The dying art of COOKING BANH TET in Vietnam. Tet in Southern Vietnam!

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most favorite food that food are you excited about my yes I'm really excited I'm hungry so unique go ahead go for it today we're about a one hour drive from Saigon in the countryside where I'm going to experience Ted or the Lunar New Year with the real Vietnamese family and I heard they're gonna let me drink a beer I hope you had an amazing Lunar New Year and welcome to the year of the dog this is the final video in our tech series that if you didn't see them already check out our huge Tet feast in Hanoi and my video with Helen Lane exploring the fermented pork treat exclusive to her home city Donna today I'm learning about the Vietnamese food content with my one trip guide me okay here we are today at meas relative's house and I'm gonna get the full Vietnamese Lunar New Year experience but there is one thing I want to say oh yeah I felt like Willy Wonka's cart I dressed up a little nicer than usual because sometimes that's something people do during Tet to show the utmost respect I think it's also important that I finally take this I don't know what you're doing I think I need to take this off to be cool no no no red is the good luck so you better wear this oh this is actually good luck yes all right let's continue into your home that so mean what is so special about ten oh when it was dry I really want to get to come because I can have like a lucky money that people give into me lucky money yep does everyone get lucky money party the young people the food is named banh Tet yeah it literally has the word Tet in the name it's like Christmas ham we only do the back things during that holiday why is that because it takes really long time to do is like a potato prepares and like six hours to cook it well we only do it in special patience what's going on over here what is it doing oh did cooking money that's right now I'm I'll show you how it's done that's so awesome okay it's right here we're gonna see the process and that's coming up next right after this commercial break Kai stay there kay stay in the smoke for a little while we need a cool smoky shot let's go inside and figure out how they make the banh Tet okay and now we're inside Jan koum how're you doing I don't know if I can sit with my legs crossed coz my jeans I got this move the new skinny jeans there's so many things in here she just put some pork belly in there yes that's right so is this fat is it it's a banana leaf on the outside yeah and then rice sticky rice yeah and mixed with like black bean mmm and then mung bean did you put a perfect in the middle yeah and then pour in one more layer up a sticky rice it's crazy to me that you guys boil this I can't believe this gets boiled although that makes sense I guess it's rice you got a boil rice right yeah but it's amazing that it stays in there so she's so good at like making it tight it has to be really tight right yeah that's right it's a beautiful Monday the perfect has to be in the middle and the whole case had to be firm and the sticky rice have to be soft enough we like to have to steam it with the proper amount of time we're pump to we're excited it's 10 it is literally Tet right now as we shoot this I'm gonna have to edit it I don't know like tonight or something yeah people can see this video in time really hot what it's literally tent right now doin humble boy thank you my amazing host is making two kinds of banh Tet the classic version has sticky rice black bean mung bean and a strip of pork fat down the center after boiling for six hours and being sliced it looks like this taking on some of the green color from the banana leaf we'll also try a sweeter variety it made with pounded bung bean and coconut as the center instead of pork fat so she's kind of put a heel or a cap on one end and she's gonna pack it down and make sure it's super tight that is gonna boil later on for six hours yes really laborious but I think when it's all done and cooked will it be worth it yes oh absolutely [Laughter] how long have you been making Bunton mama lemon pie blueberry noon um you know I yeah she used to lose a child just now making this do you think this tradition will slowly kind of go away and more and more it'll be people just getting it from shops yes yes that what she told me before once these are all prepared they're gonna be boiled we're gonna eat some bun tent and we're gonna eat a whole traditional feast with the entire family too and I heard I get to drink a beer if you act properly after boiling is complete the banh Tet can be sliced and eaten as is or it can be fried our hosts are frying up a portion for us to try before dinner the banh Tet is ready for consumption and here I am in the kitchen with me they have fried it in some oil and they look delicious so here it's really beautiful cos you've been seeing all the layers in there the beam the boom what's up with all this wildlife here the rice on the outside has been crisp Oh fide it's it's brownish and then you've got a nice fatty piece of fat on the inside you're just gonna use a chopstick to kind of break it apart yeah oh oh so the fat kind of becomes like butter so we're gonna dip this in some soy sauce yes all right so we go for it most favorite food that food are you excited about my yes I'm really excited I'm hungry so unique go ahead go for it mmm whatever with some people mhmmm this is not cucumber yeah pickles are fine I like pickles that's it's great yeah it is crispy it's fried the soy sauce adds a great amount of salt to it because alone this is kind of plain tasting right mm-hmm yes so this is kind of all that some textures and flavors but you're getting all your salt from the soy sauce nice spicy soy sauce oh that is yummy you can feel the taste the same when we taste up this through the timber I'm in place now he looks jealous he looks like he's in pain I'm gonna eat the whole day all right another dip another put it in my mouth yeah that's great just once here that's perfect oh no my disappeared already we're gonna go eat a full meal with everybody now right yeah I'm just here as a guest but really your relatives have come together and and they've created this insanely a huge feast and I can't wait to try it out before we eat I wanted to take a moment to thank our incredible hosts for inviting me to share in this beautiful holiday celebration can you explain one more time how the lucky money works this is like the very good size and like the gift of the year yeah if the first day of the year you're gonna get receive this the whole year it's gonna nice gonna be smooth oh you're gonna get more on a gift and good luck fun people let's go give it to him I want to say sincerely thank you so much for letting me be a part of this and for all the incredible work that's gone into making this meal for us to share and and to get to show my audience too so thank you so much and I got this for you come on and I wish for you health wealth and happiness yeah may not get one man I think I wouldn't use a plan like I don't know my new one my man was sting back him them but yet he do nothing for money so I'd like he's hidden oh now he retire now maybe it could fall out of a tree no no he wished you to he was what's you getting more and more successful with just you know yeah especially like have a good health to keep chasing your dream you can get random I don't forget even he wished for your family the same things oh yeah thank you going [Music] alas it is time to eat the table is packed with tasty treats boiled bitter melon stuffed with pork and wood ear mushroom pork belly Chinese sausage some plants Cholewa congee the classic banh Tet the sweet bun Tet and so much more so guys listen I behaved well I was a good boy and now I get to have a beer Dori cut yeah this one is like a energy-packed food it's full of so much it's just heavy let's try it out hmm not super sweet it's just got some natural sweetness delicious I like it we also have this it looks like a pickle that stuffs with tuna but I know that - bitter melon and there everyone's like why are you talking so loud right now it's because we're making a food shop BAM right over here bro she's making a little roll don't get nervous but literally a hundred thousand people are gonna see you make this roll she's put on some boiled pork oh and Chinese sausage who cannot love Chinese sausage so she's gonna keep working on that how that one yeah let's have it so this is pork yeah and it's just inside of a bitter melon yeah that's awesome you eat the whole thing yeah it's all good - fish stops mmm yeah look she agrees that bitter melon is not bitter at all once you cook it it's like a giant green bean and it almost hmm and it's got a delicious soft pork inside so salty with the fish sauce mmm we got some rice paper I'm gonna put some herbs on there I freaking love a Chinese sausage I'm gonna move that's way too much oh it's a refill guys we're reloading the kanji very popular everyone's like you should not be this excited about food pork belly but the rhodium part is the most important one BAM oh no something cannot get in there and I wanna you know hmm to peep into it we put that in there mmm beautiful taste so when you were a kid what did you do with your tech money with your lucky money my mom kept it all really kept it all for wine I don't know she's just saying this was gonna save it for me hey but maybe when you're like 35 she'll be like BAM $10,000 interest when he was a kid what did he do with his tech money oh my when y'all a so yeah see I'm an evil it's not they not he bought some snakes mm-hmm candy snacks yes I think we're done that is it for you guys I do want to say I always do this I'm trying to do a conclusion that I put food in my mouth I do want to say again thank you all so much for inviting me today this is an awesome experience and I can't wait to chow down with the rest of you on all this awesome food can you say that for me guys I hope you had an awesome time thank you so much for watching and I just want to say this Ted series is made possible by one trip Vietnam one trip is a tour company putting on tours in Saigon hoi an - Nong and many more cities to come Food Tours adventure tours and more riding with one trip really is the best way to experience the real Vietnam for more information on one trip check out the links in the description down below Happy New Year everybody I will see you next week [Music]
Channel: Best Ever Food Review Show
Views: 1,190,379
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vietnam food, vietnamese food, saigon tet, tet in saigon, where to eat in saigon, banh tet, how to make banh tet, how to banh tet, tet food, saigon tet food, vienam tet food, lunar new year, lunar new year food, chinese new year, chinese new year food, best ever food review show, sonny side
Id: Aq1FM2a0mBk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 43sec (703 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 17 2018
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