MASSIVE UPDATE New Hidden Features! | Tesla Model 3 + Model Y

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your Tesla has some wild secret hidden features built in that I guarantee you do not know about it can run full on Apple carplay you can add secret customizations into the test lab and even access some hidden menus in your car the Tesla does not want you to know about don't tell them you heard this from me in this video I am spilling the beans giving you all the secrets and breaking down the top 15 hidden features that you need to know about that are secretly built into the Tesla Model 3 Model y Model S and model X as well if you're a new Tesla owner watch this video because there are some amazing secrets in here you need to know about so many cool features you can unlock on your car and if you're a long time Tesla owner watch this video too because you're going to learn something because I guarantee you do not know all of these 15 secret hidden features and a big thanks to drive protected for sponsoring this video now for those of you who haven't checked the service menu on your car in a while there's actually a lot that Tesla has added recently in fact there's a lot they've added basically since I've last looked at this a couple of weeks ago if you didn't know there's just some you know there's a factory reset thing here you can calibrate uh your driver's seat steering wheel and mirrors that's a great way to sort of fix some seat issues I haven't seen just headlights that's a new thing you can do now there's the tow mode you can calibrate your cameras here there's the car wash mode there's even this is new I haven't really seen this before there's a camera preview that'll actually show you what your interior cabin camera sees so if I can get a shot of it and it's might be kind of hard to see right oh I'm going to go a little further up there's the camera and then there's this you can kind of see the frame rate's actually pretty good um and if you didn't know that you know if you didn't know that camera is there but it's kind of cool that it actually will show you a preview of that why I am not really sure obviously Tesla is continuing to use this camera more and there's probably going to be more use for this and you can kind of see you know just how good of a view it has but the service menu is actually pretty full featured so if you didn't know you can come in here you can see your entire PSI you could see warning modes the car wash mode there's also the wheel and tire configuration which is useful but if you want to swap from different season tires you can tell the car that so it knows to adjust range also if you maybe go from to you want to downgrade from your induction to Gemini wheels or you want to go up to the Uber turbine Wheels that's obviously going to affect your range and the only way the car is going to know that is if you actually come in here and tell it that so if you do swap Wheels you go to Winter from Tire or winter from Tire you go from Winter from Summer tires or whatever that is I'm sorry I'm in Southern California so I don't have that um but if you do change Wheels you can do that I do know that that does exist in the service menu there's a lot the Tesla's added in here recently and there's a lot that you can do in this service menu but that is not all there's another little hidden menu here that Tesla does not want you to know about and let me just say I'm going to show this for educational purposes only I'm not liable for any changes you make in this but educational purposes here if you tap on where it says model y or model 3 or whatever your car is just tap and hold on that you're going to be entered prompted to under a access code if you type in service this is going to put your car into service mode it's going to hey say hey you're going to put into service mode do not enable it unless you know what you're doing this and that if you hit enable this is now going to give you a whole lot of different menus and features and a whole lot here that you didn't know you had access to and also it'll actually show you down here that your car is now with that wrench icon you are now in service mode and now you have access to a lot of different things you can see the type of process that you have you can see uh the firmware your car is on you can do a software reinstall you can check touch screen settings or service settings service alerts I can see here alerts on my car I can see tire rotation recommended all this stuff it's really cool to come in here and see all the stuff but again don't mess around unless you absolutely know what you're doing so I can come back here I can go back to the service mode here and I can go to drivers assist I can see things on cameras and sensors I can check out things all around it is pretty cool to look at this again be warned that you might uh you know you run the risk of messing up some settings in here but if you do want to really do a deep dive into your car and see what's going on and how's charging going and how's my AC system and this and that you really can come in here and see a lot of really interesting things again you got to be careful because if you do something and mess something up you could you know run the risk of screwing up your car but it is cool if you really want to come in here and diagnose a problem or uh just you know maybe educationally tinker and do things again if you want to safely exit it just hit exit service menu and hold exit and that's going to back you out so if you're interested that is the secret service menu Sub menu pretty cool but again um you've been warned don't start messing with things unless you know what you're doing so one of the changes Tesla recently implemented with the holiday update was their new Mini player like in instead of having the media go all the way across the bottom it's now in this little left hand corner close to the driver which is nice but it can be a little confusing especially when this happens so let's say you have the media totally gone you've got a nice clear shot here of your map and for one reason or another this goes away you can either manually take it away or it goes away you might be wondering what happened how do I get it back because even if I go here it's not going to bring back those controls if you didn't know there's a new icon in the bottom and it's that gray little two squares with the music note if you tap on that that is going to give you uh the media control back not even that there are actually more controls here that you have and excuse the error here obviously as you can see the air doesn't play nicely with other uh parts of this so you do have expanded media control so you can see your recents you can do Shuffle you can do Loop you can adjust your EQ and even search which is kind of cool you can do all that right there and the other thing built in here which is called another little bonus hidden feature here is cars that I can actually swipe left and right and see different things I can see some efficiency things my odometer current drive all that stuff I can go here and see the tire pressure and I think those are the only three cards that are here so again I can get rid of this completely if I want to bring it back just like that and again I have some info cards here if I'd like more info obviously I can't go up here but I do get some info that I could bring this all the way up and I want even more control so that's the little media card and that is how it works and how to get it back if it mysteriously disappears okay now before we continue with more of these really awesome Tesla Secrets I've got an extra one here about bonus tip that you absolutely need to know maybe one of the most important tips on this list and that is that you can protect your Tesla and keep that very precious and fragile paint in pristine condition with high quality ppf super simply and super easily and also more importantly you can do it yourself really easily for a fraction of the cost that's right this is a really big deal and is all made possible by this video sponsor Drive protected now if you haven't heard of Drive protected before I have the honor of introducing you to the number one source for DIY paint protection film the team is not only here to help you protect the most important part of your Tesla but they're also here to walk you through the entire process step by step with some really excellent visual demos through video so you can do everything super easily even if you're a beginner like me and personally one of the things that I love most about Drive protected is that they've got a number of excellent options to fit your Tesla's protection plan if you want to do the whole car driver protected has got you covered in that area but also if you just want to do the hood or the headlights maybe the bumper driver protected has got you covered and they offer expertly crafted pre-cut kits that you can install right on your own at your own home their defense plus ppf is completely transparent and designed with incredibly intelligent technology to provide a professional and Sleek finish and also again protect that very fragile paint on your Tesla from dings Nicks scratches and stuff like this yes this is on my personal model Y and I really wish I had installed ppf way sooner on my car and I can 100 tell you from like my own personal experience that driver protected really gives you all the tools support and knowledge you need to make the install go as simple and as easy as possible I for one like I said I'm a total office of this I've never installed anything bigger than like a skin on my phone but thanks to the awesome Drive protected team and all of the resources they provide I was able to follow the instructions step by step and just recently installed their defense Plus ppf on the hood of my model Y in a couple of simple steps and also if you're a beginner like me you're gonna love the driver protected offers a ppf install kit that gives you everything you need for your install so now is the perfect time to protect your Tesla with super high quality easy to install ppf for my friends over at Drive protected and also use my special coupon code to check out Rosenfeld to get 20 off your order again that coupon code is Rosenfeld enter that at checkouts to get 20 off your order again a huge thanks to drive protected for being an awesome partner on this channel and learn more about them today at the link right down below in the description all right next let's jump into the Tesla mobile app on iOS or Android because there are a couple of really cool hidden features built into this that I guarantee you didn't know so first things first one of the cool things now is that you can view the interior cabin camera when you are not in the car whether your dogs are there chilling on dog mode or you want to make sure nothing happens uh to your car if you're sort of out and about and you just want to make sure your car is safe and sound if you jump into either the security and Driver setting there or just go to live cameras and get a live feed here of all the different cameras around the car I've obviously got the front the back the left and the right but also there's a new Option here for the inside of the car I can tap sort of in the middle there and that is a pretty clear view of the interior of my model 3. it also it's even more impressive about this is that the car is currently sitting in like a pitch black garage which is pretty you can see here it's like pretty dark from all the other angles but the interior cabin camera does a really good job so you can see this live you can see also the temperature as well if you're concerned about anything going on if you've got pets in there that is a really cool feature and you can do it right inside of the Tesla app one of the other cool features as well is in the upgrade steps I'm going to scroll down here to upgrades and there's a couple cool things here you should know one is that if you didn't know you can obviously go through the Tesla shop and check out accessories your Tesla's got a lot of cool accessories they've got floor mats they've got apparel they've got paint correction stuff which I actually need to do on my model y lots of cool stuff they've got in here but also there are software updates you can do with your car so for example there's enhanced all pilot which gives you a lot of the full self-driving features for more than half the price six thousand bucks you could obviously spend fifteen thousand dollars on your credit card right now and buy full self-driving or my favorite here is that you can subscribe to full self driving for fifteen thousand fifteen thousand whoa 199 a month instead of paying fifteen thousand dollars if you wanted to subscribe and cancel one of the other interesting things here as well that a lot of people don't know is that if you're paying for premium connectivity which is Tesla's data plan you can either pay ten dollars a month which is 120 a year or 99 a year if you want to pay for the year up front but you go into manage and you go to I have active right here I have um the premium connectivity if I tap on that I have the option right there to switch to an annual plan which is probably something I should do and save myself 20 bucks since this is something I use all the time and I could also cancel the subscription right there if I want to the other thing I want to show you here real quick as well is that if I jump to my model Y which is low on battery so it'll take a second to sort of get going here is that Tesla also offers an exclusive upgrade for long range models the long range model 3 and Long Range model y can get what's called an acceleration boost that'll give you a little bit more performance out of the motors in your car give you a faster 0-60 speed and basically give you a faster car so same here as well if I go to upgrades on the long range model go to software updates I can buy an acceleration boost for two thousand dollars that simply improves my zero to 60 time from 4.8 down to 4.2 so if you have a Long Range model make sure you know about the acceleration boost some people love it and then one last thing I want to show here is that there is an easy way to get five different commands into your app see here I have five the stock here is actually just four so if I remove this you're at my probably probably looks like this if I can speak you've only got four but there's an easy way to add five what you want to do is tap and hold here on the icons and bring it up and you got to sort of be uh particular with your finger here but you want to drag one of these icons through any of them to the very far corner on the left or right to add a fifth icon so for example if I wanted to add um the um AC off uh fan off a little icon here I've got a tap on it and then drag it all the way to the right it's really tough to do sometimes see I'm not getting it right now I'm going to start again bring it all the way I lost it see sometimes you replace if it's a little trial and error here but drag the icon all the way to the right see he's still not getting it third time's a charm there it is see right there at the very edge let go and then now you have five it's sort of hard to see it takes a little bit of practice but you want to drag that icon all the way to the right or left I think the left work as well all the way to the edge there and snap it there then you can get five icons and if you want uh four instead of uh or five rather instead of four icons you can dare do it there right on your Tesla I have enough humbling over my words so I'm gonna stop talking but there's a couple of little secrets built into the Tesla app that I probably bet guarantee bet hopefully you didn't know one of my favorite Tesla features these days is the automatic blind spot cameras that when I go left or right I'd automatically have a preview there of the corresponding camera so that's left this is right love this feature it is really cool to see and if you didn't know there's a couple cool things you can do with it for one to turn it on it's not on by default go into the car icon here you want to go under autopilot of all settings and then turn on automatic blind spot cameras now you can go left to right here and you can see the corresponding camera but not just that you can actually move this feed as well so you have three positions here you have a top feed you have a middle feed and you have a bottom feed if you tap and hold on this as you can see you can move it so you see these sort of gray areas on the screen that's where you can move the camera so I want to have it down here I can do it there not super useful there maybe a little bit more useful there but in my opinion here it's right there is going to be the most useful and then once you have that there it's just going to stay like that really nice little feature here one of those things that Tesla added thanks to community feedback but if you didn't know turn on automatic blind spot cameras and also you can move that around the screen as well in those three different positions next let's talk dash cam having a built-in dash cam inside your Tesla is one of the coolest features in my opinion it's really awesome but you might not know how to actually save a clip the dash cam is always recording but let's say you get an accident or something happens it hits something in the road and you want to save that clip how do you do it well there are a couple of ways to do it the first I'd recommend is turning on something called honk to capture basically when you honk the horn it is going hey there's a Riven there you go it's going to automatically um save that in your Sentry mode or your dash cam folder and to turn that on I think it's under gotta find it uh honk to capture right there if I can find it there right there on honks if you turn on that button on Honk that's going to automatically save the clip when you happen to honk the horn as well as let me show you how to do it while you're driving so there used to be a really nice button I'm showing on the screen here the Tessa used to have right in the corner that you could always press and access and Save a clip which is really great they have since removed that which is kind of sad and you might not know how to access it what you actually have to do is you have to keep the Sentry mode icon or the dash cam icon in your docs I'm going to drag this down into my dock here and save it there and this actually is a multi-purpose button depending on the state so right now my car is in park if my car is in park and I tap on this dash cam button it's going to bring up the viewer so this is going to let me see the clips I've saved it's going to show me uh Sentry mode events dash cam all that stuff it's a little slow to load here but as you can see it's going to do it so I can see what is going on but ton will actually save an event if you're in Parks if I step on my break here and I put the car in park or drive I should say sorry if I'm in drive and I tap on that you can see now the icon turns red if I tap on this that's now going to save the clip that's going to save the dash cam Club it could do the same thing if I honked the horn but if you don't want to honk the horn you just want to tap on that you want to tap on the dash cam icon and do that when you're in drive then when you go back to park this now switches to a see you know what happens sometimes weird is uh I lose that uh thing I think that has to do with the profiles I think it's because I go to easy entry anyways if I tap on this now I've got the viewer and now you can sort of see the clip you saved obviously this is going to depend on I think it's the profiles here so I think when you go into easy entry it's going to change these things which I think is really dumb that's sort of a side topic how Tesla treats profiles but anyways that is your little tip there for the dash cam viewer it is a viewer while in park and you can tap on it and save a clip if you're in drive one of the other awesome hidden features that I guarantee many of you are going to be really excited about is that your Tesla while not officially supported by Apple carplayer Android auto can actually basically function with full-on carplay or Android auto wirelessly to your car through the browser I'm showing you b-roll on screen I did a video on this not so long ago but not only can you make this happen on your car like full-on carplay all the apps all the audio working ways all that stuff is there but you can do it with a plug and play solution you can do this DIY if you want to Tinker with raspberry pies and stuff but there's also this box called the Carlin kit uh I think it's like the tc1 say somewhere I don't know what it's called t2c um it's a Tesla to carplay box and this is literally a plug-in play box where you plug it into your car for USB power it starts up you connect to it by Wi-Fi then this has all the brains in it to basically allow you to send Wireless carplay from your phone to the box and then to the browser in your car I'm going to leave linked the video up here and down below to sort of walks through how this works it's really really simple does not require a SIM card by the way because a lot of comments in this does not require a SIM card you can use your phone's hotspot to do this but this is the simplest Plug and Play solution that I've tried to have in my model y when I want to use carplay and it's literally a box that you can use to get carplay or even now they have wireless Android auto right on your Tesla I will leave a link down below to this box and also I think if you use like my special coupon code on screen you can save 20 percent I think I'm gonna put all the details on screen down below not a sponsor this video at all I've done the previous coverage on this before but if you're looking for like a plug and play solution for carplay editorado check out the t2c box uh it's legit I've got two of them here and I've tested them they work and is it great to Plug and Play solution for car Player Android auto in your Tesla all right next let's talk about this little app icon drawer down here not exactly sure what Tesla's calling this but I've seen some questions on what these icons are and I'll sort of show you that but let me explain first how this is laid out so you've got your main sort of car controls here you've got your AC system then you have your apps then you have recent apps so these right here these three will change based off of the recent apps you use in your car so if I go in here and I jump into title you're gonna see title come down here and replace that these are recent apps it's not abundantly clear what these are you won't know until you go into customize and to customize these if you didn't know if you tap and hold on here this is going to bring you to uh the option of basically dragging and dropping different icons down here not just that but also Tesla recently added in a couple of updates um a few months ago some climate control favorites here as well so I've got my seat heater here I've also got it for the passenger if someone was sitting here but since there's no weight on this it's not going to show up I've got my option here if I can go back here for the front defrost rear defrost St heat steering wheel and wipers and I can drag these down if I'd like to use them right like that I can drag down you know apps like you've seen before and then if you want to get rid of them just tap that X as you'd assume or if you're like me and you miss do it again and that'll do it and again it does label it here in my apps it shows recent apps but if you didn't know that's how it's laid out and that's how you can customize the app icons down there in the bottom of your screen all right this next step here is an oldie but a goodie because every time I show it off people are amazed by this and I think it's existed for years ever since I got my car back in 2019 my first Tesla this is existed and people are always blown away by this it's really cool and that is the ability to wirelessly send addresses to your car that have it automatically put that in the navigation so basically for example if I'm here in Google Maps I'm scrolling around and say hey you know what I really feel like going to uh oh actually this is a good place Claro's Italian Market it's in Tustin California if you know where that is great Italian Market I really want to go there let's go there right now it's 20 minutes away what I can do here is instead of doing directions on my phone or like putting it into the Tesla and searching for it that way what I can do is I can go to the share icon here either on iOS or Android whatever your phone's share thing is and then tap on the Tesla app icon and then what that's going to do is send it directly to the car so it's sent to my model y so now when I go downstairs and get in the car it's already put in the navigation it's already ready to go I just flip from Park to drive and I start driving it's automatically going to send it there it is super simple super easy and this should work in any application that allows you to share a an address to something else to a text message or something else share to the Tesla app and it'll automatically send that address to the Tesla automatically put in the GPS so when you get in your car you can go and not waste any time fumbling around with typing in or voice uh chat or no voice chat but you know doing it with voice dictation just uh share it from your phone super simple super easy it's a great way to go another really nice new feature that you might not know about is that you can now run the Tesla feeder in a non-full screen preview because in years past when you were to open up let's say Tesla theater for example and you'd pop open a Netflix you'd get there we go wow we'll get the full sort of experience here with the full screen Netflix UI but what if you wanted to sort of check your charging speeds or do other things you just you want to watch Netflix but you don't want it sort of all taking out the whole screen you now actually can just pull down from the top here and get well that didn't work let's try that again you now can press the full screen icon right there and be able able to take this down to a non-full screen mode obviously swiping from the top to the bottom will take it getting music here wow this is a lot of fun um just turn that down that'll close it but what you can do now is you can go up here to the top left and then now have that in a windowed mode so you still have access to the car here you can open up at the front of the trunk you can check charging speeds and so watch Netflix but not have to have it in full screen you can pop back to it if you want to right there this works for everything in the Tesla theater as well so YouTube will do the same thing you want to watch YouTube but you don't want to take it off the full screen tap that icon there to take you out of full screen and now you can enjoy YouTube um and sort of have it side by side with other stuff going on so now one of the new additions here is a non-full screen Tesla theater is a nice little icon there and now you can tap it and have that control literally at your fingertips now I showed you that yes your car does have an in-cabin camera right there and one of the cool uses for that is zoom you could actually Zoom inside of your Tesla and take Zoom calls and be all you know corporate and official I've shown that off in a previous video but something you might not know or something you might wonder is well where's my zoom icon if I come here to all my apps I don't see Zoom but on my wife's rear wheel drive model 3 it's there well the reason is your processor if you have a ryzen-based processor that is a 2022 Tesla newer then you have the Zoom app if you're like me with the old Intel Atom Processor you're out of luck okay now this is a really cool hidden feature that I bet a lot of you model 3ml why owners don't know about it's actually a feature that Tesla brought that was exclusive to the model SM model X and that is auto turn signals basically what it means is that when you change lanes like if you go from one lane to the other or you're changing lanes on the highway it is going to automatically turn off the signal when the lane change is completed the car knows when you go from one lane to the other and automatically turn it off it's sort of hidden away in a weird Sub menu it's actually you think it's like under navigation or autopilot it's under lights if you go to lights there's a new uh little option here for auto signals and if you tap on that it'll tell you that once you have made the merge or the fork or Lane change it'll automatically turn it off and it's really cool all you have to do is just turn it on auto cancel and basically like the name suggests it's sort of pretty self-explanatory you make that change and it automatically turns out the signals it's one of those little things like it's not going to be life-changing but it's one of those little creature Comfort things that is nice as you drive at the car will do for you so if you didn't know Gunner lights turn on auto turn signals to Auto cancel really cool feature that the snx had but now is here on the three and Y2 all right so what are your favorite Tesla hidden features for your new owners out there hopefully you learned something uh new and you enjoy this but for you long time Tesla owners you guys watching this video I know many of you out there have multiple Teslas you've owned it for years what's your favorite hidden feature that you love and use on your car every single day let me know down below we can share our Tesla Knowledge Test Secrets together to everyone in the community we can all enjoy a little taste of Tesla knowledge as I always say I appreciate you guys watching thank you so much I'm Robert Rosenfeld and I'll see you all in the next one
Channel: Robert Rosenfeld
Views: 147,797
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tesla, tesla model 3, tesla model 3 standard range plus, model 3, Tesla model s, Tesla model x, Tesla model y, Tesla review, tesla model y, tesla model 3 vs model y, tesla model y review, tesla model 3 review, tesla news, tesla stock, elon musk, model y, model 3 2023, model y 2023, elon, elon musk twitter, tesla rwd, tesla hidden features, tesla easter eggs, tesla hidden secrets, tesla hw4, tesla carplay, tesla service mode, tesla android auto, tesla tips and tricks
Id: eT6vWyW6fxE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 15sec (1575 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 21 2023
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