This One Is For The Win: The Best Chili Recipe You'll Ever Eat! @MrMakeItHappen

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foreign [Music] title and you see my nephew right here next to me guess what folks we cooking out the cookbook hey so look I'm gonna let him go ahead and describe everything because he does such a great job at doing that this year we ain't got no script or nothing like this but check it out just think about grabbing yourself The cookbook if you haven't already got it just you know got one already and then you get a chance to you know cook along with us yes sir the link will be in the description box today is the coldest day of the year so far here in Virginia I brought Uncle a b out to Chesapeake Virginia all the way from Sunny La nice and cold and rainy today perfect day for some chili and that's what we're making for you guys today hey so look you know what look I ain't gonna over talk or nothing like that I want you guys to go ahead and just we're gonna go ahead and pan down and look at go over some of these ingredients right here right so look as you can see we put it all out here you guys have been following my channel you know I like to have all my ingredients you know have it all lined out this is what keeps it from being a chore right so look we got ground beef hey for those you guys who don't eat that I know the pork police stay out here but check this out we got that that bacon right here brown sugar we got our our veggies over here you know we got garlic hey you know what do some talking bro we got uh black beans red kidney beans all the seasonings you'll need we'll go over those two and all the specific measurements and ingredients will be in the description box for you guys below a little tomato paste crushed tomatoes fire roasted tomatoes and my secret ingredient a little tomato soup here's the book you know we got it laid out for you this is one of the cool things about it like how many people really got a book that you can actually follow right so this is here then you can follow it on YouTube as you're watching this video right now anyway so first thing we're gonna do is what did you put this on a medium-high heat yep all right so look I know you probably don't do yours like this but I start my bacon off like this do you yeah just throw it right on in there okay so we got this on medium medium high just give it a few minutes allow the bacon to get nice and crispy render some of that fat and that'll be the flavor for the rest of the chili [Music] okay so look this look like it's cool hey we all know once we take this out of here put this on this paper line plate it's going to start to crisp up you know get hard anyway so I guess we'll just cut this down and add it back to the chili later for those of you guys who don't do pork that's okay don't even uh I guess you could like really skip this I was gonna say don't put it in there but yeah we started out with the fat one for those of you guys that are not trying to you know that are avoiding the pork you go with beef bacon that's the thing right there since we're adding beef ground beef to it the key here is to make sure that the ground beef is making good surface area contact with the skillet like you said get it get that nice layer of crust that's going to help develop some texture and flavor and give your ground beef some color nobody wants gray ground beef in their chili so you get a nice little Char on there everybody is happy all right guys so we're using 80 20 ground beef I should have said that from the jump but as you can see we got some nice color on the ground beef and that's exactly what you want to see that's going to develop nice flavor texture and color we'll go ahead and break this up if you want to you can drain some of that excess fat that the ground beef is going to render during the cooking process and now it's about time to go in with those veggies all right so as you can see we have our ground beef browned up nicely Uncle a b is going to help me out and add the veggies to the party we've got some green bell pepper red bell pepper a yellow onion and a couple jalapenos if you wanted to be extra spicy you can add more jalapenos if you don't want it spicy at all then you leave them out we'll keep it kind of mild today because I know you're not that in the spice I don't want to run you out of here you just got here how often do you make chili at the house um more more often than most people think yeah because I know in La it doesn't really get too too cold it gets chilly but it doesn't get too cold but check it out I like chili though man so I probably make it about five times a year there you go I mean most of the time it's probably warm right just when you get a craving and for the seasonings we have a little ground beef bouillon some cumin some smoked paprika a little chili powder and some of my secret ingredient which is a little cinnamon so I learned that this lady when I was working at a bank back in the day she wanted a chili cook-off her name was Miss Eileen and she would always win the chili competitions in the office and I would always ask her for the recipe and one of the secret ingredients in her recipe was cinnamon so ever since then I started adding it to my chili you know what shout out to miss Eileen okay so look you guys see we got the book this is one of the cool things you get to cook along you know cook along with us right so we got the ingredients here and then for lunch look we wrote down the steps everything is here step one two and three makes a great chili now if you guys come on over here I'm gonna just start look I'm gonna go ahead and start adding in the garlic right got your garlic has Matt working at him and by the way listen this is Magic little secret recipe right here right you know that's kind of chili cook-off make sure you give me a shout out right right so look I know what the recipe says about a teaspoon or whatever if it's heaping it shouldn't make that much of a difference right yep and it's the low sodium better than bouillon so some of that uh better than bouillon products are pretty salty I like to buy the low sodium versions that way you can kind of you know make sure the salt isn't too present in the dish right kind of add your own hey look at the both of you and I have built these channels on low sodium bro right speaking of low sodium we're going to add a little bit of all-purpose seasoning to the party which is also low sodium did you like that plug a lot of onion powder a lot of garlic things of that nature and then offset the Heat got to come with that brown sugar about two or three tablespoons of that got a nice smokiness from the smoked paprika we're gonna add some liquid smoke here in a second some sweetness from that brown sugar plenty of heat from the jalapeno let's work that in okay so look Now's the Time for hey this right here everybody sleep on this there's that liquid smoke this right here is fire you know what I mean uh so I'm gonna go ahead and give it just a so just like you said a b we're layering flavors we got some spice from the jalapenos we got some sweet from the brown sugar you just add it in the liquid smoke now start now it's time to start going with our tomato products so I'm going in with about three tablespoons or so of tomato paste that's gonna add some nice concentrated tomato flavor and are you going to chase me with crushed tomatoes here we go now we're starting to look like a Chili hey so look one of the things that I tell everybody that's on my channel you got to have the right tools for the job right there you go you got to get yourself some of these rubber uh spatulas some of the ones that shaped like spoons all of the yes sir now I know there's gonna be some folks from Texas in the comments that are going to tell us that beans don't belong in chili I get that comment all the time but we are in Virginia today so guess what we're going to add some beans to the mix hey but you know what I got to show you this door a lot of people come to my channel and when I say that the first thing they tell me is uh hey I'm from Texas and I do beans I think it depends on where you're from in Texas right right before we add the beans though I'm going to go in with a can of tomato soup I really like the texture that that brings all right right right it's almost like using uh instead of using like uh you know tomato sauce the tomato soup has a nice little element to the flavor profile so I'm gonna add that in there then we're gonna add our beans all right here we go give that a good mix now we got some chili damn right that's a big fire bro sir I can hear it right now you hear that you hear what you're screaming you're screaming time yep that's it now and when I say time I mean it's thinking about yeah it need to be on the stove for about an hour oh yeah hour and a half let it simmer away let those beans get tender let all those flavors come together and marry okay so look look it's about ready right so now we're gonna go with the fire ah the fire roasted hey just for you hey that's what I'm talking about you know I mean so we're gonna put in about a half a can right yep I like the people that like chunky Tomatoes you can leave this out but personally I like to have a little tomato chunks in mind you know what and you know what to be honest with you man you know I don't really eat tomatoes but I love fire roasted tomatoes I love them stewed you know I mean and I'm in love with ketchup now last but not least I would either go in with six to eight ounces of Mexican beer or something like a Corona or a little beef broth this is going to thin it out a little bit stretch it allow it December let all those flavors come together all right and we're going to have a nice big pot of chili on our hands here in about an hour or two you promise I promise all right [Music] hey nephew I'll see you didn't give me these two things right here check it out I know that I'm one with the w sauce yeah but this right here I'm gonna let you head up so look you go ahead keep it Lightfoot here you go you know what I can take it though man Prince Royce has pretty much the most mild hot sauce on the planet okay you guys let us know in the comments what's the most mild hot sauce in your opinion or what's your favorite hot sauce hey what about that rooster that little rooster what's over there I got it I got it that's right so get that a good mix throw a lid on there and just let it simmer away on low just should let me know how hard it is right here oh yeah that right there folks body shot right there hey how come when you get to the money shots everybody tone change hey that's how you know it's fire folks yeah this is it right here and it ain't no fluke look at that [Music] all right so after about an hour and a half this is what we're looking like it's reduced down beautifully nice and thick that's how I like my chili how about you hey that's it right there and then look if you compare it over here to this picture right here look at that right there it's not on spot on now the only thing left to do is plate this up garnish it get ourselves a taste test because I'm hungry let's do it and it smells good in here that's for sure Play-Doh this in there don't be shy the only thing missing is a little cornbread I think you might got a cornbread recipe in the cookbook oh yeah hey Creole cornbread don't trip Go sir all right just the thickness and the consistency is it right here that's money that's money we'll garnish this up with a little sharp cheddar cheese the way the good Lord intended for me I like to do a little dollop of sour cream [Music] okay nephew hey ain't no no need to talk about it or keep looking at it engaging at it Moment of Truth damn I gotta say this folks listen he got me on a sink Duty right so check this out I got the Fine China yes sir I like to mix my cheese with the sour cream get that perfect bite here we go Moment of Truth man you just put that in your mouth like that this right here piping hot man that's how cream cools at all nephew oh yeah this ain't even fair this one right right here nephew award-winning chili I need 15 of all winnings if anybody wants a chili cook-off with this recipe I put my cash app in the description box nephew that right there is fire I can't say nothing about it so look if you guys haven't figured out by now he and I came together and we put like some of our top recipes together in the book right so for me on my channel I like to just make some of his recipes and he do the you know vice versa right right this right here listen I signed off I didn't made a lot of chilies but this one right here standalone it's hard for me to say that though that right there is a chili you guys gotta you know it's High Praise I appreciate hey I ain't got to say nothing else so listen go ahead finish this up man I'm gonna give me another body there's no here right now that's not endorsement enough guys you guys got to pick up the cookbook over 90 recipes from he and I and The Best of Both Worlds cookbook free shipping right now with the code in the description box make sure you guys check it out when you get your book make sure you tag us on social media so we can see what you got and when you recreate the recipes make sure you tag us as well if you're new to my channel let me just take your time to say thank you for watching this video don't forget to like smash that subscribe button until everybody out there listen there's two channels out here the simplifying these recipes and taking the mystery out of cooking and I had to get serious with them you know let them know I'm for real folks hey with that being said guess what I'm out thank you [Music] foreign
Channel: Smokin' & Grillin with AB
Views: 814,580
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cookin wit AB, Smokin and Grillin wit AB, chili recipe, best of both worlds cookbook, This One Is For The Win: The Best Chili Recipe You'll Ever Eat!, best chili recipe, the best chili recipe, chili, homemade chili, smokin and grillin with ab, mr make it happen, award winning chili recipe, easy chili recipe, how to make chili, award winning chili, beef chili, cooking collab, chili recipe ground beef, cooking with ab, ab cookbook, recipe, grilling with ab chili
Id: i3n3-kqRyZw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 58sec (838 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 23 2022
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