My Glimpse of Eternity - Betty Malz

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] a wet bug they always give me a microphone that strike me down at my belt level you can hear me that's fine I have to have a giraffe heightened what does it take to have a successful nurses convention well you bring in a woman with a fancy hairdo on a pitiful story I'm here tonight with a pitiful hairdo but a fancy story tomorrow morning I'm going to be talking at nine o'clock about getting your prayers answered and the assistance of angels at 10:45 I want to talk about investing in people being in tune with God with yourself and in tune with others but tonight I want to take you on a journey and I want medical people to have some fun at my expense I medically ignorant so I just write and tell stories I had never been sick in my whole life I had measles and chickenpox is very small child but I had never been sick I cannot recall when this experience happened ever even having a headache when we're living in Indiana at the time and my father was a minister I had two kid brothers at home and so my husband my daughter and I mother and dad and my turkey brothers decided that two carloads of us would go to Florida for a much-needed vacation we didn't have the money but we borrowed it and I used my credit card got two new swimsuits I had never been to Florida and we were so excited my father just pioneered a small church and was very weary with his work so we talked to mother into going to because she didn't like the water she was afraid to ski afraid to swim and she could watch the little kids while the big kids had the fun we'd only been there 24 hours and I kept telling myself there's pain in my side is from riding in a car two days with no air condition I'm sick because I've gotten too much Sun now Yankees come to Florida I'm living there now and I watched him every winter they come and get too much of a good thing too quickly and I thought this is what had happened to me we had been waterskiing all day out in the hot Sun we were all very burned about 11 o'clock at night everyone had fallen asleep at me and I began to vomit now I was not even nauseous when I was pregnant so I knew that I had got too much Sun perhaps and in the pain in my side I kept telling myself I've never had pain I've never been sick my speed I pulled a muscle water skiing but I was not better I felt I had a fever and I wakened my husband I said I've got to get some help I think I am very seriously sick here akin mother and dad in the other part of the lodge mother took care of the children and my dad and my husband got me in the backseat of the car we started toward the highway when we got to the intersection they stopped and let me get out and get sick again finally my husband said shall return north or south my dad said North just take a chance we had no idea where a hospital would be and when we went north about three three and a half miles we found a small beach hospital I'm living now a mile and a quarter from there they have remodeled it but that night when we arrived there was a tall skinny intern there it was 11 p.m. and they brought out a wheelchair and I said I have refused to get in that thing I always had a disdain for handicapped people and I was a very proud person proud of my health I trained quarter horses and I played tennis did a lot of outdoor sports I played women's basketball not because I was screwed but because I was 5 foot 12 I can get that basket hit but when they brought me that wheelchair I said no I don't want in that thing but all of a sudden they doubled over with pain and any port in a storm that that wheelchair looked real good to me and I slumped into that chair then I took a look around the hospital and I leaned over to my husband I said you know a library homes bigger than this couldn't you have taken me to a sizeable Hospital and then the intern was just too young and too good-looking to know what he was doing and I I just felt like I had real gotten in a bad situation but he was very kind and there was sort of a dimension about him that I liked I had a feeling he was a Christian I found out he was the kindness the concern that he had for me was more and beyond just being a medical doctor he took a blood tests from x-rays did hear analysis and then he gave me a shot for pain and then he went in the lab and came back and I'll always remember the look on his face he shook his head he said weird a lot of trouble here you have an appendix rollin ready to burst I have 26 patients I have 24 beds in this little beach Hospital I have two patients that are in labor ready to have babies at the same time I've never delivered two babies at once now you need your appendix out and he said we just we aren't equipped for this emergency so he got on the phone and he called a surgeon dr. black dr. black promised that if they would put me in an ambulance he would meet me in 30 minutes at Morton plant hospital and I didn't realize it then but was a very large fine Hospital downtown Clearwater right on the Gulf of Mexico where I would have a wonderful view out the window of the waves rolling in if I hadn't been conscious this was how my vacation ended I had two weeks to spend but 24 hours after arriving there I had an emergency I will always remember when I got there middle-aged intelligent doctor with a little gray in his hair he said ah that young intern up at Tarpon Springs has made a dreadful mistake he what a winter vacation you aren't even swollen in your right side and he said I I'm real glad you came here you've got to be one of the luckiest women I've ever met this doctor would have operated unnecessarily in winter vacation he said I just think you Yankees came down here got too much Sun you probably already had some infection when you came and it's been aggravated we're going to treat you with some antibiotics and we'll put you on a liquid diet you'll be back out on the beach in a few days well that's what I wanted to hear in five days I was not better so they called in another doctor he put me on extra antibiotics and of course all fluids then he hears some sort of a solution and I'm medical ignorant so you're gonna have a good time here tonight he put something in the intervenors feedings which was a fluid that was irrigating my system that would expedite the healing process and would irrigate and flush out my system he said this is bound to help you to rid yourself of the infection the end of eleven days I was blind with toxic poisoning I had a fever of 105 I was swollen very badly now I've always been very bony and I was I could feel I was out to here my family was very discouraged because now eleven days of a two weeks vacation had been spent in a hospital two families just sitting wondering what was going to happen next at this point they called it a specialist and this doctor examined me and after some tests he said you know you've all been barking up the wrong tree here betty has and he sat my mother and dad my husband down beside my bed though I could not see I could hear him scratching with a magic marker on my sheet the bottom sheet he drew a diagram and explained to my husband that I had a tubular pregnancy and he said this is a four months dead fetus and all of her organs have started to disintegrate that's why we had the bow block and a lot of other complications when he drew the diagram he explained what they were doing when they operated and told my husband I would probably never have other children so we'd have to sign a release for the surgery at this point mother and dad and my husband got together and decided they would like to fly me home and they signed a release and I was shipped as a bad patient by jet plane back to good old Terre Haute Indiana Union Hospital where I was born as a baby I felt very comfortable that I would be back at the same hospital where I was born hometown doctors that we knew and I felt very rested because I knew they would know when you've had three opinions you get very frightened now I'm not mad at the medical profession and I want to explain to you in case some of you are not medical people the women's right side is very complicated and you can't see an appendix attack in an x-ray this doesn't show up and this was a very legit mistake and of course the doctor when this when the appendix ruptured in the ambulance between the first hospital in the second there was no swelling when I arrived at the second hospital so I wasn't mad at anybody and they did what they thought was best but the doctor that was called in was a surgeon and also a gynecologist because they thought it was tubular pregnancy and they operated and he I heard some things and I'm going to some of you that are not medical may just want to tune me out but for the sake of nurses here tonight I want to tell you that two things really bother me I've always been a very modest person and I heard myself tell the surgeon it's too cold in here this operating room then I told him you're cutting me too deep it burns in my back you're cutting closer to the sheet and then I said please cover me up I don't like it when you uncover me and finally I heard him say more sodium pentathol please and then I heard one doctor described me as a long white female this was a description on the chart and they sort of laughed about the description on the chart another doctor or intern someone that was in the surgery surgery room said she has on what looks like a white swimsuit she's really sunburned her body just looks like a white swimsuit then someone remarked and you know her husband's in worse condition than she is if you think she's bad off this guy just sits on the floor leans against those swinging doors we have to ask him to move every time we come and go from the operating room this her husband's really in bad shape and they sort of laugh now to me now I think it was wonderful you know there's no need for morbid talk when you know you can't live I mean that happy conversation wasn't bad really but I will always remember the report in the icy eye the intensive care unit they brought in my husband my parents and the doctor sat down he said the first intern was right it was a ruptured appendix 11 days ago and I cut into the nastiest mess in my 28 years of practice I found a mass of gangrene the size of a man's head it has coated all of her organs she has a serious bowel block and all of her organs have started to disintegrate if she lives which is very doubtful and he explained to my husband that he had lost two hundred-pound men in 48 hours with the ruptured appendix and peritonitis he said I don't know how a hundred twenty pound woman has lasted for eleven days but it won't be long if she lives we will do a colostomy she will carry a bag on her side for the rest of her life for elimination I heard all of this I made up my mind at this point that I had never been sick and I had a disdain for people who suffered or were deformed in any way I have to be real honest with you Hoover's are here some of my father's friends my husband's friends - my father used to pray for the sick and the church he pastored and I wondered many times if some of these people didn't just whine and pout a little to get attention now see I had no understanding no comprehension of suffering because I had never been sick but I didn't die immediately I lapsed into a coma that lasted for 44 days it was the greatest learning experience of my life I tell people I had to die to learn how to and I cannot tell you how I suffered I will never forget the pain the horrible pain of having a BA block and all that went wrong everything went wrong that could go wrong I don't know how hard it is for some of you nurses to get a vein but when they couldn't get them in my arm or my wrist or the back of my hand they went down to the top arch of my foot and finally I got blood there then as a last resort they poked around finally found a vein in my left big toe and they left it in there for I think four days which was pretty long for intravenous feedings for blood transfusions and at one point I remember when I was comatose I heard them say there isn't much else we can do we have used all of the plasma that we have on hand we have been on media begging we've had a few donors but we've flown some plasma in from Indianapolis Indiana but unless we can get some more a negative blood we're in trouble and it won't be much longer I had people in the room pray something else I had was religious prejudice I felt unless you went to a certain Church you weren't gonna make it in but do you know it was amazing the people that prayed with me I had a little black nurse's aid now I didn't know till after the experience she was black except that they just had a certain way of talking when they're you know in the room and I couldn't see but I I thought she was black I had a Catholic sister and a Catholic priest that were born-again Christians they came in and they would sit and I didn't know Catholics walk that close to the Lord I was I was wonderfully surprised I felt God's presence when they prayed for me I was learning a great deal in that coma and you know something else I didn't know that a person in a coma could pray but I prayed what else can you do when you're unconscious for 44 days sometimes they strap my wrists to the rails of the bed and to keep me from pulling the Toba soliton there was an adjusted or I prayed I did a lot of praying during that time I heard people in the room and they were talking they said well we can't they can't find anymore B negative blood with your dad her dad has given too much blood and it's it's just almost over my Uncle Jesse was a railroad man he was on the caboose of a train coming back deadheading it back from Peoria Illinois to Terre Haute Indiana Uncle Jesse said he was drinking a cup of caboose coffee at at in mud and something spoke to him but he should go to the hospital immediately he said general I've been hanging around with o gospel businessmen too much God spoke to them and he said he just couldn't get away from it there in his chest like an echo kept telling him go to the hospital so he thought well sure you know tonight before visiting hours I'll shower and shave and I'll go to the hospital and check on Betty but when he got to the Roundhouse he steered his car directly to the hospital without cleaning up walked in and his dirty work clothes to learn that twice that day my breathing had stopped my heart has stopped they had resuscitated me and now they were another battle no more be- glad they typed Uncle Jesse and he had be negative blood he arrived in the nick of time now I don't know if this is norm or not but they took it to to save time and transfused him directly from his arm to mine and I revived it was a very quick situation and it did help right after that though I took pneumonia and I had a lot of fluid in my lungs and troubles galore I mean everything that could go wrong almost went wrong and they asked all of my family to go home and rest I heard them all talking that day I had a lot of visitors the word got out that I was not expected to live my family and relatives began to come one of the elderly people that came in started talking and she said you know I was in a coma for 14 days once and of course I was almost 80 and my son and my daughter crawled over my money and over my real estate and she said you know they didn't know that I could hear them and so I just fooled them all and got well and changed my will I heard and then Charles and Joan happened to be in the room and they started sort of crawling at each other and he told her to shut up and she says I'm not I don't have to he says give me upset Betty she said ha she's out of it and they begin to crawl and then she said and I told you to turn off the sprinkler and I notices we pulled out the driveway it was still on you know there's a water shortage you see they were talking about water shortage I had 105 fever I was on a stomach pump I had not had a drink of anything for over a month my lips were all parched and bleeding and here they were talking about the drought and the water and all of these things then after they left I had another couple that I used to play tennis with my husband and I they came in and they began to talk and I'll never forget Sharon said dear no she can't live and her husband spoke up and said well her husband's a good looking guys has got a pretty good business and always gonna get married in right after she's gone and then they start talking about all these horror stories people who got married again and the new step here it was unkind to the children so I began to grit my teeth and crunch my fists and they brought in a doctor and he asked a nurse and she came in and patted my palms with gauze and with cotton and taped it they thought I was in a lot of extra pain and my nails were causing my hands to bleed you know into my I was in pain alright but basically what I was doing was fighting so I would not die and my husband could not get married you know I don't know if families realize how important the atmosphere of a room is I have 102 pages of medical records that have been several places Linda's here and she was in Johannesburg South Africa when I visited the hospital Christian Fellowship fair and my medical records have been there and all around the country and the nurses notes after visiting hours in the afternoon and the evening I was either better or worse according to the kind of visitors I had my mother was my worst visitor mother came in one day and she says I the older in here is terrible and so the doctor came in why mother was there pull back the sheet and they didn't sew me up I had three surgeries they just let it drain and they would remove the gauze with that green stuff you know that was all over the sheet and mother smelled that horrible odor took a good look at me and fainted and slid down the wall and they took mother out my tea was not a good visitor my husband was a bad visitor he would come here Pat me a hundred times in a hundred places and he paced the floor Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus it was not a worship it was not a prayer it was just a setting you know he was making God because he was scared and he would leave the room but I must thank the Lord for Mary Barton a registered nurse she would come in and she would take my hand and she'd say Betty I don't know if you can hear me but don't you give up don't you give up she says you're gonna make it you'll be back home with your family soon one day she was trying to find a vein and my blood pressure us was gone she called for help and I will never forget she took a hold of my hand she says don't you die on me she said your mother tells me that your favorite is old fashioned chocolate sodas hey you make it and I'll go across the street and I'll get you the biggest colors chocolate soda you have ever had do you know this is this is strange that that little injection of hope from that woman made me fight and I I was so ignorant I didn't know that a person in a coma could make it I thought you shifted your brain into neutral I just got weaker and weaker until it was all over I didn't know that you could really try and I began to pray then I had an Aunt Gertrude that came in and she would pray for me now I was a prisoner of impressions I never liked people till after this experience that's why I'm going to talk to you in the morning about investing in people and Gertrude would come and I used to spend a great deal of time impressing people I was impressed by people by their measurements by their size by their address their degree but I want you to know when you are dying none of these things matter Aunt Gertrude had a figure like a 50-pound bag of horse feed with a rope tied middle but I want you to know I don't know if anyone I would rather have in my room if I was dying again than Aunt Gertrude she would come in and take my hand she would read the Bible she would pray and ask the Lord to perform a miracle and then I would hear to thank the nurses for their care and people I have to tell you if I had not become a writer I would have gone to school I would have become a nurse I cannot believe the wonderful things that they did for me at one time before the complete bow block they brought in a nurse with small hands I cannot believe that a person would grow up inside my rectum and relieve me of all of that waste material that one human being would do something so unpleasant for another human being and I did something that day that I rarely do remits cry I laughed too much but I went to think that someone that didn't even know me would be so dedicated that they would do that for me a lot of love I had in my heart for the nurses and for the doctors now they weren't all that way Audrey I had one that used to march in like a sergeant from the Women's Army Corps and she just treated us like so many pounds of meat on a shelf and got her a job done and we'll go out and there was no tenderness there was no love there a couple of times I happened to touch her arm and she was very rigid there was not the love there but I had others that would come in doctors and nurses and they had such a loving concern I will never forget it it has stamped indelibly on my heart the dedication of people who work that are underpaid but they surely minister as unto the Lord and Gertrude was a blessing then another person came to visit me in my father's church we had a man that I never liked he used to come in and bring his unturn guitar and help me with the music I was organist and I never liked art and he came into this at me this particular day I remember the nurse Mary Barton she said doctor I'm going to put a new visitor sign on the door we've had too much company and there be no visitors just relatives and this was the day they removed all of the equipment along stood filled with water the doctor said it would just be hours there's not anything else we can do it had been 44 days twice I was gone they brought me back but now they could not give me any more intervenors feedings no more blood transfusions and I at this point began to struggle for breath and I prayed oh lord please send somebody to help me I heard a man's footsteps I thought oh good that'll be a doctor or even my husband as pitiful as he is his bedside manner seaman forget someone maybe maybe it's just the doctor himself or maybe my good dad he prayed my father would sit in that room eight days he didn't go home he would change clothes in the restroom and I thought if he would come and just pray for me I knew it was the end and all of a sudden I heard the pages of the Bible being turned and this voice of the man that I had never liked I thought to myself oh now if I can just get the nurses call button and get him out of here I couldn't stand out when I was well let alone when I was sick just didn't want even the room but I could hear and I could understand everything but I didn't have control all of a sudden I relaxed I quit worrying about who he was and listen to what he said I read Psalm 107 verse 20 he sent His Word and healed them suddenly like a little fountain inside of me faith sprung up that came through the Word of God when they said I couldn't live I really believe that we have led thousands of patients go out into eternity without Jesus because someone did not take their hand and read the Word of God and pray for them the scripture says with a man's heart he believes unto salvation and I believe that any of you whether you are medical or just a friend kibou in the room of a comatose patient a dying person you can pray the prayer of faith and many times medical skills your double healing hands if you know Jesus you can use your medical skills and pray and the Creator God Jesus the Great Physician will come alongside to help you and many times I believe patients could have a medical miracle and if not they could die and you may change the course of destination for eternity and build a bridge from this life to the next I know that now because that prayer and that scripture that I read for me actually brought the faith that I was going to be healed but right after he left the room I guess my last breath and what a surprise it was I felt like I'd gotten on a roller coaster at Disney Land and when you pick that high in the ride it was a thrill of the ride there was no fear in death I had received Jesus when I was 13 now I never liked people and I suppose if I would have stayed during that death experience I would have had no reward because I had never invested in people but certainly I realized that I was launched into another country another planet it was as real as England or America and I began to walk through a meadow of waving green grass among flowers in colours like I have never seen here it was a very natural place and I saw people who had died that I knew my baby brother a man that had fallen from a train in my town had both legs amputated he was running and playing in a meadow down below the gates with children and animals and he had both of his legs there's nothing incomplete there and then all of a sudden I began to skip through this meadow and I was standing tall and erect and no pain and as I walked along I started up a hill and to the left of me I realized there was an angel walking now I don't know why but as a kid I thought angels were effeminate sisters you know with dainty features and little white hands this dude must have been seven feet tall but walked with me and I realized he'd been with me all of my life since the age thirteen when I had received Jesus as my savior but I had never realized he had been with me protecting me guarding me keeping me because I'd never been sick I always had a lot of self-confidence and when I needed him he was walking a little to the left now sometimes we communicated but mostly we talked with our seat and as we walked up this hill I remember how vivid the music was and it was coming over a wall I listened and the music was marvelous and I began to join and I sang I was born with a girl's body but with a deep boy's voice I've always yearned to sing in high sweet tones like we earlier tonight I sang like that I began to express myself like I had always felt it and I realized at that point that there you will be what you've always wanted to be here but we're not quite able to make it well you will do the same thing there that you did here only in a perfect environment now nurses are going to have to get a new profession because there is no sickness no dying no ill people there but singers were really busy and the builders were busy they were building getting ready for a large number of people they were expecting to move there at one time and I began to sing and then I stopped I heard Jack Holcomb Jack Holcomb was a Swedish tenor and I remember that year I had General Council of the Assemblies of God in Dallas Texas and Jack locum was a Swedish tenor that sang at that council I got his records and I enjoyed him so much and as I stood there in that new country I heard him sing two songs he's saying I have been born again and the old account was settled long ago I thought isn't this strange I don't understand how I could hear him singing in this new race after this experience I called Waco Texas and was going to ask his permission to use that part of my story in my first book and I got his widow or she told me he died I heard him singing up there and that was an amazing experience then I knew I must go inside the gate and the angel stepped forward and as he did he touched the gate and it opened to me and I stepped inside and the most brilliant yellow light shined through me and all of my pain was gone and I looked down and no pink skin was storming over all three incisions that's pretty quick for healing and then I looked all around and the light was so bright I kept trying to see Jesus he was at the right of the Father in a majestic golden throne room and the light was too bright but it reflected on a golden Boulevard down the center of the city and it shined through me and warmed my cold body I will always remember the light Saint John calls Jesus the light and the life interchangeable I realized that the light in that throne room was the source of all energy and Power and Light and Life and electricity and warmth that causes the earth to function then I began to skip on in and I hurried and as I did I walked through what looked like Northern Lights or Airport beacons these were prayers ascending from the earth prayers are not just words uttered in frustration these prayers were ascending from the earth like laser beams and they were going directly to the light in the throne room I saw the other and a prayer on one shaft of light I saw my father's voice registered he was the first one that stepped up to the side of my bed my husband mother and my daughter were leaning against the wall I saw them and I looked down and I saw that scene in the room my father was weeping he said all he could think of when he talked with the nurse's aide that was with me saw my body covered with a sheet and they had pulled the bed over by the door he was so heartbroken he nearly said Jesus to offer comfort to himself but in that one word mom was a wish that I had not died folks if you're here tonight in a desperate situation his name there is no other name under heaven heaven whereby we might be saved save for my circumstance save from our sins my father bring it his name and his name will always be enough in emergency when there's not time to pray an intelligent prayer my dad just buried his name I never wanted to leave that glorious place but his one word prayer and he wished I had not died it changed my mind and I travel faster than a jet plane back down toward the roof of the hospital I saw the morning Sun coming up it was coming up over the horizon it was actually 528 a.m. and I saw it from a high vantage point as the Sun came up over the horizon and then I began to realize how fast I was traveling I saw that the morning Sun was shining on all the church steeples in our hometown my religious prejudice was gone I realized my racial prejudice was gone in that place I found out they didn't even ask for a label no Passport they didn't ask what church I went to the only passport visa to get in was Jesus the Son of the Living God and I realized God loved all of the churches in our town where they exalted his son Jesus and I approached the hospital and I looked down through the roof through the fifth floor toward the fourth floor and I looked into room 336 I've had the privilege of going back there seeing the microfilm of all of my medical records and I went back to room 336 I'll never forget that morning as I saw the Sun come up and I began to script for I saw as I travel toward the hospital the Morning Sun had a special ray that was coming through the window and there were ivory letters pulsating about two inches high like a stock market ticker tape and they were going into my body through the sheet and as I got close I felt like I got in an elevator and when you hit the bottom floor that sensation I felt that little jerk and I slid into my body and as I did I remembered what I read to me he sent His Word and healed them and I saw the ivory letters and I read the words of Jesus they were Saint John 11:25 I am the resurrection and the life he that believeth on me though he were dead yet shall he live and when I saw the Word of God I'd had a lot of hallucinating one of the most horrible things was the drugs worse than the pain and I would have blue pink Amanda threw me from the top of one building to another all during this experience and I wondered is this hallucination too so I reached up to touch those words of Jesus this was no hallucination when I reached out by push the sheet off my face I touched the Word of God and life went into my fingers and into my arms and into my body and ice that up I want you to know you're looking at one of the happiest people you're ever going to meet for a second chance to live again second chance to love people again and when I sat up I scared a whole believe nurses they ran out the door she didn't you see for many days when I was in a coma and for 28 minutes after I had died and when I sat up and the sheet fluttered down I had to draw a picture though why she was frightened i sat up and I am 5'4 12 I weighed 68 pounds I had brain complexion yellow eyes and my hair had not been shampooed for nine weeks I had lost several weeks off the calendar when I start up there wasn't much there and it was a frightening experience I looked in the mirror and for the first time in my life I didn't care how I looked it was so wonderful to have a second chance to live again and I was so homesick so hungry so thirsty and I looked around and I saw my husband oh he looks so wonderful it was so good to see him mother and dad were there and their daughter Brenda all of them got up on the bed they were squeezing my feet and hugging my legs yeah I knew that it would be like now on the great resurrection morning when we see our loved ones again to see them again in that room and do you know little things mean a lot I have to tell you the first thoughts that came into mind I want to go home and bake bread and mow the grass and let my husband and mop the kitchen and do dishes little things that had never meant anything just little things and all of a sudden I looked out the window and the grass Oh her wonderful things I had not paid attention to before the grass was so beautiful the grass in that new place was like twisted strands or green velvet and life when to my legs as I walk through it and this morning the ordinary grass was so lovely and the Morning Sun every morning now is like Easter at my house I can hardly wait to see what God has planned for my day and I looked out and there was a black boy carrying a case of 7up on his shoulders across the hospital lawn into the vending machine in the basement and do you know what I would have jumped out that window and hugged him if I could have I loved that black boy so much then I turned to my family and we began to to talk and to call my grandmother mom perky when I went into the hospital she was very seriously ill and I wanted to tell her there's no fury death I picked up the phone and I died a seven through three 2:286 there's no fear in death it's just changing locations from here to there it's very sudden I told her everyone that she knew that I knew that had died and I just began to talk about the light and the music and I just just rambled on telling my grandmother so that she would not be afraid to die she'd been there he said she didn't even answer me and I thought this is so strange I thought she'd be so happy to know about this I didn't know mother had called her and told her I'd died and talk to her she thought well if Betty died and if I'm talking to her on the telephone I died to her my father got on the phone and he says mother we don't know you know what has all happened but Betty is sitting up in bed talking about a light and we'll call you back in a little bit well the next thing that happened they call my doctor poor man he had gone home to get some sleep and they brought him back and he was very embarrassed I mean how would you explain to your colleagues that a patient that you sign your death certificate for sits up in bed just made a mistake a dreadful mistake or it looks like you were in a hurry to go home and get some rest and you were not sure he sat down and he was overwhelmed with just embarrassment all of a sudden I began to talk about everything that I had seen and he took my hand and asked my family to leave I said doctor I'm so thirsty and so hungry and so homesick and I said please tell me the nurses to tell my mother to be sure that Brenda gets to go to see the fourth of July fireworks he said Betty it's August the first I'd missed a lot of time and Brenda got to see the fireworks then I asked if I could go home I said I feel so wonderful he said Betty I want to talk very seriously with you never without oxygen for a long period of time you had a high fever we used powerful drugs for pain because we knew you could not live and when we came in you were in very serious condition you have a bowel block your organs had started to disintegrate when you just talked about mental therapy physical therapy you were blind when you came to us you may always be blind through this condition toxic poisoning you know I said Oh new doctor when I saw the light now I can see he said and I wouldn't talk about what I saw a great shot you will never understand what all you've been through he said when people will know about the brain damage she said we will help you I knew he did not believe nor understand and I said well could I I'm so hungry yes he said you've had a high fever and stomach pumper over a month and we are going to first of all do a colostomy to make a way of elimination first then we'll talk about fluids later on a diet a soft diet and I almost wish I had stayed you know to think about this here I was again worrying about this inconvenience he got up to leave and he said I'm going down to scrub I'll see her in surgery in 20 minutes I begged and he said I will send you a little bit of crushed ice a sip of 7up and in just a minutes time it was way too quick an aide came in prop me up in bed and on this tray there were two broiled pork chops and applesauce cottage cheese a square of lemon cake and a pot of tea now I'm not a dietitian but I don't think this is what you feed someone that has not eaten for over a month but I polished it off it almost nothing flat do you know we forget to be grateful for little things like the taste of food the ability to digest to eat a lot of people that don't enjoy it was so wonderful something I had taken for granted and all of a sudden in came a registered nurse unrolling some tubing she said Betty we made a dreadful mistake I have to run this tube up your nose down your throat I must pump your stomach so you don't vomit and hemorrhage I said Oh nurse please don't it tasted I will mama I promise I promise you I will mama I argued with her before she put the tube in my nose a lady came through the door I took her by the elbow and I listened to learn this woman wanted to complain she was ready to go home her husband was on his way to pick her up in the car and she'd been dismissed and all they gave her for her last meal was for answers in seven then the doctor came back he said you could sue the hospital we've made a dreadful mistake I said doctor I don't think you have made a mistake God has a sense of humor senior didn't believe me when I told you where I went shook his head he knew I was really in bad mental condition so he said now if one bit of food has passed the Diwan oh is that the way you pronounce God no muscle we're in trouble and sorryto they don't even don't even prep her like you're usually to just speed things up I'll see you in surgery well when the nurses they got me on the car I bed I said I have a natural impulse I'm telling you so she said let's try she took me in that little room and I want you to know the funniest grossest thing you're ever going to see is two nurses in white uniform applauding ABM smart man is amazing this is another thing you take for granted little things that mean so very much I was so happy for just simple things that I had taken for granted for so long my doctor came in he he was so amazed he said this is not possible this can't happen he kept saying and then he said as he pulled the sheet back and saw some new pink skin starting to knit over the incisions he said general I don't know where he went but wherever you went you have come back well and he was amazed I didn't stay for seven or eight weeks of mental and physical therapy when I left he said now I want to run you you'll have a lot of depression you'll have a drug withdrawal you probably have a drug habit for a while that you need to cope with we need to talk about birth control I doubt very much if you would ever conceive but if you would get pregnant by some remote chance it probably would produce a deformed child we need to talk about birth control he had a lot of things to say well I went home and in two days I began to eat in three months I had gained a little weight back in two years I had a daughter born perfect in every way and I just had wonderful health ever since they only lingering problem I have is the brain damage I have to tell you I fooled a lot of people I'm working on book number seven the hospital Christian Fellowship have been kind enough to bring books here and the proceeds will go for this wonderful organization so on your way out if you would like a copy of my glimpse of eternity prayers that are answered supernatural living I think we've got back there angels watching over me and the brand-new and women in tune and my husband has written a little book if you're over the hill you ought to be going faster this is a control and depression and some of the natural things but you know I didn't come here tonight just to tell a wonderful story to friends where I used to live but when Jesus was on earth he gravitated toward need I have to clarify something though I did not sue the doctor two attorneys came in malpractice suits and they did make some dreadful mistakes and I could have sued the hospital but I was too glad for a second chance to live again to hurt anybody and I must tell you that my first book my gramps of eternity has sold over a million copies it's an 18 languages my first royalty check was $11 more than my hospital bill so God has been good to me and when Jesus was on earth he gravitated toward need and I know that behind every heart that beats there is a secret sorrow and tonight I want to pray for your need in closing father I thank you that you allowed me to see the other end prayer and now Lord when I pray I know that my words are not just floating in space but they are direct rays of energy that was sent directly to the throne room of God and Lord I'm praying out for the needs of this audience if there is anyone here tonight that does not have a passport visa to Eternity I pray that the Holy Spirit now would reveal himself in great love to that heart the Lord as that person begins to bring to her name in faith I pray that you would receive that confession and that you would wash away the guilt of the past and forgive sins in the heart of anyone here tonight there are many times in an audience there are people who are in such a hurry when they were baptized or confirmed they didn't receive all God intended them to have at that time and I pray as we have in her presence we've been singing and we have been exhausting Jesus the Son of God that everyone here would remember Calvary and Jesus death how his blood was shed to eradicate the sins of our past and I thank you Lord that you are the same yesterday today and forever and you are still the Great Physician major Lord says that when you went away greater things than I do you shall do because I go to the Father my opinion that in essence this was a prophetic statement because Jesus himself was the Great Physician and he knew the time would bring about modern medicine and technology that would indeed heal and mend broken bodies and mood also he is our great physician and he is the same and when faith reaches out after men and women has done all that he or she can do then Jesus makes up the difference many times in his over warring practical Providence he performs a miracle that no one can explain I pray for miracles here tonight as simple childlike faith reaches out Lord I asked her to heal those who are not well and are suffering here tonight bless the name of Jesus thank you Lord that you were wounded for our transgressions bruised for our iniquity and the chastisement of our peace was upon you and with your stripes that beating that you took on your back we are healed through your suffering we claim that here tonight Lord I know that in every audience there are paper they have disappointments sometimes they are locked in tore dead marriage maybe nursing a dream that has died warlord I ask you now you are still the resurrection and the life resurrect broken dreams here tonight and lord I pray for a very special resurrection of an exciting interest in medicine and nursing that people here will perhaps become weary in their vocation would be revived with the resurrection power of Jesus to see that they have a double opportunity to serve mankind in a very special way Lord every morning I pray that verses here will plug into the source of all energy and power and that Jesus would give them extra joy and extra light and life that they can distribute it to patients lord I pray that you would mend broken Minds bring peace to those who are troubled in a confused rapidly moving world now broken marriages Lord heal broken hearts and broken relationships represented here we've used our credit card of faith now Lord we're thanking you for the answers that are on the way for we have prayed in the name of Jesus the Son of the Living God amen you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Healthcare Christian Fellowship - USA
Views: 418,787
Rating: 4.7848487 out of 5
Id: mQtuN8yw5Hw
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Length: 61min 9sec (3669 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 26 2018
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