MALDIVES TO EGYPT | SriLankan Airlines & Oman Air

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before we dive into today's vlog we wanted to say a huge thank you to audible for sponsoring today's video we love listen to audiobooks when we travel and audible has the world's largest selection which is why we're super excited to tell you that you can get a 30-day free trial membership which includes a free audiobook using our link slash Carinae or you can take scare an eight to five hundred 500 and if you stick around to the end of this video we're gonna give you a recommendation for what is probably our favorite book and maybe the reason why we're traveling today but first we have a super long travel day [Music] [Music] [Music] today is a very sad day today we're leaving the Maldives and we are checking out at this incredible villa I think we're both crying a little bit on the inside right now but we did make the most of our last morning we got up and had a great breakfast we watched sunrise we laid in the hammock over the water and we enjoyed our villa it's been a really good day they actually had the opportunity to go snorkeling and we turned it down because I figure I can go snorkeling plenty more times in my life but this is probably my last few hours in this incredible villa the most beautiful place I've ever been in my life but now it is back to real life pretty much starting now we have a very very long travel day ahead of us it's really realized now let's go [Music] really [Music] if you're wondering what this the Navy Yanni International Airport looks like this is it here we go [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so we're originally supposed to be going to Sri Lanka after leaving the Maldives and then we went to the Shorty Awards in New York and we ran out of time to go to Sri Lanka but we already had a flight booked so we're on two separate flights so we're still going to show yeah we're just staying for like one night 16 hours and then from Sri Lanka we go to Oman and then after a mine we finally make it to Egypt here we go tired just thinking about it we made the most of our incredible villa last night and this morning like went to sleep and to got up for sunrise and it's really hitting me right now they have slept on the plane okay we've been acting really sad about leaving but at the same time we're also really excited to visit Egypt we're not just depressed right now the edges of this aircraft are getting ever nature that gives back wheel on the resident operation that was another that you imagine safety first provided for hatred it is an offense to remove the giant rock all right knock down cover you're older where's Lana Angela but worse on the plane we got some really good news in our email we landed we're a little nervous on that flight so we've been like just traveling non-stop the past few days and I'd totally forgot to look and like immigration rules for getting into Sri Lanka it turns out you need to apply for a visa ahead of time but it's just like online and I literally did it like two minutes before he got on the plane he said I can take up to 24 hours but hour later Cara hasn't a curve always I'm not connected to the internet I'm hoping had you afterwards what format do not go to Sri Lanka and do we get the approval then we got on the plane way to know what we're gonna do what we have to see or they might have just like I don't know what but I much stay there it's not quite the overwater mansion that we started our day in but it'll do in all seriousness the family that runs this little hotel is like the nicest people we've ever met they stand up to midnight to pick us up from the hotel greet us with welcome drinks they're gonna let stay till we have to leave tomorrow just real long can feast for breakfast that's so foggy oh so much better than sleeping at the airport I'm like really proud of us right now I am too I think this might be the first time in two-and-a-half years that we've had an overnight layover and we've paid to go stay at a hotel and get a good night's sleep yeah it helped it was like two seconds on the road earned it hot today into three we're really maturing in our travels the family here is seriously so nice they cooked us a huge real aankhen breakfast feast it wasn't very good but I think this is one of those cases where it was more than thought that counts precious alright back to the airport thank you so much [Music] thank you for the record we are not counting Sri Lanka as a country because we just slept here and we plan on coming back and really travel thank you very much two whole hours like a burger sit where our hotel last night so none of our stuff is charged after that you place live work there's chicken tikka masala village we have really taken over this area we're charging everything [Music] go ahead people there's a little bit knowledge of managing that little cloud however we advise you to keep it super fast in case of unexpected [Music] [Music] [Music] shouldn't a big number [Music] we smell another food area my surprise in tomorrow and I want some [Music] we are currently 25 hours into this travel day our bodies thing is 10:30 at night we're about to board a flight that's gonna last for hours I'm sure it'll take us at least an hour to get into the city which means it will be arriving at our Airbnb at 3:30 our body clocks time that's crazy I didn't realize all right times I did our coffee in the lounge set her I am in a pursuit Anita woman I'm your senior supervisor on behalf of shared with 33 I'm getting the middle all time number point of G one four zero seven two [Music] I fell asleep on the plane so I didn't get this landing but we have made it to our Airbnb it is almost 2 a.m. here in Cairo I think our bodies think it's either 5 or 6 a.m. there's no time the Maldives seem like a distance it's been so long before you sleep for the first time ever we use an expediter service to get through customs and immigration because we had read some stuff that it could be challenging especially if you have a drone to get through customs there's only $25 and that included the ride to our Airbnb totally worth it so easy plus we were half asleep so we just followed the guy around and he got her nervous who's great I gotta sleep before we in this video we promised a book recommendation and we think that everybody should go listen to vagabonding the uncommon guide to the art of long-term travel is without a doubt my favorite book that I've ever read I probably read it for the first time eight years ago and it's what planted the seed that first made me think long-term travel was a possibility it took years until that actually panned out but like looking back I can tell that this book is what like started to put me in that mindset I rarely ever reread books but I'm currently listening to this book again for the third time and I promise it gets better and better every single time it's like the most quotable book I have ever listened to I want to take everything that he says and make it the caption of my instruments we can talk about this book all day but we want you to go read it for yourself and you can do that for free through audible all you have to do is go to port slash Karon 8 or text Karen eight to five hundred five hundred the reason we are super excited to be partnering with audible is because we hardly ever listen to music while we're traveling we're always listening to people stories we love learning while we're doing something else because when you're traveling listening to a book is so much better than reading a book because you don't want to have your head shut down in the page and missing the sites that are going by whether it's riding on a plane and train like I love being able to learn something at the same time that I'm observing the world around you don't have to be traveling the world to enjoy audible you can listen on your commute while you're laying at the pool whatever you're doing this summer it is a great way to learn something new or be entertained while you're doing something else but don't forget go download vagabonding links are in the description it might just change your life we're trying to get it Instagram out but it's about eight feet deep until you get there are you okay supposedly water oh yay false alarm dedication then I didn't have don't spread out your cords everywhere spooning rules
Channel: Kara and Nate
Views: 440,701
Rating: 4.9078369 out of 5
Keywords: aviation, couple vlog, daily vlog, full time travel, husband and wife, husband and wife travel, husband and wife vlog, kara and nate, kara and nate vlog, travel, travel couple, travel duo, travel vlog, travel vlogger, vlog, avgeek, maldives, maldives flight, maldives airport, maldives vlog, maldives travel vlog, egypt, oman, oman airport muscat, oman airport new, oman airport muscat international, audible, audible ad, lounge, airport lounge, oman airlines, sri lankan airlines
Id: wYjhIoPiHOM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 39sec (939 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 28 2018
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