Advanced masking in DaVinci Resolve - Color Grading tutorial

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hello everyone in today's video I want to show you Advanced masking techniques in denture resolve this is hour before and after but before we start I just want to remind you that I have just released my first color grading course mastering color grading in Aventure resolve and you can access it by clicking on the link below this video this course is suitable for both studio and free version users and it teaches Advanced color management primary and secondary color grading techniques and advanced creative techniques to help you build multiple film looks this course also includes highrisk footage for practice and currently it's available at a promotional price and in the upcoming months I'll will be adding to it a lot of master classes and if you join the course now you'll have an access to all future master classes for free so I think it's really worth it and if you like my teaching style if you like my YouTube video videos I'd really encourage you to enroll the course but now let's move to today's video so this is our clip for today it's been shot in Panasonic Vlog and it has already been color managed so I have converted it from Lo to rec 79 and these are my color management settings and again if you properly want to learn color Management in denture resolve if you want to know how to properly set up your project and how to use both color space transform workflow and D to resolve color managed workflow head to my course below this video as there's a very comprehensive lesson covering it but now let's start grading step by step so the first thing we can see is that there's not much color separation in the clip and by looking at my parade I can tell that red channel is dominating here so we have to balance it properly so let's label our first note according accordingly and I like balancing my Clips looking at the vector scope so let me pull it up and also I explain properly how to read Vector scope and all other Scopes and I show different ways of balancing Clips in my course but today I will show you how to do it using the offset wheel that allows us to adjust the whole clip uniformly so basically we have to move our Trace from the red side more to the middle to make the clip look balanced so I'll use my offset wheel and I will move it in the opposite direction from red and yellow towards blue and teal and look what's going on with the clip and also what's going on on the vector scope so I'm moving it to the point where my clip looks as natural as possible and this is before and after huge difference we got a much better color separation now the next step step would be to adjust the exposure as the clip although it was converted to rec 709 still looks a bit washed out and I will also change my Vector scope to waveform and here basically we have to make sure that our waveform is within the range from 0 to 1023 and let's create a new serial note and let's call it exposure and here I will increase my gain first then I will decrease my lift just a touch and I will decrease gamma as well and then I'll also play around with the contrast and pivot controls and this is before and after looking nice and now before we move to masking techniques let's boost how the clip looks a bit more so I'll create a new serial note and I will call it look and today I will create a look using the color warper tool in resolve there's an extensive lesson in my course covering color warper as well so check it out but today I will simply boost the teal color a bit by drawing with my mouse over my clip like this I'm just pushing that teal color more towards teal and then I will do the same with this skin I will add a bit more saturation to it like this and this is before and after look at the difference and we did it all only by using one tool in resolve so now our shot is ready to play around with masking and I will start with the magic mask as I want to separate the main subject from the background so I'll create a new note and I will call it magic mask and now let's open our magic mask tool over here then let's change the quality from faster to better this is what I always do and then here I will turn on the overlay to be able to see my mask and now I will simply draw a line on my subject like this and voila our mask is ready so let's track it over here okay done but now I want to start from modifying my background not the person so I invert my mask over here okay so now our background is isolated and then I will maybe only just increase the blur radius a bit hopefully this will be enough we can always use all of these refining tools later and then I will turn my overlay off to be able to see the original clip and the first thing I want to do is I want to darken the background a bit to bring more attention to the model so I'll go to my primary wheels and here I would just decrease the gamma a tiny bit and this is before and after nice and let's scroll through the clip perfect now what we could also do is that we could actually combine the magic mask with a power window so let's say that I want to darken only the right side of the background so I can grab my power window over here I will get the gradient and this is how it works so I will rotate it and I will place it on the right side of my clip then I will stretch it and let's turn the Highlight mode on here to be able to see the mask okay so this is what we could do this is before and after but I want to darken the whole background so let me remove the gradient okay and now let's focus on our model so let's create a new serial note and here I will use log Wheels to add more definition to her and again there's a great lesson covering using log Wheels in my course so I will not elaborate too much on it today but let's label our note as Lo wheels and now what we can do we can pass the same magic mask onto this note and we can reverse it and we can do it by connecting these two blue Alpha outputs like this and now when I turn my highlight mode on I can see that our mask has been transferred from one note to another but as I said this time I want to adjust the model not the background so I have to reverse my mask and I do it by going down here to key and then I just have to select this button over here so now the mask is reversed so let's turn the Highlight mode off and let's go to lock wheels and here I will increase my midtones first to add more light to the person and then I will also decrease these Shadows just a tiny bit I'll basically play around with these controls like this and this is before and after and look at the difference we get when we combine the primary correctors with the Lo Wheels very nice and sculpted so now the model really stands out from the shot and this is before adding our masks and Corrections and this is after and then we could always go back to our original magic mask and we could go back to the primary wheels and we could modify the background even more like this this is just to show you what we can do but I prefer the previous look so I will reset it and now I want to add even more artificial lighting to my clip so I will create a new serial note and I will call it lighting and now let's go to the power windows again and let's grab the round power window this time and let's soften it and let's place it on the right side of the models face like this and let's turn the Highlight mode on and this time I will combine the power window with the qualifier as I want to add some additional lighting only to the brightest parts of her face so the only thing we need to do is to push the Luminous slider up just to select the brightest Parts like this and now I will soften it here and I'll improve my selection this will work so let's turn the Highlight mode off and let's go to Curves this time and here I will push my white curve up a bit in the middle and this is before and after and now we obviously have to track our mask as this is a moving shot and again let's see the clip before applying masks and after I hope you've enjoyed the video thank you so much for watching my videos guys I hope that you like them and once again don't forget to click on the link below this video to enroll my color grading course see you soon
Channel: Color Grading Insights
Views: 38,914
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: color grading, color correction, masking in davinci resolve, DaVinci Resolve tutorial, davinci resolve, course, advanced color grading techniques, free color grading course, DaVinci Resolve for beginners, DaVinci Resolve advanced techniques, how to color grade in davinci resolve, better than waqaz quazi, darren mostyn, tracking in davinci resolve, film colorist, professional color grading, the best color grading tutorials, the best DaVinci Resolve tutorials, film making, lut
Id: JBussLKijcs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 9sec (669 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 13 2023
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