[TF2] Misc Stereotypes! Episode 8: The Medic

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👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/clydejallorina 📅︎︎ Oct 13 2018 🗫︎ replies

Hes gonna elevate christmas archemedis

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Micanikko 📅︎︎ Oct 13 2018 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/vogile 📅︎︎ Oct 13 2018 🗫︎ replies
when looking in from the outside support classes tend to give off this air of wholesomeness of wanting to help the team no matter what because you're just that nice now look a little closer does that still hold up with medic no no no not even close look there's one situation i could see someone actually wearing this and that's if they're a molecular biology student now hear me out hear me out they have to be studying molecular bio because the only way you're gonna see this damn thing is with a microscope really this thing's so small you might as well not even bother it seems like one of those mists that would be combined with a coat or a pipe or some other thing but like nah it's just this this this tiny unnoticeable microscopic piece of [ __ ] i don't even know why i'm getting so worked up about this just why is it so damn small oh you already know what this one is the medic boyfriend or girlfriend that has their festive medigun surgically attached to their significant other's [ __ ] 99 of them will be with either the grim hat or the nun hood and have the no voice command bound to their wasd keys so that when you need heals they can have their game automatically tell you to go [ __ ] yourself really just don't even bother asking for heels because you're not going to get them now it's worth noting that this is an extremely common misc so there are inevitably going to be some people who take issue with what i'm saying and sure you specifically person who only equipped the blighted beak so they could have a reason to complain about how i'm wrong in the comments you might not fit this one but like should you expect reliable heals from a blighted beak medic no no not in a million years this one tends to attract tryhards but in a weirdly sweet wholesome way okay so these guys tend to be newer players who will try their hearts out but they haven't built up enough mechanical skill or game sense or what have you to effectively survive you know things like dodging flanking scouts avoiding sight lines surfing rockets that kind of stuff and a lot of them will get yelled at and quit early which kind of sucks but even though you can hardly blame the ones that don't know any better it still sucks pretty bad when your team gets screwed because of it so okay so you know that one medic who has to control everything about his team all the time that's this guy in a nutshell this is the kind of guy that we'll call a kick vote for everything even if you had nothing to do with it like don't hit your shots he calls a kickbook he walks into a sniper sight line and dies he calls a kick boat gets hit by a random crossmap crockett you guessed it he hits his bind that automatically puts a youtube link to dane's random crit video in chat and then he calls a kickboat this guy uses the vaccinator but probably just because he thinks it looks cool the catch is that he doesn't actually know how to use the vaccinator 90 of the time they're just gonna stay on the bullet resistance and only ever use uber when they're at all four charges every once in a while they'll accidentally switch to the explosive resistance and then stand still trying to figure out what button they accidentally pressed to do that and of course once they're standing still you can probably guess what's gonna happen next uh oh oh no i oh no this is this is just like this is pretty much exactly like the physician's procedure mask except this time it's slightly edgier the loadouts will probably be a little different but the types of players are largely the same will he make dumb mistakes yeah probably will he die yes absolutely but will he try his heart out consistently improve and eventually become a great medic yeah definitely [Music] this is one of those one or the other type cosmetics if you see someone wearing this they're either an old school veteran or a clueless new player so okay look at it this way it's an old cosmetic added in 2012. so you're already gonna get some vets wearing this but it's also a cheap strange and a promotional item for a third party game in fact you can dual quality this with strange genuine and have it be even cheaper than the regular strange or at least it was cheaper back when i was a newbie that was doing it so the best way to tell who's who is to look at the tie the default style has this weird ruffled thing going on whereas the alternate style doesn't and most newer players won't realize they can change it so if you see someone without the tie then they're probably more experienced i i know i know it's weird let's move on there's been a trail of bodies recently in my city everyone says they don't know what happened but i do i've been investigating this for thousands of hours trying to think of a reason why the killings were under different circumstances first it was a scout then it was a soldier then a sniper and then a spy but the one thread connecting all of this together is that the bodies left behind were my own one of these days i'll put the pieces together put it to bed one of these days i'll figure out where the [ __ ] my team is seriously why is nobody protecting me where are you people oh oh yeah yeah they're helping the engineer out now yeah all right okay yeah no i see how it is just gonna leave me here with all these [ __ ] guys yeah all right yeah cool [Music] warm cozy wholesome and exhibiting psychopathic tendencies four hallmarks of a winter mantle medic don't let grandma's sweater fool you this guy's probably seething behind his monitor thinking of ways to kill you without attracting the attention of the police their loadouts are almost always really nice and sweet looking but underneath that oh boy you probably don't want to know oh and also do you remember how the running gag for engineer was that he had too many shirt cosmetics well just a quick heads up he ain't got [ __ ] on medic [Music] literally just the heavy tourism but for medic i mean the heavy tourism came first but you get the idea the stereotypes still carry over too some kind of vacation themed loadout complete with bloom buffed everything just everything they're really committed to the bit don't judge okay maybe judge a little look i'm gonna be honest don't stand behind this guy or in front of him or anywhere near him honestly because for whatever reason these guys just attract fully charged machina body shots actually i do have a reason just look at it look at that massive metal hitbox would you would you not want to shoot that come on come on anyway steer clear of them because the last thing that you want is to be the one that gets caught in the collateral and subsequent stockton [Music] this guy's just a massive [ __ ] hipster he refuses to use the meta out of principle so you'll usually see them rocking something like the vita saw stock syringe gun and vaccinator or some something weird like that maybe the overdose instead of the syringe gun i don't know suffice to say this guy's just kind of [ __ ] weird i i just get this vague feeling of discomfort when i'm around them like not dislike just discomfort you know just like uh we now return to a day in the life of a brush with death medic here we observe the brush medicine is natural habitat a cp dust bowl server notice that he rarely holds out his medigun instead opting to pull out his uber saw at every reasonable and unreasonable opportunity as you might expect this rarely ends well for the brush medic that being said these fascinating creatures will still go for souls whenever they can and scientists are still unsure what causes this response whether they assess risk improperly are lemmings are just that [ __ ] stupid [Applause] this one's just a huge ass war pig it's pretty much always worn with a nun hood in the blighted beak and they'll die a lot like like a lot a lot just picture this heavy just take take this energy right here and put it inside of a medic and that's the angel of death in a nutshell despite this i really don't think they're gonna learn they're just gonna keep playing medic like they would a flog pyro and just run in and die it's kind of sciency so i don't know i guess you'd see this with a quad wrangler or something like that i don't really know honestly i just can't help but feel like it sounds familiar you know the fashionable megalomaniac huh you know what i'm just gonna sleep on it see if that helps [Music] super ultra mega super trihard god super tryhard [ __ ] kaioken look he's a tryhard and i don't mean that in a good way he's the kind of guy to yell at everyone all the time no matter how well they're doing or how well they're protecting him nothing is ever his fault no no no no yeah no i must have been your team's fault that you just rushed and ubered heavy yeah yeah no they just didn't protect you well enough that that was it [Music] hey meg can i get some heals oh oh i get it because because you're a storm trooper okay okay cool dude let me just yeah there we go [Music] this guy is a furry you might not get this one until you look at the set that it's from but just give me a quick second to pull that up on screen here yeah i i don't even feel like i need to explain this one let's move on he stared into the abyss and the abyss stared back the abyss was a sniper sight one he's he's gone he game ended [Music] this really seems like a slot filler more than anything i i don't really think this says anything specific but it does tend to be used in more serious military-like loadouts so going off of that it's probably safe to say that they're pocketing someone really hard like so hard that the front of the medi-gun is sticking out of the soldier's mouth just don't don't don't bother asking for heels [Music] hey spurgy tell me how you feel about the burly beast okay so it's safe to say that you like it spurgey [Music] you don't see very much variety in pant cosmetics because there aren't very many to choose from and as such you tend to see these used a lot and they'll usually be worn by super aggressive players you know battle medics like the pants sort of imply and i'm guessing by this point in the episode you already know what someone being a battle medic then implies medic has a decent selection of beards to choose from but this one is by all accounts the most standard of them like it doesn't really force you into a certain style like some of the others might and because of that i can't really say anything for sure about this one just that he's got a beard and he certainly doesn't want to shave it that's honestly it just like i said a long time ago it's just beard surprisingly this guy actually has game sense for once he'll actually stick with his team avoid sniper sight lines and miss every crossbow shot damn it i knew it was too good to be true i mean come on how how can you not love this little guy look look at him he's so cute oh my gosh [Music] you
Channel: SoundSmith
Views: 2,522,184
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TF2, Team Fortress 2, Stereotypes, Misc, Misc Stereotypes, TF2 Stereotypes, SoundSmith, SoundSmithTF2, Tryhard, Friendly, Silly, Medic, Sniper, Sightline, Noob, F2P, Veteran, Vaccinator, Blighted Beak, Medic Girlfriend, Soldier, Pocket, SoundSmith Stereotypes, not just clubsy, it's all of them, they control me, help, haha funni stereotyp omg
Id: gEcpRQFW0xo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 59sec (779 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 13 2018
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