Hardcore #6 - Season 5 - Escape from Tarkov

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[Music] [Applause] call your toes [Music] all right so we can now hand in the water collector so we need to get workbench done we need one more nut one more nut and then we need two corrugated hoses and a drill one nut two corrugated hoses and a drill let's put it on our list not by one two croc that's the two corrugated hoses we still need the fans don't we all right let's do a quick shopping list all right starting from here we need one screw nut two crochet holes in the drill screws and nails are definitely going to be a priority screws and nails not wages away from that yup three fans why don't we do like this real quick so it's like vents fans by three this one was it's not water collection it's the other one lavatory i already forgot what they needed to drive fuel for on that on that one recently um weapons you recommend for us poor players if you get good at the sks you'll never be poor if you get good at the sks you'll never be poor i don't think we need to worry about this right now but we'll just say five nails five screws and wd-100s five nails five screws wd-100s i don't think we need much for the generator vents level two we need to finish which is the fans i really want to get that one done and then we also need four relays and a lot of wires four relays and lots of wires at seven months am i officially a pastorally salute oh yeah yeah um loom water collector we're not going to be doing anytime soon we should try and get nutrition unlocked which we need really two relays we need to get relays knuckles knuckles blood set just knuckles and blood sets really knuckle blood set all right med station two knackle bloodset what was the other thing i said i needed relays i don't know why instead of these up here so let's just go realize what was the relays for nutrition cool all right that's what we need that's our shopping list um am i am i correct this is our shopping list did i miss anything i think that's evident all right where do you go for shopping chat what do you think of course interchange we're gonna change let's do it let's go to the mall today we don't have any we don't have the uh keys for oh we've got the power station say that one you inspired me to go in on the boat i've been shopping for the for four years how's the fish biting suit um moist i uh was wondering if you ever get annoyed with chat and how you deal with it made streaming a bit frustrating for me much love um firstly sue i'm glad you are oh [ __ ] there's two players [Applause] i uh personally like to say awesome guys you've got a good boat and uh enjoying the fishing the chat annoying me thing i have my i have my coping mechanisms like let's be honest 97 of the time chat's amazing like i have one of the coolest communities on twitch and we have banter and it's just a fun fun day then you get like you get those bad apples to pop in from time to time and you try and you try and um put up with them for a little bit like tour for example and then you just end up modding them just because it's just easier honestly the secret or a good chat is is good moderators but yeah sometimes it gets under your skin and sometimes when it gets really bad you just you just end your stream really i have a secret it's not a secret i've said this multiple times but the way i the way i um handle my my my content creation is if i'm having a bad day or i'm not enjoying the stream i literally look at the time and i'm like all right right now it's 5 14 am at 6 14 a.m i'm ending the stream right and you know how when you're at work in a real job you're like there's one hour left it's so easy because like one hour left i'm just gonna do the last hour and go home you know like it's like the same for me so i'm like oh one hour left and then yeah that's generally how i do it i'm really annoyed that those cars spawned up there why couldn't i spawn up there i could be looting right now instead of down here in the in the bushes and that scrub like a peasant i just watched episode 23 of the raid series and instead of letting an unfortunate mistake put a dampener on it new turned it into something wonderfully charming and entertaining it kind of put a dampener on my day though like when i recorded that and found out there was no audio what do you ever take goggles and sunglasses i've got them on at the moment i just the problem with goggles and sunglasses is they um another successful title yeah i'm not a perfectionist but i take a lot of pride in in what i do and uh and and i'm really oh [ __ ] i really like to do a good job so when you when you make a big blunder like um can you make a big blunder like uh not recording with the audio a little bit upsetting trying to think of how i want to handle this shopping list like which is the priorities really is it a nut or screw that's a screw or oh it's one of the other i think it's a screw what do i turn left i really want to get those fans actually i think my priority is going to be getting the fans that's rise an mdr i think the shadow mask compared to helmets you're literally banking on a ricochet man it's like a probably less than five percent chance of happening someone's been here someone's gone upstairs here did i need any chords i don't think i did i might as well take him hey and then like i can just vendor him the main thing i'm after right now is wires and wires and cpu fans from computers if i get three cpu fans i should really just head towards extract always a pleasure yeah someone's definitely been through here craft wise i need fuel i don't have any fuel yet one by gaming things for two months dude that's the mdr [ __ ] rubbish being right there just get the [ __ ] out of me not son oh [ __ ] it's in here come on i'm stuck in the open here hi guys welcome to my stream without further ado let's crack straight into it um for the longest run geez [Applause] mustache is not going to be happy about this [Laughter] [Applause] boy go for it pest it really at me it is is a good idea for all the time but an editing challenge you could do your analysis over your gameplay while still in a raid he's a bad shot or you're a terrible target um oh as if there's a comment in the container i'll drop it that's the rule sometimes sometimes stuff gets put in their accent i feel like i'm in slow motion six months about how long it's taking to get out of this raid the ashes thanks for six months bro when we're high could be up on youtube i think end of next week to mid next week i want to be i want to be up to at least episode 10 before it goes up on youtube so this is episode 6. i come no pre-med because the only real mess i've got is the probiotals i don't really have like ibuprofen on me in that so i don't really want to lose the profile just on the chance that someone's going to be here probably are amazing like they can get you out of so many trouble spots haven't been able to watch the stream as much lately but still enjoying the raid series and other content you put out less than three glad you're enjoying them dude thank you for the amazing streams i'd like this giant [ __ ] slug right now just i wasn't seven rl oh what a good start of the day what a good start of the day love the 10 meters dash sk hat sk is coming with those head taps is so golden pastely moist pastely moist pastely moist and this exactly is why the opsks is whatever tear that i said it was [Music] moist all right we have a few problems i don't really have room oh this stuff oh we're gonna have to we're going on a vendor spree oh my god kind of wish i kept the uh sks somehow like i just took a little bit longer if if it wasn't so overweight i would have been able to like loot everything properly but i was just like let's get out of here this is this is too much all right so we're gonna have the backpack stacked to make this work some stuff's just gonna have to be sold all the cigarettes can go i can get all the cigarettes in no time so all the cigarettes can go even the crickets could go because i know they're not needed for anything early on hell even though the chonky can go i can get this ashankar in no time to squash they can go these face masks can go these shankar can go there's a there's something i need a double a battery for it's like a bada trade yeah i got i'm gonna add while i'm doing this guys so we're getting that's my photo for the twitch contract all right food what do we need matches for i think we've done did we do what we needed the matches for i could sell the bastion shotguns are really good are really good because you don't need any weapon you don't need any uh rigs to use them hey kkk hang on you're still here how are you not asleep right um all right 214 key can go gds key can go we need a machinery key for a quest i won't want to see see 240 key is actually really good so i can get rid of so there's no harder upgrades it needs so let's get rid of the normal bandage we can get more bandages they can go our matches turn into um actually i want to hold on to matches they turn into painkillers t-plugs we don't need them for anytime soon right now do we i don't believe we need actually we need to make tool kits actually let's do that now can we make any tool kits right now we can oh we need screwdrivers damn it gp coin can go that screwdriver can go we can sell the 50 round mag for the mp5 if i get rid of this ak-74n we're just gonna make sure we save the one we get from bunker we have to keep this ak that's for gunsmith you can craft the ak now really all right the stuff up down here i don't think we need caps right now i need plugs and spark plugs and you're just throwing them out like nothing yeah damn all those times past them cause i didn't know they were part of the quest i need that murder all right gb coinbase vendor less than three i think we already have how many flash drives do we already have one two we'll hold on to another one because we're gonna as soon as we get the first quest done we'll have the second one ready to go as well sorry we can just vendor i kind of want this stuff to be down the bottom all right meds up here put the ammo up here motor goes down the bottom all right one of the things that we need to do is gps's we don't need g phones we need it for a quest later on but we can we'll get them when we need them this one comes down here nick says we can sell for now uh we need that for a craft and then the meds go in here so car battery can go here for a sec med all right so motor we need that we need that all these can go in here we probably don't need that choke for now like we're going to need it later but it's going to be one of those things that will be like when we're up to it we'll worry about it we'll go for a little pliers when we need it all right so these weapon mods i know we need them but they can sit there for now oh we don't need that anymore either all right now my god let's just clean up this top bit again put the shogun on one of the shotguns yeah we do that we don't really need to sell that to therapists we could probably send that any of them to prepper that wants it not none skier are there many badass trades for skier like level two three four because it never used to be a lot of battery trades for skier do i need to get leveled up for the hideout at all i think i do all right let's get some let's just do it to scale probably get rid of that one too all right we need to get for now we'll put this here i don't really have any other spot for it why can't we just find some founding [ __ ] right to layers i want that blackrock but watching your streams makes the rough tack of days better i'm glad dude all right so here here by the end of this we need enough space to put this bag down weird i want to put like that we did it almost we haven't finished it yet but we're close um all right we'll have to just put these mods in here we don't need the monster anymore we could probably hold on to these now i might hold on to the pm now that we've got room cool how much am i on it a 20 m 61 so that we could actually go back to using that mdr uh that can be vended and that can be vended all right we need to unload all this ammo and see where we're at ammo state ammo state um i don't want to take this much ammo in like ideally i just get rid of majority of those bags probably keep that much mags and the rest would just be ammo like this so get rid of all them all this thought would be horrible chat help me do an auto sword if i was to um move this stuff around just a touch cool make sure to save the four to shift grip nah future press stewie problem mate we're so far away from that i'll show you there's some people in chat right now just take the the pistol grips off the guns happy like taking it off this is literally saves one space but i know you guys freak out over this [ __ ] finally if we if i felt like we could get the mp5 done in a relatively decent rate is there a battery trade from peacekeeper level 2 for an mp5sd i don't believe there is so i don't really know how i'm going to get an mp5sd somebody else all right let me think about what i want to do right here um i know what i'm doing that kid this is hardcore yeah mechanic barter level two ah sweet there's an mp5 sd trade from mechanic perfect has been mp5sd [Music] cool let's go magnet cyclone nixel all right sweet mm-hmm there's a lot of shooting it's a press shooting too so so kind of want to go crack house and check for sales so let's get an unknown key under our belt just god does that door start open that one doesn't what if we just went upstairs to look for intel and run off he's in the next room so oh all right quest done odds by the way oh i was just i just want to get the quest done you know what i mean so i don't want to sit around trying to um do anything crazy you know um this goes down here somewhere don't need that key anymore because we can hand in this quest great my in-game name please less than three goodbyes gavin we are limited right now by the fact that we don't have enough reputation points so we need a complete quest to get reputation points which is why i just focused that proper quest for example all right so we could continue doing customs and whilst we have the gear for example we try and get delivered in the past time which is a really frustrating quest and that's probably the best course of action here i'm just trying to think of any other reason why i should do other stuff it's nice it would be to right now just go into like you know putting stuff in the heart out going for the higher upgrades i don't know if anyone has asked yet but are you going to make a chat twitch chat youtube video comment section s to ft list i could could all right i'll be back in a sec run an egg real quick and now it's gonna quickly grab something to eat protect oh this is going to be a long ride [ __ ] uh come on do you think they are gonna shorten the wife cycle this time because bitcoins are so expensive no that won't happen this early in the wipe i won't have any influence over at all i couldn't like honestly say i don't think i've got a splint i don't [ __ ] this door starts shut doesn't it ah bit rude in it if i keep popping prank kills it's gonna destroy my hydration i'm just gonna do this i really don't want to but i feel like my not pro poodle not using the pro but i'm i'm risking just dying because i just trying to be too conservative [ __ ] i saw him i just let go love you dad come on sure there's a layer or two here knuckles grenade so i had the worst light with salivas has to be a scav hope the reason why i'm taking that what's on the outside of this is um because i want the uh it's a little rag man oh my god we finally got one already got the croutons cars but i need them i need the mre bestily [Applause] so come on search it check for intel hmm i have not been so stressed this game's this is why hardcore is so good but so bad at the same time hardcore gives me the feelings that um when i first started playing tarkov where it's like everything counts like you know don't use too much ammunition i can't afford to waste it and it's like i need this quest item if i die it's gonna be really frustrating to try and do it again like it's just constant odds by the way number 14 oh nearly it will be after handing the quest oh no it's gonna be really frustrating because i can't put the backpacks inside here all right so i'm just gonna strap selling that i'll be selling that um yes you didn't check the measuring tape spawn on the other side of the rope it has really helped learn this game all right dude it's gonna hand this straight in we've got plenty of meds at the moment and two squares there's a lot we need two squares all right what am i gonna do about this [ __ ] we can always get horses later we've already got a fair few chords we need the knuckles and the blood sets we can render that we don't need these right now thermometers we don't need gunpowders we do need both more things we need painkillers are handy we can sell this painkiller cms ki can go there for the next raid another morphine down here that should be for morphine now i think syringe we're gonna need i'm 62. cool so that's empty now to make this work it's actually going to be kind of a little bit whack we knew we got the money spent right so i gotta do hmm so i have to do that then i have to do this and that goes in there and these go back up here and then this goes back to here cool now that these can go here we unload that we put that there we hand in the ski quest what's on that flash drive look at all this room for activities um cool we'll accept the we'll get the quest rewards after after the next ride who else boys keys anyone hope it does i've already done this point this is my usb by the way so take that cool at time chat you're gonna have my photo for the twitch contract of course like a pre-meeting moist [Music] isn't beat me in the head then i would have i would have honestly been really really really really really mad like i'm talking end stream had just for you oh i thought it was i that gun sounds so much like a uh so much like an emotion doesn't it done job done honestly even more dangerous than moses yeah clean hits the leg you're absolutely destroyed slade dress thanks to the primate man man 8900 thanks for two months events what was the reference that's not hearthstone that's um warcraft 3. any tips on a good way to figure out where you are on a map as soon as this morning just look for prominent features soon as like my idea was as soon as i get a good loadout to try and capitalize on as many quests i can so that's what i'm doing right now [Music] oh we get fuel for completing this one too that could be handy yeah um about that i i bet you there's some people there like why doesn't he just sell the sks's and shotguns like these guns are like saviors in hardcore they literally carry you when you die you need them i actually do have a bit of ammo for this now hey hey is it worth holding on to though probably what's all that ammo uh oh we should have a little bit of space now um i don't like these ones so they can go hmm a backpack has to go as well moist they're waiting for you gordon in the test chamber say what now that's half-life in it we are very full what do you got mate [ __ ] me how long do we have i want to get that key because if we lost that key that'd be really annoying how long do we have two days all right what task would i like to work on now i feel like we need to do one loot run for the fact that we need to get even though we've got all this gear it'd be good to get a loot run just to get some of the um barter trade items done you know what i mean like get uh like we literally need one more fan and we get rid of a heap of barbed trade items from game load like one uh oh that's two actually two cpu fans didn't we get a second one out no actually that was the first one out so like two cpu fans and we got you know all that space extra thought insurance isn't allowed where have i ensured anything two hoses in a drill the stuff you got back that was quest rewards oh here's the the d fuel and under matches all right um we don't have the keys to this do this one so that's not really going to be useful all right i know where i'm going like if you get killer he's full gear plus a labs key card you've made a million rubles and if the loadout costs you maybe 60k 70k why do they always make it so you're facing the the uh the band stuff subliminal messages walk forward so i played a little bit of rest last night and i have to say i was such a god with the with the bow oh my god it was insane i put on so many epic shots it wasn't me playing i was watching the video obviously because i pull off the shots like that [Applause] i'm going to take these but literally i'm just going to take them to vendor because that's what they're working to me at the moment i don't need any more motors than that i thought there's easy money it's worth like ten thousand rubles to me bro it's [ __ ] trash like literally it means nothing to me to do that right now i really shouldn't just be running along the open road a lot of newbies thanks to three months in advance someone did a six-month sub in advance as well before sorry sorry i missed that i do apologize thank you so much for all the support guys i sometimes miss some subs please don't take it personally it's just very uh focused sometimes so [Music] hmm what's the import there you know augmented starts the poison effect really there's intoxication intoxication that's cool take the four wheeler someone shooting in the background oh my god i got excited for a second breakfast this is the t3 sub for 14 months man and i need to rewatch my uh i need to rewatch my hidden stash video because there's so many hidden statues i've probably just ran past was the trooper there i thought i thought i looked at it and it wasn't there [Music] hmm it was there okay if i missed it it was because it's for a reason maybe some other guy's coming into the raider needs it more than me [Applause] i think i might get rid of this three kilo no realize that the one i need oh my god loving the raid series less than three glad you're enjoying it man ft gun you may not st come on just give us the quest on for jager thank you [Applause] that there makes me want to extract now [Applause] no seriousness watching your road series inspired me to buy a standard account and play solo to improve awesome dude if manpo it says three months dude upon frizzle gave me lsd thanks to the brawn are you too clean thanks for the t1 imagine one day if they let you go up there how cool that would be they call the map the mountains convey convoy for the quest all right all right if i didn't have the quest i wouldn't bother hi guys welcome to my stream and without further ado let's crack straight into it thanks so much dude it's over here right on that road over there guys you haven't checked out quattro race make sure you go again before one of the best lamp slayers out there really entertaining to watch very skillful have you been well mate well he wrecks on every map but you know what i mean guys you know what i mean well this isn't hardcore on youtube of course yeah just keep running just keep running just keep running that's the third gas analyzer yeah we still need one soleil at least we know when we find once delay we complete three quests we've already got the morphine too so it's fine once the layla hand in three quests go to room 206 and in two more quests because we've got the morphine for the one after so not really a lot to do for therapists once we get that's the label we've got already five quests done which should give us enough rep to get level two comfortably so thanks for the uh parking the subs i'm still regening so so i think there's another hidden station along the waters that just before the bridge i remember right where is it you're going past it something we've actually noticed so far is um with interchanges we've found actually some good loadouts on any change but even just scavenging around killer i'm not doing a scave run but going there like after the the main bulk of the fighting's done we could probably do like a pistol run in there and just hide wait for uh wait for the fighting to go down in the middle and then clean up whatever's left you don't need gear though you need space it's true it's true evens evens where how are you going to put all that a lot of it i'm going to vendor a lot of it i'm just going to vendor i'll probably sell some more uh ammo though some of the ammo is a little bit not common for me to use why not craft this delay one you must be new here why can't i sell that i really not sell that hmm we're not gonna paint only one day cool um all right so that we need for this just hopefully it's freed up a few spots we need the light bulb we need to put the gas analyzer somewhere all right we need the mre and the water is it it is mre for the quest right was it this cruz it's the escrows all right maybe just [ __ ] this off for now then all right syringes is what we need for the quest so we've got a few syringes and what for the water h2o2 is cool what um how far to jager level 2 it's a bit isn't it i kind of want to hold on to them but i don't think it's going to happen stash update grade feels close we're still a million rubles away and a lot of items matches we use now do we want to keep this ak-104 bp in it we're keeping the bpm that's for sure i think we get rid of the ak we'll get rid of that bp or bt better for an ak in the 545 i'd use bt who takes the um he takes the he round just keep up i want to be good at this game i like it a lot but i'm just not wide in any way that it works for me i suck at flick shooting i suck at movement tracking i usually i am easily jump scared when shot at i can't even notice movement the only thing i'm good at is patience i play i typically play 4x games sorry i don't know what 4x games means tried upgrading monitor tried upgrading headphones still no results just can't get anything working entitled have you tried watching the raid series and just try and just mimic what i do just literally copy exactly what i do save games because i know a lot of people were struggling at tarkov and then they they started watching the races and literally copying what i do so like all right in the first episode i do go and do this quest all right they try and do that question they copy what i do um what do we need for another toolkit a lot explore expand exploit exterminate fair all right so the question is which quest now which quest do i want to do now oh we've got to do the hand in the convoy so i could go back to woods and just try and finish up saliwa do the screws and the waters or i go factory and do the first placement well i've got the gear or customs and then try and go to dorms what storm what do i need on customs pp depot as well isn't it i think ppw gives fuel hmm there's anybody trades i can do not doing that one um no thanks crazy band i'm not gonna do that that's not a good idea guys i know where else the latest ones are you don't need to start telling me each individual med spawn in the game i've checked at least and i'm not even kidding i've checked probably 15 medical supply crates which have like the most amount of med spawns inside them out of any med spawn and i've only found two i haven't died with one in my possession yet that's been found in raid now i've jinxed it it's gonna happen all right next next ride let's do it um [Music] you
Channel: Pestily
Views: 504,244
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Escape from tarkov, Escape, From, Tarkov, eft, guide, pestily, thisispestily, pestilys, wipe, wipes, full play through series, playthrough, play through, walkthrough, hideout, hide out, inventory, teach, teaching, raid, raids, commentary, run-through, runthrough, explanation, explain, letsplay, lets-play, beginners guide, gameplay, 0.12, .12, review, .12.6, 0.12.6, twitch
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 111min 33sec (6693 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 21 2021
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