EATING delicious street food in Singapore's Chinatown

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slap [Music] it's in not like filming at these things oh there's my I almost went into the black dips where are we going right now why it's now 2:30 in the morning Cara hasn't slept at all so this vlog starts off weird looking comfy it allows bells that will yes this doesn't look promising escalator temporarily stairs sorry for the convenience not this escalator just isn't working if we're not supposed to be down here figure we'll find out soon enough this floor is awesome which I think carry your bag thank you it's pretty cool this will totally be the cover photo of the vlog oh there it is I hope sir up so high that we're getting into this once if we have to come back here and sleep on chairs I'm really sad I'm not I'm I'm in like 90 percent right now so I cashed it even cookie this is our bed for the night all right honestly this offense sleeping for about two hours it is 5:30 in the morning and we're getting kicked out of here in 15 minutes because we get only stay for three hours so I grab something to eat have to be I brought you some copy yeah we get so you need some breakfast before they kick us out as usual we are sitting in the airport trying to figure out how to get to our hotel thank you I think it's gonna be pretty easy this time it seems straightforward took a red-eye no vessel the camera we are here and we are going [Music] so we found it Ibis and there's a 7-eleven at the bottom hello singing is currently 8:30 and not surprisingly they did not have a room available for us right now so they said we could check in around 12 so until we can check in we are going to walk to Orchard Road supposed to be a really big shopping straight like 2.5 kilometers worth of malls the figure will go walk around and then find a hawker stand eat lunch at there was a park on the map on the way to Orchard Street so we decided to take a detour it's pretty but it's hot and humid yeah feels like being in the rainforest that's not annoying [Music] that sounds like a machine the Majestic [Music] [Music] now we're back checked into our hotel and since we only slept three hours last night we're gonna sleep for a couple hours [Music] [Applause] [Music] and so we are going to just walk to Chinatown and hope for the best favorite rain jacket am i driving well as has been the case for the last few days our trip it's raining Kara's taken advantage while there's no right he do that both thing right there the entire reason I wanted to come to Singapore in the first place was to swim in an infinity pool that goes along the edge of that focus is on top of the building unfortunately the hotel costs $400 a night and the only way to swim there is if you're staying in the hotel we won't be doing that but I still want to go see it I think [Music] [Applause] [Music] those are restaurants how will we ever choose [Music] [Music] Lonely Planet with Justin getting spicy traffic trying to travel by the one that we saw when $68 so we got an ugly there's our day off to find the next delicious food item she doesn't even know I'm not following [Music] all right miss Kara's first taste test because I forgot to record what do we spicy fried carrot cake it's not like American care it's like rice and flour and something else and then there's this really yummy dipping sauce it's very salty we can also get it sweet over the last looks like hashbrowns here we didn't like that at all [Music] hey what is this I cannot remember where I read about it but somebody get the table sitting it's a nice supper toppings include red beans and take out sweet corn there is corn in his eyes it's like shaved ice and yeah I how gonna say there's like a 20 it's surprisingly really good yeah right blasian shake guys go I love all things to eat carrot is not we're getting down to the good stuff here whole beans know why ice cream soup [Music] [Applause] down [Music] Joe is currently eight thirty thirteen ether rebels Oh No spot on our screen okay wait don't work okay this piece art Cara what's the name of it think it's recalled man untitled and unfinished literally it's a piece of wood it embodies Eugene's vision of aesthetically pleasing futuristic machine you know now that I look at it now that's a tree trunk Oh [Music] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Kara and Nate
Views: 420,184
Rating: 4.848999 out of 5
Keywords: travel, Kara and Nate, singapore, chinatown, what to eat, eating, food, chinese new year, what to do, singapore's chinatown
Id: 7piPDEpe9IE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 6sec (846 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 30 2016
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