Testing Viral Kitchen Hacks 26

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- Oh my gosh! I'm annoyed with you. This is the worst cake I have ever made in my life. - Yeah. Oh, my... Gee! - Oh my gosh, what have you done? - Nothing. Nothing. Hello everybody. - Hello. Hello Mrs B. - Hi. Hello. - Hi. Hope you're well, folks, wherever you are in the world. Welcome to our kitchen. Today we're doing another kitchen hack testing video, part of a massive playlist where we browse the world of online hacks, some viral ones, some TikTok ones, some ones that just should not ever have been created and some- - Very true. Some are brilliant. - Brilliant, yeah. So it's our job to do it. You guys keep sending us tonnes of these. So thank you so, so much. It's my turn today. - Yes. You've chosen them. - I have chosen, but have I chosen wisely? Mrs B's tend to be better. But today, I'm quite... Feeling quite confident, yeah. We're gonna start... Have you ever been in a situation where you've wanted to line a cake with baking parchment and you realise you're not very good at doing it? - Every time I make a cake. - Yeah. Well, hopefully this is the hack for you. You're gonna line the cake tin with baking parchment. - I normally get a pencil, draw round the bottom, cut it and stick it in, perfect. - That is good. Apparently there's two other ways to make it fit into a cake tin with ease. Okay? - Okay. - I feel that we should grease the cake tins first though. First one, okay? - Mm-hmm. - Grab your baking parchment and just scrunch it up. But don't rip it. Okay. Now all those creases you've created should help you be able to line that tin really easily. - Oh yeah. Okay, yes. - Has that worked? - Yeah. - And then we like lip it over so it kind of... - Yeah, no that works. - Yeah. That actually has worked. It's a bit crinkle cut, which is why we're actually gonna bake a cake to see if having that... I was a bit worried about this, whether the crinkles will affect the texture of the cake. The other one... Jump cut. Alright. Paper into water. - Okay. - Okay? - Do you need to squeeze the water out? - Yeah, you can let it drip off a little bit. It's not holding much. That was my fear, actually. I guess it would burn out. And it's only a tiny bit. - Yeah, is it gonna give you a soggy bottom cake? - We're gonna find out. In my opinion, this is really good, because you're clinging it to the sides massively. - But I feel like this is gonna affect the cake. - Well, that is why we're gonna do cake. We're gonna bake a cake. - Yeah. - But we're gonna do that one with the lemonade. Remember the hack we did before? With the cake mix. - Oh yeah. - Yeah. - Okay, so this is a packet of cake mix, and we can't remember the ratios from last time when we did it. I think what we'll do is we'll just whisk it with an electric whisk until it's just kind of smooth and not too wet, so it's quite thick. And we can divide it between our two tins. This is a hack we did before where you can make a cake just literally using a fizzy drink. So that's only a small tin of Sprite. I think that whole thing can go in there first of all. - That's 250 mils. - Okay. Does look a bit runny actually. - A bit runny? - Be alright. Sure it'll work. All right, dry one on the right, wet one here on the left. Let's go. It's just a bit of cake for off camera later, right? - Yeah. - Basically our kids' dinner. Have you ever been in a situation where you love popcorn? - Yeah. - I love popcorn. We love popcorn. - Yes. - But you don't have any in the house. But luckily you are a rice noodle enthusiast. - Okay. - Right? This is from a TikTok, okay? - Yeah. - Apparently if you deep fry rice noodles, crumble them up a little bit. Dry ones as well. I didn't buy fresh. It looked like it was dry. If we deep fry them, they are a gorgeous snack. Tastes like popcorn. - What? Well it's kind of like Rice Krispies, isn't it? So we're gonna get a little wok on to fry, and we're hopefully gonna make a really addictive snack. - Oh my gosh. Okay, that sounds exciting. - It does, doesn't it? - Yay. - All right, Mrs. B's got the flame on and we are gonna quarter fill this, getting this nice and warmed up. So these things are amazing, but they kind of... Think with me, folks, here. What does that look like? To me, that looks like the bun of an old lady that you're following in the supermarket who's getting in the way. Oh, look at me. I'm in the way, I'm looking at the vegetables. - Imagine if you fried all of that. - Well, shall we do that? We'll do that at the end. We've got a few. But it's not good like that. We need to crunch up a little bit. - Like Shredded Wheat. - Yeah. - So then do we just pour this into the... - We literally just dump that in there, yeah. - Oh. - That's quite therapeutic. Is that quite nice to... - This is quite nice. I liked doing this. Maybe I should do this when I'm feeling a bit wound up and a bit stressed. - You don't get wound up and stressed do you, Mrs. B? Right, ready? - Yeah. Oh my gosh! - Look at that. - Oh my God. - That is crazy. - What do I do now? - It's absorbed half the oil. - Yeah. - Just give it a little mix, mate. We'll see if there's still oil in there. Yeah, there is. Look at that. - Oh my gosh. That was amazing. - That was fun. We're gonna need more kitchen towel. Right, it wasn't supposed to cook that long. We've kind of got a mix there. - I thought it was meant to go that colour. - No, it's supposed to just go white like that. As soon as it puffs up like that, that's ready. - Oh. - But that's okay. - Oh, it added a bit of extra flavour. - Right, we're gonna try the patty idea. This might be stupid. Oh wow. - Oh wow. - That's amazing. We'll get it on some kitchen towel and see what it tastes like. - Oh wow. That's really nice. - Wow. - That's really crunchy. - Mm. I get why there's that popcorn flavour, and it's probably a little bit of the oil. But it almost tastes, I mean, because it's rice noodle, it tastes like a rice cake. You know what I mean? Like a little puffed rice. I wonder if we season it with something, like some salt on there or... Paprika. - Sugar, bit of caramel. Go for some salt on there. Maybe some pepper as well. - Pepper? Okay. - Mrs. B just said, "What, pepper? Oh, what vinegar as well? We're going for chips are we?" - Salt and pepper crisps. - That is really nice. Oh my gosh. The seasoning has just taken it up a notch. That is so good. Why is that so nice? I think that's worked. What about the nest? It's actually all right. - Mrs. B is slightly annoyed with me, but that's fine, we'll come on to that. The cakes are out the oven. All right. We've got the... This was the wet. This was the dry scrunched. I'm a little bit disappointed. I mean, they are possibly the worst cakes. They look more like biscuits. - They do look like biscuits. - And if you look, it's kind of come away from the sides, and that is quite an indent there. But if you're not that bothered about it, there's a lot of people that do struggle with lining pans and the soaking one I think was better. Do you? - I do. Yeah, I agree. - What's the matter? - I'm annoyed with you. - Mrs. B is annoyed with me. There's a video that I've already filmed that you haven't seen yet. It's coming up in about a week or two's time from this video. It's called a pizza shooter sandwich. You basically weigh down a bowl of bread with pizza inside it. And it was amazing. Like so good. - Mm. You're not meant to use breeze blocks though, on your kitchen counter. - I bought a breeze block in the house and weighed it down with that and... - And you've scratched this to pieces. - Yeah I've scratched it a little bit. Sorry, Mrs. B. Right, the next hack. - Yes. - When life gives you lemons... - Is this one that I found, I told you about? Do you put lemons in the oven? - Yeah. - What purpose? - Gonna make some lemonade. - They're not gonna explode in the oven, are they? - I don't know. I've never roasted a lemon apart from in a chicken, like a slice on its own. But, if you roast a lemon, apparently it takes a little bit of the bitterness away and adds a little bit of sweetness, maybe some caramelization or something. So we're gonna roast some lemons in our oven, which is preheated. - Okay. - And then we're gonna make lemonade, two batches. One with unroasted lemons and one with roasted. Kind of like coffee. - Okay. - See if there's a difference. Is that all right? - Yeah. And I might even take a bite out of one just to see if it's taken the bitterness away. How to make and cook with roasted lemons. A simple technique brings out rich sweetness and imparts caramelise complexity to the flavour of the lemon. - Okay. - Is that it? Okay. That's supposed to like wow you. - Oh. - Lemon facts. Okay, in it goes, shabba-dabba-ding-dong. Boom. I like how you did that. - Done. - Have you ever been been in the situation where... What's your favourite memory from summer camp? - Making smores? - Making smores. Well, have you ever realised that you're British, the weather is a bit rainy and miserable today, but, you can replicate the charred marshmallow taste... With a bamboo skewer? - Over the gas hob? - No, that does work and it's brilliant. With a toaster. - I'm not putting a marshmallow in the toaster. - No, we're not putting it in the toaster. You hover it over. - Oh, okay. - Compromise. I wouldn't do that either. But we do have to make sure it doesn't droop and fall in, okay, that's the other... - Have you got stuff for smores then? - I'm not making smores, I'm not going all out, mate. Not on camp win a tasker anymore. We can bodge one. We'll just see if the hack works first, yeah? Let's not get ahead of ourselves. - Is it not dangerous, though, to put the toaster on with nothing in it? - Possibly. - Like when you put the microwave on with nothing in it. - Who puts a microwave on with nothing in it? Like nothing in it. Why would you microwave air? - Have you not done that before, accidentally? - No. And what the heck is this set up where it's all like hello, my turn to talk. All right, so, we are gonna take the bamboo skewer and thread the marshmallows through... - Marshmallows? You doing more than one? - Yeah. Well, you can do one if you want, mate, at first. I'm gonna get a couple on mine. All right, so here we go. Actually, the good thing is... Don't use metal skewers. - No. - But the good thing is, with it being wood, is you can sort of rest it and rotate it. But I wouldn't let it touch the heating element itself cause that will then suddenly get marshmallow on the... - Ooh, it's feeling warm. It is working. - Is it? - Look, the end's going all melted. - Yeah. We've just gotta keep turning it. I think we're not gonna go too crazy. Just nice sort of... - Oh we're not gonna get that charred burn... I love that. - Well that's what we want, we wanna get it charred. Yeah, but like not crazy. Oh no. Oh gosh. - Do you want me to hold it? Look at that. They are all dripping. Oh my gosh. - Oh look at mine! - Oh yeah yeah! Look! - I think... Uh-oh! - Oh no! Okay that's all right. I'm actually way happier than I- - And mine and mine! Quick, I need something to put 'em on. Help! - Put it on this. Oh my gosh, this is exciting. Oh, look at you. Oh my gosh. Ah, it's hot. You should have tried that but that was the only digestive we've got. - Just like wiping down the worktop then going oh it's a bit of marshmallow strand, oh no, it's the scratch that I put in the worktop. Anyhow, we decided we're not gonna do anymore marshmallows because that has worked in a way. It has warmed them through. So you have got that toast... You've just not got that charred side which is what you'll get on a hob, or more importantly when you do it outside on a fire or something like that. Are these lemons all right? - Are you sure? - The smell's like... - Need to give them 20 minutes? - Yeah. Oh my gosh! The steam! Wow! Holy shmoly. We were gonna save this til the end but like we just got the cake out. This was the dry one. I mean look how flat that sponge is. But the wet one, we turned it over, and there's like little traces of water that have gone into the sponge. - The droplets, isn't it? This is the worst cake I have ever made in my life. I think Phoebe's first cake was even better than this. - Frosting is Latin for hiding your cake crimes. I truly believe that. Look how thin that is. You're gonna need to really get that nice and fat. All right, well, whilst you finish that, I'm gonna get those lemons out. I'm just hoping that all that sort of bubbling away is more like the oils and not the juice. Otherwise we're gonna have a very rindy lemonade. That's had 25 minutes. It was between 20 to half an hour. So we thought we'd go halfway. - Oh my gosh, that's like- - Look at that sizzling over there. - That's like... - It's like tar, like lemon tar. - I should think that's sugar isn't it? It's like... - Yeah. - Burnt. - Oh gosh. They have slightly gone deeper in colour. Ooh look at that. Wow, this is gonna have a really interesting... - Not all of them are like that. - Oh really? Okay, that's all right. Maybe that's where some of the oils and that went underneath that one. But this could have a massive impact on the taste of our lemonade. We'll let 'em cool down and move on to something else. Have you ever in the situation where you've wanted to make sushi, but you don't have a sushi bazooka and you really like the shape of ice cubes? - Oh, yeah. All the time. - You can make simple sushi with an ice cube tray. - Really? - Yes. Whilst with all the craziness that's been going on with the lemons, this is some sushi rice that we've washed until the water is clear, which you do with your rice anyway, we've let it soak as well, in water as well, which is also good because it absorbs some of that. And now we're gonna cook it up in this pan. We're gonna basically get our sushi rice ready. I should have just said that. Yes. So sushi rice being cooked, gonna simmer that down, and then we shove it into here with fillings of choice. But we first need to prepare the ice cube tray. I know what you're thinking. What are you thinking right now, apart from wanting another smore? - I dunno. - What are you thinking? - What a waste of time. (laughing) - What a waste... It's not a waste of time. This is gonna be genius. - I shouldn't say that. - You shouldn't say that, Mrs. B. Well, that's the point of these hacks, is it, you know, we're saving other people time. We have a special gadget that we use in the house often. The Wrapmaster 3000. We're gonna line each individual- - Line an ice cube tray with clingfilm? - Yeah. It'll pop out easier then. Come on, you've gotta support my hacks. Whenever it's yours, I'm really enthusiastic. You know, I encourage you to fulfil your dreams. - I'm sorry. Of course it's gonna work. - If we just start to poke each bit. There we go. You look like you're playing some sort of game. So what we do is we take a piece of salmon and we just push it into the ice cube tray. And that's where we probably need a bit more clingfilm, to be honest. But look, it's sat in there like that, but it's not just salmon. We are gonna use some avocado for another hack, our final other hack, in just a minute. So I'll put some more in here. I've decided I'm gonna show you this one. Look, whack an avocado with a whisk, smash it, and get the stone in there. That is what we're gonna try and do. So it's a pealed avocado. You whack it with a whisk. So the whisk is quite loose, the metal on it, it should bend around the stone, pick the whole thing up, smash it on a bowl, the stone will stay inside. - That looks amazing if that works. - It's from one of those companies that do these videos and it's quite clearly heavily edited, maybe even special effects. I just feel like we might have to... Yeah. You wanna go first? - Oh my gosh. You ready? I've got a feeling this is gonna go everywhere. I don't know why. I'm scared. - You've gotta whack it quite firm, I feel like, to get in. Gee! You just slapped it. Oh wow. Have your fingers always been like that? - No. - Oh. - It's not like on the video. There you go. - Yeah and then you lift it up and the stone's in there. Right. - It sliced it. - Yeah. Now whack it on the side of your bowl and the stone should stay in there. - The stone or the avocado? - These are nice and ripe avocados as well. We need the avocado for our sushi. Ah! Ooh! - Oh my gosh, you've got it on the wall. - Look! - We can't get it out, this is ridiculous. What a silly hack. - Hey, it's only silly if it doesn't work. - Exactly. - It's going everywhere. Aw, I've made a little baby avocado, look at that. - Oh my gosh! What have you done? - Nothing. Nothing. - Oh my gosh! (laughing) I have never seen anything like it. My gosh, please stop. Oh my God, you got me! - And it's not worked. The stone is still there. - I just cleaned that bit up. - I do like an avocado, it makes me feel American. I might have avocado. All right, I tell you one good thing. That avocado, I think, has filled in the little scratches. I don't even need to do that now. Don't need to sand the worktop down. It's just filled with avocado. Yeah, so we've got mushed avocado. So we just press the rice down into the avocado. Yeah, nice and level. There we go. That's all we do. - Ah, this one's easy. Yeah. All right, so we're now at the stage where if you just wet your hands and just press it all down like that... - Can I ask, was the hack to put clingfilm in? - Yeah. Why? Do you think you could get away without it? - Yeah. - Mate, you try getting an ice cube out of these things. - Can I try one without it? - Yes. She caught me out with that one, didn't she? It's gonna work amazing. So now, all being well, we should be able to... I guess we could just turn it over or lift it out. Probably put the board on top. - Oh yeah, I was just gonna... - And then we go like that. - Let me do my little tap. - Oh, we live by the sea. You can tell we're classically trained. Sandcastles. Pull the clingfilm out. There we go. There's one here I think. Yeah, there's one here. Oh there's one right at the back. Oh! And there's one still in there, folks. Go on, Mrs. B. Prove me wrong. All right. That, folks, is why you put the clingfilm in. Ah, look at that. - Cool. - Wow. That is really good. - It's like little baby sushi, innit? - Yeah, well done, that's a good one. - Oh, I wish I invented it, but hey, we made it work. Right, last one. Let's see if this lemonade is gonna work. So the lemonade recipe we were doing before is one where we chuck all the lemons in. Sometimes you guys freak out by that, but it's one that we've always done before and you get the rind and all that in there. And I feel like particularly with these roasted lemons, we only need three actually. We're gonna really see the difference. So you can see there, that one's really got some of the other caramelised sugars underneath it. I'm gonna actually... - Oh my gosh, what are you doing? Burnt? - Not burnt. It's still really bitter. It's not very nice. Ooh that is horrible. The sugar is going in. It's when you make your own homemade lemonade you suddenly realise how much sugar is in everything. Even you, you cheeky thing. And now three lemons, pips and all. Try and wedge that all in, okay? - Really? - Yep. And remember, if you ever want your lemons softer, you can buy them in the microwave, get more juice out of them. It's pretty packed, but we're filling it with water. But that is gonna be extremely concentrated. We just dilute it, pass it through a sieve, cause it's quite clumpy, okay? But you can add as much water as you want. Normally double it up. Catch all the nasty bits and you'll get a nice smooth lemonade, which you can dilute to taste. Just to make it even and consistent and fair, we'll just go like for like. So double the water again. Another 500 mils mixed with this smooth stuff. Lemonade. Yeah, the roasted ones. They look like that. That one's quite full. But like, doesn't seem to be much juice coming from it. Like look at that. Look how much that's gone. - Oh yeah. Ooh. - Make sure your lemons, if you do it like this, with all the rind and that, make sure they're un-waxed, okay? And dilute it down. That is it. Doesn't look too much different. But how will it taste? All right, this is the non roasted one first. Ooh. - That's got quite a tang. - Yeah. I like it. You could probably water that down a teeny bit more. In our actual jug, we needed a little bit more in there, so that does dilute at a teeny bit. So this should taste fairly similar. Let's go. Roasted lemonade, effectively. That's quite cool. I like the sound of that. - Oh wow. - Wow. - That tastes really different. That's strange. - That is amazing. I mean this, this is okay. I mean, we diluted it exactly the same. Same amount of sugar. - Wow. - That has taken so much... There's a little bit of bitterness and tartness to that, but that's almost been overridden with sweetness, hasn't it? - Well done. - Thank you. - Another hack that worked. - I'm waiting. - They were very good today. - Thank you. - Well done. Well foraged hacks. In fact, a lot of them have been suggested by you guys. So thank you so much. Do you keep the suggestions coming in. I don't think I'll be toasting a marshmallow on a toaster anytime soon. - No. Or smashing an avocado with a whisk. - Yes. Oh, as you can see, that has been cleaned up. Mrs. B went and did that. That's the sort of thing that I would leave til the end of the video and it'll be stained on there. So thank you for that, Mrs. B. The rice noodle thing was amazing. - And I like the sushi in the ice cube trays. - Yes. - That was very practical. - Lemonade was good too. But we'll taste the cake at the end in the post credits, but thank you so much for watching. Don't forget to subscribe and press the notification button so you're aware of all new uploads, and check out the rest of the hack videos on the playlist and all the others on the channel if you have not already. There's some very good ones. - And some rubbish ones. - Pretty bad ones. Yeah. And also keep the hack suggestions coming in. We've got loads coming on there and we couldn't do these videos without your help and finding them for us as well. So thanks so much. And yeah, let's see what this cake tastes like. See you next time. Bye. - Bye. ♪ Check your level player ♪ ♪ No matter what your style ♪ ♪ The kitchen's for me ♪ ♪ Sideburns moustache goatee ♪ ♪ Maybe all three ♪ - Mm. - That's nice. You can actually tastes quite a bit of fizz in that. Bit of carbonation, little bit of bubbliness. - Yeah. - It's almost like a sherbet cake. - And a lot of icing. - Mm. I think that just goes to show, some of you guys like get quite new to cooking, you message me and go oh thank you for getting me into cooking and we're learning about the world of food, and shame, oh, I was really disappointed with how a cake turned out. But sometimes a cake can look far worse than it tastes. And that is very much the case here. That's actually really, really nice. Remember, that's just cake mix and about 250 mil of fizzy drink. Don't recommend really doing it if you wanna start out, but cake mixes can be a good way to get in the kitchen and just get excited about food and stuff. So, yeah. Awesome. I'm gonna go eat a whole bowl of rice noodles. Cheers guys.
Channel: Barry Lewis
Views: 152,395
Rating: 4.9336162 out of 5
Keywords: Testing Viral Kitchen Hacks, kitchen hacks, life hacks, tiktok hacks, put to the test, hacks, food hacks, hack, kitchen hack testing playlist, 2021, 2022, best kitchen hacks, worst kitchen hacks, fail, roast lemons, rice noodle popcorn, avocado whisk, how to roast lemons, roast lemon lemonade, baking parchment hacks, wet baking paper, barry lewis, mrs barry, wife, food, myvirginkitchen, virgin kitchen, my virgin kitchen, toast marshmallows on a toaster, toaster, ice cube tray sushi
Id: D_EKjAflZxk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 17sec (1397 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 24 2021
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