Temu: Turning People Into Scammers

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recently I've been sent a whole bunch of YouTube shorts and tick tocks saying that Roblox there's a tweet from Roblox saying that I will get the Headless Horseman bundle and 1000 Robux by just downloading the app TAMU signing in and entering this code in fact it spreads from Roblox to Minecraft Minecraft is partnering with TAMU to give me free premium Minecraft and I just need to do the same process with a different code now what is temu and what are these posts trying to achieve is this actually real can I get a Mojang cape and finally how is temu taking over the world so what is temu to understand what temu is we need to understand a little bit of e-commerce So when you buy something off eBay for example you are buying directly from the seller so that means if someone's reselling their Pokemon cards or they're selling this 3D printer that won't set your house on fire the seller is responsible from shipping it from their home or from their Factory directly to your house whereas with Amazon if you buy something you might see that it's sold by some sort of company and it's fulfilled by Amazon and what that basically means is that the seller will ship their product to Amazon's warehouse and from there amaz will deal with shipping the product from their warehouse directly to your home Amazon is basically the middleman for your packages and the advantage with this is that you can get products insanely fast if you live near an Amazon warehouse you can get products within a day but even if you aren't that close to an Amazon warehouse you can get products within two days which is honestly a modern Miracle whereas with eBay if you buy something from a Chinese Factory it could literally take a month to two months just to receive your products but the advantage of this is that you aren't shipping the same product twice which means it's cheaper and this is extremely important because when we go to temu for example there are a lot of cheap products and the way that they get it so cheap is that you are buying directly from the seller now the thing that sets temu apart from AliExpress and all those other websites is that shipping doesn't take 90 damn years in fact it can take a week or two and the reason why is because temues actually owned and operated by PDD Holdings yes I'm reading Wikipedia please forgive me but this company also owns pin duo duo which I've never heard of until I opened up Wikipedia and looked at temu but pin duo duo started off as a way for Farmers to sell their produce to Consumers directly on a website and from penduo Duo's humble beginnings in 2015 they actually slowly evolved into selling more and more different types of products and in 2019 pinzuo Duo invested in developing an agriculture-focused Logistics system that uses algorithms to optimize Transportation routes basically they had an algorithm to figure out what's the fastest way to get this product from the seller directly to our customer and with this knowledge and experience it gave temu a massive Head Start in the U.S market because the main thing with AliExpress and eBay and anything that really ships from China it takes 30 damn years to get your product but with temu they say that if you don't receive your product on time within 12 days they will give you a five dollar credit for standard orders or a 13 credit for Express orders and to be honest this is an extremely risky policy if a whole bunch of parcels are late you are going to lose a ton of money but once again pin Duo Duo's experience goes to temu and they're knocking it out of the park well at least for most people there are still some people that get products late that just never show up but we'll skip past that so what can you buy on temu well of course there's a whole bunch of women's beauty products but I know my audience we're going to look for technology or something so electronics and what you can buy on temu is basically any cheap Chinese crap you could find on wish.com [Music] wait a second this ain't a Minecraft account or headless horse Roblox cosmetic this is just cheap electronic garbage so what the heck is going on is any of this stuff true I I can't get my Headless Horseman I can't get my Minecraft account and I can't get my Mojang Cape of course all this stuff is clearly not true so what does entering this code do when you put it in the search bar two words referral program temu has a massive referral program that turns normal functioning human beings with brains into advertising machines for temu and I'll show you what I mean by using the temu app yes I committed a heinous sin by downloading this app so I opened up the temu app and as you can see there's earn credits and free gifts and when you log in and open up earn credits and free gifts there are a crap load of mini games that you can play yes mini games on a shopping app and when you click on one thing it's over there's a whole bunch of crap that pops up over 200 200 000 placed orders Nintendo switched for 2. 2.99 for shoes all this stuff start it's like a damn slot machine look at this now I can earn 200 there's only two left and all I need to do is just get more tickets so to get more tickets all I need to do is just share this with my friends and what do my friends need to do well they just need to download temu and search for this specific code that whole entire slot machine interaction was scripted there were near misses I almost got the hundred dollars but I didn't and in fact my reward doubled to 200 that is insane and also there's just so many animations on the screen it feels like a slot machine at a casino and that's the point doing all this stuff and almost getting 200 is the same rushy feel from gambling you're about to hit that big win and all you need to do is just refer people now just to show you how scripted everything is I decided to open up earn gifts and free gifts again the same little tab with all my fun cute little mini games I'm I wanted to get a free gift so I opened up the free gifts and my goodness for my for my support we are giving you a free gift and I just need to invite friends to claim and I need to spin this wheel and do you think I'm gonna land on super easy of course I am because everyone's a winner at the Teemu app what does super easy give me well I get to pick two free gifts I thought I was a winner getting one free gift well now I can get two and there are quite a bit of options there's a drone I can get a monitor and my goodness a Nintendo switch for free and uh since I'm in Canada I had to switch to the the Canada part of the app and it didn't have a Nintendo switch so instead I wanted to get a 3D printer fire hazard and RGB lights which could also be a fire hazard I just want to burn my whole house down at this point so the way to get these items for free all I need to do is cut the price to zero so I need to flip a card to see how much money I can cut from the original MSRP and of course baby I get the best price the best card I cut a hundred dollars and I am the lucky guy I am at the very top of the list by the way way the names nerve YouTube because I tried making some War Thunder thing it sucked God I'm a failure at this point there's so much crap going on the screen that I was just pressing the screen frantically but all I need to do now is invite a friend to cut the price and the way it works is that I can't just spend forty dollars to get a 3D printer I need to cut the price to zero I have no other options so the way that this works is that if I invite a friend it'll cut 21 and I'll have nineteen dollars left but then from there I'll need to invite someone else to cut the price down to ten dollars and then I need to invite another person and then I need to do it again and again and again and again and again because the way that temu works is that the referral program is part of their operation it's a dirty way to trick people into registering and propping up user numbers by spamming your friends and family and random people for referrals the most important thing is that each free item has a different number of referrals required what happens is that the goal posts keep moving forward and you just need one more referral and just one more referral and you keep doing that over and over and inviting so many people that at some point you're going to need to refer like 30 people just to get whatever the heck you want for free and the craziest thing about all this is that you only have 24 hours to do this to get 30 referrals or whatever number they have it is invisible to you you don't know how many referrals you need all you know is that you just need one more people start to get desperate and what do these desperate people do well they spam Discord servers with their referral Link in fact there are so many on my Discord server that it kind of made me make this video because I was getting driven up the damn wall with people just sending these invitations so that they get free stuff or free money because here's the thing temu also has multiple different mini games where you can get cash I don't want to go through every single mini game because it's the same thing you almost get money but you just need to invite one more person and then one more and one more and it keeps on going but it's not just people spamming Discord servers it's people making these fake YouTube shorts and Tick Tock posts saying that all you need to do is just enter in the referral code so that they can get a free item or make money so what what happens is that the person that was just shopping on temu a customer now turns into an Advertiser for temu and this is a fairly new business tactic it's called gamification where you basically turn shopping into a game if you refer someone you win prizes if you refer someone you get coupons if you refer someone you get money but there's one question that I need to answer does this referral program even work surprisingly yes there are people that do in fact get a five dollar Nintendo switch from temu of course this is very rare and you need to be extremely lucky and go through the whole bunch of hurdles that Timo throws at you but it can be possible now you might be asking why does temu give away all this free stuff but the reason why temu does this is because the payoff is completely insane this video got a ton of views a ton of likes and a ton of comments and since people figured out that they could get a five dollar Nintendo switch from temu they downloaded temu to try themselves and they're now hooked into that little referral game to try and get something for free and all it cost temu was the price of a Nintendo switch and advertising is a big thing this day and age companies will spend thousands and thousands even up to millions of dollars to try and acquire new customers to increase their market share and basically take over the world I like it yep it's mine the prices blow my mind all right before I lose my mind and go absolutely crazy we're gonna pause there that's not the final bit of money dumping that temu does in fact they do influencer marketing and die yes the basement dwelling Discord degenerate was contacted by temu to make a 90-second pre-roll ad and they would have given me five thousand dollars and there was really no strings attached to this one this was free money for most people this is an absolute no-brainer to take but I said no because but despite me not taking their sponsorship which at the end of the day really does nothing temu's investment in advertising has paid off massively it was the most frequently downloaded app in the United States from September 2022 to early January 2023 and in fact I looked at the Apple Store right now and guessed what the top free app is it's temu again they have a massive seat of customers either buying these cheap crap products we're trying to win free stuff because to be fair I'll be honest right Nintendo switch for free that sounds pretty damn good and I think the most important thing to keep note of is remember how I did the little backstory about Amazon and eBay and how with eBay you can get stuff for really cheap but it takes forever to ship temu is honestly the Goldilocks you can get cheap crap and it comes so quickly that most people are just bound to say you know I didn't think I was going to spend 17 today but now I can get this handheld game console retro video games console for kids with the classic game supporting two players in TV connection 800 milliamp hour rechargeable battery and I don't have to wait 99 000 years because it's going to come May 3rd to 8 which is extremely quick and if it's late I get a five dollar credit which is already a massive chunk of this product's price anyways and all this impulse buying is also helped by the gamification of temu with that whole entire game system and the free coupons that get blasted right up your rear end you literally can't stop it you try to tighten your sphincter and these these coupon codes are just going straight up but these prices they have a very small profit margin but small profit over a whole bunch of orders and a whole bunch of people add up to a crap load of profit and man I wish there was more apps like this and that was a pun because this thing isn't new by the way in fact there was wish.com and the reason why wish.com got so popular was because of the referral system you could refer one of your friends or just refer another one of your accounts and get a sixty percent off coupon code and using that I actually got a 3D printer for like 80 bucks or something it was so cheap that you had to be an idiot not to buy it if you wanted a 3D printer but wishes Heyday is over because now with referrals you can only earn up to like ten dollars or something and here's the thing with temu's referral program right now it might be in its little Heyday or it might start trending towards being an absolute waste of time like wishes referral system where you can only get ten dollars which uh you're gonna need a whole bunch of those referrals to get a free Nintendo switch and I don't even know if you can buy a Nintendo switch on this website Nintendo switch can't spell it does seem like you can actually buy one I'm extremely tempted to see if this is some sort of a fake knockoff but I don't want to spend two hundred and twenty dollars on a Nintendo switch right now anyways hopefully you learned a little bit more than you thought you would from a video by a that talks about Discord anyways I love you sweetheart bye bye
Channel: No Text To Speech
Views: 1,986,677
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: temu, temu app, temu haul, temu review, discord temu, minecraft temu, roblox temu, temu scam, discord temu scam, discord temu link, discord scam, minecraft scam, roblox scam, discord, minecraft, roblox, no text to speech, temu scammer, temu scammers, temu referral, temu spam, Temu: Turning People Into Scammers
Id: 80rE40Pqbc4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 21sec (801 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 26 2023
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