How To Buy a Tesla // Entire Order Process Step-by-Step

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so i finally did it i bought a tesla after many many many months of going back and forth i've decided to settle with a tesla model y i reviewed one from my friend not too long ago after that review i kind of fell in love with that that car it really does everything well and if you look at that price point uh it is a luxury car but if you look at a price point between 50 to 60 thousand dollars it's really unbeatable i've gone through literally dozens upon dozens of cars over the last 20 years and trust me i've seen all the games every single game there is right working with the salesperson going back to the manager right saying oh this deal can't be done we can't get to these numbers but eventually they do and you waste hours and hours of time um that's not the case when you're buying a tesla you do it in the convenience of your home you know at your leisure whenever you have time you go on and you can configure it and place the order when you are ready so the car buying experience for tesla is by far the best and the easiest with that said even though the the whole order process is really really simple but there are still tactics because tesla is still a company that's trying to sell you expensive luxury cars so there are still sales tactics that they employ so i was unaware of that even my friend who bought two teslas he he was probably aware of it but he just didn't want to tell me so that is why i'm creating this video for you guys that are interested in buying a tesla you've probably configured it a hundred different times and you've seen the numbers you looked at the numbers and you're like okay i could i could do this you know this lease payment or this finance payment is good for me i could do it but i'm here to say that there are hidden fees numbers taxes other considerations that tesla does not tell you up front that is what this video is all about i'm going to go through the complete process uh start to finish starting with the configuration of a tesla in case you haven't seen that before and then what happens behind the scenes right after you put down your 100 deposit what happens then what do you do when they ask you to actually pay for your tesla you know how do you lease it finance it what about trade-ins right and what about home charging and all the numbers and everything else all the nitty-gritty stuff i'm gonna cover in this video so if you're interested let's get started all right so to get started i'm on the model y on the bottom custom order okay with the model y there are only two options so you do have a long range and performance and the long range is already pretty impressive 316 miles 0 to 60 and 4.8 seconds that's plenty it's plenty fast i've tested a model y before in this configuration plenty fast and just fyi tesla released a speed boost so for two thousand dollars you can upgrade your model y now zero sixty will go from four point eight to four point three seconds so if you want a little bit more boost you could pay two thousand dollars now or later it doesn't matter that's available for you so if you look at the price this is where you first notice at least i did right away one of the sales tactics that tesla employs and that is to show you a discounted price that includes potential savings so what you're seeing now forty five thousand six hundred ninety dollars and fifty five thousand six hundred ninety dollars that's with the potential savings calculated in there but we know potential savings is a variable right really depends on how much you drive right the amount of miles you put on the amount of gas you go use so this is really different and hard to calculate but tesla made an estimation if you click here into purchase price this is the actual cost of the car so right away there's a sales tactic right there right tesla's trying to make their cars look a little bit cheaper than it actually is so with the two versions you have long range that's right under fifty thousand dollars and performance is right under sixty thousand dollars and just fyi performance you get a little bit less range 291 miles but top speed is increased to 155 miles per hour and 0 to 60 is decreased to 3.5 seconds and plus you get some stuff like cosmetic stuff and also the wheels are different but for me i went with the long range because i think it's more than enough for my needs now clicking next this is where you can figure the color and the wheels color base is white i like white i i would have selected white anyways even if it wasn't free but it is white is free but every other color there is uh black this metallic silver uh deep blue metallic they all cost a thousand dollars more and the reds somehow cost two thousand dollars more so if you do want a different color unfortunately you'll have to pay for it but luckily i like white and it's free so that's what i chose and then you have wheel options you have a 19-inch the stock ones gemini wheels and you have the induction wheels 20-inch okay so the 20 inch wheels obviously a little bigger and it's blacked out and um it just looks better right yes that's all true but you're paying 2 000 more and you're getting less range so that is not something i want to do right now all right next you have a black or white interior now white interior to start out looks awesome looks fantastic the black and white contrast really nice but it does cost you extra thousand dollars and i have kids i don't want my kids to dirty up the seat so i went with black um i think it's fine and black with this wood trim looks looks fine to me um it still looks good and plus i don't have to worry about dirty hands for my kids and plus i save a thousand dollars now in terms of seat configuration you only have one five seat later on there's gonna be a third row most likely next year seven c but it costs additional three thousand dollars so the final option is you have to decide if you want to just stick with autopilot or full self driving autopilot is already fantastic it's better to semi-autonomous driving features from all other manufacturers so the ability to stop and go with traffic right dynamic radar cruise control that's included auto braking that's included also the ability to stay within the lanes that's included so basically your tesla will semi-auto drive already just with those features so that's included but if you wanted more then you could upgrade to fsd fsd goes beyond that so when you're navigating on autopilot on the highways it will actually take off ramps and on-ramps for you and it will also pass people that are going too slow in your lane so it'll do all that for you also it could do auto lane changes it could do auto parking for you it could do smart summons so if you're in the middle of a parking lot it can actually come to you and finally it could read traffic lights and stop signs so it goes beyond that and tesla's always upgrading fsd capability eventually it will make all teslas into full autonomous driving but it's not there yet um it is an expensive option eight thousand dollars this is why i didn't want to spend money on the other options like colors if you don't select it that's fine because you can add fsd down the road but the thing is tesla tells you well the price can increase down the road right so that's something you have to be aware of all right that's about it in terms of how you configure a model why and most teslas there's just not that many options or many steps to go through so lastly you see cash lease and loan you don't have to decide right away if you wanted to dish out the cash or lease or loan the only thing you really need to decide is whether or not you want to buy this tesla because if you do you have to put down a hundred dollars it's non-refundable okay and uh and then you can select cash lease or loan later next i'm gonna show you the nitty gritty the behind the scenes stuff and show you that these numbers okay the least numbers are gonna be higher than what you see here this is why it's another tactic because this hundred dollars that you're putting down uh if you change your mind afterwards because you see all these fees and taxes and everything else rolled in you might change your mind but unfortunately that hundred dollars is non-refundable so this is why i'm creating this video so that you guys will not be surprised now before i continue i want to mention about the referral program and this is important you do want to utilize someone's referral link when you make a purchase hinted i do have my referral link in the description of this video and also pin to the top of the comments the reason why you want to use a referral link is because you're getting free miles if you utilize say my link you get 1 000 miles of free super charging which is a lot right who who doesn't want free super charging miles and for me i also get 1 000 in return so tesla made it so that both the referrer and the referee both benefit so what happens after you put the hundred dollars down and you make a purchase you know for me i had a lot of anxiety right i'm like okay what what's next number one you'll get an email like this thank you your model y order is confirmed and then you get a second email which is this prepare for delivery fast track your delivery by selecting your delivery location and completing your pre-delivery tasks okay so this is where it starts getting exciting you have to log into your account and there's a lot of things to do now so once you log into your account you'll see your tesla there and you just need to click into it and this is where you enter all your information first thing tesla asks you is where do you want to pick up your tesla so all you have to do is enter your address and select your location so next up is who does the tesla belong to so you could select yourself two people you could select a company or a trust that this is pretty simple so just make sure you fill in the person that's actually going to be owning the tesla next up tesla wants information about the person or company or trust that will be owning the tesla so this might might be uncomfortable for some of you guys because you do have to give your full name your date of birth driver's license where you're from and they also want a copy or a photo at least of your driver's license so you do have to enter that you have to enter this anyways because if you want to finance or lease it tesla has to do a credit check on you so this is one of those steps you really can't avoid now tesla wants to know okay how are you going to pay for your tesla so you could pay either in cash which is just cash up front in full or you could go through a tesla range lease or tesla range loan or a self-arranged loan but if you select sell for range loan it's basically paying cash okay it's almost no difference so really you have to decide are you gonna put cash down okay or you go lease it or you go loan it okay and this is where this is where the numbers start adding up you can see remember i showed you guys the configuration the exact one that i selected and the price originally was fifty eight thousand nine hundred ninety dollars right it's under fifty nine thousand dollars but look at it now looking at now car price jumped up to sixty thousand two hundred ninety dollars okay so why did it jump up and then you add in taxes fees order fee and payments it is now at sixty four thousand eight hundred and thirty six dollars so first looking at a lease is pretty customizable you know at the home screen it basically told you okay you have to put 4 500 36 months 10 000 miles right that's the estimate but you can change it um so you could change the lease term 24 months or 36 months and annual miles 10 000 12 000 15 000. pretty standard it really depends on what you're looking for and then also you could put down how much you want to put down as a down payment or what you want to put down as signing basically and also whether or not you want to roll your taxes into it so that's one benefit of a lease keep in mind when you pay taxes on a lease it's going to be lower than financing because you're not buying the car you're only paying taxes basically on the term of the lease so it is going to be lower but you can roll that in right and you have a slider basically how low do you want the monthly to be uh you could go as low as like 300 but then you had to put down a huge amount of money up front or you could pay a super high monthly payment and put very little down right so you could adjust this how you want you can customize it if you want a little more miles right you want to put a little more down or a little bit less down okay next let's look at the breakdown of the lease okay so i mentioned about the car's price being a little bit higher why is that well if you look at the breakdown there's a destination fee of 1125 and the documentation fee is 75 those are pretty standard across all cars not just teslas but uh toyotas honda gm fords it doesn't matter if you're leasing you're gonna have to pay these things and even if you're financing or buying you have to pay these things this is one of those little tricks that car manufacturers don't want to include or tell you upfront because then the price looks higher so it's no different with tesla but there is an order fee of a hundred dollars that's a another little fee that's added in there okay so if you're looking at this um the lease payment breakdown for me 717 36 months 10 000 miles money factor right i'm putting down five thousand dollars i'm putting down quite a bit okay and then you go down here there's more fees more fees that that i wasn't aware of and i don't think you guys are aware of either so you have a acquisition fee of 695 700 um yeah so that's part of the lease optional ert fee of 25 okay and then you have registration transfer titling fee of 401 so yeah so there's those things and that's position fee of 395 so that's a lot of fees that's a lot of fees 700 400 1100 and then you got another 400 1500 so that's that's over 1500 of fees so these are surprise fees that i wasn't aware of which is why the payment is much higher right even though i'm putting down a bigger down payment because of these fees and taxes is driving things much higher so what about financing are there surprises yes well looking at the breakdown for financing had i chosen it the car price is the same okay but you still have destination fee that doesn't change documentation fee order fee the optional ert fee is still there registration transfer titling fees are still there okay so some of the other fees from lease dropped off but you still have to pay these fees taxes in this case four thousand two hundred and twenty dollars versus like under two thousand for leasing so you do have to add that in there which is why the total sm amount is now sixty four thousand eight hundred thirty six dollars remember at the beginning of the home page it was like eight hundred thirty three dollars to finance this if you add all these things in it's coming closer to a thousand dollars per month now right so again there's hidden fees and things that you need to be aware of because the number at the home page is is is going to be way lower than when you actually pay also you can trade in a car if you wanted to okay tesla does take in trade-ins and they could just roll in what you owe into your your finance or lease payment it just depends on if you want to do that right so in my case i use my wife's car as example i put in a 2019 lexus rx and it says that we still owe 54 thousand dollars if they take our trade in so i could roll that in if i wanted to but of course i'm not doing that it's just an example so afterwards it doesn't matter what you select whether it's lease or finance you have to go through a credit application they want to check your credit make sure you have good credit um usual stuff your personal information also where you live right whether you rent or mortgage who's uh who's employing you right now how much do you make and you go ahead and submit and you have to wait to see uh if you get approved or not in my case i got approved almost immediately i have good credit i know that i don't know what happens if you have bad credit whether or not they just decline you or they give you a worse interest rate now lastly afterwards after they approve you and basically everything is good to go they will actually want to know your insurance information so here as you can see you need to provide proof of insurance and that is the buying process almost now you have to worry about home charging that is something that tesla surprisingly doesn't really share a lot of information about upfront right you figure through the process the buy-in process they would ask you hey uh do you want to charge at home if if so we have these connectors and they don't really they don't really talk about it so there's two types there's the wall connector which requires you to buy this fancy wall connector setup and you also have the mobile connector which comes with your tesla so thank goodness you do get something but there are costs still involved and let me show you what i'm talking about with the mobile charger you can plug it into a household outlet but you're getting about two to three miles per hour of charge that's just way way way too low right if you want to fully charge your tesla and make it ready good to go the next day you need to upgrade to 240 volt and there's many different socket types so here's a nema 650 nema 1550 nema 1430 so to give you example if you're utilizing a 240 volt 50 amp breaker with one of these socket types you'll gain about 30 miles per hour with a model 3 23 with a model s model x is about 20. model y is similar to model 3 so i'll get about 30 right so this is something you want to upgrade to because if you want to charge your your your tesla pretty fast you got to get one of these so first of all you do have to get one of these sockets installed in your garage right this is an additional cost that a lot of people don't think about and i've seen quotes anywhere from three hundred dollars if your breaker is close all the way up to two to three thousand dollars um so this is additional cost that really no one talks about with the mobile charger they give you one adapter that's the the nema 1450 okay so if you do install this one or you have the socket then you're great you're covered you can simply plug in and plug into your tesla and you're good to go but what about all those other sockets i showed you maybe you have something else that's not 1450 well then you have to go with the adapter like this from tesla which costs about 220 dollars so this basically adapts your mobile charger to all these different type of heads right so this is the additional cost and right now this item is out of stock so if you're looking for i don't even know when the next time you'll be able to buy one so this is additional cost now what about that home charger well this is it it costs about five hundred dollars and you could select two different cores like an 18 foot or a nine foot cord uh it's the same cost but the wall charger looks fancier right is wi-fi enabled so there are benefits to it so you'll be able to see it on your tesla app what your tesla is doing and it charges faster so you can see here up to 44 miles of range per hour of charge so this is faster than a mobile charger right so again if you wanted to get this and it looks fancier and it works better and the charger faster you have to pony up another 500 for this okay so that was the entire process start to finish i plan on releasing another video when i receive my model y what it's like to go to the service center actually pick it up what the entire process is like the paperwork and anything else that may be related so make sure make sure you subscribe to this channel okay subscribe hit the notification bell so you don't miss out on my next video and that's going to be interesting i want to see how the process is in terms of picking up a tesla versus any other car out there and if you like this video of course make sure you smash up the like and leave any comments you have below i would love to hear it alright until next time bye
Channel: Drivers Only
Views: 318,015
Rating: 4.9137216 out of 5
Keywords: how to buy a tesla, buy a tesla, order a tesla, buy a tesla model y, model y, tesla order, tesla order process, tesla model y, how to order a tesla, purchase a tesla, purchase a tesla model y, buy a model 3, buy a model s, buy a model x, buy a model y, tesla lease, tesla finance, tesla hidden fees, drivers only, tesla
Id: EzWzRS680tI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 57sec (1317 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 02 2020
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