TEMP BOT'S SECRET MURDER VICTIM REVEALED (Insane...) | Job Simulator VR Infinite Overtime HTC Vive)

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seguida let me fill you in over the past couple of weeks something a little bit strange has been going on here in the job simulator dimension so recently there has been an increase an upsurge of people going missing working for job copper care these kids are fresh out of college ok brand new on the job market getting their first ever real jobs and they're going missing and I have no idea what the heck is going on oh well yeah they could just be lazy and leaving work early but I've a sneaking suspicion that they're either been taken or you know murdered I mean think about it we des think of one of our most recent adventures here in the job simulator dimension we found one of our co-workers Taylor locked in a bathroom and turned into a big bowl of spaghetti there was that much bloody he literally look like spaghetti bolognaise it was quite disgusting but also looked quite tasty I'm not gonna lie now I'm not trying to accuse anyone of being a criminal but I'm just saying we should keep our eyes on certain people working for job Corp totally not you the temper I love you really promise murderer yeah temp but I definitely see a problem with your computer here it's uh it's missing a screen that's that's not supposed to look like that bra anyway guys welcome back to another adventure right here in the job simulator dimension just read some shocking stuff in here okay there's been an upsurge in missing employees working for job cop I mean of course we saw teyla go missing last time I've heard about people like Timmy terney Terry Terence Trevor yeah a lot of people with the name T and this one guy his name was tied this was the worst of them all ty was working at the local restaurant okay and he was actually beheaded by one of his own butcher knives Klinker his head was cut straight off and stuffed somewhere hidden somewhere in this town sir I mean if we're gonna find that I mean it's gotta be some pretty disgusting stuff we might have to pixelate out or something or just sensory I'll just not even upload this completely but yeah that's something to keep an eye on anywhere we're here within the auto mechanic because I kind of want to get I kind of want to get ten bots trust back okay I feel like if we really want to investigate everything that's going on with her job City we need to get our trust back we need to get working again and we need to investigate in our own time speaking of time we need to get to work Guido just keep it cool keep aware and we will make it through this alive whoa holy moly dude first of all what an amazing entrance that was awesome dude and I gotta say I'm quite impressed by this ride is that a solar panel for a car battery that's awesome you've got a working fan working headlights these bouncy boys and its really this is a really impressive piece of engineering and hard work kudos to you this is amazing and just for that I'm gonna give you a little present okay it's uh it's a banana yeah I'm giving you a banana anyway so he wanted his car panting in a fast color now nothing says fast like the color like this color right here like this this weird brownie orange color kind of looks a bit like diarrhea but I mean diarrhea is fast right it's fast and fluid so I guess that works anyway here is your brand-new diarrhea colored cars a bit brighter than it looked oh okay well not quite diarrhea but kind of getting there well it seems like everyone we meet in this town is actually like a maniac and they either want to kill something maim something caused immense amounts of pain to something everyone here is just such a waiter oh you're right Guido I guess we're no different okay what am I supposed to do here I'm supposed to put it in reverse and okay I can see the banana just there and just eat something like this it's taking the mileage down that's interesting okay so they want okay they want like a little hood ornament well you've already got the banana kind of balancing that do do you sure that's not good enough throw this in there put that down right there and here presto we should get there we go a silver banana amazing that looks fantastic all the ladies gonna want you I also just noticed that the the car itself is now the same color as your screen you like the diarrhea brothers this is great it's a branding match made in heaven anywhere you want the receipt and I want the money sir let's go ahead and drop the car just like this I'm gonna give you one last banana in the back here just in case I tell you what you can have team about three how about at least 20 bananas all right thank me later is fine is fine anyway let's print off this receipt here it's going for seven thousand four hundred eighty five dollars so enjoy this I'll expect my money through PayPal no worries I like your glasses by the way and the Hat and those earrings in fact it looked amazing anyway enjoy bananas there they go they actually managed to stay on that's hilarious I thought they'd fly off everywhere okay cool well that went good temple I really feel like we're reaching the peak of our working relationship I do all the work and you kind of just stand there that's yeah that's all I could ask for anyway pull the chin again and we'll see who our next Oh another eraser and it has sticky through the through the roof that you might want to get that checked out again nice what's that noise what that dude you got a flower pot for it okay we'll check that out later anywhere alright so you're looking for a new Kurt of pants let's go ahead and give them a bright I I think that's pink is hard to tell because this often is a little bit darker than the paint you actually get so let's go ahead and try this I'm yep that's pink enough kind of more purpley actually and yeah we really should have stand this close to thee to the pier job when that happens we really should be wearing a mask imagine if a health and safety inspector came through they'd be horrified not only by me you know struggling to breathe but also for the fact that tempo has killed at least fifty robots in the past week yeah I am making the accusation okay I know what I saw in that bathroom anywhere mm-hmm as I was saying we're doing this again I might like a car reversing specialist or something I only ever seem to go backwards okay there we go that's sorted and okay yeah okay let's have a look have they actually gone dark or yeah yeah there is a little bit of a problem with these they're a little bit broken I'll take these things off you and I'll put them straight in that bin here we go Oh are we actually going for once and yeah we couldn't follow it up okay never mind here we go we got some brand-new lights for you we've got a black one and a white one so let's go ahead and do this stuff job what so guys I kind of feel like this licence play it's actually supposed to say something else but they misspelled it is it supposed to say stop job instead of stuff you know the actual word stop which is a word and stuff isn't maybe that's what its first to say maybe it was a typo maybe someone's trying to communicate something with me that we should stop job what could that possibly mean no well anyway yeah I'll fill up the tank for ya all right this guy has a bunch of requests by the way I'm not a miracle worker man I can do all these jobs here but this isn't gonna fix your terrible lifestyle you're right weed I shouldn't judge this guy I mean he is working like an energy drink company sir maybe I should judge him a little bit anyway we're gonna keep on brand we're gonna use this maximum energy here can I still shake it up even though I took the thing off it I don't think I can why it's useless then I'll put that over that up sorry just throw in your product around I did it again I am NOT are we here there we go I want to shake it up this time there we go and we'll just unleash that in there it's all red is that filling up I think it kind of it's a lot of it's going on the ground let me try this oh gosh oh my goodness that sir strong I will not be buying your products again but a close this thing up are finally that's all he needed Wow he just asked me I just spent like almost an hour doing this but I took this spoiler off your hands yes I can I'll keep this as a reward I'll put this right here there we go what what do you oh yeah I I need to I was so confused yeah all right so let's go ahead and give this about the same price is the last guy so you're not getting mugged off here don't worry about it listen no ripping off going on here so take this and OH have we been are we've been promoted yes managing director of intense I think we got that last time in the store clerk sub-dimension where's my yes thank you thank you okay yes yes yes yes look at this we mean promoted again I love this I love showing off how good I am at my job I'm gonna put this right on top of the spoiler no do not fall off I paid a lot of money for that and by paid a lot of money I mean I just stole it anyway one more job guida and then we're going to be doing some investigation here there's plenty of places we can check out we've got another drifter right here how you doing so this guy has a silicon license plate and who do you work for what does that say job bot whoa that's some job bot match yeah they've totally got some chopped-up merch that it's awesome they're all set on the fern and what if I could steal that and in fact you know what greeter I am NOT gonna steal anything from customers anymore okay I'm putting my foot down right now I make your statement I will no longer steal from customers maybe I'll steal from temple I mean maybe I'll steal from temple I don't want them to they wanted to catch on because if they heard us and we do steal from them we're probably gonna die dude how did you drive with these wheels dude that early what's these are like the worst tires in the world how did you survive getting here you know what forget about it I'm just gonna to land some sweet dunks there's one oh never mind there's two and missed again here's number three and in no it doesn't go in you know what they say fourth time is the charm oh yeah and oh we actually did it that time I wasn't expecting that okay now I can get to work and put the actual tires on this time I'm gonna use hmm could we use hip burger tires sounds good all right so this just goes on straight there oh it's not bad ghor it's a donor okay donut tires just trust me all the kids want them okay all the kids are using them sir I'm helping you out here by giving you a very trendy and on brand hair of tires here we go so let's put that one right there we should have one more just here here we go there we go the car is looking awesome okay all right well Dave just in case yet let me just spin this around one more time cuida i am sir eager to explore there's just so many rooms within this place that we can check out with so many little details like what's all this back here this is gonna be awesome I mean obviously we have to get our tryst up with job our off-site temper sorry I get you two mixed up from time to time both are beautiful eyes did you notice how I tend I mistake into a compliment there guys that is that that is a being a true businessman right there all right let's see what the issue is you have a nuclear reactor right there you got three bouncy boys which is a good thing but according to you you don't have much fluid in here so let's fix that up right now what do I have going on here we've got an energy drink once again hot sauce antifreeze headlight fluid gas and oil now which one of these would be the most appropriate to use come on Steve just think back all the way to auto mechanic school what could we use here what was the appropriate one I think it was hot sauce okay let's go ahead and stuff this right in there can we can we just no I was kind of hoping it oh there we go oh yeah I was kind of hoping we could balance it there there we go look now you've got an infinite source forever now let me just close this up there we go I could stay in there your price is way higher than everyone else's we've had today so look I'm sorry but it's just the way it is can I can I just tell you what let me just take this off you're we can't grab it guida okay I was just checking it was just having a look okay Haggar for your troubles that will just be ten thousand nine hundred and ninety dollars thank you very much I know right anyway I'll see you later I've got some investigating to do temple I'm taking my lunch break and by lunch break I mean my 4:00 in the morning break anyway guys here we are investigating this part of the ream this is a fast and furious business thank you for not driving slowly so that explains why everyone just drifted in and almost killed me I mean one day one of these guys is gonna drift out of here and actually kill me so let's make sure that doesn't happen so what have we got here cookies very suspicious in fact that pretend cookies I can't actually grab them I hate pretend cookies hey temp but you've got a couple of months before April Fool's err care all right well stuff we got here we have a water cooler again I think it's a fair one but we can still probably smell the water in here just to see if there's anything suspicious in here nope just smells like water we also may as well check outside here oh we did the does the door seems to be locked the heck I can't actually I can well I didn't lock the door when I came in did you yeah why would you okay well that's something to keep an eye on man the boss of this place really loves himself doesn't he yeah dude I really should get one of those the check point you know just a giant statue of me no we should get one of me me ivy I'm the human here I should get a statue whole bunch of stuff here looks like a bunch of coupons some money here and this trench calendar with a weird date circled no idea what that's all about with a box that says bye on it and what's this book here this book is called spooky stories to keep you up at night so you can keep working buy temper temper I didn't know you were an author this is amazing oops I dropped your book oh ho Guido look at this there's a mysterious door I wonder what's on the other side Guido this one seems to be locked as well does it seem to be opening what should I do you know what CUDA you're right this isn't my establishment I'm not gonna be paying for damages yeah whoa what the heck okay yeah I think we just broke this dimension quite badly we've literally just phased through the wall here okay let's set about this the better now what's this over here some says cool so this is where they keep all the money here this is awesome I mean this is circle the circle Pants the sunlight the suspicious you could probably fit like a decapitated head in here or something this is awesome what does this say ty was here do you think they're kept ties decapitated head yeah yeah I think so too okay mm-hmm we need to get the heck out of this place it's clear the right here guys something has gone terribly terribly wrong okay we're at crime scene this is a crime scene daddy crime okay cuido there's only one escape route for us we're gonna get straight out that door so let's go ahead and pull this chain and we're just gonna make a run for it here we get well all right we know we made our way out now all we need to do is get back home oh my gosh [Music] [Music]
Channel: Checkpoint
Views: 2,173,529
Rating: 4.815073 out of 5
Keywords: job simulator, lets play job sim, lets play job simulator, job sim vr, job simulator vr, family friendly, job simulator gameplay, job simulator vr game, job simulator vr gameplay, job simulator funny moments, job simulator office worker, job simulator htc vive, job simulator full game, job simulator lets play, job sim, job sim gameplay, job sim game play, checkpoint, officialcheckpoint, temp bot, htc vive, job sim secrets, job simulator secrets
Id: xJy8cXghpkY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 13sec (913 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 03 2019
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