Model Y Long Range Compared to Performance

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so like i said from the beginning i'm going to be cranking out so like i said from the beginning i'm going to be cranking out videos on the tesla model y just like i did with the focus st and i'm starting to do with the m2 but here we have dana's performance model y dana's just off camera he'll be in a little bit and then we have my long range here so we're going to go through all the differences of the car the cool thing is they're spec the same same white color on the exterior same white interior we're going to talk about ride quality we're going to talk about range we're going to talk about the heat coming through the sunroof i know a lot of you talk about the panoramic roof and with me being in phoenix i'm in an extreme environment so there's very few places on earth that are going to get hotter than phoenix and i've been able to experience what that's like when it's 120 degrees outside i'll bring dana in now so we can kind of go through everything um i think we're also going to talk about power right yeah yeah we're going to do some acceleration tests uh this was tested by car and driver at 4.6 seconds to 60. um it's advertised at 4.8 uh dana's car is at three and a half seconds to 60. so while this car will obliterate most things on the street not necessarily because the 0 to 60 times quick it's just because of how the power is put down so this thing will annihilate most i mean like if a gtr pulled up it would be close yeah prior to the tesla i had a 2017 nsx and off the line this smokes the nsx even though the nsx is a hybrid it has the electric and the gas set up this isn't just instantaneous it's unreal yeah and so if you check the card at the top of your screen before his nsx he actually had a gtr you've had a couple gtrs right yeah um so i've reviewed that or i've reviewed his nsx so he's been on the channel a couple times he used to do youtube videos um but then he quit let's just start with the exterior of the car um i upgraded the wheels i got the the 20-inch induction wheels the cars are both filthy by the way so if you're looking for clean cars it's not here these are the 21-inch wheels i've seen the 19s with the they come with the hubcaps give you a little bit more range uh i just don't think the car looks as good people have talked about the ride quality with the 19-inch wheel yeah it's probably better um but the looks i i just don't think it looks very good but if you're here just for you need the absolute most range you want the absolute comfort go with the 19-inch wheels i personally really like these wheels so dana's car has 21-inch i really called uber turbine yeah wheels yeah these things they're beautiful and the other difference is it comes with a gummier tire so these are a 280 tread wear rating the all seasons that come on mine are a 500 tread wear rating so it's it's way different in grippiness these are going to be able to put down the power the three and a half the 456 horsepower um and to handle the main thing with these is the torque um you know the second you're on it it's at full torque so right yeah yeah so these are the same tread wear rating as my m2 and also you'll see you'll notice the red brake calipers with tesla uh etched into the side of it so that's a nice touch i wish mine not i don't necessarily care if mine are red or not i just wish it had the tesla etched in even if it was in black it's just a nice detail that i think everyone regardless if you're like super into cars or if you're just buying a tesla because it's efficient i wish it had that etched into it so 21 inch wheels the other thing this is part of the performance upgrade pack so you can get a model y performance that just has the regular hubcaps on it it could be kind of like a sleeper as they like to say um but yeah this this performance upgrade pack comes with the suspension the bigger wheels better tires and i think that's it right yeah above yours the brakes are performance brakes they call them i don't know if they're larger or what that means i think these are definitely larger yeah i don't know what the pistons are on these things like i don't know it's kind of irrelevant because of regenerative braking so that's so that's one thing to look at the other thing this car sits looks about an inch lower than mine is we were kind of looking at them just parked in this garage that sits about an inch lower just overall the the wheel fills out the wheel well a little bit better it sits lower it's more aggressive but it also rides more aggressively and with the performance upgrade pack that takes your total range down to 291 miles as opposed to 316 miles that you get in the long range some people have asked if i regret not getting the model y performance i would love to have the power there's no doubt about that but the power in this thing is sufficient and for me the range was very important because i use this for my daily job there's some days i'm using 250 miles of range and i needed to have absolutely as much as i could get so here's kind of a cool view from behind both of the y's here another difference i forgot to mention is this carbon fiber spoiler that comes on the performance this is a really nice feature it's actually something that i might do to mine and again i'm not someone that's like if i had a wrx i wouldn't put an sti wing on it i think you should be put in jail for that this is one of those upgrades it's a really nice subtle touch kind of adds to almost the ducktail look that they put on the model y i think that's the best design feature on the entire car when you sit sit from a distance look at it from a side shot it looks really good and gives the car a rigid look as opposed to a sloping droopy look so i really like that about the y one way you can tell performance versus non-performance is this red stripe underneath the badge yeah other than that i mean like the average person seeing these two cars drive by probably not going to tell the difference so let's move on to the interior of the car now dana got the sun shade we'll have it linked down in the description below that way you can check that out classical music playing the reason i got the sunshade because i was trying to minimize this car was parked outside for a little bit and i was trying to minimize how much sun was getting in and heating the car up over a period of time and it made a big difference um i like it but i think what i'll do is remove that and tint it with a ceramic tint eventually yeah yeah the other thing is the the rear glass you'll notice comes with with a shade on it from the factory this is additionally tinted as well though right yeah and mine is two okay so i i was talking to tyler dynamic tint and he was saying that's just a tempered glass so it has it looks good it has no function though so if you guys can't just tint the front windows the back needs to be tinted as well i'd also recommend if you're gonna if you want the rear windows to go a shade darker do the same shade you did up front on the back because it's already a level of tint i went to shade darker and mine are like limo black yeah yeah so i didn't you can see mine is much more see-through than yours is yeah exactly so just a tip if you're if you're thinking of getting it but yeah so as far as the heat goes coming through the roof yeah at noon midday you know 12 through 2 o'clock when it's 115 degrees sun's blasting down you definitely feel some heat as you're driving uh and you have the ac going you start you kind of forget about it yeah you don't you don't notice that um yeah so if you want to totally eliminate that you can get the sun shade that's a more cost effective option or you can get it fully tinted so there's a couple options there but again us being in phoenix this is as hot as it gets i don't think it's an issue that you should worry about yeah no anywhere else other than phoenix i can't imagine it being that no no if you're in the northeast yeah it's not going to be a problem so overall with the white interior i just don't think it's that big of a deal i've heard that they're very easy to clean we will be doing some tests uh to show that eventually in a video i will do that uh but i've heard they clean up well you can actually bleach the seats um and they're they're just kind of built for that so a lot of other cars i've seen light interiors where if you have jeans you get in and there's like that blue rub on the side of them so i mean eventually if that happens i'll show you we'll get them cleaned up my wife and i when we went uh we went up to sedona recently and we went on a hike i was all dusty and everything so we just got in the car i don't notice it though so i'll eventually wipe microfiber the seats down i have an interior cleaner i personally think it's the way to go for a thousand dollars and really when i got the 3 000 discount on the car i got the wheels and the seats for for free so my opinion it's worth it but maybe you just like the black interior better maybe you want this to be the uh the wood grain that comes with the black interior it's it's all personal opinion i think either way you go you're gonna still get the comfort on both of them one additional thing about the seats and constantly worrying about keeping them clean and whatnot even if you did royally mess them up everything in this car is modular right that's how cars are built so if you needed to replace the seat covers okay you go to tesla you buy new seat covers and have them installed not a big deal and then back to how it was from the factory so people need to realize that it's not that big of a deal everything in this car can be replaced every little piece of it yeah i agree just yeah just enjoy it like if you like how it looks get it yeah on to the next thing we're gonna go more performance uh ride quality all that stuff dana's gonna drive mine i'm gonna drive his we're gonna put andrew in the back seat we're gonna kill him after the video so all right so while we were in this parking garage we found a third-party charger and this one's by chargepoint and it should charge at this around the same rate as you'd get at home if you had uh the nema 1450 yeah the nema 1450 with 32 amps right so you need to use this j1772 adapter which comes with all teslas and so all you got to do is open this charge point and pop this in okay and then you have to set up your charge point account but you just log in and it's been a while since i've done this but press this button i think no how do we do this thing again so what you do is yeah this is exactly how i do it we've done this before wait okay oh that's sweet yeah you just get your phone close to it double click it and it's gonna recognize your face recognize my face bastard or just put my password in don't look kanye zero zero seriously there we go okay now it's ready to charge so you heard it unlock all right when available and pop it in and we're done so it'll charge it to my account my charge point account on my phone which is amazing it's just so easy to go anywhere and have these charge points they're everywhere i can see them yeah everywhere i go so what what does this cost you or how much is it i'm not sure we'll have to come back and take a look exactly that'll be interesting yeah once we come back we're gonna we're gonna hop in my car right now dana's gonna take it for a ride yeah talk about the acceleration of it and ride quality you can take a look at the charge rate it will ramp up right now it's at 1.86 kilowatt see now it's at 3.27 it should eventually get to around i think seven or so yeah it's pretty good yeah i don't know if you feel this way but talking about i love you love performance cars the cars you've owned you're crazy i i have an m2 i mean i have the st like i love engines i love all that stuff but it feels good to not be polluting no it doesn't there's something about that and i'm not like a green freak like you know i'm not like looting and still having a lot of fun having exactly and the driving dynamics are great um i don't know just kind of things i wasn't thinking about before getting it but it's kind of nice i calculated how much gas i use on an annual basis so i won't there's on an annual basis i use about over 600 gallons of gas a year that will now not be in the atmosphere yeah it's kind of nice to be able to do that but anyways let's get in my model y and see what dana's thoughts are on it yeah so it still accelerates pretty quickly and it's instantaneous but there's definitely a drastic difference between the performance and the non-performance the performance is is very aggressive it's shockingly quick just quite like that would be really all back in your seats but i it's not as um aggressive but it's way more than your traditional internal combustion engine car yeah right like that no nuts no internal combustion car can do that because they have to downshift that it has to be in the right gear if it's a turbo car it has to be you know boosted it has to you know have to have its pressure up and all that stuff and yeah this is just instantaneous right so that's good yeah i know it is crazy so that's what you never get tired of no it's in torque yeah there's no doubt the performance if you really want a super punchy car you really want a crazy fast suv spend the extra money to get the performance but if you just want the additional range and comfort and you don't want to spend that extra money this is way more than what most cars have yeah absolutely the other thing we were talking about is the ride quality uh we went over a couple bumps it's tough for us to give you a realistic view of how is the handling we don't have we're not in the canyons so we i don't know we could give you good feedback there i'm sure it's better yeah handling is hard to tell because we're not taking these corners real hard but uh no doubt that this car the performance the non-performance this one is more supple and it goes over bumps much nicer like this right there in my car would be a little bit jarring because you have the larger wheels you have the thinner tread or the tire wear with a higher thinner tire wall thinner tire wall and the car is lowered and so you have all these things going against you yeah so this is definitely a more comfortable ride for me i don't drive very much you know i i drive my tesla maybe 10 15 miles a week at most wow so not very much i you know it's not a big deal for me yeah no i can understand that like i said before do i regret it no no i can't really because i i needed the range i'd love to have the performance because it's so fast and we're gonna drive that here shortly yeah um but again this is it's still fast i would bet if i line this up with my m2 i think roll race m2 would win it just it has more top-end power but acceleration i don't think it has a chance no off the line off the line i mean it's this was tested car and driver like i said at 4.6 seconds the m2 uh the best they got out of it was 4-4 with a professional driver so yeah so right now it's 93 out it's not super hot actually it's cooling down because we just had rain last night but it would usually be around 105 110 out and so right now i don't feel any heat coming in through this and hitting my head even if i take my hat off i'm just i don't feel anything yeah no i don't i don't fly so my understanding is that there's already a solar not maybe a tint but there's a soul or something to stop the the solar come from coming in but uh if you want even more you can put that blocker that shade or you can additionally tint it with ceramic tint yeah if you're crazy like me yeah and i the other day someone asked like will you burn your hand if you touch the roof and i replied to the comment i said no and i then touched the roof after it's been sitting outside and basically cooked my finger medium well so it uh you can burn your finger it does get very hot if you have kids and they're stupid and they don't learn their lesson they touch things yeah they're going to burn themselves properly let them learn their lesson once but let them learn they're like yeah touch the roof when you initially drive a tesla you're kind of shocked by you're like whoa look at this roof and look at all this glass but after you own one for a couple weeks you forget you're not even looking at you're not even looking at it so don't let that initial shock oh i need this because it has a glass roof um it's you once you own the car you're not like looking out the glass roof yeah totally forget it there this is nice if you go camping i was thinking about this i want to go camping in my tesla yeah i wanted to make it my camping thing in the future you can get some really cool beds and if you're you know less than six one you should be able to sleep in the back yeah problem put the seats down it's flat put a nice bed back there you have an entertainment system you have everything you need to go night and do a nice camping trip but also at night you could look up and see the stars yeah that'd be sick yeah yeah that would be really cool i have cam has camp mode we should do that yeah we should open up and go camping and get smashed yeah that's still pretty quick yeah i'm not gonna lie it's it's still yeah you get around cars you can go ahead of people and cut in cut out i mean we have we all together probably over 500 pounds yeah exactly so i mean it's yeah there's a lot of extra weight in here there is a difference when you're alone just like any car yeah driving around so i guess the next thing we need to do is uh pop in dana's why and i'll let you know how that is alright one thing i noticed when i came back is that it's reporting it's only hitting a max of 5.3 kilowatts whereas at my apartment i get to about 7 kilowatts so it's not as good as a tesla charger but it's pretty good so i'm going to unplug it and see what we charged at how much it cost me stop charging unlock charge port pop it back in so now it's green it's done it should tell me how much so 26 minutes of charging i got 2.024 kilowatt hours let's see what chargepoint charged me for that i keep fighting all this out yeah oh it was free so i guess it's free to charge here so you see here it says free that's pretty cool that is badass 26 minutes of charging for free zero dollars yeah so if you're getting a quick lunch or picking something up i mean just get a little bit back yep a little more feel in the wheels because of the larger wheels larger wheels thinner side walls [Music] i love the electric sound yeah it's a spaceship but yeah the i can already tell the throttle response is instantaneous yeah they're both instantaneous just one just puts it down harder oh my god it has so my feeling is the initial pickup is similar there's then a mid-range torque that just yeah mind-blowing yeah i mean it goes over these bumps here yeah it's not like a terrible ride though no it's perfectly nice it's firmer but it's not andrew's like flying around in the back seat i've never been in the past some where somebody's driving like crazy like like a psychopath those ladies have no idea we're in an obnoxious car but i mean overall here we're going over some cobblestone right now i really don't yeah i mean it feels about the same um so really you just have to decide if you do want the performance and you want to go with the performance upgrade pack you know is that range going to affect your use of the car you can only get some other aftermarket wheels that are lightweight if you want to give it a more of a performance look but yeah for the most part i mean one thing to mention as well is that the range the difference in range is because of the larger wheels and tires and it's just not as efficient yeah wheels are very heavy yeah they're heavier they don't have as much aerodynamics and whatnot but the other thing is that because the car is so snappy you always want to hit it and have fun with it and you'll your your battery will go down quicker because yeah just like when you have a performance car you oh god you have a performance car your gas goes down quicker you're having fun yeah the difference is with the killer bird the difference is with gas you can go to a station and just fill up and there's no you're not worried yeah whereas this if you're driving again um yeah you you could strand yourself and that's awful for the battery to drain it to nothing yeah it really it just depends like how you yeah this thing is so fast it's unreal i'm actually a little terrified when you hit these corners i know so the overall feel of the car like we expected the power much more power a lot more torque um and just a little little sharper in the handling and the feel feedback you get through the wheels so yeah the performance upgrade pack does something for sure the brakes look cool uh but again the brakes on these cars are not nearly as relevant as they are in a normal car when i drove when i reviewed a focus rs and i got on the uh i think they're four piston brakes up front and i i got on the brakes i was like whoa this is a huge difference because the st only comes with single piston so like in a car like that you there you feel the difference in the power of the brakes but uh with this tesla again the just the regenerative braking takes over so much it's really single foot driving on having this one pedal driving scenario you always want to time the regen to get you to the stop at the right point yes it's kind of like a game that you play like how good can i be at assuming when it's going to stop perfectly in front of or behind the car you're in front of yeah i've compared that to like getting a perfect shift yeah that's right it's like the future of getting the perfect break yeah yeah exactly but uh yeah so we're gonna go i'm gonna go get in my why dana's gonna get in his and we're going to see acceleration-wise um how quick they are or how much faster this thing is compared to the long range it's like getting a crisp break you know like a christmas shift yeah that was a christmas oh man i just nailed that regen two one go i hope you guys enjoyed today's video i'll be doing more with dana in the future in his model y but the overall summary of driving the performance compared to the long range i don't feel like i'm missing much yes it is a faster car for sure but again for me the range on the car was more important it's a little bit more comfortable not not a ton though it's not like it has a rough ride to it i'm sure as you would drive around town go over certain bumps you'd feel it more often but i truly don't believe that you're going to have any issues if you want to go with the performance upgrade pack on the model y performance you can see in the as the side by side acceleration test i do go to gaffle bees fairly quickly but as we're accelerating it's not like he is pulling way ahead continuously it's more of the initial 0-60 and then from there it kind of flattens out a little bit so it just it really depends on what you're looking for i i think the nice thing about tesla is the interiors are all the same so yes his has more power has different wheels it's had little subtleties all around the car uh that make it what it is and i think regardless of what tesla you get probably the most important thing for me does come down to range andrew and i were just talking off camera about if he should get you know the standard range a little earlier because it's cheaper or maybe should i save up and get the uh long range model three my advice is just go with whatever has the most amount of range uh because doing trips and things like that just gonna make your life easier let me know what questions you have in the comments below i'll get back to as much as possible but it's actually nice the community uh in my videos we're all looking to help each other out and give the information that we have so it should be pretty helpful but thank you guys for watching the video and i'll see you next time bye
Channel: Gjeebs
Views: 116,125
Rating: 4.8272605 out of 5
Id: YYhLo7w5KH8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 5sec (1505 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 30 2020
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