EXTREME Vietnamese Street Food!! | Surviving Vietnam Part 1

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[Music] if this is a whole trip just cruise around to different yummy restaurants eat food i think we're good i think this is going to be amazing yeah this can't be how they do it danang is a coastal city and the fifth largest in vietnam with over one million residents it's also the starting place of our central vietnam journey it's like 600 miles from here so it is going to be quite a journey it's not hanoi along the way we're going to be stopping in some places it's not saigon and i know there's going to be some unusual foods out there what do you put in there central vietnam has a cultural and culinary identity all its own typically it's way more spicy food and you'll often have whole chilies in there ready to monster this place is full of fun food surprises and probably some not so fun surprises too anything you need me to help with now let me know i'm here to help now we will tell the intestine [Applause] i don't know because for the first time in this show's history i am relinquishing control of where we go what we do and what we eat to our producer my partner on this mysterious mission is andrew fraser my best friend in vietnam and the guy who talked me into moving here how long have you been in hoi on three years in here why did you move here i mean why not together we're taking on whatever my twisted producer has thrown together and that is me wang that looks pretty good time to start meanwang super famous central region dish right means noodles right and then what about wang i've got no idea somebody who is less mature might think it's a funny name they've kind of deconstructed it they put it all apart and usually it would be all put together in a bowl with what beef yeah beef chicken eggs all kinds of stuff i've eaten endless amounts of mewang and i've never had anything like this yeah this is with a frog me wang a flat wide rice noodle here this restaurant is serving these noodles with frog meat oh no how many frogs just came out the frog is marinated in turmeric ginger purple onion and five spice powder stir-fried in a giant wok and served in a ceramic pot along with pork chicken mackerel and shrimp beets i'm gonna try this fish it tastes like pickled almost grab some of these noodles [Music] that's nice that's good this is one of the quintessential vietnamese dishes generous portions it's very meaty i'm gonna take a bite of frog cap it's savory but there's something sour in there too that's affected all the meat the same so you're getting kind of different textures with the same flavor meanwhile you have these like super soft noodles that's a nice hefty meal okay as you know we're going on a trip here's how it's gonna work our best ever central vietnam journey has begun throughout our trip producer me will provide us with coordinates and missions showing us where to go what to do and who to meet i don't trust her i don't know what it is i think one time i made her go on a boat in japan it was a very bad experience i think she's just always trying to get paid back for that this is making me more nervous yeah you should be so basically whatever she says is what we're doing she's just handing me a card in my hands now the first hints of what's to come oh that is terrible handwriting gentlemen congratulations on the start of your central vietnam adventure but this is just the start as you know this is a bike trip to survive this journey you must keep an open mind and if you don't if you fail any missions you don't get to sleep in a hotel well man i've got to admit i kind of thought this was just going to be like what we usually do what do you think is going to be the hardest part of this trip two weeks filming through central vietnam hot hot weather minority accents vietnamese is hard enough well listen i know that we got bikes let's ride you ready let's do yeah let's do that we're biker guys now ah i didn't think it was this kind of a bike trip [Music] the city of bridges beautiful charming cycling is a much enjoyed activity here are we almost at the next location this sucks but not so much for two guys wearing giant crash helmets bro it's going to be a long ass waiting a trench i got to talk to producer me something's a little bit off here i thought we're going to take it like motorcycles with big engines the kind that make girls instantly fall in love with you or guys whichever it's fine [Music] watch out yeah watch out for the car there's a bike pull your shoulders up ride with confidence these cars are very big and even these small scooters are bigger than these bikes producer me's coordinates have brought us here a restaurant with 60 years of experience serving another central vietnamese classic on sale a crispy sizzling pancake made of rice and turmeric batter topped with shrimp and mung beans served with rice paper fresh herbs and the country's favorite condiment fish sauce bro i can do this i was expecting scary foods you were just warning me this is fanta i love pansel the bikes are a bit of a let down but the food pretty chill in saigon yes bon tayo huge right sides of your head yes but when you come to the central region what happens andrew right when it comes to eggy tumericky cakey things with prawns inside i think smaller is better more crispy exactly because the crunch step one take one of these load it into the rice paper i usually do a couple herbs oh even more herbs jeepers she is overestimating how many vegetables i eat in a day get a nice tight roll on it i'm gonna go with some delicious peanut sauce here that's good that is crunchy oh it's so spicy too the textures are incredible you kind of tear through the rice paper and then the crunch comes after that right i'm gonna eat one more day too because it was good oh and we didn't do the nook man what is nook bomb is fish sauce do you know how they make fish sauce i assume fermented fish yeah but do they just squeeze it until sauce comes in it just sits in a barrel for a long ass time really like kimchi i think so dude that is genuinely excellent there's a sweetness accurate i mean it's super salty then a bit saccharine sweet well i'm not sure why we came here i don't see any itch there's another card it's quite frequent why don't you just talk to me i hope you guys are enjoying the city because now we're gonna leave and never come back below are the coordinates of a village where fish reach their full potential and where vietnamese make their own form of sushi oh it's in a village though do you think they have nice uh sushi restaurants in the village unlikely you know what i don't think there'll be any unexpected twist returns i think we're good [Music] if you hate cities somehow you'll still like this place over a million people but with a small town feel one of the most developed livable cities in the country okay this is more like it we've got beach on the right buildings on the left no kidding man i love dining this has got to be one of the most livable cities in vietnam this is zero traffic for vietnam as well what makes a city livable to you this is modern city for vietnam it's newly developed it's really picturesque good food you gotta move up here this is a sick city it is sick but apparently according to my producer we're never coming back ah next stop namo village where are we i don't know bro i don't know either at first glance this appears to be a fishing village but i don't see any fish gee perhaps this nice elderly woman can give us some answers can you ask her the name of this beach maybe guys this is the namo beach are you making this up no okay this is great we are looking for fish i guess [Music] yeah there's some in that boat there's someone over here right fisherman from here i can see they've got some baskets of sardines they're bringing it in oh man ah this is nam oh village it's been here a long time centuries at least perfectly situated on the coast meaning most the folks living here in one way or another are in the fish business i did not bring my beach outfit okay that's the last one so that's uh one two three four five six seven eight containers of sardines here uh sinchon i like that it does the traditional sweat rub handshake you've been out fishing how long did it take you to get all these fish yesterday until then two people oh we got a guy over here so all the fish here what are you going to do with these fish that's what they do here in nemo they make fish sauce i get it this is where the fish reach their full potential i see turns out this is one of the rare traditional fish sauce making villages that exists throughout the entire country of vietnam mr wang's family was one of the first producing fish sauce in this village a legacy that goes back over 200 years how do you juice a fish andrew i don't think it's what you think oh shoot we got another card coming why does she seem so unhappy when she gives me the cards last one for today it says two halves make a hole the more you split in half the further you will go ah this can't be how they do it oh f andrew the next time we split up he's getting the crappiest drama i don't know what sonny's job was like but i can't imagine it was much worse than this i mean i think it's clear what she means we're gonna help process all this fish sauce one person has to carry all this and one person has to go into the factory which is probably a shade and a fan oh i'll do that then in the shade you're probably gonna have to juice these fish so i don't know if you made the right choice there andrew i hope he has to dig holes for dead bodies that's like 50 pounds of fish okay that's two there's six more down there meanwhile andrew is in the factory having a great time i'm here with ann wayne they probably have a fountain machine in there and so this is the very beginning of the fish sauce making process the process is simple but cannot be completed without one crucial ingredient oh my god that one's heavy the fish there's got to be a better way of doing this um maybe ah hello okay oh it's way easier all right okay now we're gonna put five bowls of fish into this mixing bowl ah okay more high high more more more man they're very precise you just have to take a little micro steps oh yeah i mean who needs to pay for a gym membership right now salt thank you benji hi so just two bowls of salt in with those fish oh very big balls there you go okay so we're mixing the fish in with salt here it's really pretty coarse salt actually man that is still not light that's at least a hundred pounds oh my god hers are way heavier than mine all right i'm coming for you granny it's pretty surreal feeling here we go granny okay and now we're going to carry it over to the fermenting vessel [Music] man this is tiring work i don't know what sunny's job was like damn i heard they used to have a horse to do this job but maybe it died each pot contains four to six hundred pounds of fish which will eventually become a metric f load of sauce we're gonna continue this and fill this giant vessel and just let the fish ferment here in the salt it sits there for an entire year oh we're in a hill now yes starting as this semi-solid fish mush oh no then with the help of bacteria it breaks down into a purely liquid state here we have the nukman that's been fermenting for about one year we need to go through one more process when the time comes it's filtered to keep the fish essence but remove the fish souls [Music] jeepers look at this that was brutal good thing i drank at gatorade this video is brought to you by gatorade not really [Music] hey andrew it's the sunny side turns out we're not just doing a restaurant tour it was way more intense how was that for you it's fine it's pretty easy what about you how was it here that was brutal stuff i can't even smell fish anymore my whole body is covered in it yeah it's pretty gross i'm telling you oh man i thought the whole time that what i did was really hard and what you did was pretty easy oh man that looks simple let's talk about this the fish sauce that is stinky yeah i can't even smell it anymore yeah i'm actually really looking forward to trying what this is i can't imagine that it's not just because you've seen it come from that sort of chocolate colored liquid literally go through a cheesecloth in it and it comes out clear it's pretty remarkable yeah it looks like a whiskey yeah that's right should we try it out [Music] oh wow it's intensely salty it is so salty is this finished is this the final form do people add water to it or cut it huh nothing man that's it it has this like next level savory like people in japan always call it umami right this is wrong man there's no sweetness there that i'm used to our reward for helping with the fish sauce raw herring salad that's right raw fish a type of vietnamese sashimi you could say there's many ways to cook food the most common way just heat crack but you could also use citrus why do you put the lime on the fish so he said like the lime is able to cook and it makes it good well i think we should start eating i see so many things here the fish are prepared two ways first the dry version lime juice a mixture of strong spices like ginger lemongrass garlic and chilies mixed well until the fish absorbs all the seasonings squeeze the liquid out then coat the fish bits with stir-fried rice powder i'm assuming it's going to be similar to what we had already bonsai we've got greens cucumber right here the rice paper and what like many vietnamese dishes they start the same way a lot of herbs right he loads it up with fish too oh for me i can do it i can do it nice then you just douse it with sauce i [Music] believe that's so good that's amazing man i think the thing i'm most surprised about is how just soft and delicate the fish is the aromatics are pulling you in different directions right fresh blend of herbs this sauce is fantastic i hardly even remember that i'm actually eating raw fish okay um long no next the wet version it's like a soup is that all chili seeds right that's a ton of chili in there oh no sugar water fish sauce a mixture of strong spices and peanut butter put some of these raw fish on top of the herbs put a little bit of the sauce in there too right throw in some fish add more spices and dig not fishy at all the fish is so soft i'm feeling the heat a little bit that's true otherwise savory not over salty though especially considering it has so much milk in it as well yeah right tam tamwon did you grow up making fish sauce or how did you learn to make fish sauce [Music] life on the water is hard but these folks make it seem easy chiseled hardened but always wearing a smile fish sauce it's like the sauce of vietnam a very sauce liking country right and now we know the origins fantastic this is our first taste of central vietnamese food and hospitality come on rodney so far so good surely in our next episode producer me will have nothing evil planned for us there's one more dish we're waiting for oh do you have any ideas let's take a look oh god bro best ever food review show is saying goodbye to all of our original best ever merch designs but for the next 30 days all of our previous designs will be available one last time [Music] so besties it's your last chance to snatch your favorite limited edition merch all available in a variety of colors and styles link in bio to get yours [Music] from researching and shooting to editing and mastering our 10 person best ever food review show team works hard to roll out the highest quality travel food entertainment twice a week if you like what we do here please consider supporting our patreon patreon allows fans of the show to contribute a monthly sum and receive a load of extras like early video releases private q and a's and beyond to learn more about our patreon check out the link in the description box down below and if you can't give or don't even feel like it that's okay too we're just happy you're here thank you so much for watching we will see you next time a piece all right going pretty well i think we did it yeah all right [Music] you
Channel: Best Ever Food Review Show
Views: 3,098,047
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best ever food review show, befrs team, sonny side, central vietnam adventure, bike trip, motorbike trip, royal enfield, what to eat in vietnam, asian country cuisine, south east asia country food, Central vietnam, Travelling Vietnam, Da Nang, travelling Da Nang, MI QUANG, Frog mi quang, frog meat, BÁNH XÈO, Vietnamese sizzling pancake, NAM O VILLAGE, Fish sauce making, Vietnamese sushi, RAW HERRING SALAD
Id: whtHwHRqRl0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 2sec (1142 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 26 2020
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