MrBeast Got Me Into Big Drama

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Mr Beast just dropped a new video where I compete in a big old game but that's playing second fiddle to the drama it just spawned with me in the center of this Singularity here it sent Twitter into a piranha Feeding Frenzy here with me getting spaghettified in the middle of this black hole of drama so let's make like a package and address it it's this clip right here what's up bro hey how are you dude I like your videos dude I appr I know you talk some but everybody hates Logan Paul is everyone around Logan just aing idiot I'm always super happy that people don't take it personally I don't I don't I understand I'm and I appear to be good to see bro and also Prime's pretty fire I'm not allowed to say it on camera I get it bro I get it bro BR good luck today yeah likewise bro likewise people already lining up with the pitchforks lit torches and spit out apple juice about how fake I am and how I folded in front of Logan Paul in person cowering in fear ping my little britches for some reason the biggest part about that is what I said about prime which is like oh Charlie's super fake he shits on Prime online but in person behind the scenes with the mask off he actually loves it I'm not sure if this is people maliciously lying about me like Pinocchio or if they just genuinely don't know or maybe heard something that was wrong but I've never [ __ ] on Prime I've actually only ever talked positively about it on stream or in videos me saying it's pretty fire but I can't say that on cameras is literally the simplest joke ever like a water cooler joke at work I've talked about it on camera numerous times anytime I've ever been asked about it or I've made a video where it been like it's been a subject I've always mentioned that I actually think Prime's pretty good like here's a quick example from a video I made a year ago when there was those like wakey wine scams or whatever about prime all just to get their hands on some prime I've had it before because in the states it's not rare it's not hard to come by I could walk outside right now and find like an unopened pallet of prime it's really just in the UK that this hysteria is sweeping the entire nation it's going absolutely crazy there so I've tried it I think it's good I have no complaints but I certainly wouldn't be beating some ass and being that desperate to get my hands on a bottle and I still wouldn't you wouldn't catch me running around like a [ __ ] Frankenstein's monster trying to hunt down a pallet of prime but it's good and I've always said that on streams and in videos so I don't know where this narrative is that I've [ __ ] on it publicly but behind the scenes I'm actually like an addict injecting it into my veins or lying to Logan Paul about it I've always consistently said I actually like Prime I think it's pretty fire so I don't know why that's something that's sticking like I prefer gamer sus obviously but that doesn't mean every other drink that's a competitor is bad it's not but now let's get to that second part where Logan Paul's spiritual pressure sent me to the floor like it was right out of the Bleach anime and I was just trembling in fear to confront him directly so this was filmed a month or so ago a little over a month ago now since then he is now apparently suing coffeezilla either Logan or or someone on his team is suing coffeezilla which is a massive [ __ ] L that is brain dead activity for sure but and when this was filmed that wasn't happening what was happening was he was publicly trying to make amends with the victims of his crypto Zoo scam that he butt [ __ ] them all with and as far as I know he has been paying some people back and at the time was still in the process of paying people back through whatever like program he set up for it but there was none of this lawsuit going on and one of the first things that he said was that he actually deserved all of the [ __ ] that he got for it for all of the mistakes that he made lwig was also there someone else who was [ __ ] on L on Logan Paul and Logan was saying something to a similar effect there as well from what I recall so at the time he was in the process of trying to fix all the dog [ __ ] that he put innocent people through and when I talked about this on stream and in the videos about crypto zooo and what was going on with it with the updates I had always said as long as the victims are made whole again and they get their money back that's a happy ending but Logan is still a scumbag for ever doing it in the first place which is something that he also said he deserved everything he got from doing that so I have always said as well that I never Harbor hatred for someone who will actually change there's nothing to gain with just holding a grudge forever that's childish if someone is actually willing to learn and grow from things I'm more than willing to break bread with them Logan Paul was very respectful of not only all the other competitors but all of the staff at the event as well so when he reached out to say hi I was more than willing to be receptive and mature about the situation he immediately opened up about all of the problems that he had caused and how regretful he was so what would be the point in me getting there and just spitting on him if he's actually going to start being less of a piece of [ __ ] that's the whole goal of calling someone out so that way they can learn from it and not be that insufferable [ __ ] anymore of course fast forward to the current episode of Dragon Ball Z and apparently he's suing coffeezilla or someone on his team is which brings me to that other statement that's floating around that video where I called everyone around Logan a [ __ ] idiot and that is super true because I don't know who the [ __ ] Logan Paul surrounds himself with but it must be actual lobotomites cuz I don't know who would sign off on Logan suing coffeezilla but at the time that wasn't happening all that was happening was him seemingly actively trying to fix all of the things that he [ __ ] in the face now as for the not taking things personally statement I've been very consistent with that from the very beginning when I make a video about something it's usually just for the sake of making jokes or being goofy about it so I never really want whatever I'm talking about to taken in a personal level or anything like that though that does vary on a case- toase basis depending on how serious the topic is cuz I've absolutely crossed over the line and making things much more personal than they probably should but usually I try and just keep it more surface stuff about why something is bad or whatever happened whatever they did is [ __ ] stupid or whatever a great example is the Manny show I recently made two videos about the Manny Show's fraudulent copyright strikes and the Manny show just made a response video a couple days ago where they took full responsibility they explained that they hired a monetization manager who kind of went rogue and started striking channels against the Manny Show's will once they learned about it they immediately fired that person and they just took it all on the chin took full responsibility and made no excuses whatsoever and even addressed all the videos that were made about the Manny show saying that it was all warranted and that they understand that it came from a place of just trying to look out for the ecosystem the Manny show doesn't believe in censorship and it was just a really good response overall and the Manny show didn't take it personally even though what I was saying was very mean for sure like it definitely wasn't nice I didn't exactly have the Soccer Boppers on I was going [ __ ] bare knuckle with some of the things I said about the Manny show they still didn't take it to a like personal offense or anything another great example is FaZe rug FaZe rug was in this competition as well FaZe rug I've also made a couple videos on making fun of absolutely and FaZe rug actually reached out like a year ago to talk about like you know hey I hope you don't hate me Charlie like I've watched your videos on me as well and I want you to know like they actually made me laugh and in person FaZe rug kept that same energy he was a super nice guy who was talking about like yeah that [ __ ] was kind of cringe and the things you were saying made me giggle about it and that's how I always want it to be when I make a video covering something where even the protagonist who I'm making jokes about can watch it and not be mad but instead be entertained about it and hopefully not walk away from it thinking that I have this Burning hatred for them that will never go away now in Logan's Paul's case it is a little bit different because with the dead body situation as well as the crypto scam I definitely did get far more personal than just like service level jokes talking about him being like an actual piece of [ __ ] surrounded by siop Fant pieces of [ __ ] as well that just continue to enable horrible Behavior but at the end of the day all of it was geared towards a goal in the crypto Zoo scam getting everyone paid back and explaining why it needs to be paid back and is a horrible thing so Logan Paul taking that and letting it not be personal but instead constructive is the best case scenario there not just for me but lwig and everyone else that's called Logan Paul out which was like half of the [ __ ] competition by the way so it's just I don't see why this ended up being a huge drama thing cuz all of it's consistent with all of the [ __ ] that I've said on stream for like the last 6 months with Logan Paul since coffee zilla's last update on Logan Paul and cryptozoo with the refunds like where's the refund and where's all the money following that and talking about it I have maintained that as long as people are paid back that's what matters and as far as I knew there were measures being taken place that were getting people their money back that's a good thing and hopefully Logan Paul can learn from this and this kind of [ __ ] won't happen again all of this should really be nothing new here's another quick example about me always being willing to talk to or at least engage with people that I have called out on a personal level the sneako beef the the medium rare beef that I had with sneo that lasted for a while culminated with me actually getting in a call with sneo and talking personto person about all of this [ __ ] just hashing it out well not face to face because I mean obviously it's through the internet it's the [ __ ] cyberspace it's not face to face but it's the same thing we directly talk to each other so meeting Logan in person and him wanting to talk about this I was more than willing to do and he was very respectful took full responsibility and accountability in person so I was more than willing to be mature about this and talk to him as a human being I don't see why in any circumstances this would be perceived as being two-faced I did this most recently with sneo before him it was that person that was calling me uh a deep state New World Order chill or whatever brought him on the podcast to talk it all out like it's something I've always done and always will be willing to do I think it's very childish to just plug your ears and say Boo bo bo bo not listening to you whatever and not engage with someone that you have an issue with and again this was filmed over a month mon ago when I wasn't privy to any new dog [ __ ] behavior from Logan this lawsuit with coffeezilla is new so I couldn't call him out on it or anything like that so I I don't know what else to tell you other than this isn't anything new I've always been more than willing to talk to and be mature with people that I have called out and had grievances with in the past as long as they are willing to engage with me and be mature about it as well and Logan was so overall great Mr Beast video I lost and and also got thrown into a ton of drama so that was pretty fire that's about it see you
Channel: penguinz0
Views: 2,145,717
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: jOgmuNiVzvQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 35sec (635 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 14 2024
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