What Happens If You Bring A Knife Into An Airport | The World's Best Airport: Changi | Spark

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in this episode passengers receive the ultimate call it's a special gift for every muslim who has the chance to be invited it's a golden opportunity kumar and the team discover something suspicious and migration season means more threats from the air might as well check what's it is singapore where the old world meets new metropolis at its heart is this shaggy airport singapore's jewel in the crowd [Music] with unprecedented access we go inside changi voted world's best airport to find out what makes it tick it's lightning in right now for passengers it's an oasis of peace and calm but for the 40 000 staff who keep it that way it can be anything but there was once we had a lost child and he ended up puking on our chair she purposely missed her flight because she doesn't want to leave singapore if the bird has blood flu we will have to put it down changi airport is a gateway to over 300 cities around the world and every year over 50 million passengers pass through its three terminals [Music] the annual journey of hajj is about to take place flocks of pilgrims will begin their journey here at changi to the holy city of mecca where they will join two million others in procession around the sacred shrine ishkandar duty manager terminal 3 is up early nearly 2 000 pilgrims and well-wishers are about to arrive we need four we need four those saying their goodbyes must be kept behind barriers at this changi's biggest mass gathering the idea here is to isolate the pilgrims from the well wishes so which is what we are doing right now in the past years the world vision has tried to climb over the barricade it's gonna be nerve-wracking because we don't know what's the crop size and if it's going to be huge it's going to go crazy focus on the exits and then focus on the route to the departure immigration i think hello hi coming up ishkandar has also been informed of a visit from the minister in charge of muslim affairs an accident in mecca involving the death of over 100 pilgrims has the potential to make today's event tense the minister is here today essentially to give assurance to the pilgrims and the loved ones here that the ministry as well as the islamic council of singapore is on top of things after the prayers are done they would then as the group collectively move it's almost like a migration per se and that's where we can actually assist if the well-wishers get over-excited they could make a dash for departures loved ones are here to send off all the pilgrims so it can get a bit emotional if they want to do their last goodbyes let them be but keep an eye of where they exactly are last week one is for someone who goes missing meanwhile airside tarmac is busy with arrivals and departures of a different kind it's migration season changi airport has to deal with seasonal threats from the air its inviting green turf is a stop-off point for winged travelers in transit bird strikes in this airport are rare and seldom cause damage to planes but everyone is on alert at this time of year [Music] including changi tower circus 616 singapore tower lineup 1802 center during the bird migration season singapore happens to be in a good geographical location where the birds will stop over sometimes you can see flocks of birds crossing the departure path or the landing path these unwanted guests are deterred from making changi their transitory hub with spikes to prevent roosting lines to prevent fishing birds from feeding and teams on the ground who patrol nizar is airside management's wildlife control officer he monitors anything that crawls or flies and is a potential danger to planes before i started this job i know nothing about birds seriously to me a bird is just a bird you know if it's an animal with wings that can fly that's all but after being exposed to this job being exposed to different species of birds you know i'm actually quite fascinated by them nizar's job is to study bird behavior at this airport they say that birds are stupid but it's ironically the opposite you know and when somebody calls you a bird brain it doesn't mean that you're stupid when if you study the behavior of birth you find that they are actually quite smart these smart birds are perched well away from the runway so as you can see right now all the birds are up there perching on the tower right there and some of it are perching on the shrubs over there are they a threat to the aircraft i would say no okay because they are just settling down there they're not in this chest they're not moving about it's not going to affect any aircraft safety but these aren't the only birds in the vicinity of runway 2 today here spotted some large kites hovering when they hover around in their runways or taxiways they say saw carcasses down at the runway or taxiway that's like free food for them right it's like they just pick it up and go save them the trouble from hunting these birds of prey are attracted to something near the runway worst thing that can happen is that the the big birds are getting ingested by the aircraft engines and when that happens the aircraft will have problems landing and taking off if a bird like this were to get ingested it would not survive and in a worst-case scenario could cause damage to the aircraft will this pregnant woman get to the gate on time five packs closing at four will some lost large pilgrims make their flight finding three people in this big crowd is not gonna be easy challenge i gotta cover the sector by sector and will this man be allowed on the plane so if he cannot show that we cannot check it please singapore's changi airport is close to the equator which means it's an attractive stop-off point for migrating birds it's migration season and nizar airside management's wildlife officer is on patrol he has been monitoring the behavior of some kites near runway too bird strikes in this airport are rare but nizar's job is to be aware of what could happen in a worst-case scenario two things can happen it gets struck by the aircraft and it died or another way it gets ingested in the aircraft engines what's the problem to the aircraft he's not the only one keeping watch over changi's runways in the airside management center the foreign object detection team have noticed something on runway 2. their surveillance system has picked up a foreign object how long has it not been moving really they have notified changi tower who will hold planes in the air so that they can pick it up akbar echo 4 make a right turn onto echo papa contact singapore ground on one two one decimal hit fly thank you rover 3-4 inspector closure after this landing for five minutes the foreign object detected by airside operations is a carcass a free meal and attractive to passing birds of prey nisa is in cold storage this is where all carcasses from the runway end up before they are sent for analysis each month every week we get at least once or one or two wildlife carcasses found on the runway either runway one or runway two and mostly the wild cactuses are birds small birds to be exact these birds are stored for autopsy if what they are eating is established nizar will be able to determine what attracts certain species to the airport the aim is to have no birds in this freezer all right this is another swift looks in pretty good shape occasionally we do have birds right and lucky for us all the birds are smaller birds like those but in rare instances we do get bigger birds like the white balance eagles and by many guys sometimes i just can't help but feel pity for them birds are not the only creatures that venture into this airport there are some that come in through the drains this is a monitor lizard carcass a lizard or burst for that matter can be ingested by an engineers because an engine works as like a vacuum right so whenever they are taking off or landing the suction power is there i mean it's quite high right so anything that is less powerful than it can be just suck in by the engine it's a set and for this particular monitor lizard all right here you go big fella off you go all will be dissected and analyzed by changi's wildlife consultants it's the day of the hajj departure at terminal 3. at the check encounters sat staff are getting the all-important briefing they will be checking by family make sure you sit them all together they're about to face the hordes from their eight check-in encounters the minister in charge of muslim affairs is about to arrive hey hi no dan just checked with you of your doctor's car right is the black hot right okay a bit of a problem yes correct so unless you want him to parallel park his parking space has been taken yeah correct thank you so much meanwhile the hajj pilgrims are flooding in to start their sacred journey this one of our five islamic pillars everyone as their muslims have this intention in their heart to have this opportunity to be chosen to go for this pilgrimage i've been invited by allah it's a special gift for every muslim who has the chance to be invited it's a good opportunity actually this is our first time here and we are very thankful to the god and very blessed people god we pray our heart free heart so that god bless us and we will get blessing from the gods [Music] the minister arrives in time for prayer to lend his support to those making this journey in the crowd the hunt is on for three missing pilgrims who haven't checked in they're finding three people in this big crowd it's not gonna be easy challenge i'm gonna cover the sector by sector maybe from the left all the way to the right side and even outside the airport itself the check-in staff are also looking for the three lost souls the others have been checked in we have to close on time so which is at actually around four o'clock but searching this crowd is like looking for three needles in a haystack you have cases where you stay at home they're still waiting for their relative to visit them at home before they come to the airport so i'm going to find them time may be against tor leader yazid but he has faith that he will find them changi is a garden airport lovingly tendered by a large horticultural team led by the head designer ashraf who is determined to spread a little magic in the farthest reaches of the airport with his green fingers [Music] when passengers touch down they look up from eddie they look at the airfield there should be some amount of landscaping you know to tell them they have arrived in the garden city of singapore we try to landscape every bit of space we can there are some very strict regulations about what kind of plants you can put at the airfield and and how close you can plant to the aircraft in another part of the airport a decision has been made to remove some of the shrubs to help prevent wildlife from visiting all these traps proof as an attractant to the smaller birds if you want to beautify the airport maybe we can use other alternatives so that's why all these straps have to go until that happens it's business as usual for nisa dispersal i'm gonna select the type of birds the species that corresponds to the distress calls that gonna emit [Music] across the customer service counters agents think on their feet to help over 120 000 passengers that pass through every day let me try my best i will try to help and every day unusual connections are made this one over a lost ukulele [Music] how cool is that man oh my god so happy to see you this passenger is paying his favorite agent a visit with his most precious possession really but i just remember him you never change and you're still with yo oh my gosh you see it's been five years and i managed to find his ukulele i was i was i just came back from college i just finished my college and i was anyway i was excited to go home and i forgot to take care of my things especially with passport and she helped me find it there's just enough time for a selfie and it's back to work i was so sad because it's like a graduation gift and for my friends i was it's like very sentimental value so she found it i was very happy i have got thousands of memories in changi airport for the past eight years but then you just gotta imagine flashing back five years ago there's one certain passenger that you have really put a footprint into his heart you know this is the beautiful thing about changi airport it's a crossroads bye felix have a good day [Music] this man cannot get on his flight to manila because he doesn't have an onward bound ticket he needs to buy one or he won't be allowed to board his flight the problem is before i can enter manila i need a plane out of manila as well right what time is the flight it's like 17 15. so counter close another around 15 minutes or 10 minutes i just need a text message to get sent to it sure i don't know if i've bought a ticket or not but i don't i'm running out of time now i go tell them that i've bought a chicken and i'm just waiting for the attempt he may or may not have a ticket but he's going to try and check in anyway sir he thinks the payment's gone through but he doesn't have a reference number that he can show checking so if he cannot show that we cannot check in place we gonna give him another five minutes yeah you can use my phone sir which website we are trying to repeat the process again to see whether for now the payment can go through or not come on come on yeah you can show them success yeah we're trying to see [Music] yeah it's nice ladies okay so that right now you go straight to the boarding kit but after when you receive the email then you just give it inside your phone okay and let it show the immigration abilities okay then i need to access wi-fi in the philippines again okay thank you very much it's really a close call i'm glad he managed to get his boarding pass and go to manila okay certain right after immigration okay he was really stressed he cannot even register what we are asking him so that shows how pressurized he was for time across the terminals 120 000 passengers a day are on the move running [Music] crawling connecting the airport has a life of its own while most navigate their way some are in need of a little assistance oh yes there is a playground here agent paul is in terminal 2 today i lost my sister your sister my sister her name is tanya tisopia he's pregnant in about 20 minutes okay um where did he launch the system how about just a moment hello i need to know some details i have to you know get d40 sorry we have fried at four four o'clock like yeah can i guess your boarding pass that's confident it's not everybody this is my passport well what is three four i'll tell you sir because it's almost good closing i mean you need right now we cannot pitch for you because we you're not able to make we want to come so what i do now you go right to the gate hopefully she's there now okay yeah can you check it yeah i'll check for you 976. goodness d40 you gotta go to me once let's go now because there's no time we'll take a train now probably she's there because if it's not there i cannot leave her where is she i don't know okay maybe she right now because it's closing up you hope she's there if she's not there you'll miss a flight already she cannot be there you say she's here okay don't run don't run don't run around it's okay it's good okay okay okay okay sir [Music] d40 okay thanks sir i've reminded my colleague to call them to informing me that one the president is like the lady so they should probably vote for you even for us because anyway i can find happening i'll try to don't worry i think that should be okay will a group of passengers become stranded in singapore will the last hajj pilgrims check in on time they have to be here by four o'clock they're gonna lose the flag and will a japanese band take changi by storm ladies it's migration season at singapore changi airport and transit is busy with tourists traveling from east to west west to east and hordes of neighboring globetrotters with personal shoppers sunflower garden okay themed gardens and a swimming pool the world's best airport knows how to pamper its passengers in terminal 2 agent paul is with a pregnant woman and her family as they try to make their flight he has tried to buy them extra minutes by calling ahead to the gate i think most likely they will hold for them because they're five person and one of them being a pregnant lady they will take them consideration [Music] this time they are lucky and are allowed to board their flight thank you sir welcome thank you goodbye have a good flight i feel happy for them that they managed to have cash fly and they will have a pleasant bangkok holiday the hajj migration needs to depart three pilgrims have gone missing one has been found our counter closes at four o'clock that's five minutes to four now i have checked with our ln representative and he's going to give another 10 more minutes we have to be here by four o'clock the departure gate is open and everybody gonna board and they're gonna miss the flight there's also a last minute demand for wheelchairs no wonder we are waiting for wheelchair so i need another two more i've already called him earlier on from here to the gate it's a long distance walk so we'll prefer they will take the wheelchairs all of the chairs are in use as older passengers are helped into departures hello yeah hi uh triple s okay can you tell me uh did you send a wheelchair for fine nine juliet check-in is about to close and boarding is about to begin two pilgrims are still waiting most of our family members are already at the gate to wave us goodbye but we still waiting for the chair two passengers need to be found they are about to miss their flight and their pilgrimage to the sacred shrine by some miracle yazid locates the two remaining passengers they will be flying to mecca after all right we found alaska and they are going in now we are so excited now at last we got the wheelchair now you're ready to go there are smiles all round on the wheelchair front boarding at last for these patient passengers in terminal 2 another crowd of well-wishers is expected this time fans have a japanese band and they may need some help restraining themselves the group's name is alice nine they have arrived from nh so this is how the deployment is going to be the band are about to arrive the barriers are out but the hordes are not this is very typical of changi we do get a lot of people that's coming in especially to come celebrities that come through this way their changi welcome is a fan base of two the vidcon rock band alternative from japan and then just finished their tour in hong kong so they are coming over to singapore [Music] okay guys come come back get ready to post your barricades the group is coming up take note fyi let me see it worse than this in departures agent nina has a group of passengers with whom communication is limited you speak bangladesh all bengali speakers are on cases at the moment so today they are dealt with by phone bangladesh yes i am nina can only get the basics and must take this on herself so their flight got cancelled and they were given accommodation and then today they're supposed to fly off at 5 pm but they cannot find the same person who actually gave them the information the passengers are trying to get to pakenbaru but for some reason aren't able to check in you have boarding pass putting past rooms the language barrier means detective work have you already been issued boarding passes no okay then okay there's a big problem with this group of passengers singapore visa indonesia a visa red flag on the system means they can't fly out of singapore singapore to peckham to dhaka their problem is not with their flight to pakenbaru but with their later flight to dhaka which transits in singapore singapore singapore then the thing is that he arrived here on the 18th the dhaka flight is only on the 24th which is like six days the system is saying that they need a visa to make their return flight to dhaka right now they are stuck in changi airport unable to fly anywhere inside the terminals is where the horticultural department reigns supreme house seems to be more golden more golden and shorter and a bigger center the 150 000 real plants grown on site feed the luscious displays providing the peace and calm for which changi is renowned and then there's this terminal three's green wall it's a 4 500 square meter garden wall made up of 25 000 plants and from here ashraf can oversee his green kingdom we are we are actually in the green wall overlooking the baggage claim hall if you if you if if i if i like push this screen aside you can actually look through and see the baggage claim hall at terminal 3. see a child there's a child there coming of a teddy bear you know they just arrived but the child doesn't know that we are up here working in this airport even gardening leaves no mess the green wall has been designed in such a way that it doesn't fall at anyone on the arrival hall there are catchers between the layers of the green wall to prevent it from landing on people right at the arrival hall in this precision airport plants are grown to fit the exact width and height for this giant display sometimes nature will not go the way you want it to go we found some gaps in the green wall where the plants were not growing so well because these other plants has grown so big and bushy they've crowded out the light so this poor guy here he can't grow so well so we are going to take him out and change him to a taller plant only the planting is done by human hands its automatic irrigation system means this green wall can take care of itself watering mist is dispensed every hour to create the perfect finish the mist is descending on us this mist is part of the green wall automation if you happen to be at the arrival level you'll be looking up and see this 4 500 square meter greens you know with clouds of mist coming down it's quite a wonderful sign what more could a gardener ask more plan to safeguard aircraft is to deter the flocks of small birds attracted to the airport's turf and in turn get rid of their predators if you eliminate the smaller birds then the bigger birds will find that there'll be lesser birds to play on and eventually they will move away from the airport and find other places where they can actually hunt they are fighting [Music] there's no birds anymore a party of passengers are stuck in changi airport the thing is that he arrived here on the 18th the dakar flight is only on the 24th which is like six days they're unable to fly out because of a visa problem with their return flight which transits in singapore they got returned flight to singapore yes that's the one who got written flight to singapore is the the main problem one then 15 flight to dhaka is only one before the flight desk have now found out that they are a party of fifteen twelve twelve ask them to come down now now total fifteen 15 stuck in the airport is a bigger problem for changi so they override the outward bound tickets these passengers will be allowed to travel to pakenbaru but they will face the same problem when they try to leave indonesia but it's one day at a time we are happy goodbye okay four o'clock okay at baggage detection what will kumar and the team make of this souvenir and will changi find a locksmith in time cannot come back tomorrow with my bag still up this airport is a world of its own where people and cultures come together he wants to print it out now some want to build a better life for their families others come for the big asian adventure emotional farewells and happy hellos go hand in hand with everyday drama the immigration and checkpoints authority are as always securing singapore's border kumar and his team at the baggage detection unit are on duty waiting for a flight from bali thank you passengers are out bags are out the scanner has picked up something significant take a second you guys are here for holidays yes and how many days would that be switzerland okay these tourists have brought what looks like a dagger into singapore actually it's not a dagger itself it's it's it's a jagger is two-sided blade but this is more of a one-sided and it's just a normal decorative kind of knife open one-sided blades under 30 centimeters are permitted okay thank you so much 67 days lovely lovely lovelies it's in front there hotel reservations get the best deal just engaging with small checks helps a lot that few seconds we will be able to find out whether are they giving me any kind of telltale indicators right there you go thank you so much there's yet another sharp item that has come up on the scanners the fourth on a single flight where you're right from right from valley [Music] yes [Music] it's easy he has a manually open knife we are searching for flick mechanism usually there's a button it's a flick mechanism the police skyline hasn't allowed that another day on the beat is over for kumar travellers are good and so are the borders they are perfectly fine the genuine travelers as i mentioned earlier bonafide and nothing found against them no problem so we create a chunky experience for them it's a busy morning at the customer service counters just walk straight that way no problem is too great or too small they will rise when they can to every request this man wants a locksmith i just need someone to help you to work with you he has locked himself out of his suitcase with the world's smallest lock my passport is upstairs yeah yeah so i'll just wait here no problem they they will come as fast and yes i've just gotten from town i've got a flight to catch seven and then i've realized that i no longer have the key to my back i've been you know all over the place wondering what what's got to be done for certain i cannot go back to bombay for one day without the bag locked and come back tomorrow with my bag still locked his gate closes in 15 minutes of course this being changi airport i was told go to customer service they can do this for you they've done this before so i'm hoping i can sort out the problem thank you thank you man thanks a lot are we good good afternoon this passenger has lost his glasses how does it look like better frame metal frame um the breath sometimes only five minutes ago i want to find the station first and i can't have that unlimited sir you'll have a seat first let me go and check at the internet station that's nearby here it's better for you you just have a safers i can't find any glasses so i'm going to the next stop sometimes agents will demonstrate their devotion to customer service by running in transit this is one of those times i know where the nearest internet kiosk is so hopefully i can find it the passenger has a flight to catch and he can't see a thing taken into mind that he's quite old it could be a bit difficult to remember things so all he remembered was he used a computer i found it i just hope he's happy already but he will come back from lost glasses to lost passenger but at least she's done her daily cardio hello would you believe we found your glasses yeah i believe you know what i mean nobody wants to steal that okay thank you [Music] one a passenger has lost his phone he last saw it in the snooze lounge usually the phone space okay you can try to check for sir and then she will go with you in over there sir if not then we can just do the loss report here and maybe you can just double check inside your bag nah this is the mobile phone this is the only one that you have okay maybe you can just yeah you can just go back to that place this is my second phone and on just for just six days i lost one phone in pakistan that was snatching by gun points in pakistan and this is the second i lost while sleeping it may be just a phone but it's the only way his wife can contact him my wife will be in trouble she will be waiting on sydney airport it's here happily there are no bandits in this news lounge the phone turns out to be exactly where he left it actually that's your phone check okay yeah yeah this is my phone yeah i got it okay then good that you found your phone saying thank you thank you sir have a good day okay thank you the hard migration is about to take flight 270 pilgrims are leaving for the holy journey of a lifetime some could be saying goodbye for the last time ishkandar has succeeded in making changi's largest mass migration a smooth and peaceful transition to departures i always have a soft spot for this moment and sometimes you can see at the expression of those sending the pilgrims off it speaks for themselves boarding gates are now a holy place for final prayer next time of all things that's topo bali trip a volcanic eruption in bali leaves thousands of passengers stranded in the airport bali airport's not functioning so i'm sort of stranded what's 400 dollars in terminal 1 the kinetic rain has stopped how long you need because almost final it doesn't work really i'm going to cry man and star wars comes to changi you see life-size is just i have you know words to describe how i feel actually as a fan star wars
Channel: Spark
Views: 463,345
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Spark, Science, Technology, Engineering, Learning, How To, education, documentary, factual, mind blown, construction, building, full documentary, space documentary, bbc documentary, Science documentary
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 48sec (2688 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 14 2020
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