Pet Parrot Seized By Airport Security | The World's Best Airport: Changi | Spark

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in this episode a bird suspected of carrying the deadly avian influenza virus is detained if the bird has blood flu we will have to put it down tiny travelers find themselves stranded they just started the electronic system today and changi's own army of agents are on the front line i think she purposely missed her flight because she doesn't want to leave singapore this is singapore where the old world meets new metropolis at its heart is this changi airborne singapore's jewel in the crown [Music] with unprecedented access we go inside changi voted world's best airport to find out what makes it tick it's lightning right now for passengers it's an oasis of peace and calm but for the 40 000 staff who keep it that way it can be anything but the airport's not functioning so i'm sort of stranded [Music] it's a busy morning like every morning at the changi airport service counters there's a hundred different questions [Music] these men and women are the irrepressible face of changi their job is to please pamper it'll make you feel warm and problem solved outside from december passenger has left a cake in the toilet which toilet did you use before for sign off just right before you go down right yes before the one closest to the escalator going down what kind of case ah this is top cake agent john's problem is that the bag is unattended in transit mayna what is the color sir what color white color sir just to explain to you if if for example we aren't able to see what is inside the bag what will happen is we would have to activate the police okay okay today the canine detection team are on the trail of something canine use dogs to combat the ever-present threat of terrorism and smuggling they patrol the three terminals and lost bags don't last long the customer says he has left the bag in the toilet i'm looking for a white bag i had a shoulder bag that contains cakes inside john's is determined to leave no stone unturned he needs to find it before the canine team do although faber's job is to bring criminals to justice a bit of cake on the side wouldn't go amiss which toilet i am here right now i'm here right now toilet it's not in here like i don't know if this is the bag that he's saying but i don't know it's white bag it's not anti-you stuff is it and neither is this and it will only be a matter of minutes before he's pipped at the post by someone with a better nose wait wait wait wait wait but it looks like the doggy determination of this agent is about to pay off okay result one white bag found in the arrival hall after investigation and a thorough risk assessment to determine its level of threat this cake can be handed back to its owner all right so we this is like the kick inside right thanks to john's this passenger gets to have his cake and eat it thank you i'm happy now he's a happy passenger bye it's not all happy endings at changi airport this morning have you eaten this passenger has been in transit for over 36 hours she has a problem and agent jr is trying to fix it in singapore where do you live she is saying she has no money to fly home you don't have any money what can we do with this no man he needs to call a tamil speaking colleague who he thinks might be able to help nissa can you help me please because i have this passenger i don't understand her basically take water let you buy food okay changi airport welcomes a thousand flights a day and over 50 million passengers a year its counters are crammed with cases of precious things lost people lose a lot of things in changi airport cell phones bags ipads ipods gadgets rings wedding rings engagement rings children they lost their kids there was once we had a lost child in terminal 3 we usually bring them into our counters so that they won't run away and then he ended up puking on our chair a lost child has found the customer service counter in terminal 2 this morning all right sit inside this boy can't find his mum he's being as brave as he possibly can but it's proving tough i'm just right okay you want water good thanks no sweet nina's first job is to find out some basic information how to spell your name p-u-n-g-t-o-n-g only t-o-n-g tong will have to hold his nerve while changi's agents start searching there are families everywhere but not it seems the mother of one vietnamese eight-year-old boy the search is on but this mum is a needle in a haystack then a passenger delivers crucial information she's been in the orchid garden 20 meters away all along oh yeah according to passenger his mind is there they were just at our counter getting the wi-fi password he was still there i think the mom walked off he didn't know where his mom was so he started to panic okay reunited once more tong's lost mother isn't quite sure yet what has taken place but all's well that ends well on nina's watch this morning [Laughter] at changi airport's animal and plant quarantine station it's a busy day this is where all four-legged departures and arrivals are checked for diseases by a team of dedicated vets and trained officers easier to examine her on here their job is to protect singapore's borders most pets receive a full bill of health but not tweety hi baby hi a mccall who has traveled far do you want some water he's had a long journey here it's a 22-hour flight from new york he had a 10-hour transit in frankfurt and before that he was in the airport checking in with the u.s fish and wildlife for like eight hours so he's been traveling for a long time this bird is a little bit of a special case it transited through germany which is a country that is affected with bird flu so because of this we can't release the birds straight away after the inspection we need to detain the bird here until it has been tested negative for bird flu again [Music] bird flu is highly contagious so in an airport environment if for some reason the staff there were not sure and put the bird together with other birds there might be a chance of exposure singapore is free from avian influenza but if there were an outbreak it would have serious implications so if tweety tests positive he won't be coming home if the bird has bird flu we will have to put it down [Music] what will happen when kevin tries his first pushback the electrical for the aircraft is not working anymore what will agent mido do when he's asked to carry a mysterious package into departures actually for security reasons items are not allowed to be transferred from public to transit area and will this maid refuse to leave singapore you don't want to go home you want to stay here [Music] with 40 000 staff and a reputation to maintain at changi every day is training day front of house agents turn on the charm behind the scenes trainees are also put through their paces [Music] sats as always are on the tarmac changi handles a thousand flights a day each one gets pushed onto the taxiway for takeoff today sats have a new trainee this is kevin he's a pushback virgin and he has to get a boeing 787 into position with a tractor my first time push but it looks like this plane isn't going anywhere behind the energy the electrical for the aircraft is not working anymore so it has to run on the ground power that's down here to start up the aircraft engine we need another ground power to start up the engine it's electrical to start up it's like a to start up a car a jump start it's the same thing where's the engine [Music] kevin will have to push a 300 ton plane with the engines running as soon as the jump start kicks in [Music] there'll be a lot of force pushing and pulling of the push back equipment so it will be worse than a normal push back the stress would be very high on him all right so now you know the engine to start up you're gonna start this one so be careful go slowly follow the line and follow my instructions when to turn all right okay good all right this will not be any fun at least not for kevin he's been training for three weeks to reach this point if he passes the test he will be a fully paid up member of pushback club a bit more okay straight straight up straight up face up straight up ready [Music] great great kevin is pushing back a 350 million dollar plane for the first time with the engine running his tow bar is steering 247 tons while he braces the full-on blast go down pull your hand up today kevin has worked the ramp and passed the test not bad for a beginner in another remote corner of changi the hardest training yet is underway these are singapore airlines trainees and this is grooming class do you think this is a bit over the top measuring the bones no on graduation dave i see this i'll get very upset today each girl will present herself to amy and be judged on makeup nails and hair because my ear is sticking out so i was asked to cut it to cover my ear shaman is afraid her bun will meet with the same fate my face is quite round so i'm afraid that she asked me to cut my hair what eyeshadow you're using okay so nails did you paint them yourself yes okay this part here you need to paint it's chipping off and there's gaps okay again for a while for me to fill in huh no gaps okay so check the back of your hair turn around here okay good okay i see a little bit of pins be very careful but overall good effort okay thank you okay you have improved since improved a lot since the last time i'm happy to keep my hair i've never tried having short hair before so [Music] when i first turn up there are very ordinary people playing jane girls but after the training program you can see that a little bit more polished um more sophisticated thank you even myself i get surprised yeah so you can really see a great transformation from ordinary people to cabin crew [Music] is terminal 3's ever-present duty shift supervisor heading up a jolly team of pre-board security screeners changi airport is home to some of the tightest and most efficient security in the world its secret weapon men and women who man the gates scan people and baggage and move passengers from gate to getaway in minutes they are certis security and it's muss's job to make sure they are the last word in customer security service waiting to spot on any mistake that is being seen by any of my officers over here it's kind of harsh but then uh it's my job to do that one time the president trying to give me a punch because i throw i'm throwing away his perfume which he said is cost him quite a lot of money but then i managed to actually cool him down after talking to him for quite some time and he unwillingly accept the decision for me on the singapore airlines flight to sydney no one is punching anyone but there are still some unacceptable liquids straight from the cruise ship two bandits are caught smuggling a souvenir from the ship's captain i'm sorry ma'am this without a seal back you can't bring it in it's more than hard and oh okay i'm sorry about that that's all right can i just have it okay so i gotta discard it that's fine lovely champagne given to us by the captain of sapphire princess he's such a wish but dad i say musa this man wants to deliver a parcel to a cousin in transit because of an emergency actually uh my mom suffered a heart attack and then there was some complication after the after the procedure and now uh i want to consult some doctors in india so i want to pass some reports reports to somebody who's traveling to india via singapore but he has to convince agent maida all right and she suffered a heart attack and is not free to travel for one month and actually after the operation right there's some complication he has brought hard copies of his mother's medical information to be carried cd's actually too yeah needs to decide how to handle this situation it's an unusual request it's a security matter but it's also a special case actually for security reasons items are not allowed to be transferred from public to transit area or from transit to public area however when there's a serious situation or sensitive situation like this we see the exception from the dc terminal manager and our management i thought this would be faster i knew just this morning that he's traveling so if i can catch up this this it will be like in person somebody taking it over the decision the airport now makes could help save her life hello swan me to here great so i've got the approval the airport authorities are allowing the emergency medical files to be checked and delivered to the passenger in transit this man's mother is in a critical condition now he can get a second opinion from their family doctor in india quickly the gate is closing in minutes but mido has just enough time to find the passenger in transit and deliver this precious cargo you will just need please your passport to photocopy and your signature here jr is dealing with a difficult case in the airport today a distressed woman is in transit but has no money he has discovered she had a flight but did not get on it purposely you don't want to go home you want to stay here his tamil speaking colleague is finally able to establish the situation the passenger has been dismissed by her employer and can't stay in singapore she's supposed to go to chennai she has missed two flights already i just need to get the flight number of this lady the one she missed last night from going to china i think her boarding pass is there can i just have the flight number actually i don't understand her but i think she purposely missed her flight because she doesn't want to leave singapore she's a maid and then she was sent to the airport directly by the boss jr has been able to negotiate with the airline in certain circumstances airlines will offer a new flight for a small rebooking fee she's going to pay for no trophy only because tiger was so nice to her because she doesn't have money for ladies yes this is how much she's holding she has two thousand two hundred rupees it's only around forty seven dollars singapore dollars still not enough i'll call her i call her employer [Music] with just 47 this passenger cannot stay in transit indefinitely she no longer has a home or a job in singapore will three dogs make their flight to chicago no no we send morning ready to them means they never do anything will tweety the quarantine mccaw get to go home this is a quick test that tests for asian influenza and how will agent paul handle a woman who seems unconscious in terminal one excuse [Music] at the heart of southeast asia changi airport is a hub for all kinds of folk we're just giving them a quick square and there's not much that phases changi's intrepid agents where there are passengers there are sometimes problems it won't happen again i won't go right out again now it's agent paul's turn to have a situation [Music] madam ma'am are you all right ma'am madam excuse me man man excuse me ma'am i'm not sure what condition is i think it's faster sleep i didn't get lady to wake her up madame hi madam without making physical contact paul isn't able to wake this sleeping beauty but a female colleague might wendy wendy emergency emergency queen check the path of the lady hold the pass i shouldn't respond we tried to call her she didn't respond see when he pounds first up check if the passenger is still alive huh yeah i caught ces you call him already i remember i called i called some supervisor first and i had nervous she has a pulse paul and agent wendy believe that this young woman has passed out hey uh we are terminal 1 here there's a case of a lady and she's fast asleep and she's not responding to uh calling the parts of taken is the worst building so we need you to advise us what makes connection you want terminal one opposite row number six at door number two okay sure sure i'll do i'll do it then first is to get her out from this stage and then from there i will move on you give me a minute i icon mr professor i'm going to take a shot of her and send it to my supervisors all they can do is stay with her in case she comes around i'm going to get a wheelchair try to lift up to the wheelchair i'll be back suddenly agent wendy manages to wake her up she's confused but conscious when do you need a wheelchair she had came about and she managed to move on to the um rest area and she sort of recovered for a while and she claimed she's all right although we know that she's not quite so she insisted that she can to be left alone jr is still dealing with a maid who does not have enough money to fly home and has been in the airport for almost two days hey good morning jr here from changi airport if you have a situation here i think you're me she missed her flight last night she didn't take the flight actually we checked the the money she has the rupees i'm converted to singapore dollars it's only 40 class so it's not enough now she's very helpless and i think she really wants to go home based from what i can see and based on the conversation i had with her also i can ensure that she's going um to the flight are you willing to cash out the 70 dollars for her with tiger okay yeah have a nice day bye bye it's just a small amount you know it's turned out to be this big the employer is willing to transfer the money if we make sure that she's gonna be on the flight after almost two days in the airport this passenger is going home lisa please um just help me to rebook the flight tiger air transfer e yeah hopefully they're still available yeah thank you thank you i just hope she goes back home safely yeah and i'm happy that we were able to help her [Music] at ava's animal and plant quarantine tweety is being detained he could have been exposed to the deadly virus avian influenza or bird flu you heard it so he's been staying with ava officers until he's been tested he's a popular inmate but not so popular that he won't be put down if he fails the test i'm preparing the reagents needed to do the quick test that tests for asian influenza this is the swap from um the bottom of the cage it has a bit of 2d poop on it so we just need to swirl it this gives us a good indication of the health status of treaty jan is performing an initial test before sending the samples to a lab for a conclusive answer there are all sorts of problems that arise with animals in transit paperwork is king and animal agents like lance are key to a smooth transition today he's taking three dogs who have been given a clean bill of health by ava to the airport usually we try to get to the airport at about three and a half to four hours before flight lance's job is to help those family members who are not allowed on the seats have a stress-free flight we just don't want the animals to wait we want to get them to the airport process all the paperwork and then the animal is settled in and they're ready to go these precious pooches face a 20-hour journey to chicago via frankfurt yeah when the dog leaves they cry when the dog arrives they cry you know they treat the dogs and animals like their children there's 101 things that can go wrong with animal cargo but lance singapore's very own dr doolittle has it covered i'll take them out give them a little pen [Music] it's about 15 minutes so it should be done in another five minutes it's just pictures to prove that i hand it over to the airline the dogs are all in good condition and it's also approved and i can set it to the owner as well but elsewhere the work is just beginning for sats cargo tonight they are particularly busy it's the night of singapore's annual formula one the sats cargo team have the nail-biting task of transporting hundreds of tons of precious cargo to japan the buck stops with jeslin who has the toughest job in the airport tonight today we are handling f1 outbound flights as the next f1 race will open this weekend in japan on her womanly shoulders rest 240 crates of cargo that would normally be shipped out over seven days she has less than 24 hours to get it onto six scheduled flights to make the race in japan the convoy from trackside is starting to arrive at the cargo trans shipment center this is one of the problems that we are facing the taller units can't enter ctc so we have to pocket from outside having the cars stack too tall to enter their warehouse means sats lose time can you go closer [Applause] forking is their only option to get this show on the road but jeslin has another headache we are supposed to have a transporter to transport um the cargo onto the dolly so the transporter inside here even the cargo is here we cannot transport it on to the dolly without the transporter onto which the heavy crates can be rolled fast and taken to the plains jeslin doesn't have a hope of making the scheduled flights has no option but to use manpower now we are using men to push instead of transporter she may have a brave face but if her team can't get these crates onto the planes the japan grand prix isn't going to happen and then hope on the horizon the transporter is here sats are back in the game the race is on this is just the first flight and we have five other flights to go while f1 cargo is back on track lance's precious cargo has come to a halt the unthinkable has happened human error these dogs are grounded so there is a pre-launch inn that they will send to them they never say no information that was definitely sent to the airline has not been sent from the airline to cargo so they never sent the fwb for lance and the dogs this is a disaster no no we send morning ready to them means they never do anything right okay we always send to them so uh the first thing in the morning the data is not in the system at the moment and because of that the dogs cannot fly the airline haven't entered the dog's information into the system yeah they just started the electronic system today sats have to do it and boarding for the flight is already underway will three dogs make it to the plane on time they're safe they're secure i'd give them plenty of water will jesslyn get f1's cars off the ground it doesn't seem like it's stable with the blocks so we are getting some wooden beams to stabilize it jr is at the customer service counter transit terminal 3 he's running out of vital supplies how many do we have we're lucky for six passengers passengers love changi airport suites they will come to the information counter just to grab one this counter is a busy counter you must have everything babe you're here any news about the sweets but do we have okay who's coming but i mean you're gonna get some for us okay thank you we might get a complaint if you don't have candies simple things like that yeah we can encounter complaints and we don't want that customer complaints are a no-no at this airport agents provide all manner of creature comforts to pamper their precious passengers no more coming coming we have blankets water bottled water and sweets all for free we also have cookies by the way oreos biscuits they're here good job it's not enough i'm telling you take some sweets okay happiness animal agent lance has hit a paperwork snag he's waiting to see if three dogs can get on a flight to chicago but he gets back to hear the magic words from sats cargo okay we are all done here acceptance completed time to go they have to fly our job is done they're safe they're secure i give them plenty of water and i'm off [Music] and plant quarantine there is some happy news [Music] the test results have come back negative tweety does not have bird [Music] boy flu missed you i love you there are plenty of long-awaited cuddles and kisses for him hi patrick whistling the whole time i was here and i think he made he's a very good friend with um hanif now yeah wanna shake hands good that's all the tricks you know for the staff it's time to say goodbye to their most talkative would you like staying here at the office get plenty of food to eat going to say bye to your friends come on bye i definitely get attached to animals that come here i really love animals okay bye but obviously home is where the pet's owner is so they have to go home tweedy is off home for some proper creature comforts sir moving please first lane meanwhile passengers are trying to get some of their favorite treats onto flights deputy shift supervisor moose deals with bags of all shapes and sizes a thai president actually brought in a kind of food item wrapped up with a newspaper and inside was actually a live fish with some water in it you can see the fish is moving in the water what did you do with the fish ah we have to throw it away because it's liquid it's more than 100 mm changi bins as usual are overflowing muss as usual is fighting the good fight against waste today he's promoting 100 milliliter bottles one of the options actually uh you can purchase the 100 mm water at watson's okay they can transfer all these in the 100 mm bottles and you can have it with you do you remember you have any uh jar of marmalade marmalade well um oh yeah okay this is just not a lot to be on but because there's some liquids in it one pot of pesto will be rescued one option which i can have i can offer you whereby we can deliver this to your destination yeah uh doing using a speed post delivery 85 yeah it's too expensive i won't okay i don't like trying people items if you ask me personally i would like to save every single item that needs to be thrown away thanks a lot okay sorry about that yeah okay enjoy your flight we will garlic pesto sauce it's quite a shame to throw this away [Music] jessalyn and her team have worked through the night two planes have been loaded with formula one cargo they're on schedule for japan's race but jeslin has another problem with an unwrapped and uneven load it is like from the pellet dolly actually i think because the load is not evenly spread out the cars are heavy on the front and the back one is only strapped down here she's worried that these cars worth a million singapore dollars it doesn't seem like it's stable with the blocks so we are getting some wooden beams to stabilize this for duty manager gerard brand new car means age-old solution gerrard hopes that common sense experience and two planks will rescue the situation there's only two of these 20 footers so that the rest of it will be easy the beams are going in gerard is orchestrating every inch of this procedure the plan works these cars make it out to the tarmac in one piece [Music] i'm glad it's finally over everything went well and i think this is a really a great success [Music] we need four next time the annual hajj pilgrimage leaves from terminal three please give way thank you most of our family members are already at the gate to with us goodbye passengers keep customer service on their toes take a state train skytrain [Applause] and migration season means more threats from the air [Music] it's anymore
Channel: Spark
Views: 1,082,608
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Spark, Science, Technology, Engineering, Learning, How To, education, documentary, factual, mind blown, construction, building, full documentary, space documentary, bbc documentary, Science documentary, changi airport, the world's best airport, changi singapore, singapore, busiest airport, inside an airport
Id: xiyldB2eCJY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 10sec (2530 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 07 2020
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