Power Rangers Once and Always is utterly bizarre...

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I don't know if y'all have noticed or not but no one has any new ideas anymore Harry Potter TV show Twilight TV show Fast and Furious 11. are you freaking kidding me right now but you know what's been on no one's mind for like 20 years Power Rangers but hey they brought back Sharkboy Lava Girl for we can be heroes and they're making a new Spy Kids movie but like who's been waiting for a Power Rangers season 1 update you know what I'm saying well Netflix is sure banking on this soft reboot here with Mighty Morphin Power Rangers colon once and always but I'll admit I was a little bit curious okay I wanted to check it out so come along fellow depressed Millennials let's take a walk but before that really quick this video is brought to you by rage Shadow Legends now obviously you all know what raid is right it's a really pretty RPG for smartphones and PC lets you explore millions of champion combinations and strategies as you fight raid bosses dungeon runs do campaign battles there's a PVP Arena there's a whole bunch of stuff you can do in Red okay now one thing raid wants me to do today is tell you which four of their Champions I would like to have dinner with now the easy answer is uh any of these guys because like you know they ain't eating nothing okay more for me you know what I'm saying or I guess probably I'd go with like uh Venus Madame Ceres luria and corpse collector mainly because I uh I have a very particular set of interests but that's just me the beauty of this game that you can mix and match your own party of any of these champions in any way you want also get this in April rain is going on a dragon egg hunt just download Rage Shadow Legends using the link below copy your in-game player ID and then head over to egg hunt.playerium.com from April 14th to May 15th enter your player ID and then Journey Through The Flaming portal because you know there's always one of those and embark on this really cool AR Adventure you can scour the Dragon's Lair using your phone and if you happen to find an egg you're going to be entered in for a chance to win some really cool in-game items and even real life prizes ranging from a legendary raid Champion to Amazon gift cards with a total value of twenty thousand dollars now this event is for new players but existing raid players can also get some cool stuff as well okay you just go to egg hunt.playerium.com and you'll find a special promo code that everyone can use to get some nice little in-game gifts so if you've ever wanted to check out raid there's no better time than right now okay use my link in the description or scan the QR code you see right here on the screen and you get some really cool new player bonuses like epic Champion Talia and a bunch of other stuff so again click my link down below or scan this QR code right here on the screen and start playing some rage Shadow Legends today okay back to the show One fateful day in 1993 the evil sorceress Rita repulsa escaped her space dumpster prison and attacked Earth five teenagers with attitude had their lives changed forever son quick get up it's time to save the world shut up you're not my real dad foreign any last words it's more for time Triceratops just just just really selling the urgency here aren't you so the Rangers are once again fighting Rita repulsa for some mysterious reason because like as I recall Zordon sacrificed himself to destroy the evil energy inside Rita or whatever so oh boy sure glad that was all for nothing huh oh you brought friends now it's a reunion got your distress call and zipped here as fast as we could thanks Zach man that's sweet reposa the robot look is not for her oh she's she's an evil robot now also this new Rita kind of like like she's got some knockers my dude but anyway just what it looks like the Rangers are about to win one thing leads to another and the yellow ranger gets vaporized into nothing and this leads into the main story of the movie which is about dealing with the death of the yellow ranger which coincides with the real life passing of tweetrang the actress who was the original yellow ranger back in like the 90s and so Zach and Billy have to think of what to tell her daughter now that Rita has killed her mom because like how could she possibly explain this to anyone so what are we gonna tell her maybe their mom drowned no no mint's too smart for that well we gotta decide something quick because school is out yeah that really sucks and it's really unfortunate and everything but like more importantly tank you guys starting shoes off I mean take them off anyway but like this is the Quan household literally read the room guys anyway so I start talking about all this Min the aforementioned teenage daughter over here is everything they're saying because they're just talking so freaking loud and standing so very normal now we have to tell you the truth otherwise how is she gonna get closer she's a kid she's a kid Billy she doesn't need to know that we're Power Rangers she needs to know that Rita repulsa killed her mom [Music] also you had a slight tangent here but like why does Zach look like he's aged about six months and 30 years like what kind of Cthulhu demon did you make a pact with anyway so they end up having to tell her about the whole like being a Power Ranger thing and then we skip ahead one year [Music] yeah you know there's always someone like this whenever I'm at the park trying to like walk my dog and they're just over there fighting like 50 invisible ninjas you know like can I just go around you please anyway so after this Zach and Min head down to the cemetery for the one year anniversary of min's mom's death and you'll never guess who happens to show up and do a bunch of very inconvenient things I just want to say unhappy anniversary just no just just just right there in the cemetery and as I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear pterodactyl Tyrannosaurus that one dude with the neck from Land Before Time so read us back after giving everyone some space over the last year because you know she follows Voldemort rules where like no matter what you've never ever interrupt anyone's uh seasonal Vacations or emotional grieving periods before we begin I just want to say unhappy anniversary Rangers the trouble reader isn't it Yes Man yes it is now Min wants to jump in there and fight because you know she just spent the whole last year grunting her way around every Park in the city but she has to stay behind while Zach jumps in to save his friends [Music] Zach is Back in Black what no sorry I'm late yeah screw you Harvey so Rita uses this new special whatever this is to capture the Power Rangers and transform them into action figures like like literally actually that's what happens [Music] like virtual boys in a Bargain Bin and so with no other option billion Zach Retreat and they take men in their car thing that flies because of course of course it flies I mean like why why am I why am I even surprised so I guess this is like why the movie is really only about Zach and Billy because like the other three get turned into action figures so Rita can milk their Ranger Powers okay all right well then that sounded way better man until it came out of my face Rita repulses Ranger milk so I guess no one else wanted to come back for this movie huh oh sure right because they're all just so busy like what about Jason the Red Ranger how like what are you even doing these oh oh okay never never mind I see it now well they could have least gotten Tommy the Green Ranger right I mean come on he's got to be oh oh I wish I hadn't looked that up ah Kimberly oh okay okay she just wanted more money that's all right moving on anyway so after escaping Zach and Billy tried to figure out what to do next while Rita's just taking over the world won Toys R Us at a time something that uses our power made by Rita repulsa that's a bad mix and if we don't put a stock to it I don't think they're gonna make it then we gotta destroy her we yeah look this is Ranger business not teenage girl that has homework do business okay excuse me and team fighting off putty monsters wearing a vest that looks like my grandma's couch okay don't even start with me right now and Billy clearly you have no idea what to do with your hands I mean come on who stands like this both of you need as much help as you can get that's all I'm saying the best thing that you can do for everyone is just to stay out of trouble and let us sort this out says the guy who caused all this you all know that if it wasn't for you my mom would still be here strong huh good teenagers with attitude now while this is all going on Rita is back on the moon and realizes she needs more power ranger milk for her machine thing that does stuff this process is too slow we need as many Rangers as we can get good thing I know exactly what draws out a Power Ranger a paycheck so after this we kind of get a better idea of what Min was talking about earlier in that Billy was apparently trying to resurrect Zordon but he accidentally tapped into Rita's like Evil Soul energy or something and that flew into the alpha 8 robot and transformed into Robo Rita obviously right come on follow along everybody so in a way like yeah roborita killing min's mom was kind of sort of Billy's fault kinda not really but sure after all these years I'm free it's time for Revenge no no it can't be hey do you guys think maybe I should try that again with a little more emotion this time no not so good one take is fine we're moving on so now that Rita is back and her putties are just wreaking havoc all over the world it's time to call together all the Rangers throughout all time for one final showdown with what exactly is Rita anyway one minute I'm helping out at JJ's Junior karate camp and the next time sneaking off to the bathroom to teleport oh come on guys Mina is back so Tommy Jason Kim are fighting her no really that's it no one else wanted to do this movie not even Andrew From Bling Empire come on what do you even up to these days how's that Panda versus aliens going for you huh we made these proxy power coins as a contingency now all of you can use Dino Powers whoa duplicating active Powers is very dangerous okay how dangerous too much pink energy is once a ranger oh he's a ranger yeah you hear that Andrew and so now that they have a red and pink ranger from some other Sentai team it's time for them to very calmly jump into action while the world is just being terrorized by these Plato robots all right first up there's been injuries reported already in Angel group we cannot let the putties run rampant any longer yeah boy really getting that sense of urgency here guys and so they all transform into Power Rangers using their respective Spirit energy sources but of course now that they're all like 45 you know it's kind of like diabetes medicine Lexapro Icy Hot Patch fiber pills for my cholesterol and also somehow magically when they transform everyone loses like 30 pounds I mean this is not the same dude not an ounce of cake on this man how do they do it hey it's just this dude just murdered this guy anyway so while this is all happening Min is out here defending the local dispensary or like whatever this is and for some mysterious reason she can't use her mom's Morpher to transform no matter how hard she tries you guys are in for a treat it's Morphing Time sabertooth tiger you know I feel like this is probably kind of what it's like when like you're a girl at like any music festival oh boy I can't wait to listen to my favorite band play Live While dressed in this cute outfit I put together Snapchat Snapchat what's up what's up but right at the last second Zach and the Red Ranger guy show up to save the day [Music] messing with this place was a big mistake time for hip-hop Keto is time for hip-hop keto everybody sure whatever you say Zach and so they saved the teenage girl from these guys who are all like you're really mature for your age awesome place who knew Cranston Tech was hiding all this not the public and not my employees the place is secret so let's uh keep it that way okay I am I'm sorry Alpha can we have the room no problem Zach my sensors are detecting A vibe oh we got memes everybody that they're doing the memes what do you think it means to be a ranger kicking butt two quips having fun but someone needs to do all Justice on the bad guys for you to kill mom she needs to go down you're feeling what you want it's not Justice it's Revenge okay like I get what you're saying here about the whole cycle of violence and revenge and all that but like these are like robots though like min's not gonna end up killing anyone this is literally a robot like who cares do what you gotta do man anyway so the Rangers enact a plan to distract Rita while they sneak into her totally secret Moon Palace and Destroy her action figure power machine thing lizard created these snakes what does your scanner say my readings show that their energy is connected to our friends playback that Masterpiece of a scene right there my readings show that their energy is connected to our friends like okay I'm I don't know if you guys like no seven-year-old wants to watch a movie about Power Rangers who are all pushing 50 you know what I mean this is for people my age okay so like why did they make it like this I mean this could have been like very sort of self-aware tongue-in-cheek kind of a Deadpool or sky high or something like that right but they just made it exactly like a regular episode of Power Rangers ripped straight from 1992. like no one who has Nostalgia for the original Power Rangers wants to see these people doing all serious like it's cool enough as it is okay you might as well have at least had some fun with it you know what I'm saying Rita's trying to contact her younger self but why so many reasons a reader reunion and then some scheme to conquer the Galaxy I'll pass through this portal and give years of knowledge to my younger self like I always wear sunscreen and don't even bother packing those five books in your suitcase for a weekend trip because like seriously who am I trying to impress so long story short Min gets blasted by Rita and that activates her Power Ranger Morpher thing so now she can turn into the yellow ranger which is kind of sort of a little bit on the nose there don't you think and then Rita turns one of her dudes into like a Kaiju so the Rangers have to call forth there's resorts to form the Megazord with the greatest CG I've ever seen oh oh wow this movie also has the budget of 1992. this is like Sharkboy Lavagirl level of special effects right oh this is the greatest movie of all time and so in the end Zach shoots Rita with like a machine gun and and there and then the universe is saved Min is the new Yellow Ranger and now she gets to fight the forces of evil alongside all these adults and their tummies look at you you've missed the travel haven't you it is nice to have something new to focus on but once the equations get everyone back to normal size and back in action all of this will be over but I'm ready to get back to JJ being a parent is almost as challenging as being a ranger like I said I'm just a little confused about who this was for exactly because like I get the whole Nostalgia thing especially for 2023 when that's literally all we have going for us but then like they made this like it was for kids and I mean like we had a Power Rangers movie back in like 2017 which was fine I guess I mean I mean you know it did have Naomi Scott in it so instant 10 out of 10 for me but like who is this for exactly like who's been waiting for this to be fair it was a nice send-off for tweetrang and I mean like I'm sure it was really fun for them to make it if I had the chance to be a Power Ranger or reprise my role as a Power Ranger whatever like and get a nice little paycheck I mean sure I do it unlike some people but just like as a movie in and of itself right divorced from Nostalgia just like this was it's this was the most bizarre thing I've seen in a long time anyway thanks for watching everybody hope you enjoyed the video if you did don't forget to subscribe don't forget to ring that Bell leave a like leave a comment all that stuff send me an email at alexmeyer's contact gmail.com and let me know what movies or TV shows you think I should check out next and about votes everybody have a great day and I'll see you all next time
Channel: Alex Meyers
Views: 1,050,467
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: alex meyers, alex myers, alex mayers, power rangers, once and always, netflix
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 32sec (992 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 22 2023
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