"Heaven Is For Real" Interview with Todd and Colton Burpo

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well happy Father's Day weekend it's so good to be here with all of you and can we give a warm welcome to Todd and Colton Burpo here so here joining us thank you guys so much for being here you can see Colton is wearing a splint cast thing he sliced a tendon open in his hand while mowing the grass okay he he may have gone to heaven but he's still mows grass here all right so we'll be praying for you cold it's so good to have you guys here and if you don't mind I just want to jump right on in with the elephant that's in every room everywhere you guys go and it's like this this is crazy are you talking about heaven and back and the things that you saw and you know even the least skeptical minded person has to just enter into hearing your story for the first time going really really and yet when I was talking with you yesterday and getting to know you guys I really discovered that you yourself even though this is your son and you're a pastor had a little bit of a journey yourself why don't you tell us about that journey and tell us of when you became convinced that God had really given this experience to Colton well I think for me it's kind of a sad beginning because I think our culture's affected our faith more than our faith has affected our culture because here I am a pastor I'm supposed to be a person of faith and hear my son's recounting a miracle and I would stand up in a pulpit and say I believe in a God who answers prayer and then I was looking at an answer to prayer in front of me and I was I having a hard time believing it remember the church in acts 12 or Peter standing at the door well I can't be you or praying for you and your and you know that was me and it's not that I didn't believe in Heaven but I had I'd always avoided near-death experiences because I kind of came from a more fundamental background that really focuses on Scripture and really kind of downplays personal experience and I had to go home and here's all of a sudden God here's your son your four year old and and some people say well your son was just telling you what you wanted to hear in there's no way that that was happening how many of you could probably say his parents your 14 year olds could lie to you and get away with it right but not your four year olds he was four four year olds can't make up stuff and get all the details right all the time it was like God was in my face with my son screaming at me I answered your prayer but I answered it bigger than you asked for and God has the freedom to do that by the way amen but we don't give him that freedom sometimes and here I was mad fat Colton gives me a hard time sometimes uh you'll find he has the gift of satire but a lot of people have asked him well Colton how do you feel when people don't believe your story and he's like well I'm used to it my dad didn't believe it at first either that's great that's great well I you know in reading your book twice now come to the understanding that Father's Day weekend for you it's kind of bittersweet I mean here you are you're sitting with your son and and you're getting to share about Christ you know which is the passion of your life obviously Father's Day can be a very exciting thing it is right now and yet before Colton was ever born you share in in your book and in the movie that you guys went through a miscarriage yeah and it was a very dark down time and yet that ends up becoming a critical piece of how God has worked in your life through this journey and very specifically I remember you saying we obviously we didn't tell our three four-year-old about our previous miscarriage and yet here we are we're in your house I want to paint the scene of Colton's for your wife Sonya sitting at the table you're across the room and Colton says the thing that causes everybody's heads to spend tell us about that moment and what God began to do in you after that you know father Dave others day was a day that hurt because it was that night before Father's Day that my my wife lost that baby and we just you know when your wife comes to you and says honey I got to talk to you and all of a sudden you start realizing I'm going to be a dad again and that'd sunk in and we were going to announce to our church on Father's Day it was the night of right before Father's Day that she must carry the child so she laid at home in a fetal position traumatized just did I eat something wrong did I do something wrong laying in that fetal position blaming herself and can I tell you momma's in the room you didn't do that you had nothing to do with those babies you lost and better hurts and it's hard to talk about miscarriage is one of those things that a lot of people don't know how to talk about and her mother had never had a miscarriage my mother had never had a miscarriage we didn't know who to turn to and so when we got pregnant with Colton and we started becoming parents again we kind of we never did heal from that hurt we just kind of buried it is that is that it I think a lot of us have some buried hurts well the day he comes bouncing into the front room he goes up to his mom and she's working on something and I'm sitting over at the table about where you can see where the drums are that's about how far I am away from this conversation and he looks up these moms his mom I have two sisters and she's busy and she's not Unitas mom I have two sisters how do you explain to a three-year-old who just turned four that babies die in their mommies tummies without scaring them to death it's just not age-appropriate conversations y'all understand that you just don't do that and so she's like no frame of reference here we are five plus years later from the miscarriage she doesn't know what he's referring to and she goes you mean your cousin you just saw your friends and he's like no mommy you had a baby died in your tummy didn't you you talk about silence and I still remember her and I could hear her and she was if even her mom's do a loud whisper okay who told you is kind who gave me up who told you about that hurt and he's like well she did mommy she told me she died in your tummy turned around and started to bounce out of the room and my wife exploded the movie was way nicer with infant real singing she stood up and screamed at Colton I've never heard Colton Todd Burpo yelled louder ever have you no no okay Colton Todd burbles you gonna tell me something like that and walk away you get back here right now I mean that room went from light and airy to tense and who mom was ready to kill seriously and this time I remember Colton looking at me and I'm like I got nothing and so he tiptoes back to his mom this time and he's like it's okay mom she's okay God adopted her mommy she gets down on her knees puts her hands on his shoulders you mean Jesus adopted her no mom his dad did I mean I never had anyone explained the Trinity to me before or tried to correct me but my four-year-old could it's just so messed up okay cuz he's right you know and it's like she's okay she's okay and then well what does she look like and then what's her name and I remember him saying like in the movie this is Creek will you all never gave her a name she doesn't have a name and I'm like well didn't God go ahead and name her she's got a name now so if you've had a miscarriage can I encourage you name that child pray to God he'll let you know if it was a boy or a girl and what a healing thing to go through to give your child the name and then he starts complaining well dad mom's she just wouldn't stop hugging me and I didn't like that very much and in heaven you still get told no think about that for a little bit aren't you glad God's in control up there can you think look what we did down here right that's why heaven is still heaven so he still had to let his sister hug him and but I remember him telling me dad I told her that when you get to heaven you'd give your little girl hugs because you always give your kids hugs and by the time you can imagine we're just in tears were crying and that hurt was replaced by that piece where the Bible talks about the peace that passes understanding and in ten minutes that that hurt that we had buried God reached back in and touched and healed it that really brought me to the point of conflict over the book I never wanted to write a book and people came to me and this whole experience with my daughter was where God just got in my face again and he said well you remember the peace you experienced when you found out about your daughter in heaven I said God that was wonderful and he's like well is it right for you to keep that kind of peace to yourself and that's I'm like no it's not I got to share it so that whole living room experience for us is now I hope a living and room experience for a lot of people because let me tell you those babies those kids those aborted ones God's got them and they're good and how many of you especially older generations you know your parents never talked about that right it was kind of taboo how many of you have brothers and sisters in heaven that you're going to meet you better get ready families are bigger than heaven than they are down here now Colten understand that in addition to seeing your sister you you saw other kids you see a lot of kids tell us about what you learned about children in heaven well there are a lot of kids in heaven and a lot of people say so you saw your little sister in heaven no she was my big sister in heaven the kids do age like they went down here it's just that they don't continue to grow they have like a stopping point in their late 20s early 30s and everybody in heaven is young now usually when I say that a lot of people like yes so this is what it's like to be preaching on Sunday absolutely but in heaven all the kids they were playing they were having fun they were eating food yes there's food in heaven I had pizza and mac and cheese because I liked it and one thing in heaven that is just unescapable or inescapable is school I still had to go to school in heaven but the one upside Jesus was a teacher so what kind of a homework that Jesus have you doing when you're in heaven well he didn't let me remember what homework I got to do but that was the only time I ever liked homework so it must have been pretty good well that's fantastic that's fantastic well I wonder you know if you'd be willing to share with us cold and I know that seeing your sister wasn't the first thing or person that you saw tell us about your first sight and that experience well before I was even in heaven I saw Jesus I was lifting out of my body I could see the doctors working on me and I could see my parents in separate rooms and I was freaking out I didn't know what was going on but then I was sitting on Jesus's lap and he had the angels sing to me and after he calmed me down he had one of the Angels flying me to heaven and you're in heaven you're with Jesus can you tell us you know what you saw what did he look like what kinds of things was he doing well with Jesus he had brown hair a brown beard he had beautiful bluish green eyes and he had a smile brighter than in any that I've ever seen and in heaven what he'd be doing is he'd be walking around talking with people being with people the only person that doesn't really walk around heaven is God because he has to sit on his throne hold the world well what did it feel like to be with Jesus well being with Jesus was a lot like being with that one friend that whenever you went to their house you just loved it because their mom would bake you cookies or you got to do something over there that you couldn't do back home and when the parents came to come and get you you'd always hide because you never wanted to leave being what Jesus is a lot like that you never want to leave his side yeah well thank you for sharing that Colton now if you've seen the movie or read the book you you know that after this whole experience every time Todd and Colton would maybe be at a different church for a funeral or at a hospital or somewhere where there was a picture of Jesus Todd would say what about this one and Colton was like now and this was kind of an ongoing experience until they stumbled upon this particular picture and put it up on the screen at this so they stumble upon this picture and for the first time you didn't get the normal response could you tell us what happened at this moment and then assume we know nothing and tell us the background of this painting and out came about well Aki and her crew Marik one of the things in the movie she's a Lithuanian American her parents were atheist she'd never been to church a day in her life and her experience is very varied from Colton's Jesus started visiting her in visions and dreams okay so she never had a near-death experience she never almost died and and she's just proof that God has all kinds of ways to reach people Amen it's and here's Jesus I still believe you need to know Jesus but Jesus is fortunately not limited to our resources and just our methods to reach people and here he is speaking with talking to this little girl who's obviously an incredible artist and at age 8 paints that painting and we ventured out to one church our first church we ever spoke to it in Colorado Springs and one of the persons there that year saw the documentary about Afghan or America on CNN and said what she sounds just like Colton her descriptions of heaven all the colors and everything and was mesmerised so she contacted us and said you need to see this so I had Holton look at this painting and I said okay Colton what's wrong with this painting and he just froze Colton what's wrong with this painting and he's just he's just blocked and Colton is a very very black-and-white person you know he doesn't say he gets up at 7:30 I got up at 7 27 he's still that way okay if you want to have just discriminating okay it's his dad that's right it is the only painting ever and when I put that in the book I anticipated all kinds of people to contact me and say well I saw Jesus I went to heaven and he didn't look like that I've had zero people do that what 13 million copies later I've had thousands of people say that's exactly what he looks like oh wow well Colton why don't you tell us because you know I understand that for instance you've shared about playing with kids and when you first came back you knew their names and you would say their names with your parents and over time you lost some of that but I think it'd be good for us to hear what is the most unforgettable seared memory you have it's still vivid today well I have quite a few memories where I'll never forget them but then I have a few memories where I'm like you know I'm never going to I'm never going to do that down here but the one memory that I'll never forget is I was looking around and I saw everybody was happy and everybody had new bodies as in nobody had scars nobody had markers everybody was perfect no cast on their hand yeah this is a pain but Jesus was the only one that had markers and they were in his hands feet and I was just very puzzled so I finally just asked Jesus Jesus how come you still have markers when everyone else doesn't and what he said to me is Colten that's to remind me how much I love you and Todd when he first shared this with you guys what were you thinking well again when he started when I said you met Jesus tell me what he looks like you know hit the very first thing he would say was that well dad Jesus has markers and I'm like markers what are markers you know he was four and he had he had a limited vocabulary and I asked him about the hair and he had pretty much described that painting as best he could but markers and finally I remember going and calling Sonia and I had an idea color you know i'ma back to : you mean markers like colors and he goes yeah dad like colors I will what color and he goes well dad red then it kind of dawned on me and I said well Colton where Jesus's markers and I remember him we were downstairs in the basement he always had toys in his hands he just dropped him and he pointed there right here dad he pointed to his palms reached over pointed down these feet and he said that's where Jesus's markers were dad like I had to cause your head to spend now it was just another one of those moments that people what did you say next nothing yeah my hair standing up on the back of my neck and you're just like yeah yeah okay well you just a moment ago that there's some memories you've focused on because you know you won't be able to do those things here could you share one or two of those with us well one of them is I got to play with lions now you can't do that down here without getting really hurt so I thought that was pretty cool now I've been asked sometimes well did you have a house what colors were inside the house I'm I was a little boy I didn't care about that stuff but the other thing that I saw that was really cool was Michaels Flaming Sword now with Michael he is about twice as tall as my dad and then his flaming sword the blade was as tall as my dad and the handle was as long as his arm and it was on fire I saw that and I went can I have one yeah I was told no goodbye three-year-old turn four yesterday and I'm like yes if that was his experience I'd be the exact thing he would be talking about as well and on his return trip so you mentioned lions did you see other animals yeah um I saw dogs cats elephants tigers almost every animal we have down here is up in heaven yeah and sounds like colors or the same colors that you see here well the colors in heaven they have all the colors we have down here but you just have a lot more some colors that I can't even name because we don't have them yeah yeah and so you said that you were aware of the father sitting on his throne anything he would add to that picture well God was really big I mean he's big enough to hold the whole world in his hands so when people ask me well what did God look like well it was hard to make out the features because you had to look up quite a way but with God the person that looked the closest to God was the Archangel Gabriel he had blond hair blue eyes and then Gabriel he smiled a lot well thank you Colton and did so you saw Michael you saw Gabriel any other angels that you saw well those are the only two angels that I remember talking to but up in heaven I also saw John the Baptist the Apostles Peter and John King David Sampson and Mary the mother of Jesus probably changes the Bible stories at sunday-school how does the Sunday school teacher actually how does that work it works like this of there one of the kids in our class no we don't want to teach that class yeah it still works that way today yeah yeah could be slightly intimidating now another really monumental thing and I think you know for a natural person you're curious about heaven and it is you know will this person that I love who has passed be there in addition to your daughter that you had never met there's another member of your family why don't you tell us about the unveiling of that and what that meant to you guys you know Colton saw many things in his three minutes that he said he was gone you know the whole time thing in the MU shows that it was incredibly perplexing to my pea-brain you know but yet God operates outside of time you know Peter says with the Lord a day is a thousand years and a thousand years of the day so his memories are incredible compared to a lot of people that have had near-death experiences their specific their detailed and and yet at the same time there's no way he can remember everything he saw and yet my wife and I have sat down I know I had more family members in heaven than my granddad and my daughter okay but those are the two he remembers and we've asked ourselves the question why those two why and why so much and I think it is just because do you know God is a healer and he wants to heal you and he wants to heal me and and you can love Jesus Christ and maybe be a Christian all the years your life and you still have some hurts because in this world you know Jesus told his disciples you'll have trouble anyone agree with that verse you know this is not heaven yet and he still wants to heal our hurts and the hurt that we carry and I kind of talk to you about that he touched for us with with my daughter my mother I caught her many many times crying in tears at night because when her dad passed my grandfather loved his family matter of fact I idolized him he was killed in a car wreck before I turned seven and my grandmother would still get mad at me you're just like pop he impacted my life that much my favorite person and he got killed and my mother would cry because pop never spoke much about his faith never really said where he stood and what he believed about Christ and for some reason family members sometimes don't share and talk about the things that they shouldn't could and we found this out afterwards my mother was there but she was in front of my my grandfather and the other family members were behind my great-uncle was a old assembly God the preacher and they had revival meeting and and he asked people with that revival meeting do you want to give your life to Jesus Christ at that meeting two days before my granddad was killed they said at the back of the room my granddad now I look just like him except he was a lot bigger than me right Andy had curlier hair yeah and puts his hand up and made a decision two days before he was killed my mother never heard about that god what did my mother to hear about that and the healing the peace that came into my mother's life and all our lives and here's another thing that I find that's really cool as a pastor I'm sure you've been here I've done funerals where people have lost parents and then they've gone through the oh so painful thing of losing a child none of us ever ever ever plan on it subtracting a child that's just not something we know it's going to be hard to bury a parent one day but we we expect that we never ever ever expect to bury a child and I've heard many people caught in those funerals and I've tried to minister to them and be there with them and they've said well my mother's holding my baby now my dad is taking care of my child that's true that's true my grandfather was watching my kid for me and we'd only have scriptural proof of that except we know our loved ones are in heaven and we know we can trust Jesus and yet here's this four-year-old saying dad that's how it is and this is stuff I know that no way I can know from down here I can only figure it out from up here I went there you know and it's like God not only loves you and He loves you so much he loves families you know God created families and his expression of God's family the church that's why we need such a family how do people go through hard times without the church family around them I don't know but when I look at those two family members especially my grand dad let me tell you there was a lot of healing in my home and I hope when you look at these two things whether you've buried a parent or you've buried a child I just hope that healing that God gave to us is something you can share in when you were with Colton and he began to bring this up like what exactly exactly did he say at that moment I mean when I realized when he started talking about pop no we were on a I have a little bitty red truck when my nephew drives it now and we were driving to another town Colton would go with me to measure buildings to reframe doors and put in garage doors and he would just talk indiscriminately out of the blue and all of a sudden you know one day we were passing a cemetery and all of a sudden you just start bringing it but what we're not passing anything and we're just sitting there and he's sitting in his car seat next to me yes he had his seatbelt on I've had it's amazing what people will call you out on for the Internet okay he was buckle you know and but he just started off dead you see have a grandpa named pop didn't you now that didn't surprise me because we talked about pop and I said yeah he goes well wasn't your mommy's dad or your dad's dad that goes my mom's dad and he goes well he's really nice I go yeah he was and I really hope to see him again one day he's like dad you will I saw him he's in heaven and that's how it started and there was something about pictures and and Colton being tell us about him identifying this picture you know the movie how many of you seen the movie by the way okay one of the things that they did in the movie of course they had this time thing they had to crunch so in real life it was much more difficult on Colton to identify that picture than on the movie these things came to a slower eye it dawned on me when he described his sister that she looked a lot like her mother and a lot like his big sister that that's kind of how I expect her to look down here and then I take her to pictures of pop that I had at 61 and he's like dad no one's old in heaven nobody wears glasses he's young so I finally asked my mother mom do you have a picture of pop when he was a young man he goes yeah I had one but I put up in a closet years ago and left to find it it took her like two months to send me that picture and this was a picture that was put up in a closet five years before he was born I can tell you he never saw it and in this picture it is in life in the movie in the book it's the same picture it's a family photo my grandmother who was 88 at the time was still alive my mother was a baby my uncle was a seven year old there's Papa's a young man and I called him into the front room the same living room we were in when we talked about my sister or his sister and my my daughter and I said Colton just take a look at this and it was a piece of paper that this photograph had been copied onto so I was handing him an eight-and-a-half by 11 sheet of paper he didn't know what I was handing we had had no conversations that day or that week or anything about pop I just said Colton take a look at this my wife was sitting across on the sofa and I'm sitting here on the chair and headed to him and he looks at it and without hesitation he looks at me and says hey how did you get a picture of pop he knew exactly what that was no hesitation never saw at this side of heaven can any of you doctors explain to me how the drugs and chemicals put that memory in his head that he never had seriously couldn't move I looked at him and said Colton well yeah that's pop do you remember anyone else there I mean do you recognize anyone else he looks down at it looks back at me no I don't know anyone else in that picture then I pointed at grandma Ellen now in the picture she's 26 and he had just seen her a month before him she was 88 okay but she's alive don't you know who that is and he looked at and says no I don't know who that is now she looked a lot better at 26 okay and I said well Colton don't you know who pop was married to he looks back down at the picture you mean that's grandma Ellen yeah I don't look like grandma Ellen he could recognize the relative in that picture he never saw but he could not recognize the picture that was alive that he'd of the person that he knew well it's fascinating thank you so much for sharing that now Colton as you share with us you saw a lot of kids you saw pop did you see uh were there a lot of people in heaven yeah there were a lot of people some people ask me well how many do you think there were at the time I could only count to 20 so I get to 20 and be like um then that guy that yeah so you saw a lot of people and you said this yesterday and so I just want everyone here to hear this what what did everyone there have in common well everybody in heaven they love Jesus and some people asked me well don't doesn't everybody go to heaven no the people that love Jesus are the ones that get to go and when I asked Jesus well how do you get to heaven he answered with Colton if you love me and follow me my dad's okay with that you can come to heaven I think that's important to hear and I wonder Todd if you'd be willing to close us we've got two or three minutes left here you got captive audience several thousand people and you you have a crack to say if there's one key thing that you could say to all of us here because of you know your experience with your son what would you say to us you know a lot of people we've talked about and many times will talk about how God loves us and how he wants to heal you and some people get in my face and say well that hasn't been my experience down here and some of them are mad at me for even suggesting that God loves them and I get that okay but if you're going to be honest with me about your feelings can I be honest with you back and maybe some of you are really struggling with that I'm okay with that I've been mad at Kut - okay there's an obstacle between the love that you should have in your life and the presence of God that you shouldn't have in your life and that obstacle can keep you from experience in that love and the best earthly illustration I can give to that - you came to me by a grandparent grandparents are not only wise they're probably the best models of grace and love on the earth down here how many of you would agree with that I mean our grandparents would always do stuff for us our parents wouldn't right and how many of you grandparents say you can't help it right exactly when we talk about the favor of God that's what we're talking about and people like well I don't get it I had a grandmother explained it to me once she said you know what a grandkid is I said no what's a grandkid she says it's your reward for not killing your teenager and in that one statement she's spot-on with the problem between you and God let me explain this to you how many of you have ever said this to your teenager you need to lose the attitude okay how many of you remember very distinctly hearing the same thing from your parents and they heard the same thing from their parents from their parents okay there's something about us in this human condition that says I can do it myself everyone else is stupid and I know everything and sometimes we not only hurt people but the people that want to love us we push them away and we tell them to get out of our lives and since this is Father's Day can I can I ask you dads a question in the room how many of you like it when your teenager says dad you're stupid you can't tell me who I can be friends with on Facebook you can't tell me who I can have I'm gonna say this wrong Twitter accounts with it I get right who you follow on Twitter who I follow you can't tell me who I date whatever I mean I can have relationships I can do whatever I want dad you're my problem how many of you dads love it when you get that attitude from your teenager directed right at you I've asked that question out over a million fathers and not one father anywhere from Brazil the singer poor the United States to Canada has ever raised his hand you see you did not evolve from a monkey you are not an accident the Bible says you were created in an image of God there was a pattern used for every single dad in this room and the Bible's right you think like god dad you think 100% like God and some things you don't know it but you do and we say god you're stupid you're old-fashioned I know better than you get out of my life just like you bristle in the hair on the back of your neck stands up God ain't going to put up with that either but dad's on across Jesus Christ did everything that you and I couldn't fix but this attitude he left it up to us this is the one obstacle we got to deal with how many of you dads if that same teenager that God in your face maybe cussed you out and swore and all this sort of stuff came back to you and said dad I'm ashamed I hurt me I hurt you I hurt mom I wish I could take it back but I can't undo the past but I hurt and I'm sorry will you forgive me I don't want to do that anymore I want things between you and me to be right how many of you dads would forgive your teenager because they asked you that way hands everywhere you think like God God's just so waiting on you to do that to him there you go that's the beginning of the relationship getting fixed and here's a deal you can go to church you can sit in church and you can still carry that teenage spirit with you I know a lot of people my age 46 years old that have never grown up anyone else 60/40 how many of you know some really nasty mean old 90 year olds I mean you can get old but you can take that teenage spirit to your grave can't you you sure can and you don't want to if I can tell you anything today the day's the day you need to grow up and lay that teenage spirit down before you walk out of this place heaven is worth it your family's worth it the love from God that you need in your life is so worth it and Jesus Christ brought you to a point through a cross where that's all you've got to do it say dad I'm sorry and I am ashamed and I want to follow you and I want things to be right between us and then I'll get to see you in heaven yeah I think you'd be appropriate to close in prayer I'm actually going to encourage you if you're in this place and you sense that God's kind of knocking on the door of your heart and you feel like you're ready to open it maybe for the very first time to say I want to grow up to use Todd's language I want to be someone who trusts you who listens to you who follows you who loves your son and give you an opportunity to do that the scriptures are very clear that when you accept Christ he makes you into a new person he gives you the gift of eternal life gives you the gift of God's Spirit living inside of you helping you to actually know God's will in his ways and be able to follow in his path the spirit of power that sets you free from things that have kept you captive your entire life let's bow our heads close our eyes I'm going to say a prayer and if you mean this in your heart you can receive Christ today and know that you will receive the gift of eternal life let's pray together Jesus had come and I acknowledge that I have spent a whole lot of my life not listening to you it's been a whole lot of my life rejecting you thinking that I know better that my ways are higher than your ways and I believe that you sent you eternally begotten Son to die for me and to rise so that I could be raised up to new life so Jesus I put my faith in you I believe that you're capable of forgiving me of my sins and being the Lord of my life and I invite you to do that now would you forgive me would you lead my life I invite you into my heart surrender my life to you I pray that you'd give me the gift of your spirit and the gift of eternal life I pray this Jesus in your name and everyone who agreed said amen can we thank Todd and Colton Burpo for joining us here
Channel: Cherry Hills Community Church
Views: 595,314
Rating: 4.7565079 out of 5
Keywords: religion, evangelical, church, christianity, heaven is for real, burpo, afterlife, heaven, what is heaven like
Id: mmNrQ7Smung
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 16sec (2596 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 22 2015
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