Discord Profile Tricks YOU Should Know!

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[Music] do you guys want the best Discord profile for free or that can be an alternative for Discord Nitro well this is what I'm talking about all of this cool stuff yeah so we've got the custom status oh I spelled that wrong and we got this of the description we've got adschool.exe facts about me uh my IP and this custom Rich presence so it's fully customizable when you hover over it it'll say hacking you right now and then you get this verified image as well and we've got these buttons as well not a root Chrome our YouTube channel which you're watching right now so subscribe so yeah and this is what your profile by the end of this video looks something like this [Music] so the first thing we're gonna do is this uh custom status so it's pretty easy and all you need to do is you need to click the bottom left and so let's just say this was cleared yeah let's clear it we want to click over here let's write things we can put an emoji here cool guy Emmett and then we've got these two so it's clear after if you want it to clear after today then it'll play after today 30 minutes four hours don't clear which I prefer to do and then we've got status so we could do Idol do not disturb on visible but I just like to keep it online save and boom I'm gonna go to our profile it'll say how can you the next thing we're going to be doing is the description I want to show you how you can get a really nice description you've got this facts about me yeah so we want to go to user settings you you go my account and then edit user profile click that and you want to scroll down and then you'll find this let me just full screen so for the sake of this video I'm gonna clear this as well so let's just get this all got left with the empty space so you want to go down into the description below and you're gonna see a template that I've left so you guys don't have to write this all and you want to copy all of it and then you're gonna paste it and then boom you got it all pasted so this is what we got so do you notice how we've got back ticks and all these special characters well that's the way you style your profile or text any text so the great thing is that you know these back ticks they don't actually show on your description but a downside to this is it will actually count as a count as a character so you'll have less space but quality over quantity as you see so yeah got this of course this might not be the same facts as you but um you can change it make sure don't delete the bullet point and you can style it in loads of different ways so if you to put two underscores at the start and at the end you'll get it underlining or two stars at the start at the end they'll be bold if it's one at the start one at the end it will be italic and you can stand loads of different ways so you can do both at the end boom you see what I'm trying to say right and so you can get creative with it do whatever you want but yeah press enter and then backspace and then you can type whatever in my profile I write my IP and then we can write something funny so it's going to be a spoiler and say click it will be revealed 69 420. [Music] I then want to highlight it and then you can click this icon this is going to be a spoiler so you can actually do this in text as well if there's actually a spoiler for like a movie or something once you click it it's gonna say 69 420. that those are the two things that I like to write for some reason hey yo what the this this is not okay assalamualaikum future Arts here I changed and then the rest is yours you can write whatever you've got 48 characters left so let me just save changes foreign [Music] as well you can do badges so hype Squad bravery that's easy scrolled all the way down hype Squad take the test and you'll find this take test if you haven't already but you can always take it again and get all the badges when I've taken it I got the house of Bravery but there's also Brilliance and House of balance just get whatever you want or you can try and take the test again and find a different one that you might like yourself but there's another badge you can get if Discord has asked you to like change your username from the old one to the new one then you'll get a badge but sometimes it might not show because you actually need to go like as a username badge you're gonna open that and boom it's originally known as my and then there's this active developer badge which is pretty hard to get but yeah I'll cover it in another video and then the last and most important thing is the rich presents what I mean is the you know that cool image stuff so actually what you want to need is go in the description and I'll leave a link for the Discord developer portal and once you click it this is what you're gonna get uh you're gonna hit a new application the name is going to be important because it's gonna say what you're playing so it's going to say playing and then whatever the name you put in I'm just gonna say uh I'll run out of hacks or something you have to agree create and boom there you go you also want to install a software it's called custom RP customer presents I'll also leave a link for that over on this page you can install it here's like a heads up when you install it Windows is going to start freaking out saying oh my God oh my God please don't install it you're gonna get a virus no you are not this is an open source page you can confirm it yourself as you're one of those guys who can actually read it just install it anyway so this is what you're gonna get when you open it so it's going to be empty you're actually gonna go back to Discord developer portal and and that application you made they actually want to copy this application ID copy boom and then you want to paste it in here but obviously I'm going to use my own but I use so let me just do that I'm just going to paste my ID boom there you go and now we've got all of this to fill out so details all right whatever you want I'll just write I know you can write stay on here but I'm not I'm just gonna write something up like leaking your SSN and then you've got 10 stuff you've got since custom RP started since last presence update local time or just a custom one I'm gonna do my local time but yeah oh yeah I forgot you need to connect and then you'll be able to update your presence and now we've got all of this so let's just let's just see what happens when you click update presence when you filled out some of this we'll go back to Discord and check my profile and yeah unknown I know your IP leaking SSN yeah that's pretty cool and then it says the time and it actually is five o'clock so uh don't ask about this right and let's go back to custom RP and then we've got this so we've got large image small image text buttons so let's do these images so let's just go and Google and type like a funny GIF Matrix gift images we've got loads of cool stuff over here so if you remember I was using that Matrix box one see what we got though that's sick I'm gonna use this one I'm gonna use this one so once you've selected an image that you're happy with you actually want to right click it and then you're gonna do copy image address and then you go back to custom RP and then you want to paste it over there and then you're gonna write a text that will show Once you hover over that image so let's try haircut 101. after I want to watch A Day present and boom there we go we've got this cool looking gift once we hover over 101 hacker 101 which yeah that's that's pretty cool all right now we can do our next next thing which is a small image that's going to be like the little image of the bottom of the large image so I recommend to do something like you know like a verified uh badge so let's just find one yeah so I've already got one control V paste it in there and then it's right I'm a verified I hope I Spell verified right I'm not bothered checking but Rosary one I don't care I'm gonna click update present let's go back to Discord and boom we've got that verified task again and now all that's left to do is buttons so uh you can do your own buttons like you could probably link your YouTube channel or whatever YT Channel I would just usually uh link mine then I got a big present and then we got this my tea Channel and you can and then I've already got an idea for a second button um I just have like this quote that I really like so yeah update presents and yeah that's it for today I really hope you enjoyed this video and if you did please leave a like and also subscribe and comment yeah also join my Discord I've opened the Discord just please join I've got literally no one on here please please foreign [Music]
Channel: π˜Όπ™™π™―π˜Ύπ™€π™€π™‘
Views: 43,961
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: O0deqh2rlrM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 46sec (586 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 07 2023
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