TERRIFIER 1 & 2 Panel – NJHC Fall 2022

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foreign terrifier and terrifier to Damian Leone and David Howard Thornton guys [Applause] all right have a seat so I hope this is very uh we set it up we set it up that way all right folks so I I always like to have a very informal kind of a setup I have some questions that I'm going to ask these guys they're going to talk but at any time anyone has a question please put up your hand I will get to you and then of course at the end we'll take the rest of your questions so I hope everybody enjoys so guys how's the show been for you so far fantastic great being back [Laughter] these people are lovely so nice meeting you guys oh yeah thanks for coming out you're quiet we'll perk it up a bit yeah all right so so my first question is and I think I might have asked you this the first time we spoke when the original terrifier hit did was it Beyond Your Wildest expectations about how it has taken off in the horror community okay then yeah yeah definitely so I mean like it it's definitely beyond our wildest expectations because like we were just a low budget independent film and it was you know you know how the Hollywood engine is and stuff like that so we're like we're competing against like it in in all these big huge movies coming out there and like Ella look at us who knows if everybody's gonna see us except for like the the fans from the original All Hallows Eve and it blew us away it just blew it's like and it was it wasn't because we had like the the press that all these other movies were getting you know by mainstream media and stuff like that it was the fans that blew the the film up because just everybody posting about it and like oh my God I just saw this movie you gotta go see this and you know just spread and spread Spread spread and spread and also like the sites like Bloody Disgusting which is now helping us put out this movie for everybody else and it's just it's the horror sights and the horror fans that really made this movie what it is yeah we knew we had something special with art but you don't know to what level we really believed in it we believed in what we were doing we gave it our all-making terrifier it was a really tough shoot and we were doing some really crazy things and I always say it wasn't terrifier at the time so we're just making this weird crazy sadistic killer clown movie and he's walking around wearing This Woman's skin on his body with a wig people like what are we doing you know like it was four o'clock in the morning but you question oh my God but once it came a lot yeah but once it once it hit Netflix and then we just started hearing people say you know I'm scrolling through Netflix and I see this clown and uh I just it was striking and I just had to see I didn't know anything about this movie but I saw his face I had to check it out like I heard that again we hear it all the time that's how so many people discovered the movie so we knew we had something but where it was going to go we didn't really couldn't expect it and seeing tattoos all the time and all this beautiful custom artwork and everything like that it's the greatest thing imaginable it's so surreal so I I still remember when we were filming part one and one of our producers Larry we were filming it at his uh auto shop and it was his first time seeing me in the costume and he walks in he's like oh wow that is a look he said that is something you might not believe me right now but that is going to be something people latch on to that is Iconic trust me I'm like I I don't know I don't know like he's like no no trust me trust me trust me this is gonna go somewhere this is gonna catch people just because of the look of the clown and he was right so so let's talk about that a little bit because at the time and a little bit before that there was kind of a slew of killer clown movies especially in the in in the Indie world and even in real life all of a sudden this whole creepy clown thing became a thing so tell us about and and tell the fans what went into the design of art the clown because it is Iconic it is different and it is freaking scary so let's tell us a little about that I say it all the time I have to give all the thanks in the world to the Tim Curry Pennywise because that was the clown that I knew of the most at the time and he is still arguably the king of all the killer clowns so I I didn't want to go anywhere near him I did not want art to be colorful I didn't want to have hair I didn't want to speak just as far away as I could go so a lot of it came down to that and then as far as his face when I sculpted it I wanted him to look sort of classic devilish which is like the pointed features the pointed nose the chin and even like the comic book Joker was a big inspiration for the way I wanted him so look very exaggerated features but just simplistic I like just the black and white everything about art is just very simple but effective so um yeah that was really what it came down to interesting very cool um let's also talk about so it's one thing to have and I and a look like that and come up with a look but the person under the makeup is equally as important in my opinion anyway so tell us about the audition process how in the world did you find this guy um so most of you know that uh originally art clown was played by my friend Mike Gianelli who is not an actor but he just got stuck doing this because he was my buddy who I would just put all makeup on and I would just test out makeup effects on him and I had make made my short film and I said dude I'm gonna need this uh clown character he doesn't speak don't worry you don't have to act I mean you just got to sit there smile and just do all this weird [ __ ] I'm like you could definitely do it and then it just started taking off and we kept making more short films and he was just getting stuck having to keep playing this part and then when it came time to shoot terrifier um years had gone by you know we hadn't done it in a while and he was gaining weight but he's not an actor and and I said you know if we're going to do this you know I need you to slim down because I always want art to be very skinny and then he was going to do it and then like a couple of days later he texted me and said man I don't really don't think I can go through all this and spend all those hours in the makeup I'm not an actor and I'm just it's not for me so I said all right no problem man and then it was scary because then art worked I mean like everything he was in people said Arthur clown is sick he's effective you know keep making more things so I'm like now we got to start from scratch but starting from scratch now I could I knew I always if I could have my choice I would have art be taller and skinnier because to me that's a lot creepier so that's the first thing I was looking for on this audition and it was just me and my partner Phil and I'd say about five or six people auditioned I think Dave was like the sixth person to come in the room as soon as he walked in right I see that and I see this big smile and I'm like I'm like this guy right off the bat I'm like that's what I'm looking for uh physically and then he didn't even know what he was there to do I don't even know if he had sides and uh no sides yeah and I said he just knew I think it was for a killer clown right yeah and I said uh you're a silent clown and I I want you to act like you're decapitating somebody and having a really good time doing it and that was it and then he just flipped this switch and just you could see the audition and it's magical and he's doing all this really um just theatrical animated you know like Grinch and all this kind of Jim Carrey stuff you can see all this stuff but he's having so much fun and taking the head and cutting it off and everything and loving it and then like when he's done he he tastes the blood and then he's like and then he picks up a salt shaker and does it again and licks it and then skips out of the room and the whole time I'm just I'm nudging my producer and we're laughing and just like loving this right and he seems so nice and everything it was great and then when he walked out of the room I'm like well what else are we really looking for I'm like do we need to keep seeing people I said have this guy come to the apartment like let's throw the prosthetic on and have him do this again but I think we're good so that was it I mean six people I said I didn't have to scour the earth I mean he came in it was sort of serendipitous I said let's [ __ ] go with this guy and here he is so David how did you even it was did you post a castle like how did you even find out about it it was through Actors Access okay a website for actors and stuff like that and I had seen all Halsey before and so I knew the character and so I was like oh my God yes and like because when I saw all hell's Eve I looked at the cameras like oh my there's so much potential for this character I'm like he's like an evil Mr Bean and I've always wanted to play a Mr Bean like character on The Silent mischievous characters I'm like oh my God this would be such a fun thing to do and I had never done film work besides being an extra from time to time and I I really won because I was you know a stage actor and voice over actor and I really wanted to dip my feet into the film world and it just worked out it's like what a way to dip your feet in hell yeah so um you use the word they mean you use the word icon and art the clown kind of took off right away I mean we immediately used that word I don't know that works one of you did other people have used it I just copied them and and right away we started seeing the art the clown tattoos and the cosplays and stuff what do you feel it is that makes a horror icon oh I I think the look is super important I I think all the classic characters that we love they have a really striking look and that's kind of where I come from just doing Special makeup effects and being an artist growing up and collecting comic books I'd rather look at the comic book I always just like flip through the pages rather than reading the comic books I loved striking images but then once you have that then you have to flesh out the character and you have to start making him unique and giving him some sort of personality and art has a really cool personality I mean it's so layered and he's so human I think that's what people really grab onto he's like very charismatic but he does things that other Killers don't do that are so like sort of human and mundane but when you see him do it you're like oh my God it's like it's like kind of riveting um and then you have to deliver on the kills it's like you have to walk the walk at some point and that's one thing I wanted to do and go as far as we could as violent as we could and have him do things that you don't typically see other Killers do in movies any thoughts um not if I can help it no what was the question again what makes it what makes arts or icon oh gosh yeah I I think a lot of it also comes down just the personality it's just like he is the Charisma um like I mean even silent characters like Mike Myers and Jason Voorhees there's a certain Charisma that goes behind just the actions the body their body stuff like that and that's what I kind of like about art he's like a blend of those silent characters and also those kind of comedic characters like Freddy and Chucky and and it's like that that magical blend there just works so well because I'm able to be silent but I with the makeup that I wear I'm able to be very expressive as well which I I was very happy with like when I did the makeup test I spent like about 30 minutes in a bathroom making faces and they probably thought I had just eaten something really bad or something like that they're like are you okay I'm like yeah yeah but and I I realized it really worked though when we're doing that because I had ordered pizza and the the delivery guy shows up and they're like okay this is your final audition answer the door oh that is great in middle of daytime on Staten Island and I opened the door and the guy just like no and I was like we gave him the money and all that just waved down he was just like no no what the he just walks off and then I went out the the yard and like the our producers neighbors were outside and they had kids out there and I was just like all right yeah one of them was terrified yeah yeah I think the mom got really ticked off and stuff like but it's in broad daylight so if if August so yeah if you can scare people in broad daylight like that then you're golden oh for sure so there you go so just a quick follow-up on that so as far as Art's personality and you know the mannerisms and the the way he moves and the facial expressions how much of that is purely you and how much of it was sort of scripted and and where Damian you said okay this is how we want art to behave so some of that has to come from inside you somewhere which I find completely terrifying but so just tell us a little bit about that yeah I mean a lot of it's written and I do write a lot of like I know Arts humor like so I mean as just you know aside from doing all the horror I do have a dark sense of humor and I could write his jokes like the big things but really like a perfect example of when Dave really brings his a game to it um is like in the pizzeria scene in part one when you have a scene where he's making all those faces uh at Tara and uh and Dawn so you know I know moments where I want him to do like a really big that really big classic Arthur smile clown that's on like the poster and uh there's like one other look where they turn and he's kind of just like staring at them like that like I had like those two looks but then when it's like all the other like really goofy you could tell the difference when Dave's doing these really like that kind of thing and all that kind of them like picking his nose and all that stuff like so I just say all right Dave now go crazy and I just let the camera roll and we'll do a bunch of takes where he just goes off and now I have all these wonderful things to play with in the editing room and I can mold art the clown see if I want to make him more frightening or really like a little dip our toes a little more of a cartoony area but he brought that cartoony this is what I say now I say Mike Gianelli might as well have been just a guy dressed as a clown Dave made art the clown an actual clown and when we filmed that Pizzeria scene I think up until then we only shot a couple of scenes where Art's just walking down the street he stops he sees he sees the girls he smiles like nothing crazy yet all right just pretty straightforward when we shot the pizzeria scene and he gave Jenna the ring and then he got up and walked to the bathroom Dave just got up really like Bugs Bunny almost and skipped away and in my head when I'm watching out the monitor I'm like oh boy I'm like that's like really like I've never had art be that cloudy before and then like immediately I'm like what's [ __ ] art the clown I'm like should be a clown and now I have this guy who's very animated very theatrical he's so natural doing that I said let's start injecting that into it so all I mean now every time in between every move if Dave's doing this and that and that I mean that's all Dave I mean so it's a good it's a good beautiful relationship well there's there's a lot of back and forth between us because like there are so many times where I'm just flat out asking like what kind of face do you want for this right now do you want like a serious face do you want the big eyes big smile and we have like a whole lingo between the two of us like some people other people have been like what are they talking about I know exactly what he says okay eyes this mouth this I'm like cool cool and I've also you know learned to really trust his his vision on things because there's like that the one scene where I'm just standing there Frozen and just doing that face and I was like what the hell am I doing I'm like how is this scary he's like no trust me trust me trust me I'm like okay I'm like okay okay and then I see the play because I'm I'm in my head I don't know really what I look like all the time so I'm just like I'm just in my own head and then I see the playback of it especially how you edit it I'm like oh I see what you're going for now okay that yeah that is freaky that is freaky but it was like just just seeing it especially on paper he just stands there like his mouth will go I'm like what but it's it says he knows he knows what really creeps people out he's so good at just knowing what scares people well and we just I'm sorry there's also like happy accidents like one of my favorite things he did in part one was uh after Victoria slams the railroad spike into his foot at the end and runs away and then he gives her the finger so that was it that wasn't scripted I did not tell him to do that the camera was still rolling I think I even yelled cut and uh Samantha was walking back into frame and he just gave her the finger and everybody left on set I didn't think twice about it and then like two months later I'm editing the scene and looking at the raw footage and I hear everybody see him give her the finger and I hear everybody laugh and I'm like that's not I would never write that for Arthur clown it's like so on the nose and so like trying to get a laugh but it was so genuine because it wasn't scripted or anything I said you know I'm gonna put it in and like that moment in that film you could use that little piece of levity and it's just like after all that at that point he's like I'll just [ __ ] you you know it just works so great so and a lot of things like that happen in part two as well that uh you're able to put in so it's all about molding the performance in the editing room at the end of the day oh definitely and and movie history is replete with those kind of happy accidents you know that then made it into the final film so that's a great little app there's one coming up in this clip that he came up with on the spot he came up with this uh way to help us with a continuity error it was really cool really cool awesome so I don't want this to be one-sided do we have any audience questions yet don't do not be shy I will not send art the clown after you later in your sleep yes no I'm a Sagittarius right here in the front yes long walks on the beach foreign [Laughter] [Music] well yeah I mean that was that was written and that was the second most awkward uncomfortable day on that entire shoot that's another thing people like what are we doing here yeah but like Korea was so great I'm like she actually almost made me tear up while I was because I was like I was getting into her performance and I'm like she really started dude don't cry you're aren't the Clown thank you it's like you can't cry here there's no crying in horror so I was like okay I can tap down those feelings it's like God she's good she was like just tearing up and crying I'm like oh my God you're so good you're so good yeah but um yeah it's like I I I always loved that scene too because it is a very freaky scene and there's there's so many things you can read into things if you want to and stuff like that because you know I even asked him it's like okay what what is going on here it's like it yeah it's like is is she like actually reaching a part of him some human part of him or yeah or or is he just totally [ __ ] with her and that's how you know that's we talked about that and it's like yeah he's just totally [ __ ] with her because Art's one of those guys he can kind of read people you can see what gets into people's head and what and how he can draw people into him because that's that's what's more fun for him it's not just to just chase people he likes to bring people in and mess with their heads and that you know agreement for the good kill that way and that's what he was doing was like he he recognized that part of her that motherly side of her and was like that's what's gonna because she was already afraid of him it's like how can I get her to come to me and that's what he did and I I think it's so great it's it's just oh it's just some Twisted he's so Twitty such a manipulative little bastard well it's cool to also misdirect the audience because like you said I mean you've never seen up to that point in the movie any kind of vulnerability with art the clown so you don't know what's happening like you said is is she reaching him and then you you know we cut out of that scene and how it leaves off like yeah she's you know holding him caressing him and then just the reveal that later on he's wearing her is like the most is one of the most horrifying things I could have come up with uh for myself so what's wrong with you by the way and that all started by the way uh I think when I was writing this at the time uh my my girlfriend at the time had said I would love to see a scene where art the Clown's wearing a wig that that was it I was like well you know whatever and then and then I'm like thinking of him with a wig on and I'm like that looks that would he would look really creepy with a wig on and then I was just going into Art's head and I said well he wouldn't be wearing a wig he'd be wearing a scalp and then I was like would he just stop so clearly he took a scalp off a woman I'm like is that the worst thing he did to her I'm like he'd probably keep going what else would he take I said well maybe he'd start taking everything that's identifiably a woman every part of her that's female and then you know but when I wrote it I had it this is a great Testament to him when I wrote it I had it over his costume and then as we're getting closer to shooting it I was just thinking that's not going to be as effective if he's got the skin over the costume I said but I want to take him out of the costume I want to have him totally naked wearing this and that was like a big deal because you never take a character out of their costume you don't really see that and so I'm like that's going to be a big risk and I called up Dave and this is Dave's first movie and I said Dave you know I'm thinking about doing this scene a little differently I think it'll be a lot more effective if you play it naked I'm like how do you feel about that he's like um okay I was like are you sure people want to see my ass I know our crew didn't but again like that is insane courage insane courage and again like it's not like oh we're making terrifier too you know people know about it's going to be it's just like this weird obscure killer clown movie and for him to believe in it and jump in like that and do it and believe you know have confidence in me or whatever and Trust I knew what I was gonna do I mean that's really amazing and that's like the best thing you can hope for so I also I also looked at it because like what Catherine was doing for the her kill scene is like she's really having to expose herself in such a vulnerable state I'm like you know if she can do that I can do this because I was always very self-conscious about my body because I I have the body of E.T on a good day so I was like yeah so yeah so I was like how can you but I'm like yeah that is kind of freaky that whole idea that the killer would be wearing the flesh the freshly flayed flesh oh that's fun to say that's good alliteration but yeah wearing that of his victim on his own naked body that's just missed and most people don't realize it's not just the uh the hair and the tatas that he's wearing but also the vajayjay so that's that's yeah that's that's that's messed up guys that's messed up yeah that's a bit edgy would you [ __ ] me but he keeps the boots on yeah I keep the that's what's so funny is kind of have the big clown and we did two different versions of this too because we had the version you see but we also did a version where I had Emily with me and I came up with Emily suckling on my boobs and then I was using Emily as a puppet to like talk to me and tell me where Victoria was hiding and I was doing a lot of puppetry with it and that was it was great but the only reason I didn't use it is because I just had this vision of him coming up the steps doing this weird thing with his hands and I just like that image alone just was so much creepier to me than everything that he was doing with the doll but the doll scene was so good there could have been an ALT an alternate cut of it so I don't know if I made the right decision but I just I thought there was just something so freaky about the weird arms coming up the steps yeah yeah I shouldn't I don't think yeah yeah I definitely should well that leads me to another question are there any other deleted scenes that did not make it into the final cut that may have been equally as memorable I think we did something we did something where um when Victoria's laughing after she takes to like mutilates Monica Brown like she sees art standing there laughing and you know you don't know if he's really like just a vision in her head or something like that we shot that but we scrapped that um I don't think so I think everything pretty much made it in that one bit with uh me in the car we're uh Catherine screams and I scream back at her because I had the needle in my hand and you didn't want to reveal the needle too early maybe something or something there's something there but that's about it like basically everything we shot made into the film yeah we've been I mean we added more stuff like our first uh screening first rough cut um we didn't have the uh the kill scene where with the second uh exterminator where he does that decapitation and rips his head back so I was like this movie needs in a little oh yeah because there definitely wasn't enough one more kill on this movie um so I mean it's a short 80 you know I mean it's aside from you know other than the two hour 18 minute terrifier two that's coming but all right we will so not too many deleted scenes yeah we'll get to that shortly um okay any other any other audience questions before yes now ah because I just think it gets stale it gets or you know I mean not to say I love seeing a Leatherface you know a couple people over the chain so that doesn't get old but I I like when like Jason just keeps going and bringing out a new weapon but I just didn't want him to have to keep searching for those weapons or worry about how am I going to write this in how's he going to get his hands on that so I said he'll just carry around everything he'll just have this big like Santa Claus bag that he could pull anything out at any time and say he's literally his bag of tricks so it's just very convenient cheap writing I have to say my my favorite weapon of his is like the Canon Tails flail with all the blades on it because it's what I think is really cool about it and we kind of addressed it the graphic novel is like each of the the ropes on there is not rope that's the hair of his victims yeah yeah it's braids and I think that's uh that he uses that to make his website I really think of that as his like his weapon of choice that's a very special weapon to him it's his trophy weapon cool and it's so messed up to hit people with I mean like oh my God it's like oh even the prop hurts yeah the proper I discovered that in part two I was like oh oh that that stings a little bit that's like I'm so sorry especially Samantha because like when we're doing part one I'm like even though we used the rubber version of that she was still getting hit by that thing and she said you know it's okay it gives me something to work with I'm like wow you were into some stuff girl um because I'm like God I mean we have some protective padding on her but I mean still sometimes it misses the padding and you get hit and you're like [Laughter] all right so we're before we we will segue into the into the sequel but here we are here obviously at a horror convention right yeah maybe how how crucial do you feel the con scene has been to the success of terrifier oh huge huge it's all like he said it before there was I feel like the fans the horror Community just like bullied this movie into where it is because nobody nobody with any money or any marketing or any kind of push whatsoever did anything for this movie ever it's it's it's only where it is because of the fans and because of word of mouth and you know we love love interacting with everybody and just because we're horror fans I mean I grew up going to Chiller when I was 12 years old my mother took me to meet Tom savini and now I'm sitting next to savini and telling him that you know it's like the craziest thing craziest thing ever so this is like this is in my blood this is I feel feel so at home at these and I love if I could just give a you know piece of my horror soul back like that that's like the greatest thing I could possibly do awesome David what do you think oh same yeah I mean it's like it's it's the fans like I said earlier they have made this film what it is I mean literally part two is a movie by fans for fans I'm like most of the funding for part two came from the fans which is amazing I'm like we surpassed our our goal of just fifty thousand dollars within like a just two or three hours and we made so much more than that off of that campaign and every single one of those every dime of that went into part two and we were very very grateful to you all and that's why we're so excited for you guys to finally see what we've been up to for all these years because oh my giddy Aunt so you just brought up the crowdfunding and I was going to ask about that so because I remember I remember when that happened you know you posted your uh your goal for part two and just blew it away in like seconds did that did did that shock you and and where it wound up how did that make you feel about the film yeah it did because it's like I said when you just see these tattoos and you see everything it none of it really sinks in and like I downplay everything and I it but then when that happens you're like oh my God maybe we really do have something special here like I never like to say oh this is what it is this is great to talk to client you know it's like the new thing like that's never our attitude going in but we're always surprised by like another level of something amazing happening like all this like this big like for us this is like a huge theatrical release for Tara Fire 2 that I never expected ever like 700 plus theaters this movie's super long it is unrated like it's playing in like major theaters and that's it hasn't happened since like [ __ ] Dawn of the Dead right it's like no joke like it's just my buddy Steve Barton most of you know I'm like champion this movie he's a producer but he's like this movie feels like it's like not being released it's escaping he's like this movie should not be getting out there the way it is like and it's exciting it's really it's really cool but it's all it's all because of the fans it really is so love you guys [Music] any audience questions everybody's so shy all of a sudden yes sir [Music] shut up wow let's say if um listen if you guys if you guys continue to want more and you keep liking what we're doing I would love to keep making these but but I I say that I don't want to go too far to the point where the well runs dry now not to say I don't I love you know the franchises that go up to a [ __ ] number ten I love them I watch them all the time but but me personally being the writer like I don't know if our kill scenes and things we do they're so big and how many ways can you hang somebody upside down and cut them in hand so at some point I feel like we're not going to be able to keep we're not going to be able to keep hitting that well now that we think about it foreign so we'll see but but I'm pretty sure there will be at least one more at least one more so we so we do we all know that terrifier 2 is looming and we're all looking forward to it um and I know we have something special for the audience here coming up but before we get to that real quick I have one follow-up to the crowdfunding question when you surpassed your goal to such a high degree what did that open up for you in terms of what you could now do in the sequel that you weren't sure you were going to be able to do now that you had the funds for it oh my God I don't think we would have I honestly don't think we would have been able knowing what I know now looking back I don't think we would have been able to shoot the movie that I wrote um even when you find out like what we did when you see the movie and you find out what the budget was it's it's pretty unfathomable I had the most amazing dedicated crew and this is just like a group of eight people really I mean there were days we had more people there were days we had less making this whole thing building all these sets and just oh my God is doing all the makeup it was just me and basically my partner Phil who's not even a make a trained makeup artist like I taught him on the set of part one and he just helped me every step of the way so it was just amazing uh just like yeah I mean we couldn't have built half of those things without that money we just we couldn't yeah [Applause] all right yes sir back here yes yes we did yeah some school locations yeah I'm probably some other little things I think primarily we filmed the part two in uh Canada O'Hare Upstate New York which is in the middle of nowhere uh which country yeah uh a lot of this movie is in we built sets for some of the main locations so they're all in this big barn which is just a giant basically tin can with no no heat or anything shooting it was a nightmare absolute nightmare but though I did get to scare some Amish people so that was fun nice you don't expect that driving down the road early in the morning in your little cart and stuff like that you know a car passes You by there's a bloody clown going I had so much fun doing that I love it and that's always fun for me anytime I'm driving around in public and that makeup I I just love to just like when we stop at life just stare out the window at people and just be like hi I'm surprised I haven't been shot yet hmm so I got to be careful and or arrested yeah I thought I saw another hand somewhere here oh that that did remind me something that did happen when we were filming in Staten Island I thought was hysterical this is it it's I'm attacking one of my victims and this these people were pulling up for work I guess early in the morning and this car just coming up and they stop and they see me and I'm just I'm like I just stare at the car and the cards hold that I'm like oh oh oh hope the cops don't come it doesn't count if the cops don't show up at least once it's fantastic oh yeah so we know we're on the right track when the cops show up so yes sir [Music] oh my well what happens which is funny is because he's always the first person on set when we put the makeup on them so he meets all the actors as art the clown and what's we it's not but he's this guy when you meet him he's not scary uh until we start rolling so how are you doing which I do kind of sound like that one had the teeth in my mouth I sound like BRAC so what's really crazy is they get to know him for a month as art and then they'll see him like you know a year later at the premiere or something be like oh my God that's you like I've gone out to people like I'm talking to them and like who are you I'm like it's me it hurts oh my God no I I did have a fun moment of my first night filming for parts who um I mean the hit already seemed like Lauren and uh Kaylee who or two of our our main characters especially Lauren but um they were just in the makeup trailer talking and stuff like that and I just stood outside the window of the door and I just stare through the window making a face and I was just waiting I was so patient I probably waited like five minutes for them to turn around and they turn around and see me and they just scream bloody murder and I'm like look at my terrifier too and I would do that occasionally to Lauren on set because she has a fear of clowns and she'll just be talking to somebody and I would just sneak up behind her and just stand there and just stare at her until and then she would turn around to see me right in her face and I was I was really risking my life because she like teaches kickboxing and stuff like that so I'm amazed she did not kick my ass once so hey but you know you gotta risk things for the scare sure any other questions fans all get so shy all of a sudden sometimes I don't understand oh [Music] yes security remove this man part five anybody okay oh God Pizzeria is in part one definitely pizzeria's favorite place it was heated and we had running water and free pizza pizza food that was a great um least favorite oh God that that just that that wearable Warehouse that warehouse in Trent New Jersey that place was just nasty I mean that that bathroom you're seeing they're not the bathroom the pizzeria but the other bathroom when she goes in it that that's exactly how it looked that whole entire building was exactly that was none of that was set dressing that place was disgusting like when I'm coming off the floor with the the the the uh the skin and stuff like that I came up off the floor the first time and I was just covered in Black I don't know what was on that floor probably the cure for cancer or something I don't know but my God that place was disconnected there was like used condoms on the ground and there is this it was yeah that place was what you see it was gross but it worked well for the atmosphere yeah it was great and of course no running water and uh no heat in the middle of winter that's the way we work that's the way we work and we had a little porta potty outside like yeah and that's what sucked was like the night when I wore the Buffalo Bill costume I I had I had to like get dressed yeah we'd have to get buckets of water and where we could wash our hands and wash like imagine filming a horror movie with no running water I mean you can't even it's disgusting it's miserable when you're covered literally from head to tail in blood have to take a horse bath with your just bottled water and oh God and like like paper towels and this room was also weird because like the guy that would I guess owned the building he's like an older rotund man and he's in all these photos with his shirt off with all these Young Bucks and Blondes and stuff like that I'm like what is this this is like this is creepy and I'm like I don't even feel like I should be taking my clothes off in here just like yikes it's like that's Indie filmmaking fancy trailers none of that it's like this is this and this wow all right this is where I die so a good time we'll take one last question no yes there's gonna be a perfect you yes [Music] oh definitely the hacksaw scene yeah yeah I also I'm sorry [Music] um I actually I I really enjoy I love the hacksaw scene but I had more fun doing the decapitation I thought that's a fun decapitation just turning him into a human Pez dispenser and then like kicking the head away and stuff like that plus it's also kind of cool because a lot of people don't realize it but Mike Levy and Jason and Steve that they're the fuzzle lens guys they're the guys that basically started the whole entire uh scary clown out in public craze back in like like 2014. yeah the Staten Island like this Staten Island clown and so that was kind of cool that I I'm killing the Staten Island clown on screen so yeah cool all right before we get to our clip for both of you could you describe terrify or two in one word Go epic gutsy nice all right a round of applause for these guys [Music] and we are in luck because we have a very special clip for you guys this is an exclusive as far as I know yeah it's uh it's exclusive I would ask you guys please don't film this yes yeah let's have some courtesy no phones no sharing on social media or anything thank you all right straight from my only fans page so all right let's I don't know if there's anything we can do about the lights in here okay it looks funny reference all right we're holding so just while we're waiting for that you guys just premiered at Fright Fest in the UK right we did unfortunately very cool we didn't get to go there but uh that's what killed the queen oh my God wow you heard it here folks too soon oops there goes our UK fan base yeah it's okay she's a distant cousin of mine whoops oh dear I've put myself in a bit of a mess now haven't I so while we wait for the lights we'll just have some awkward silence for the queen that won't be weird at all but I will say though um I mean I can keep going I got questions and then what will happen is the lights will drop right in the middle Charles is probably oh thank you thank you thank you I finally have to work took me 73 years but I finally got here man finds job after trying for 73 years kind of suck getting so long so David that was your first you know your your first acting gig what was it like just working with prosthetics like that your your first time out well that wasn't really my that was my first like film gig I I've worked with prosthetics yeah I did a lot of children's theater growing up and so I've worn lots of wow and I also toured with uh How the Grinch Stole Christmas the musical for five years so I was understudy for uh Stephan Carl who was our Grinch so occasionally I would have to Don the green sometimes and that so I'm used to Long makeup jobs and stuff like that so but I was I was very happy to have like a makeup that would allow a full like um maneuverability of my face and everything like that that's I was very relieved about that because I wanted to be as expressive as possible and it's like that's what's kind of suck for a lot of those other silent Killers because they're stuck behind a static Mass right at the time so right that was a nice luxury to have I agree so will if anybody has any questions we'll take them while it I mean light switches apparently are hidden somewhere okay in this in this play I can start breaking light bulbs right yeah a lot of things um it it's as he's a huge culmination of bunch of carrots of course I I took bits and pieces from every horror icon that came before him there's bits of you know Freddy Jason Mike Myers Leatherface pen head jigsaw all those guys inside of art but um I also have an extensive background and love and appreciation of silent film actors and physical comedians so of course chaplain Keaton Marx Brothers Mr Bean was a big influence on me Jim Carrey Doug Jones Lon Chaney all those guys I put into art and of course my buddy Stephan Carl who is our wonderful Grinch he was Robbie Rotten from Lazytown if you're familiar with him and he was he boy he really helped me just bring my game to a new level because he fine-tuned everything I had because I never got to study under anybody for physical comedy and he was professionally trained to that area so he really took me aside like this is how you make this better and this better and this better and I would even consult him when I was reading through the script and trying to come up with ideas for art before we started filming and he gave me some great ideas and inspiration so I just kind of Blended all that together both all that horror and great physical actors and that's what broad art of course also some Joker in there too because I've got to put a little bit Mr J in there he's one of my favorite villains of all time so all right well folks I do apologize we should have thought about that uh we can just roll it I think we just roll the clip back this is what it's like being on set for Terror fire yeah so you just make do all right then without further Ado folks enjoy this exclusive clip from terrify or two [Music] all right all right so how about one more round of applause for David Howard Thor and Damien Leone thank you thank you this is Ray Santiago and you're watching fandom Spotlight please watch like And subscribe or else we'll find you and you'll die [Music] foreign
Channel: Fandom Spotlite
Views: 30,711
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: terrifier, terrifier 2, art the clown, terrifier panel, terrifier 2 panel, david howard thornton art the clown, damien leone terrifier, terrifier david howard thornton, new jersey horror con 2022, new jersey horror con september 2022, new jersey horror con fall 2022, njhc, fandom spotlite, fandom spotlite panel
Id: SQobs_Zxzdk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 32sec (2852 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 19 2022
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