3 INSANELY easy Motion Graphics in Fusion - DaVinci Resolve 18 Tutorial

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if you want to learn a little bit more about how fusion works today we are building three different graphics inside of fusion these are super simple and just by working through and kind of following along it'll teach you a lot about how fusion works i think this will be really helpful especially if you are brand new to fusion but even somebody who's been using it a little bit i think you might get something i don't know why i'm talking like that let's go all right so here i am in the fusion page and the first thing that we're going to do is make kind of a drop down text title i'm going to start with a background note so on the very left here let's grab a background node and i'll just drag this into my flow before we get started i'll right click on the background of the flow and go to arrange tools to grid and now they kind of snap to this grid which helps keep things nice i'll take the output of background one and drop it onto media out and now we have a black screen now we probably don't want a black screen we want this to be transparent so with the background node selected let's go over here to the inspector and i'll take this alpha and i'll turn it all the way down so now we have a clear screen with the background size set to well for mine it's 1920x1080 now what i like to do with motion graphics is generally design how it will look after it animates in so let's make some text we'll go here to this third little button text plus i'll grab this and drag it in and here we have our text plus node i'll take the output of that and drop it on the output of our background one and that will make a merge node so now we'll have our text merged over our background but we don't have any text yet so with the text node selected we'll go over here to the inspector and i'll say drop down and let's make this a nice font you can pick whatever you want and i'll make this a little bit bigger and you know well we'll just uh maybe add a little tracking too because i feel like having a little bit of space between that that kind of looks nice sometimes okay so there's our drop down text so this is what this is going to look like when it's kind of finished animating in and what we want this to do is kind of drop down out of nothing and generally if you want something to kind of appear somewhere on screen but not somewhere else on screen you have to use a mask so what we'll do is add a rectangle mask i'll drag this down under my merge we can really add this to the text or the merge but we'll just do it this way and i'll grab the output of our rectangle and put that into the blue input of our merge and now we see that merge node is only putting this text over the background inside of that rectangle so we can use that to our advantage by just putting the rectangle over our text like this which is what we want so now anything that is inside this rectangle we can see and everything outside of it we can't see which doesn't make any difference now because we don't have anything outside of the rectangle but if we take for instance this merge and we grab the center and we push the y around we can see as we move this up or down it goes outside of the mask so what we'll do is we'll start with it up here and then it'll just kind of drop down out of nothing to get this animation we have to set a keyframe a keyframe is just telling fusion that you want some control to be a certain value at a certain time so we're going to animate this center and at about one second that's 24 frames in we want it to look like this so at 24 frames we'll go over to center and click on this little keyframe diamond and that'll tell it at 24 frames to be at 0.5.5 now let's take our playhead and move this back to zero and we're going to take our center and i'm going to push this up just so it's totally outside of our mask that means it has completely disappeared and it's automatically added a keyframe there because i was at a different point in time and if i kind of scrub through this we'll see this drops down so now it drops down out of nothing pretty nice the only thing that we have to change is when this drops down it kind of stops really suddenly and it just doesn't look that nice so what we want that to do is slow down before it stops the easiest way to do that is with the spline panel in the upper right corner we have these buttons here and if i click on where it says spline that'll open up a panel down here let's check whatever we want to adjust which is going to be our displacement for our merge and then let's click this zoom to fit button right here that's going to give us a graph of the motion that we've animated here so it starts at 0 and it goes all the way up to 1 like that what we want this to do is instead of going at a constant speed and then immediately stopping we want it to kind of slow down before it stops so we can select this keyframe just by clicking on this little kind of lock here and i can grab this handle and move it around like a curve so i could push this up and make it flat like that so that we have this nice gradual kind of hill or i can just select it and hit f on the keyboard and that's going to flatten out that tangent right there so now as we play this back it slows down nicely before it stops so just goes shoop like that yeah and that's pretty much it for this graphic i'll switch over to the edit page and just drag this in so we can play this back in real time and there we go there's our nice little drop down graphic yeah not too bad right let's do another one shall we i'll rename this drop down let's make a new one i'll say new fusion composition and hit create double click on that to open it up in fusion and we'll do the same thing let's grab a background and connect it to our media out select the background and take the alpha down like that and the next thing we'll do is a center reveal now this is kind of a similar process but it has a couple different elements here let's just grab our text to start out with and again we'll merge this over our background i'll select the text and we'll call this center reveal do open sands condensed sure there's our text let's say we want to have a background here around our text there are a bunch of different ways to do that one way that you could do that is take a background node and we'll put this in before our text 1 which will put it behind it we'll select this background and we'll just make it kind of a red and let's say we want this to be a box around our text well we can take that same kind of rectangle like we used in the first one i'll drag this down and connect it to our merge and now we have this box that we can resize around our text like this and that looks classy right that looks nice but now let's say we want to animate it that's why we're calling this the center reveal we want this to kind of reveal out of the center so at frame 24 we want this to be right here but we're gonna have this kind of a reveal out of the center from nothing like this and go shoop like that like it's kind of opening up so at frame 24 we'll add a keyframe to our width slider right here and then over at zero we'll take the width all the way down so now as we play this back it opens up out of nothing of course let's adjust this with our spline panel open that up again select what we want to adjust and go to zoom to fit select this last keyframe and hit f on the keyboard to flatten it out and now we have it opens up and then it slowly stops so that's nice for the background but the text is just kind of there the whole time the cool thing about nodes is that we can have this mask that's affecting our background affect our text as well so if i take this rectangle one and drag an output onto this other merge for our text now it's masking both of those at the same time and it's really not any more work that's the nice thing that i like about nodes is you can connect a node to multiple different things so that's a nice kind of classy way to make a graphic like that super simple right bring this in there's our center reveal very nice let's do one more hold on just a minute resolve con 2022 it's coming up it's october 1st and 2nd we're going to have live teaching we're going to have discussion panels we're going to have tons of giveaways oh baby it's going to be the best it's the davinci resolve learning event of the year sponsored by blackmagic design and the best part is it's free to watch right here on youtube make sure you register using the link below back to the video i'll right click make a new fusion composition and we'll call this smash double click on our composition here set it up just like before with the background the background is clear and let's grab our text and merge our text over our background and this text will say smash let's do open sans condensed again and we'll make this a little bigger this time something like that this time we want this text to kind of fly into the screen from behind the camera so we want it to end right about here so let's do like 12 frames and this time let's actually animate this with a transform node i'll just put this after everything we could also put this between the text and the merge but let's just transform everything we have so far and now this transform node is going to move everything around as a group that has been put into it so i can grab this transform and i can move stuff around and we're going to start at frame 12 and we're going to keyframe the size as well as maybe the center and maybe even the angle let's just change this a little bit and then here at zero frames the first frame we're gonna push the size up a lot and we're gonna change the angle a little bit and maybe we'll leave the center about where it is so now we have this animation where it smashes into the background like this but it looks kind of weird for it to just stop like that it would be nice if it kind of bounced a little bit so let's play around with this here in the spline panel and i'll just close the inspector just so we have a little more room here and i'm also going to hit this little button in the upper right just to give us one viewer and let's select our displacement and our angle and our size and click on zoom to fit and now we have our graphs of everything we've animated i'll select all of the end keyframes and hit f on the keyboard to flatten those out and now we have this kind of coming in and it definitely looks nicer but i still kind of want it to bounce a little bit so let's go back to zoom to fit and now let's just take a look at our size so i'll just get rid of displacement here get rid of angle so we just have size zoom to fit and we have this sizing down down down down but i can click anywhere on this line to add a keyframe and so maybe we'll add a keyframe and just kind of push it down like this and now what will happen is this will come down and it'll get smaller and then it'll get a little bit bigger so let's take a look yeah so now there's a little bit of a bounce boing which is pretty cool and depending on how detailed you want to get you can kind of push this up and down like this select all of these and hit f on the keyboard and make something like that and you can have this kind of smash in there if we want to adjust some of the timing we can select multiple keyframes and click on this little box thing right here and that'll let us kind of stretch these out a little bit which is really helpful for these kind of animations yeah there we go so now it's really stretching a little bit i think maybe it's a little bit wild so we'll just take that down there we go so now we have this kind of bouncy thing and with a little bit of tweaking a little bit of playing with it we can get something looking really neat i'll go ahead and close the spline panel here and we'll switch back over to our edit and drag in smash and now we have this kind of smashy title very cool so there's three easy graphics that you can make even as a fusion noob i hope this was helpful for you i hope if it shone a little bit of light on the subject well why don't you let me know i i would love to hear about it what was confusing that is now clearer what's confusing about fusion that is still confusing about fusion maybe i'll make a video about that huh why don't you wait and see i'm not mad i'm happy i'm so glad you're here have a have an awesome day
Channel: Casey Faris
Views: 58,367
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Davinci Resolve 17, blackmagic design, casey faris, how to, free video editor, tutorial, davinci resolve 18, resolve for beginners, davinci tutorials, editing, fusion, motion graphics, davinci resolve tutorial for beginners, davinci resolve tutorial for beginners 2022, davinci resolve tutorial, learn motion graphics free, learn fusion davinci resolve, learn fusion davinci resolve 18, fusion davinci resolve tutorial, davinci resolve 18 fusion tutorial
Id: 6n9UG4Rb43g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 21sec (681 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 07 2022
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