Tesla Model Y Road Trip! Colorado to North Carolina - Taking It Easy

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Reddit Comments

Ya Kyle is good. He's not a TSLA fan boy and more of a EV fan boy. You can sense his frustration in Mach E road trip.

He wanted things to work, but super frustrated at how broken the charger experience was.

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/GhoshProtocol 📅︎︎ Apr 20 2021 🗫︎ replies

Not super interesting but its content.

I think Kyle is a a balanced and thorough reviewer.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/iDownvotedToday 📅︎︎ Apr 20 2021 🗫︎ replies

https://youtu.be/g6lz4dPCce8?t=593 looks like a lovely place to spend 1/2 hour stretching ones legs

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/thekernel 📅︎︎ Apr 21 2021 🗫︎ replies
hello and welcome to another out of spec motoring video in this video we are taking a tesla model y performance from here in colorado all the way to north carolina we're gonna leave the model 3 here we are also going to be catching up with my friend dave in a mustang maki the blue one that we've been driving this is also his model y we got to get both cars to north carolina so this guy's shredding by on a scooter over here we're gonna go jump in the model y performance and head to north carolina from here in colorado [Music] this is evie dave's model y as mentioned and it's rolling on 20-inch martian wheels they look great you guys know we love martian wheels we say that every time i have them on my car too drew the owner is a good friend of ours so what do we have here we have a 2020 tesla model y performance uh this is an early car but it has i don't know almost 30 000 miles on it by now i think dave takes it all around the country all the time just as we do so take a look at his youtube channel for tons of eevee adventures and trips and tricks and what am i trying to say i don't know let's take a look at our route plan so it is currently 8 21 in the morning this looks to be our plan lymon seems to be our first stop which is awesome about 1600 miles to get there to western north carolina after this trip i'm then going to jump on a plane fly to phoenix arizona and then go on a road trip and some volkswagen id4s to la all around here so it's going to be a busy week that will be in another video the mustang machi road trips that i took are going to be in another video dave left about an hour ago uh we figured it would probably take the mustang a little bit longer to get to our stop today we're not sure where we're going to end up if we can stretch it to kansas city we're in no rush we have almost all week to get home to north carolina so let's say three four days of driving we're just going to see which is faster the model y the mock e but for now let's head to lyman colorado let's take a look at some stats too we have oh 22 000 miles on this thing again model i performance ready to rock and roll welcome to lyman colorado we are getting the y plugged in here if the charge port will open there we go we are at the arby's crazy windy out here huge side winds on the road i'll explain in the car because you probably can't hear me we had the car pre-conditioning on the way over here to warm up the battery pack again kind of cold outside 42 degrees looks like it's preconditioned pretty well 134 kilowatts not great not terrible this is a 150 kilowatt version 2 supercharger and one other car here a model 3 but they are on 1a and we are on 3a so all is good and uh yeah i'm gonna run in and get some rb's before i run inside gotta say the y is just an awesome road tripper this thing cruises down the road at 85 plus no problem full self driving on this car is really nice for the lane changes you know i've owned tesla's with actually both of my previous tesla's had lane changes and i absolutely love it and the fact that it's ten thousand dollars to get that functionality or in some markets you can get enhanced autopilot for five grand that's really the only thing you need it's not worth spending the money but it's really nice so definitely enjoying my time here in dave's model y we got the thing full of luggage in the back ready for lots of adventures to come just charging up here at 135 kilowatts let's take a look at our next stop and then i'm going to prepare myself for some food dave is charging the machi only about 20 miles down the road from here i think he pulled in at quite low state of charge so it looks like it wants to go to colby kansas next i believe we're going to be skipping some chargers in between guests we're going to be skipping goodland that's a good backup but colby's a good stop actually one of the best ones i think so let's cancel this out let's hit continue trip and let's see how many miles exactly it is so 144 miles we have a huge wind out of the north heading south so big sidewind pushing all the trucks off pushing us around we're talking 20 30 plus mile an hour side wind here so um what we'll do is we'll charge up enough to get to colby if for whatever reason we need a backup well great we can always stop in goodland for for five or ten minutes and as a backup well i went into this little convenience store to use the restroom arby's is closed they have like a drive-through thing but that doesn't work because we're charging uh so i guess we'll figure out food later on i am getting hungry though uh charging up at 127 kilowatts i just had to move stahls one over because someone plugged in on 3b and i like was walking back when he did i'm like oh you'll get faster speeds if you're on two since i'm on three and this guy's on one and he just was like oh yeah yeah great and then just like went back in this car i'm like alright what whatever so i just moved the y over we were at 72 kilowatts for some reason it split it for split us rather than just giving him our leftovers so that was pretty interesting so forced split us and i moved over and our estimated time to completion went from uh 15 minutes to five minutes so that definitely saved us some time there you know that's the problem with these version two superchargers you constantly have to like maneuver everyone around so that you get the fastest charging uh collectively of course and uh yep just ramping down here 121 kilowatts at 48 this thing charges way better than my model 3 long range pack i wonder why that's the case my car does about 105 kilowatts at 50 percent we're here up at 120 at 48.49 that's interesting could just be that my car's had a ton of supercharging 80 000 miles of just probably more than 50 dc fast charging so yeah heading over uh on the road after this we'll jump up charge up until let's say we get to uh 65 70 percent something like that and we'll be ready to rock and roll well we are charged up for a 15 arrival in colby i overcharged a little bit up to 78 still doing pretty good speeds but definitely time to go let's uh unplug and get out of here and head to colby kansas maybe we'll intercept dave along the way just cruising along here about to cross into kansas man is it flat outside and crazy windy i mean like just the trucks are like getting up on two wheels getting up on one side looking pretty nice so uh dave is just ahead i'm going nine miles an hour faster than him and uh i think we're going to be able to catch him before colby the car is saying stay below 80 miles an hour to reach our destination i'm doing 84. we're totally fine especially as once i catch up to dave then i can slow down and draft behind the mustang but uh yeah should be should be an easy ride in just sitting here on autopilot no one's really on the road and uh enjoying the beautiful scenery you know what everyone says the middle of the country is boring and while it is boring and not as interesting as going west from our house i still like it i think it's kind of neat we have just crossed over into kansas and we have our first sighting of dave all the way up there he's that lone car in the right hand lane it's a bright blue car easy to see he's going past that sign so there we go i left one hour actually more than one hour later than dave in the model y and we have caught up to him in very short order so it just shows you how much quicker of a road trip or the tesla is now granted dave probably is not maximizing the maki yet but uh he'll get there and there is dave looking good in the mustang gotta say and rocking the outer spec plate so definitely appreciate it so we can choose to slow it down and stretch it to colby or i guess that's probably what we should do or we could get off here in goodland you can see it says charging needed but i've been driving quickly 22 to go 46 miles means just over 200 miles on a charge at 74 miles an hour behind the mustang i think we can do it so let's just keep it going so i've made the decision to press on we have a one percent arrival to stay below 75 well dave's driving just about 75 so cruising along with that great view of the mustang in front gotta say i do like that grabber blue quite a bit that is a good looking color and uh just just having a good time i'm in autopilot jail though i was my hands are on the wheel too i just wasn't putting enough weight into it wasn't paying attention and then it locked me out of autopilot so i'll have to do a uh a recycle of the car as soon as i get out get back in it'll let me back on autopilot but that was not from me not paying attention i just didn't have uh enough weight on the wheel i guess well i honestly can't tell you why the car is freaking out so much about our arrival but i just dropped the speed way down uh you know everything's looking like we're gonna make it there totally fine nine percent to go 20 miles should be no problem take a look here it shows still minus one percent but look 24 miles projected here which is uh totally fine and only 19 miles to the exit so unless it's like way up hill which i'm not expecting it to be we should be able to make this no problem leave it to me to try to catch up to dave and then i have to slow down you know typical kyle thinks here uh we have a one percent arrival so we're going to make it no problem and it's downhill on the way in so so really no issues here just being a little bit conservative right now we have arrived with plenty of buffer one percent it's crazy windy out here i can't get out of the door holy smokes this is like a tropical storm of some kind holy crazy crazy win man it feels like you're driving at like 50 miles an hour stick your head out a convertible roof that's crazy so let's just make sure this thing's charging and then we have all of the good food right in here this is one of my favorite super charging stops if you're a longtime viewer of the channel you'll know the dogs always like to run around in that park and we always get food in here at colby kansas so let's charge up we're at one percent and dave's just across the street charging up the mustang at the electrify america station so just ran in got some snacks and some lunch were charged up so far to 58 let's take a look as to what the rest of the trip looks like says haze is going to be the next stop with this much side wind i think we'll charge up a little extra so yeah we'll probably charge up i don't know another 5-10 minutes something like that we're all charged up to 76 state of charge we're gonna run over to walmart and uh check on dave see how the charging is going with the mustang so far we are now just pulling into walmart and i think i saw the back end of the mustang over here yep there he is look at that good timing so uh just got off the phone with dave he said he only needs a couple more percent to go and uh yeah we'll just pull up alongside why not looks like he just hit 80 state of charge according to the screen which means it's time to load up and head out there he is yeah so the mustang has a really weird charging curve you know below 80 but once you hit 80 it falls to 12 kilowatts or in the case here 14 just call you because you have uh air conditioning going or something but how's it going in the car so far great yes uh it's i'm learning that the gom the this last run i did 75 i was two under the first run so this one with the wind i don't think it calculates the wind at all so we're gonna run it at uh speed uh 75 miles an hour and i'll see how it goes awesome i'll enjoy it and uh wow it's really crazy windy so it looks like we've just booked some hotels in salina kansas and uh dave is unplugged and ready to go he likes to run at the speed limit i go a little bit quicker so perhaps we'll see him at the hotel later on we'll see how the day goes but no charging issues for the mustang at all like i experienced on my la trip again i don't know if this video is going to go live before that the plug-in charge feature is what caused all of our problems when you don't use plug-in charge the mustang charges marvelously so let's jump on the road let's figure out how to get on the road i don't know maybe we were supposed to turn the other way there not sure um we got to go behind us the other direction but uh yeah let's jump on the road and head to hayes kansas only 106 miles no problem welcome to haze kansas we have been here many many times on trips let's get this thing plugged in not as windy as it was back in uh the previous stop but still pretty busy now the electrify america stations just over there i imagine that's where dave's going so i'm gonna take a walk over there and see if uh see if we see him here comes dave rolling up into walmart right there and i'm walking over to meet him at the chargers man it's so windy well we're in the mustang checking out how dave is enjoying it on the road trip and we're doing a little calculation to see if we're charged up enough we're currently at 66 percent pulling 95 kilowatts 67 there's no way in the mustang to see of course but it's great to get these ea stations right next to the driver window because then you can just look right over that's really not a huge deal you can see the mustang thinks we have a 22 predicted arrival but this is not factoring in the crazy wind that we're having however the 153 miles of projected range is based off of dave's driving history so it should be fairly consistent yep five over that's what i've been testing it at nice fantastic and uh yeah it looks really good going down the road i like your grabber blue choice of color all right it's excellent yep for sure all right so once we're done charging the mustang dave is gonna bring me over to the y and we'll jump in there and then our next stop i think is uh the salina hotel at the supercharger correct that'll be nice get some sleep you can see just down the road from where we were the superchargers over here at the applebee's and uh that black model 3 that we've been running with since uh colorado has just rolled up is that the new plate guy that's the new plate guy yep turn left they must have gone in for dinner or something because they're not in the car please drive to highlight it thanks for the ride dave all right buddy i'll see you there see you there okay and we are all charged up to over 80 state of charge let's there goes the mustang and we're jumping in the y charged up to 83 percent we have arrived to our hotel around 36 state of charge i'm gonna top it up to 50 60 or so wake up early and then come down in full charge it here in the morning what that's going to do is heat up the battery pack it's going to take a little while so because it's going to get cold tonight so i'll come down plug it in take a shower do my things dave's parking over here not blocking a supercharger kind of looks like it but this is the last supercharger spot because again the ports are on the driver's side uh but yeah kind of funny to park the mustang there that's for sure got all checked into our hotel and uh just got a message on the ford app saying charge fault not sure what that's all about and uh yep just charging up here at the casey's so let's see it says it's still trying to connect and the app says it's faulting out let's see what the car says over here this would be the first issue on the trip and we have a red dial so the handshake did not work here and it shows a uh a service vehicle soon full accessory power active that's normal service vehicle soon indication not sure pretty interesting first bug on this trip with the mustang machi and now we just plugged into this unit over here number two seems to have started up just fine my guess is that the connection just wasn't seated all the way in it should really give you some sort of diagnostics to say hey connection is a little bit loose but uh looks like we're charging up just fine good morning it is now the next day still really windy as you can see the mustang is still not blocking a supercharger although it kind of looks like it we have the last one here in the model y this morning i woke up let's say an hour ago it's about 7 45 in the morning brought the model y over here plugged it in i charged it up to about 55 60 percent last night we are currently at 97 percent i knew i was going to take a little while this morning i had to edit a video for our out of spec reviews channel so before i did that i came down uh plugged this into the supercharger knowing it was going to charge really slow and it did like 35 kilowatt peak just because it sat overnight and got cold and this wind really cools down the battery pack so what we're able to have now is a fully charged model y with uh again 97 98 by the time we leave it's going to be nice and toasty as well so we're going to have good efficiency it's not going to be trying to warm up the pack it's just going to make the day easier and it's already pre-conditioned warmed and the heated seat is on so as we do with everyday let's go over to starbucks get our drink get the strawberry acai refresher and uh i'll meet dave over at the mcdonald's parking lot i think is the plan so unplugging here that was one of the longest supercharging sessions whoops i still haven't set up my phone as a key i finally put the car in my app oh wait that's my starbucks card it's still early in the morning and you can see sentry mode is uh freaking out here there we go now we're unlocked and now it will allow us it just started charging again now it will allow us to drive so let's head over to starbucks well bad news folks went over here to the petro stop and they have a starbucks inside and they were out of strawberry acai which is kind of a bummer so we'll find another solution for the meantime got uh some extra smart waters and so we'll be hydrated at least let's rock and roll see if we can find dave somewhere around here let's see we're in the middle of kansas i think dave should be over at that mcdonald's so let's head over there here we are pulling into mcdonald's and there's the nice mustang mock e so just gonna follow dave around let me get my walkie-talkie on we uh have these pretty neat things there we go and so now let me tell them i'm on hey dave i got my uh walkie on now okay looks like he's eating some some breakfast over there this is going off everywhere here so yeah it should be a good day looking forward to it 97 state of charge we charged the mustang up to 80 last night and uh so that is gonna be sort of the uh weakest link on this trip today which is to be expected you know that car just doesn't charge as fast for as long as the mustang does um so that's why it just takes a little while longer but it's honestly not that bad on efficiency is it it was getting 412 420 watt hour per mile yesterday and this was doing roughly a little bit more trying to think yeah 300s or so for this whole trip but uh yeah i would say it's definitely less efficient than this car on the martian wheels that's for sure welcome to the topeka supercharger here at the arby's not my favorite location a little sketchy but no one seems to be here today which is good uh let's rock and roll get this thing charging now we don't actually have to charge here what's going on is dave is uh charging up the mustang just over there at the sam's club i believe could be a walmart i don't know either way very close by and um yeah we're just gonna go uh charge up here get some extra juice may as well while he's charging up the mustang and i could put it on the chat about electrify america but it's free here at the supercharger so we'll just charge up here just got the call from dave that he's ready to go so let's get this thing unplugged shall we here we go boom and uh let's see really poor charging session um yeah not not totally sure what could just be an old supercharger or something but uh yeah we we only got up to 70 percent took a little while too at least 15 minutes but uh no problem we got the juice and uh just just relaxing on this trip so we're pulling in over here at uh walmart sam's club let's see where the chargers are and here we go they were on the other side there's dave all ready to rock and roll there's the ea station oh that's a great install perfect for uh trailers so you can pull right up alongside love that great well uh let's take a look at the mustang see how things are going over in here and see how he's doing are we doing a little youtubing back and forth we are doing a little youtubing and how's your time in the mustang today hey it's been great uh if uh it was all like this it'd be awesome yeah so far so great and honestly no real charging issues with this car i think yesterday the only issue we had was because the connector wasn't seated in all the way and um yeah it must all be plug and charge because this thing's been road tripping like a monster i agree if you go through that gyration with the app and do all that stuff it seems to work fine totally agree well it looks good going down the road uh do you want me to lead this stretch once you leave this stretch we'll switch off maybe halfway or something yep that sounds good do a little efficiency comparison we'll take interstate 70 i think it puts us right through downtown okay yep and i'll just follow you there and uh my it's forgotten independence uh what you call it so i may have to do it by hand sure yeah well we'll figure that out once we get on the road all right see ya you join us here in independence missouri and uh sorry i was just on a conference call for the future of amg which is super interesting uh lots of cool electrification stuff coming uh check out out of spec reviews for the full story anyway nice model x with a camper rolled up i said you know i was parked in the middle i said oh wait don't disconnect i'll just move over so i moved to the end spot and then they were able to just pull the model x in and of course there's still another space open so i'm going to leave here soon we're at 82 state of charge uh easy drive over on the kansas turnpike here we're just on the other side of kansas city here in missouri at the bass pro shops again charged up to 82 percent i'm sure we're good to go i think dave's just on the other side of the parking lot at the ea station so let's run over there check on him see how the mustang's doing and then we'll get on the road so here we are charged up to 82 here in the model y let's get this thing unplugged and off we go you can see a really awesome uh trailer combination over here looks really neat so it turns out dave was actually just ahead he's close by because i can hear him on the radio there so let's lock this thing in autopilot let's uh see if we can see him coming on he said he was just coming on this clover relief uh entrance right through here and uh so i have a feeling he is just ahead of us and uh yeah let's see if we can uh see him coming up or something yeah so my guess is he's he just merged up and he's probably in the uh valley here but uh yeah great timing he i you know i was on my way over to him i gave him a call because the presentation ended he said oh i'm just uh about to leave the station and it was perfect perfect timing actually i see him up ahead he's holding up that line right there so that is uh perfect timing actually really amazing we have two and a half miles to our exit destination but take a look at this i found another mustang mock e very interesting uh dave of course is at the electrify america station charging up uh behind us they were not in sync this time but uh see a nice black mock e right here gotta say it looks really good in black uh that might be the color because you don't get that goofy weird roof line i mean i guess it looks pretty good but uh yeah it looks like it's on dealer tag or something like this nice welcome to somewhere in missouri we have the model y here the maki that we saw on the highway pulled in and uh you know of course not able to charge it a supercharger i guess he didn't know that he works at the dealer or owns the dealer and he's just testing it out so he's going to the supercharger or i should say the electrify america charger where dave is in the mustang about 40 miles west of here he has about 50 state of charge so he'll be able to make it just fine but these are the things the mustang needs to show you chargers because he's like yeah the car doesn't show us anything like i know it's so bad it does its job but it's not great model y handling great looking good and just enjoying the drive here well we're just kind of hanging out here killing some time while dave charges up the mustang apparently he didn't have a great charging session i told him to move stalls and it's going a little bit quicker we are here at 93 percent uh yeah not sure what to do maybe we'll go get some food at jimmy john's here across the street he's got another close to hour to get to us and then he's got a charge so yeah the tesla's just a much faster road tripper as we've seen but that's okay uh now the car wants us to go all the way down here to let's see mount vernon but we can charge in st louis so uh yeah no no need to like stretch it all the way up to 100 let's just stop charging here no need to kill the car with charging up at 93 state of charge it's not great to dc fast charge cars up at high states of charge so we'll save the model y a little a little wear and tear at least let's go get a sandwich at jimmy john's folks awesome lunch really good but you know what with these clouds and missing starbucks this morning because they were out of the drink i'm starting to get a pretty bad headache so um let's run over to starbucks folks it's 2.7 miles in the other direction but it's so weird i'm on a road trip but since dave is the weak link here in terms of speed and the mach e i'm just like killing time cruising around in the model y i mean uh we're going to the same destination tonight so there's no reason for me to like speed up and then get there i may as well just hang out with him that way also if one of us has an issue or a flat tire or you know anything just in case um we're gonna be uh we're gonna be protected here so uh or at least have some backup so let's go over to starbucks and explore columbia missouri i feel like i'm ev dave in the model y filming in the right spot this is what dave's channel you see a lot of this exact side of the screen this exact bit of the wheel in this exact car there we go nice old wagon that thing's pretty neat and uh yeah it looks like a pretty cool town not bad some uh nice homes in here and uh yeah just nice little little single lane roads uh oh says for elise but i think it must be on the front side of the building because people are in line for starbucks i think we're good hell yeah well bad news folks every starbucks pretty much since kansas has been out of strawberry acai this is truly a pandemic that is not being reported on in the news enough this is the real problem folks no strawberry acais and the u-turn lanes down here are like a mile away from where i pulled out this thing's beeping yeah not going so well i thought we were gonna bump up this trip get some strawberry acai we're in columbia missouri seems like a nice enough place this guy's smoking some barbecue love it but unfortunately not oh well we'll try again i guess down the road continuing the weirdness of this stop apparently dave you know made it right past while i was sitting in the starbucks line he went on by and he said oh the highway is closed so i said well i'm gonna go on some back roads then so i've just exited the highway and uh he said they may have just started moving but he wasn't sure i said well i'm just gonna take a look at some scenery on the way through missouri take some back roads around take a look at colombia and uh yeah really cool nice golf course here on the left not uh not too bad of a little town so taking some back roads and then we'll jump on the highway in six miles and straight shot over to st louis we're cruising on some dirt roads and something most people don't know about autopilot is that it'll actually do its best uh when you transfer from pavement to dirt to get you down the dirt road it's actually kind of neat it won't let you activate it when you're already on here but it will do its best to try and keep it going yeah the highway was closed so we're taking some back roads through missouri here in the model y and i gotta say doing a great job of just uh i mean it looks all janky yankee here on the screen but driving fine love it we have arrived at the electrify america station there's a very much of an underreported pandemic going on here yes is here and so i've stopped it now every starbucks from colby kansas to saint charles missouri what are they missing they do not have strawberry acai refresher well i'm not sure whoever drinks it yeah really weird people yeah they really drink like black coffee or something like that must be people in colorado thinking that's sick and there's another under reported pandemic which is you've chosen the spot with the chatimo which is what i need to charge but it just so happens i have enough energy to get to mount vernon and i am down the road okay well if that's the case i'm just going to top up real quick at the supercharger and then i'll see you about verdict okay there well the car's looking good you're feeling yeah so dave's charged up the maki of course and i was going to go to the supercharger but take a look at this we have 51 to go 97 miles 6 arrival should be fine i'm just gonna stick it on autopilot at one behind dave and he'll push all the air out of the way so let's rock and roll welcome to the doubletree here in illinois we have an interesting site we have a tesla model s here uh looks really good performance ap1 not plugged in though i've plugged in the model y over here of course and that is charging up just fine and then we have actually it's doing 148 kilowatts maxing it out nice and 73 degrees here and then we have another tesla here parked but not plugged in so two model s's uh ev what do we call this icing chargers i don't know it doesn't make any sense why would you park here block usable spaces when there's a giant ass parking lot right there come on people that is ridiculous we are charged up to 71 enough to get to kanawha that's i guess or katawa i think it's cudawa uh dave just left the charger over here i actually saw him on the way in which was really funny i need to stop off and get some headache medicine because my migraine is getting really bad and they didn't have anything in there so let's go find some headache medicine dave's already on his way and i took my sweet time of course and uh yep heading over to kaduwa let's go bjorn style over to circle k oh yes folks we got the hot dog we got the excedrin all at the circle k we're rocking bjorn style right down the street from the supercharger let's head on the highway and head over to cuddawa should arrive with 14 only 128 miles you join us here in karawa kentucky charging up the model y at the 150 kilowatt supercharger john and kathy over there super nice and uh they're road tripping their new model s asking quite a few questions about uh third-party chargers they were asking about the mach e they checked out dave's model y of course really really nice and that's one of the best parts about evs you really get to meet a lot of people look some people don't want to meet people and therefore you don't have to talk to anyone but i certainly uh you know they came up and they were asking about the wheels on the y the martian wheels and super super nice so there's a little bit of food here but we've been talking for maybe 20 30 minutes i think the y is already starting to taper a little bit let's take a look because i'm not sure but you can tell the tesla t is not blinking as fast as when we first got here and that means that it's starting to slow down the charge yeah 73 says where you have enough to continue on the trip i think the next stop might be nashville heading to dave's daughter's house and uh gonna have some pizza and some good stuff there that's where we'll crash for the night they have two wall connectors for us to charge on dave has a tesla to j1772 adapter for the mustang that i suggested that he buy and he did so we are ready to head to nashville tennessee one of my favorite cities good morning from nashville tennessee we slept at uh dave's daughter's house we have the mustang all charged up we have the model y charged up to 90 you see the way the superchargers are spaced it doesn't make sense to full charge this car we got to stop at the superchargers anyway also i have some conferences to jump on to so i'm just going to hit those while i'm at the chargers and probably way overcharged but we're going to take a real relaxed trip just you know 300 miles over to dave's house where we're going to drop the cars uh so it should be a pretty relaxed day but it wouldn't be an out of spec road trip without some rain folks so let's go to starbucks this morning here in uh nashville tennessee we're in east nashville and uh go uh get some drinks to start this day shall we there it is the beautiful starbucks and a line to suit but hey i think it's worth it so let's uh we got nothing to do today except road trip dave's on his own schedule i'm leaving before him a little bit in the maki like i mentioned so uh dang look at this line all the way out to here but uh yeah i think i think we can do it turn the wheel caddy there we go nice well i've stopped off here at a la quinta inn for no other reason than i needed to go on this presentation and i just found some level twos right off of the highway right over there i said well hey may as well get some juice while we're here so charging up on the blink chargers man was that a pain in the ass to set up the uh blink app putting my credit card details the whole bit just a giant mess honestly so now let me jump on this presentation should take about an hour we'll probably be charged up to 80 something percent and by that point we will make it to uh knoxville charger with uh no problem i think and worst case we can always stop in cookeville which is kind of off the highway and inconvenient so this works great if we can get enough juice to get us to knoxville yeah especially with all this rain that'd be awesome one hour later we're charged up to 83 we've added six kilowatt hours to the battery pack a lot of that uh probably would have gotten more however uh i was running the air conditioning the whole time it's actually kind of warm out 65 degrees the rain has stopped the sun is coming out there's like accidents on the highway take a look just huge traffic over here and um yeah i say let's unplug and head to dave's house now that i finished up that presentation on the design strategy of the mercedes eqs yeah just a little a little boring gotta say welcome to a pretty full knoxville supercharger we are gonna charge pretty slow here uh because we're sharing with someone and i peeked over at their screen and they were at like 20 so we can always move around actually not too bad 50 plus kilowatts hey can't complain uh so all is good we're doing 66 kilowatts great um yeah gonna eat some bojangles it came all the way from colorado to get some bojangles and then we're gonna rock and roll off to dave's house so we need a pretty deep charge here getting some really good speeds here 140 kilowatts just ran over to the starbucks and used the restroom and now it's time to enjoy some bojangles real healthy trip this time we are heading out to knoxville now and charged up to 92 met some really nice people at this supercharger and uh heading off to dave's house 164 miles here we go [Music] you
Channel: Out of Spec Motoring
Views: 204,605
Rating: 4.8702312 out of 5
Keywords: Tesla, Model 3, model s, model x, tires, drift, skid, track mode, Kyle Conner, Roadster, Elon, Rich Rebuilds, Road Trip, Cold, Weather, Range, ESP, Track, Mode, Performance, Standard, Short, Review, Comparison, Buy
Id: g6lz4dPCce8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 13sec (2293 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 19 2021
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