Behind-The-Scenes At Thailand's Busiest Airport | Bangkok Airport | Spark

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[Music] bangkok airport is like no other airport on earth welcome to thailand this is my best smiling it's where east meets west buddhist meets backpacker that way to the beach and traveler meets trouble you never see me in thailand ever again no no yes and if the culture seems strange the language seems foreign and you're 6 000 miles from home i'm stuck in bangkok don't panic there's an army of airport staff just waiting to help you out one way how may i help you or another get in the line so whether it's your gateway to a million once in a lifetime experiences it's all about love love love and love or just the ticket to a good old-fashioned holiday nightmare look at all the council flights this is your final call very happy everyone welcome pastor please to bangkok airport it's the eve of the annual airport awards and the staff are being extra specially nice when i help others i feel so happy i feel good everyone wants to win the coveted award for customer service when somebody have some problem they can come here we can give them the night happy ending but not everyone's impressed by the customer care they're getting that doesn't work for me at all cosmos and harry can't get a flight back to london this woman is so useless you know they're absolutely useless and wills left high and dry after a night on the town is there another flight at any stage today but he's only got himself to blame don't get drunk in thailand that's the key message the medical team rally round when a british backpacker puts his foot in it this is it it is quite crazy and we meet the airport doctor who's so popular he's got his very own fan club i love but him a man who loves to ask are you being served i love european tourists bay from vat refunds has become a legend in the world of customer service in airport know me [Laughter] 78 900. i can meet everybody i can talk to them when they come to me i feel really happy to take care of them bay likes to make every tourist feel at home i like to learn english language passport please thank you english people they are very lovely english japanese chinese oh and thai [Laughter] and if you try a bit of thai it makes bay's day when you come to thailand you can say thai birds example hello with thai people so you can do like this and when you would like to thank him the thank you them you can use thai bird kop kun ka kop kun kai like this and you can smile with them because bae knows that nothing speaks louder than a smile one two three customer satisfaction is top priority for the tourist police too they may be armed but don't worry they'd much rather help you out than shoot you down and there are more than enough tourists in trouble to keep toy and her team on their toes thailand is just like uh the normal country the young people they don't know they don't have experience about traveling to another country on his own today toy's customer service skills are being tested by british backpackers cosmos and harry no no hey look this is our ticket here we need to go home they're ending their holiday a week early after they were robbed on the holiday island of koh samui money got stolen in our bag and then the tourist police and coast coast from rui sent us back to bangkok and then we spoke to the embassy they practically said they can't help and they said to come to the airline and i'll say oh like airlines send us home early but cosmos isn't happy with the flight his airline is offering him i can't fly on the 25th that's impossible that is impossible that doesn't work for me at all on the 25th what was the day today the 21st i told you why we're supposed to sit in the airport until the 25th this woman is so useless you know they're absolutely useless while harry holds for the airline cosmos has a brainwave excuse me is can you check if there's any flights leaving with any other airlines today for me they're not really travel agents but toy's colleague chair corn seems as keen as the boys to get them on the first plane home even so cosmos isn't impressed they can't be helping you they're not really doing anything just sitting here but he's spoken too soon chair corners found him a flight 27 000 bar each yes to leave is that one two or one is that direct yep one way dead and i leave tonight yep 12 15. and when do i have to book that because i'll go in the rain for more money you need to book you have to go up to the fourth floor contact no listen listen as cosmos leaves to raise cash for the flight china corn is found harry finally gets an offer of a flight from their original airline for half the price um how do you want can i pay you cash how do you want me to pay card which basically is we still have to pay like 400 pounds but at least we get home but they've only got an hour to confirm the flight and cosmos has disappeared [Music] a time to stay harry's got to find his mate and fast [Music] everyone in bangkok airport has a nickname it's usually given to them at birth but it helps make them more approachable when you're lost and confused in thailand the nickname did they think first and first name after nickname in thailand toy's real name is charia kitchai assisting while bay's real name is well quite long as well all right my name is but it's down at the airport's medical center where you get the best names like nurse gang his name's not gang at all my name is honsa my nickname king means strong man or smart man [Laughter] what you love really my nickname is poom our food is being bee honeybees [Music] there's a doctor getting too and a nurse ooh or this mean [ __ ] [Laughter] but the man with the coolest nickname is pat pong cheney com my nickname is art a.r.t my mom called me that since i was born i don't know why yeah actually i'm not into art or anything dr art's been at the airport three years now and he's got his own approach to customer service i believe in karma more if you do good you get good if you do bad somebody will give you the bad things okay it's all done so try to be nice dr art's next patient is tobias from london his foot needs fixing before he catches his plane home i cover a wound which needs some redressing and just being cleaned out and stuff okay can you guys do that here yes me i have your passport and for register tobias was looking forward to five weeks island hopping with his mate james then disaster struck and he's been hopping ever since i got this about four weeks ago i've been here for three nights four nights i think and i had a small wound and my foot was a load of bacteria sort of jumped into so i went to a clinic they looked at him said we're going to put you under and we're going to operate and two hours later i'm waking up in a ward with a huge hole in my foot it's still round here it's still pretty open wound we just need to make sure this is cleaned and not infected again show me your medical report really good tobias's foot is on the mend but you should have seen it back in the day nervous viewers look away now this is it from it's about two days later this from sort of side on view that's just the skin pretty much hanging off tobias's wound was pretty horrific but his mate james managed to see the funny side i went to the doctor if you amputate it here's the address send it home to me and did a little joke trying to get him worried about some morphine it was gory but i don't get squeamish or anything like that this is me and the team of doctors and nurses uh my foot's still absolutely still wide open down there but yeah they're all so friendly and so brilliant but it is quite gruesome everyone's been enjoying tobias's wound and now it's dr art's turn yeah so let's go to see the moon okay so today we're gonna clean the room for you the wound is look quite good right now i think it's like almost hill but if it i think it needs like two more weeks but if it doesn't heal you may need a skin graft yeah so you need to see your doctor that's good that you go to yeah home go home thank you very much it's a routine case but dr art knows that small acts of kindness bring their own reward sometimes we have a lot of stories to to learn about life people live you know we don't have to go out of the country or anything but we can learn from them for dubais and james it's been a learning experience too i was really impressed about the service the hospital treatment that they get out here everything's worked out quite well and uh we've had very bad luck but at the same time had good luck tobias is pronounced fit to fly thank you very much it's brilliant he can leave thailand with a smile an insurance claim and a great set of selfies the medical center may fancy its chances in the airport awards but they face tough competition from an unlikely quarter the department lost property the man [Music] is famous for his love of superheroes superhero batman he's become a hero in his own right thanks to his superpowers of deduction when luggage goes missing he can usually pull his house of the bag people usually uh push effect on the toilet and they forgot it maybe anymore the cat the dog or the big sony bravia is very very different this jetty with baggage tag is on the you know today he's helping mark he thinks he's left his bag in visa on arrivals and to make matters worse he's left his wife in baggage reclaim because my wife will be waiting at the luggage belt she does not know because she's a different you know so we have to join in the racket yeah now this time right now yeah right now right now i put my bag down when i had visa on arrival and i signed and got the visa and walked through but i left the bag behind so that's why they sent me up to the lost property counter to you know relocate where it is i i exactly know where it is but just because of the body protection i can't go there super kissy's mission is to reunite mark with his luggage and his wife call to the staff to the passenger to the friend of the passenger we try everything like detective using who knows what powers super kit is onto something i think we found his back from beside one arrival they pass back through security and into the baggage hall super kitty goes after the bag leaving mark to track down his wife i'm not sure why she's taking so long because we set up the same time and i had the time to go up and you know make the complaint and come back unless she's waiting for me because it looks like a lot of crowd there's immigration [Music] you are a legend thank you mate yeah thank you yeah okay yeah so lucky yeah thank you super kitty doesn't want thanks he's just doing his job i love it i love i enjoy helping the passenger i think it's for it's everyday life for me yeah thank you super kid you really are to make things even better mark spots his wife in the immigration queue that's that's my wife at the purple but she doesn't seem too happy to see him give me a hug when i like to click the photograph i kept the bag down yeah okay and i walked out okay but so i could not come back in because you know i've crossed the thing so i had to go out i went lost and found they're very helpful i make sure to get my bag back which it did and and reunite me with my beautiful wife so here you are oh my you charm you're an idiot yeah so bags and family are reunited it's another happy ending the annual airport awards are fast approaching and the race is on for the most prestigious award of all service excellent service for tourists bubay won't have things all his own way information officer jibidoo has her eye on the prize when i help others i feel so happy and i feel good but sometimes you know i'm not an actor or anything like that so when grumpy people come to me when grumpy passengers come to me sometimes i i don't have that much passion too [Music] but i will try my best i always try my best anyway customer service may be hitting new heights but after a hard morning testing the patience of the tourist police harry's still looking for his mate cosmos he's been offered a cheap flight home but he'll lose it unless he finds his pal in the next few minutes so he's using their special mating call we can't find someone we just do this whistle and then they'll come and find them but maybe not in the air but maybe somewhere more smaller maybe in the toilet wait a minute bangkok airport's one of the largest terminals in the world it's the size of 80 football pitches so this isn't to work [Music] oh hang on it does your whistle hey they said yeah we've got a flight tomorrow yeah um how much um 1300 for both of us yeah but just pay for it i think we have to retry and get bit of cash to these people back at tourist police hq cosmos tries to charm toy into helping them buy the tickets useless yeah yeah where's the lady going here she went to the toilet here we go another drink this one's not on our job at all useless they're not exactly hitting it off but toy offers to take the boys to the airline desk it dawns on cosmos that harry hasn't given him any details for the flight he's about to buy listen listen listen listen listen i'm not feeling this bad hold on no you stop talking hold on you're saying you want to stop talking bro because you don't even have any money can you explain to me what's happening because first of all i'm paying for it so before we put anything i want to know what's happening yeah but i don't want to transfer my what what time's the flight tomorrow and and where does it go morning and then to where to where probably guess this hour there's no detail i want details before you start doing all this crazy [ __ ] never gets us out of here have you got details the money's not the problem i just want to know the flight details because he's just jumping around crazy i need to know exactly what's happening because i'm you know i mean i'm paying for the flight i'm not going to pay for something that don't make sense where are we going do you even know where we're going [Applause] [Music] [Applause] nothing while the boys argue the money is deposited in the airline's account we're nearly there we're nearly there and cosmos still hasn't a clue what he's bought wait i don't even know how flat he is back at tourist police hq chair corn fills cosmos in on the ticket harry's talked him into buying and he finds out there's a little stopover in guangzhou china wait we're there for one whole day yeah before okay we should have just done what i said stand up i told you that's a joke thank you okay well you can just take these offers i told you i did not want to stop in china bro it's done now in it there's no point of stressing no i might change it i'm like let's go find wi-fi i might just scrap that i don't give a [ __ ] i don't want to be i don't want to be in china for a day china's i don't like it with the unexpected chinese stopover it's going to be a 53-hour journey back to london we've got a ticket and it's a load of crap because we have to stop in china for 24 hours and they haven't really told us much apart from going to china which i don't want to do so now i'm off to try and find another flight back home straight so that was a waste of money in my eyes and time customer service can be an imprecise art but as cosmos and harry head off at least the tourist police can get back to their work [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] downstairs in the medical center the docs are having dinner a spicy papaya salad not recommended for first timers here today we have a papiya salad party we have a lot of thai food a lot of food that makes people diarrhea [Laughter] sometimes it's smelly yeah if you eat too much if you eat it too many days though it can turn to be very smelly i would not have a constipation tomorrow morning you know what i mean right the medical team love it but for the western tourists thai food can take a bit of getting used to i'm sick everywhere everywhere it's on my leg sick everywhere the doctors don't mind it keeps them nice and busy i've just been vomiting since 12 o'clock today and yeah just really sick the latest victim is tom he's been puking all the way from phuket where are you going london heathrow today it's the first time i've ever got food poisoning woke up about four o'clock this morning in phuket for a 7 a.m flight and just started throwing up straight away just just form the thing so just like uni treating tom today [Music] is dr palm i made this kind of case every day if you suffer from food poisoning and you have a size of dehydration or low blood pressure you should not fly because it's quite a high risk for fainting on board but i never see the patient have the food poisoning diet in thailand so take a deep breath in and ask dr palm begins her examination is there any pain on anywhere just slight discomfort okay stop pushing she's pretty sure it's a common garden case of thai tummy for the problem that you keep meeting since this morning i can give you some medication to stop for you yeah sure i just as long as i get to the check-in desk the nurse administers tom's medication if it's better i would prescribe a tablet for him and let him fly today he'll be a little bit sleepy now and i hope that the symptoms of nausea and vomiting already stop thank you please wait for okay thank you half an hour's rest but with that guy in the next bed that's easier said than done while tom tries to sleep dr pan creeps back to her office to indulge in her favorite pastime i don't want to talk about the games i'm so shy who who told you this who told you about the games dr pan's the latest fan of a craze that's sweeping the airport [Music] and i keep playing it every day until i reach the highest level now the doctor should not play the games when we have the patient inside the clinic now [Music] the tourist police are getting pretty good at it we've got quite a chill job let's play with your phone but dr pan is the champion don't talk with me about candy crush again okay [Music] game over and dr pan returns to check on tom excuse me okay how are you i'm very well thank you yeah thank you so much here no no no no no okay maybe after this you can try to drink water just only a little bit okay okay if you feel fine i will prescribe tablets for you okay so dr pan clears tom for takeoff leaving another satisfied customer everyone's very helpful and very professional and very caring and i think things seem to work upstairs in departures the competition for the annual airport awards is hotting up on check-in duty today is officer bean boarding pass please sounds like she's been practicing her acceptance speech i am cheerful i love to smile i am always ready to attend the needs of others i love to serve people but bean could face a late challenge from her new colleague barry how many do you have sir two two yeah okay i love about the service because i have love about a passenger because many many passengers is not the same we have to make each passenger feel certified about our service we have to do my best barry's customer service skills have already made an impression on bean he can work very quickly and he is very clever i think and he is very kind yeah but is her interest more than professional he is very lovely she called me a meatball she looks like a meatball i like him i like to have him he is like a little baby and also he like one of my team today meatballs trying to get backpackers rosie and jasna home they've got an e-ticket but the airline won't let them board without the car they bought it with and that's long gone to travel apparently we need the bank card that we paid for the flight with in which we lost about a week ago rosie hopes a copy of her bank statement will show proof of purchase and she's gone off to the other side of the airport to print that off but um we're gonna have to repay for the whole entire ticket we don't uh get get this bank statement we've got only got an hour and ten minutes left to fly before he's gonna have loads of time he's gonna buy some perfume get some cigarettes it's not gonna happen now we've got it all printed now so hopefully this is enough to get us on the fly [Music] but back at the desk barry isn't satisfied and do you have the phone number no because the card number would have changed now i've got a new card i mean the original one that you've won the tickets no it won't be on here with no card number on the statement barry calls his manager barry has bad news i already consulted the manager yeah but normally you have to show the credit card number but how am i going to get the credit card number when i haven't got the credit card credit card is lost so i don't have then i don't have the number there's no way of getting the number with time running out barry starts clutching at straws can you remember the number the card that you wore the ticket no because it's lost it's a 12 massive long 12 digit number but with things looking bleak barry exercises his discretion yeah they're gonna make a copy of your passport so is everything okay okay that's okay maybe except you're on board but you have to sign a fall yeah the form protects the airline against fraud if there's a problem they can collect the cost of the flight direct from the girls bank accounts by this time rosie and jasna will sign anything i think it's all sorted now i think we're all good they're gonna let us off it's another triumph for customer service you have to solve the problem about the passenger every day is a challenge the girls get their tickets and barry gets a pat on the back from the boss man of the year for ebay man of the year it's departures where most things tend to go wrong teenagers bijan sam and mitchell have missed their flight after going on a bender in bangkok so we couldn't make it in time so they're trying to get their folks back home to buy them new tickets if you can somehow pay for it online any flight towards melbourne i'll get on it bank of mum and dad bails them out but they've got another problem every [ __ ] time the fourth member of the group will has gone missing it's a liability will is a liability i like don't have a choice now my parents have just spent life yeah it's like 800 bucks with a new flight leaving in 90 minutes the boys have to check in without will oh my god you can drink for free on this planet as well as soon as they get their boarding cards they get a message will somewhere in the airport oh my god probably like walking around with a drip or something still daddy i don't want to talk about it tell them last night i woke up in some just ditch and i don't know how or when and apparently i was 30k away from our hotel so that was the story don't get drunk in thailand that's the key message but it could be an expensive lesson if will doesn't act fast yeah you have to buy an airline ticket we've we've all bought an airline ticker we'll we leave soon we need to go get one it's time to call home i missed my flight because bangkok will do that to you the other guys are very booked a ticket so i don't want to stay here by myself i was wondering if i could use your frequent fire points yeah a lifetime golden member yes okay thank you goodbye all right it's worth a shot armed with his mom's points will races to the desk my mum is a lifetime gold member we won't say the ticket for now there are some rules that can't be bent will can't board and his mates face an agonizing decision or not i'm so angry right now yeah i'll see him so i'm probably gonna have to spend another night here thanks so yeah all my friends have ditched me i have i got another buddy couldn't get a flight she dogged me oh [ __ ] she said to it wait because they've gone through how do you go through i don't know bijan went up that way i'll see you in melbourne looks like will stranded in bangkok unless he can come up with a plan and soon [ __ ] [ __ ] while will ponders his future wayne and his friends are still in a party mood after a fun-filled three weeks finishing it look i started it i suppose right that's it here we go well i need this one to wash this one down they've got their tickets nice and safe and some memories that'll never fade never get a tattoo in thailand supposedly daughter apparently doctor and here's the phone number for my new thai wife nanny been keeping his friends kirsty and kirsty entertained apparently he's an issue you said this doesn't see that i'm showing off look at that yeah well strongest man wayne which way to the beach that way to the beach departure is that way yeah he's like made this holiday trip so funny for me i literally i've been so happy but you can't take him into a restaurant no with your mum or your dad or your nanny wayne's been on the beach every day shots for breakfast five shots breakfast we [Music] passengers partying at the airport's nothing new beams seen it all before drunk passenger they take off the clothes oh [ __ ] they are strong someone they bring whiskey in front of me i just tell them that don't drink too much yeah that should do the trick bean as terminator says i'll be back now wayne's trip to thailand may have damaged his liver but it's opened his eyes best spontaneous thing i've ever done in my life and as soon as i got home it's just work work work and that's it i'm coming straight back out to go traveling again i think i've got to do it i think is there's just so much to the world you haven't seen i've been to the most beautiful places one final mixer ciao [Music] appearances are everything at bangkok airport at least for the staff customer service isn't just about helping people you've got to look the part a good appearance can create the good image of the ally when passengers see wow she is very beautiful she looked very cheerful i wanted to talk to her something like that barry loves swapping fashion tips with the tourists we've got the clashing stripes and checks which uh over at the information desk jibby doo makes a point of always looking her best yes thai culture is so different to westerns different from europe we were taught to respect our uniforms yeah to give the uniform the respect and so the uniform will remind us of what we're doing and what jobs are we in and what our position is the tourist police always look smart they have this attitude about their uniforms and they think they're so cool they think they're so superman super woman in their uniforms i don't know and the stewardesses always look chic every girl's dream to work with an air hostess they look so perfect in that uniform you know they have curves [Music] over at vat refunds the staff are always well turned out it's their job to pay back the vat on the items you've bought on holiday it's not the most taxing job but it can be rewarding in the morning my boss give money big money to me and the tourists come to come to me and i give money to them bayes developed his own rules for customer service first i say good morning good morning good morning yes sir can i help you good morning morning you're back really nice i love to smile with them and say hello to them excuse me where did you buy back your back in argentina what in argentina in my country oh it's very nice yes the turkish show application like you one two three four five thank you and the tour is really happy then gets money back to the big money for you and if the tourists are happy then bae's happy too i'm feeling happy and happy thank you welcome back thank you very much you're welcome at bangkok airport the smile is all part of the service you come to thailand you feel happy welcome to thailand [Music] deserted by his friends and desperate to get home will spent the afternoon testing the airport's customer service values to the max it's frequently cover that is there another flight at any stage today it's a lifetime gold member and pissed off is there one that i can get direct to melbourne there's no way i want to spend another night in bangkok is it possible to go via singapore [Music] get me the [ __ ] out of this [ __ ] hellhole my mum is a lifetime gold member [Music] eventually will gets lucky his original airline has a flight leaving in 24 hours and he only needs to cough up 80 pounds to transfer his ticket i'll take tomorrow's flight for the 4 000 bar tomorrow [Music] but it does mean another night in bangkok on his own do i trust myself that's the question down at the airport medical center the day shift is winding down after another rewarding day [Music] all the doctors and nurses here love their work i'm very happy everyone several of the team have hidden talent even secret passions dr pan is a hobby she loves even more than candy crush she's a plane spotter i love the aircraft the airplanes i love it and i cannot explain why i love that but i love to see it and if i have a case inside the si area i can spot the aircraft see the aircraft taking off landing and it's fantastic dr pan gets a tip off a plane has just touched down with an unusual livery you can see that with the heart you can see that delivery at the tail especially in the heart side of condor and dr pan's no ordinary plane spotter she's an award-winning plane spotter dr pan she was in a quick show about allies she looked at the the tails and she looked at the aircraft she knows what is it it is so cool i'm so proud to be a winner of the winner of that game show i'm so proud about that prize for the aircraft module and dr pan's not the only celebrity in the medical center meet dr geng by day he's a hard-working medic by night he's a pop singer and he's about to switch roles i have to go to record the the voice the song first my new single that is my my my hobby my part-time job actually i i didn't i sing suck dr gang's being modest he shot to fame a few years and several hairstyles ago on thailand's answer to the x factor much to the amusement of his colleagues it's funny he is a tiffany because he faced a baby face but gang tries to keep his two careers apart i have to separate the role okay this is dr role okay i'm in the doctor's position so i treat the page and i don't think why i'm doing a doctor job okay but when i in the toilet i sing tonight doctor gang's off to the recording studio once he's fought his way through his adoring fans i think the thought is very good single yes he's very good i love him i have to pour some [Music] as dr gang heads into the city it looks like will has found a room for the night same spot on there yep a few salmon stains i don't even care i'm gonna be drunk so whatever [Music] despite missing his original flight after an all-night bender will hits the khao san road for the second time in two nights [Music] go via pharmacy seriously go viral pharmacy one one is xanax wills bought a prescription sedative which can be dangerous when mixed with alcohol it's banned in thailand but it can still be bought under the counter at some pharmacies looks like we're in for a good night get one more beer and then then my memory is going to be wiped but right now i don't know like um i've taken four and about but if this was a non like tried to get [ __ ] up situation this was a normal situation you meant to take two anyway so i've only taken double the regular dose does that make sense not really mate and when in doubt it's always best to consult your doctor [Music] across town in a bangkok recording studio dr gang is warming up his vocal cords but those long shifts at the airport mean he's not had a chance to master the new material the melody has changed and frog and everything changed from the original that i heard i think it's gonna be good but i think i prepared for not that much as maybe make a trouble to the style engineer but once in the voice move the magic [Music] happens [Applause] [Music] his producer's happy and the night's still young but gang's too tired to rock and roll i'm gonna go and eat my food for dinner and then i gonna be back my home and read my bible okay while gang goes home to read the bible will still popping pills on the khao san road so i've had five five that's not even that many it's when you have more than five your brain starts to go loopy [Applause] [Music] [Applause] will runs into some tourists who've been stuck here since the late 60s we're in bangkok living the dream viva la baby anything goes just don't drink their mushrooms good good times we brought a couple miles to acid out here yeah no yeah no we did yeah yeah not nice to meet you mate nice to see you guys have a good one just the drunken antics as will pops his sixth pill of the night will he be missing his second flight of the week it's good [Music] a new day dawns at bangkok airport and it's a big one too [Music] the annual airport awards are just hours away and rehearsals are in full swing you don't get this kind of thing at luton airport as the excitement builds down in baggage reclaim its business as usual more than 60 million bags and cases come through the airport every year pair and order help track down the ones that get away funny thing that i found is that when they're back already come out and and the passengers just run to the back and hey my back was back that's very funny and they're chasing their back like the back on the runs from them once you've picked up your bags you tend not to hang around but ally and shannon picked up their luggage last night and this morning they're still here we've been waiting here now about nearly 12 hours which is a bit too long but we literally just sat on the seats and went to sleep for our blankets ali is waiting for her best friend tracy to arrive her new best friend shannon has offered to keep her company pair and order are puzzled they don't know which fight that their friends get into so they insist to wedding here baggage reclaim is good for reclaiming baggage but it's rubbish for anything else well we haven't actually eaten yet we haven't had breakfast we have a snack on a tiny little muesli bar and that's that's about it here is there is no restaurant or no chop for them to hang out or eating something to have a breakfast or lunch like that i actually haven't had anything to drink either because we were a little bit skeptical skeptical about the water here and there's no way to buy water so there's a tempting selection of shops and restaurants the other side of customs but once they go through they can't get back and with a flat phone ali doesn't want to risk missing a friend i've placed you in f5 past 12 but i'm just going to double check the board and hopefully it's not delayed fingers crossed because i'm actually buzzing to see her i cannot wait i know it's playing delayed like by half an hour 30 minutes is nothing for a baggage hall veteran and the time flies by the queue is pretty long like last night we waited an hour to get through that too yeah now ali just needs to pick tracy out from the 80 000 other passengers who land every day hopefully she didn't well past me already ali's got shannon looking out the other end of the carousel but shannon's never actually met tracy i should have told shannon what she looks like in case she goes over there and i don't see her maybe that was a rookie mistake she's about my height and she's really curly hair okay it's really curly it's like really ringlessly curly hair she has after all that it's tracy who finds ally and there's not a curly hair on her head i am okay with her ally introduces tracy to shannon tracy tells ally and shannon how she had her hair straightened and after their 16-hour mini-breaking baggage reclaim the girls are off on the rest of their holiday [Music] up in departures beam is boarding another plane load of brits among them tom nom the worst for that food poisoning scale i went to the medical center because i've had food poisoning been very ill and they gave me a certificate to fly um and ask maybe if i can be if there are any available seats so maybe narrow the toilet or an aisle seat yeah okay or business class you know never mind tom it was worth a shot if it's me i want to be upgraded as well when i feel not well when i feel sick i want to sleep and sit on the business class so that's normal but try to deal with them try to explain them that it a little bit against the rule tom makes do with a seat near the toilet but the knock back from beam like his vomiting and diarrhea won't put him off coming back to thailand i love this place and it's certainly not the last time i'm coming back tom's not the only one heading home defying the odds and medical science will has made it back to the airport on time at last his homewood bound i could be home in my bed in 18 hours which sounds pretty bloody good that's my thinking fingers thailand's a weird place and it does weird things to weird people don't go to thailand if you want your sanity kept and now i'm bangkok airport which is bloody huge and i don't know what i'm doing right now hey mate how's it going yesterday because um on the 23rd i had a flight book yeah that's right yeah so you remember me yeah of course i've never met that person in my life but apparently i have so [Music] how much are the noodles what are these are these good or bad not not too spicy but after dawdling at the shops i'm gonna be a pig 300 he's running late again if i miss this fight again like i'm actually [ __ ] oh [ __ ] enjoy it [Music] will's gonna miss the main event because the annual airport awards are underway in an airport where the customer comes first the boss is rewarding the best of the best i'm very proud of my airports it's our pride prior of the nation you see my smile yeah a big smile but everyone's waiting for the big one the award for customer service [Music] after a show-stopping performance by a bangkok dance troupe the winner is finally announced will it be toy from the tourist police palm the plane spotter or gang the singing doctor no it's bay on the bat refunds team [Music] i'm proud i'm proud very i'm proud this is certificate i love my work i love my job i love tourists
Channel: Spark
Views: 71,118
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: thailand (country), season episode, episode part, dubbed, bangkok, cambodia, night, bbc three, bbc 3, ep 1, documentary, thailand, comedy, airport of smiles, bbc iplayer, music video, bbc3, airport, brits abroad, immigration, episode 1, bangkok airways, immigration officer, preview, bangkok airport, thai, travel, broadcasting, corporation, funny, british, meet captain jack, factual, thai girly bars, lady boy, thai culture, suvarnabhumi airport, bangkok suvarnabhumi airport, thailand travel
Id: -3-PF1Sbz6w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 2sec (3242 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 23 2021
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