that time iCarly went to Japan...

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hey so just one second before the video starts my youtube rep told me that the algorithm now cares about something called viewer satisfaction and my view to like to comment ratio is hurting the trajectory of my channel so apparently i'm supposed to ask you to leave a like on the video and comment something vaguely related to the topic because it'll help me out i guess so please do that okay bye so as some of you might know if you've been watching my videos for a while i used to live in japan i was there for 12 years from when i was 18 to 30. and i've made a couple videos about that but also i just recently found out that the first icarly movie is about them going to japan with the aptly named i go to japan of course written in just the most fake katakana whatever this is now if there's one thing that makes me cringe so hard it's seeing what i look like when other people take my picture but also anytime american movies and shows have anything about japan in them okay because like it's always just so absurdly wrong but i'll tell you i was not even remotely prepared for what 2007 nickelodeon thought japan was like okay have you all seen this movie come on let's take a walk speaking of japan though this video is brought to you by baksu boxxu is a service that delivers the experience of tasting authentic japanese snacks candy and tea directly from centuries-old small family businesses right to you their mission is to empower japan's traditional snack makers by sharing their authentic food and stories with the world it's a monthly subscription service that delivers premium japanese snacks straight from japan to your door and each box has a different japanese theme every month the first boxer you're gonna get is called seasons of japan it's curated to bring you the taste of japan's four seasons and like a little bit of everything you can expect to get in a regular themed box but what's this month's box you theme kelsey this month's theme is midori moments midori means green in japanese and sure enough the box is packed with matcha wasabi and lots of other green treats now what i think is the coolest part of this besides the fact that you get a bunch of snacks that taste amazing by the way i mean like i lived in japan for 12 years okay i'll tell you right now jeffy snacks are just in their own category like it's not even close but anyway besides that each box comes with this little cultural booklet and the booklet tells you where each snack comes from in japan who makes them the flavor profile you get so much more than just the food itself okay it's really more of an experience and like i said these snack makers are over a hundred years old so you know you're getting some real authentic stuff in here now of all the snacks we got this month kelsey which one was your favorite my favorite snack was the matcha ring financier it was so good oh my god yeah that one was good i also really like the ujimachi waffle myself like it's just it's just beautiful so if you want to try some really great japanese snacks and help support the channel click the link down below in the description and use my code alex myers to get 15 off your first box you order okay back to the show come on legs are really important i'm not saying the legs aren't important i'm saying they're not as important as pudding okay you're insane not really without legs pants would be like dude now what do we do objection pants can't talk why are we swinging i don't know all right okay this random debate is over okay all right dane snyder's starting us right off with a whole bunch of teen girl feed coming right at the camera first thing in the movie i'm noticing a slight difference in how freddy's dressed versus the two girls in the scene why do you like this dan schneider although to be fair freddie's also wearing a button-down collared shirt under a polo shirt okay so i'm like step aside ladies and gentlemen we got a real sigma mail over here anyway so after some random dancing [Music] they head on downstairs to see if the icarly viewers hold legs or pudding in higher regard oh if we could have only appreciated how wonderfully simple the internet was back then you know legs are gonna beat pudding don't bet on it who wants a snack i'm good hey toss me an apple red or green red cause green apples always think no so while this is going on they get a v-mail from some totally definitely british guy about how icarly has been nominated for the best comedy show of all time at the iweb awards which sounds kind of redundant if you think about it whatever it's not my show i'm the vice chairman of the iweb awards the iweb awards would like to fly the icarly team overseas so that your show can compete at this year's live competition this is insane they're gonna fly us overseas i just hope it's not france how come why because it's full of french people can't argue with that perfect logic if you accept your nomination please click on the accept button in the lower left corner of this v-men your invitations passes and travel itinerary will be sent off to you tomorrow okay wait a second how does vmail work exactly did this guy have to record like four different versions of this like what if they said no you know they were very optimistic about what email was going to be like back in 2007 because like i mean fast forward to 2022 when business emails are just like happy monday lol as if am i right nice to e-meet you i hope this email finds you well i'm just reaching out to loop you into our fun new exciting opportunity in this totally not copy-pasted mass email we love what you do and think you would be a great addition to our family oops i mean company sometimes i get it mixed up because we're all such good friends anyway so we skip ahead like a week or so and carly sam and freddie are waiting for some more info about where the iweb awards are going to be and where they're going to go and all that kind of fun stuff excuse me rubert why i'm busy trimming my wart hairs yeah um i was just wondering if i got a package yet from the iweb awards no not quite upsetting my wart are you sure cause this guy in england said he was gonna send it like a week ago why did you all like this show i never watched icarly when it was on so watching it back now i feel like you really need to have a lot of nostalgia for it okay because it's a little hard to watch otherwise anyway so finally the package arrives and they rip it open is that from the iweb awards yeah come on what country are we going to uh canada canada just kidding tokyo we're going to japan dude freddy's like a foot and a half away from the paper that clearly says tokyo wanted okay come on i'm calling shenanigans here i'm starting to think this show might not be totally realistic but not everyone's so excited about them going all the way to japan freddie i'm not sure i can allow this here we go mom it's just japan right which is why i worry that you know the far east can be very no no no no no let's let's not finish that sentence okay trust me this can only end in disaster come on mrs benson it'll be fun what's that i think i hear tokyo calling toki you well that was painful anyway so turns out there's only three tickets but spencer pulls a couple strings makes a few phone calls and gets the three first class tickets traded in for five regular tickets they could all go to japan together now in preparation for their trip carly sam and freddie are watching their competition for this award show to see how they stack up you know click the thingy kyoko and yuki just teach me how to play this guitar why do you play the guitar so badly i don't know just try okay also you know to be fair this is not too dissimilar from what a lot of japanese comedies actually like yeah this is pretty much on the nose here [Applause] okay well now this part is exactly like japanese other forms of entertainment that my friend told me about [Music] also you know this is the exact part of the video where like your dad who you haven't seen in 10 years would just walk right in and be like oh hey kids what you're watching but anyway so it's finally time for everyone to get on board the plane and head to japan but of course this is icarly so turns out spencer booked them on a smuggling plane that's bringing possums to korea and they just have to sit in the back and use a bucket to go to the bathroom the whole time that poor bucket yeah you have no idea okay all right that one got me not gonna lie once in a while there's actually a funny joke in this show anyway so what we find out is that the plane is not actually landing in japan but rather it's going to briefly fly over japan and they'll have to jump out at the right time and hope for the best that's when you jump i recommend using a parachute guys there's no way my mom is jumping out of this airplane i know how to make her jump no change she's been afraid finally after some classic icarly shenanigans they all make it safely to japan by landing in the world-renowned japanese mojave desert what is this supposed to be nowhere in japan looks like this this just looks like my dad's backyard in central florida like the only thing missing is like some dude in his underwear walking up to him like hey hey you guys got any sudafed cvs said i'm not allowed to buy anymore this month but anyway like i said they're finally in japan [Music] the front desk is right over there i don't know what we would have done if you hadn't found us oh you would have slowly starved in the wilderness until you all perished and were eaten by wild animals right well thanks so much oh yeah sure you know japanese immigration customs is just that easy the police probably just took one look at freddie and his seven shirt collars and they were like excuse me sir we don't want any trouble hi hello welcome to hotel nakamura may i help you yeah we're checking in oh honeymoon couple and that was the moment something strange awoke inside young freddy that would change his internet search history forever but all the same they finally check into the hotel and go up to their rooms now after getting settled in their rooms and spencer eats some soap which basically tells you everything you need to know about them it's so they also come to their jet lag and sleep until about 3 p.m the next day and right then just out of nowhere kyoko and yuki show up to welcome them to japan hi hello i'm yuki kyoko welcome to japan yes freddy look at these wonderful robes the hotel gives you oh hello could we get a few extra towels and some unscented toilet paper okay all right 2007 nickelodeon everybody also like every other japanese person they've met so far speaks english perfectly fine so like why is she even doing this it's like that scene in emily in paris you know when she's like hi everyone i like fashion and then everyone else is just like please stop yelling anyway so kyoko and yuki have apparently showed up to take all the kids shopping and give the adults some much needed relaxation time they want to take us shopping oh i'd like to go shopping oh well we would love for you to join us uh but for the grown-ups uh yuki and i have arranged traditional japanese seaweed massages massages i could use a good rubbing but all the same kyoko and yuki take carly sam and freddie out on the town for some typical fun things to do in tokyo like shopping for clothes or standing in line for literally anything [Music] so okay i just gotta ask why does this green screen look like the 1960s batman show what is going on here and like they couldn't even put the steering wheel on the right side of the car like i know it's probably just filmed on a sound stage in like burbank or something but like you couldn't even just fake it somehow anyway while our main characters are having some really deep riveting conversations there's nothing wrong with wearing underwear that fights bacteria i don't even know what that means this is serious why are you laughing something about japanese arguing cracks me up okay well just gonna leave that one right there oh and now they're having a karate fight because they're japanese did they get it just come on yugi get up and show what your foot tastes like what now while this is all going on we cut back to spencer and freddie's mom and we find out what's really going on here with this whole impromptu shopping trip and seaweed massage shenanigans yeah you're wrapped cool so now what no we go to see a movie a movie and then maybe go for some italian food wait we don't understand you will soon but when are you gonna unwrap us when the iweb awards are over after kyoko and yuki have won okay but like more importantly why did they make these dudes sound like splinter from the ninja turtles was that their only reference for japanese people wait we don't understand you will soon but when are you gonna unwrap us kawabanga anyway so we find out that this was all just one big trick so that kyoko and yuki could keep spencer and freddie's mom captive why would they leave carly freddy and sam out in the middle of nowhere so then kyoko and yuki would win the competition by default but of course spencer and freddie's mom break out of their seaweed traps with their feet completely covered yeah okay danger come on yay full nobody and we find out that freddy's mom put a tracking microchip in freddie's brain when he was younger i had a locator chip put in his head by a questionable doctor in venezuela you chipped freddy oh i chipped him because i love him you mean a locator chip like a gps kind of thing yes but you can never tell him i won't i won't just how do we find him with this welcome to globalnet please stand by while we locate benson wait wait hold on this kid's name is fredward oh man dude never stood a chance god's just over here giving him his toughest battles all right kid your name's gonna be fredward and you're gonna be like 5'3 your entire life but all the same after hitching a ride in this tiny little clown car come on nickelodeon what the heck is this supposed to be anyway so they find the kids walking on the side of the road and they hurry over to the competition but wouldn't you know they get stopped by a bunch of japanese security guards who suddenly can't speak any english whatsoever as opposed to every other japanese person we've met so far in this movie we're late you can blame kyoko and yuki they kidnapped us then ditched us in the middle of nowhere with no snacks or a proper restroom come on let's just go home we are performers we're nominees one of the teams we're competing against tried to cheat by getting rid of us so what ends up happening is since they can't communicate with words suddenly for some reason they decide to try and act out everything that's happened to them so far in japan in hopes of actually i have no idea why they're doing this but whatever here you go and then all five of us got on a horrible airplane airplane and the plane was filled with pasai you know i like to imagine these actors were so excited to get their first big role on tv oh boy i'm gonna be on icarly yeah okay here you go we're casting you as a dumb japanese person number four but i'm filipino and grew up in sherman oaks yeah well it's 2007. why you think we give a care now while carly and sam are doing all this freddy magically hacks into whatever this is and shows the whole scene up on the big screen for everyone to see and of course the audience thinks this is just the peak of comedy and with his parachute his feet hit freddy's mom in the head knocked her down kinda like this yeah well you know we all had very low standards back then and so in the end the icarly show wins the award kyoko and yuki get arrested with the world's longest handcuffs how do they have these just ready to go like that and that's pretty much where the movie ends now i mean no disrespect to you okay i know a lot of people have a lot of nostalgia for icarly but like why have you seen the show recently like i feel like i'm shell shocked from watching this movie you know i've been back for oh gosh i don't know like three years now or so give or take and like thinking about my time in japan it's really weird just because like it feels like i like i know i did it i don't know it kind of feels like it wasn't even real like it just feels like i don't like have you ever like lived like a a life and then you something changes and your life is totally different and like the old life that you used to live kind of feels like a dream that like someone told you about or something like it doesn't feel like it was me that did it like i know it was so many people say like i want to visit japan and so many people are like oh i can't wait to live in japan and there's you know youtubers you got pewdiepie and emirichu and these people and they're like moving to japan like to fulfill a lifelong dream or whatever it's kind of like man i just lived in japan for 12 years and like i didn't really think much of it at the time i mean i was like excited to to move there when i was you know 18 and then you know at first i mean yeah the first couple years i was like wow i'm in japan and then that new car smell wore off and then i was just like uh i need to find out how to pay my rent and not starve i guess when i went to japan i thought i was gonna be there for like a year or maybe two at the very least i would just have a bunch of cool stories and i could start everything i ever say with like oh when i was in tokyo and then 12 years went by and and i i lived like three different lifetimes and my youtube channel took off it's like such a bit like how did i do that you know like how did i just move there for some of you that are maybe more around my age you ever think back when you're like a teenager or leaving like early 20s you're just like how did i live the way i lived like some people they'll live in like the worst dorm or like the worst apartments hanging by a thread lifestyle and then you think back you know when you're older you're just like how did i how did i do that anyway thank you so much for watching everybody like i said beginning of the video you know leave a like leave a comment um apparently i'm supposed to ask you to do this like i know it's like cringy and weird but like the the the youtube really wanted me to tell you to do that so i'm doing that now anyway if you liked the video uh don't forget to subscribe and ring the bell and all that stuff as well send me an email at alexmeyerscontact let me know what tv shows or movies you'd like me to check out next check out my podcast i do with my girlfriend kelsey it's called doing the devil's tango link is in the description for that and above all let's everybody have a great day and i'll see you all next time
Channel: Alex Meyers
Views: 2,721,483
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: alex meyers, alex mayers, alex myers, icarly, icarly movie, icarly japan
Id: KuGoV0u_50g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 30sec (1050 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 21 2022
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