How I killed in front of 2 people and still WON

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wait i'm a regular imposter after we turned on like three special roles i'm a regular imposter half of the people in the game can kill now so i gotta watch out you know the question is do we kill abe or do we kill edison what is up guys it's guy kuno here rules someone else out wait i'm a regular imposter how is this even possible after we turned on like three special roles i'm a regular imposter i'm fast as fudge boy oh my god i can see everyone's footprints unbelievable we gotta hide where's you taking me look i don't know what's happening but there's a sheriff there's a glitch two imposters half of the people in the game can kill now so i gotta watch out you know i really gotta watch out stay away stay away stay away stay away blue and purple why's boy here oh god i just got to start killing that random you know that's that's what you got to do as an imposter it's like you know it's there i can't get close to people well fixing the lights eh well the door still opened interesting i can't kill edison first can i oh oh no boy boy oh that's up wait what happened what is what you see something open the door okay i turn on the lights and boy was behind me i come back out boy's dead what is this guys guys i have i have the most he said the lights right in here oh what do you got it's june so i was with leslie wendy and i think edison joined us right and then i was like okay no one is dead yet so i was like okay the imposter has to be one of those stacks but then i went to the left right from vitals and then i see myself what and i was like in such a momentary shock that i forgot to kill i'm the sheriff right oh june june is the sheriff the sheriff yeah i'm the sheriff there was another guy it was like spider-man like spider-man oh the spider-man meme yeah i know that one the meme yeah so according to your story it can't be me or wendy right because we are to your right or h-tune he sounds like he's telling the truth so it could have been me because i was off for me or me or me and john found the body so it's not hello yeah it definitely could have been me i was off on my own me and janet are chillin we're chillin yeah i was alone when i say like outside of the lights patrick starr is like cut in half above like the switch wait how can you tell it's abe hey say asian real quick for me it's him wait wait no it could have been me what about me hello all right wait is it actually the execution h june june no you vote me no i can't be i'm never doing tax again in this game oh my god all right i'm skipping i'm skipping i'm skipping i've already voted i already voted though well i'm skipping i'm voting for the imposter same i'm just gonna skip oh my god oh my god you guys killed him you guys [Music] oh look i'm the imposter i'm supposed to do that finance um h june don't do it don't do it h-tune i had to he was the sheriff he was the sheriff i had no choice it was the sheriff oh god i can't see my acting's pretty good here he was the sheriff guys he knew he knew he was looking at me with that look when he's about to kill someone what the oh my god huh what what what wait i just saw john what happened okay where where was that leslie for sure as well wait one of them wait why how do you know what you just top what's happening reactor i'm literally not there wait wait wait wait wait wait reaction i'm with wendy yeah me wendy and leslie are together they go up there no okay wait what's happening edison is morphed as leslie and killed in front of us i think it's janet too she's throwing out accusations like they're french yeah we see john come up and then we see someone morphed his lesbian come up potentially and then killed john in front of us leslie le it is leslie that went up though no no i'm not sure [Music] wait guys okay look look two two imposters two imposters accusing one person on six that's awfully convenient i think wendy took my dna we were together top left i think she took you and went up and it is it's not me you're crazy wendy i i think it's wendy or janet it's either wendy or janet for me it's got to be wendy or janet wait it's actually not 2017 i think it's wendy or janet okay if you think it's wendy i'm willing to vote for wendy but it's why would she kill right in front of us it's gotta be wendy or janet eileen it's wendy it's wendy wendy vote for wendy wendy why would she kill in front of people that's crazy it had to be it had to be wendy we got it we got it guys no no trust me we got it right we're going to win we're going to win good good we're going to win aren't we leslie aren't we leslie we're going to win aren't we all right just don't kill me kill him no oh no um ray run ray run uh i'm running guys i'm running run edison run ron edison i'm running i'm running run edison run run run [Music] [Music] um all right turn invisible wait what the hell i learned a new trick you just accuse people randomly and then see how they react to the stress and sometimes you can learn something so you might have thought haha cycuno's trolling he's just accusing people nope i'm gathering information by falsely accusing them to see how they react may kill someone and go invisible i'm just going to test it out well who do we go for what the i'm like his like um little pet you know how like this this one and then you have the pet if i had a pet that'd be amazing because it'd be like pet pet pet oh time lord there's no way you saw that's like there's no way you saw there's some leslie no stuff going on here yeah wait who rewinded when no one was dead so someone rewinded after someone died i think was wendy dead cause like i walked in on a body wait did someone get revived oh wait i got revived oh who was it yeah oh no um i forgot oh no one thing um i'm a genius it looks so legit because i'm using the chat box um june cyan yo i had queen i don't know what's going on i will say i saw abe you know what to do abe h i saw you both with wendy um wait did time lord i was not paying attention um okay so i was at this node with abe and i was like you know look at the look at the look at the secret oh yeah the secret the secret the sacred text the sacred logs the text i feel like it's cyan or june right now it's not it's not a soon it's not h june it's not h2 you know i said in my head june science june read the sacred text you know who it is it's like you know i am looking at the sacred text okay okay good are we voting or lock it in lock it in h tune um oh my god you guys are crazy jesus oh my gosh like last time are you guys oh what is that all right you know what we have to do right we gotta kill cyan i actually don't know what's happening here but let's just stand here awkwardly we gotta take this into our own hands guys oh hey cyan wait edison hey it's june wait edison okay listen listen i know what that wait why would i report a body that just happened in front of me that's like technically wait what happened was there a lover because wait was cyan and h lovers because h student's body just plopped over in front of me oh what happened that would make sense i saw edison and june together and i left them and then cyan is dead and you're dead that's true so you're telling me that just i just saw it diane died and edison happened to be right next to yes well ray and i were circling him because i don't think edison would kill you yeah probably not so yeah that would be crazy to me right like or i'm on another level like two levels three levels above you you know no so um so it's probably like there's a glitch in this right yeah oh yeah there is a glitch in this too that's true boy you're being really quiet over there you good buddy wait i'm asking questions i'm doing my deductions yeah that's true i'm always laughing man i'm just having fun i'm having a good time with my friends before i die i'm just gonna say i think in a very blurry memory when i was brought back to life i think it was boy who killed me but i was honestly not looking at the game so wait this actually couldn't be promised i was on the other side of the map on that kill i don't i'm just gonna skip at seven night it sounds like unless someone saw cyan it sounds like we got nothing right wait cyan walked in you said she said she walked into you andy on the time you died no i didn't say no no no no cyan said that well wendy jay i don't know i died i was brought back to like first round who voted for ray i think it's april i did abe what do you know abe what do you know ain't nobody ain't nothing i know and you know i do let's go get wendy she seems suss where's wendy and there she is and there she is let's hide by these rocks here i'm gonna kill someone like um here we go there's no way they see me there's no way what that is so oh my god i just killed who was that boy almost happened so i'm sitting there at the uh what is this gasoline area i'm just spamming kill kill kill kill right just in case because who would come into the gasoline if they're uh-huh i kill her i i opened the door i got locked on me i walked out and joe's just standing there and i killed him immediately in the dark or okay well there's someone else who died this round when they died oh that's true wendy died but i reported on five as well why would i do that anyway i i killed straight so we either believe him or i got the coolest roll man i have the speedy sheriff i get to run around that's actually sick that's such a good combination i get to run around people and freaking just to make sure i don't die all right all right babe what are we thinking here i'm dead oh well if we believe him i guess we can just skip i mean you could skip but i'm telling you i killed boyd or the who can i kill glitches um oh i can kill glitches so there might be two imposters still oh that's true that's a good point wait eva's trying to push me off oh oh that's true he is two people died this round right so we don't know if racy is actually sheriff or not that's exactly yeah i was gonna say if he's telling he might not be telling the truth but babe babe just tell me who to vote i don't know i'm actually the sheriff though like 100 but i can i don't know okay well we either believe rey or we uh i mean you're sounding like an instigator right now i kind of believe wait how's that instigating i'm just saying the situation you would be to kill ray but i would not be the same it's not me but i feel like i probably most likely killed a glitch but voice sounded like he was the imposter he started laughing when i accused him so i'm gonna start here what do you guys think yeah cause are you crazy i killed one for sure i'm confident i killed one uh what okay no i i skipped two just because he sounds like he's telling the truth uh but how do you know if you didn't get the glitch i think we should probably should have so the game could be done um all right let's go over here so i'm not sure what role abe is but he does know ray probably doesn't want to kill me right now because i was the only one who backed him up well i'm thinking hmm what do we how do we play this abe seems like he's something out of the ordinary i would say um the only problem is so i want to kill ray because he's pr he's the sheriff for sure yeah i feel like it's cycling edison john together abe is alone it's gotta be cycuno i don't know what abe is edison hmm i don't know who to kill this is a tough one obviously killing ray would make sense but i think he'll he'll probably trust me a little since i backed him up but oh it is oh it's like you know damn okay i have no choice i have no choice what well oh god oh my god just me and my babe what's happening i saw the report button actually i was right outside of uh electrical i think yeah bodies are right outside of the electrical yep i didn't see john though he must have been coming in from the other side uh what did you see um well i'm currently not there so i didn't see anything okay editing dots i'm in weapons so i got no clue i was with john for most of the round though until the very end hmm oh you think this is a self report huh no i don't know no that's a possibility i'm gonna pull a quick one on you like that oh maybe well i okay i walked up and i saw the report button for a second and then john reported oh so it wasn't there john killed him and then he saw me running up maybe and then i could have i doubt it he sounds jesterly i don't know guys is there a way we could all just win together like hold hands or something oh no i guess we could skip because this proves that one of the imposters must be gone right otherwise the game would be over well could have been an imposter or sheriff going to kill them oh my god i'm not sure i don't even know anymore okay i think we can safely skip right if we're not john's up to something here so i think i know exactly what i have to do i think john abe definitely seemed to be doing something weird either way um the question is do we kill abe or do we kill edison there's abe there's john he's gotta just kill edison um what oh god all right look guys i'm just going to tell you the truth i'm the imposter i killed right in front of you guys let's end it yup i voted myself i can't believe i misclicked like that what a terrible mistake edison i'm sorry hello abe john hello what's happening hey hey why are you saying my name john yeah abe why are you saying his name it's me vote for me abe what are you doing abe hey i can hear you no i can hear you john i don't know what's happening [Music] what hello abe okay so the reason i admitted to it is because i know that one of them must not be they aren't both i'd be shocked if they were both crewmates i can't say your name anymore which is why i'm willing to take the gamble what happened jesus abe what are you doing are you just sir who would skip on three what kind of maniac would skip on three i'm just kidding this game's over unless one of them's like a sheriff or a glitch or something what you called the lights what are you crazy um oh spam kill spam kill spam kill all right [Music] i figured at least one of you guys was not a right you couldn't both be regular crewmates based on the way you were acting so uh jester yeah i figured one of you guys was the jester that's why i randomly admitted to it right after and that's also why abe accused john to try and john john had no way to win there huh yep pretty much that's why i admitted to it right when i did it i just needed the who murdered me who i had no choice ray you were too dangerous you were too dangerous drink the last cup of coffee with a smile
Channel: Sykkuno
Views: 413,677
Rating: 4.9834347 out of 5
Id: RVds1v0VGjE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 47sec (1187 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 14 2021
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