[TF2] Misc Stereotypes! Episode 10: The Spy

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Alright, I’ve gotta address the elephant in the room here. Yes, lots of Spy Mains are huge weebs. And yes, most of them will be wearing this fuckin’ thing - - along with the Hong Kong Cone, Legendary Lid, whatever. But honestly, this got me thinking - why ARE so many Spy Mains weebs? Is it some kind of playstyle thing? When someone says that something is “anime”, like using it as an adjective, usually that means an improbable victory, overcoming your enemies, taking risks, and following your heart! Y’know, all that trope-ey stuff, right? And Spy is a pretty risky class, so maybe that mindset really does make you a better Spy. So here’s what I’m thinking. If I’m going to be playing lots of spy for this video, I need to get in this mindset. So over the next year or so I am going to legitimately get into anime. And honestly? I don’t think it’ll be that hard - I mean, I’ve already seen JoJo, and my favorite show of all time is Avatar: The Last Airbender, which I know, is not technically an anime, but it’s inspired by it, yadda yadda yadda… So my point is - this isn’t gonna be that hard. So I am going to come back to this in a while, and see where it gets me. Okay, I’m 4 months in, and I’ve watched a couple of the big ones that everybody keeps talking about - One Punch Man, and Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood. And honestly? I get it. I totally get why people are into this medium, It’s a hell of a lot of fun. And I’m feeling more confident in my Spy play, too! So I think it’s working! Okay, so for now, I’m gonna move on to some other miscs, but I’m gonna come back to this later and give some more thoughts as time goes on. Y’know, every class has a couple cosmetics that just scream “old-school”. And this is one of ‘em. This is the guy that’s probably wearing the Fancy Fedora or some other old-ass hat, is rocking a Grizzled Veteran or Primeval Warrior badge. Stock weapons all around, consistently top-scores, rarely uses text chat outside of “gg” at the end of matches, y’know. This guy. Right? Interestingly enough, unlike all the other silent pubstomper types, if this guy is on your team, you’re rarely ever going to see him until the end of the match, when you see him at the top of the scoreboard, and you go “Wait, what? We had a spy? OH, no wonder their medic never had any Ubers!” So suffice to say, you’d just better hope this guy is on your team. This is just a good-ass misc all around. It’s versatile, and can be used with pretty much anything. I wouldn’t say it’s like the best spy misc ever or anything, but shit, this is pretty solid. They do tend to use the Spy-cile though, so that can get a little annoying, but I mean hey, no one’s perfect. Oh, boy. This guy. [Grabs Mic] MY FAVORITE This...is that one spy that will just constantly shit on any community figure that also plays Spy. They do it so often that at this point I think it’s actually some kind of magical incantation or something, so come on, say it with me everybody: “Um, akchyually,... ...Mr. Paladin isn’t even that good!” ...oh god - - Balls? - (Crowd) Mr. Paladin isn’t even that good! - That was...unsettling. What the hell was that? - [Sigh] I correct people so often they think it’s how I say hello. - Well. That’s Unfortunate. I gotta be honest - these spies actually are really good at the game, but they’re just starting to figure out that nobody really cares that they’re good. And they want people to care, hence the constant complaining about skill to anyone who will listen. And I know that sounds like some Psych 101 bullshit, but when they make it this blatantly obvious, it’s a bit less of a stretch. Yes, twitch.tv/KakashiStan6000, you are that obvious. You're playing the class that goes invisible, is it really that surprising that you’re this transparent? This is definitely just a set filler, but honestly it’s a pretty good one. It reminds me of that one pocket handkerchief misc for medic, but surprisingly it doesn’t make me nearly as mad as that one did. I dunno, I think it fits spy, y’know? And it’s just noticeable enough to make a difference. Okay, this is probably my least favorite body cosmetic for Spy, but that’s not to say it’s even bad, though. Spy miscs just kinda set the bar really high. I guess it’s just ‘cause it’s so specific, you can only really do one kind of set with this, whereas the other ones are significantly more versatile. So if you see one of these guys, it’s pretty safe to assume they’re just really leaning into the “French” part of Spy’s character and are probably also wearing a powdered wig or something. Whoa, aliens! Haha ayy lmao guys, am I right? Ayy lmao! Ayy la - AYY LMAO [dies] Okay, in all seriousness, these are often assumed to be memers, and usually people would be right in assuming that. But I’ve noticed that they’re not usually super aggressive about their memes, and more or less they just kind of exist, and do their own thing. Y’know, It’s kind of the same energy as Xenomorph scouts, if you get what I mean. - Oh, hey Henny! Fancy meeting you here, what’s up man? - Hey, uh, you might wanna look behind you, there - Oh. I, uh...oh no I know, I know, Sans. Funny Skeleton memes, yeah, haha! (Megalovania) Yeah, okay. I’ll admit, it’s pretty widespread, and I’ve even done it myself...more than once. But I think the Sans Spy is just a part of a larger thing going on with the Dead Head. This guy is the Spy that’s just super committed to his cosplay. I’m serious! There are tons of characters that you can do with this! Like, yeah, you have Sans, but you also got Red Skull, The Mask, That one guy from Death Stranding, Skeletor, Ghost Rider, The fuckin...uhh... are they called? The...umm...Mahjarrat from Runescape, y’know? Like, I dunno, the idea is that if they’re cosplaying a character with this, then they’re really committed to the bit, because this thing costs… ummmm…. yeah. This guy is the up and coming Spy YouTuber with 60 subscribers! And his content is either going to be one of two things. The first kind is what I like to call The Pretentious Frag Video, where he does trickstabs in a pub, and he actually displays a good amount of technical skill, but it’s just that he edits it in such a way that you can kind of tell that he thinks he’s the hottest shit on the fuckin’ planet. - Ask not what your country can do for you, ask why the fuck you decided to put some random historical speech at the beginning of your pub frag video. Seriously, did you think this would make you look smart and philosophical or some shit? ...cool, dude. And I mean at least this one’s a little high effort. And by “high effort,” I mean “too much color correction and adding record static to the hip-hop music.” But at least it’s not the other possible type of content, which is...this: [100 anime noises layered on top of each other] [Wow guys I wonder why p*dos keep getting exposed in this community it's a fuckin' goddamn mystery] This is just a pretty standard shoe cosmetic, and it’s usually worn by what I like to call “Paint Guys”. Y’know, the guys that paint everything the same color on every class? It’s usually Australium Gold, but sometimes Abundance of Tinge, Absence of Hue, Pink, Lime, whatever. It’s like, they’ve got some kind of old-school hat, these shoes, and, like, a Made Man all painted the same thing, right? Also, one more thing, they’re probably gonna have some kind of weird ASCII character in their name. Not like replacing letters with symbols because they think that’s cool, but like a heart, or the pointer triangle things, or something. Welcome back, everybody, to the TF2 Misc Fashion Competition: Grand Finals! Let's go ahead and jump right into the action. First down the runway, it’s The Spy! Pretty good reception from the crowd - that’s a tough act to follow! But if anyone can top The Spy, it’s this guy: The Cooler Spy! Seriously, this is just like, the Business Casual, but better. And the Business Casual isn’t even a bad cosmetic. It’s fuckin’ crazy! Any Spy who wears this is going to be extremely attractive in real life. Though this is the cosmetic that my girlfriend wore when she still played TF2, so maybe take this one with a grain of salt...on top of the huge heart-stopping pile of salt that you probably should have already taken for this series in the first place… This guy is...actually kinda chill, and he’s probably a theater kid too, based on those acting chops. Just, lemme put it this way - this is the guy that reminds you, “Oh, right - spy’s actually a really fucking hard class to play.” This is that one Spy Main that just needs everyone to know that he’s a SPY MAIN™. Everyone’s got that one thing that they probably spend too much money on. Mine is audio gear. We’ve all got our vices, right? But this guy’s is his persona. He’s the one that drops ludicrous amounts of money on cosmetics, steam profile backgrounds, art of his loadout, all that shit. And yeah, I can totally respect being that committed to a persona - I’ve made 31 separate videos under one - But damn, this guy sure drops a lot of cash on his. Okay, so you know that one jazz musician that’s just high off his ass and playing random shit, and you’re like 99% sure that he’s just making up names for the chords that he’s doing after the fact? Take that kind of person, apply it to a trickstabbing spy, and you’ve got this guy. This is the guy that will make up names for trickstabs just so that people think he knows what he’s doing. Just like, hang on. Look at it like this: [industrial wind turbine, or possibly a computer fan] - Hey what’s up guys, it’s ya boy, Elegance: Live on Twitch! ...uh...and welcome back to another trickstab tutorial. Uh...yeah. Okay, this one one is called...uh...a Choke Stab. ‘Cause it was...uh...I did it in a choke point. - That one’s called a Peanut Butter and Jelly. ‘Cause like, he’s the peanut butter, and...y’know I’m the jelly - This one’s called the Dirty Bubble, cause I just walk up and pop him like the Dirty Bubble in Spongebob [Heavy Breathing] OH, that one’s called the Citizen Kane. Yeah, y’know I’m a little bit of a film critic, ‘cause...uh...I watched a YMS video, so now I know everything there is to know about the arts - (I couldn’t keep the bit going) [No concept of breath control or mic placement] - Nonononono, see, this was intentional - this is...this is Yomi level 18, okay? I’m building up their confidence so that I can Dirty Bubble when it really matters. [The sound of sweat and cheeto dust being plastered on the keyboard] - See, what’d I tell you? I read him like a book damn god. Yeah, it's right-to-left, cause, y’know...it’s...it’s... like in manga. Uh... y’know stabby stabby isn’t even that good at the game - You unboxed this and you’re wearing it so it doesn't feel like you wasted money. That’s it. Yup, let’s move on. This is the guy that just fully embraces the “Sam Spade-esque Detective” persona. He hides in the corner with the Cloak and Dagger, but since he thinks he’s way more clever than he actually is, when he’s doing it he’ll call it “lurking in the shadows”. His main music playlist is going to be 95% just a saxophone solo under a highpass filter, with record static and rain ambience slapped on. Yes, it’s real cool, and brooding, and mysterious, yeah dude. Okay so I’ve been watching a show called Naruto, and the fight scenes are totally sick. The framerate is a little weird which is kind of off-putting at first, but the choreography and animation is just incredible. Okay. Anyway, I still don’t really feel like a “weeb”, so to speak. Y’know, I really like anime and all, but I don’t understand how to really jump the fence and… Oh. Oh...Oh no, it's spreading - [In Broken Japanese] You know, Acooma isn’t even really that good at the game. This guy is just cool. Y’know, REALLY cool. And by cool, I actually mean “constantly feigns ignorance and apathy because that’s what he thinks makes him look cool.” There’s like a 95% chance that this guy’s rocking a Toon Link profile picture. And if he is, there’s a 99% chance that he’s also got two chat binds - one that’s just a single lowercase “k”, and one that says “ok”. Oh, I know - Daring today, aren’t we? I think this is a good time to reiterate just how many awesome body cosmetics Spy has. Like, yeah, I joked about it in the Engineer and Medic videos, and it was a little annoying then, but now I’m more just impressed. Like, seriously! You’ve got this one, and this one, and this one, and this one! And this one’s a straight upgrade to this one, but they’re both still really good, and this one! Right? Like, holy shit! These modelers are killing it! Oh, right I have to say something inflammatory. Umm...hang on, I got a dartboard here. Umm… [throws dart] Okay, Dead Ringer... [throws another dart] ...Spamming… [throws a third dart] ...Amby Spy! Okay - "Fuck you, Spy main Dead Ringer spamming Amby Spy!" Yeah! Uh...that should do it. - Okay, let’s see here. It can’t be that easy, can it? 2...2...2...wow. [laughs] Idiots. [Machine Powers Down] - Ugh, what now? Oh, shit. You’re not one of them, are you? - Ha, no. But we did get your messages. I’m here to get you out. - Okay, okay, okay thank God. Wait, so where are the pets? Are they still here? - No, they all went into hiding. The stunt you pulled, with the puzzles and the leaks? It messed up their entire operation. Everyone knows the shit they’ve been getting up to. Good job, kid. Anyways, you might wanna get moving. This place is rigged to blow in like 5 minutes, and when that happens it’ll be an all out war between the Cutes and the Cools. - Right, right. Okay, so if I’m leaving, then what do I tell everyone? - You can tell ‘em that war is coming. And they need to pick a side. - Wait, hang on - who even are you? Why do I feel like I already know you? - That’s cause I’ve been here the whole time - you just weren’t looking hard enough. Just call me... War Pig.
Channel: SoundSmith
Views: 2,654,410
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TF2, Team Fortress 2, SoundSmith, SoundSmithTF2, Stereotypes, Misc Stereotypes, Spy, Spy Stereotypes, tf2 stereotypes, edgy, war pig, cute, pet cosmetic, weeb, pretentious, other descriptors of spy idk, tf2 memes
Id: 3qSJ3PanC9E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 20sec (860 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 13 2020
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