Tesla Touchscreen FULL WALKTHROUGH 2023! (IN DEPTH)

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whether you're an existing Tesla owner that's recently updated their software and things might look a little bit different or a brand new Tesla owner that is new to Tesla and the touch screen setup here today I'm going to be walking through every single feature and functionality on the touch screen every single button everything you may need to know to drive your car so to start out the screen is kind of split up into some different sections here so on the left side we've got kind of just The General Car status here and we'll do a drive in a second to see what that looks like while we are driving on the right here is the map that is the kind of default bottom level view but then as we open up things they will cover up the map and have other menu options there and then on the bottom here this is here all the time these are kind of your main functions you may need to access and we'll walk through each of these pieces individually so if we start out on the left side here you can see it's very blank just showing the car status here so we've just got some main things we can do to the car so we can press on this front button up here that will open up the front trunk we can press on this button back here that will open up the trunk if we press on this lightning bolt this will open up the charge port and also bring up the charging screen here and then we can also lock and unlock the vehicle from here as well the only other thing on this left panel is our percentage up at the top here so we can actually press on the battery to bring up that same charging screen and we can also quickly switch between miles and percent by clicking on that number there so if I switch to Miles you'll see I have 177 miles of range remaining but if I click back you can see I'm at 60 percent so very little on this far left screen so we're actually going to close everything up and take a short drive over to a charger and see what this screen looks like while we're driving quick tip here as well if you have a charging location pulled up on your maps you can actually share it to the touch screen and it will then show us our route to get to that charger so we're going to now press on the brake and you'll see some of these warning lights will actually pop up on the left that's where you'll see warnings if they do come up while you're driving you also see our gear is now popped up here since we have put our foot on the brakes so we've got PRN and D for Park reverse neutral and drive so we'll flip up to go into reverse here you'll see our backup camera now pops up and you also see a lot of things now start to pop up now that we are in gear so we've got this hold that shows right here so if I were to you know let off of the brake my car is going to hold in a park here or hold with the brake on you also see our speed limit up at the top right there that will show either the current speed limit based on the maps or the most recent speed limit sign that we've seen and you'll see I'm kind of close to some area here and our parking sensors will actually show up when we're kind of parking and getting into space so we're going to start backing up here and you'll see as soon as I have started to move my gear is now showing as my miles per hour so they've actually shifted that up to the left here so that it's much easier to see what your current speed is and as we get going here you also see a lot more visualization on the screen so we may see some Lane lines we may see some other things and I'll also be able to show you what autopilot looks like once we get on the on the highway at the top here we've also got this energy bar so if you see it kind of moving to the right and turn black that means I am using energy but then if I let off of the accelerator and slow down a little bit you'll see the green line shows up meaning that I'm using regen braking and I'm putting battery or energy back into the battery as I slow down you also see as we kind of get through and get moving a little bit here we'll show this little autopilot symbol comes up at the top left that is showing us that we are able to put on autopilot right now and if we were to enable autopilot our Max Speed would be what is right to the left of the speed limit sign there so I've got it set as just a five miles per hour offset so if I were to trigger autopilot right here you'll see that it'll now go up to 30 miles per hour that autopilot symbol will then turn blue to show them on autopilot and we've got those Lane lines now showing up so we're going to toggle that off since we are kind of on a back road here on the right side here we do also have our map view so they've shifted this round a little bit at the bottom now we're seeing kind of just our overall trip stats we can see what our estimated time of arrival is how much time we have left and what our distance remaining is and you could also see what our projected state of charge is when we arrive at that charging station and then if for example we have something covering the screen and we'll actually see that the directions will move over to the left side of the screen so if you do have you know your camera up or music up or you're looking at something on the touch screen your directions or your next turn will now show up at the top here so it's a little bit easier to see and you can you know see your next turn without seeing the entire map so we're going to close that since I like the map view a little bit better and I'm turning on my right turn signal and I do have the side view camera set to turn on and show when I am turning or have my turn signal enabled I'll show you that setting in a little bit we're going to turn out another road here and you may now see you know some more Street features some more cars show up on this visualization on the left side of the screen this is the FSD visualization I do not have FSD beta so obviously this is going to look a little bit different depending on what software you have you'll see we've just come to a stoplight here and that hold is now showing since I have let my foot off of the accelerator I am not pressing on the brake and I've got it just set to hold so it's going to hold and break for me without pressing on the actual physical brake you also see we're at a stoplight here and we're the first car in line we've actually got the live view of the stop light there so that's pretty neat so seeing we got a turn lane next to me it's showing the arrows on the pavement there I'm gonna flip on autopilot a second so if you uh do have autopilot on you'll see these two blue lines on either side if you do have navigate on autopilot like I do and you are on a major highway this blue line will actually be in the center kind of showing the route that your car is taking instead of just showing you know the normal autopilot so if I take that off you'll see those lines disappear if you do just have normal cruise control on so if you just do a single swipe you'll hear a single ding there that just shows that you know cruise control is on and it will show your max speed right there at the top right so we can then adjust that with the finger wheel to you know whatever speed you want just leave it at 50. if you did hear that Ding there that is the traffic light chime you can enable so if the light is turned green while you're sitting at a red light it will ding at you to tell you it is time to continue driving and we have now arrived at the charger you see me back it in towards it here I'm gonna put the vehicle in park and plug in so you can see what this looks like while we are plugged into a charger as you can see we are now plugged in and this left pane has changed a little bit but our charging screen is also opened up automatically so you can see what's going on with your charging session and change some controls here I'll get to that in a second but the left pane obviously looks a little bit different at the top here top left we've actually got our time remaining so obviously most important part of charging especially when you're on the road is how much longer is it going to take so your car has hit its charge limit along the bottom here we've also got our current kilowatt power that we are pulling onto our vehicle we can see how much battery we've added in kilowatt hours we can see the current amps that our vehicle is pulling and we can see the current voltage we are charging at so we're at 233 right now could also see our charge limit there is set at 80 percent and that bar we saw earlier that was showing our energy while we were driving is now just pulsing green to show that we are charging again similar to our uh range we can actually change and toggle this to see some different information so if your vehicle is set in Miles instead of seeing our kilowatts we will see our miles per hour that we're charging at so you can see we're kind of fluctuating between 21 24 miles per hour we can see how many miles of range we've added there and we can see our charge limit in Miles instead of percentage so if I change that to percent you'll see all of that change back I like that kind of seeing the engineering terms there personally but if you're more of a miles person you can obviously toggle between the two there one last thing on the left pane that may or may not be there depending on how you have it set up by default it should be there but you may see your music be here so if you are listening to music you'll have this little tab that pops up so you have quick views to music or podcast controls in this case so if you click on the Square here that will actually bring up kind of the main page showing you the Main Music you are playing now or maybe the playlist you're on we'll show there you'll have kind of your basic music controls there but you can also swipe between the different tabs here so they have changed this recently where if you swipe you can actually see current trip efficiency efficiency since your last charge and your current odometer so if you just need to view that really quickly you can do that via these tiles here if you continue swiping you can also see your tire pressure so if your TPMS are set up you'll see your tire pressure to show up on this tile here as well I've been clicking around some on the bottom here but let's talk about this bottom pane next so we've got a lot of kind of our basic controls and I'll walk through all these apps here in a second but on the left here is just our main car menu so if you want to get to kind of the bulk of the controls this car symbol on the bottom left is how you get to those that's how you control basically every setting on the car is through this little car menu here so if you click on that that will bring that up next to that you've got your climate controls so by default you're probably going to just have your temperature right here you can toggle that up and down and adjust that and you can see when you do that you get access to some more controls here so you can either open up the entire climate settings if you hit the gear icon there if we swipe that down and go back to that menu you can adjust your temperature right here by just clicking and dragging if you want to adjust that even more you can also turn on your seat heaters from here so if you click on the if you click on the seat heater button there it will adjust them and you may not see your seat heaters kind of on this bottom menu here and that is because you can actually remove them if you don't want them here so you can add just some basic climate controls to the bottom window here by holding pressing and holding on any of these apps so I like having these seat heater things here it's been pretty cold here in Ohio recently so it's nice just having quick access to those seat heaters if we continue on the climate controls here you've got obviously your front defroster if you press it once it will go to cool if you press it again it'll go to heat and you'll hear the the heat ramp up there and let's turn that off and then we've also got our rear defroster here as well that will just put on heat there and then you can also split the uh split the AC or split the HVAC ack from here as well so if you click on split that will either set the climate the same on both sides so you can see now if I'm adjusting it it's actually going to change the temperature over here whereas maybe if you and your passenger want different controls you can hit split there now if I adjust my side the right side is not going to change so you can adjust a lot of the major controls from the climate side right here if you do want some more climate controls you can either hit the setting button here that will bring up that or you can just swipe up from the temperature right there that will bring you to this main climate screen so a lot of options on here you obviously can adjust your vents pretty quickly from here on both the the passenger and driver side you can turn on and off the climate just with that power button there so if you turn it off it'll just go off completely you can toggle on and off auto so if I toggle off auto you then have access to some more controls here so you can adjust your fan speed right here you can adjust where in the car that's HVAC or that air is Flowing out of you can toggle on and off your auto seat heaters from here as well so if you do set the temperature up really high your seat heater is going to come on automatically and get a little toasty for you so I'm going to toggle that back down because it's actually a pretty nice day right now other options you have here are air circulation so if you want to circulate the air in the cabin you can do that from there on the right side you've got some schedule options so if you do want to schedule kind of off peak conditioning of your vehicle you can set that from here so right now I have this preconditioned to just set the climate and get the battery and car preconditioned by 8 am on weekdays when we're leaving for work so if we close out of that you can adjust the schedule there you've also got the option to just keep climate on so if you do leave that on when you leave the car your climate will stay on so maybe you're running into the store real quick and just want the climate to stay on while you're you know shopping for maybe a few minutes so the car stays either cold or warm you can leave it on there I've also got dog mode here so when you leave the vehicle very similar the climate is going to stay on but you'll also get a screen that shows up here that says hey the climate is set at whatever temperature don't worry about my my pet in the vehicle they are completely comfortable we've also got Camp mode very similar to keeping climate on but this also disables some things like the security alarm and the walk away door lock so if you are camping with your car you can leave Camp mode on it will leave climate on and when you leave you're not risking you know locking yourself out of your car if you don't bring your you know your key with you or maybe you leave your car your phone in here without Bluetooth on or something like that that is Camp mode right side controls are very similar for passengers you can adjust all those there and then on the left side we can also adjust the rear controls so we do have the rear fan on right now you can turn that off if you don't want air coming out of the rear fan where your passengers are sitting and you can also adjust the seat heaters individually on all the seats here so you can you can toggle those off adjust them and then if you just want them all off you can hit that button there and it will turn them all off and as you've seen kind of as I'm going through here this does drop automatically so if you are messing with stuff don't worry about swiping this away it does go away fairly quickly after you've been done uh messing with controls and adjusting things so we're going to turn can't mode off actually since I'm actively sitting in the car and we'll close that you can manually swipe that down as well either by just dragging in the middle or dragging on the little temperature icon there so that is it for the climate controls there let's go through some of these controls at the bottom so if you do click on this three dots here you can see kind of get full access to all the apps you might have on your car all the different options you have here if you press and hold on any of these this is where you can adjust those so like I said you can add some different climate icons down at the bottom left here so if there are certain things you just kind of want to have access to at all times you can put them on that bar there you have kind of three options for your main apps if you will so right now I just have my calendar my messages and my camera up there actually I think you can add four yeah you can add four so I do have music down there as well I use Spotify for the most part so I leave that kind of available at all times and then as you'll see on the right here we also have recent apps so if I just close out of that these two apps right here if they are not one of these main four or three that you have on all the time they will show up on the right side here so I was just looking at my energy screen so since I just looked at that it will pop up on the bottom right there before we get into some more of these controls let's talk about some of the the map side of things here so at the top here we've got some more just things that are here all the time if you are driving around so we've got our lock button at the top here if you click that you can also lock the vehicle from there we've got our current time we've got our current temperature we've got Sentry mode toggle on and off so if I do click that we can put Sentry mode on we'll leave it off for now since I'm sitting in the car we've got quick access to our profiles here so if you do have different drivers that maybe are using your car this is where you're going to change those around and you can see I'm at the top there and I do have easy entry on right now so if you do want to enable easy entry if you're in your profile you can toggle on this easy entry mode and basically what this does is put your seat into maybe a more comfortable position for getting into the car and then as soon as you shift into drive it moves into your driving position so a little bit more comfortable for getting in and out of the car if you do want to add more drivers you can do that from here you just enter in their name hit create profile it then will save all the different driving positions so if you you know you adjust your seat or anything you'll see it change at the bottom here if I want to save any of those seat positions or mirror positions or anything like that so this is also now able to be linked to your Tesla profile so you'll see my name my email my Tesla picture all show up here and this is then linked to my Tesla profile if I were to get another Tesla and log in it's going to adapt all those same mirror positions seat positions all of my preferences are then saved to my profile so I can hop in any Tesla basically and add my profile and I'm good to go which is really handy on the map here as well you can you know move around zoom in zoom out whatever you want to do on the map pretty easy and intuitive there you can also adjust your compass as well so if you just want North up you can click on that if you click again it's going to point you in the direction that your car is facing um you can also see the imagery where that's coming from from Google you can see you know your current location right there if you do tap on the screen you're going to get some additional options here on the right so since I have premium connectivity I can actually toggle on and off the satellite view of the map so if you do prefer you know just a standard map view over a satellite view you can toggle that on and off right there I'm going to zoom out to kind of a busier part of town you can see actually I have traffic on right now as well so I've got some red and orange areas on these certain roads and that's because I have traffic on if you want that off you can just hit the little traffic light there and that will remove those from the map we've also got this pin thing here and this basically just turns on and off points of interest so if you don't want to see you know random kind of things popping up as you're driving you can just turn that off and just see city names and street names just to make things easy I actually like leaving this on it's kind of fun seeing what's around you as you're driving around and then at the bottom here we've got this charger icon so when you click on this we've also got some filters at the top so if you have all of them on you'll see you know kind of slow medium and fast charging depending on what you want to see if we only want to see you know AC Chargers or slower Chargers we can see those if we only want to see you know City Chargers we can see those so we've got one in downtown that's kind of a destination or or Urban supercharger and then if we want to see you know the the very fast Chargers we can just toggle that on and only see superchargers there so we can see you know the fastest 150 kilowatts plus will then pop up if we click on those for the superchargers as well you can click into any of these so let's just look at a Grove City one for example and it's actually going to Route us to that supercharger I'm going to end that real quick but let's actually click on kind of the map view to see some information about that so if we are just looking at a supercharger we can see first off how many stalls are available is what that red pin shows there so there's only actually one stall available right now at the Grove City supercharger we've got the current wait time there as well looks like one one just opened up actually so we've got no wait time now we can see how many stalls are there what that Max output of those Chargers are and we can also see the pricing of those Chargers as well so we've got our price per kilowatt hour since we're in Ohio we can see it's a little bit more expensive in the middle of the day a little bit cheaper in the evening after midnight and we've also got our idle fees showing up there as well so you can see all the supercharger information there you can favorite them if that's one that you are frequenting and want to be able to see in your navigation a little bit more often all of that information on the supercharger will pop up there and as I mentioned you can also navigate to it quickly from there also so we'll go and end that trip so what about navigation so if we are navigating somewhere I showed some of it as we're driving to this charger but let's just say that we are going to Chicago for example we'll do kind of a nice longer drive to show you what that looks like when you type in a destination if it is farther away it's going to show you and start calculating what superchargers it suggests you stop at along the Route really handy so you know exactly where you need to stop how long you need to stop all that information we can see after that's kind of refreshed it's now going to zoom us into where we're at and start showing us directions on where to turn and do all that if we click on that we'll expand it we can see the individual turns that we need to take kind of scroll through and see what's going on there we can see the superchargers we need to stop at and then we can see what our estimated arrival state of charges and our arrival time is if we were to leave right now if you do want to kind of take charging into your own hands and decide when you want to stop you can remove all charging stops and it'll just do kind of basic navigation I don't recommend this just because you know you're probably going to have to stop and charge if you're taking a longer route and it will you know do all this for you and there's no reason to to not have that on in my opinion at the bottom here we've then got since we've removed the charging stops it doesn't know what our current arrival state of charge will be but that will show up there our destination will show up next to the pin there estimated time of arrival will show there again we had the starting charging stops off so if we add those back in we'll see some more accurate information of what that trip will look like and when we are on a longer route it's actually going to show us what our next stop is it's not going to show us what our final destination is you can see that in the top part there so since we've got our our first stop in Lima Ohio there this is our arrival information you know how much longer we've got to drive how long it will take and what our arrival time is we can turn on and off navigate on autopilot here so if you do have that enabled in your car that is where you can turn that on and off and then we've got some trip options here as well so if we do need to add a stop we can click there and then search for whatever destination we may need to stop at along the Route and you know on our way to the supercharger what that might look like we can also edit our trip so if we click on that we can actually add stops in here so let's say hey we want to stop in Indianapolis let's add that stop in here and we can add that to the trip so now it's going to go to Chicago and then Indianapolis and we can then toggle these around as well if we maybe want to swing through Indy on the way to Chicago we can we can add that in and then that becomes a part of our trip see we've got a few more charging stops now la best thing we can do is just kind of edit some of our trip options so if we go into settings we've got all of our navigation options here so you can add on your or turn up your navigation volume if you want to hear the voice kind of call out what your next directions are you can turn on automatic navigation which will actually just automatically route you to your next calendar event or if you're at work it will automatically route you home and vice versa pretty neat but I have seen it kind of just not act right so I just like to leave that off we've also got our trip planner this is that setting that will automatically add supercharger stops again I suggest adding that and keeping that on we've got online routing so if you do run into traffic conditions and it notices a reroute that may save you some time you can adjust how much time is worth it for you to reroute so I have mine set as low as possible if there's a traffic jam coming up I would like to keep moving and get around that if possible I have that set at five minutes and then we've just got some filters here for routing so you can either avoid ferries avoid tolls and also the option for HOV lanes if you do have those in your state that's about it on the navigation there so let's jump into the main Tesla menu and controls here because this is really where we get into the bulk of the capabilities so first off anytime you are you know looking at a a a settings menu or anything like that and you close out of it it's always going to bring you to these quick controls when you click on the car icon so don't worry about you know being buried in some menu and then closing it and like losing these kind of quick controls that you may need to access A Lot quickly a lot more quickly they will always be here when you open it up so just starting at the top here we've got our current driver profile this is you know the same Button as at the top here so if you do want to go in here and edit any of those profiles you can do that from here you've also got options to add a MyQ account if you do have a MyQ garage door opener you can link that here for opening and closing your garage door we've also got alerts here at the top so if you do have any camera or you know just general vehicle alerts that may have popped up sometimes they can pop up a little bit quickly and you may not see them so anytime an alert pops up it's now stored in here so you can look through and see you know what's going on or what errors you may have run into I've also got Bluetooth here at the top so if we click on that we can link our Bluetooth device so if we have you know our phone connected you can set the priority device so this will attempt to connect to my s22 before any other device in the car it is set as a priority device I have it set to sync contact so if I do have text messages come in or calls come in I know who it is I'm syncing messages as well so if I do have text messages come in I'll see them on the text message app here and I do have chime on new message turned off so I'm not getting dinged anytime a new text come in you can also you know forget the device or disconnect the device pretty self-explanatory there if you need to add a new device you'll do that here and we do have this information option at the top right for just some troubleshooting tips if you do run into any issues with linking your device you can troubleshoot them there so that's it on Bluetooth there let's get back into the menu then at the top right we do have LTE so your car should have LTE built in but if you do want to connect to a Wi-Fi signal you can do that from that button up at the top here so if you want to connect to your home Wi-Fi or hotel Wi-Fi or something like that you can do all that there and then you do have Wi-Fi settings as well so if you do just need to manually add a Wi-Fi network you can do that from here at the top you've got your lights so you can just toggle them off quickly from there you can turn on parking lot lights only you can turn on your headlights or you can just set them to Auto you can also turn on your high beams from there as well and you'll see when I do that it's actually going to pop up with the light settings there so if you are just controlling that with the stocks you'll get those quick controls that pop up here as well turn those off you can also fold your mirrors fold and unfold from here that will fold the mirrors can turn child locks on and off for either you know the left or right side or both sides depending on what you prefer you can turn on Windows locks so nobody can adjust your windows and then you can also open the glove box from here so no manual button on the glove box but you can press that pretty quickly from the quick controls here we'll turn off both of those locks can also adjust wipers Right Here auto works pretty well but if you do want to manually control them you can do that from here and you'll see as I click on those or adjust from the steering wheel we do have those quick controls that pop up here as well if you don't want to dig into the menu to see those if you do need to adjust your mirrors at all you can do that from here you can use then the scroll wheel on the left side to adjust your mirrors so you'll click on left adjust those click on right then adjust them as well then once you save them those will save you save to your driver profile now you can also turn on the auto tilt Auto fold and auto dim so Auto tilt will tilt them down when you're in Reverse or trying to park so you can see the lane lines a little bit easier autofold will just fold them when you park your vehicle so they don't get dinged as easily and then Auto dim actually darkens the mirrors at night to help reduce glare from headlights and things so personal preference there on what you like but I like to leave the auto dim off because I think the mirrors get just a little bit too dark can adjust your steering wheel from here so again you'll just use the left scroll wheel to adjust how you want your steering wheel set up and then save it to your profile you can turn on the recording for your your dash cam if you do have that set up if you click on that it's going to save the most recent recording you can also save the recording from the main the main dashboard here so I have added the dash cam here so when I click that when I'm driving it's going to save the most recent clip can also toggle Sentry mode on and off from here so same function as this dot at the top here but also in the quick control menus you can also adjust your screen brightness from here so if I do you know drag this down it's going to get a little bit dimmer I can also turn it up or just put it into Auto I've left it all the way up for this tutorial so it's a little bit easier to see so that's it on the main just quick controls menu there we'll get into pedals and steering now at the top here we've got acceleration so you can set either chill or standard if you do have the acceleration boost on the unlocked you'll see sport acceleration on the right there I don't have that unlocked unfortunately steering mode you can set as either Comfort standard or sport sport is a little bit heavier kind of more more stiff steering depending on what you prefer there the stopping mode here at the bottom is what I described when we were driving earlier so right now when I let off of the accelerator it's going to bring me to a complete stop and hold the vehicle with the brakes on I don't have to press the brake pedal at all if I don't want to but if you want it to creep and kind of act like a gas car it will slowly roll forward if you put it into creep mode so if you do want to emulate a gas car you can do that and then you can also use roll which is similar but instead of you know going forward it's just going to roll depending on what kind of situation you're in when you let off of the pedals but I'm going to leave it in hold because that's what I prefer regen braking we've got either low or standard so standard is going to be a bit more aggressive it's going to feel like a full break when you when you let off of the pedal and then if you want to apply brakes when regen braking is limited just to kind of keep that regen breaking consistent when it is cold or maybe you just got limited regen braking you can set that on there as well it's also got slip start down here so if your vehicle is stuck in either you know snow sand or mundas the examples they give you can toggle that on and it will allow you to hopefully get out of that situation if we jump down to charging now we can see you know we're actively charging and we can adjust our charge limit here as well so right now we're set at 80 percent but let's say we want to bump it up to 90. we can press and hold on this little triangle here and move it around to whatever set point we want sometimes a little sticky and we're Now setting it to you know 88 is now our charge limit we can stop charging from here we can unlock the charge port if we want to release the the charging uh cable we can also adjust our charge current at this location so right now we're charging at 30 amps that's the Max on this station but if for whatever reason we want to slow down charging a little bit we can actually toggle this down and lower it to whatever amps we want so with EV charging the car is actually controlling the charger on what it is outputting so at any time you can go in here and adjust it so it's a little bit slower charge but I'm going to leave this up at 30 so we can charge up a little bit faster and then we can also set a scheduled departure at a location so if you're at home or a preferred charging location we can schedule departure here so like I mentioned mine is scheduled to precondition and finish charging by 8 AM and a precondition and get everything set up we do also have scheduled charging so if we do want to delay charging until a certain time maybe you've got cheaper electricity rates starting at a certain time you can toggle that on to say I don't want to start charging until you know 10 30 PM when electricity rates are cheaper it will not start until that time you'll also see your most recent paid charging session so this is for super charging mainly you can see the last time I supercharged was in Dublin around Christmas time and I've not supercharged since and it's now you know March so with good home charging you generally don't need it you've also got super charging tips here so if you do want to open these up and just get some tips on supercharging these do pop up when you do stop at a supercharger now if you haven't seen it before so just some tips about supercharging that are valuable if you're new to supercharging or wondering why you're not charging as fast that's it on the charging page let's jump to autopilot now so this is the screen that may look different depending on what you have unlocked on your vehicle so I do have you know navigate on autopilot I have enhanced autopilot is one of the things I bought to unlock on my car however I do not have full self driving and I do not have full self-driving beta so this screen may look a little bit different depending on what things you have unlocked at the top here I've got Auto steer beta turned on that is just adaptive cruise control and Lane keep is all auto steer is so again that is that is in beta so when you toggle that on you know you're you're agreeing to all the terms kind of of beta there you've also got the option to turn on navigate on autopilot so again this is also in beta this just adds Lane changing and kind of Route taking when you're on autopilot with just normal autopilot or normal Auto steer you do have to turn off autopilot to change lanes so that's the main thing that it adds however you can customize how this works so right now this is how I have it set up I do have a it is enabled by default on the beginning of every trip and I have speed based Lane changes that are just suggested it will not take those automatically and I just have them on mild so if somebody's just traveling a little bit slow in front of me it will suggest a lane change exit passing Lane is turned on so if I am in the far left lane and have been sitting there for too long it's gonna tell me that I need to move and this is the important one here I do have require Lane change confirmation on so if I change that to yes I cannot turn I cannot change lanes until I manually confirm that with the turn signal so my car is not just going to change lanes willy-nilly I'm going to have to confirm that when it happens you do have the option to turn that off so if I do disable that I then have these Lane change notifications so I can either do a chime a vibrate or both and that will at least alert you in some way that your car is about to change lanes so personally I just like the confirmation on it feels a little bit safer for me we've got some other settings here so we do have full self-driving visualization that is what we saw while I was driving earlier that'll show you other cars it'll show you the lanes it will show you signs it will show kind of all that extra stuff if you do want to see that while you're driving I do have summon enabled as well with enhanced autopilot and I can customize that here so I can set you know my bumper clearance my summon distance so like how far my car will go I can set my side clearance so if I do one I do kind of live in a tighter garage I can turn that on so it will get a little bit closer than some other uh some other garages and you can also require continuous press so with this turned on when you're in the app you do have to hold down on the summon button the entire time to keep your car moving it's not you can't just press it once and then it drives into place I think that's a little bit safer to keep it there we've also got this standby mode so you can enable this for summon so this does take a little bit extra battery because it does leave it kind of in standby so that you can summon your car at any time however you can also exclude you know favorites or workplaces so that you're not using as much energy when your car is sitting in kind of a well-known spot now down for set speed these are kind of autopilot settings that everybody should see so right now I have it set to when I turn on autopilot it will just be set to the speed limit with whatever adjust I have so instead of you know most cruise controls when you enable them they just are set to the current speed then you have to go in and adjust them this way it kind of saves me a step when I click on speed limit and set a five miles per hour offset when I'm driving at you know 45 miles per hour but when I turn on autopilot it will then bump up to 50 miles per hour if that's the speed limit there here's that blind spot camera I talked about so when I do put on my turn signal that blind spot monitor or blind spot camera is going to pop up automatically and I do have a warning chime for blind spot collisions so if I do you know am getting close to hitting somebody that is in my blind spot or I'm leaving the lane I will get a chime saying you know I'm getting close to hitting somebody so be careful I've also got some speed limit warnings here so you can set it to chime if you do go above the speed limit right now I just have it to display you may have seen when I was driving the speed limit sign just gets a little bigger to show me that I am going above the speed limit that's all that does and then that speed limit warning you can adjust as well so if you know you don't want to be alerted unless you're going 10 over you could adjust that to say hey I don't I don't really want an alert unless I'm going you know really really far over the speed limit we've got some more warnings at the bottom here you can set the forward Collision warning highly recommend this one this one has saved me a couple times if I'm maybe not paying full attention or I don't realize how quick somebody in front of me is stopping this will alert you pretty pretty loudly to say that you're getting close to hitting somebody in front of you I've also got the lane departure avoidance warning so if I am not on autopilot it will still give me that warning to show me that I'm drifting outside of the lane and you can also set this to assist as well so if you do like that where you know your drift out of the lane and it kind of pulls you back into the lane you can turn on that assist I like it just as a warning and then at the bottom here we've got emergency Lane departure avoidance this will just alert you if you are departing your lane automatic emergency braking again if you are about to hit somebody I've actually done this when parked I almost backed into another car this will just automatically emergency break and stop your car if you're that close to hitting somebody and then you've also got obstacle aware acceleration so if you do have you know an obstacle in the way or any kind of issue that autopilot or your car may run into this will adjust and accelerate your vehicle depending on what kind of situation you're in to avoid that I've also got traffic aware true cruise control chime so like I showed when I was driving if you just click down once on the stock the traffic aware cruise control uh chime will happen to show you that you are on cruise control and you have it completely shut off all the the kind of driver assist features and at the bottom here is that green light shine so this will chime your car like I showed at that stop light when you're the first car in line it will chime when the light turns green so that you know that it's time to get rolling and that's about it on the autopilot screen let's jump into locks next so at the top of the screen you have this add key button either you can do it via the phone app or you can add a key fob or key card you can do that pretty easily from there and then you've also got all of the current Keys you have linked to your vehicle right there so you can see my phone is the key that's attached right now you can see all the key cards I have as well are also shown on here and then if you're in a um in a kind of driver profile you can actually link it to your driver profile so if we jump back into myself here since this is a driving profile you can see my name is actually linked to my phone here so when I get in the car it's going to automatically set my driver profile however you can see Mallory is linked to her iPhone so when her iPhone connects it's actually going to set to her seat position you know her climate control all that stuff so that it's all more comfortable for her you obviously can link that to key cards as well if you do have just a key card you're giving to somebody can also adjust child locks here like was on the main quick controls we've got our window lock settings here that were similar on the quick controls we've also got the walk away door lock so if you do want to you know have your car lock automatically which I really like you don't have to manually you know click on your key fob or your phone to lock your doors this will just lock your door when you get far enough away from your car I've also got this driver door unlock mode which is a newer setting so when enabled this is only going to unlock your charge port and the driver door when your key is connected so you know like some other cars I've tested when you click on the key fob it only unlocks the driver door then you have to unlock again to unlock the other doors of a car so if that makes you feel safer you can set that setting on so that's the only door that's unlocking when you get close to your vehicle you can also set it to unlock on Park so when you do place the vehicle and park it's just going to stay unlocked and unlock automatically you can turn that off if you feel safer kind of manually unlocking your car and we've got some notifications as well that come through in the app these are very handy if you do leave a door or window open for whatever reason you can set a notification to come on through the app if you do leave any of these open for more than 10 minutes so really handy there and then we've also got our lock confirmation sound in our closed windows unlock I like both of these settings a lot because I don't have to worry about you know closing things up and double checking things when I am locking up my car and at the bottom here like we showed at the top here you can link your MyQ account for you know linking a garage door to your vehicle that's about it on the lock screen let's jump down into lights similar to the quick controls we've got you know you can just turn your lights off you can set parking lights you can turn headlights on or you can turn them on auto if you do have fog lights you can toggle those on and off here you can adjust your dome lights that are inside the vehicle from here so you can set you know off on or Auto you can also set your ambient lights so those are your footwell and kind of extra lights around the vehicle if you want to turn those on and off you can do that there I've also got Auto turn signals on so for this your turn signals will automatically turn off for merging or Lane changes or things like that where your turn signals might not normally turn off based on the steering angle so sometimes if you are changing lanes you have to manually turn off your turn signal you can actually turn that turn that on to Auto cancel there I've also got Auto high beams so you can toggle those on if you do want high beams just kind of to be on automatically all the time anytime you turn on your lights I don't like those as much they've been a little bit finicky we've got headlights after exit so if you do exit your vehicle and it's dark out you can leave your headlights on after you hop out of the car and then you can also turn on and off your steering wheel lights here so there are some small lights on the steering wheel you can decide if you want those on or off let's jump into display now so we've got a lot of options on this screen you can set the appearance here I've actually been a big fan of the dark appearance recently where you can toggle on and see kind of the darker version of the screen all the time can also set auto so if it is you know getting dark out it will just automatically turn to dark but for this tutorial I've been keeping it on light because it's a little bit more a little bit easier to see visually you can also adjust the brightness here so if you want to get a little bit darker a little bit brighter or you can toggle on auto there as well also got screen clean mode so if you do turn that on it's going to darken your screen so you can see you know where your screen is a little bit dirty we'll go and wipe it off since I've been touching the screen a bunch here and then after you're done here you can just click down on here to hold to exit you just got to hold it down for five seconds and we'll get back to the main screen here you can set the language for our touch screen as well so lots of different languages that are available here depending on what your preferred language is you've got different voice recognition languages as well we've got different Navigation languages depending on what language you prefer we can adjust our time to either 12 or 24 hour so we can adjust that depending on what you prefer can change our energy display you can set it manually in here like I've been talking about or you know the quicker way is to just click on the little percentage or miles button at the top we can change our distance preference to either kilometers or miles temperature preference either Celsius or Fahrenheit and then tire pressure either bar or PSI so you can see on the left here that's changing as we adjust that now let's jump down to trips so this is one of the ways that we can see the current trips we've been taking on our car so we can see we've also got this little check box to either show it on the trip card or not so if I you know toggle this off you'll see my trip card is now adjusted to say you know my current trip is not on the not on the cards here we can adjust you know all of these different cards you know which ones we want to see on the trips cards if you ever want to reset any of these you can you know reset your your lifetime or reset your your tire rotation um these are ones that you can rename so I've got one you know just for my tire rotation I've got just a lifetime trip so I can see how much energy I've used in the lifetime of my car which is pretty neat and you can also toggle on and off the odometer here as well at the bottom so that's going to show you know how many miles you've driven this is nice for just seeing kind of average energy over your trip but we'll show the energy screen a little bit which shows a little bit more in-depth information if we jump down into navigation this is the same information we saw on the map screen but if you do want to set it from the main car menu you can adjust all those same settings in here we'll jump down to safety we've got Sentry mode at the top here this is going to monitor the vehicle if anybody gets close it's gonna you know flash the lights and record people walking around the vehicle maybe doing anything that you might not want to your car you can exclude certain locations as well similar to a lot of the other settings if you don't want this on at home or work or other favorites you can turn those on there I've got a camera based detection set on here so it's using the cameras to monitor everything around the vehicle we've got Sentry sounds so we can disable those if we'd like if you don't want it to honk or you know generate sound if people are trying to break into the vehicle you can turn that off but you know we want those on and then we've also got this live camera view in the mobile app so if you do want to be able to see a live view of your cameras from your app you have to toggle that setting on there our dash cam then at the bottom here we can either Set It Off manual or Auto I just have it on to be running all the time and I've also got this on Honk setting as well so if I do honk my horn at any time which I generally do if I'm in kind of a a bad situation when I'm driving I will get a recording of that clip so it's saved automatically if you want to delete those clips you can do that from here or if you need to format the USB drive you have connected to your vehicle you can do that with that button we've got this allow mobile access at the bottom so that is just for you know General app access to the car you do have to have that toggled on if you want to you know see see access to your car from the mobile app we've got pin to drive so if you do put this on you have a pin now so you have to enter in that uh that pin before you're able to drive your car we've also got a glove box pin so if we if we put that on we then need a PIN to open up the glove box so if you don't have uh if you have you know things you want to keep safe in your glove box you don't want anybody opening them you can set a pin there we've got speed limit mode here so if you do want to restrict speed of the vehicle you can adjust that you know top end miles per hour there we've got cabin overheat protection so this will turn on your AC or just cool down the car if it gets above 100 degrees keep in mind this does not uh this only does it every 12 hours so if your car has not been plugged in or you've just left your car out for more than 12 hours this gets turned off automatically so this is more for you know if you're traveling or going to be you know coming in out of stores on a hot day this is a good thing to keep on but it's not going to be best for you know long-term storage of your car you've got either no AC or or AC on options here as well and you can adjust the the high end temperature with AC on as well so we're gonna leave that off got the security alarm on because Sentry mode is on by default so our alarm is going to go off if we get close to the car somebody tries to break in we do have park assist Chimes as well which you can turn on if you are getting close to anything with your car your car is going to ding we've also got Joe mode which I actually have on by default because I like how much quieter all of the autopilot sounds are but these just reduce the volume of all of the Chimes in the car so these are still loud enough to alert you but they aren't going to be you know as loud as normal and I like that because it's not as disruptive when I'm driving and then we've also got our parking brake so if I do put my foot on the brake you'll see our parking brake uh is able to be turned on so we've actually got the parking brake just to turn on automatically and you can see now our parking brake is turned on if we look on the left side there if we do need to power off the touchscreen or power off the car completely we can click that button there that's going to shut off everything on the car and essentially reset it so we do need to power anything off or reset the vehicle we can do that from there if we jump down into service we can just see some basic service information here so we can see you know our current tire pressure on all of our vehicles we can see the recommended pressure as well depending on our our vehicle configuration we can also access the owner's manual from here so if we do have any questions if my tutorial isn't doing a good enough job here of the touch screen you can look up any settings or anything you need to on the owner's manual here this is searchable as well which is pretty nice so if you are looking for a specific thing you know let's just say like charging we can we can look that up from the user's manual here and see what uh what kind of options we've got on the user's manual so this is a little touchy try probably a little bit easier to to access online but it is available here if you need to look at any kind of information about the vehicle if we jump back into service here we've also got the ability to adjust the headlights so if we do want to adjust anything on the headlights we can do that from that setting there we can put in tow mode so if you are you know going to be Towing your vehicle this will be where you toggle on that setting you can also reset our TPMS sensors I'm not going to do that right now but if you have you know adjusted them or put new ones in you can do that from there if you have changed your wheels or anything like that recently you can also set all of that configuration here as well so you can see I currently have my 18 inch arrows on when I switch to my summer Tires I'm going to go in here and change that same with the tires as well so I have you know winter tires on right now so I have all of those set I've also got notifications that will just pop up and show me all the alerts that I showed earlier got camera preview here and this is I believe this is the in Cabin preview so you can get a little shot of me doing my tutorial here we've also got camera calibration so if we need to you know recalibrate the autopilot cameras we can do that from here to you know if you're having issues with autopilot this is definitely something I would recommend doing you can also recalibrate all of your kind of motor controls of the seats or anything in the car just to make sure it's able to kind of hit its main able to hit all its full range of motion and do all the things it needs to do we need a clear browsing data we can do that there and we've also got a factory reset there as well that will you know wipe everything on the car set it into factory mode we've also got wiper service mode so if we click on that that will just pop the wipers up a little bit so that they are easier to be easier to be serviced so when you're swapping out the wipers and you can also you know it's better for snow so it doesn't stick to the windshield as easily so we'll turn that off that is about it on the service tab if we jump into software here we can see you know what our car looks like we can also change the look of our car so if you do want to adjust you know the color of your car let's say I want to make it like an orange color I can do that in here and you'll see that'll then change the look of my car so I don't really want to do that but it looks like it's changed automatically actually so I'm gonna actually change back to my normal color there we go so we're now back in back in normal car looking mode you can see my current vehicle so if you were curious I have a model 3 long range dual motor this is a 2020 model got about 55 000 miles on it you can see my current autopilot computer right here as well if I click on additional vehicle information you can see even more information about my vehicle so you can see you know what audio system I have if I have CCS adapter support what kind of cabin heater I have all of this stuff is going to show up in here if you are curious about what your vehicles come with compared to you know some other vehicles and other Teslas out here it's a lot easier to look in here than trying to you know tear apart the car to see some of these things we've also got these different packages I have so like I said I do have enhanced autopilot so I purchased this in I think September of 2019 kind of just gives you a quick blurb of what that is and I also have premium connectivity so just a few of the features that come with that are you know satellite view I've got live traffic I've got video and music streaming just something I pay for to make things a little bit easier on here I've also got my current software so I'm currently on version 11.1 I just updated my car last night so it should be pretty up to date with the recent Tesla updates if you do want to see release notes on that you can click on that and see what has been released in the recent Tesla software updates as you can see the most recent one with just some bug fixes but the one before that got some new Sentry mode lighting so just kind of minor things there but you can you know scroll through and see what's been going on I've also got our software update preference so if it is you know standard is just going to get updates kind of as they come out whereas Advanced is you're getting kind of the most recent updates as soon as they're available I haven't seen you know a huge difference between this but I figured you know Advanced is better if I want the the newer software I've also got data sharing here so this is something where if you do this is a lot of you know products have this but if you are okay with sending you know driver data to Tesla you can turn this on and it basically allows them to see things and you know see what's going on with your vehicle so that they can make their products better at the bottom here we've then got upgrades so if I click on this you can see what upgrades you may have available for your car so right now I have you know the full self driving I could upgrade to and that is it in the in the vehicle here I'm actually surprised that the acceleration boost is not in here because that is another upgrade I have available in my car but anyway that is upgrades so we'll close out of that and swipe down the release notes we'll get rid of that trip as well and that is it kind of on the main menu here let's jump down into this Bottom bar and we've got a lot on this screen so I'm going to just kind of walk through some of the apps one by one we'll start with the energy one because I think this is the most interesting one there's a lot on this uh this tab this is our new energy screen though so if you are familiar with other uh older versions of the software this is what our energy screen used to look like you can see you know our average Watt hours per mile our projected range all based on kind of the last 30 miles you can adjust it to show instant range as well so based on you know my my most recent 30 miles it thinks I can get almost 600 miles so you can adjust all that but then if we jump into these other tabs they've added we can see what our trip is going to look like and what is kind of the estimated trip based on all of our different driving conditions climate battery conditioning all of this stuff is now shown as what is contributing to how efficient your driving is so we can see you know Broken Out by how much uh of the the battery was actually used for these certain things so if you are curious you know what is going on with my driving why am I not getting as much range as possible this screen is now showing a lot of that information not a lot in drive here but I've been jumping to park I can now see you know what my car has been consuming the past um you know hour or so let's see if we maybe change this to last drive you know I'm plugged in right now and messing with my car so all these are showing zero but you can say you know why while your car was parked why is it losing energy this is again another thing to kind of see how much all these extra features are really taking from your car's battery we've also got the browser so if you do want to you know pull up and use the browser to look up things on the on the car you can do that my car is using the older chip so it's a little bit slower loading some of these things but you do have the browser option there we've also got the music so we've got a lot of different options here and if we open up just like Spotify for example and I'm listening to my favorite podcast we can see some more of the music kind of settings in here so we're only seeing some of these basic music ones here we've got Spotify on here Bluetooth radio karaoke and any USB songs you may have on there but once you're in any kind of music thing you can search from here this will search all you know music things you have turned on all sources you have turned on but if you want to change any settings with the music this is where you would do it so you can adjust you know your your equalizer here how you want to have that set you can change the balance so you know if it's just you in the car you can set it to your seat but if you want it kind of normal you can set it to the center we've got some options here the only thing here is just mobile control this is if you want to control music from your phone and then we've got sources here as well so if you do have some of these other audio sources you can toggle these on and then have those options available so I really only use Spotify and maybe Bluetooth occasionally and the radio every once in a while but I just have some of these other sources turned on that I use more often just to leave it less cluttered down here but that is music we've then just got some phone connectivity pieces so we've got the calendar here you can see you know what my calendar is looking like depending on what things I have on my calendar and then once you open that up you can then see kind of the other things that are connected to your phone so if I jump into calls that will you know be this icon here you can see who I've been calling recently you can see your contacts here you can see favorites so if you know you want to click quickly call people you can do that from here we've got messages then as well so if you do have any messages that have popped up you can see what the uh what the most recent messages you have are but those are all kind of phone connectivity pieces the other kind of Tesla main features here we've got the camera so this is our dash cam here we can see our most recent Drive where we've been driving and see some information here if this loads up so once once this loads up you can see the dash cam of the most recent you know driving I've done if we click on this on the far left this will then show you know we can either see all we can see Sentry events or we can see our dash cam events so this are any that are saved and then all will just show you know the most recent so it's continually looping and recording so if you just want to see the most recent it'll be at the top here and then all of the Sentry Clips are kind of organized here and then if you just want to see your dash cam clips you can see all those here as well we've got your camera at the bottom here as well so if we click on that it'll show us behind our car and then we've also got both sides up here here if you do swipe down on this and only want to see the rear view you can do that but I like seeing all three cameras there and then we've also got the last few here are theater arcade and toy box so we'll just click on Arcade first and again these are kind of additional screens we've got here we've got different games we can play here I'm not going to go through all the games but you can see kind of all the options that are built into the vehicle here if we go into Toy Box we've got some additional things here that just kind of some fun features that Tesla has added so you've got you know our light show is hidden in here a Boombox emissions testing mode our our DJ tracks stuff like that and then theater mode if we click on that we've got access to you know Netflix Hulu Disney plus YouTube all that stuff will be in here we've also got some Tesla tutorials if you want to see anything else about how to use your Tesla and I believe that is all the apps there like I mentioned if you press and hold on these you can then add additional apps here we've just got some additional climate settings we can add to this apps button if you want to be able to access those more quickly and then we've also got this volume control on the far right here so you can either adjust it on the touch screen here or as you can see it's actually giving me this tip here you can just adjust it with the left scroll wheel and I think that is it I think I got through all the features here if you do have any questions about specific features definitely let me know down in the comments but thank you so much for watching and I will see you in the next video
Channel: Alex Sibila
Views: 24,231
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tesla touchscreen, icons, features, controls, simulator, radio, games, model 3, model y, walk through, walkthrough, all features, buttons, Tesla, how to use, how to control, how to, V11, holiday update, music, navigation, screen, touchscreen, tesla screen, tutorial, in depth, 2023, V11.1, settings, Update, updated, reset, symbols, Model s, model x, long range, autopilot, UI
Id: rAkXY2uP09o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 56sec (3836 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 07 2023
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