World's GREATEST Chili Recipe - SO EASY!!

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here's a recipe for thick and delicious chili all right let's get started first get your pan uh nice and hot not too hot but like more like a medium put some olive oil in there and go ahead and put some onions in there you can put I put in here about a third of an onion dice it nicely and go ahead and get it sweated mix it around once you've done that the next thing you're going to go ahead and do is once you got all sweat just throw your hamburger right on top about a pound of ground beef start mixing that around as well get that all mixed around and then once it's done it'll look like uh pretty much this right here see that everything's sweated and the meat's nice and cooked so now the next thing to do is add your H large can of tomatoes this is a 24 oz can of tomatoes here get that added and go ahead and mix it around again and then of course you want to add baked uh black beans I like to add black beans I'm adding two cans of black beans here I like to add the black beans because they have more of a a a punch to them rather than just a regular kidney bean they just taste a whole lot better A lot more robust once again you will mix it all around as well again and you'll see how how it's starting to mix together then I add about a teaspoon of cumin a little bit of cayenne pepper a little bit of just regular pepper just maybe a few shakes in there add about a tablespoon of salt you can add a little less if you want and I add about 2 t spoon of chili powder mix it all together now you got all those ingredients Incorporated now what we're going to do is just add some water we're going to bring it up and what we're going to do after we bring it up with the water is we're going to slowly cook it we're we're going to bring it to a boil coming up here and uh oh by the way you're going to add a little Tasco sauce if you want we're going to bring it to a boil here and uh see how it's to a rolling boil then we're going to what we're going to do is we're going to mix it around and then turn the heat down and get it to a simmer the thing about chili is you're going to have to keep mixing it so it doesn't burn so just keep mixing it keep it so it has nice turnover on it and you're not getting one part that gets burnt and then you're tasting it it tastes burnt and then you're tasting another part it tastes good you just keep mixing it and it'll be consistent you'll start to notice the chili will get thicker look at this and then it'll reduce but it'll get thicker and all those flavors all melt together and then of course I like my chili really thick here it will thick more as well once you uh leave it out and put it in the fridge so just realize that as well but I like mine really thick in the offset I can always add more water to it later if I want to just keep working on it and eating it later but here you go this is the final product nice thick chili look at that delicious all right well don't forget to like And subscribe and please share us on all of your social sites we would greatly appreciate it thanks a lot you have a great day byebye
Channel: To Serve Men
Views: 2,381,387
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Chili recipe, how to make chili, Spicy Chili recipe, Spicy Chili, Crock Pot Chili Recipe, Hot Chili, best chili recipe, chili, Chili competition recipe, homemade chili, Award Winning Chili Recipe, easy chili recipe
Id: AfDXp1Yt5ao
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 58sec (178 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 04 2016
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