"Breaking Open" A Discord Nitro Generator

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you know sometimes Christmas doesn't go our way for example from my personal life I've asked for my dad back on Christmas and my mom kicked me out of the house so let's move on to the Christmas dinner aka the whole meat of this video and it's this Christmas reward server that I actually found on Discord I had to do a little bit of searching but basically it's a normal invite rewards server of course all these are always scams however when I keep searching down on the channel you wouldn't believe what I see at everyone I'll leak my Nitro method once server reaches 200 members at everyone 20 reactions equals Nitro method leaked of course am I going to get down on the Deep scoop of generating free Discord Nitro well I mean if you've watched our chains video on the topic you already know what the answer is going to be and I'll have that Linked In the description but we got this beautiful replit page of this Nitro generator Checker v4c threaded oh my goodness it's crazy and they're telling us to Fork it and run it so I look at this code and let me tell you let's just avoid the code for a second let's look at the comments Skittle Chan 12 says yo I found a base that Nitro basic gen nine thousand nine I can't even read right now because this is so stupid is this real by Skittle Chan the same person and the reply eyes are wow it's fast who else came here from Christmas rewards by the way which is the server that I'm on and finally running it wish me luck this is obviously some fake comments that the person made it's just an ALT account to the person that made this bot if they even made it themselves they probably didn't and just stole it off GitHub or something but looking at the python code whenever you're trying to run any sort of code on the internet you should be able to read and understand what's going on but this code just keeps on spamming v4c gen is the best gen as it utilizes threading quickening the process by 22.4 times it wasn't just 20 times it's 22.4 so I did what any sane human being would do and I stuck it into notepad now I'm a notepad Fiend I love this thing and look how garbage this code is to filter it out this this is the whole point of the video I'm going to show you how I filter through this code and make it so I can understand what the heck is going on so to start off we have a whole bunch of comments that are just filling up basically the whole entire thing sometimes we get a little bit of code but it's very hit or miss and the best way to deal with this is we're using notepad plus plus is kind of bookmark feature so we want to go to Mark and we just want to search for hashtag because that's how python comments are you have hashtag in a comments and then hashtag then a comment and that's what they've done for this whole entire code we are going to Mark every single line that has this comment then what I'm going to do is go to search bookmark and I'm going to remove bookmarked lines now my computer's a little drunk so it took a while but now we actually get some sort of code you know we get some import random string request from D hooks import web hook so that that's a little bit of a teaser and what's going on but we have a couple of imports and then we have magic love God Destiny and joy and a whole bunch of just random things that make no sense so what I usually do is I just copy all this garbage and I go to this website called JavaScript beautify now of course this isn't JavaScript this whole code is python but the whole reason why I'm using the website is because it has all these unescaped printable characters which I'm just too lazy to translate so what I do is I just paste in the code I make sure this bad boy is enabled I beautify the the code and Kaboom now all the random lines that we had before with eval slash slash they turned into text so I'm going to copy all this code I'm going to minimize this bad boy get rid of this garbage and now when I paste it in you notice hey we actually have something we can work with we have trust equals eval magic eval codex decode and the important thing that I see right now is that we have some sort of encoding through love and joy but what the heck is love and joy well joy is rot 13 which is some sort of encoding computer thing and love is just a whole chunk of random text so of course I'm gonna figure out what this is so I go to another website now I'm going to have it split on both sides of my screen a little information dense forgive me right Grandma viewers I'm sorry you're just gonna have to listen to what I'm saying but basically what we're going to do is for this one we are actually going to decode the love string with rot 13 which is Joy so I'm going to go to love copy this whole entire thing paste it into this bad boy and now we get this chunk of text so I'm going to copy this chunk of text replace it with love so now we have it decoded and in this I'm just going to remove the decode command so I can just keep track of what the heck I'm doing because my brain barely works most of the time especially right now you know technically in the future the time this video comes out I am I'm probably extremely hungover now we're going to do the same thing with the the string Destiny because of course Destiny is encoded with joy which is rot 13 and I keep track of my progress by just removing this decode because I've already decoded it using the website and now we actually have something we can slightly work with if I open up notepad all the way we have trust equals eval magic plus love plus God plus Destiny so that means if we just combine all those together all these random strings we should get trust so that's what I'm gonna do I'm gonna do magic is the first one I'm gonna copy it I'm just going to make a new line so trust equals I'm going to do in quotes we paste the first chunk of text then instead of doing the plus sign we're just going to add it right after it's like concatenating text which is just putting two text things together now I'm going to rinse and repeat we added all these together we can get rid of that previous slide and now we have this big chunk of text called trust now if we scroll down to the last line basically what's going on is that we're using base64 to decode trust so let's do that let's copy this massive chunk of text that I just made that literally makes zero sense and this is the most satisfying part of the whole thing it's either satisfying or you messed up somewhere and you start kind of freaking out a little bit but I go to this website base64d code and encode I paste in all this base64 ID code and Kaboom satisfying we finally get the raw code that we can look at that explains what's going on so I copy this bad boy I go back to notepad I can clear all this garbage out because what's happening is that it's just running the trust string which is all that code so delete paste in the code and Kaboom look at this v4c generator we have finally de-obfuscated this really poorly obfuscated code and let me make it clear what I did was extremely easy this isn't anything crazy this is like little Timmy's first D obfuscation lesson which is kind of the reason why I'm showing you it because at least if you find it interesting you might get used to this and you might start doing it because it's fun but anyways let's look at the code basically what happens is they have some sort of web hook now this web hook doesn't work anymore so you guys don't have to worry about spamming it it just it doesn't work okay but anyways I'm gonna like gloss through this code because no one likes to watch a video where I just read out code God boring geez basically when you start running the program it sends a message to the web hook saying oh v4c booted up by some random these guys are just calling you some randoms that's not very nice that's not kind at all that's not in the Christmas spirit they're trying to promote but now it says how many codes do you want to generate and check and of course uh the best part about this is that when you go into the server they tell you make sure that you generate the amount of 999 thousand 995. these guys just want you to blow up your whole entire computer or your replit account and get it banned but basically what it's going to start doing is generating and what is it trying to do it's trying to generate Discord Nitro gift links yes that's exactly what it's trying to do now once again our Jane's video talks about this a lot in pretty good detail it just it doesn't work but these guys are still trying anyways they basically just generate a whole bunch of random characters and they add it to a file a list of nitro codes with air quotes because these codes aren't even real they're just randomly generated then what happens is once that file is completely written they close the file and they open up the Checker so they open up the txt file then they go through discord's API and spam it on your behalf to check whether or not these gift links are actual gift links if it is an actual gift link so let's say you somehow magically do get the Discord Nitro gift link do you get it what are you silly what happens is that if the gift link is valid it actually sends the gift link to this web hook I was talking about before so the whole point of this program is to randomly Brute Force Discord Nitro codes and if you somehow manage to brute force a Discord Nitro code it will be sent to these guys where they will redeem it I can't make any of this up I wish I could make it up the bow on top of this Christmas gift is please refrain from sharing this with your friends as this is a private method from Christmas rewards so anyways a little goofy but I just want to make it clear that doing this stuff isn't hard and decoding this was extremely easy it took me like 30 minutes and I had no idea what I was doing but once I figured out those websites and just figured out what's going on it's super easy to do so if you ever run across any weird code and you just want to figure out how it works try breaking it apart and de-obfuscating it because remember we went from literally the biggest piece of garbage code on the planet where it's v4c generator the best generator it gets even worse they're advertising we went from this garbage that just had a whole bunch of random text into this actual functional code where I had web hooks that I could just say bye bye to they got they went bye-bye anyways I'm gonna go buy by now because of course I gotta go hang out with my family it's like boxing day or something what am I gonna go grow am I gonna go shopping for electronics no I don't go outside anyways bye bye love you
Channel: No Text To Speech
Views: 996,364
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: discord, discord nitro, discord nitro free, discord nitro generator, discord free nitro gen, discord free nitro generator, discord scam, discord malware, discord virus, discord nitro code, nitro generator, nitro generator code, discord server, discord nitro reward, discord reward servers, discord nitro method, discord memes, discord mod, discord nitro scam, discord scams, discord hack, discord hacker
Id: nz1Bf3YaSWU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 15sec (555 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 26 2022
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