"Testimony of Heaven: Inside the Holy City" - Interview with Oden Hetrick (Official Version)

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you heaven most of us want to go there read about it sing songs about it and hear sermons preached about it but is heaven real to us in this earthbound daily existence heaven may sometimes seem unattainable perhaps even unimportant yet heaven is our ultimate goal as God's children we will spend eternity there so knowledge of our heavenly home and the anticipation of eternal life with God the Father should strengthen us in our weakness dispersed depression and brighten our darkness I'm Charlie messenger I'm an actor and the minister but in this video I'm not acting nor am i preaching I just want to present to you some heavenly facts and truths allow you to come to your own conclusions when you travel you chart your routes by map you make reservations you plan activities and visits you discover all you can about the locales you're going to visit in short you prepare for the trip so with even greater anticipation you should prepare for your heavenly trip discover all you can about that heavenly home life on Earth here is a journey of a pilgrim and this earth is a temporary tent here we are foreigners and strangers because we are created in God's image heaven is our true home and coming home always excites how much more when we come home to our Creator since we are created in God's likeness we have a body soul and spirit body is the shell in which the soul and spirit live the soul has a capacity for thought in a little process and our spirit has the capability to realize the spiritual world and all those soul and spirit can't be seen to the physical eyes they make up the real you and me therefore it is essential we'd be born again spiritually in order to enter the spirit world and heaven throughout the Bible the number seven symbolizing God's perfection is repeated God created the heaven the earth and he rested on the seventh day in Revelation there are seven churches seven lamps seven stars seven spirits seven seals seven trumpets and so on there are also seven dimensions in the universe our physical body exists in the third dimension our soul in the fourth dimension our spirit however is in the fifth dimension and God resides in the seventh dimension as long as we remain in the fourth dimension we cannot enter the spiritual world of heaven and since many people believe that the fourth dimension is the highest state achievable they have no perception of the spiritual world that's why Jesus stated unless a man be born again he cannot see the kingdom of God but even though heaven is in the spiritual world it is not an illusion or a state of mind as many folks think as the scripture tells us heaven is an actual place for example John 14 1 through 4 do not let your hearts be troubled trust in God Trust also on me in my father's house are many mansions if it were not so I would have told you I'm going there to prepare a place for you and if I go and prepare a place for you I will come back and take you to be with me that you may be where I am and you know the way to the place where I am going if his ins 1 2021 which he worked in Christ when he raised him from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly places far above all principality and power and might and Dominion and above every name that is named not only in this age but also in the age to come still many Christians have a tendency to believe that heaven exists only in our hearts and while it is true that our heart is the temple of the Holy Spirit while we're here on earth it does not mean that there is no actual heaven in fact the Bible gives us a hint that heaven is located somewhere deep in space far beyond the solar system north of the earth marvin ford's biography on the other side describes it like this he says I am often asked the location of this majestic throne and as I was caught up from the hospital bed I seem to be spinning through outer space in a northerly direction also the Bible tells us that Earth is a mere shadow of heaven as beautiful and breathtaking majestic and wonderful the Eden's of this earth are they do not and cannot compare with a paradise our Creator is prepared for those who love him in fact all of those who've experienced heaven agree it's beauty and majesty glory and grandeur are far beyond human description mortal tongue cannot express it yet we can try to grasp some picture of heaven's majesty and glory a kingdom ruled and harmonized by God the creator of the universe it is his dwelling place his city his headquarters in the home of his family and heaven is Jesus home from heaven he came and his mission on earth was to teach us about heaven for heaven's sake he suffered and he has returned to heaven to prepare mansions for us that where he is we can be to to share with him the glory and riches a very total home heaven is also the home of biblical characters who walk with God and the eternal resting place of our loved ones when the arms of the Lord have gone on before it is a paradise of rejoicing and and even though it is impossible to describe it in humanly acceptable terms some have experienced heaven in person and their experiences and descriptions helped us gain a closer understanding for example Enoch and Elijah were caught up into heaven as told in the Old Testament and in the days of the New Testament Paul and John had experiences of heaven in modern times others have experienced heaven as well as in the cases of Betty Maltz dr. Richard EB Marvin Ford Marietta Davis Percy Cole a Rebecca Springer Reverend Odin Hetrick and others however the physical body the one in which we now live cannot go to heaven as the Bible tells us in first Corinthians chapter 15 verse 50 I tell you this my brother's an earthly body made of flesh and blood cannot get into God's kingdom these perishable bodies of ours are not the right kind to live forever only the redeemed soul and spirit led by God can go to heaven in this video we will talk about heaven according to the scriptures and by interviews with two people who have experienced this wonderful place it is my privilege to introduce you to Reverend Odin Hetrick and his daughter miss Louis Hedrick Reverend Hedrick was born on May 21 1922 in Pennsylvania and when he was twelve years of age God healed his weak heart at the age of sixteen he gave his life to Jesus since then he has set his heart on going to heaven and after many years of prayer and seeking God the Lord has blessed him by sending angels to take him in the spirit many times to see the city of heaven and from time to time through visions the Lord reminds him of what he is experienced in heaven he was married in 1946 graduated in 1951 from Nyack Bible College with a Bachelor of theology degree he worked with a Christian radio and television ministry in Florida raising a son in for daughters now Reverend Hetrick and his family work full-time in the service of the Lord as an evangelistic team as the gospel singing hetrick family Vern Heydrich Louis welcome thank you Broderick you've made a trip that we read about talked about some about what few people have made the same trip you've visited heaven yes that must be a wonderful experience yeah very much so so what we're going to do is talk about your visit your visits not many people have done that now you don't look a lot different than most people how is it that you were chosen to visit heaven that's a good question I asked the Lord that I said Lord how is it that you give me all these blessings and the Lord said to me about the same thing as he said to the children of Israel that it's not because there's so many of it it's not because you're so great it's just because I love you because I love you just because I love you right God loves us I guess more than we can understand so good looks don't count that doesn't make any good intelligence doesn't count no not with God it's because God was just because God loves us and because he loved you he has allowed you to visit heaven the first visit was about 1952 yes since that time how many times have you visited heaven well I stopped counting at 80 at 80 and when you're there you enjoy it oh yes I want to go back don't want to come back now this earth doesn't look too good anymore and each time is new and different oh yes that's the idea each time I learn something new you see something different yes and the thing about it is I never forget what I learned the first time now I've learned a lot that I learned in grade school you know but I never forget what I see when I see heaven and you build on each experience yes that's right how did the first visit or how do your visits usually take place well maybe I should have laned that the Lord had opened my spiritual eyes first and it was like this one night ten angels appeared around my bed now when I opened my eyes they were gone I couldn't understand that then when I shut my eyes again to go to sleep there they were just like before but later I learned that that was how the Lord opened my spiritual eyes by having angels appear yes that I could see those angels well then after seeing angels for a few months then three of these angels came and they didn't talk to me they talked among themselves and said let's take this fellow up and show him around heaven I can't remember what they said of course I didn't feel that I was worthy to go to heaven and I remonstrated with my sister look hold it fellas but I learned that when your angel comes for you you don't say no God sent the angels and they came to take you did you think that would be just a visit or that you would stay well I didn't understand much about I don't know at that time no I learned later what was going on when you you made these or make these tips or when we go to heaven what kind of body do we have how do we look that's interesting question I discuss with people about my soul looks like me if my soul would step out of my body would look just like my physical body a lot of people when they go from this earth to that heaven when they die or so forth they the first thing they notice is that they're they're still themselves you know I'm still me I'm still here I have a body I can think I can see I can smell taste and touch and that surprises them very much they can do that but you see the senses are usually thought of as physical senses but they really belong to the soul and and the we take these senses with us when we leave this world still being able to communicate we retain the five senses yes we retain our memory and our senses and our personality you know physical appearance yes our appearance that we appeared like of course it's much more beautiful but describe that beauty is a light yes the glorified body I mean a spirit body will say and the glorified body would be the same it is white as though light is coming from it we have hair on our hands now you know but then the B light as when the case of Moses was in Mount Sinai I remember when he came down he had a cover East face because his face shone with the glory of God he'd been in the presence of God in the presence of God and I believe it is because the Spirit of God lives in US and shines out through us and that that's what makes our body appear to be white so we will appear the same we will be recognizable all as ourselves yes in more ways than one now I know you by your name Z but I also know you by just talking with you hearing a tone of your voice and sensing your cheerful spirit see these things go to make up you in my mind and that's how we recognize people in heaven not just by the shape of my nose or you know something like the heads they are for my hair so our bodies will look the same appear the same but it won't be our physical body no there's a difference between the physical the physical body is just for this earth this is the physical creation we call it the third dimension the spiritual bodies are in another dimension so it is the soul body yeah we will spirit body the spirit body are we as tall or shorter or is there any difference or could you tell I noticed that everybody appeared to be the same size and it looked to me to be about five and a half feet and me being so tall you know I it looked funny to me and yet I know that the angels appeared to be seven feet tall the ones that I saw and then I written a Bible you know where Jesus said to the lawyers who thought they were smart by the way he said you can't even add one cubit to your stature well that got me to thinking because I saw these short people up there in heaven and then and then I learned that we can add one cubit to our stature see it makes us seven feet tall everyone appeared to be the same size same note all no short no the reason they're short is they they take the humble appearance aha see they want everyone was to be humble and they can't be any smaller than that so that's the common denominator is it is approximately 5 and 1/2 feet so how do we dress you have a nice suit on now Louis has a beautiful skirt and blouse and I think I have a nice suit just recently purchased do we get to wear these suits there no in heaven that there are 3 different garments that we wear the first one is the garment of humility it is a soft white garment that fits very neatly and then over top of that we wear the robe of righteousness these are comparable incidentally to the robes that the priest wore when he worshiped when he served God in the inner temple now this is a long shining garment and this is what is usually described by people who have visions of heaven and then there were top of that we wear a sleeveless coat looks like a sleeveless coat and it comes down about just below the knees and it is it is set with all kinds of diamonds and rubies and jewels very beautiful and sparkling and jewel Diana this is called the garment of praise and in that garment of praise we we put on all these garments make ourselves seven feet tall and they go into the presence of God to worship with all those garments all those moments what does heaven look like that's a good question Charlie and a lot of people want to know that when God told Moses to make the tabernacle he said see that you make it according to the pattern I showed you an amount well that pattern was the City of heaven see and so when Moses made his tabernacle it had a large outer court and then side of that it had the holy place and inside of that the most holy place that's that's the the general layout of the whole thing can you describe the outer courts the environment area the large outer environments that could be called suburbs because they're outside of the city walls outside the city suburbs and this is where people first go as I understand it whether they die whether they have a vision or whatever they go to this place first because they must learn we must all learn that the Spirit of God controls everything in the City of God see and so it it there are no traffic signals see because the Spirit of God directs everything this is how he does it he puts the thought in our mind which is let's go to the river and so we say okay let's go to the river see immediate immediate obedience willing obedience see and it's it's as though it was our own idea sometimes sometimes they say well I'd like to do this and it's the Spirit of God directing us because we are so yielded to the spirit obey the spirit to hear preachers say and that's the truth that's what we have to learn to obey the Spirit of God I understand that but one when we first go to heaven why frisket I'm going to this outer court the suburbs first what exists there oh it's it looks very much like the earth so that the transition as you learn the next lesson there not be too heavy too strong and so are trees birds pets as where the pets are and flowers and fellowship with the people mountains in mountains you have very high mountains lakes this is where the topography is very much like the earth it sounds like a nice place itself it is some people want to stay here but you know we have to grow we have described the suburbs of heaven now the heavenly city itself the New Jerusalem the second part of this this heaven is is how large I I believe that is actual size as the Bible gives twelve thousand furlongs now this is just a little bit short of 1,500 miles that's pretty big place 1500 miles 15 long right high and wide and deep long how are you going to say a great cube of a city cubed right and just like the most holy place of Moses Tabernacle Square and there are gates around the city twelve gates right and the gates that Basel John talks about them being shut and not being being open and never shut and yet they look shut and he calls m'appelle so to get all these things together you know a pearl is white it's you can look into a pearl and yet you can touch the surface of it the white isn't on the surface that's what it looks like you approach the gate see this light and you as you go towards the light you can see into the light and you walk right through the light into the city you're enveloped by the game right the east and so the gate is never open is never shut it's just all you can always walk into it because that's what John means when he says never shut because you can walk right through this look like a pearl the wall of the city looks white too and bright and the gates are very high three gates in each side and as we come close to the city we can see the three gates and there seems to be decoration around the gates different colored not exactly like a rainbow but somehow they're colored if I would describe them a certain way the next minute they be a different way because things change you know but over the gate there's a named one of the twelve tribes of Israel their names are written over top of the gates one name one name for each gate that's right number top of the eastern gate is the name this occur one of the one the twelve tribes Saint Peter isn't at the gate all that idea of Saint Peter Linus in medicine by the time we got that far we're in right they they know us and the angels call us by name they have a record of they have a record of our he recognizes yes recognize us angels know us not just by our name of our character and by the fact that we're saved by the blood of Jesus and wearing this robe of righteousness we look very much like the angels in this nice long white shining garment oh I might mention that inside the gate it looks like a large hallway you've probably been in churches with large domes and big hallway that's sort of wise light because the gate is 216 feet thick and that's a makes a nice long hallway and then on the sides of the hallway our archways like a third of a circle you know they're not sharp like that's just like a out of a circle and in those places are what on earth with the offices and our records are kept so when we greet the angel at the gate he is there to welcome us is he outside the gate and he's inside the gate he's inside the gate and he he's at the end of the hallway just before you step into the holy part the holy place that part of heaven he's there he greets you and there could be other angels there to greet those who are coming in that's going to be our homecoming beautiful experience I mean that's that's what you look forward to you know entering the eastern gate by the way they reasonably go in at the eastern gate is because the throne of God faces that eastern gate faces the East right now we've talked about we mentioned angels again you said the Angels first took you to heaven yes talked among themselves and said they were going to take you to heaven and now we're being greeted by angels not so I ain't homecoming yeah what do angels look like well angels appear to be seven feet tall they they seem to always appear to be seven feet tall because they're sent on errands when God sends an angel on an errand then they they take this size of seven feet and they go and do the job say very friendly beings and they seem to be one of our servants and serve us now the angels I saw did not have wings none of them has wings well some of them do like seraphim's and those who attend to God at his throne the four living creatures like having six wings but they're special beings are different from the ordinary shall we say if you can say that from the origin from a regular class of angels is anything ordinary in heaven no not very heaven is a very special place out of the ordinary I try to encourage everybody to go there but to go there we have to get ready here we have to get right here that's right get our name written in the Lamb's Book of Life and be ready we have now entered the wonderful eastern gate through the Hall of Records had a homecoming with the Angels and now what do we see the first thing we see is the Tree of Life now I used to think this was 1/3 but it is a row of trees that contain the fruit alongside of the River of Life but first I'd like to tell you about a piece of fruit I tasted it looked sort of like a pear smooth skin you know and it was juicy when I took a bite out of it I just couldn't stop the juice from running down my arm and dripping off my elbow juicy you know I thought oh boy I'm all stained but there was no stain stain no I read another lady ate the same piece of fruit so I was pretty sure that I was right on that to confirm what I saw you know and that his fruit grows as John says different fruit every month and when somebody takes a piece of fruit another piece appears right away because there are a lot of people partaking of the fruit and this is where a lot of time is spent in heaven partaking of the fruit you see a different food every month do you mean it could be a pear one month an apple yes right different types of food and while one fruit is coming ripe there are flowers on the tree fragrant flowers that are going to be the next fruit Enoch saw this place he said oh the fragrance really terrific you know so you you said before we have all our sense of smell touch hearing what you could smell the blossom and taste the pool my mouth is watering you see it you taste it you smell it you feel it the Tree of Life yes grab Ulysses and then a river of life yes just beyond the tree of life that needs the river of life now it's called the Crystal River or a river of life wherever you want to call it one day my angel guide said today we're going to step in the river I said oh but I've got shoes on and I looked at my feet I didn't have any shoes on so I don't really think we wear shoes in heaven I would just like to walk around on the grass and so anyway we stepped into the river now it's not cold wet water but it is exhilarating you know I asked refreshing refreshing perhaps as a boy you stuck your toe in a cold water in a springtime you know who so it is very very exhilarating and so we walked into the river and it got deeper and deeper until finally the surface of the river was over top of our heads and we were still breathing and so then I got the understanding that this is the flowing of the Spirit of God is a manifestation of the Spirit of God and and in heaven when one of the first things we do inside here is to take the people into this river and there the well let me explain this way on earth you know our sins are washed away in Jesus blood our souls are made clean and Jesus blood but when we get to heaven which to remember these things even though they're our sins are washed away we remember Earthlings remember that how we were on earth you know and and God said that these things going to be wiped away well it's bathing in the river that wipes these memories scars would not call them scars of sin even though the sins washed away our memory has scars of these things and we keep washing until these scars are washed away from our core memory and then we can better enjoy heaven you know as I felt my first went oh I'm not fit but this makes us feel fit to enter into the kingdom of heaven and talking about the Spirit of God there are also fountains I mean beautiful way up in there and fall down sometimes they're caught in basins but my daughter had an experience about this I think you'd find interesting an experience with fountains Louis you've also visited heaven and I know you could tell us a lot of things but let's hear about your delightful mountain experience okay this visit to heaven that I had was the very first one that I had it was when I was 16 it was not hard for me to visit heaven because dad had been telling us ever since we were young of his visits and we were always excited to hear more about heaven one day I was at used camp and after the service we were a lot of the young people were in the back room praying together there were a lot of people around me praying we were all praying out loud and nobody was paying any attention to anyone else it was at that time that I was praying and praising the Lord and I I seemed to be able to see around me and I was in a garden there were tall trees tall slender trees that the leaves went all the way down to the ground there was no trunk that you could see I was on green grass and directly in front of me and falling over me was a fountain of water the base of this fountain was clear like crystal delicately carved like cut glass but you could see right through it it was pure and clear the water coming out of it was flowing all the way up and over me but it did not hurt it was soft and it was warm and and yet invigorating comforting I stepped out of this water and turned around and there I saw the head and shoulders of Jesus in this water in this fountain and Jesus stepped out of the fountain towards me also he had his hands out like this towards weak and there were other people in the garden with me there were six six people and Jesus they are together in this garden and we sat down right on the grass and had what we would call lunch or tea I don't know what we ate I don't remember and after we had tea there we all stood up and I sensed it was my turn my time to leave to leave this beautiful place my back was to a river and I didn't want to go and I said you know I said I don't want to go do I have to go and the Lord said to me that you must go now but you may return again and again and I think that anybody who visits heaven doesn't want to come back they want to go there do was stay yes I did it's deadly I did visit that that place again later and I noticed something that I didn't notice before and that is that the water coming out of the fountains was very loud and rushing and very exciting like when you see a big waterfall and it's really loud talked about the tree of life and the river of life Louis about the wonderful fountain experience and now what about the street of gold now this golden Street is right next to the Tree of Life and then the Tree of Life is right next to the Crystal River and the same thing is on the other side the Tree of Life in golden streets is it one street that is interconnected or is it a group of streets it is that's a rather complicated question in a way it's connected then in a way it's different but it the the gold pavement goes certain distance and inertia grass with flowers around the Tree of Life and then you go to another section where you come to the gold again and that seems to be the base of this river the bed of the river seems to be gold and I hope the other side to the same thing and this street and row of trees and river spirals through this holy place it spirals from the throne of God it comes clear down to the eastern gate and that's where it ends so there are five major colors in heaven that's gold red purple or violet to the light color wine tone it might be and a blue and green those are the major colors of heaven these colors are what make heaven interesting let me compare it to a sky you're used to seeing the sky changed colors you know the sunset never two alike always changing interesting so that's what these colors do in heaven they make colorful sky but mostly it is gold these colors are more for decorating like the walls of the temple other walls around the gate foundations these things are have the colors in them and these five major colors blend together of course to make other colors you might say well there wears orange I don't know except that orange is the color of some flesh the color of orange may be why that colors are mitad but then gold is very close to that right and that's the sky color the sky color is usually that color one time in Florida we saw the clouds all lit up gold and as they shone down the leaves on the trees were gold the ground was gold and the way the lights shone from all the angles there were no shadows into the trees and we were sitting in church in town Isis I disturbed a service by saying look at that I was talking about feminize it looks just like heaven the preacher was trying to maintain some composure but there are no shadows and other shadows so the light source emanates from everywhere seems to come from everywhere but mainly from the throne of God which we'll be talking about a little later mm-hmm I hope so yes we got we have a river but you didn't mention swimming we have a street of gold and you didn't mention walking what is our mode of transportation it's a good good question the river of life people consider themselves swimming in the river and when as we said they bathe in river to wash some bad memories and it's not need a wash but they call it bathing then we do swim and river play in the river it's a park what it is and Kendall and Lewis splashes of splashes in the water yeah and just have a good time there but a transportation now that's that's quite a subject mostly are not mostly I'd say it is possible to move by the speed of thought you have to go somewhere just like that near there see but there's another mode which is to move slowly you have the sensation of movement which in itself is delightful you know when you ride down a scenic road you can look out and see the scenery whereas traveling by thoughts you wouldn't see this because you're there because right you're there see but to travel and you see what you learn as you travel that's delightful to learn see and then you just appear to be floating through space like we see birds fly through space they just seem to float through space and while we don't have any wings we just float through space would that be comparable to walking on air yes but people don't walk so it's no they don't know it's not pedestrian it's not walking they just move gracefully and then some people think that there's chariots you know and they think of Elijah being caught up in chariot of fire and horses of fire you know they all boy fiery but that's for demonstration on earth they in in heaven they have little chariots but they're not all this flamboyant they don't call attention to themselves they're more like the angels servants they're just there to serve the Saints and these are that can be small like two seater like in the olden days you take your girlfriend for ride in a two-seater you know or they can be look like buses have a lot of seats and these vehicles can move on the land or on the river you know or through the sky and he placed it and the Spirit of God moves them that was my question do we direct those vehicles or they moved by well this comes back to as we discussed we must be yielded to the Spirit of God see and this this yielding is seems to be difficult on earth for us to learn but in heaven we'll have to learn this complete yielded miss to the Spirit of God and delight Jesus said I'd like to do thy will for my father for my laws within my heart so we have this delight the Apostle Paul said if I do this willingly I have reward see so heaven is not a place where oh I'm doing in God's law but not my will see they mistake that but what Jesus said when he had to suffer on a cross we won't be suffering in heaven see forgive me delighting ourselves in these things and so these chariots are moved by the Spirit of God to take us where he wants to take us we just go home for the ride so you float for one of a better expression yes that's the best way I can plan and you have the little vehicles any other mode of transportation well not that I have seen now there are other persons who've visited and they thought about different type of chariots which there could be but I mean I can't say what I don't know because you didn't see I didn't know that's what I understand see is time kept in heaven are there days weeks months years heaven is a very interesting place there's nothing monotonous including the passage of time on earth see now it on earth you sense the passing of time the clock ticks you know the Sun goes over the horizon and you sense the passing of time you don't sense the passing of time but there are different periods of time there's a time when the sky is bright and this we call day and then there's a time when the sky is not so bright old folks had a name for it gloaming and in the evening time some people think this is when God walked with Adam and Eve in a garden at the cool of evening scene it's a time when activity seems to slow down and this day and night should we call it no night in heaven but light and less light hard to put it in English you know it makes a 24-hour period it's hard to put it in human yes the same as we have on earth so it's a 24-hour period yes and then then the daylight time would go in seven-day Lentz so you have the week and then at the end of the week there was a special day set aside for special worship services in in God's presence what about communication are there any language barriers in heaven I suppose that's an important question people would like to know we think of communicating by thoughts on earth like sometimes among our family if somebody's out somewhere and a phone rings would say oh that's David because we know he's well that's one way that we communicate I mean we can know what the other person's thinking but speaking of languages there Charlie you know Adam and Eve only spoke one language but somewhere along the line down there about the Tower of Babel you know overnight God changed the languages in the next morning everybody spoke a different language there's no understanding and they didn't understand each other and so that's been with us down through the ages and as I understand it God is going to bring this all again it might be expressed in the words there Paul bringing everything together in one in Christ Jesus which would include languages one language so you coming into one language jesus said in my father's house are many mansions and I go to prepare you one I want you to tell me about mansions and have a very good subject as I approach my mansion which I'm going to my country mansion there is a rose Arbor in front of it with a heart-shaped trellis you go through this heart-shaped trellis lovely row of flowers on this side I don't know what flowers are but somebody told me they were chrysanthemums well I described in four minutes that they must be Kazan through mums and the mansion itself sits on about ten acres large place and then we go into the vestibule large round about 20 feet round large place inside the front door inside the front door yes when you enter through the front door so as you step in this vestibule to the right is a door and in that door is the banquet room and then to the left is a door in that door is the fellowship hall or the diet of the living room as we say on earth and then in front of you is a spiral stairway that goes up to the other floors then on the second floor there is a huge balcony that overlooks the garden so that you can be up on a balcony and look down into the garden and see what's growing down there the second floor is music room piano I play guitar so I have a guitar any special kind well yes it's very special inlaid with white mother-of-pearl something like the gate of the city we talked about great very beautiful let's talk about a banquet now in the in the banquet room we gather in his room we gather our friends like my father may want to be with his brothers and sisters but there sometimes when I want my father with me and his children si+ other friends would gather around now I sit at the servant end of the table and Jesus sits at the head of the table Jesus is at your bank Jesus comes to the banquets yes he did on earth he does in heaven and we think of Jesus as standing at God's right hand but you see Jesus is able to appear any place he wants to he's not just in my banquet there's other banquets and he can appear also in all those other banquets at the same time yes at the same time the word omnipresent he really means what it says we think of the Spirit of God being omnipresent because we can't see it is he and we think is something we can see can't be on my present but that's not the case even though we can see Jesus in heaven he is still on my present he can be any place he wants to be now we're not omnipresent we're only one place at a time but that's not the case with Jesus in heaven we're in one place but Jesus can be your banquet my banquet Lois's picnic yes and all any play brothers Joe's party and at the same time standing at the right hand of God and then the people sit around the sides and then the the person who is serving comes in and they're directed as to what to serve and they go back out again and they bring in a platter now as we said before most things in heaven are gold but this is a silver platter I don't know why I just noticed it was a silver platter you know it's oval shaped like a platter usually is and on this platter is little things that look like bonbons little small pieces of food and it is made I don't know if you ever tasted almond butter but it's like almond butter and then they flavor it with dried fruit and it's very tasty and so it's not piled high just neatly put on on the tray that pieces of food and as it's passed around each person takes a page piece pass it the next person and when one piece is taken another piece appears in its place you know something like the five loaves and two fish right can never ran out never ran out yeah just kept passing them out as the way around the table well I forgot to mention that there are little angelic creatures or something that make the music you don't put your cassette and a boombox and push the button no stereos no stereos it is ittle angels that make this music and while you're eating or all the time or when you're well as especially at the banquet I could see them you know I wonder where the music was coming from and then I could see the ends up are they singing playing just singing there seems to be instruments but I didn't know where that was coming from now there are intimacy's in heaven I'm explaining this we were talking about the Spirit of God living in us you know people say well what how does the spirit valid in us let me say this my soul is in my body just like I put my hand in a glove her gloves dead till I put my hand in this is I put my hand in it comes to life so my soul looks like my body fits in my body I can go up and gives my soul life see where my soul departs my body lifeless when diabetes was in Hell looking at Abraham's bosom he saw Lazarus Lazarus had fingers Davies had a memory he recognized he recognized him even though his body was in the grave see very recognizable so the Spirit of God the same way he fits in our body like a hand in a club and he gives us spiritual life our soul gives us physical I see hmm but the spirit gives us spiritual life that is an intimacy God living in a God living in that is an intimacy as the Apostle Paul says Christ in us and we in Christ that is an intimacy and that's what we have here on earth yes but in heaven it's to a greater degree yes but we learn that intimacy here the kind of intimacy that are in heaven we learn them here let's explain it this way you know when Adam and Eve were in the garden when God first made this creation he made a paradise he made a man and lady and he had fellowship with them in now that's interesting that's why God made it and he said it's good when he made the man and the lady he not only said it's good he blessed it that you yes he blessed it now coming around full circle to heaven here we have paradise again again we have the man and the lady again again in fellowship with God now that's as clear as I can make surely so as it began before the fall so shall it be in the end I mean this is the way God wanted it if he doesn't want it some other way he had done it some other way as he said about what you quoted a while ago if it were not so I would have told you about the mansions in heaven see so it would a minute if they did wanted otherwise he'd have made it otherwise I think by now people may be wondering are there ladies in heaven I've heard some people say that it was just going to be men in heaven we're all gonna be men in heaven but I asked a lady one time she was going to heaven she's sure I am and she didn't intend to become a man that's right she didn't intend to become a man she intend to become a lady jesus said there is no marriage in heaven yeah you talk about companionship how do you explain marriage and companionship to in Heaven's light that's a good question Charlie I'm gonna do the best I can to answer that you're according to me from Luke chapter 20 where Jesus said those who are counted worthy to obtain the resurrection do not marry or given in marriage that greek word there means they do not reproduce see Jesus did not say there's no companionship he said there's no reproduction the word for marriage means reproduction yet that word for marriage means to reproduce in the physical sense so you know on earth physical bodies die and have got to be replenished but in heaven that's not so but let's go back to the Garden of Eden this might help to clear things up you see when God first created this world this world that you and I live in he put two lovers in Paradise and had fellowship with him yes it's like this when when God made Eve it was not as though he made another Apple will pardon me Apple expression It was as though he cut the first apple in half the first Apple being added the first Apple being Adam yes he took Adam and and cut that's what sex means to divide see and so in dividing like that he divided them not just physically male and female he divided them emotionally spiritually socially and in all of these ways so that the feminine being has her characteristics and the masculine being has his characteristics but in Adam they were male and female it was a feminine being living in a female body and the masculine being living in a male body now when we get to heaven will still be masculine and feminine but no more male and female the Song of Solomon he talks about perfection and relationship to your spouse making you perfect see now people think that they're going to choose their own companion on earth this fella said when he went to church camp he said Lord show me who she is and let me chase her well that's not exactly see Adam didn't choose Eve they were made for each other God made them for each other and neither had anything to say in the whole thing it was God's idea we can't save ourselves God has to wash away our sins when it comes time to leave this world we can't do it we don't when we on decide when and we don't decide we can't take ourselves up to heaven see God has to take it so when it comes to deciding the eternal state in our companion there in heaven it's totally up to God well I can suppose we refer to chapter 5 of Ephesians there Paul is talking about the husband and the wife and he's talking about Christ and his bride the church and after he talks about this union awhile saying they should be respect each other you know and so forth when he gets down to the end he says it's a great mystery and I suppose it's going to remain a mystery till we get to heaven and find out the details I mean what I do know is that there is companionship in heaven notwithstanding the humanists so but I'm pretty happy in my marriage here and I believe that there are a lot of couples who are happily married when they get to heaven these couples will they remain with their earth mate or will they get different companions no it's very likely there are a lot of people who are happily married about 85% it's according to my research and it's my understanding that God's not going to break up a good thing I mean it's very likely that the companionship will remain a delightful companionship will remain but for those 15 percent who are unhappily married I do have to say that God has the answers and he's going to make it right when he gets to heaven and you know also the this relationship is like Christ and his bride the church now that's a very sacred relationship we don't think of Christ and his bride the church as being man and wife in heaven in the sense that they are on earth but revelation 19 does call the church the Bride of Christ even his wife it says but that's that's not the proper meaning there it means he's a companion we are Jesus companion we have fellowship with Jesus we have intimacy with Jesus let me give you another illustration you see in the Garden of Eden when Eve particular forbidden fruit Adam knew that if he per took he died but he was willing to protect of that forbidden fruit to be with his companion now you see she was she's part of him I mean she was taken from his side I think it was the right side she was taken from his side as a curved rib so she's very much a part of him he didn't want to be separated he did not want to be separated from Eve I mean I think the love there that we don't understand that love like like he did he just couldn't be separated well I it's the same way with Christ I believe because you know when he hung in a cross there and that soldier pierced his side and that is where the blood flowed out of his side and if we understand the scripture correctly it's a blood of Jesus that washes our sins away and makes us part of the Bride of Christ and Jesus I mean when you have your blood for somebody as he said greater love has no man and it laid down his life they lay down his life so Jesus did not want to be separated from us and was willing to die for us just as Adam did not want to be separated from Eve right and so fellowship here on earth with Jesus is so vital it must be in heaven even more vital and wonderful you've met Jesus in heaven best can you describe that meeting or those meetings well let's start with the first one first one is good okay I was praying and fasting at the time and I really wanted to know what God wanted me to do for my life you know wouldn't me to do Lord Here I am and then I I saw Jesus and he was tall and of course like Daniel I just fell down on my face no breath left in me were you frightened no I wasn't afraid I was overcome you might say awestruck but I wanted to do something so I just fell out put my arms around his ankles like this and my head was like this to the side of his ankle and I thought it was crying but I don't know if I was or not but I was really emotionally stirred up you know and then I saw a little tear come out of my right eye I thought it was a tear and it dropped like was going down in the canyon and I saw it going down and then I heard the voice of Jesus he said that's how much you love me one drop that really shook me up I said I thought I loved you more than that Lord he said you have some things to learn about love that was your this meeting right we don't have the right meaning of love on earth we've got to learn God's love and later I don't know where that took place I couldn't place it where it was but we're heaven no you're right but later then I got to talking to Jesus in heaven about some serious things see about companions and companionship and like most people that's an interesting subject yes see God is our deepest need by companion as our deepest desire ah the good description and and and I wanted to know about companionship and so the Lord showed me this very beautiful creature a very beautiful lady very very beautiful feminine being and he said well you think about her I said oh boy she's really something he said that would you like to have a painting like that I said all blah that would be my heart's desire he I said but you know it's I don't have a container and she's not my companion see he said now you understand how I'd like to be with my companion oh that really made it plain to me Jesus wants to be with his bride the church that's precious to me really one of the highlights of my visits to heaven it's the purpose of heaven is for us to be with Christ actly right exactly right I couldn't explain it better myself fellowship with him the fellowship with Jesus I'm not going to meet our deepest need it will yes meet our deepest need and when he finally gets this companionship straightened out we understand how things are I meet our deepest desire and I always tell people I encourage them to go to heaven and I say if you're not satisfied you can punch me right on the nose and you got there yeah it wouldn't hurt anyway if they did say but I know they'll be satisfied I just know people will be happy to be with Jesus well I suppose there's a question a lot of people's minds as you if they're going to be bored in heaven I saw a picture one time of a thaw twirling his halo around his finger nothing else to do like I said there's nothing to do in heaven oh no that's not the truth that is not the truth at all no I mean if all we did was enjoy the fellowship of our covenant companion and enjoy the presence of Jesus if that's all we did let me tell you be out of sight and won't there be companionship with our loved ones who have gone on or we need their yes friends yes right are our relatives loved ones and even those that we haven't met yet we meet them it's gonna be like an old friend I mean being in advance allistic work you know that when you meet new Christians they don't seem strange at all no you seem like you've known others and sisters in the Lord it's it's a love with which we love everybody and it's just a love that carries you along in heaven the Bible talks about is laying up treasures in heaven as opposed to here on earth where moth and rust do corrupt in heaven did you see any evidence of treasures yes I did Charlie in my mansion one day I went down into the basement now when we think of a basement we think of a place not desirable but you can't tell it's a real nice place to be more like a rumpus room we have family rooms something you know so I noticed bins of jewels about two feet wide and about four feet deep I don't know how deep they were this way maybe two or three feet and different colored jewels and the bins they were separated diamonds you know sapphires of my favorite sapphires my favorite colors blue said I like them couldn't end couldn't tell then I noticed all these bins of jewels and so I ran over to them and I dipped into the rubies the red ones mm-hmm I said my favorite calls blew it didn't I I dipped into the red ones first I picked up like this lets them dribble down from my fingers just look at that my angel God was there showing me these things you know that's what you get and the Bible says if you even give a cup of cold water in the name of a disciple you get a big reward in heaven this is the the smallest things you do get large rewards in heaven and you're rewarded in jewels or that's one of the rewards one of the ways she rewarded girls like jewels better than fellows do but I do like jewels you like pretty things but as I as I saw those jewels for the first time and was playing with them my angel guide said do you like those that's all they're pretty mines Oh God said yes but they can't love you in return a real lesson I saw the most important thing is not right the most important thing is fellowship love and fellowship see when you love somebody and they love you back in return the jewels can't do that all I can do is look pretty that was the lesson of the jewels but we must remember that God is in charge of all these things he even tells Jesus what to do and when God tells Jesus something to do to obey his father is his extreme delight see so Jesus has jobs rusted little things for us to do and they may be going to the outer environs to comfort a soul who just does not understand the glories of heaven Dadar environs is the first place you deserve I subscribed yeah it looks so much like Earth right beautiful place when an angel when a child on earth dies and God sends an angel to bring that child home that angel is invincible he will stop at nothing until his job is finished and while he is doing that job he has extreme delight in obeying God when God tells us to do something and we obey that extreme delight and now there's another place the most holy place and has several names yes I would like you to tell us those names and describe this place alright you have already given this one name it's also called the father's presence as the scripture tells us in the Psalms that his right hand and in his presence fullness of joy see and also the Temple of Heaven and maybe we should take it like that the Temple of Heaven it's large round structure about 300 miles across about 800 miles high this is in the center in the center of the Foursquare City right and some folks wonder how they can see 300 miles and I asked him if they were ever a lover on a park bench they never worried about the moon being 250 thousand miles away they could see it they could see it no problem with distance in heaven but outside of this wall is the garden of fountains as that's what louis was talking about a while ago yes there's three Gardens that's where the fountains of waters come up and we'll be talking more about that later then this wall is about 15 miles thick is a big place inside of this wall are a lot of rooms a lot of activities going in here one of those is temple of instruction where the children are taught and they have angels who instruct them and as we said a while ago the Angels bring the children up to heaven this is where they take them into the temple of instruction as Jesus said talking about children they're angels to always behold the face of my father in heaven that's what he was talking about there their instructor angels can see the face of God also in this wall well these children are the little little children that died went to heaven they died in childbirth they died by accident or they were aborted whatever the case was with children they're taken there and then there are also rooms which we'll call theaters for lack of a better term because the one wall is where the picture it's sort of like a movie cinema or sort of like a TV and it's like a stage because it's three-dimensional but you know it's not too real actors because one of the scenes we see there is actually the life of Christ as we see what happened in the life of Christ so the children see the children see this as part of their instruction see and they see how Jesus died on the cross and this really breaks them up to see him hanging there in the cross because II as spirit beings they can see the demons which were holding around the cross which the people on earth didn't see and they see this and of course that breaks them up also every saint that goes to heaven is required to see this because after all Jesus dying on a cross is the reason we're here so there is a feeling of remorse sometimes or sadness in heaven yes strange as it may seem it's removed it's required for our training required for our training and we we simply must see that same also there is a video tape shall we say video cassette of your life and my life so that's how the records kept but that's one way the records are kept as one is kept in books and writing you know but others kept an actual visual sight they can see in here their life well that's enough to make somebody behave as nicer the bad parts are cut out run out see when Jesus when Jesus forgives our sins of course he really washes them away no trace so that when you look at your life again those areas which would have been sin are cut out when we're saved you know it's probably from that on when you can see your life and see what you did on earth that's one of the things that takes place in there many other rooms made that many other places but this wall only has three gates a north and south and east there's none on the west will describe that later why that is but we're going to enter into the gate that's to the east we like the eastern gate because as we said before the throne of God faces the Son of God faces the East right so we go in to this part and it's huge but the activity takes place in the walls a lot of activity there's also chambers now we talked about the country mansions this is a city mansion we have another mansion yes City Manson one day the Spirit of God said to me today I'm going to show you something and I knew it was going to be something grand I said oh I'm afraid and the Spirit of God said okay that's all right and so a little later the Spirit of God came back and said now really I really want you to see this I suggest but I'm still afraid so well all right and then the Spirit of God came the third time this time we're going so okay I knew enough not to argue when your angel calls you go well your angel cause your ghost and wonder but the Spirit of God seemed to be very patient with me and this test me the spirit about is patient with us so the place I went was beyond description if suppose I would tell you that a flower stem looks like a plastic drinking straw I mean it doesn't move your doesn't it doesn't the pedals made of diamonds 14 inches long which tapered out to a sharp point that I looked around and everything was made of crystal but the light I told you about the colors reflecting off these gave different reflections of color to everything beautiful this is inside the city managers this is inside my city mansion which is in Ezekiel called a chamber and then I saw two creatures crystal clear a masculine being and a feminine being and I full but then I I noticed they didn't see me and I relaxed a little bit and I said Spirit of God I don't belong here would you take me out of this place after you learn your lesson I'll take you out so I stuck with it and I heard a beautiful music I looked around couldn't see any musical instruments nothing I could recognize as a musical instrument and I tried to follow the sound and I came to a little Brook little streamlet beautiful water sparkling blue and I said it has to be coming from there I walked over and looked down into that stream and I I saw what were rows of jewels they were positioned so that as a water fell over made music you've seen a music box like a drain doing make me visit that's the principle and I was flabbergasted like the wind chime only it's a water jug wind chime yeah right that's the ID of it this is in your within your chain this is in this chamber which I later understood to be my chamber I didn't know at the time what it was ideally but then then these these two beings that I saw they looked at me boy did I feel terrible see the beautiful light could shine right through them and make them beautiful color but here I was this opaque putrid you know Isaiah said Lord I'm not fit to be in its place and angels of wait wait I'll get a coal of fire and touch it to your lips you're purified his lips and that that must be way as it I felt really felt terrible in that place but later on I found out that that was my mansion see let's go to the front of the mansion where it looks out into the area which we've described as the most holy place the place in front of God stone the front of it is like a big window but it's not there's no window there you can step right out outside is a rainbow pathway it's sort of called spiral it spirals up find this description also in Ezekiel about the temple and you're looking out you see God on his throne from your chambers you can see God yes from all the chambers you can look out and see God now in the front of the chamber and what we call the front room there's the best I can describe it as a beanbag I'm glad somebody invented beanbags I think three kids so I could describe this yes because see it's did you just fall in it and takes your shape and there you can just relax observe the face of God and the walls have these beautiful green and blue and wine tone tints in them and it's like cloud like that can change like wallpaper patterns you know very beautiful but let's go out now and let's pretend now we're in the throne of God standing with God in the throne alright we look back at the mansion and we see that there is a whole row of mansions chamber mansions and they reach about two-thirds of the way around so that God and his throne can sit and look and all the people in the mansion's companions in each chamber here we are back again to Companions paradise presence of God now a chamber is about again this is cubit measure but in feet it would be about 15 feet high and about 25 feet wide that's about the size of the of this chamber as you're looking at see now the throne of God as we said can be seen by looking out of the mansion's people looking at God's face and God's throne he looks and sees the chambers in front of the throne is a large oval area I'd say 200 miles I'm estimating 200 miles long and about 75 miles wide now this is made out of sapphire jewels I found this also in Ezekiel describing the sapphires underneath the throne of God and it's called a sea because it's blue and because it's shiny it's called the glass because it is actually made of sapphires which represent glass so that's the term sea of glass in other words it's not water it's not the flowing of the Spirit of God it's a rather solid place to stand is it like a reflecting pool doesn't reflect anything or is it just you would reflect the light of God yes however it doesn't appear to reflect too much light it just appears before God's throne it's like a moving platform it can be moved away for other activities but it is a place where the saints of God appear before God's throne and the prophets I saw one time the prophets before God's throne and they were talking to God and I saw the martyrs who were saying how long O Lord how long all these things making me believe that Jesus is coming soon now one time I was concerned about Jesus receiving something in exchange for dying on a cross for us because the Bible does tell us he'll see of the Torelli soul and be satisfied over the nose eya 53 I believe it is and so I was allowed to see something in this Center most holy place it was about I don't know the number thousands of Saints I would say were gathered in formation now of course they were dressed in their garments of praise with the jewels on right and they formed themselves into a cup regular cup ordinary everyday cup you know and it seemed to have a base on it and they they sparkled the light of God did Sparkle off of their garments and this was called the cup of love for Jesus a couple of couple of love for Jesus because these Saints were it was a way of expressing their love to Jesus see and it turned around see a praise and and it you know how they looked you know how the earth turns on its axis there's a Greek word that which means praise to God so so this couple of as it turns is praising God see and then the Saints are raising their hands and in the cup you see the motion of their hands move in unison and it's just a very beautiful thing to see to stand back and see it there's also a beautiful activity to be and it's called an activity in the holy place it's an activity of worship now as this cup of love it's presenting love to Jesus it makes up to him something that he suffered because in the Garden of Gethsemane you remember he prayed my father if it's possible let this cup pass from me a couple of so for a cup of suffering so see he described it as a cup and he said nevertheless not as I will but as thou well and of course if he hadn't died for us we couldn't be Christians we couldn't fellowship without there right we wouldn't be able to fellowship with him but that suffering of course Jesus paid the Bible says he paid something and so in this cup he's receiving it back again he's receiving the cup right he was buying the love of saints he shall see of the travail of his soul and yes I'm satisfied Isaiah he so see of the Torelli soul and shall be satisfied this is a satisfaction that that is when he received satisfaction with the love of the saints he died to redeem beautiful story it is mm-hmm we talked about the river of life all things life proceeded from God is that where this river begins that's right that's right the light comes from the throne of God and shines down through the city light and also the River of Life which as we discussed before is actually the flowing of the Spirit of God it comes from the throne of God and then it flows through the mansion's inset little River we talked a little creek stream high that's how it starts out a little creek it goes through the mansions each man sits right down through all the mansions and then when it gets to the bottom it is comes up in the fountains all right and then it falls down to basins and it's collected as gathered together and flows out into a river which is rather small at the beginning and the further it flows the bigger it becomes so the fountain that Lois experienced is part of the river of God yes she was at the garden of fountains now we know where she was she was yes and this river flows in twelve circles through the holy place right then and then it flows out of the eastern gate and it flows down to earth and we don't see it here because we can't see spiritual things this is the love of God in our heart right but we know it because we can feel a love of God the love of God is she'd abroad in our hearts by the Holy Spirit it's a way says it and we know it when that happens remember a trick you've told us a lot about heaven and you seem to know a lot about heaven well sure that's because I've been there a lot of times you made a lot of visits so that means you didn't learn it all the first visit that's right you don't get it all at one time and you're sure there's more to learn oh yes yes I believe so this idea that when we get to heaven we're going to know it all that's not quite right does our knowledge come by just observing or are the classes learning experiences every way yes by classes by observing by talking to others who know something they want to tell you other people who've been having a little longer than we have perhaps all these different ways we increase our knowledge first Corinthians also says prophecy shall cease in heaven you don't need any prophecy who said culmination of all right that's when everything is going to be fulfilled and perfect but it does not mean that we have all knowledge at one time even after we get to heaven as much time as we've spent on earth reading the Bible we're still going to be able to learn when we get to heaven but it's a good thing to do as much as you can here you know in preparation in preparation because we can't be rewarded for something that we do up there were rewarded for our works on earth different spheres of existence in other words the Apostle Paul really suffered in the service of God and a person who just lived a nominal life and didn't care about serving God he can't expect to go to heaven and be like the Apostle Paul I mean the Paschal poem self explained it this way there are different glories like the brightness of the Moon the brightness of the stars the brightness of the Sun he said so is also those who are resurrected from the dead there's different glories and by different glory means to shine yes they actually shine brighter so that those people in the outer environs could not behold a being from the for instance most holy place a person who goes in the most holy place he'd be very bright to appear to those people but can a person who now exists in the outer environs can that person learn more or increase his stature to enter into a another place with God then yes as they increase and as they learn but there are some some barrier that can't go beyond I believe it's the fact that they have no rewards because they didn't do any work now everybody gets a golden crown everybody gets it yes that's that's the sign of eternal life in the golden crown as there all golden that's one thing I thought maybe somewhere silver but they're all all golden golden okay even Jesus ground is golden in heaven yes and but they don't have like the bins of jewels to give gifts to other people see and then as they increase in stature and glory they may come in live in the the holy place see the biggest place that there is outside the environments when you're inside the city this is a big place and then the increasing glory they go into the most holy place so a person who resides in a most holy place spends most of his time there person who resides in the holy place would spend most of their time there now they do go back and forth see but a person with more glory more brightness spends more time in the presence of God so to achieve eternal life we accept Jesus Christ as our personal Savior and we're washed in the blood of the languages to achieve rewards in heaven we do works for God here right we must serve the Lord here if we don't we cannot make up for it as I will repeat you revive we cannot make up for it in heaven no sir you can't see God I meant to do more right intentions will not be intense I didn't mean to be lazy right I didn't even can do it no can't do that it has to work has to be done here once you're there you're there right jesus said behold I come quickly and my reward is with me to give every person according to their work that's revelation 21 and 12 to give every person according to their work and no matter what each person gets each person is completely happy and there's a lot of laughter and then happy fellowship in heaven oh yes the one is happy with what they receive forgot to mention when we were by the tree of life in the Crystal River it seems a flashing it yes everybody is laughing it's a hilarious place if I had an expression but really that people are just always enjoying themselves just everything is perfect and beautiful and the more we enjoy ourselves the more our Creator enjoys himself see he didn't make us to be robots he gave us a will power and when we say god i love you because i want to god accepts that see if we say god i don't want to love you we've got to suffer the consequences of course but when we say God I want to love you and that's what he wants there is an interesting part here when God made man he used what I call the cubit system now the cubit system measures man in six measurements like one finger two palm three span four foot five cubit and six fathom so man has six measurements Fatima's from head to toe right okay and he was created on the sixth day of creation so man's number six that's nothing to be upset about that's a fact that's our number we're excited about right and but the number of heaven is twelve see you have twelve gates twelve angels twelve thousand furlongs and twelve foundations so these these numbers are our reference to the city of heaven it so happens that in a qubit system man the number of man six fits perfectly into the qubit system the number 12 fits perfectly into the qubit system because God made both and so God made man for the city he made the city for a man and it is important for us human creatures to know that was God's intention he built a beautiful city for us to go to and we should by all means press on as Apostle Paul did press toward the mark for the prize of the upward calling of God Ted beautiful place was God's intention that we live with him it is God's intention that we live with him and he's made it beautiful the problem on this earth is that we are tempted by the forces of evil and God will not violate our willpower if we don't want to go we won't go we must want to but here's God pleading with us Jesus gave His life he said greater love has no man and yet some of us decide not to go grieves God's heart but those who do decide to go have a wonderful reward wedding will be pleasing in God's sight and let me tell you there's a song that says tell your troubles to Jesus but I tell the people that we sing - I say you talk to Jesus when you're happy and watch him make you happy yes love the Lord with all of your heart soul mind and strength Reverend hetrick you have shared with me and our viewers the joys of heaven yes I'm excited so much and I know they are - in conclusion are there any other thoughts you would like to share with our friends yes I would mmm friends I've done my best to tell you the joys of heaven and I'm going there myself I'm planning on it and I know that the only way to go there is to accept Jesus as Savior and Lord and follow him and with all my heart seek after Jesus we know by looking at the signs of the times that Jesus is coming soon sure I know I've heard this all my life Jesus is coming soon but all you have to do is look at the newspaper watch the news and you know that something has to happen soon God has got to step in soon and do something now I want you to be ready I want you to know Jesus as your Savior you must do this in order to be ready would you meet me in heaven I'd like to see you there yes I would as you have heard you can inherit and share the glorious riches of heaven with God all you have to do is accept his way but some folks have a funny idea that there are a lot of different ways to God well justice we have only one earthly father there is only one God and only one Savior who reconciles men with God other religions don't get you to heaven because they don't deal with sin sin remains a nice old the spirit dies and only when sin is cleansed away by the blood of Jesus Christ can the spirit live this is the only way we are accepted by God and can go to heaven God has allowed a grace period during which you save souls who are willing to accept his way but time is short the enemy realizes time is short - and is mounting an all-out assault against God's children and all of mankind an example is the New Age movement a movement that is successfully deceiving millions of people and is the most prominent activity of Satan at this time this movement declares that we humans have the potential to be God ourselves to become like God they say since man is God there is no higher God therefore no heaven but you remember the first lie Satan used to deceive the human he said you will be like God now it's a sad fact that much of humanity is still being fed this lie and is following blindly after it as God made the division between light and darkness day and night there is a heaven and a hell and we must have a definite unwavering faith in Christ and a strong hope of heaven Matthew 13 verse 44 states that the kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hidden in a field which a man found and hid and from joy over it he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field we have the glorious opportunity of investing our complete hope in the treasure of heaven John 2:15 says do not love the world nor the things in the world if anyone loves the world the love of the father is not in him but some believers argue the placing too much hope in heaven will result in a sort of escape from this world a fantasy that perhaps would not be healthy perhaps so heavenly minded there are no earthly good but he inbounds one so beautifully wrote the best citizen of heaven is the best citizen of Earth you are a child of God and so being you overcome the world we are partakers of Christ's victory and triumph of sin and death we are not going to perish in Jesus but we'll find a new beginning of everlasting joy and happiness so seek your rightful heritage like the good fight labor for heaven and it's imperishable riches and we'll all meet in heaven you you
Channel: ksmithtn
Views: 766,735
Rating: 4.7556591 out of 5
Keywords: heaven, Oden Hetrick, Inside the Gates of Heaven, City of God, City of Heaven, Holy City, Throne of God, Rainbow around Throne, Heaven, visits to Heaven, description of Heaven, 12 gates, twelve gates, Tree of Life, River of Life, Holy Place, Holy of Holies, Tabernacle, Jesus, Lamb of God, Paradise, companions, covenant companions, angels, 12 foundations, crystal river, golden street, mansions, treasures in Heaven, sea of glass, glory, glory of God, Bride of Christ
Id: G5QBZU870Ms
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 98min 19sec (5899 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 02 2011
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