[TF2] A Mann's Guide to the Big Earner

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Oct 17 2021 🗫︎ replies

I've BEEN using the big earner. Underrated af. Seriously a good weapon and you can totally go sonic mode with the dead ringer combo'd with it.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/MattIsNotARedditor 📅︎︎ Oct 17 2021 🗫︎ replies
*inhale* [sigh] OK...here we go - focus. Speed. I am speed. [Spies Screaming] One winner, 23 losers. And I MGE losers for breakfast. [Spy Scream, but more detailed this time] MGE. Wait, maybe I should have warmed up - a little MGE could be good for me. No, no, no, stay focused. Speed. [Spies Still Screaming] I'm faster than fast. Quicker than quick. I am the Spy from Team Fortress Two! [knocking on respawn door] Hey Spy! You ready? Oh, yeah. Spy’s ready. [oof] [ouch] As you might have guessed, the Big Earner is all about speed. You lose 25 health, but in return get two on-kill buffs. One gives you 30% of your cloak back, and the other gives you a 35% speed boost. This lasts about 3 seconds, but resets if you get another kill. Unfortunately, this speed boost doesn’t stack with other effects like the Conch or Disciplinary Action, but honestly that might be for the best - if the devs allowed that to happen we might end up with some unexpected side effects. [Very Fast Spy Noises] Anyway, that’s it! These stats might seem far simpler than some...other weapons we’ve covered, but this kill effect is so important that it can fundamentally change how you play Spy. Check this out - so in this clip, I - Okay, yeah, maybe we should talk about this part first. 25 health might not seem like much, but it actually drops you down to arguably the most important damage threshold in the entire game: 100 health. Before, you would die in one hit to quite a few things - Crit Stickies, the Direct Hit...Sniper...y’know. The normal things that you’d expect to get oneshot by. But at 100 health, you also die to…all of these? Okay, how did you even fit that in here? Everything about this knife is fast. You run fast, you get cloak back fast, and you die. Really, really fast. “Lavillenie...goes over! It’s a new Olympic Record! By a centimeter…” Pretty much every class can just instagib you now, and that threat gives this weapon a real sense of excitement, tension. You really have to be careful when you’re getting in, since a team with any amount of awareness is not gonna tolerate your french misdeeds. But, if by some miracle, you do manage to perfectly slip behind enemy lines, wait for the perfect moment, and line up the perfect stab, once you swing that knife, all eyes will be on you. (Voice) Heavy: Spy! Now at this point, you’ve got two options. You can live out your fantasies as a Spy Main™ and go for the craziest chainstab anyone in that server has ever seen... ...or, you could take the more practical option, and - RUN FOR YOUR LIFE! [pain] I’ve gotta be honest with you, using this weapon turns the whole game into a kind of “choose-your-own-adventure” situation. Your new max health essentially has you walking on a tightrope the whole time, so your entire experience is gonna hinge on what you do with that speed boost. And as I’m sure you’ve guessed by this point in the series, this isn’t your typical tutorial. What, did you think we were gonna give you practical advice? Sorry, I’m not Uncle Dane! So let’s talk about how a Real Mann Co. Mercenary uses the Big Earner. Ethan: Okay, how was that? KJ: That was good. Yeah, I think we got it. But really quick, before we keep going, I just got an email from Corporate. Ethan: Yeah? What’d they say? KJ: They want you to take the safer option. Ethan: (spit take) Really? They want me to talk about playing it safe? They know what channel this is goin' on, right? KJ: I know, I know, but I’m looking at it right here. It says: “you need to set a good example for the kids that watch your videos,” or else they’re going to be cutting our funding. Ethan: Seriously? They’re not all kids, my analytics say that my viewers are mostly… ...okay that’s fair. Alright, fine, let’s talk about playing it safe. But it’s still my show…sorry - our show, so if this turns out to be lame I’m still gonna talk about the other option. KJ: Yeah, you’re right. Huh, that’s a first. Ethan: F**k you! KJ: Right, let’s keep going. Mic’s hot in 3...2… A lot of Spy’s theme involves being a slippery little bastard, and the Big Earner takes that to the next level. The speed boost combined with the extra cloak on-kill makes this the perfect getaway tool. In this clip, I’m gonna decloak way behind enemy lines - I just want to make absolutely sure that nobody sees me - and I’m gonna try and go for somebody here and get the sentry. My team might blow my cover and - [dammit scout] ...Uh...hey bro, you got something on your back, you mind turning around for me? Dungeon Master: Uh...roll a deception check. [Dice rolls] Ethan: Natural 20. Dungeon Master: ...are you serious? Okay cool, thanks man. Uh, anyway - stab it, sap it, and then get out with the speed boost. Here’s another good example: In this clip, I’m gonna go for the Medic. So I’m gonna decloak when nobody’s looking, walk up, get the key pick, and then make like a World of Warcraft Rogue and get outta there. They’re all looking for me, Hunters are throwing around flares like nobody’s business, and I even bump this Demo accidentally here. But, because I had the speed boost I was able to get out. Because I made the decision to play passively, the game rewarded me and I’m...able to get another pick on the Sniper? Wow, Corporate, a bit heavy-handed don’t you think? Eh, it doesn’t matter. I’m watching their spawn wave closely here just to make sure that it’s safe to decloak, and once I’m sure, I go ahead and decloak and...this guy was just sitting in spawn for like 30 seconds apparently. So I’m just gonna matador him, extend the speed boost with one more stab, and then make a big jump...just barely make it out with the speed boost. I’m kinda coming around on this, this can actually be pretty exciting. Also, fun fact - the extra cloak isn’t gained in the same way as the cloak you get from an ammo pack, which means that if you wanted to all but guarantee a getaway, you could even use this with...ugh, seriously? KJ: I know, just read the lines. Ethan: (sighs), you could even use this with (audible disgust) the dead ringer. In this clip I get two stabs on people that...I guess just don’t have ears? And then I pull out the Dead Ringer to make my getaway. And so...I’m just gonna jump down here. And normally I would have to wait, or pick a better spot to decloak, but since I’m using the Big Earner, I can just decloak behind more people that don’t have ears, get two stabs, and then look! It’s already recharged. If there was somebody chasing me, I would have gotten away. As weird and volatile as this weapon can be, this playstyle when done right can be consistently effective. Seriously, using your speed boost to escape is a completely viable strategy... ...if you’re a B*TCH! If you want to be consistently effective, use the stock knife. Or how about this, better idea: just pick BETTER SPY. I don’t care what’s effective, that’s lame as hell. This is the time for Cool S**t™, so you know what? F**k this, I’m running this back. [Moody Blues Rewind the Clip] Let’s talk about how a REAL Mann Co. Mercenary uses the Big Earner. For real this time. Using the speed boost to get out? That’s stupid. Instead, use the speed boost to GO BACK IN. I mean, seriously - look at all these backs, just asking to be stabbed, how could you not just - Ethan (in the dark): Wait, huh? What just happened? Are we still recording? KJ: We just lost power, I think they cut our funding. Ethan: Well, shit - what do we do now? It’s not like I can manipulate the market like I usually do, they’re onto that shit. KJ: Hmm. Well, there is one thing we could do. Ethan: Oh, like a sponsor? Yeah! Well, Marketplace shut down its seller program, so I don’t think that’s an option. KJ: Oh nah, don’t worry - I know a guy. Lemme call in a favor really quick. Ethan: Oh, wait a minute, you don’t mean… TV Announcer: We’ll be right back after a quick message from our sponsor! [Triumphant Music Cue] Chris: The ChristoLee Show! That’s right, your favorite niche internet micro-celebrities are hosting the wackiest interviewing show! Join Chris and Lee as they explore the intricacies of Mann’s Guide with SoundSmith Ethan: Heeeey everybody! (dies) Chris: While they explore the deepest, innermost parts of Cinny’s mind! Cinny: You think I have the money to buy shit? Lee: Yea (dies) Chris: As they blackmail and coerce Uncle Dane into coming onto the show! Uncle Dane: Hi, I’m Uncle Dane. Hi, I’m Uncle Dane. Hi, I’m Uncle Dane. Hi, I’m Uncle Dane. (dies) Chris: And so, so, so much more! Hi everybody! Hi everybody! Lee: Hello! Chris: Hi! And listen if you just watch a little bit, and bump our numbers I *promise* we’ve got so much potential! [Knocking on door] Chris: Just watch the ChristoLee - Lee: Chris! What the hell are you doing in the studio? You don’t even work here - Chris: PLEASE WATCH CHRISTOLEE Lee: GET OUT- TV Announcer: Let’s get right back to our feature presentation! Ethan: Okay, that’s enough shilling - the power’s back! I think we’ve got enough to fund the rest of the show ourselves. Are we ready? And now...the Cool Part™. The Big Earner is a volatile weapon, and as such you should behave just as volatilely. And by that I mean, just go for more stabs, dude. Like, sure, you could make a clean getaway with this knife, but what's that really gonna get you in this clout driven world? Uh, yeah dude, that Sniper pick probably helped your team out a bunch. But how’s that gonna look in a montage? Yeah, that’s what I thought. You’re a Spy. You’re gonna die a lot. So you might as well just take down as many people as you can before it happens. Go out on your own terms! Like, look at this clip: There’s like six people on the cart! If I do anything, I’m gonna immediately die. So you know what? Forget the getaway. I’m just gonna go in, drop their Medic, and then run all the way over here to this Soldier, and you know what? I got another person before I went down. Same kinda deal - they’re pushing the cart up the ramp, and I can’t let that happen. So I decloak, stab this Sniper, make the 100 meter dash all the way to this Medic and stab him right before I die. And because I did that instead of running away like a b*tch, guess what? Cart didn’t go up the hill, and we win the round. You’ll often find yourself in this situation, where players are really spread out, and if you feel like a getaway is impossible, the Big Earner enables you to take one more person down with you. You basically get a Buy One Get one Free, but with backs. BOGO backs, dude, I dunno. Anyway my point is that trades are very often worth it if you just go for it instead of running away. Really, why would you just waste the most fun part of this entire weapon? You get to kill guys, Zoom like Tim Allen, and then immediately die to fall damage, or a sandman ball, or a fly sneezing. By the way, Fun Fact: Did you know that the Big Earner’s speed boost helps with trickstabbing? Yeah, I know there was no segue, but just forget about it! Segues take time and money, neither of which we have much of right now. Most of the time players try to counter a trickstabbing Spy by backing up and making sure to track them properly, not losing sight of them. But tracking is built off of muscle memory, which is usually based off them knowing how fast Spy normally moves. So I bet you can see where this is going. What if, and hear me out here, the Spy was going faster? Yeah, most of the time people don’t realize how fast a Big Earner Spy actually moves, which makes it really easy to out-strafe them. Like this clip, where the Engie gets stabbed, and before the Medic can even blink, guess what? Dropped. Here’s another good one: Demo gets stabbed and this other Demo who’s right on my ass thinks he knows how fast I’m going...nope! And the crazy thing is, this works with most trickstabs. It works with Conerstabs (going around the corner), Matadors (baiting them into looking the wrong way), Stairstabs (jumping down stairs or other slopes), and Understabs (like underwear but with a knife) Honestly, you know what? Forget the fancy names. All you have to do is out-strafe them, and with the Big Earner’s Speed, that’s pretty easy, especially if they’re playing with low sensitivity. Because as long as you move faster than their camera, guess what? It’s BACK TIME. This Pyro? BACK TIME. This Scout? BACK TIME. This Demo who doesn’t even know I exist? BACK TIME. This Demo who knows I exist? (I’m out of shape)...BACKTIME - This Sniper? BACK TIME. This Spy-aware Heavy? Oh, you know it’s BACK TIME. This Soldier? BACK TIME. And check this out: this Demo? AERIAL BACK TIME. This Soldier? BACK TIME. This Demo? ...is up there so I can’t get to him. This Soldier? BACK TIME. This Medic? Doesn’t want back time, good decision - See this Pyro around the corner and he gets stabbed and guess what? FOOL. You may have been able to dodge my bullets normally, but what you failed to consider is that I’m speed-boosted. Which means my bullets are speed-boosted too! DIE. Hey, single speed stabs are cool and all, but we know why you’re really here. You wanna see chainstabs, right? Well friend, lemme show you some f**kin’ chainstabs These guys are just not prepared for what’s about to happen to them. Stab that Sniper, stab that Demo, get that Soldier, and get that Scout. You know what - forget going fast. I AM THE FAST. Same game by the way, and it’s time to eat ass and go fast. I don’t know why KJ put that in my script but I’m getting a quad-stab, so I guess it’s here to stay. [Knocking] KJ: Yo Ethan, let me in! Lemme narrate a clip! Ethan: No, f**k you! You’re too laggy, it’s gonna look terrible! KJ: Nah, it’s fine, don’t worry. Ethan: I don’t believe you, but...fine, we’re going fast - doesn’t matter KJ (0.1 inches from the mic): Okay, Today we’re gonna be playing...uh...TF2, gonna get backstabbed. Ethan: Oh my god, you motherf**ker! KJ: ...Gonna get the Pyro. Uh...we’re getting the Demo. KJ: Uh, we’re gonna get the Medic...eventually. Ethan: Is this ASMR? What are you doing? Why are you so laggy? KJ: Uh... third time’s the charm. Uhhh...okay get the Soldier. Ethan: I hate this! Oh my… KJ: And uhhh…and...uh, gonna get the scout [incoherent Big Earner Spy noises] Ethan: Why did you - why did that work? I hate you. Both: [laughing] Honestly, when you’re under the influence of Condition 32, nothing can stop you! Except, you know, any of these - Hey, you know what’s faster than the Big Earner? Cars. No, not that car, THIS CAR - Ethan: Alright, hotshot - show me what you got. Why… what’s - KJ: I got Bumper Car. Ethan: Uh-huh, I can see that, what do you do with it? KJ: I got the Bumper Car. KJ: It’s Bumper Car, you’re gonna kill ‘em. Ethan: They didn’t even look at you! What the hell - KJ: Kill two people. [laughing] I told you, it’s great! Ethan: Well, you’re at least gonna die here, right? KJ: Nope. Ethan: OH MY GOD - KJ: Hey, you remember those old, like, those old Ninja Defuse videos? Like on Black Ops 2? Ethan: Yeah, KYRSP33DY? Uh-huh, yeah, totally, KJ: Yeah, look: this is basically that. Ethan: I watched this s**t outta those. KJ: See, I defuse the Medic, then I defuse the Soldier… Ethan: Oh my god, it literally is. KJ: ...defuse the other Soldier, Ethan: ...honestly I think you’re the best Spy to ever play this game. KJ: uh, get the Pyro. KJ: Thank you. Ethan: No lie. KJ: Uh...that Scout dies too, unrelated. Ethan: ...thank you - Okay but in this one they’re capping last, you lost the round. What even happens here? Did you get, like, a taunt kill or something? KJ: I may have lost the round, but I won the war. Ethan: How did you win the war, KJ? Please, enlighten me. KJ: You’ll see. Ethan: ...oh my god. KJ: See, I won. I did it, I win. Ethan: Is every server just gonna be filled with Bumper Cars now? KJ: ...yes. Ethan (laughing): Oh no, s**t! We’re out of money again! KJ (also laughing): I think we need to wrap this up. Ethan: Yeah, okay, you’re right. Here, I wrote something earlier for this, the kids are gonna love it. Hang on - So those are your two choices. You can probably guess which one I prefer, but I’d be lying if I didn’t have any fun with the more passive playstyle. The thrill of just barely slipping away with your life is pretty awesome to experience, and is almost as cool as just going out with a bang. Almost. I’m gonna go ahead and give the Big Earner and both of its playstyles 70 miles per hour in a 60. At the end of the day, these are both totally valid playstyles. Why waste time trying to figure out which one is technically better? Life’s too short for that, especially when you’re using this thing. So, hey. If you’re a real Mann Co. Mercenary, you’ll just pick whichever one is more fun for you. YEAH JUST KIDDING A REAL MANN CO. MERCENARY ONLY GOES FOR BUTTERKNIVES. YEAH, THAT’S RIGHT B*TCH, WE GET THE SPEED BOOST EVEN IF IT’S NOT A BACKSTAB, EAT YOUR HEART OUT, KUNAI. WE’RE PLAYING S**TTY DEMOKNIGHT NOW, WOOOOO Ethan: Alright, that’s it. Should go live any second now. KJ: What do you wanna do with the other stuff? Ethan: Eh... ...Dude this is dumb. Let’s just scrap it. KJ: Yeah, you’re probably right. So what weapon should we do next? Ethan: Oh, dude, we should totally do the
Channel: SoundSmith
Views: 2,703,852
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TF2, Team Fortress 2, SoundSmith, SoundSmithTF2, Funny Moments, Shenanigans, TF2 Funny Moments, Mann's Guide, SoundSmith Mann's Guide, XenoGene, LazyPurple, Clockwerk Smurf, Zeekrocz117, Leg4Me, Tutorial, How to, ItalianNinja, Krunkidile, MaxiqueST, Big Earner, Spy, TF2 Spy, Trickstab, How to use the big earner, tf2 big earner, other tags idk
Id: -xG29XX8DR0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 31sec (931 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 16 2021
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