Healthier KFC Zinger Burger - 3 ways!

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- It's glass, like loads of shattered glass. (escalating music) Hello everybody and welcome to my first video of 2020. I ended 2019 with a bit of a bang to say the least. You might remember at the end of my last video, I think the very last thing I said was something about... In fact I think I'm coming down with the flu! I was ill for like 10, 12 days solidly just before Christmas. Christmas was okay but boy it was bad! And then, over the Christmas period, I thought "Do you know what? "We'll clean our ovens for the New Year." Yes a lot of modern ovens now have a mode on it. It's called self-clean where some of the grease on the side, it gets up to 500 degrees and it actually burns off all those bits on the side of the oven into a little pile of white ash. So I said to Mrs. Bee, "Look, I know we normally use oven cleaner." Generally we normally do, but I was like "I really wanna try this mode and see what it's like "because it's supposed to be awesome." So we thought well let's not do both ovens 'cause we have two and let's just do the one because we don't want it to be a thousand degrees in here and all that sort of stuff. We're just gonna have 500 degrees goin' on right down there. So the cycle is two hours long and it starts off whizzin' away and all of a sudden I hear this chush and I'm like "What the heck is that?" I don't know if you can see this but there inside the bottom of that oven is glass, like loads of shattered glass and it keeps fallin' out. Now luckily I have a spare oven. I have to be really careful because I've like been openin' cupboards adjacent to it and glass still keeps fallin' out. I'm dead serious, this is proper scary. You can't really see it too well but you have this bit of glass and under there, there's two more sheets of glass and just like that scene from "Karate Kid II" where he chops the glass right, that's basically what has happened. So the only bit of glass that's left is the main outside bit but inside there, I'm not gonna lie, it does look pretty clean (laughs). Just sometimes every now and then, I just hear a little drop and a piece of glass, it's really dangerous, will fall out. So that's why I've got footwear on. I'm not even gettin' my cardboard cut-outs. I'm gonna be very delicate today. The other thing is when it does that mode, it locks the oven so I can't physically open it. I've got an engineer comin' in about a week. Good job we've got the other oven because we do need it today. As you can see, the dogs aren't really that bothered by it at all. All they want to do is sleep and eat dog biscuits which is pretty much all they've been doin' over the Christmas period and in the words of Annie Lennox, they don't really mind walking on broken glass whereas I and my kids, we don't really want that to happen. Yeah so that's my life update. As you know in January, I like to do a handful of healthier recipes just to kickstart the year 'cause everyone's really after those and designinateacup sent me this tweet which I really liked about doin' a four year self-fit series. I like to do a handful of these about just doin' slightly healthier versions of a fast food and today we're doin' a healthy KFC Zinger Burger twist with a couple of different ways of servin' it, some which you'll love, some which you'll hate, and I'm actually really really excited for this. I love KFC. I love the Zinger Burgers, but the actually only problem with KFC I find is if you go through a drive through, you'll still want to eat it warm so you eat it in your car, get it all over your hand and then you're drivin', like slipping, so that's my driving thing. (beat music) But the reason this is a healthier twist is because the chicken is baked in our really safe top oven. We're gonna be very very careful indeed my friend. So it's not fried. You could probably get away with pan frying it actually but I really want to try and get that nice even colour the un-shattered glass oven will provide. All right? Thanks, I'll have that. First thing we're gonna do is that crunchy, spicy tangy coating on there, and the easiest way to do this is to get one of these Ziploc baggie things. If you haven't got one of these, just get some cling film and sort of double it up on itself and we're gonna be bashin'. Hello. First thing goin' in is some hot chilli powder. This is gonna be equal amounts but you can play around with it and if you want it a little bit hotter, go for a lot more chilli powder. Now this looks exactly the same, it's just paprika. Got some garlic granules. Oh wow, that is a big ole lump there, look at that! That'll do. And also some onion granules which take a little bit of a shake to get in there. (sniffs) Oh, that smells really tangy. My nostrils are flaring. (bag rustling) But you mix that together, and you've got kinda like a really nice little rub mix already. But oh no, it's the secret ingredient. There is a world famous tortilla chip brand that sounds like burritos but they're worth three times the price of this supermarket version that also do chilli tortilla chips. That's gonna give it the crunch. That's also gonna give it that awesome chilli topping. (chips rustling) And now the really cool thing is we get to bash this up so that all the spices that we've already put in there mingle with those crumbs. (rolling pin banging) (chips crunching) Oh my gosh, that is such a nice sound. (chips crunching) It's like ASMR. I'm just gonna roll the rollin' pin over the spices and the tortilla chips. (chips crunching) That is lookin' so good. Now we grab our dunking station and our chicken. (egg cracking) (tapping) (pepper grating) Right, that's my hi-tech dunkin' station. Got an egg that's beatin' together and some plain flour seasoned with some pepper, just mixed in. In the final bowl is actually the topping that we've just made. Look, look at the colour and the texture, oh! Smell it, it's like confused corn flakes. Absolutely love it. It smells so good already and that's before we even cook it. Over here we got some chicken. In case you didn't know what chicken looks like, this is what chicken looks like. These are mini fillets , so they're smaller. I didn't really want them to be big today so that's the ones I bought but you can buy a chicken breast and halve it, bash it with some cling film over the top with a rolling pin, a little bit like we did with the toppin' and that'll be fine. Get it nice and flat and thin. So I'm gonna take my piece of chicken. We're gonna sort of dredge it and then we're gonna go wet hand into the egg, shake off any excess, and then layer it straight in and use your clean hand if you can just to top it on top so that coating grips it on all sides. That way you're keeping one wet hand and one dry hand. Pinch this one out and we just lay that, boom, down on our tray. Doesn't that look stonkin'? I'm just gonna repeat that lots. (mellow string music) That's quite fun actually. You get dirty hands, don't lick 'em. Don't be tempted. No. There we go though. I was startin' to run out of topping, but amongst all of that carnage, this looks bloomin' amazin'. 160 C fan, 180 C non-fan, gas mark five. This one is basically Annie Lennox, out of order. We ain't even goin' anywhere near it. I'm gonna be very careful when I put it in the oven. Why am I bein' so careful? I don't know. And why is glass fallin' out of the other oven bit? I thought it was a sealed (sings) unit. Anyhow, this is goin' in for 40 minutes in total. It's gonna be nice and tender once it's done. About half way through, which is 20 minutes, quick maths, we'll turn 'em over. All right, whilst that's bakin' away in there, a Zinger tends to come with some mayonnaise. So I've gone for a lower fat mayonnaise like that, but if you wish, you can have the Zinger sauce on it. If you wanna make that, this is how ya do it. Ketchup, oh my gosh! Four tablespoons of ketchup. This is a low sugar, low salt version. Gonna bring that mayo in now, so two big ole dollops of that. Some vinegar, 'bout a teaspoon. This is some sweet chilli sauce. One, two good squeezes of that. Back to the garlic powder. Yes. A teeny pinch of salt. And a couple sprinkles of crushed chilies. And beat it together carefully so it doesn't spill out of the ramekin. There we go. All right! You sensational thing. Oh, just enough sweetness and tang and heat. Oh! And when it comes to the buns, there's so many options you can do. I've grabbed some wholemeal buns. I think the standard buns are normally sesame seed. I did cloud bread on the channel. If you search for that on the website, that would be really really good with it. I've also got two other options. One of them I know the internet is gonna hate. All right, so the wholemeal bun, I'm just gonna go nice and easy through it and we're just gonna toast that okay. So the good thing is about toasting the buns is we can do them now, get them out the way, and they'll be done. They can be cold, the chicken will keep it warm. (stove ticking) All right, so that's been about two minutes. Yes, toast is toasted. That'll do nicely. Now here, this is what the internet's gonna hate. Yes for our second option, these are some massive mushrooms, portabella mushrooms that I've given a nice wash. A bit of spray oil on there. Wax on. Inside as well. Now why am I saying the internet's gonna hate this? Because it turns out, whenever I even mention mushrooms, people either love them, I am in that club, but it seems like 80% of people hate mushrooms. I love 'em! Now these baked in the oven with the chicken which are about to go will soften up and actually become replacement buns. Hmm! That's goin' in there. About 20 minutes on the mushrooms if you wanna do that. I know 20% of you will do it. So yeah, another 20 minutes for them and for them and we'll be ready to go. (oven beeping) Oh, it's ready guys. Ah! Those mushrooms, just like burger buns. (laughs) Oh my gosh, those mushrooms have literally halved in size. Wow! Oh my word! You see how hot that is? The crunch and the tang and the heat from that and the chicken is super tender. That is phenomenal. Right, here's the three ways we're gonna serve it. Okay so this is our wholemeal bun. It seems to be that the mayonnaise goes down first from the images that I've just looked at online. And then we get some lettuce that I've just washed. I'm gonna sit not one, but two of the zinger pieces. Oh wow, I love the colour contrast, on like that. And I don't know you don't generally tend to do it, but I just don't like buns bein' too dry, so I'm gonna just put a little bit more mayo on there. And stick that right down on top like that. There we go (laughs). Oh that looks amazin'! I've never actually had one like that in a proper KFC. So the other idea I had was kinda like a naked one where you use the actual lettuce as the bun okay? I think for this we'll put some of the Zinger sauce in there as well. Yeah so I say this is a little bit different but I just figured that might be a different option just if you want it to be like super healthy, and have it in sort of like a lettuce bun. You know, it's very healthy. A lot of people do it lettuce buns. But I couldn't really think of any other way to jazz that up. I feel like it needs the two tone though of the different sauces on it just to bring it to life a little bit. There we go (laughs). I've eaten worse, you know that. I've eaten worse. And last but not least our peppered mushrooms. These are super soft and wilted now. I don't know if this is gonna take the weight of two but I'm gonna try it. Oh my gosh (laughs), just about! We stick the other mushroom lid on the top. So that (laughs), looks like more like an oyster shell. Now that's an alternative to the bread bun, a mushroom bun. Or you got your lettuce bun or you got your bun bun. It's amazing how they're really the same thing, but they look so so different, kinda like the human race. We're all skeletons aren't we? But we all look different in our own ways. (soft instrumental music) I'm gonna go for the mushroom one first because I'm excited. That bit of chicken's fallen out, but we'll go for this bit. (man chewing) Ah! I actually really really like that. It's a little bit squidgy and wet, but other than that, you got the density and the thickness and the texture as if it's bread. If you closed your eyes, you kinda be like "Yeah." It would suffice for the purpose of what bread does. In fact, I'm gonna go straight up and have the bread one now as a contrast. Ah. Ah. Substantial. And it feels weighty, it actually like mmm! I think cosmetically and physically and tastilly as I swallow it, it kind of, it's that satisfaction and that knowledge that everything is weighty, that it is a burger. That's yeah. But that does work! This one was really really hard to take a picture of. I mean it's basically just grass isn't it? Mmm! Wow! That was actually really nice! The lettuce bun had kinda like a refreshing lightness and a crunch to it, a snap, that I obviously didn't get from the mushroom burger and the weighty bread burger bun. They all sort of serve their purpose. And I know some of you will probably frown on the other ones and you just want your bread, that's fine. But as a healthy option, I think they're bloomin' stonkin' indeed. I tell you what, bake some cheese into that mushroom bun as well, like grill it. So that last couple of minutes, just to melt it through. I actually prefer the mushroom bun. (gasps) Shock, horror! And ultimately, we survived oven gate. Well thank you so much to designinateacup for suggestin' this playlist, the healthy spins on fast food. If you do like this concept, maybe with pepper, food pun, a few more through January, do let me know down below any other things that you would like to see. And remember there are some healthy other twists on the website already. That cloud bread I think would go well with this so play around with it. Don't play around with your oven. And happy New Year. See ya soon. ♪ Check your level player. ♪ ♪ No matter what your style. ♪ ♪ The kitchen's for me, ♪ ♪ someone's moustache, goatee, maybe all three. ♪ (laughs) Just tryin' to turn my camera on. I broke the wet hand dry hand rule folks. This is what happens when you do that. The good news is, I managed to fluke it with the amount of chicken I needed was just enough. Let me show you, I'll go and clean my hands first and try and turn the camera off. Oh my gosh, I'm gonna have to do it with my tongue, sorry.
Channel: Barry Lewis
Views: 171,401
Rating: 4.8903298 out of 5
Keywords: Healthier KFC Zinger Burger, healthy kfc, kfc, kentucky fried chicken, zinger burger recipe, healthy zinger burger, kentucky baked chicken, doritos chicken, chicken recipes, recipes, learn to cook, cooking show, cooking channel, barry lewis, virgin kitchen, myvirginkitchen, healthy junk food, zinger burger recipe kfc style, kfc chicken, crispy chicken burger, crispy chicken burger recipe, food hacks, how to, kfc recipe, mushroom bun burger, homemade, clone, diy, zinger recipe
Id: DPLFhdefdaw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 20sec (860 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 09 2020
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