RARE Noodles of Saigon, Vietnam! All the Best Hidden Noodles You've Never Seen!

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up here and it's gonna come right off the bottom oh that freaked me out rolled it so fast I thought I was gonna die for a second we are in Saigon its morning time and there is hustle and also bustle traffic people getting to work and more importantly people getting to breakfast [Music] if you love noodles you'll love Vietnam complex bone broths fresh noodles made from rice flour and meat prepared with love look at how slippery these suckers are but the land of paw has much more to offer than who to Bank on or boon Ryu I haven't really seen any other Vietnamese foods that have tomato inside today we're digging deep searching some of the city's back alleyways and obscure eateries on a mission to taste the best hidden noodles of Saigon there's kind of an interesting fermented musty smell aroma coming from here from the chilliest texture sensation I mean look at this they have loaded this thing with made two noodles that stare back at you I can see you looking at me from here so grab your noodle spoon and get ready to carb up we're going on a noodle tour [Music] I am with one trip guide un-high and today she's gonna be taking me all around Saigon trying the craziest noodles we can find [Music] [Applause] [Music] first we're gonna have some venomous favorite repurposed the snakehead fish Ludo why are they using the head of the fish and not some other party no that's the name of the place I would be the home fish by the name is next Oh we're putting a whole fish and just the head part of the fish is a snake right let's go find out [Music] after only one year on the market fan Li is killing it creating a buzz among locals and already opening a second location and it's all thanks to this fish with an oddly shaped head that is unmistakably the snakehead right there the snakehead fish by then but when you look at it it looks like the head of a snapping turtle is this what's gonna be in the noodles yes the half of the snakehead fish [Music] today's snakehead fish noodle starts with blanched boon or vermicelli then four to five pieces of snakehead fish body then a fish bone stock shaved beans some water lily flowers wow this is a lot of stuff I haven't seen before in Vietnam then coriander fried garlic and that's it oh wait I think we're forgetting something ham I can see you looking at me from here the fish head has been marinated in turmeric steamed and now bathed in broth now all three of us are almost ready to eat we need another head for you I would feel so bad to eat this food head alone honestly it looks about as nice as you can make a snakehead fish head look it's very cute and it's just like a little turtle in there there's so much going on here yeah we've got the young banana Vicki it tastes a little bit bitter Oh water lily water lily yeah she's like hey I practice these words to these foods chilli sauce he's bringing in some kumquat Pam oh not bamm-bamm some veggies I'm not gonna put in as many vegetables but I'll put in something I'm gonna mix this up and I gotta say that fish looks really stunning yellow it looks very firm like it's got some body to it I can't wait to try this oh it looks very delicious let's go for it so yummy something tender a good cake from this chili so there a ton of tumeric powder on here we got the classic boom kind of vermicelli noodle mix it with some vegetables mmm I love it those vegetables are great they're adding some wonderful aroma and flavor the broth itself oh I didn't get a spoon or savory it's got that kind of fatty fish missus yeah without being fishy this is a really unique book for so including the actual head oh that looks good got some skin on there some meat put in our little sauce mixture let's try it out that's delicious sorry Hardy put him on a pad in there Oh what there's a huge tongue in here is that a tongue can I eat this that's a tongue that has a bone in it very fatty we're gonna do next is just take the time to fully consume all the meat around the skull and then we're gonna go to our next location interested nude oh oh oh no nude on the way you said interesting I was like I know I'm in for something that isn't spaghetti for over 20 years patrons have been coming through these doors for a bowl of noodles you could practically smell from across the city what do you call that kind of sauce hammer one is the noodle mom means amendment that's it okay this is gonna be intense shrimp squid pork everything you see here is pot fresh and cooked in-house this is like a whole meat pie am I allowed to take home the cake no isn't my birthday is coming up I love this kind of cake there's kind of an interesting implemented musty smell aroma coming from here is there just one thing on the menu here oh yeah they have a normal one in a special visit the special would be like more food for you more food more meat yeah more pie yeah everyday over a thousand hungry diners order up someone mom starting with blanch vermicelli pork belly squid shrimp YZ crab cake my favorite kind of cake then broth containing a fermented fish paste and eggplant whoa this is one of the medius noodles I've tried we've got a huge brothy meaty bull here I'm just gonna do a big old sniff it's tantalizingly pungent very strong some veggies ooh Alan bulb okay a lot of different things happening then we ask them black oh look at that close-up lime shot that's nice what is this a Applebee's commercial then we miss it together we're just trying to get the veggies submerged soaking up that profit I want some of that pie do you guys think I'm joking about buying a crab cake pie I'm not I'm doing it after this get that massive meaty piece that looks so delicious we're gonna give it a little dance go boy oh that is all go bouncing savoury some of that crappy flavor in there like mock crab legs kind of I'm gonna get a big bunch of noodles here some of the eggplants let's try it out mmm ladies happy I'm so on the profit yeah absolutely yeah excellent very juicy soft it has been foiled to heck in that broth the broth its own it's got some stinkiness to it mm-hmm but in your mouth it tastes a lot better yeah and very flavorful they've got this little octopus in here yeah give it a little dip mmm so quite a chance there's even fish in here what kind of fish is this she's looking closely at the fish studying it she's son of a fish archaeologist what kind of mission to River fish yeah it's a fish from a river from flaky and no bones how much is this bull 70 which is a little higher than normal for noodles Vietnam yeah but we just have so much meat in here I mean we could sell all this meat together and make a whole new handle our next hidden noodley destination features boom away or stirred noodles with meat cooked directly in the bowl we tried to create add more things and and some cake that's noodle-making step one have someone hand you a ball of noodle dough I want to sleep on this at night it's Dell what made out of rice flour very dense ready to be noodle if I'd step to insert the dough here we have hydraulic press that is going to force down into here it's basically like a giant play-doh machine step 3 boil the water beneath the noodle press up here and it's gonna come right off finally the noodles are shocked in cold water to stop the cooking process with the noodles complete she starts on the fish and crab cake made by smearing a thin layer of fish paste and another of shrimp paste then cooking them in boiling hot water once cooked they're peeled off tossed on the noodles then instead of broth it gets a load of chili salt and scallions topped with the noodle water and black pepper now comes the best part making your own custom sauce the reason why I let the customer do it by themselves because I want them to have their own taste you can choose between MSG fresh chillies and more Michelle is whipping up her favorite starting with chili salt sugar and kumquat the owner showed me how to make this amazing sauce and I was too afraid to ask what the sauce is actually for what is the sauce for this drop this is olive water so usually we put some more sauce into the broth really you kind of create your own Brown drizzle that on top Wow look at that food shot from here give it a deal to mix a room I really love the unique way she's cooked the meat here is just a simple paste from shrimp and from fish and then when she cooked some of it they just cook right in the bowl this is obviously the shrimp one here it's turned orange like a shrimp will do and again let's try it out oh wow great texture this still has that shrimpy bounciness to it everything is cooked when we just order everything is so fresh to me yeah absolutely let's try these noodles out I'm so interested that is broth it's like kind of just a water broth and we built our own broth chayote mm-hmm super fresh light mild flavor is nothing too powerful get him on a citrus in there and from our kumquat that's very delicious alright look at this look this big piece of fish all that was just some paste and now it's food I'm gonna get some of this fish some of these noodles put it all together this is a great contrast from our last noodle that noodles kind of in your face a little rough and rowdy this one's it's gentle it's the Meryl Streep of noodles it's done class elegance it holds itself properly Wow do you know that person though mmm do you know Meryl Streep no okay are you so can you get my point [Music] this is our last snap a very famous ingredient from the middle of Vietnam the famous clam noodle this street side eatery is putting all the chuyia seafood in one ball for a texture sensation that will make your toes curl but every quality protein still needs a noodle II best friend these are instant noodles yes this one we mix really well with a seafood we're going to taste that's awesome let's get a ball or too far and who do the owners mom created this clam noodles and friends starting with instant noodles Vietnamese coriander 73 tiny river clams a load of finger snails and octopus then that sweet salty savory broth the kind of broth you long for when you're trying to fill your emotional void with food to peel holes again also fried garlic and onion we have been through such a noodley adventure today and here is just more of a Vietnamese instant noodle with this amazing roaring passionate oMG red broth and then tons of chewy seafood that's amore oh look at that skills miss it up and it's oh my gosh those noodles he comes on ice like al dente oh I got like meal and a baby clams where I what animal is this sea snail why is it so long yeah give it a little dip try it out hmmm wonderfully chewing in this sweet tamarind sauce these noodles of noise it soaked up that broth nicely let's go for it mmm that broth and so oily on the top it's impossible to eat it without getting your lips kind of oily there's some nice aromatic fresh herbs in there but otherwise spicy oil on top there's a whole spoon here full of tiny clams there's about maybe 15 different little clams in here let's try it out Oh bouncing chewy but not hard it's a fun chewy how much is it for this bowl a buck and a half of this yes wow that's a good deal I like that it's not trying to find any kind of balance it's just very rich it's like noodley junk food but it's so good love it today has been a fun-filled noodley day I had a great time exploring all the rare hidden noodles of Saigon so thank you yeah awkward handshake okay for you guys this video was made possible by one trip Vietnam one trip is the highest rated tour company in Vietnam doing tours from north to south right now in Hanoi to Nang high an anti gun you can experience food tours adventure tours and more to learn more about one trip check out the links in the description down below I will see you next time peace also I did buy that I hope you're hungry should we cut it up yeah let's do it all we need to get a birthday candle first looking forward no snow [Music]
Channel: Best Ever Food Review Show
Views: 1,903,845
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Where to eat saigon, where to eat ho chi minh city, best ever food review show, vietnam noodles, saigon bun, bun mam, saigon street food, vietnam food, vietnamese food, hcmc street food, vietnamese noodles
Id: UKegL2QY51k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 3sec (843 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 29 2018
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