He CHEATED In An Official Team Fortress 2 Tournament

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our amateur competitive Team Fortress 2 Team Big Time sus continues to try to win a whole tournament without any Map Reviews scrimming or practice in general I can assure you we have only improved since last season so please enjoy all the highlights and the worst moments from the Spy POV of this Highlander season oh no what's what's going on here I like these guys dude you stole my load out what the hell oh yeah so we're not doing this once again wait Funk can I see your sniper again I saw the jacket but I want to see the rest of it this is this man's room oh oh it's swapped up see I'm going to like hide on the grass when I shoot and they won't see me wait guys this is the most goated sniper Strat I've ever seen just wait I have two more I'm going to pull oh my God he's got a ghilly suit on no way he has a g he has different ghillie suits don't give too much attention to it they're going to see it early literally everyone is already staring at I don't know I just wanted to see you salty I'm going to try and less sniper V sniper fights so my gamer promise to you is if you harass their sniper I'll I'll drop a 50 Z KD ratio bro say less I got you you ever drop a 50 bomb on any of our matches I will do one thing you could ever want can I get that swear to God if it's not of monetary value or ruin my channel I'll do one thing I'm saving it well your suffering is priceless so no Funk there's no shot hell you drop a 50 bomb a 50 oh it's insane oh yeah clip it salty clip it I better see Swift water first hold again oh they know holy they know dude our Intel is out there right do the roll call do we have anyone on our team that specializes in that uh yes I'm glad that you asked here we go Michael Bublé hello Funk here Cal yeah neat Revy see two y Nat rolling for initiative it was a two oh no scre y we're going to need to bring up the energy for the rest of the season Lads dude he rolled a two don't let them get this point guys are we winning this yeah yeah yeah can we walk on he's dead snip dead demo on point on shutter yeah you guys can play aggressive right now play aggressive they have no heals got this ladies and gentlemen I'm dead all right so explain to me why are we so scared yeah we're playing so we he integral pick I have anxiety have anxiety yeah go ahead and do the thing fish ah yes uh bumbler hello Nat rolling for initiative that's a 19 oh let's go baby welcome everybody to comeback season well played boys well play play all right how did you guys warm up for this week of Highlander well I was playing um lethal company Minecraft did nobody I pup stomped on upward yes yes an acceptable answer I went country dancing does that count no well okay I'll take that yeah you're ngy you do play engineer you're you guys want to see my secret sauce for tonight's match so instead of using linear interpolation for my mouse sensitivity I have it on an exponential what stuff if I don't move my mouse too much it stays at the normal sense but if I need to flick it'll actually go above my sensitivity no way I know it sounds like a joke right it actually kind of helps when you need to like lick zoomed in you tell them about the Darwin situation oh my God I didn't all right listen the team captain from the previous match that we played messaged me late that night and goes just so you know we're pretty sure that Darwin's danger sealed is a Bann weapon in in rgl and we're pretty sure that f was running it a few lives in your in your Highlander game it's all cool with us we just wanted to make sure that you knew cuz like you know the white list was a bit screwy running band weapons can get like matches overt returned and things like that like okay okay well hold on let me explain you're just saying it like I was cheating monk was trying to pull a fast no okay someone at the start of the game made a joke about my green camo load out they're like you put the D ones on and I did as a joke and then I forgot to take it off when the game started though on one of my load out I had the Darwin so you're saying you literally went into the code and changed it so that it's the original pre-update Darwin's danger Shield you had an advantage in the sniper or sniper not everything has to be explained but that's the long and short of it sniper dead did we get Sentry yes okay their medic is backing out he's on Cliff right now spy on point yeah medic drop no he wasn't running Uber there we why are you not on this cart with me okay true wait heav on the and Sentry dead oh fish push theant it was only level one thank you guys here buff me c I'm going to go on car actually wait no no someone else do it wait should it be me pyro go pyro or spy yeah go on fish oh huge teleporter top left HP spot wait wait wait this is no WR C right there I love it I'm just watching n struggle to keep up with the teleporters as we're just pushing crouch crou crouch crouch that was so serious so serious we're on defense Collision for these rocks what's up y'all dude his eyes scare the sh what is you jeez I have bags under my eyes I'm so tired Sarah's on it it will be spy time in 10 seconds I'm guessing Soldier trying to jumpout playground Scouts playground yo dive medic right now they're trying to push sorry I need they're building level on he slapped me but I I survived again I got the medic is down and sniper you bastard wait what where were you I didn't see you I was in the air I was landing on it the only person jeez oh my God that's a hell of a thing what aat that's that's my birthday it actually is March 5th is wait is it actually my birthday is March 9th hi March bestie marchies never I didn't say that oh my God I'm going to keep sending rockets at this com the UN he's just the I'm being aggressive pass aggressive I respect it I saw that in the death that was amazing holy oh my God what just what just happened to you sniper head shot sniper sniper dead sp sp is [ __ ] right guys we need we need support lower they they have aot I'm coming I'm coming I'm coming I got you NE and I got this under control this is where they spawn we got this under control control wait other side coordinates oh my goodness I'm sorry sorry he's going to kill me he's going to kill me take middle no he thinks I'm dead fish no he thinks I'm dead it's okay come on team get out of Spawn oh God where is why are we not pushing I'm zapping zapping sry behind you bumbl by dead thank you I ubered Sentry's Dead stick on cart stay on cart I'm sticking uh sniper dead pop dead I'm not letting him out here three up they're three not him out here oh he's got yipp the heavy is on the one it's lazy need to sub reevy is not responding so I'm dipping into the Aldo Saturn territory yeah yeah the bottom of the barrel as it were oh damn I didn't say that part Aldo yeah yeah yeah Aldo I was just talking about how you are my first choice to play Scout how's it you're too lazy to roster me in this season you literally are my it shows how active you are on the team consider you don't even know that you're rostered exactly is that jibben I love jibben okay we're good that is jibben I know that laugh I know that laugh any anywhere that's insane that you recognize that that's can you tell him to give us a hype up speech to finish our second they want they want to Hype up speech for this game we just won the half oh all right don't lose I will be yeah I'll tell you what uh I can't do much from here but wait wait thank you what are you trying to does it count if I talk don't say anything in matchat I have save me Cal fish kill I'm way F my God can't believe pip down we're down we need to regroup yeah behind oh my God oh my God so Robb you got so robbed thank you everyone I to believe I was robbed thank you every okay they have Uber I'm going in for a stab on on they're on the left right now the medic is dropped the Redemption Soldier is so alive Pyro's down Pyro's dead oh oh my God she got it dispenser down the warrior the [Laughter] warrior the is dead the heavy is dead SEO is dead the Pyro anything this half uh one more I think Warrior I'm glad you got the telor up sniper 58 batt sniper 58 point no head is gone his head is God put me out help [Laughter] fire believe I've got your back you want me to stop the fire or put you out of your misery I don't understand tried my heavy piped I'm Dead's piped me so jumping in stop stop go and spy down stop shooting the fire I need this have a teleporter on top of the point so de for my Redemption did we just win yeah we did the warrior fish got reflect killed times two bold three times thanks guys thank you for that I am going to post in the team channel the competitive history of the ringer they've requested I don't know about this one Chief so they're saying we can keep trying to find someone else or we can have him go Med can you also just deny him cuz he's a ringer right not a sub wait I'm scared guys is that okay if we lose this I will never allow another ringer in my life again I think that's a fair assessment we'll see if we have the skill to outplay a intermediate ringer so we're we're giving him the okay on the intermediate medic fish you still hit these trick stabs yeah that's pretty on who the intermediate medic yeah I'm going to be calling him that all game the intermediate medic is intermediate medic down intermediate medic has 70 Uber I'm going to okay I'm I'm going to resolve this one second I I'm not I'm not letting that slide that's two teammates that are sitting at exactly 150 give me one second no I I'm inclined to agree especially with a sniper it's not a coincidence that they're both sitting at exactly 150 that's not a coincidence I don't know if it's relevant but I think at the beginning of the season they got a penalty because they wouldn't provide demos for POV I don't know if it's relevant the team let's get down to the bottom of this I don't know if it's a it was it's also worth noting I think this is their first season they don't have any past season so dude that you it's not like they have a like a history to fall back on detective Funk is getting me so invested there's a mystery behind it all yes I can imagine my dispenser is somehow still alive no dispenser pick here we have big advantage he's he's dead he's dead give me those zap points baby oh shut up shut up he's screaming broke your stupid crap [ __ ] right next to combo you're going to open the door when I ask you to okay you got a king pop it count now bumbl open bumbler open over overheal please okay demo Dead Oh bro I'm about to blow up what does this look like for you guys I've never been more dead my whole life fish awkwardly Frozen like how do you do fellow red team just a scout going invisible in front of everybody okay just di through that window I'm so Zing they popped U Back Up the is still Zapped I'm ready I'm top left go go go we zapping zapping it's so it's so close to get in tipping in s down on our behind you just cap just kill the heavy and tap it you want to try crits Cal yeah something explosive yeah here I'm going to build in Sp no way who just sat Saturn my goat yes what a back just say I just said I'm like go c a man of his word Pirro Med is at the connector upper heav dead Okay W dead nice is dead stuff that's fine that's fine I got two of them Engineers High Ground on you guys like onad SP dead there spies dead I oh the heavy got oh we have kind of won haven't we we absolutely no it's okay Nat I was into it I was ready I was still going in in our upper yeah the medic is in main he's I would have killed GG's GG's these guys are ranked two in all of our league right now that is correct however their team captain was the Demo Man on the sixes team we rolled last week is this the week where I try out like a new knife knif the big earner I wanted to see if I could get something out of this I'm going to use it for half the round and we'll see how it works out just promise me you'll swap if if you feel like you're throwing me swap when I'm throwing commit to a bit what time a bit do you mean this this is no bit okay Demo's dead you I got head shot man and's dead oh okay never mind fine uh group up on the left side and come with on the left side dead yo okay guys there's nobody here Point holy [ __ ] how many kills was that five I'm going to go in right now cuz Pyro's not in oh snip dead heavy Point Body blocked him from heels is everyone ready you're the only one up there man observe observe now it is my turn now it is my turn the heavy is dead it begins what I was on the bo it begins I thought we touched I thought we touched okay guys we can't hear you Nat but I can tell you what we have we have Shield dragon and Dawn John dungeon Don John bro no that's not how you spell dungeon that is just not how you spell dungeon D 90 we have 90 just it on Funk spy on Funk took 40 on point demo on dead thank you than you so much heav Dead one snipers and our lower snipers peeking shot s snip sniper sh herce head shot twice snip sniper dead go go goal I need heal point now nice actual come season let's go let's go comeback season wasn't Al lie it's first time we've ever said comeback season is real and it actually was all right let's do roll called bumbler hello Funk hey B gaming n i draw the warrior Warrior the warrior I'm putting it on yes gold Golden State Warrior putting it on let's go giant AFK we Uber right now yeah we're going to rush it Reby ready go with me go with me now now now dead I want a TP probably onep down 36 sniper shutter sniper shutter sniper shutter look out have to Uber you have to Uber you have to Uber you have to go on the point I'm on point piped heav C I'm body blocked godam what I think that might have been the most fun I've had all season that was such a invigorating game it was so close even though we lost oh my God it was so fun being alone is not good for me that's okay you want to talk about this took a turn this took a turn very quick what was what the hell it's like a star in the night dude that's sick it blinds so that's a themed unusual know that's insane holy crap dude and he's got a night cap that's crazy homeboy snooze it why is your ring named 20in horse hold on rewind bring it back you guys they're pushing like to left yeah they're pushing to left they have they have to I know yeah that's true bur so forward get back in spawn get back and spawn they just wait it out just wait it out yeah just don't let them spawn you guys here well let them cap this boys we need to play Sude for for quick I tried I'm one second good closer than I would prefer wow they wiped us that literally was just time how do you guys feel about this system with no overtime versus how OverWatch does it where we would just be playing a third round of pushing now there are four less Gamers to hop on the cart so doesn't matter Paladin clear this mode in this is great my e sniper's dead demo Demo's face tapped H what lazy I've never noticed what your gun's name was until now back up I'm so dead snipers on cart he didp try and set up for n try and set up for push pushing I'm going to go for a stab really early cuz their Pyro's not with them Demo's dead sniper's watching the right and play Beautiful yipp when we made this team you know there's a lot of like returning Titans and then there's like the people that are like kind of newer the competitive scene but like kind of want to like dive into it and have some fun n it has given me so much joy how much you have just dived into the role of engineer and just learned all about it fish this for me former swim team captain by the [Laughter] way can I unmute yeah you're good go ahead now I'm hyped now I'm hyped F I have never heard you raise your voice that loud in my life look at those profile pictures lad guys I have been explained that the show isn't that bad and I had grown me tell that they saw the first episode and stopped watching it because they were worried that they'd start liking it the first no way you just said six seasons is that did I hear that correctly it really goes downhill after the first six season bronies are literally why I started playing TF2 holy you're actually wait me too real what what you explain this right now because Bronies was like one of the first templates in which everyone would would project their favorite fandom onto and like oh Applejack is like the engineer Rainbow Dash is like the Scout like the final straw for me of like okay why does everyone make everything into TF2 Merks I got to try this TF2 thing guys fish just got holy man I wish I knew I would have waited until the first stab of the game if I knew I was so close you stabbing AFK people in freame that's really anticlimactic actually actually a little sad do you even remember my explanation for why you camp there on first it's to give info let everybody know yeah the info I get but like we're here too so I'm confused Oh I thought I thought you were like just testing me you forgotten yourself you know I I legit have forgotten myself why why you need to be here I hope they don't know that I'm here because you're staring right at meet Qui quiet combos pushing combos coming through now we want to control high ground guys guys they're in and heavy dead no SP Scout SP Scout SP Scout P's dead three of them are dead guys yeah they rot so you should be able to take Medic in there Medic in there in in the spawn oh dude itap I got sandwich that's me that's me okay I guess I'll just get a health pack we going C or E yeah let's go see let's just go see I'm the Spy do you have sticky setup I'll call it earlier this time the see say just say de just say why is the door open to window yell de de okay heavy down heavy down nice canone do it do it Cal kill them all they played us like a damn fiddle hor he no no I I'm proud of that second half that was good definitely we came very close to getting one round off of a team that has lost like two rounds in this entire season I think we're guaranteed playoffs if we win this game this will be the greatest BTS has ever done out of all their that is true that is true I would love to see us win this yep yep I'm CA now sniper just watch sniper don't peek Cal sniper's Dead s dead right oh okay never mind Cal peek it wait play play with fumbler in you need to peek I'll walk Cal give us Intel by yourself Cal where is their combo Cal go with bubl oh never mind sniper dead nice took the health kit here mother I bet that was you wasn't it uh actually yes it was for S bro I'm on 13 Health what do you want me to do set up Scout and nice said he taunted me he got the jump they have upper snipers on car right now on upper coming our upper the medic is dead trick stab baby just saw crazy wor he got his trick stab for the season I got the trick stab of the Season all right good half good half now they're terrified they are we wanted this to happen now we go to our home what happen big I don't know if big earner is good for this map it's so small yeah you run around corners run faster around corners hard to hit you in a close Corners more like the small spender average size spender can't believe I got to laugh that's amazing and the moderate saver heavy pyro Dem on a and Soldier and Scout did you see any oh my God oh help help no they're checking everything on they taking a they took a yeah they killed all three of us all a me all right good try guys our spot in the division is secured and let no one try and keep us out of playoffs always be here gatekeeping this spot honestly well we can still wait that was just half right that second map yeah there's no two halves on steel yeah I thought I thought it was two halves no none of them said GG yet yet we're not we're not done guys we can take this back I was I was got that just felt so long oh my God it's just play good solid Ste fish in their medic head all right I'm not even going to go B CU they have a heavy watching the right side and a pyro just constantly holding flamethrower yeah well both those classes have backs don't they B we know from experience that people can get can face stab easily on this map only had a big earner you'd be killing the big targets what that do only you weren't a small spender what what is there to lose Dead all right I'm behind I'm behind the sentury if we're in let me know when sticky kill do it I'm going in oh God I'm zapping Sentry Z s's down yeah sniper's Dead sandwiching Walk it walk it walk it they have 30 they're stuck in the corner they're stuck in [ __ ] spy he's dead medic's dead dead it's just Soldier just Soldier two both cross kill again I got him he's on 120 oh my god do Mar there you go meds in that spawn door sandwich sandwich is on your right knee there you go good work good work the longest the fastest time ever since an accompl minutes good honly 14 minutes set the tempo let's see try and match that wow GG you know if I if I had to guess I I would say they scrimmed this map God damn it this was our season oh it was in the bag I have a wild position that may get me kicked we might do well if we SC no we don't SC no no no it might be smart to scrim like when you get to playoffs right I mean we don't have to it's just rev Rev stop calibrate the expect I love these games okay I love these games more than anything I'm just afraid of scaring away people on the team if we're just like hey now it's more than a one hour commitment a week now it's a two-hour commitment a week but God yeah exactly pretty scary right I I will have to figure out whether or not I'll be able to do these in the future oh you want me to scouting as in like not the class Scout but but scouting for new members cuz I can hey this is a stick up you better click those two videos right there I'll give you some of that well it's not loaded yet but I can load it and you can click those two videos right there so you should OTP me and the Spy
Channel: Salty Phish
Views: 166,249
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tf2, team fortress 2, salty phish, salty phish tf2, salty phish team fortress 2, tf2 sfm, tf2 memes, tf2 animation, tf2 bots, tf2 highlander, tf2 competitive, team fortress 2 gameplay, tf2 spy, tf2 comp spy, tf2 highlander spy, salty phish spy, funke tf2, salty phish funke, lazy purple, funke, lazy purple tf2
Id: F8tEoazb9qs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 36sec (1776 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 10 2024
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