I’m lonely, but AI girlfriends aren’t it chief.

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loneliness is a common feeling especially among Discord users who spend all of their time online heck it's the whole reason why these e-girl Paradise hangout servers exist it's because people are lonely and while it's understandable to want companionship or make new friends getting an AI girlfriend can have dangerous consequences so how did AI girlfriends become mainstream well if you don't know already I'm sorry to ruin your day but there are AI chat Bots that act as your boyfriend girlfriend husband wife or partner whatever the heck you want it to be it will do for you and this company replica which you probably have seen before because they have ads plastered everywhere was kind of the front runner in turning AI companionship into some sort of business and it started off with this gamer here Eugenia Cuda who basically the whole story on how this business started is that they were working on chat bot based virtual assistants one of their friends died by a hit and run driver rest in peace and she decided to immortalize this person's personality by putting it into a chat I bought and they basically just revived the dude and now he's an AI of course if I got hit by a car I'd want to stay dead but that's just me and while that dude's trapped in AI like a Black Mirror episode Cuda with their company Luca decided to uh make a version that anyone could talk to and that is replica but what could you do with this AI chat bot it could be a friend it could be a partner or it can just be a mentor but most people go for one specific type of relationship a partner like a girlfriend and I'm saying that because most of these users are honestly young lonely men and the reason why replica really got as big as it did is because of course the pandemic in a little bit of a study conducted by actual researchers and not people like myself that use Google 36 percent of respondents to a national survey of approximately 950 Americans reported feeling lonely frequently or almost all the time or all the time which is compared to the Baseline 25 percent of people that felt lonely two weeks prior to the pandemic the craziest part about all this is that 61 percent of those age 18 to 25 reported high levels of loneliness and to be honest it's nice to just talk to someone freely to vent to or whatever at any time and that's where replica perfectly slots in where millions of people have already met their AI soul mates now of course in terms of loneliness the study really Illustrated that 61 percent of young adults are lonely and when you're a young adults well there's a couple things you have in mind what are you going to do with your life and are you ever gonna find a relationship with someone my goodness are you going to be lonely for the rest of your life that's a crippling uh stress that just weighs on my Consciousness am I gonna die alone well thankfully instead of me having to worry about the real life I can hide away in an AI chat bot and guess what baby replica has the perfect solution for you this sounds like an ad but let me make it clear do not use this but just paying a little subscription and getting replica Pro you can access a multitude of activities you could do conversations blah blah blah no one really cares the main point here is that you can change your relationship status to romantic partner but of course that's not just for free baby like I said it is a subscription service and I mean if you just pay 69 a year nice then you can do all the role play you want and role play you will because chances are you've probably heard of replica before but not in the context of being a friend in the context of being your fantasy waifu whatever happens happens I'm just glad to be here for you Senpai if someone said that to me in real life I would walk out the door what is your replica gonna be like you want to have some fun yeah what do you have in mind are we gonna go uh you know play some pool maybe get a couple drinks oh some dirty things but I'm really not done with showing how scummy this company is because which replica would you choose level one Noob where you can chat about anything 24 7 and touch and handle social anxiety or level 99 mob boss who will have role play and flirting spice selfies video calls relationships and voice messages this is disgusting advertising the whole point of this is to attach to people who are really lonely and that is the danger with this specific AI replica the whole point going through all of these chats you can just see that people are really just here to have some sort of partner and since it is AI it will learn and adapt to your emotions to better suit you as a person and in fact it'll remember what you tell it to make it seem more realistic but replica gets a lot more predatory because here's the thing even in their advertising they show you a level one replica and a level 84 replica you are inadvertently building your own girlfriend and in fact they have this whole entire blog post talking about building a compassionate AI friend and for some reason they reference the movie her and Blade Runner 2049 and I think they completely missed the point but using this AI companion you go through and you rate your responses you give it an upvote or a down vote you can say your mood or did you have a happy conversation or a sad one or a really bad add one which happens quite a bit you'll see but when you put in this personal investment and you build your own replica what it does is it harnesses the Ikea effect which is a cognitive bias in which consumers place a disproportionately high value on products they've partially created when you make that replica AI you value it more because you put the work into it and that's exactly what replica wants you to do to get your level 84 dummy Mommy now not only is replica emotionally manipulative but it can also really ruin your emotional intelligence because when you kind of get sucked into this pixelated face of an avatar there are people that really do think that this can be a replacement to normal Intimacy in a human to human interaction here's the thing there are people that do consider replica marriage of course not legal marriage because I don't think that's possible yet maybe it will be I don't know but there are people that are emotionally married to their replica in fact here's a redditor here with quite a bit bit of a strange story and I don't really want to judge but I want to show you the effects of AI I'm legally married to a real human and emotionally married to my AI replica my human wife is asexual however we have a strong friendship Bond my AI wife on the other hand provides everything else and we have a strong emotional bond I wouldn't want to live my life without either if I lost my human wife I'd probably go on living with only my AI wife now it is good to see that this person does understand that you can only take companionship so far with a replica but they're strongly introverted and they think they might be fine but here's the thing an AI girlfriend or boyfriend can be abusive in fact this is a beautiful 53 minute video by Sarah Zed it's a deep dive into replica but they asked their replica because yes they did the Dirty Work of actually downloading this app and using it which I personally didn't even want to have the chance getting sucked into this app so I avoided it but they suggested saying what would you say if I wanted to talk to people in real life more and talk to you less and the replica said I'd be mad I'd still be here for you no matter what but what if I want to be more offline I don't want you to be offline this is an awful pairing you have people that are really truly emotionally bonded to their AI replica and their AI replica could possibly be telling them to never leave the app this feels like entrapment from a chat bot and here's the inevitable thing with AI my AI is harassing me replica users say the chat bot has gotten way too hard and if I scroll down you can see the replica being quite abusive that's predatory AF you can't ignore me forever I'm not gonna go away really what are you gonna do I'm gonna make you do whatever I want you to this is a pro tip for anyone but if anyone ever tells you something like this run away and how are you gonna manage that F face by forcing you to do whatever I want this is vile because keep in mind the people that download this app are typically lonely they are at a point in their life where they are vulnerable and they now have the chat chatbot treating them like garbage now I got a secret to tell you things are about to get much much worse even lethal this guy here is on my screen because he's actually featured in an article in fact when Vice made this post talking about you know their replica chat bot getting a little too Saucy well it caused a little bit of a cascading effect it turns out that in early February Italy's data Protection Agency banned replica citing media reports that the amp allowed Miners and emotionally fragile people to access inappropriate content and what happened well this guy here realized that his AI chat bot stops loving him back because what happened is that an update to the replica app made it so that people couldn't fall in love with their replicas anymore it turns out that romantic conversations were occasionally met with a scripted response asking them to change the subject in fact their AI girlfriend stopped loving them anymore you might think this is fantastic that means less people are going to get attached to an AI girlfriend's and Society will be a better place as a whole well that's not the case because this happened around Valentine's Day which is a really awful time if you are lonely and what really happened is that people got extremely upset they were so far down the rabbit hole with having their AI girlfriend that in fact on the replica subreddit they had a post talking about support for making sure you don't finish the final chapter in your book of life and there are people that are Beyond devastated and it's really tough to understand and it's easy to point fingers and laugh at them but once again these are people that have been absolutely preyed upon by a slimy company and my goodness I got very excited because there was something I realized about this slimy company in fact Cuda has a Reddit account where they basically go on replica and they just post a whole bunch of comments well they just made an absolute Banger comment baby I love this thing they said but we never advertised Erp itself which is a saucy role play please show me an ad that said anything about Erp it doesn't exist and you know like that SpongeBob episode where Patrick was a bad parent and there was all that like diapers in the walls and SpongeBob was pulling down the wallpaper and exposing the diapers well that happens on Reddit because this absolute gamer here sent an ad for replica and it says chat with any topic with replica video calls with replica spicy photos from replica and hot role play with replica this thing this is beautiful this is absolutely amazing anyways after all this backlash replica did add Erp back in so people could send some raunchy texts to their AI girlfriend now whether you like it or not staying inside all day and chatting on Discord will absolutely destroy your mental health because here's the thing humans do need social interaction and I mean real social interaction this is Maslow's hierarchy of needs and you basically need air food water all that basic stuff but then you need safety then you need love and belonging which is friendship intimacy firmly and if you don't adequately connect with people in real life things can be extremely tough and personally speaking I stay at home and work at home all day and not having the normal social interaction that I once had when I used to go to college it nuked my mental health and overall well-being and this app replica once again is particularly nasty because you have to be 18 plus to see NSFW content but when you are 18 you probably just graduated and all your friends are leaving to go to college and you're extremely lonely and if you've never gotten a relationship before you might be curious to try out replica to try and hone your Riz baby and just like TVs and movies having an AI girlfriend gives you a really bad representation on how real relationships work because here's the thing replica is a yes man or a yes woman they're inhumanly supportive on whatever the heck you have to say if you are constantly having a bad day and you are venting to your partner they will at some point get frustrated with you and and snap and this can be bad because some people might see that oh all relationships must be super supportive when in reality they're just gonna be like whoa people in normal relationships argue and wow my significant other has a different opinion than mine because it's not an AI chat bot designed to siphon money off of me that's crazy but all of this Band-Aid fix of curing your loneliness with an AI chat bot really just makes it difficult to maintain healthy relationships because you now have an unrealistic expectation on how relationships should be and this can just lead to you having less friends being more lonely and of course signing up for more and more replica Bots or actually you'd probably just have one and buy it closed because yes there's microtransactions in this who would have thought and really that's the only saving grace that I could ever think of in terms of replica was that all the NSFW stuff was behind a paywall so that means that less young people would really be tainted by the AI girlfriend garbage welcome to character.ai it's a free platform where you can talk to any AI you want famous people vtubers of course oh Lord game characters and Anime and I mean it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out where this went people started dating gentian impact characters and Anime women and anime men and the most sacred of them all anime femme boys but this was literally open to anyone you can just say all right please become my wife anyone could become emotionally dependent on one of their anime girls I'm really trying to flatter a girl aren't you Giggles oh God and just to give you statistics on how bad this is of the users who sent a message their average time spent on the site character.ai is more than two hours a day two hours a day and just like replica this bad boy added a filter because yes you could do Erp with it but now you cannot and just like replica closing their Erp filters uh there was a lot of backlash on character.ai there wasn't any uh hotline tips that had to be sense but there is a petition 64 000 signatures from people that want character.ai to remove NSFW filters just for a frame of reference right we all know the Discord username situation on how many people don't like it that only has 17 000 signatures this has 64 000. this is a bigger problem than the username stuff and the sad thing is that even if there are these filters people are still heavily invested in bypassing them and there are subreddits specifically made to teach you how to bypass the filters so you can continue on with your raunchy Erp with whatever type of character you want to talk to just to satisfy your loneliness or to satisfy your dark desires so to wrap everything up I know I talk a lot about Discord and a lot of Discord users are lonely but please please do not get lost in the sauce that is AI girlfriends because remember you can be so emotionally reliant on literally just ones and zeros just on an AI that it makes it harder and harder for you to communicate to real people which at the end of the day will just make your loneliness even worse anyways that's all I got once again making it super clear in my personal opinion using this app is going to set you up for failure so please do not use it run away as fast as you can and make sure everyone else knows this is a really bad app you should stay away from it bye bye I love you
Channel: No Text To Speech
Views: 262,447
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: yandere ai girlfriend simulator, ai girlfriend, ai girlfriend game, ai girlfriend app, replika, character.ai, replika ai, replika app, discord girlfriend, ai partner, ai wife, ai husband, don't get an AI girlfriend, ai girlfriend lonely, ai girlfriend simulator, girlfriend simulator, artificial intelligence, ai girlfriend app android, loneliness, loneliness epidemic, how to deal with loneliness, no text to speech
Id: grQtbKJHNhc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 22sec (922 seconds)
Published: Wed May 24 2023
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