FLYING FROM EGYPT TO ISTANBUL | Egypt Air & Turkish Airlines

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[Music] [Applause] it's very early this morning we are flying from as one to Cairo just wide appliances early I think we're saving $300 by getting up in the middle of the night to fly [Music] [Music] [Music] we have landed in Cairo where we have a two-hour layer right allowance was more like a smoker's room that had a little bit of food and drinks she's talking now I took three espressos so we're trying a little bit of an experiment today we've booked through a new website called Kiwi that allows you to book tickets on two separate Airlines Zoey flown from Aswan to Cairo on Egypt air and then we're flying from Cairo to Istanbul on Turkish Airlines but it's all under the same ticket this was by far the cheapest way to get to Istanbul but I was hesitant because I didn't know how the whole baggage situation was gonna work we only had a two-hour layover han Cairo I thought we were gonna have to go collect our bags from our Egypt air flight and then reach again to our Turkish Airlines flight and I thought there was a chance we miss this flight here in Cairo but it turns out that when you booked on keyways somehow they sort the baggage and it's supposed to be going all the way to Istanbul so if we end up in Istanbul this afternoon and our bags are there then this Kiwi experiment will be a big success also this is not like an ad for Kiwi this off you know terribly wrong our bags could be lost forever but we thought you might find it interesting if it works out perhaps maybe is something you could use in the future our line is delayed because landing here bro [Music] use your common sense aircraft reaches its final parking position and would like to sing and fly and Turkish Airlines [Music] we're back in his damn hole and Glenn here works the good news is when we were here about a month ago we got a multi entry visa so we don't have to worry about getting our visas sorta all we have to do is go through immigration and then get to our B&B [Music] I'm always a little bit shocked every time my bag makes it through another flight without busting open next up figure out how to take the metro to our Airbnb just like the old baby [Music] [Music] [Music] these are a little less scary than the ones that open it close on you also I cannot even believe how good it feels right now I wish I could just jar up this temperature so we're here we need to go all the way here think we sit a bit on that one [Music] we barely made it off that day the Metro is maybe not the best idea with suitcases but it does cost like less than three dollars to get all the way he's so bad I'm coming back for you our street is so cool we've already passed all these really Emily restaurant I can't wait to come back I heard me to be hustled us the rooms a little bit smaller than a hotel an air B&B but the room is not the reason I booked this place yeah and that's tapes there for a reason sorry this whole valley is up with the CD as much as I want to just go lay in bed and take a nap it's only slept for three hours last night it's time to go get some Turkish food yes we are super excited to be back in Istanbul last time we were here it was just a really fast layover we just ran around the city so we're happy that we get to actually spend some time exploring that I'm just in such a good mood right now the weather could not be more perfect it's 75 degrees and sunny we are surrounded by what looks like delicious restaurants we're a three minute walk from the Blue Mosque our balconies awesome our bodies I don't know what to do right now this fresh crisp air I'm already asking our Airbnb host to send our stay for an additional night okay I don't know we're just gonna walk until we find something looks good deep counter fight feed a so for our first mill in Turkey we have ordered what we have been calling Turkish pizza but I think the proper name for it is P day we've ordered two of those and then we also got this I believe it's like a salty yogurt dream it's just so tight but it's really salty whoa and sour another like that case if you think he is take the guy in the restaurant said that one plate was enough for one person this is huge we totally couldn't split this but I'm not complaining because I woke up at 2:45 this morning and I haven't eaten very much and this looks delicious we're both really set on getting Turkish P day because it's what we always eat is allowed to get the estimable Airport so I'm so happy we're having it analyzed we probably overpaid we stopped at the very first place that we saw because they're both so hungry [Music] so tasty and cooked to perfection we this one is this women's men's favorite veggies the other one is chunky beef with cheese it's like normal pizza without the sauce and Turkish twist this is called self-control we each left I could finish it easy like easy Bonzo [Music] I think this is one of my favorite views we have ever had from an air B&B we're gonna call it a night watch the sunset from our balcony and get some rest so tomorrow we have enough energy to explore as simple [Music] [Applause] this morning we're fine from thyroid know as one as one to Istanbul to Cairo yeah pretty much nailed that one it's very early but all the way back these things are gonna bust open sorry sorry why fine you
Channel: Kara and Nate
Views: 273,857
Rating: 4.9368229 out of 5
Keywords: turkish airlines, flight report, my flight, turkish airlines istanbul, star alliance airlines, aviation, couple vlog, daily vlog, full time travel, husband and wife, husband and wife travel, husband and wife vlog, kara and nate, kara and nate vlog, travel, travel couple, travel duo, travel vlog, travel vlogger, vlog, egypt air, cairo to istanbul, istanbul, turkey, travel day, airport lounge, travel day vlog, flight vlog, airbnb, airbnb review, airbnb tour, airbnb experience
Id: esdeSPFiADw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 39sec (759 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 29 2018
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