Thailand Protests Bring Airport To A Halt | Bangkok Airport | Spark

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[Music] bangkok airport is like no other airport on earth welcome to thailand this is my best smiling it's where east meets west buddhist meets backpacker that way to the beach and traveler meets trouble you never see me in thailand ever again no no yes and if the culture seems strange the language seems foreign and you're 6 000 miles from home i'm stuck in bangkok don't panic there's an army of airport staff just waiting to help you out one way how may i help you or another get in the line so whether it's your gateway to a million once in a lifetime experiences it's all about love love love and love or just the ticket to a good old-fashioned holiday nightmare look at all the council flights this is your final call very happy everyone welcome password please to bangkok airport [Music] there's trouble brewing at the airport of smiles walked out of the hotel room and they're shooting going on as protesters take to the streets the airport grinds to a halt nobody you can see nobody this kind of sad situation that i got a full moon party goes horribly wrong for two young brit packers he just collapsed in my arms the only explanation is that i got spike the english thai boxing team touches down and they're spoiling for a bite this is the one that we're trained for this is the big one and it all kicks off at tourist police hq is it the first time somebody tried to kill officer there's trouble in paradise and the airport is on red alert [Music] anti-government protesters are holding demonstrations across the city hoping to bring bangkok to a standstill we will see the news on the tv pro camp there are a lot of people that fight for the political situation the shutdown means roads are blocked and banks and businesses are closed and the airport could be next it's like a revolution this country i hope it's not happening here pray for that but the protests are already affecting the airport as word gets round tourists like tiffany and matt are desperate to get home i knew about the riots but i didn't think it was going to be that bad at first but when speaking to a few locals the ties and that and they were just like yeah yeah get out get out if you can and then we just came straight to the airport but getting out not so easy today sammy was due to fly home today after a month in thailand so tomorrow to get a shuttle bus at 4pm and then i walked out of the hotel room and they're shooting going on i was like okay so there's a riot going on am i going to be able to get to the airport and now my flight's been delayed the last time there were protests like this the airport was shut down for eight days this time the police are ready for anything [Music] staff are working overtime to advise anxious tourists how to avoid the trouble spots there's a lot of demonstrations going on protests so many people come here to ask the way how to go to dao chao another way you just stay here and give them some information about the protesters in bangkok three two one [Music] so far the troubles haven't reached captain jack the airport's happiest immigration officer i love my job he's hard at work stamping visas with his trusty stamping machine i love this machine the sounds so good see that makes my day every visa jack stamps means more money for thailand it will go to government account this is the income of my country okay but if the tourists stay away it could be bad news for jack and his country you know i cannot have like the opinion for the politics right now because we work as a government officer so we are in the middle and now we are real work our best yeah work out a bit you know so we work our debts not everyone's been scared off by the troubles the english thai boxing team are here to compete in the world championships they love a good fight [Music] this is the one that we're trained for this is the big one we've gotta get my gold medal i promised my grandma [Music] wills come with his girlfriend beth they fell in love when their eyes met over a crowded gym in oldham they've been fighting together ever since they asked me out at the gym how romantic is that it was like looking at me man oh bear we might let me just go out with me hello it's beth's first time competing in the world championships will's been knocked out here before but this time they've got each other i've got beth with me for my big biggest support this year and i'm our biggest supporter being there for each other and having someone there makes you feel a lot calmer and a lot better and he knows me more than anyone and i know him more than anyone so beating the ties at their own game won't be easy but will can't wait to kick some ass which is probably allowed in the rules it's a lot more rougher than any other sports i i know about it you get to use your elbows and your knees i don't know many sports that you can use your elbows and your knees in anyway i've always been a fighter since i was younger i used to fight at school and everything the tournaments taking place in the old capital city of aru toya away from the worst of the protests but thai boxing's a tough sport will they still be smiling when the fighting's over over at tourist police hq a new case has come up for officers toy and baitong case coming kids coming they're dealing with a traveler who's been spotted behaving erratically in the airport hello where are you from sweden so what about your problem sir yes the security said you look so silly so where is your shoes okay make me i see your password then what's your name yeah yeah the man decides to enter the back office without permission still stay here on your passport sir the longer he's questioned the more agitated he becomes security take him come here and let him try to ask him but he really talk not nicely to me but okay i do understand eventually toy decides to let him leave knows that sooner or later he'll be back [Music] [Applause] under the airport concourse the immigration squad is falling in it's not good news the protests downtown have claimed their first victims [Music] [Applause] hello with tensions rising the team know they have to be in peak physical condition some people take it more seriously than others take captain a she's the airport's most motivated immigration officer no need to go to the gym you can do that everywhere and make it harder for my age i need to do running two miles in 13 minutes if i want to get excellent 12 minutes and 14 seconds a warmed up captain a returns to doing what she does best sending people to the back of the queue but they're getting shorter the cues not the people since they know about the political crisis in thailand seems like 40 percent of the shutterflies was cancelled the tourism the hotel they also affected by the situation so it's not good at all let me see your boarding pass please working alongside captain a is captain saric he's the airport's most helpful immigration officer please today he's helping to reassure passengers anxious about the political unrest have you heard of protesting in bangkok before no yeah we heard about it uh but we think it should be okay a lot of people in hong kong where we live like we're cancelling flights but yeah we thought why why why cancer because of protesting right some people were scared some people are not coming but we think it should be okay so can this way please nothing to fear all right do you think so are we going the right way [Laughter] hot off the plane are tally and terry best friends from maidenhead these are on arrival up there and then what we get our visa and then go to baggage then yeah they're here for a six-week trip around thailand and laos we have no idea what we're doing they're going to spend one night in bangkok if they ever get out of this airport hello hello we're just wondering where we need to go um no we don't we need to get a visa okay it's the first time the friends land on their feet with captain saric not only does he point them in the right direction he helps fill in their arrival cards thank you so much thank you and he's probably staying alive bless him he's the friendliest person we've met so far yeah no definitely tally and terry might need all the help they can get if they're going to make the full moon party at koh samui there's like a big party where all travellers go don't know what to expect tally what do we do once we get out search for a place to stay it's like first time on our rhyme away from everyone we're kind of on a whim aren't we maybe going to information yeah okay which way is that to the right we're kind of a bit both unorganized trying to be organized together trying to keep each other yeah going keep the balance of fun but yeah i'm getting lost and kidnapped and in trouble we're just looking for a hostel for one night costume yeah we are here or in the city and they're here because we've got to be back here tomorrow morning i don't think we really know what we want at the moment it's just an adventure we're not expecting anything except sun and palm trees i don't really know what is going to happen i think we're going to learn a lot i hope so learn a lot yeah it's an experience of a lifetime that many people don't get yeah thank you you've been amazing you got the hotel name yeah can you pronounce that sava rather bumby the girls won't be getting up to any monkey business these are what our boyfriends gave us from home to keep at the comfort kind of thing i do think we look pathetic the girls the girls at the beach party crying because they've lost their teddy sorted for bnb tally and terry head off next stop the full moon party now where's the way out that's an excess big sign what over there [Music] a couple of hours north of bangkok lies the ancient city of ayatollah today it's hosting the opening ceremony of the world thai boxing championships you ready yeah remember what all this art works for your ear [Music] willem beth will be fighting for england in the spiritual home of their sport you'll have it it's yours train for it [Applause] will's stepping into the ring first and that's doing her best to fire him up [Music] will's teammates know how tough it'll be fighting at the highest level as soon as that bell rings he's got three rounds to just go for it like unleash the animal all this hard training that he's putting he's just got to go absolutely give everything he's got to represent your country's an honor it's going to be a hard fight [Music] world's first opponent is from uzbekistan and with beth's shouts ringing in his ears will unleashes the [Applause] animal [Applause] with the first win under his belt will's a step closer getting his hands on gold i'm proud of him really proud of him i nearly knocked him out it's all done in third so i thought i would because i was a bit tired he's been worried so much and then he steps in the ring and he's just amazing beth's had the supporting role tonight but tomorrow it'll be will in the crowd and she'll be center stage [Music] back at bangkok airport it's eerily quiet as more holidaymakers cancel their [Music] flights you can see in the line no passenger so what you do [Music] his immigration foreign captain jack is growing restless i'm waiting for the passenger coming to apply for visa but this time nobody nobody's here so i'm kind of sad to keep spirits up jack's been entertaining passengers with a dance routine i try to find to find my video that that i'm um do performance [Music] [Applause] [Music] see see how professional i am back at tourist police hq officer baitong has welcomed back a familiar guest the head office of the tourist police called me here they said they have some somebody abnormal over there and then let me go there and bring him to my office he told me i am lobo club robocop has been identified as the tourist who gave toy a tough time on his last visit to the office i asked him do you need some food he said yes and my colleagues bring him some food as the man becomes increasingly erratic officers monitor his behavior closely i think he have some problem in in his brain better their fears are realized when the man suddenly turns violent okay the man is quickly subdued but it's a tense moment luckily baiton can see the funny side strange situation that guy he's a witness guy is it the first time somebody tried to kill officer you see the first time the man is taken to the local police station down on the ground floor where he can be held more securely realizing he's ill they don't arrest him instead he's taken to a bangkok hospital where he'll be looked after and his mental state evaluated as the protests continue downtown more tourists are trying to leave thailand but they're facing everlonger delays eight hours early for our flight yeah because everything's been shut down due to protests connor and his friends have been stuck here most of the day we've been here for five five hours already we got told to come here early because of the protests otherwise we'll be able to get over all the taxis and stuff to add insult to injury conor had to show his penis to a [ __ ] yeah when we were stressing about the getting to a new hotel last night we went into a travel agent and i felt a tap on my shoulder i turned around and lady we went let me see your [ __ ] let me see your [ __ ] showed her and she's bugging off connor's one of the lucky ones i was stuck in bangkok because my taxi didn't show up and all the streets were shut down so nobody picked me up so i walked lydia's missed her flight after getting caught up in the protests no it's not open i've gone to the fifth floor three times and she wasn't happy to find her airline desk clothes when she got here yeah well i'm having a serious problem here and i i'm trying to get the [ __ ] out of bangkok excuse my french yes i miss a flight today because i can't get the [ __ ] out of bangkok it's like lydia nearly didn't get here at all i had to walk for like a mile and then i asked this guy on his motorbike if he would give me a ride it wasn't even a taxi so i paid some guy on the street to take me on his motorcycle to get me here the airline will transfer her ticket can you book me for that flight and not charge me the next available flight doesn't leave till tomorrow i'm a little bit pissed slightly wanna get a beer after eight weeks backpacking through asia lydia won't let a one-day delay spawn the trip of a lifetime oh it's been phenomenal i've been on the road for two months and i feel like [Applause] i feel like i've had an education of you know a couple years really packed into two months i've learned so much more about the people around me and how other people live and putting life in perspective and what's important [Music] with a whole day to kill lydia's resigned to a long and boring stay at the airport i just hope that i get on my flight tomorrow because nobody knows what the [ __ ] is happening i'll get out at some point it's not like i'm gonna like die here things could be worse with more protests expected tonight police are putting up roadblocks around the airport perimeter there's a chance some travelers won't make it to the airport at all if some tourists they're booking a hotel in bangkok and they have a flight today if they want to come here maybe they will miss a flight because of traffic [Applause] [Music] the united kingdom awaits i don't want to go back after a month in thailand laura and nina are due to fly home tonight let's stay then okay i'll just stay here in my bed in my cozy bed you can go if you want to but i think i'll stay with the roads outside gridlocked they may have no choice i mean just look at it because the traffic is ridiculous they're not moving but that's partly i think we're right in the middle of the protests yeah there have been some people getting killed but really we haven't been in the middle of it yeah are we gonna make it home the girls have an added incentive for catching their flight their 30-day visa exemptions expire tonight i want to make sure we get to the airport let's get there way before midnight pass through immigration so we can say no it's till the 17th even though our flight leaves technically on the 18th yeah no i think that's good let's let's do that let's not just risk anything really no on the last day that we're here we could end up in jail can you imagine no [Music] down on the streets there are signs of the protests everywhere look at that thai people usually are not violent they're nice they're friendly yeah look at it this is not nice [Music] tori is on his way to meet an old friend at the airport they close a lot of roads like this one is close look you can't go anywhere tori came to bangkok for a relaxing break but it's not working out this is a holiday it's supposed to be holiday but becoming a little bit of nightmare now [Music] tori's friend joan has flown in from australia but now he's too late to meet her off the plane and he can't seem to find her anywhere she's supposed to come out here and this here this guy here the bee okay as he sets off to look for her he starts to lose focus that's beautiful dress hey look at that see that nice color nice smile look at that they got a beautiful smile here she's not here and i hope she's okay hey i'm worried tori decides to charm the tourist police into helping him find his friend her name they say john wallace no he's a woman if he's a man yeah i'll go i don't mind waiting for a woman what flight oh i can't remember the number but it's landed at 8 40 in the morning yes i'm struggling tori's friend has picked up her bags and officer kannaquan thinks she may have left the airport if she gets the bags it means she pass already why we have to shake immigration again oh i do but i just got it yesterday i can't remember the number okay for me i don't have the phone with me i left it this morning at home um i'm supposed to be in holiday i don't need any phone any yeah that's necessary now now tori seems to be getting desperate can you do the announcement like yeah ask information they don't you can't yes you got enough power at all no okay my option is running out of only too pleased to point tori in the direction of anywhere else but when he tries to log on to his email he can't remember his password despite receiving a prompt he asked me where i met my wife or which one unbelievably he can't log on i can't access it unbelievable it's shaping up like a long day you like a drink up in ayatoya another victory means will's reached the finals of the world thai boxing championships now he's hoping to find similar fortune for his girlfriend beth in her fight tonight going to the temple get um getting this blast for bath i'm going to give it a just before a fight for good luck i got it from from shopping center earlier the monks are busy at the moment so we can't blast the border for beth having come all this way will decides to bless the buddha himself before heading back to training camp where he finds beth sick with nerves beth can i come in i got you something thank you [Music] it's back there today it's all yours in it go for it i've messaged my mom she always says why can't i pick something like synchronized swimming but then again that's not me so beth's just a few hours away from the fight of her life and will's praying the lucky buddha does the trick i'll come with you [Music] back at the airport tori still hasn't found his friend joan he doesn't have a phone he can't pick up emails and his beer's starting to froth unbelievable he enlists the help of officer jibidoo at the information desk my problem is i'm waiting for a friend yes and i think she's lost in the airport really all i need is just you announce your name oh yeah if you can find here that would be very nice we got it somewhere but that's already five hours yes probably she's lost somewhere how about she might get to the hostel already or something one hotel is a lady yes a big one jib's pretty sure tori's friend has left the airport but she can offer some free advice you shouldn't be drinking if you drink you will look you will discredit yourself and yeah exactly and no one would like to help you as much as you don't drink that's why it's my first beer for the day i'm in trouble already it looks like tori's never gonna find his friend joan unbelievable i hope you will find her thank you very much can always come back to this counter i don't think i'm gonna come back here really no that's enough for today is enough there's only one word for it unbelievable [Music] with more protests expected tonight police are guarding all the roads to the airport [Music] laura and nina are heading back to london and hoping to avoid the worst of the trouble but it's going to be tight we're going to make it on time and to make matters worse their standard 30-day visa exemption is about to expire [Music] see what happens let's hope he hurries up oh we just made it when the girls finally reached the airport no oh my god cancelled look at all the council flights what's going on we're [ __ ] with no chance of catching their connection to london they go in search of an alternative flight right now the visa is the least of my worries to be honest i just need to get back to london we need to get the second flight that's really important because otherwise we're gonna have to buy it one new flight is okay but two i mean that no it's not gonna happen at the airline desk there's a lifeline oh wow it's getting better it's shorter waiting time and shorter arrivals much better they're offered a free transfer onto a better flight they put us on a flight to london via dubai so we're not off to dubai just like that in five minutes and we're actually saving four hours so we get to london a lot earlier than we thought we would be which is nice yeah so blessing in this guy yeah is actually a blessing disguise and no mentioning of visa well not yet oh right okay this is it now immigration fingers crossed will the visas be spotted moore is first to go when she makes it nina slips through after and the friends are cleared for takeoff [Music] laura and nina may have slipped the net but as the protests continue captain jack is stamping his visas in a state of heightened alertness and i hear it like every day but you need at least a page for jack's stamp and this passenger is running out of space time for a friendly reminder so i want you to understand that when you when you making a visa on arrival you need a visa on arrival in thailand we need one page full and this time we really really assist you to get in okay because we know that you will be a very good tourist but it will be the last time for you to use this passport renew it okay this passenger got off lightly jack's not the toughest officer in the department you're welcome i'm not the one who's strict i'm not the one who's straight that title goes to inspect him why in the current climate she's watching out for any suspicious behavior jana from seattle has been hanging around the airport for nearly 24 hours some wise asked captain burt to investigate do you have a ticket for your next fight yeah yeah i do you want a siege yes sure it's from the other airport always just electronic tickets yeah okay jana tells birch she's waiting for a connecting flight to the island of kolpangan but she didn't realize she had to transfer to bangkok's other airport don meng bert reports back to inspect him why would they put me in jail i don't know i hope not i cross my fingers knock on wood but moy wants to find out more disneyland i have to know why you stay inside for a long time oh i told them i have a flight tomorrow morning yeah at 7 00 am and i thought it was from here i didn't know there was more than one airport here yeah but it's from the other airport and when will you stay inside just on seats on my computer and sleeping the kid like this is look like a suspect passenger that wait for the time to to entry after fry right it's no good for for the passenger officers believe that some passengers wait for the busiest time to pass through immigration hoping they'll be processed quickly and smuggled items won't be found if you have to wait for connecting fire you are fry must have connecting at this airport if you have the kid like it we have to suspect that's person i thought my connecting was in this airport yeah i didn't know there was another one and then i found out that there was another one so i went out and i was supposed to take the shuttle from here but i just found out so she confirmed about the fight it's okay misunderstanding cleared up bert points jana in the direction of the shuttle bus my boss assigned her to next time check the flight already and shake the airport for yana it's a lesson learnt don't hang out at bangkok airport in the middle of a national emergency when inspector my is on duty i didn't think anything bad could happen but you never know so especially in a foreign country just about anything can happen [Music] next up through immigration is 24 year old mum of two marika hello nice to meet you it would have to be something important to make a braid the troubles in bangkok yeah yeah a little bit nervous about this rioting i've just arrived in bangkok to get some plastic surgery done breast augmentation and a tummy tuck all at the same time can i see your please my whole life i was really overweight and then i had two kids and i lost heaps of weight so body's not what it should be for a 24 year old so getting it fixed up two and a half million people come to thailand each year for surgery marika meets her fellow medical tourists so your doctor what's his name dr titty dr titty yeah what's your doctor and his first name's porn theft so i don't know if he does porn stars or not you know in fact dr titty's one of the pioneers of thailand's plastic surgery boom i think people have come to thailand for cosmetic surgeries because we had a quite a standard job and with a cheaper price dr titty doesn't stop at tummy tucks and breast enhancements [Music] the other group is transgender patient we're very famous on that they come from all over the world for for the transgender for the sex change surgeries nothing so drastic for marika but it could still be a life-changing experience this time tomorrow i'll have a new body back at the world's high boxing championships it's the moment of truth for beth lose this one and she's on the plane home i feel more nervous than i do for my fight to be honest i don't know if she'll do will's right to be nervous thai boxing takes no prisoners and the fighter from before is still coming round beth's opponent in the red corner is one of the tournament favorites just go for it just go for it straighten it this is your time come on [Applause] almost from the off will's fears are confirmed he should have waited for the monks to bless the buddha beth's taking a beating [Applause] come on battles bravely but will knows the game's up [Applause] [Music] she's a bit upset that's understandable i'll try and make her feel better later he did really good [Music] oh man i got a few elbows and she's got a few big lumps on her head so i'm alright as long as she's got some marks i've got my lump still smiling she's not got my heart down at the end of the day you've come over you've fought for england you're in thailand one of the most amazing countries in the world and it's an honor to be here with you you know we second family england team beth's putting on a brave face but the pressure's now will to win gold for her england and his [Music] grand it's a new day at bangkok airport the knights passed off relatively peacefully and the airport's keen to show its business as usual after the success of captain jack's dance routine they're laying on even more entertainment for anxious passengers and up in the food court a real-life thai celebrity is dropped in people when they see me they are hungry and that hungry must be very yummy as well thailand's top food critic kunrit is filming her top rating food show right here right now at the airport i'm the food restaurant industry and having the program every day monday to friday on channel 3. i must say that turnout right now is a top rating in thailand kunrit's come to check out an italian restaurant up on fourth floor departures john philippo is excited is a very important superstar in thailand she comes in our shop for for film our italian food in the airport of bangkok not only does kunrice have her own show on channel three she's got her own version of the thumbs up my sign alright that means okay channel three whether their food is okay or not when people meeting me they will do like this and when she's wrapped kung rite is happy to spend time with her adoring fans my friend club i have a lot of fan club in los angeles they know me very well when they see me at the airport [Music] there may be blood shed on the streets of bangkok but it's more sprained ankles and diarrhoea at the airport's medical center whatever the ailment sick passengers need a fit to fly certificate from doctor art and the team sweaty car when you travel by air there is a risk anytime if you have your your medical problems you have to make sure that everything is okay before flying that's especially true when you're nearly nine months pregnant like one bui she's on her way back home to finland via india and i have a flight to mumbai this evening and then i'll be five days in goa and then i fly back because then i'll have reached 36 weeks of pregnancy and you can't fly anymore after that i'm going to hopefully give birth in finland that's the plan if all goes well how are you i'm fine how are you i'm doctor shawnee from nice nicely nice to meet you this is your first baby my first baby yes and do you have any contraction right now no the baby moves well baby moves well dr art's worried about wambui taking a long-haul flight just a few weeks before she's due to give birth after 36 weeks you can go in labor any time so you shouldn't fly during that period doesn't kick a lot yeah a lot the main risk of flying with every pregnant is that you can go in the labor because you know nobody can help you during the flight the aircrew cannot help they they have to call the emergency landing for you or because they're afraid about the safety of the baby and the mother but on the plus side the first leg of wambui's journey to india is only three hours i think the baby moves the head down already but not engaged yet for the three hours it's okay you can fly that's it yeah can i have a document saying yeah that i can fly please i will write it up for you wait for the little thank you so much cool wambu is okay to leave bangkok but she'll need a second certificate from doctors in mumbai if she's going to make it back to finland to give birth the free to fly certificate is valid only one day because i gave her for the day that she is going to mumbai but when she stay in goa for a week when she need to go back home she need another one from india this is fit to fly freaky friday okay thank you have a good day thank you very much you're welcome all right success so wambu is free to continue her journey if only for now in downtown bangkok mum of two marika's getting ready for her afternoon in the operating theater she's having a boob job and a tummy tuck all in one go yeah i'm getting more excited now i'm not nervous or anything yet i guess that'll be when i'm like it'll take some serious recuperation and a whole new wardrobe this is sort of like after the really heavy duty stuff like to wear for about six months this is like the girdle belt thingy doesn't even fit yet and then this one's for like the bra super glamorous marika's in the capable hands of top plastic surgeon dr titty he's already made his mark it's like tt but everyone calls him dr teddy i saw him this morning at eight so these are my markings now it's like he's a carpenter or something and he's like measures everything this is just only about three to four hour surgery for cosmetic surgery for plastic surgery is definitely undeniably considered for us i'm just going to cut there and then cut down there and take that away and then just stitch it back up and then um with the belly button because it's still attached though cut a new hole and then kind of stick the old belly button through it and stitch that back up before they wheel her into surgery dr titty talks through the op we upload your nipples a little bit that's for breath and for tummy we do the full semiconductor without liposuction yeah okay thank you tomorrow she might be feeling some soreness but after the day after tomorrow she should be fine she can even go for shopping for tour that doesn't matter shopping's for another day it's the surgery marika is here for and she's been planning it for years i'm normal size now but in my head i'm still a fat kid so i think once i've got this surgery done i can actually move on to normal [Music] up in arrivals are backpackers tally and tiri just back from their full moon party in kopangan they spent three days on the island but it didn't go exactly as planned not the best couple of days we've been sunburned she lost her card and left it in a cash machine but their real trouble started when the party began well we're being really careful like we i was human fine we had like two beers and like a vodka and coke checking they were sealed beforehand and next thing i know i'm waking up six hours later and he said i just collapsed she was just being sick crying hysterically crying she wasn't tripping or anything she was just panicking tally reckons she knows what happened the only explanation is so many people offered to help me lift her away from all the like craziness or buying us bottles of water to give to her offering me money offering us to take their hostel room for the night it was disgusting that i missed it we obviously just caught one bad person yeah do you know whether it's safe for us to go to coastline road today because of the protests the friends will spend two nights in bangkok before heading north they're understandably keen to avoid any further trouble we were like um we've heard about protests is it okay she said in taxi yeah so we'll just have to take a risk i think there's no protest civil unrest spiked drinks tally and terry won't let anything spoil their holiday it just goes to show that you can't be too careful so we're just going to carry on as we were and hope for the best so the great adventure [Music] continues back in bangkok marika's ready to unveil her new look she's had the classic dr titty tummy talk i think they've done a really good job like i've looked at so many before and afters and i'm really happy it's like my old belly button but a new position when i move sometimes like that or whatever you can feel it sort of wobble inside but it's not it's not too crazy he cut off like over a kilo of skin and stuff and they left that at the end of the bed for like 24 hours and the nurse was like what do you want me to do with this and i was like oh can you get rid of it then there's the boob job just to balance things out it doesn't feel that different like i don't look down and think oh they're huge or anything but i'm sure they look different to other people they're like half a kilo each so what i got cut off i got put in here [Music] later at the airport marika's sister erica turns up to admire the work and take the new look marika home oh dairy queen and what better way to celebrate extensive weight loss surgery than by sampling the delights of the airport food court what did you get caramel almond or kitkat turmoil [Music] back up north in ayatoya it's the closing night of the world thai boxing championships and wills one fight away from keeping the promise he made to his family of bringing home gold i'm going to bring it home miss tama yeah tell grandma i promise that'll win dinner i'm gonna kick ass mom don't worry if it's to live up to that promise will needs to thai box a thai thai boxer the reigning champion and crowd favorite his last he's about six minutes to show what he's got for his gold medal oh he wants a hell of a lot [Music] so it's his time to take the gold now he's worked his way up and it's his chance how to get what he wants [Applause] within seconds of the bell will's opponent goes on the attack inside the first round will hits the canvas it's a technical knockout [Music] this year will's gran is going to have to settle for silver what happens when you lose some it's quite a tech experience and you're still second world and you're the one that's gone through three rounds three fights for with the tournament over for another year they can now start their holiday in the traditional british ways back in bangkok the protests are subsiding including the two officers 28 people lost their lives in the unrest but through it all the airports stayed open and life's slowly returning to normal the tourist police are out playing on their segways [Music] with the immigration hall bursting at the seams captain saric is busy welcoming people from all nations i'm russian russian i'm thai and captain a is busy sending them to the back of the queue excuse me just get back in the line back to the line i do love this job back in the line down in the medical center tourists are dropping like flies sorry and dr art couldn't be happier that's what i love about yeah working here being among people yeah up in visa on arrival captain jack's back stamping for thailand everybody is here every country every nation comes here visit us so you have a good trip [Music] yeah bye bye i love my country very much yes for the passengers too there's a happy ending wambui made it back to finland and gave birth to a baby boy unbelievable come on tori eventually found his friend joan and they went for a drink so it's time to say goodbye to bangkok airport to all the characters who make it such an unusual place but you've got to say it in time for me goodbye see you again
Channel: Spark
Views: 268,339
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Spark, Science, Technology, Engineering, Learning, How To, education, documentary, factual, mind blown, construction, building, full documentary, space documentary, bbc documentary, Science documentary
Id: UCqoL-g-Zwc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 10sec (3310 seconds)
Published: Fri May 21 2021
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