Bride of Chucky (1998) KILL COUNT: RECOUNT

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foreign [Music] count where we tally up the victims and all our favorite horror movies I'm James A genise and today we're looking at Bride of Chucky released in 1998. the box office failure of Child's Play 3 put a seven year pause on further Chucky sequels of course didn't help that slashers were seriously struggling in the early 90s but then came scream which revitalized the genre and sent Studios scrambling to make hip horror movies for teens and young adults Universal dusted off the old yellow good guy box and asked Creator Don Mancini to make a modernized iteration of the killer doll Mancini was happy to write something different and take things in a new direction away from Andy Barkley inspiration came to the franchise's producer and Chucky designer David kirschner I was in a video store and I saw a copy of the Bride of Frankenstein and I just thought wow that would be great if we were able to create a bride for Chucky for a director Kirsten Mancini chose Hong Kong filmmaker Ronnie Yu after seeing his movie The Bride with white hair five years later you would go on to direct Freddy vs Jason Brad duraff returns as the voice of Chucky was now joined by his old girlfriend Tiffany Valentine Mancini specifically wrote Tiffany to be played by Jennifer Tilly since he was a fan of bound and Bullets Over Broadway she is a fantastic addition to the franchise giving a fan favorite performance that cemented Tiffany's status as a series Mainstay Chucky and Tiffany are unfortunately coupled with a pair of protagonists who I find much less endearing as I've said many times before Jade and Jesse's Bland relationship is a chore to watch while it doesn't bother me quite as much as it did five years ago it's definitely the worst part of an otherwise fun movie but whatever the movie's not really about them this film is my first romantic lead and it's part of an overall strategy to launch me into the leading man status as with most late 90s horror scream's influence is all over this movie while Chucky had always been ready with a clip or two bride brings him up to speed and Horror's new sensibilities this is a full-blown comedy with tons of meta jokes about the series's history and references to other horror movies movies Mancini wrote it as a farcical romantic comedy full of misunderstandings kind of like say three's company bride also massively UPS the gore bringing us a whole host of creative kills far bloodier than anything we saw in the original trilogy that's why its title is so different this is the series moving on from its roots and officially becoming the Chucky show we're no longer in Child's Play We're of Chucky now well of Chucky and of raycon because they're today's sponsor now I know what you're thinking James another Akon sponsorship if you like raid count so much why don't you marry them and to that I say do you James take these raycons to have and to wear comfortably thanks to their optimized gel tips with eight hours of play time and 32 hours of battery life as long as this sponsorship shall last I do and do you raycon take James to have and to be worn by in noise isolation or awareness mode as long as this sponsorship might live they do and they've got great sound quality I know and they're backed by 50 000 five-star reviews with the power vested in Me by this priest robe that I bought on Amazon you may now use the tap function to play change tracks or change volume [Music] [Applause] no wait Chelsea's my wife raycons are already half the price of other premium audio Brands but you can get yourself a pair for another 15 off by going to buy dead meat well twice the dolls mean Twice The Kills guess it's I do or die so let's get to them foreign the movie begins in the kill count prop closet hey Ben could you please put that shit back in their bins these evidence Locker shots were originally written into the court scene cut from the beginning of Child's Play Too their reuse here fits perfectly with bride's more meta tone a cop named officer Bailey is sneaking out some evidence to sell to a sultry voiced collector hello hey I'm on my way it's not very good Role Model Behavior from bayley and before you know it this ding dong says hello to a throat slit that puts an end to Mr Bailey's wonderful life if you're gonna get murdered though might as well be by Jennifer Tilly in a matrix geta huh never thought to put the nail polish on the filer what a time-saving life hack Tiffany Valentine lured Bailey here to take his lighter and reacquire a pancaked Chucky who's actually looking pretty good considering how he died in the last movie She welcomes him back with Louis Armstrong and Rob Zombie well Hello Dolly fuck I love this opening the Living Dead Girl the sexy Tilly the stitched together title card you instantly feel the series being modernized for the late 90s that modernization extends to Chucky's new look acquired in Tiffany's trailer of Misfit dolls she gives them the Toy Story 2 treatment and stitches him back together Frankenstein's monster style the stitched up face might be Chucky's most iconic appearance and one that many fans associate with the character since it was literally everywhere when this movie came out ask anyone who worked at a Hot Topic if only this movie could be all tilly all the time unfortunately the main human characters are our well-off Juliet Jade Kincaid and her trailer park Romeo Jesse Miller Jade is played by Catherine Heigl last seen on the kill count in Valentine these Star-Crossed idiots have to sneak around because at Jesse's home sweet hell is her Uncle Warren Kincaid warns her legal guardian and the town's police chief and he don't like Jesse one bit they have to use their best friend David as a foe date when they're going to prom David made quite an impression I think Warren's In Love yuck not my type the in-sync reject looking David is gay and I know blah blah blah woke dead meat but it is worth noting how uncommon it was to have casually gay characters like him in the 90s even though there are some light jokes about it what are you gonna study Theater Arts but on an athletic scholarship right playing hockey figure skating he's still just a regular guy who's incidentally gay I like that Don Mancini who is also gay was able to write this character into a popular franchise back then the reverse beard doesn't work though and the kids are pulled over by Warren's Lackey officer Norton the kids call him needle nose because well look at him the crooked cop keeps the kids in the rain until Warren shows up looking like the Great Pumpkin the police chief knows how to deal with a problem child and since Jesse didn't follow any of his eight simple rules he condemns him to Eternal blue balls you fuck but you won't not Jade anyway not anymore Warren Kincaid is played by John Ritter a childhood favorite of mine because of Three's Company I watched a lot Nick at night he was last seen on the kill count as adults Ben in the it miniseries I'll never not be sad that he died so young at 54 in 2003. Ritter was actually supposed to be in Child's Play 3 as a security guard at a Chucky Factory in a scene that was ultimately caught while this unfortunate couple is getting broken up Tiffany's trying to get her Lions put back together best way to do that is with a restoration incantation there's a problem you need Voodoo for dolls not for dummies with the Spells seeming like a bust she's stuck with her current boyfriend Damien baylock named after two characters in The Omen the satanic child Damien and his evil nanny Mrs baylock Damien's played by the late Alexis Arquette whose siblings David and Patricia are also kill count vets Mancini based the character's appearance on Marilyn Manson and even offered Manson the role but the musician turned it down glad he did fuck that guy Damien's the wrong guy for Tiffany but he still tries to impress her with murder oh my God you really did a number on him didn't you what did you use was a really bloody did he scream a lot she soon realizes the snuff photo was fake but hey maybe he can pass it off as a bootleg mankind Trading Card Tiffany yearns for her old boyfriend the one who really killed people and she might be having a dumbbell after Allah since Chucky reappears with a lightning flash hi I'm Chucky wanna Play damn Damien getting right to it Tiffany gets kinky with Damien and his dalthamirian tattoos and tosses Chucky in for a three-way play pal play date a new toy is one way to spice up a stagnant sex life Chucky remains inactive at first but I mean how you about to not get roused by this Damien keeps dissing the doll until Chucky asserts his dominance with an exorcist headspin and a proclamation about his penis ain't the size that counts asshole it's what you do with it Chucky tears out Damien's lip piercing in a painful moment that always stuck with me he Smothers Damien while catching up with his old flame via Pillow Talk hi how you been okay okay eventually his little doll butt does the job and Damien stops struggling on the way of McMurphy this is a long-awaited reunion for Tiffany who was dating and killing with Charles Lee Ray before his body swapped 10 years ago but turns out he wasn't as serious about their relationship as she was this dog didn't want to settle down into a dream house you work and asked me to marry you what are you fucking Tiffany's domestic Ambitions leave Chucky crying De Palma with laughter so the scorned lover takes advantage of his size and locks him away in a widow baby queer he can come out when he starts acting more mature I love these scenes where Jennifer Tilly acts opposite a doll and she enjoyed doing them too the good thing about acting with a puppet is that they never get into your life because it's so sure the next morning Tiffany hauls out a steamer trunk with Damien's corpse stuffed inside Jennifer Tilly provided that black dress and those Gucci shoes from her own closet her trailer park neighbor is none other than Jesse who helps her out and dead lifts the dead body into the car she tries to snag him up as a new boy toy but Jesse stays loyal meaning she's stuck with a colicky killer currently cribed where the fuck are you she decides to taunt Chucky and give him some company a bride doll complete with a Jennifer Tilly voice box with this ring Ivy wedge she's having a good time teasing him but later Chucky uses the doll's ring to escape his Peewee Penitentiary Tiffany's having a bubbly soak and watching this movie's inspiration Bride of Frankenstein that movie's tragic ending ain't the only thing cryworthy cause here comes Chucky looking like he's walking through an automatic doll wash he knocks the TV into the water shocking Tiffany to death in an inverse origin to her Gothic counterpart Chucky finds the whole thing exceptionally Whimsical I get it bubbles are fun you will not be shocked to learn that this death was another recycled Mancini idea the original script for Child's Play had Aunt Maggie dying via bubble bath electrocution it wasn't used then but you know Mancini you just can't keep a good idea down Chuck voodoo's the way he doo-doos with an incantation full of ionization it transfers Tiffany's Soul into the Bride doll a new look she is less than pleased with Trucking lets her know they're bound together now and if she ever wants to be tall enough to ride a roller coaster again she'll help him find the heart of dimbala a magical amulet that serves as this movie's MacGuffin the heart of dambala was included in the original Child's Play screenplay but it was ultimately cut and its scenes were lost to time Bride of Chucky Recons it back into the mix and onto my set and claims that Charles Lee Ray was wearing it the night he became a living doll one look at the footage in Child's Play shows that that's not true but whatever whether we complain or not it's still gonna be Canon no matter what now the amulet is buried with Rey's body in Hackensack New Jersey and it's the only way they can transfer their souls into human bodies alright let's go oh sure I'll stare and you can work the pedals we're dogs you dope friend of Chucky takes place I believe in Lockport New York meaning these dolls are gonna need a ride to get to Hackensack six hours away Tiffany calls up Jesse and asks if he can transport some dolls no questions asked for the princely sum of a thousand dollars Jesse agrees desperate to elope with his police barricaded paramour Tiffany gets ready for the road trip with a Joan Jet makeover set to Blondie [Music] good thing she had those doll-sized boots and fishnets hanging around huh could use some tips from Chucky when it comes to playing possum though she's back natural oh I'm sorry did you say Act Naturally fabulous just like with Chucky the Tiffany doll was described by Mancini in the script drawn and designed by David kirschner and built by Kevin Yeager returning his puppeteer coordinator the Tiffany doll had to have all the same capabilities as Chucky but in a smaller body requiring more sophisticated scaled down technology Jesse grabs the plastic partners and swings by to pick up Jade where we learn he has no idea how far a thousand bucks will go I can put a deposit on an apartment I'll get a job I'll help put you through college motherfucker this ain't the 1950s I've got to agree with Chucky here I think I'm gonna throw up still their sappy bullshit is tolerable if it means two new fresh bodies for Chucky and Tiffany to transfer their souls into the kids go inside to pack not noticing the police acting fishy around Jesse's van Chuckie's ready to remove the roadblock with an old favorite but tifferman him that this ain't the OG Trilogy anymore for God's sake chunky drag yourself into the 90s stabbings went out with Bundy and Dahmer you look like Martha Stewart with that thing who the fuck is Martha Stewart my idol his second choice a hammer is called predictable by Tiffany calling back to how he already used it as a weapon in the first film Tiffany encourages creativity so when Warren comes back to plant some drugs in the vehicle the dolls lure him to the front and use the airbag as a springboard to fill his face full of nails I love that little death twitch why does that look so familiar that's meant to be a reference to her old pale Pinhead but the jokes never quite landed right for me of me when are you going to stop redoing old episodes and finally finish my series you make better movies fair enough the dolls here are the most expressive they've ever been this was the first time they had a computer system that allowed them to pre-program the doll mounts before shooting that way they'd match the pre-recorded dialogue the same way in every take this was a huge Time Saver freeing up more puppeteers to focus on other things though it looks like they still have the late Brock wink list and that headgear get up to do any necessary onset mouth movements and now whenever I say Chucky says that's right Brock both dolls had several versions with different heads that could be swapped in and out even with the new Innovations they still required teams of seven to nine puppeteers especially when it came to walking or crawling using the cable versions it's a very difficult process with just one doll and when you have two and you have 15 people that have to crowd around a small space it is very difficult a lot of the sets had to be built on risers five feet up which was especially difficult in Tiffany's trailer with the wiring and plumbing needed for all the special effects heavy scenes in there production designer Alicia keywin said it was more a work of science than a set the dolls clean up their mess before their fleshy counterparts return but there's another problem officer Norton who pulls them over near a crowded parking lot Jade tries to appeal to Norton's Humanity only to find that he has none you seem like really nice kids it's nothing personal at least on my part but the money damn Jade can't be throwing hands with a cop in public that'll get you all sorts of suspicious glances Jesse sends her inside to cool off but is similarly incensed once Norton finds the planted drugs shit outside of the doll Antics that is hands down my favorite part of this movie it once again falls on Barbie and Clyde to get this show back on the road so Chucky grabs Tiffany's stolen lighter and baby crawls his way to Norton's Car as the officer radios into the station Chucky stuffs a burning flannel into his fuel tank oh damn it Chucky he crawls back pausing only to flip off a stoner on his way to dinner with Patrick Bateman rude fucking doll Norton barely has time to smell the gas before he's incinerated in a fiery explosion flaming wreckage goes everywhere but it doesn't kill anyone else not even the dude inside this phone booth slow motion shows this poor stunt performer ducking out of the way the surrounding bystanders are quick to accuse Jade and Jesse so they peel out leaving a pileup of primary colors in their wake the supposedly in love couple immediately suspects one another of being responsible you don't think that I had anything to do with that explosion back there didn't you no to be honest I was thinking the same thing about you that thousand bucks gonna cover bail too dude Jesse gets a call from David who tells them the cops have them pegged as natural boring killers and because Chucky dropped that stolen lighter at the crime scene they've been tied to officer Bailey's murder as well their Newfound fugitive status doesn't stop Jesse's plan to elope so he drives to a True Detective looking Church in Niagara Falls which looking at a map is the opposite direction of New Jersey but okay can't stop young dumb love what are you doing do you trust me jade of course I do my ass three minutes ago you were accusing him of murder Jade pushes her suspicions down and agrees to get married and while the two recite their vows Chucky and Tiffany reconcile if I'm sorry for everything uh I guess I can't complain I mean I always wanted us to spend more time together they're interrupted by a cop in the box since Warren's not as dead as they thought if only they had noticed the lack of kill graphic Chucky thinks that Three's Company so he slings his blade into the police chief killing him as Jade and Jesse say I do talk about signing your life away am I right Boomer humorists a true classic never goes out of style that was good Bride of Chucky was Jennifer Tilly's first time voice acting she'd of course go on to do it many more times including as Bonnie and Family Guy if there's anything I can do there actually is could you collect my mail forever I'm leaving Joe and moving to Europe I didn't sign up for this she and Brad Dourif spent three days recording their lines prior to the rest of production Mancini had the idea to put them in recording booths facing each other so they could bounce back and forth and occasionally improvise both of them seem to love the experience you look like Martha Stewart with that thing wow what the hell I need the exercise the newlyweds retire to a honeymoon Motel where they touch their faces and watch a news report on their supposed Killing Spree any absence of any other information these kids have to be considered armed and extremely dangerous detective Lieutenant Preston there is played by Lawrence Dane lasting on the kill count as hell and happy birthday to me Preston says that one of the lovers might be unaware of their partner's murderous Tendencies prompting more suspicious glances between the now married couple with trust issues this deep that ring ain't gonna work as a Band-Aid all of a sudden a pair of Honeymooners burst in from the adjacent room these sexy swingers are Russ and Diane the latter played by Janet Kidder Margot kidder's niece they're looking to join the party like you know in bed but Jade tells them to clear out not a fan of the State of Affairs they do but not before Diane nabs Jesse's wallet which does not go unnoticed by Tiffany the doll sneak into the other couple's room while they're having a sloshy waterbed love sash Tiffany paves the way for more female killer dolls by shattering the glass ceiling with a champagne bottle raining shards of mirror down down into the couple's bed and bodies water death bed the bed that wets people the Gory Grand gesture is enough to completely win over Chucky I love you and he nabs Diane's ring finger for a fireplace proposal will you be my bride no it's of Chucky now a doll marriage that's one thing many a young girl has held such a ceremony but to Christen the marriage that's entirely different Chucky's gotta be like a Ken doll down there right I am anatomically correct come again now where was that machine in the good guy Factory and wait you're telling me this doll who was sleeping in Andy Barkley's bed had a little plastic package the whole time that makes his line from the first movie even worse I have a date with six-year-old boy no Tiffany takes advantage of her Bay's anatomy and they have a sex scene shot in the language of a rom-com with just a hint of butt crack and some tasteful Silhouettes that I'll still have to censor since YouTube's such a prude come on YouTube even when the sex is safe have you got a rap have I got a robber yeah careful look at me I'm all rubber Jennifer Tilly improvised that line about having a rubber and duraf came up with his response on the spot like I said they had a lot of fun recording their lines when we were doing the looping David and Dom were saying well you know they'll just drop below frame and have doll sex and I I said oh we should make noises and so me and Brad dwarf were in the recording room making all these little doll sex noises and it was so much fun this whole scene is a great example of how game Jennifer Tilly is to do weird stuff both as a human and as a doll her commitment gave this franchise new life that propelled it into a second act a raunchier act that required all of the crew to be on board as well and we built these little tongues that'll actually come out and dart around a little bit and exchange a you know a touch or two a housekeeper played by Kathy najimi finds the watery Carnage the next morning unable to Hocus Pocus this mess away the Sanderson Sister Act scared and her scream sends Jesse and Jade on the road again M David arrives in a jump scare having come to see them after they each called him the night before whining about how they think the other one might be a killer hey wait why is David riding with them on this trip now did he walk to the motel or take a taxi to Niagara Falls because of their twin suspicions David figures that neither can be the killer oh good you two can trust each other for a few whole minutes again the Good Vibes end when David delivers an amazing line read oh something really stinks in here and finds Clifford The Big Red body he grabs Warren's firearm and Jesse and Jade immediately accuse each other again fucking just shoot them both dude after they pull over Chucky and Tiffany finally reveal themselves nobody move the ah surprise freaks out David's so bad he wanders into traffic and gets sent to his final destination by a passing semi truck damn that boy popped like a human water balloon the dolls forced the couple back on the road and make introductions reintroductions and meta jokes how did you end up like this well it's a long story he sure is in fact if it was a movie it would take three or four sequels just to do it justice Jesse finally understands after like 12 or 13 double takes they trade in Jesse's van for a less conspicuous RV whose owners we see have been killed off screen and unceremoniously stuffed into a closet Tiffany makes herself at Home on the Range stove and prepares Jade's body for her soul housing giving her a Monster High makeover unsure of how else to get out of this situation Jesse recalls some motherly advice that Tiffany gave him earlier never take her for granted it's like my mother always used to say a woman spends all day slaving over a hot stove for a man at least he can do is the dishes he uses Tiffany's reverence for her mother and decides to stir up trouble in Paradise she's not much of a housekeeper is she Tiff hmm those dishes aren't going to wash themselves you know Chucky takes the bait and makes one demand too many and the ensuing argument quickly turns personal take it from me honey plastic is no substitute for a nice hunk of wood well depends on if it's got batteries or not the domestic dispute gives Jade the opening to knock Tiffany up and into the oven like she were a witch from a fairy tale Jesse follows suit by knocking Chucky out the window but a Bola spray causes him to drive the RV off the side of the road great vehicle crash here call me simple but I love when cars go boom Tiffany escapes extra toasty looking like Chucky at the end of the original film but Jesse manages to intervene and save his uh oh I guess wife never really thought about how they're married now a loose wire sets off an action movie explosion that hurls Jesse away from the RV he survives but sees Chucky forcing Jade to carry him to the cemetery Jesse chases after them with Tiffany in tow she is not having a comfortable time at the cemetery Chucky shoots the State medical examiner digging up his body because of its connection to the murders talk about a graveyard shift he forces Jade to exhume his bastard Skelly body and gets his hands on The Bling that's gonna make him a damn Bala Jesse arrives with Tiffany and puts his gun up to her head turning her into peanut butter baby they have themselves a good old-fashioned hostage exchange during which Tiffany regrets her taste in men why can't I ever get it on with the real good guys her hesitation is only compounded after the couple's reunite catch me Chucky come on Charles she might be a bit overdone but she still sounds like Jennifer Daley Chucky decides to go Tiff for Tat but Jesse spins around and takes the knife instead the injury incapacitates him and allows the killer doll to regain control of the situation we get our third Voodoo incantation of the film and since it's their grand finale Tiffany wants to cap it off with a final kiss and she means final kiss since Jade and Jesse's flip-floppy romance has inspired her to stab Chucky in the back this bride's going Frankenstein in a big way oh Chucky look at us see we belong to him but as we all know Chucky is resilient so true to form he Springs back to life and beats down Tiffany with a shovel a top-down shot shows us they're all out all fine during this down and dirty battle which I can really dig the duo was played by Debbie Lee Carrington in a returning Ed Gail Chuck ultimately comes out on top and stabs Tiffany in the horror my mother always told me love would set me free get off my knife damn Chucky have a heart Jesse remembers that this is Child's Play four and putt-putts Chucky back into his grave Lieutenant Preston arrives and stops Jade from shooting the possessed play thing but she owns his gun tradesies and prepares to do it anyway Chuck lets us know that there are more sequels to be had go ahead and shoot I'll be back I always come back with one last quip but dying is such a bitch the good guy is blown away his doll body's sliding down to join his human body in the grave at least that'll save the county on funeral service costs having seen the deadly dolls first hand Preston waves away this movie's conflict Jesse and Jade hell they didn't do it that's Roswell that ends well he lets them go with nothing worse than a contradictory command you two go on home and stay put well which is it better let him know before they walk all the way back from freaking Jersey Preston stays behind and comes across Tiffany's charred body the burnt up bride Springs back to life for a last minute scare and goops the detective with a face full of blood before finally taking her last breath turns out Chucky's rubber wasn't protective enough and all that fire baked up a bun in the oven it comes crawling out of Tiffany and the movie ends with the hell spawn attacking a screaming Preston for our final kill how many people objected to life during this Unholy matrimony let's find out and this time I'm ready for those killer dolls oh shit where'd they go hey hey stop that hey YouTube stop oh oh crows get a room it's not in my house 14 people died in Bride of Chucky ten men and four women giving us this father of the pie chart now things are gonna get a little complicated Chucky had six individual kills and three with Tiffany I'll put them all on the point chart an asphyxiation and electrocution and incineration two bladed kills three gun kills and a miscellaneous which was David going Splat now Tiffany is gonna have her own point chart although it will recount their joint kills David and the RV owners they shot on her own she added three bladed kills if you count the glass shards as such now here's how their kills break down on an individual versus combined basis and here is the continuing installment comparisons bride taking the lead by far with a run time of 89 minutes we had a kill on average every 6.36 minutes golden Chainsaw for coolest kill has a bunch of options but right now I'm feeling it should go to Russ and Diane It's So spectacularly violent and memorable with the glass and water going everywhere it's arguably the goriest kill in the movie and it's enough to make Chucky put a ring on it almost ready for Lama's kill will go to the RV couple killed off screen and probably undeserving of it I bet there were retirees just trying to road trip you doll monsters and Champion chuckle for funniest part also has a lot of options but I have to go with the line that has stuck with me the most for all these years rude fucking doll and that's it Bride of Chucky came out in 1998 and was the Chucky movie when I was getting into horror its sequel would come out six years later and leave many people upset I'll show you next week but until then I'm James a Denise this has been the kill cow on the next kill count we've seen the invisible we've lived with the monster we've counted the count excellent but now it's time to let our leg hair out and Howl at the Moon the horse man wolf Gypsy Woman murder what is this another classic Universal monster movie oh watch as Larry Talbot returns to his father at home a place he once believed he grew out of which he probably did look at him that's funny see as Larry Talbot gets bitten by a werewolf and becomes one himself you mean runs around on all fours and bites and snaps and days at the moon and listen to a poem about werewolves repeated over and over even a man who is pure and hot and says his prayers by night they become a wolf when the wolf thing moves the Autumn Moon is bright so you know that one too this weekend watch the film that set the ground rules for werewolves and Wolfman oh I see then on Sunday assuming it doesn't get blocked by a copyright claim hold your tongue Mrs Williams do you know that slander watch The Wolfman kill cow now and Heaven help you man you currently be watching on the picture streaming platforms Sammy always recommends you watch the movie for yourself before it's kill count it's the only way to have your own properly informed opinion kill counselor never meant to replace the experience of watching a film thanks a lot for watching the old count recount coming over and being Pinhead in that stupid big mask in this hot ass Studio it's okay you finish my movies when you have time or you just make Zoran to him cause he's used to doing shit also thanks assistant Ben he's been doing the set deck and my housemate James grossel has been controlling the Chucky and all the to the numbers bits and the child's played 2-1 he smacked me in the head pretty fucking hard with one thanks for your patience about the child's play three recount the copyright claim was a big old fucking headache I want to thank some patrons like Jerry Paulson Josh 10 Josh Mones Julian mbapp Kevin Michael Pearson horror movie person123 Lexi Lone Wolf and Luca thanks everyone be good people
Channel: Dead Meat
Views: 2,815,619
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: horror, dead meat, movies, scary, films, kills, kill count, body count, james a. janisse, jaj, pine commander boogie, DMKC, dead meat kill count, dead meat chucky, halloween, bride of chucky, bride of chucky 1998, bride of chucky movie review, bride of chucky movie reaction, chucky movies, chucky movie reaction, chucky reaction, child's play reaction, chucky, brad dourif, cult horror, curse of chucky, chucky evolution, chucky doll, bride of chucky scenes, horror movie, scary movie
Id: wXU6NsQ9gSE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 30sec (1890 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 11 2022
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