That 90's Show is utterly bizarre...

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okay so to start off I never watched That 70s Show it was like a huge show when I was like in middle school or so but like I've only seen maybe two or three episodes in my entire life but all the same here we are at the end of all things where every piece of media is getting a reboot or a sequel or a re whatevering and the most recent iteration of operation squeeze as much money out of these Millennials as we possibly can even though most of them barely have anything anyway is the direct sequel to That 70s Show called that 90s show and by direct sequel I mean a very direct sequel [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh yeah so as you can probably already guessed the main stick of the whole show is actually just getting to see all the old cast members back together again and as with every belated sequel we get to play a rousing game of guess who's into scienceology now but before that really quick this video is brought to you by surfsharkvpn surfsharkvpn is an app and browser extension that lets 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older which is like just how weird empty nest parents get they're like fraggles they just randomly show up out of nowhere they're just like hey son how's it going just thought I'd stop right in for no particular reason hey son look I found your own Nintendo in the Attic guess what I brought over all your old yearbooks you can relive the worst time of your entire life you know I was just in the neighborhood mom you live like six hours away anyway so the setting of the show is that it's Fourth of July weekend of Eric and Donna have brought their daughter all the way from Chicago to visit Eric's parents in Wisconsin hey Grandma hey Grandpa Leia my grand baby hey kiddo oh and congratulations those bugs are blooming yours look good too I hear you got your mom's jump shot and your dad's last name so really the show's just kind of what like Disney Channel was trying to do with Girl Meets World in fact now that thing about it the show is actually just literally like a slightly edgier Girl Meets World it's the whole thing where like they try to bait you in with the old cast and try to sneak the new cast in there and hope that you somehow care check it out we got Corey Topanga Minkus Mr Feeney and a whole bunch of really annoying kids like the show is literally just that but with red and kitty and Jackie and Ashton Kutcher's insanely chiseled jawline what the heck is this what do you think you are just coming in here and Swinging that thing around but then like I said they're trying to sneak in the new kids and just like hope that you care hello what are you doing creeper just standing outside your window and watching you sing and wondering what it would be like to be you you want to hear a cool boot like I got in Chicago oh I'm listening the bootiest of legs yeah when I said this is like Girl Meets World this is kind of what I meant like interpret this how you will but the show feels like it was made by Disney Channel just like the way people talk the lines they say just like the way the show feels so this was your mom's old room and you're dazzling next door I bet they boned in here all the time sometimes late at night when everything's quiet I can still hear the I just like like you see what I mean damn it Gwen turn that crap down I'm trying to shave oh by the way sorry yeah this is Gwen now Gwen lives in Donna's old house hence why Leia saw her through the window and so forth so throughout this episode as you can imagine we get to meet all the other new kids in the neighborhood that are totally definitely not just carbon copies of the old cast who already had carbon copies of themselves back in the old show but hey sure whatever why are we still talking let's tap that keg and get stupid Hey new girl hey boy man I don't really know how the whole puberty thing is going for you probably great just like why is this so painful to watch now to be fair okay whenever you see bad acting you have to remember that what you see is a culmination of like the writer director actor and editor all making the scene I like the lines aren't even that funny anyway but it's made worse when it feels like a high school play where like half the cast is understudies like you can definitely feel a difference in watching the young cast members versus like the old guard Eric the hair thing it's still a little weird mom you know the worst part is I should be treasuring this time with Leia instead I mean can't wait for it to end oh sweetie it ends when you die Leia Tatooine Foreman no oh boy oh wait right no because this is 1995 yeah Star Wars is still good cherish these moments Eric you only got like four years left before it all starts to go downhill and then before you know it it just ends up like the dead speak somehow the emperor has returned or whatever but okay anyway the main conflict here is that Eric is a big old nerd and he wants his daughter to also do nerdy stuff but would you believe his daughter Leia is in the like sports Houston do you read me over [Laughter] permission Grant but you didn't say over Mom okay Leia those are some baskets I need you to see your dad get any nerdier like this right here okay like like my biggest fear is that I have kids like ever but my second biggest fear is that if I do they'd end up being like come on dude I just want to throw the football around no son of mine's gonna play sports now we're gonna sit here and work our way through this entire Sailor Moon Blu-ray set so when Leia meets Gwen and the other Planeteers they do this whole thing where they're trying to get like a tap for a beer keg or whatever Leia you should buy the top and plus your eyes are crazy pretty which won't really help get the tap but it's something I noticed hey girl and Leia realizes that friendship is cool and so now she wants to stay there for the summer and hang out with all her cool new bad kid friends where have you been oh my God is that beer yeah and I had a great time and I don't want it to end I want to stay in Point Place for the summer I honestly I don't even know anymore so no you know what you can forget it I knew you were gonna be like this I'm not getting in that car tomorrow and you can't make me well you're getting in that car and so Eric and Donna have a little heart to heart in the old driveway like they used to you know where Eric's like am I a bad father and Don is like well yeah kinda but if Leia stays here your parents can watch her she'll be fine ah Donna do you remember like half the stuff we did literally right here when we were like 16. it's kind of like whenever I talk to my brothers who have kids now and they're throwing around words like screen time and age-appropriate content like what the heck happened to you we all played Silent Hill 2 when we were like 12 and stayed up till three in the morning every weekend watching unedited anime via just tapes okay I'm like look at me I'm only moderately brain damaged but anyway so in the end Eric decides to allow his daughter to stay for the summer with his parents so she can hang out with her friends and do all the kinds of stuff her dad did back in the 70s and a few magazines that I don't think he wanted me to see but I got rid of them they were all redheads he sure has a tie you guys have fun no way your grandma just hooked us up you know whatever may be in this mysterious bag is at least like 20 years old right so I'm like I don't know man best case scenario nothing happens worst case you get botulism in case I don't think this is a good idea now like I said I have no Nostalgia For That 70s Show but I wanted to go back and check out to see if maybe I'm just being too harsh on that 90s show right because like watching the first episode here like I said it's on par with some of the worst Disney Channel shows I've seen and believe you me okay I've seen a lot okay someone please help me so how does the pilot for That 70s Show compare to that 90s show Eric it is time why don't you do it it's your house listen to them up there the party has reached critical mass in 10 minutes there will be no more beer opportunities my dad catches me copping beers he'll kill me I'm willing to take that risk oh yeah hide or whatever his name was right I wonder why he's not in the 90s show sequel oh oh oh never mind so Eric is tasked with getting some cold Burrs from their parents party upstairs and he gets like wrapped up talking to his dad about like Dad stuff red a Toyota yeah it's mine I tell you the last time I was that close to a Japanese machine it was shooting at me a little rust in the driveway before I traded in honey it is resting in the driveway like already right here just in these few lines like you could already tell that the writing and acting is much snappier and it flows way better it's also just funnier in general at least I think so I mean at the very least it does not feel like Disney Channel [Music] check it out [Music] I see that every day so Eric ends up getting his dad's old car and they use it to go to a concert that they've been so excited to go to but Eric's dad told them not to take the car out of town so does he listen to his dad or does he do what his friends want well I guess that's that we're not going Eric do you want to go he said no trips out of town it's your car do you want to go but he's God I think God would want us to go to Milwaukee no no I'll tell you right now God does not want anyone to go to Milwaukee okay I mean even God from the Old Testament is like nah that's too messed up even for me man so like in watching both of these shows here like the parallels they're doing between the old cast and the new one becomes very obvious like the dumb hot guy the rebellious Spitfire girl the flamboyant guy the nerdy main character who just wants to fit in you know it's like the new cast has everything it needs on paper okay but like with a lot of these reboot sequel reimagining whatever it's like the chemistry is just not there you know like in the new show they don't feel like friends hanging out they just kind of feel like kids reading their lines as someone who's never seen either of these shows okay just watching both pilot episodes together I would rather go back and watch the 70s one to be honest I always feel like this when I watch a lot of these remake sequel things but like who is this for exactly you know like with this show in Girl Meets World for example the main draw is that the old cast is back sort of and so the fans of the original show should watch it but then they make the new show in a way that they think will appeal to like a younger new audience who has little frame of reference for why they should care I think also the fact that it's a three camera laugh track sitcom just kind of makes it feel weird you know like I mean this is just something we don't do anymore and it's just kind of corny now but I mean hey if you're a huge fan of the original That 70s Show or you've always dreamed of having drug references in a Disney Channel sitcom then maybe you'll get more out of it than I did anyway thanks for watching everybody hope you enjoyed the video if you did don't forget to subscribe don't forget to ring that Bell leave a like leave a comment all that stuff send me an email at alexmeyer's contact and let me know what movies or TV shows you think I should check out next and about votes everybody have a great day and I'll see you all next time
Channel: Alex Meyers
Views: 1,086,434
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: alex meyers, alex myers, alex mayers, that 90s show, that 70s show, netflix
Id: zicdnmTMk_k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 53sec (713 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 24 2023
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