into life this is how you turn Strad into a normal person this is how you turn a drow into a normal elf restoring their connection to our van door a drow that goes through this ritual would restore their status among the telc Wazir completely erasing any control wealth would have over the drow though the spell would also eliminate all of the drow powers that he would get for being a drow such as the massive improvement to their dark vision and all of these sorcerers that they obtain innately if their appearance however would stay the same the only thing that this spell would not restore would be anything inflicted directly and personally by a god the recent drought can change back to normal witness spell is because it was the elves that used hime magic to turn them into the drow in the first place it wasn't the gods themselves who did it but that's it for the rituals of complement to the rituals that required three or four members to cast on the next episode we will cover the last of the spells the rituals of the myriad wish as you can imagine are the strongest high magic spells that anyone could cast quite frankly some of these are really scary I did mention that the entirety of the higher more was created by a single ritual of the myriad right I would like to personally thank my patrons borders ricado fan Dania Luna doctor cowbells Kizzy boy Alyssa Russell major fail gaming the great Houdini say Lee OGG Barry mask and 5e magic shop doc feeder Terry Kolb Morgan McCormack Daniel Umar Morgan Johnson sack bowel brat Salazar Raphael cotija rusty rain biotechnology cosh vein and mediocre at best for supporting me on patreon at the $25 level if you would like to support me as well then please please head on over to patreon dot-com slash mr. Rex to support guys thank you so much for watching just one more video to go for the rituals of the myriad and then we're completely done with spells were completely done with elves and we can finally move over to space we're gonna do a couple of videos I'm not sure how many but we'll do a couple on star finder I'm certain us refine your spell jammer and and discover space just what it means to be in space in the Forgotten Realms that's gonna be a lot of fun so look forward to that and I will see you all on the next video bye bye
Channel: MrRhexx
Views: 258,109
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Id: JykHAwah9YM
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Length: 26min 54sec (1614 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 10 2020
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