Kitchen Gadget Testing 62

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- That's just disgusting. Oh my gosh! The more I look at it, the worse it gets. (cheerful intro music) (blooping) - Hello everybody. It's Barry here. Hope you are well, wherever you are in the world. Welcome to another kitchen gadget testing video. Today, we're doing something where we bundle them together. I do them a bundled on a playlist or there's also an individual gadget of the week playlist. So don't forget to put in your sweat pan, have a Barrathon. Today's batch is actually pretty darn awesome, indeed, because they've all been sent to me. It's actually the first of probably four boxes that I've got where they've been sent to me by yourselves. This one, it been actually there for quite a while. There's one I think has been sent to me out two and a half years ago. It might not even be available anymore. One from France, some from England and a couple from America. Now there was actually a toaster with this, but I'll come on to that, and we'll do that on a separate video. Basically, it's an American one. I wanna make sure I get it right. And don't set it on fire. Oh my gosh! But before we get started, as always stated before comment in down below, please consider that some of these gadgets. Yes, they are novelty but there are some that can genuinely help people in the kitchen. It's something that I've always said in these videos and it is extremely important. But that said, there are a couple of novelty ones today as you'll see, but not this one. This is pretty cool! (package slams) You ever been in a situation where you've invented so many kitchen gadgets and utensils that you don't know what to call it. So you just name it after something you might find in a garden centre. That is where the herbicicle plus comes in by Chef'n. And I've done lots of gadgets by these and yes, Mr. David Holcomb, who I will meet you one day, David. It's like, I'm gonna do a pilgrimage to meet you. He's decided to call it this, or they have. It's a frozen herb keeper, like a goalkeeper, and mill. Freeze, preserve and grind fresh herbs. I love the person that sent me this. They love a bargain. We all love a bargain, don't we? Herb mill, freeze, preserve and growing fresh herbs. Freeze on side for 24 hours. Do not freeze upright. While I read that, last night and was thinking, Oh, should I freeze this? But then I won't be able to show you it, in the box. But what I have done is frozen the herbs, if that makes sense. So we'll get the herbs out, stick them in and we'll shove it in the freezer, and reveal it at the end of this video. If it doesn't work after however long this video takes today we'll do a bonus scene at the end. But I'm fairly confident, it will. Okay, so we've just released it from its box. It is extremely self-explanatory. Look at this. I quite like the colours on it. What is this for? Oh, it says open. (lid opens) Ooh! (Barry gasps) That's the thing with these Chef'n gadgets. I must admit, they always look quite cheap, and there's not much thought in it. But it's normally the polar opposite. But how the heck do we get the herbs in? Do we? (container squeaks) It doesn't show how you get the herbs in. Where do you put them in? Have I got to take this whole thing out? No way! (handle rapidly turning) What? maybe you... (Barry grunts) Yeah, the blades are there, so we don't really wanna be... Oh, that's the opposite thread. You turn right to tight it normally. Righty-tighty, lefty-loosey. But it was right to open it. Okay, cool. (handle rapidly turning) And my personal belief is that this will work anyway, even if it's not frozen. But I think when frozen, you'll getting a lot more crisper and nice sharp like cuts on them. (mill slams) (mill slams shut) (gun cocking) Herbs. (herbs crackling) Oh, that's cold. And now we freeze it on its side like this. And if anyone can tell me why they think it needs to go on the side rather than upright. Well, I guess it wouldn't fit for me, anyway. Do let me know. We're making an epic gourmet, hopefully with those herbs and a few other gadgets. Homemade egg McMuffin by the end of this video. But now for something completely different. I've got my assistance. You ready? - Hello! - You ready to catch? (box slams) It's better than some of my catches. This is the Pop Chef. I have had this, no joke. Someone sent this to me about three years ago. It's designed to pop out fruity and vegetable shapes, and there are many serving suggestions on the back. It even comes with skewers, to try and make a bouquet. - [Mrs B] Nice. Push, pop and eat. - [Barry] Yes. - That's what it says. - So that's what we're gonna try and do. We're going to see if this thing... I've no idea why you'd want it. You can do cupcakes and cake frosting. I'm not sure about that. You can make a hole in apple, which I think we'll try and do. Look, they look like little sandwiches. You've got the star you got a. Is that a butterfly? - Yeah, and this is some... - [Barry] I don't know, it doesn't look that sharp though. For best results prior to using it, slice the food one inch thick or thinner. So it won't go any more than that. That's the thing I'm worried about. Like that's just plastic, there's no sort of blade to that at all. If you go like that and it pumps the air out of there. But I'm expect it to be a massive draught. But look. (air pumping) It's not much. So starting off with a pineapple, push this in, just straight down. Let me help you. - [Mrs B] Thanks. - [Barry] All right. Yes, Mrs B. - [Mrs B] Yeah, now push it out, Chlo! (Chloe pumping) - [Barry] Brilliant. (Barry laughing) - There you go, it's out! - [Barry] Is it out? Have we got a heart shaped pineapple? - Kind of. - [Barry] Yeah. Okay. - Hmm. - You guys can carry on doing that for a minute. I'm gonna use my veggie prep kit to slice this apple, nice and thin. - We've forgot to slice it one inch thick. - Oh, I did actually say that as well. - Yeah. - I'm gonna leave them to it, they're in their element now. So I'm going to pierce the apple, (Barry grunts) on here. And then... (rapid grinding) (Barry speaks in foreign language) Love this thing, just to reminder they're only available on Amazon UK, at the moment. But they do ship worldwide. So if I get a couple from my able assistant, Chloe. - [Chloe] Hello. - [Barry] Hello. About the pips, don't worry about them. Aim for the middle mate, right around there. - [Chloe] Here? - [Barry] Yeah. Push it down. Don't twist it, just push it far. I reckon like that. And then pop that out. - [Chloe] Oh. - [Barry] Oh. (cheering) Let's have a look. Oh, these are quite cute like that, actually. - Awesome! Right, so I'm gonna bake these and we'll have some apple crisps. Oh, look, guitar picks. Just shimming some cinnamon on. And that should get absorbed into the apples but we can bake these. (Chole gasps) Do you think this was the best gadget ever? You just said that off camera. - Yes, it is. Definitely. - I think we've had better. - Have we? (pan clanks) - [Barry] All right, so we'll get these baking away. I think we've seen that the pineapple works. We do it with some more fruit and show you what it's like. - [Mrs B] Okay. First this star. - [Barry] This is actually a kid's toy and you're the kid watching. (Chloe giggles) - [Mrs B] Right, there! - [Barry] Ah, there. Nice. (cheering) That's cool. That is actually cool. It's gonna be a wonky basket, folks. But I think we should take it out for a handle there, yeah. So we can walk around with it. Oh, look at that! (Barry wheezing) It looks quite dainty. So apparently, the other thing. I really don't think this is possible. Look. - [Mrs B] Yeah, but I wonder if they scooped out the watermelon. - [Barry] Well, you can see it or maybe they filled the whole thing with it. Yeah, maybe they did. We could do that. So I'm gonna try and make the sandwich stack with the lettuce. I don't know if this is gonna work. So we've got a pepper here. Because there's an orange thing on there. There is no way that would cut through a carrot, so it has to be a pepper for sure. So we're trying to puncture the heart into the side of the watermelon, which is on there. - [Mrs B] I don't know If I need to get rid of some more flesh. - [Barry] I don't know. It's just the fact that it's not piercing it. It's not good, is it? Oh gee, that is... - [Mrs B] It's hard, ain't it? - I'm sort of through. - [Mrs B] Sort of. (Barry grunts) (Barry laughs) - [Mrs B] Did you break my basket? - It still works. I think we quit while we're ahead. Yeah, I think it's fair to say that, that didn't work. All right. Let's start on the stuff that I feel will work. I've got a couple of sheets of ham there, ready cooked. Nice and soft. Pop that through. Oh yes! Look at that. Bread should work a charm. Probably squished down a little bit too. Oh yes! All right, so this is where it might get a bit trickier. Pepper. (Barry grunts) I have to slap this down. (Barry slapping) Oh yes! (Barry laughs) The best way to do this is to just take a leaf off, and (Barry laughs) I didn't even saw Play-Doh on that image. This is if I hold it down, and just scratch the board a little bit. Okay. Oh, come on, please work. We've got something there. (Barry laughing) It's the right size, and we've got the shape on it. It just wants to will, immediately. I think we've done it! Thread, the bread down. Little bit of lettuce, little bit of cheese. Ham, pepper, some more lettuce. The last bit of ham. And then we'll stick that bread on top. (Barry wheezing) We made a symmetrical kebab sandwich. Chloe, do you want a really weird sandwich? Oh, look at... (Barry laughing) I can't believe that worked. Oh, wow! - It's a bit wonky. - [Barry] It's fine. Honestly. Perfect for a baby shower. Mrs B and Chloe are available for any baby shower fruit bowls that you require. (Mrs B giggles) And now we just take that for a walk. Mrs B and I will try cinnamon infused, all right. (fruit crackles) Oh, nice. - Nice! (package slams) - Yes. After all that excitement, it is time for a tea break. We have two very different and slightly well stored tea infusing gadgets. We have, first of all, the novelty and slightly rude one, the Stool Tea, which is self-explanatory. Thank you for sending me this. Stool Tea, fellows next to me were surprised, and a smile appeared on their faces which is our goals. The Stool infuser is made of heat resistant bp (mumbles) And hangs incredibly inside your mug or cup It's a tea infuser for loose leaf tea. If you don't know, I have tried many teas over the... I did a tea taste test, all the different flavour... Don't like it, sorry. And I know I'm not alone. But this one is the Tea Infuser which does look quite useful. As a non tea drinker, when I make tea for different people, and I'm kinda like, Ooh, how long do you leave to ferment and brew, and still, that kind of stuff. And I'm just like, meh. For a builder, you just stick a blob of cement in it, and they still like the taste. But this one, is actually like an infuser. It's self-explanatory, there's like a flap on the front where you can stuff a teabag in there or loose leaf as well. It should work with both but let's compare this with the Stool Tea, first of all. I've brought my kettle. And this is no joke, a jar of teabags. I don't know how long they last for. I think it must be awhile. Mrs B, because we don't drink much, we keep it for other people. We've had that for at least a year. There's probably some fossils of teabags in there. So yeah, this one here. Fill the hopper with loose tea, maximum of a tablespoon. Wow, if you want a strong one or one teabag. I've added, stuck that in there. Close and place into a cup of hot water, and there is a barcode brilliantly over that. Catch excess drips with unique design. Ah, awesome. You can leave it on the mug. And they're calling this part, the hopper. Like the Dennis Hopper. All right. They've missed a marketing opportunity in there they should've got him to sponsor it. So put that on there. Clip that in, and there's a very fine mesh there, which is ideal. Oh my gosh! And we can push this in. I like tea all of the sudden. Right, then the Stool Tea is, well. Oh my gosh. Oh, no! (Barry wheezing) It's like a complete, yeah. Oh, I think we just start saying poo emoji, but Oh My Gosh! That will just clamp on the side of your mug, like that. Yeah. Okay. And that is the version there of where the tea is gonna be released from. So that's like, you're hanging a bit from the bottom. Oh dear. The tea goes in here. This plug does not look perfect. Clamp that on there. And the water should help it... (Barry laughing) ...infuse the tea. I don't know if you're one of those people that boil a kettle and then leave it for a minute. Like, I've got to boil it again. Don't be that person. All right. Pour in that in, and oh, look! Immediately. All right, we'll leave it about there. That's going to work. Now, what's this one gonna do? I hope the base doesn't pop off. (mug filling) Oh, we've got leaves coming off of it. Oh, no! So we've got two very different processes going here. We've got this one where it's kind of steeping it, yeah? It was just sat there. Whereas this actually tells me we can stir to agitate, like I do when I normally put my teabag in. (hopper rapidly stirring) And nothing at all is escaping. But look at the difference here. I mean, can I move this? I can agitate it a little bit. Oh, it just looks worse now. Oh my God. Now I know why the... Oh my, I'm so sorry. You sent me this! So the hopper fills with water and drains out naturally, but then you can really push it down like that to intensify that flavour from the leaves. I'm really happy with this. Same amount of tea, crazy. So what we'll do is take a teabag which I'm sure there was a fact that I read about what this has made of. It bypasses me now. But we've got to see if we can fit this into the hopper. Oh wow! Yes. Being careful not to rip. (hopper clicks) Clicks into place. (glass clinks) Ah! So my theory is, as much as I want the Stool one to work, this should be, because we are stirring it, we're agitating it. Rather than just letting it steep. Although, the difference there, look at that! That is a lot like this in that it's not doing anything immediately. Those leaves were drenched in here, first of all. But watch, if I just give it a stir. (stirring) He says. (Barry laughing) Oh, there we go. It's starting to happen but nowhere near as good as it straight from there. Ah, I love that, how you can make it really intense, like that. And all of a sudden we've pretty much caught up, or even more beyond where the bottom one is. (Barry wheezing) So I do make the world's best teas, as you can tell. All the tips you guys are giving me like different milks, different... All these crazy teabags, and ways of steeping in. Honestly, you are sometimes you just know what you like and don't like, I can tolerate this. I mean, I've made that so milky. It's okay. The Stool one, It just mentally, it's hard to taste it. So I'm kind of like, bleh. Oh, that taste worse. I think because there's less flavour and intensity in here. And then the teabag. Oh my gosh! The tea bag and the leaves with that better gadget actually tastes almost identical. I think it's all down to the brewing. Whereas the stool one just didn't help with that. Tea break over. - Oh my gosh, no wonder you tried that, how was that then? That's just disgusting! Oh my gosh! The more I look at it, the worse it gets. - Someone very kindly sent me that Mrs B. Maybe they sent it to me as a mistake. Intentional food pun for this next gadget. Yes. By the way, if you do wanna get in touch, send me something, just contact me any way. Social media, fill out my contact form. It's all good, and I'll get back to you. But if you don't mind, I don't really want another Stool Tea, thanks. (Barry laughing) (packages slamming) (Barry gasps) It's in packaging. (package crackling) Start of the lockdown, I did actually tweet out about, is there an order of all the Marvel movies and all that? And loads of you sent me this weird chart thing, kind of wish I watched it now. Because this (Barry wheezing) is the Thor hammer It's a meat tenderizer, it's Thor's hammer. I don't know anything about this. It's very well done. I think it was probably quite expensive. Whoever holds this hammer, if they be worthy shall possess the power of Thor. It needs a wash, there's like a gummy thing on it. It's a meat tenderizer, and it's nowhere near as heavy as it looks. It's very hollow. It's a really nice handle on it though, that does feel quite good quality. And a strap which I assume Thor has. Got a massive steak that I bought, and I was gonna whack it but you really shouldn't do that because it can damage it. But as you'll see, it's blooming enormous. Whilst I do that, Mrs B's just perusing over the salt and pepper novelty shakers, we've got to go along with this. Anyhow, I've got a chicken breast here. So do you know any lines from Thor? You seen Thor? - No - Brilliant. - [Mrs B] Sorry. - Was that, ugh! I have the hammer! (hammer slamming) I normally line it with paper and stuff. But it is actually a really good way, especially with chicken. A lot of fast food restaurants, now you notice they just do breaded chicken. Burger King used to do a lovely chicken burger. They don't do that anymore because it's easier for storage. (hammer slamming) But if you get chicken breasts and flatten it, not only does it cook quicker but you can suddenly turn into a lo... It's quite hollow, isn't it? (hammer rapidly slamming) You can turn it into a lovely piece for a burger. I'm gonna give this a wash, just at the flat side, just what someone told me. And that's done a brilliant job. Just don't do it too much, otherwise you'll shred it. Now, a blooming gigantic steak. This is a thick cut rib-eye steak. And I know some of you Americans are probably watching, going "That's not a steak!". Well, in the UK, that's quite a big stake to be fair. Hello. - Hello. - Oh, wow! - Would you like some salt and pepper? - [Barry] Just the novelty, salt and pepper shakers I was teasing. - Well at first, I thought you had to get that out to fill it out. But no, then I realised that's where you fill that up. - [Barry] Right. It's a magnet! - It's a magnet, look. (Barry wheezing) It's salt and pepper shakers with someone's foot in a shark's mouth. And which one did you put the salt in? There's one with the two holes. - The foot. - Okay, and then there's free holes for the pepper? - Yeah. - Yeah, there we go. That's what we would do. - My theory was you meant to have less salt. - Yes. So I tenderise that. Could you read out some of the facts on the box please? - So it's like salt and superstitions. So it says; at sea it's unlucky for a sailor's mouth to mutter word, salt. - That's it? They must say that everyday. And a sack of salt around your neck will bring you luck, so what the heck? That's what it says. - A sack of salt round in your neck... Yeah. I've heard about that. And took one over your shoulder. - To break the curse of stilled salt, toss a pinch over your left shoulder and into the devils eye. (Barry wheezing) I knew that was somethings to do with the devil but didn't know... - The devil's eye? You gotta find him. - Hang on. I didn't think this is printed right. - Anyhow, this has worked an absolute charm. Look how flatter that is. - That's very good. - It's still way to big (hammer rapidly slamming) for what I need but notice how I was really tempted to be like. (Barry grunts) But you will damage it if you go too crazy. Do you wanna season this? - I was just gonna say. Do you like it seasoned? - Yes. - Little pepper. - Wow! Look at that! - The salt, it comes out really fast. - Out the leg? - Oh nice. All right, good old pan is nice and smoky. Oil down on it. (steak sizzling) Ha ha ha, yes! (steak sizzling) Oh my gosh. (Barry laughing) I'm just gonna let that rest, also work on our final gadget. Before this last gadget, if you have missed any other gadget videos don't forget to put on a sweatband, have a Barrathon. There are loads, hours and hours in here, and over 1600 videos here on the channel. So don't forget to subscribe and check out the rest of the other playlists. I need your opinion on something as well. I did the black activated charcoal recipes, recently. I was going to do it with squid ink, which I bought. And I don't want to throw it out because it was quite expensive, and I'm mulling over doing one more. So a lot of people were like; how it smells so bad? I didn't want a fishy croquembouche as we went down that route. But the taste apparently is actually tasteless. So could just use black food dye, but I wanna use it. So, someone suggested like a black pasta with like crab or fish in some way. Or I was thinking black fish and chips. If you've got any ideas, do let me know down below. Because I feel like we should just use it and then be done with it. And then bury it in my garden. But last up, this also came from America and I can use it. This is an as seen on TV, Easy Eggwich microwave cooker. And yes, that is a McMuffin themed sandwich on the front So bacon, egg and cheese, looks good. Ain't got no steak though. Add an egg, microwave it, and you get perfect results every time. There's two in there. I only want one. And a gourmet recipe. Are they gonna have the steak in there? Stay cool handle, non-stick base, dome lids. And it also does croissants and bagel. I love a bagel. Should've got a bagel. All right, English muffins going in, gonna toast them up now. Using this toaster, not the one I'm about to show you. And I also feel like we are gonna keep this. We're gonna slowly collect the salt and pepper pots, I think. Any more that I get, we'll have a big pile here. (Barry giggles) So I guess this is it. We crack the egg directly into the bowl. I do like that. We can actually beat the egg in the bowl. We don't need any water to help it cook. It's just gonna steam naturally with a lid on. So just give it a little beat together. So it's one consistent colour. I suppose in a true McMuffin you get the white with the yolk just randomly scattered around. So this is gonna be slightly more omelettey. (helicopter buzzing) There's a helicopter above us. - [Mrs B] Yeah. - I don't know if you can hear that. They're like, oh my gosh! He's cooking steak! Land in his garden! Jenny, get to the choppa! Get zis steak! I like that. It's got two little plastic bits there, so it can't move. In the microwave for a minute, and it should be done. This all seems like way too easy. Something's gotta go wrong here. (microwave beeping) One minute. (microwave beeps) Oh my gosh. It just made a big puff noise. Went, puff! Not sure if you heard that, but this is straight out, immediately. (Barry gasps) It's more of an omlette, but we'll take it. So with this, our steak that just rested a little bit of cheese and (toaster springs) a toasted muffin. (Barry gurgles) We can build a McMuffin. So our base goes down. I'm gonna stick some cheese on there which I hopefully melts slightly from the residual heat of the toaster. And then our egg. Oh, it's quite flat! But it will do, that's warm. And then we lift this in. Oh my goodness. Oh-ha haa. But it needs herbs from our frozen thing, at the start of the video. Let's see if this works. Well, it's blooming cold, I'll tell you that Lid off. (lid thumping) Oh! And then (leaves grinding) please work! (Barry grunts) There's a bit coming, there you go! Can you see it folks? It's coming out like salt. I like that. Because you've got a little bit, it's not completely fallen out. (Barry laughing) I'll take that. A lid on top. (Barry excitedly laughing) Now that, is a muffin. All right. Just before we eat that. This is the gadget that I didn't use today. Because I just wanna make sure I don't burn the house down again. Like the grilled cheese toaster. This is the Bob Ross toaster, it's from America. It burns his face into the toast. Very excited to try it, but I can't find any information about what age or anything like that on there. So, if some of you guys can help me with getting the right step-down converter. So I don't set my house on fire. Then that'd be great. Oh, but here we go folks. I'm not even gonna put ketchup or sauce on it, I just wanna go straight in. (burger crunching) That is pretty darn outstanding. Oh my gosh! The egg as gadget alone, just cooking like that, it's really speedy, but you can do it in a bowl. But to get that consistent shape. It really has worked quite well, and that steak is superb. Use your Thor hammer. There we go, folks. I think my favourite gadget. Oh my gosh! I think it was that tea one, and we don't even like tea. Thank you to everyone that sent me the gadgets. I really appreciate it. I mean, it does fill up our garage, massively. I am working through them as quick as I can, but Yeah, I think the tea one, just about. - I like the fruit. - You like that? - I did. - That was a nightmare for me, but the sandwich looked good. And you did a fruit bowl. I think despite hating tea, that tea one, not the Stool one. (head slapping) The actual stirring one, that was actually really useful. I would use that. Yeah. We're gonna keep that, I think. So, thanks so much for watching guys. Hope you enjoyed the video! Don't forget to check out the others and I'll see you again. (mumbles) Bye! (hand slapping) ♪ Check your level player ♪ ♪ no matter what your style ♪ ♪ the kitchens for me. ♪ ♪ Sideburns, moustache, goatee ♪ ♪ maybe all three. ♪ (rap beat ends) (Barry painfully grunting) Is that it? Is that the film? Oh my god! - Is that your knee? - Sorry, we just don't do We were gonna, won't we? - We were. We were gonna do it in lockdown. (Barry sighs) Just started watching Tiger King, about 10 times.
Channel: Barry Lewis
Views: 190,081
Rating: 4.9406829 out of 5
Keywords: barry lewis kitchen gadgets, Kitchen Gadget Testin, kitchen gadget testing, food gadget testing, kitchen gadgets, testing kitchen gadgets, food hacks, kitchen tools, as seen on tv, hacks, review, amazing oven glove, product reviews, tools, utensils, 2021, useful, gadgets, Wish, box opening, haul, barry lewis, virgin kitchen, myvirginkitchen, my virgin kitchen, shark salt and pepper, thor meat tenderizer, thor, stool tea, tea infuser, eggwich, pop chef, frozen herb mill, chefn, mcmuffin
Id: Sd2ydRSs8Vw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 28sec (1468 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 26 2021
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