Tesla Model Y Road Trip with 4 Humans

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good morning folks got another road trip for you we are going to lake powell arizona i'm currently getting the car charged up to its full potential jamie is on board we are going to be doing this trip with me and jamie and then another couple so before full full-size u.s adults in here which is a little larger than the rest of the world we're making the road trip up there we're stopping in flagstaff and on this trip i'm going to show you how much supercharging costs i'm also going to show you the efficiency of the car we're going from 1100 feet down in the phoenix valley all the way up to seven thousand five hundred feet at up in uh what's it called flagstaff so yeah i'm just getting the car charged all the way up to 100 battery it says 30 minutes currently remaining so we're currently at 294 miles but it says 30 minutes remaining but you can also see it says the battery is full so a lot of times when you charge it all the way up to full it takes 30 minutes to get it all the way done i don't know if it's cycling through all the cells to make sure they're all filled i just made that up so i don't i don't know but uh it is gonna be a full battery and we'll see what a full battery is now welcome to diaries of a tesla owner i had these sausages this morning and they're like the microwave ones you pull them out of a box they're frozen you put them in for a minute and they're ready which that's suspect and the smells that are seeping out of me right now are truly unforgivable so i'm trying to get all of that out before we get on the road trip and that would be a good thing if that happens car is packed frunk is set up there are two occupants currently in the vehicle trunk is all packed up as you can see here using the undercarriage using the everything and then i'm going to put this in the car to just have as a charger for the way down there so i just got a warning on the tesla the trip that we're currently doing is about 160 miles up there up to flagstaff and i just got a warning and i don't know if it's because there's extra weight in the car or whatever and so it says we have to stay under 75 miles per hour and we're gonna get there with only five percent battery to the supercharger so again displayed range on the car was 295 miles it's now saying that probably only get a gonna get about 170 miles out of this charge running at 363 watt hours per mile so just to give you guys an idea again we're going all the way uphill the car is totally full with people and luggage and things like that yeah you got got the warning again to stay under 75 miles per hour to reach your destination now luckily there's superchargers the whole way there so we're not going to have any issues we're not going to be stuck but you might have to pull over to charge i guess we'll see so we got a model y here it looks like it's been wrapped the roof's been totally wrapped got the 19-inch wheels on it gonna give him the wave give him the tesla middle finger colorado oh i really don't like that hi sir yeah got the tesla written across the front i mean am i a fan of it but it's different give him the benefit of the doubt you know he probably was going to see this and now you're offending him i'm sorry i would tell that to his face though no you're not allowed you're not allowed to show your feelings but we're currently in camberty arizona ooh i kind of want to try their uh that energy one fairy blitz you're right all right i'll do a two for five your husband just pissed with his pants and someone walked in oh god honestly with these i have to because they're too tight so there is a slight concern of range right now because it's going to be close we're going to get to flagstaff at seven percent i'll show you guys once we get in the car but we just need to uh we need to hydrate right now colby's trying to stop his heart so colby this is your first road trip so far in the tesla you seem slightly concerned about range you do you have range anxiety and you're not even driving the car well is that true i always like to air on the safe side yeah we should have stopped at cord's lake but we didn't but i like risk risk is more fun for the video right guys right no is that incorrect all right so how's the comfort in the back right now amber is currently working back here she's on a grind comfort sucks colby that's good good the seats i sometimes hear the seats are firm are they comfortable colby's six too they're very comfortable yeah supported okay i just need to apologize it's gonna smell a little bit did you fart oh your bag so are you gonna peel eggs in here yeah i brought it back jesus christ so to give you guys an understanding of what we just did we okay here we go since last charge we did 163 miles 362 watt hours but we started with 295 miles and we ended with 32 miles so you can see again we're going 80 miles an hour you're going uphill all the way you have people in the car so it does vary temperature varies we're like a perfect temperature what yeah you can open it charging it 560 miles per hour and it's cost us 37 cents so far luckily i have all the supercharger miles so it's not costing me anything thank you guys okay so we're all set here just got to get the car unplugged we have enough to get our new location another model y there coming in some more efficient wheels and we're off to go so yeah quick super charging trip and we're out off to the brewery to surprise someone for their 30 whatever birthday i mean i think we need to grow up and stop celebrating everyone's birthday it doesn't matter really it should be celebrated every 10 years at this point keep that in mind for your 30th this year thank you i'd appreciate it i have a code no it's a delivery what on earth is that the lumberjack dude that is a terrorist algorithm you have to be kidding me that was someone's like falling down the stairs that was someone's job at some point but someone's chipotle in there someone's chipotle's in there and now the person that was delivered is blacked out on meth dead because they have no job and that's little robots just driving around you and them have something in common i'll tell you what i hear that comment one more time i'm gonna drive this thing right through a mall we made it to flagstaff everything is fine the car is charged up so we can get to page arizona the only problem is is i now we're wearing a bunch of conspiracy theory shirts and hoodies so for example jamie is wearing a free britney this isn't even a conspiracy no this is real but colby's believe in yourself even if no one else does bigfoot the homie on there and i get stuck with this i get stuck with there's amber's got messy make earth flat again now are in flagstaff arizona it is the bluest part of the state like this is not going to go well up here and i have to be in public with that so i have my sweater you want to wear mine i have another one if you'd rather wear that one if i get cold you're gonna have to give it to me i'll give it to you uh maybe bring it just in case i might bring a body armor and drink that at the brewery amber's gonna blow coverage here put your mask on remember mask in between sips jerks for not even a monument not even a monumental birthday and we're all jacked up he's 37. who's 35. thank you hello yes for some reason it's nice yeah for some reason hold on just hold it hold the button down there you go one more two three still didn't connect it's not connecting my tattoo this is your boy jeebs here just want to give you a little sneak peek of the flagship ride this is by far the best second best vehicle ever made right here little toyota 4runner tacoma of course followed closely in third place by a tundra any toyota fans out there this is what you want to get if the suv it's 19 miles per gallon highway it's very efficient so we're currently at 7000 feet elevation also i said i was going to let you know how much it cost to charge so at that last stop it would have cost nine dollars and ninety four cents i don't remember how much miles did we add you know we had 32 left and we got to 186 yeah so whatever that map is yeah so that costs 9.94 at the flagstaff supercharger so just give you an idea of what you maybe what it may cost you on road trips i thought it was always about a third or a quarter of what gas cost but now gas is much higher it's three dollars and fifty cents or four dollars a gallon depending on where you are in the u.s so yeah you wouldn't know because you know gas stations so we're on our way to horseshoe bend right now then we're going to charge in payson and then we're going to be at the campsite page page we're charging a page and it'll be the campsite [Music] katie on a leash out here at horseshoe bend first time i've ever been here in my life it's kind of like the grand canyon in a way that you almost have a religious experience with yourself because it's kind of hard to believe it's real these rocks could go at any moment oh my god look at we're hanging over an edge here these canoers are the size of a pixel the wind has died down for a moment but it's so beautiful i'm just trying to be responsible and not be hanging over the edge but uh i gotta show you guys the edge so here's kind of what that looks like i don't even know why i'm taking footage of it because not being here in person doesn't do it justice you have to come see like this in the grand canyon religious experience it is really high up though and you're afraid of heights i am my palms are a little sweaty yeah but you're okay you're happier here yeah i'm happy like i want a bass jump i want a cannonball what yeah no you're gonna make me throw up well it's all for the gram just like roxanne said that that sheer ledge over there i know that's where we just were i don't like that are those boyfriend you jeans like it no i actually like them i'm actually surprised yeah your butt looks good you're better looking than most models though so that's why i'm okay with it jamie jesus i thought you're gonna swipe the bug and run off the edge jesus what just happened did he fall yes just fell backwards off people ask how i got so jacked it's from using x shrimp x-shred is the number one supplement for males under the age of 92. common side effects of using extreme erectile dysfunction you're going to lose your goddamn hair but it doesn't matter because your will be hard and your muscles will be big i had to do that quick sponsorship from um x-shred who sponsors the channel now so it's been a really good supplement to use check them out at extra.com pretty sure this is a v3 charger so we should get up to maybe 700 miles an hour so we'll see what happens here this is the page arizona supercharger there's actually a golf course right over there i was laughing at one of the comments you guys left in the last video where i said nick and i are both golfers and someone wrote that was never in question because nick was wearing a title is that anyways guys i don't know how else to say it but we have entered the simulation no tesla owner has been here yet i am the first i don't know what the road ahead holds i apologize for the wind noise i have no way of fixing it right now we just got here to under canvas took this awesome photo of the tesla that you can see beautiful it's just freezing cold but it's also i'm wearing shorts i'm an idiot unpacking the front unpacking everything out of the car fully loaded made it up here two supercharger stops trying to help sorry about the windows and it worked out great it's really cool that you can actually take these electric vehicles drive them to these remote parts of the country and enjoy them with an ev it's just it's really fun so uh yeah there's the wheels nice and dusty it's a lot of fun just using this car and not worrying about it got the paint protection film from dynamic tint and the tents and everything so so i was just telling my friend chris here who chris just got a x xc 90 r design beautiful car air suspension sport package looks great anyways i just had to walk back to the car because i left my wife's book bag in the car and i go oh shoot i left your book bag in the car and her response to me is why and it's it's like moments like that in marriage actually for me it gave me clarity on what why oj did what he did because i mean it truly just makes everything very clear nice sunset over there we're at under canvas and it's awesome he's broken with a blanket look at him like gordon jumped off a rock today and sprained his ankle so now he's limping around he's got an hour [Music] good morning folks currently out here at under canvas i don't remember if i already said that in this video it is absolutely beautiful out here and the tents are amazing if these little rooms in them i'll show you clips of that the food is great this is a really cool experience i didn't expect this very happy we're here birthday boy can't walk jumped off a rock possibly broke both of his feet but other than that things are going well we're going out on a boat today in lake powell i'll bring you along for that experience colby is our sherpa you're our sherpa so i had the car in off-road assist mode i've never done that seems like it takes the throttle down to like chill mode just dulls out the throttle and it felt like it was doing something so elon's doing a good job large chain in the ground here this is what kong broke loose from and that's why there's a new movie so yeah we're heading onto a boat now it's only like 65 degrees outside so it's not really uh know that it's really a day you want to get in the water probably frigid here's a look at the boat there is a water slide amber you're going down where's the staircase this is really cool there's a grill on this thing oh here we go wow yeah this is beautiful out here now ultimately i need to get to the point where i can get one of these boats and i can go down that water slide all day long that's all i need is a water slide i would just do that all day long i'm going to be tanning naked up here later yeah this is a really cool boat oh look at the floor look at this place this probably has a v-tech wow this i mean this is well there's a downstairs this is the new look it's you can smell the wood look at this yeah all this is brand new this is extremely cool i want to go you want to go upstairs down the slide yeah dry wow this is really cool i've never been on boats like this you got two bunks down here really yeah damn this is cool as hell all right after seeing this one ours is a little ghetto oh yeah spiral staircase forgot about that granite bar this this would be a blast i would just be going up and down this oh dude there is a staircase here how did we miss that what to the outside though we must have we were outside yeah i don't know what happened so [Music] [Music] so the boat day's over and we're back at the campsite now what's kind of fun about having a tesla right now is like i just drove by some people and they were like pointing and looking at it it shows people that it is possible to own an electric vehicle right now and drive to these remote locations all over the united states and really anywhere in the world where you can buy a tesla the charging network is good enough to support you to get you to where you want to be so it is kind of cool being like an advertisement for like look you have another option here if you want to try something else yeah it was good boat day burnt my face caught a drone in my hand it doesn't look bad though i don't think i've done a tour of the interior of this place here's the heater and here is the mat [Laughter] anyways um yeah so they set these all up it takes two weeks to set them up two weeks and take them down and they're here from april 1st through october 31st it's pretty cool [Music] good morning folks beautiful day out here in the utah sun we're on the border of utah and arizona the virus is over you know i made a joke recently that i was 47 i'm not i'm 29 i woke up this morning looked in the mirror i kind of karma you know under canvas is amazing i mean extremely well run these are the nicest the employees here the nicest people i've ever come into contact with in terms of any type of hotel service or camping or whatever they just couldn't be nicer and more accommodating thank you to them this is not sponsored or anything like that because why would they sponsor me you know so we're going to breakfast and we're going to leave this would be a great comparison the mx4 m40i which x4 is the sloping roof coupe version compared to the model y they look very similar similar performance similar price point be a great comparison charging again at this page one before we go to the next supercharger the previous session was like nine dollars and fifty cents really the main concern right now is just the tire pressure this has like only 27 psi that tire's been giving me issues ever since i took it to tesla and tesla replaced it it's never been right i'm just going to need to take it to them again and tell them that that's been an issue especially with the temperature being like 38 last night it was much lower how all the tire pressures dropped about 5 psi and for that one it just became more of a problem so need to get that happening but uh yeah current session you can see there only added 25 miles for a dollar 70. right here is probably my favorite part of the trip going through this canyon you're at 6000 feet elevation dynamited this canyon to be able to drive through it and it gives you a really cool view on the other side we're on more flat ground now just driving along here and one thing i was thinking about is when you type a destination into the tesla navigation like we have here does anyone know if it calculates that if you're going uphill or downhill or if it just calculates it purely on mileage and speed limit i'd be interested to know that because it does make a huge difference whether you're going uphill we were running at you know 500 watt hours per mile now we're one running at 354 watt hours per mile so if anyone knows that let me know in the comments below we're super charging in flagstaff again here currently putting on about six bucks uh basically about every stop we've taken has added about 10 bucks in charging this lady's dog's name is thor and um she was telling him to slow down now if you name your dog thor do you expect it to behave in any way probably not so yeah we're charging up here and right beside me is a model y it's also a dual motor but it has the stock wheels on and it looks incredible now the 19-inch wheels under the hubcap have a beautiful wheel i'm going to show you here because it has some like concavity to the rear of the car that i really like so we can check that out see here 20s filthy and then here these extremely clean 19s i just think they look great in silver plus having the finishing kip kit looks amazing so almost done charging here you can see the bays are actually pretty full right now other than that it's been a really good trip and it's been fun having everyone in the tesla enjoying it the car is really solid this back tire here i'm going gonna have to probably take it to tesla again to see what the deal is other than that the car has been amazing it's very powerful it's very smooth sound system navigation everything's great one thing i didn't mention in the 18 000 mile review was the sunroof during phoenix summers i don't i just have the factory tint on here on the windows the y comes with privacy glass those don't have any actual uv protection that's why i got the windows tinted this does have uv and heat protection and rejection on it i didn't want to put another layer of tint on it or anything like that so i left it totally stock and it's fine some heat does come through on it you can feel it on the top of your head as long as you have the air conditioning going you're gonna be okay if i were to make a recommendation i would say if that's gonna bother you or if it does bother you just get the sun shade to put in there and leave it in for the summer or take it out whenever that would be my recommendation if anything that's what i'll do thank you all for sticking along on this journey it's been a fun to make these videos traveling around with the model y an amazing car jamie and i love it safe it's fast it's extremely efficient and the charging network is great we were able to go to a remote part of arizona comfortably there's chargers everywhere there are no issues thank you for watching please like the video if you're still with me we'll see in the next video [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: Gjeebs
Views: 120,850
Rating: 4.7177796 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 38sec (1478 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 21 2021
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